The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 24, 1891, Image 4

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    V i 1
v if?
rt- Va raven
v -lt yesterday ,
,ct with an
1o env ttie
( one, -,.,. hn
( lou lowJ, in th, morn.
but he liavlnsrbiiHineH j
wO, r'..s r. :,riu(l hoiie alnm lu
'inul hoiie alone. An
sl,P: ed hm.1 c!ii!oeatin her
Wn" N-Lr' 111 e wa1 ' lerei! an
si.hi ;i - ililc, nnd' she is no.v
improving rapidlyla miyht be
eiec -t.-.I. It 'i-'Litthiful if she will
ever regain free nee of 11k- wri-t
again, however, a her extreme
"e 7 year;! renilsra un injury of
thin kin. I decidedly slow to menu.
Fine Menu Carda.
TlIK ollict l:is jit"t
printed the finest lot in menu c ifl
' lor the Hotel Kiley C'hrii-tiiKiH (In
ner, ever used in the city. 'The
K"iii;il miiiingcr. pri'iift-v t i, kef1'
abrciirit of .tlit' -liniee ih ho el
mat a ,( in n. Tfck-.' H ill u-r tit the
Kiley to-tif "- . .
r'niiik- uiiviMi.i iiep.ii (.-.J li.i
iiu r lin 'for a where he will
H.ien I t hr.-HVii-r. County Clerk
Critehlli wiil eiit turkey in Oina-
lia to-morrolv.
will he elo-nl.
f . .. .
The clerk's ollice
!Ai.ltlil Chaw After lluruiiig' Tug.
. ft "'V wen strn'lel for their live on
'il;u!,!ii-i,' tag tlitta miles from shore
one Vmrniti-? recently in the Kath'-rinif
;law The men were the crew of the
i tu bulin .A. Miller, suddenly aroused to
'IUuM ' engine bouse a mas of fUuies.
Ajrafliirvt strmr:,de to check the fl.ime
v,r of no avail. With a full hr;id of 'the boat teas headed for the
shore.,'' hut the rnpid fire drove the
wheel-uiian from the pilot, and
then the Mazing and niuii.inafjeahle tux
plowed tho choppy wave iu a jfreat cir
cle, the flame swiftly eating their way
to tho jdorn, where the four men atood
helpless atfaiat the fury of two ele
ment They had fought the fire till
almost exhausted, their hands ami faces
were hiinjed, and in despair they glanced
iu every direction for a sigu that help
was coming.
A mile away e.nt the crew of the tng
Welcome saw the flames of the burning
boat. The throttle was thrown wide
ojHn, and the little boat, with the
whittle tooting hope for the imperiled
crew, plunged throngh the heavy eea
toward the burning tug. Blazing al
inoMt to the waters edge it wu running
a Di.vl race tbnmgh th waves. Two
brothers of the Welcome's captain were
on the burning boat, and, in danger of a
collusion or of catching fire, the Wel
come shot after the MiUer on iU course.
It was a thrilling race. Round and
ronnd the lnats went before the Wel
come conld touch the Millar. The four
men croached artero. The flame leaped
toward tbera. They were scorching the
faces of the men. With a spurt the
Welcome cmnbed into the Miller. Tbree
pairs of arms shot out over the bow
and in a moment two of the four
exhamrted men were on the Welcome
and it steered clear of the banting boat
Another spurt and the reamers managed
to haul out the other men, Chicago
, Tribune.
An Iiland All Ablaxa. '
The rteamir China has arrived from
Hong-Kong and Yokohama. While the
eteauier was between Hong-Kong and
Yokohama on the return trip to Ban
Francisco an impoeing sight was wit
newted by the pasaengers and crew.
The preat earthnnake at Yokohama
had taken place a short time previous,
and many of the M inds in the Yellow
tea were in a state of tuleanic disturb
ance. Aliont 7 o'clock on the evening ol
Nov. 3 the China was piuwing the Aleu
tian Island, in Van Lneman's straits,
when suddenly the island of Kucca
seemed all aii'iauj, and Cuiueri Mid lava
eliut up to a distance of bud feet in the
Thfl sUiD.rr van i w !re n.i'.. dibiLt.
and the HjuK'tacle as wen from her ds:k
was grand. Tho night wan dark and tb
eruptions from the crater of the volcano j
took place at intervals of about fifty sec
onds. They were accompanied by deto
uutioiis Mulch Su the uintaQce sounded
like bombs expiating, and after each
discharge of molt, n lava and flames the
burning fragments descended like sarlu
- from a gigantic Roman candle.. San
Franewco Examiner.
SImul Aflr Xof Says.
Several years ago a resident of Delhi
placed seven five dollar bills for safe
keeping in the fancy piec surmounting
the parlor etove. The latter hardly ever
came into nw, and it was his intention
to remove the money on the following
day. It so happenod tliat a few days af
terward some gnewt arrived at the
houw and a fire was start oil in the stove.
As the stove reddenod into a glowing
heat a wreath of smoke aecended frum
the top pirtce, and it was bikib realised
that the bills were undergoing the proc-
of cnmation. Fonr of the bills
were entirely consumed, and the othr
f bree were charred almost beyond recog
nition. The owner, thiuking them of no
parti'.-ular valuo, kept th9in in the loaves
tif a book as a curioitity. A short time
ago be called a friend'a attention to
them, who said they could be redeemed
at Washington, lie sent them on and
biet week received three new five dollar
bills in exchange for his trouble. Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Aa Ingot Wrigtilnf 80,000 Pound.
The first ingot of nickel steel to be
need in tho manufacture of armor plate
for tbe United .State navy was cant in
the open hearth department of the lieth
I hem irou works on Saturday afternoon,
Th weihtit of the in"t is 9),0iK) pounds.
It la 7 Uichi-s thick and 90 luchw wide.
Tlie mold in which it was cant weighs
fifty six tons. Tide armor plate will be
used on the Maine, now building at the
Iirooklyn navy yard. It castas b tlie
reault or tim li nt tU t Indian
JleaJ. Cor. New York irnin.
"itiijm w rTic-
Jj8 (Wwior.i hsve recently ts 'in ren-
."ifTtnl by immirtant tribunals wtttch re
buke the teiideiicy to interfere vth the
rihht uf the ci'.i.en to be let ftluntf. The
si'.preme court of Mismsippi haidecid
wi, in tlie ciiKe of a black man whose
eio,ii w,,s enter, d by ajmityof men
who came to "armit" him, without war
rant of law. for an alleged offense, and
who shot and killed two of these invad
e..i of his home, that a man has a right
to d 't'eud hiin.seif under such circum
stances. The court, in setting this man free,
declared irji belief that the home should
have every pnvsible safeguard thrown
around it.
The other dwi-ion mentioned is in a
aw if a very Unusual character. A cer
tain society proposed to erect a statue of
a deciM.sed mi. I very philanthropic lady
The lii. iiiia is of t!ii lady's immediate
family olo-ct d, on the ground that
lioturiety in any f,,rut Was wholly ills
t)i -tef;ii to her, nnd that, inasmuch as
hhe was a private citi.en, the erection of
a statue of h.-r was an unauthorized
invasion of privacy.
Tiie Hirireiiie court of New York took
this view of the else and declared that
the wish of h'T f itniiy, representing in-r
own known d'-Mtv, lioiil 1 ! oh-erved.
aiel tiiat no puhlic repn-s ntatioii of her
should be s riuittNl. Youth's C'omjiaii
ion. Klllrtl Ihn llttir mIHi Penknife
A big yearling U ur was kilUd on Fri
day on Lit . It; mountain, n.-ar I'urkers
burg, W. Va., by John Hall, s.-veiiteeu
years old. and Mont Llack. twelve years
of U'-'e. The Isys were coon hunting in
the mountain wh'-n tlie do'i tns-d the
bear. Tin y had uu old single liarrehsl
shotgun, loaded with bird shot and an
ax. They tired the load of shot into the
benr and brought the miimal down.
Then the dou-s attacked it. but they were
bcat.-n o,T. ();,o of th( hoys ran in and
struck at the l ar with tho ax, but did
not hit it. Young Hall then drew hit
pocketknife and went at the Iwar. He
was pretty liudly scratched ami severely
bitten on tho lingers, but stuck to the
brute until he cut tho bear's juguhu
vein. The Isiys dragged home the body
in triumph. Cor. rew iork Kun.
C'nrlnos Murrjliig MUlakr.
At the church of lirierly Hill.
on the borders of the black country, a
enrious nib-take occurred a fi.-w days
ago. A bridal party by somo means oc-1
enpied their wrong places, and the bride
was married to the lxst man, who was
engaged to marry her sister. During
the ceremony the bride had some idea
that the pnx-eedings were hardly as they
should be, as the bridegroom sUiod be-
hind her and the bnt man, and handed
the ring to the latter. On the othet
hand, the best man made the necessary
rei-ponite. Happily the error was dis
covered before the register bail been
signed and the ceremony was gone
through a second time, core being taken
that the right man was wedded to the
bride. London Tit-bita.
A Crlckrt Bowling- Machine
JWIl 1110.111111
J .1 . . . , ... m
ior me use 01 cncKPters, ror practicing
purposes, was exhibited in England,
where the nnerring aim of the mechani
cal cricketer knocked ont the middle
stump of the mmtt expert batsman that
stood before it The length of pitch, di
rection and movement of the ball can be
produced within wido ranges with great
facility. The aim, sighted as after the ;
manner cf marksmen, is ri-guLitcd from ,
a dial, and the ball, thrown from a re- f
volving imn hand, is cnjgilJe of howling
over or under hand with great accuracy.
New York Telegram.
Dlrorred la Firty-sf-von Seconds.
In the district conrt at Oalveston Fri
day the suit of Mattie brooks against .
ner nnstmnii, liiiam urooks, was on
the docket for trial. The case was called
by Judge Stewart, but the defendant did
not npjiear. The plaintiff's attorney anise,
read the petition, alleging the statutory
requisitions and wtting forth the cause
of action, put a witness on the stand and
examined him, and sn-tired the sanction
cf the conrt to the entree of a decree of
divorce, all having lieen done in exactly
fifty-seven seconds. Exchange.
Mining from a 111 loon.
Think of a mining enterprise con
ducted by soaring uloft in a balloon.
There are many ore producing lodges on
the precipitous sides of '.ills in tbe Rocky
mountain. These Ixlges are so lofty as
to be inaccessible by ordinary methods;
therefore, Mr. 8. O. Iteos, an experienced
miner, proposes to reach them by means
of an anchored balloon. This will en
able bim to secure foothold on tlie
h-dgi and make entrance tlirough the
sides of the precipitous hill. Yankee
Aa AltarnatlT.
Bobby Fra afraid, papa, that you will
bave to get uie a new suit or a new pair
of skates.
Father Why so, my son?
Bobby Because the skates I have now
are so old that I'll fall with them and
Uxir my tlotlics, and I won't if I have a
new pair. New York Truth.
People in Boston who knew tbe late
E. A, White are wondering aliout bis
will. lie left 0,000 to bis widow, and
then lovingly reflated that his daughter
might also need something to comfort
her during a rainy day, so be left br an
umbrella "only this and nothing more."
; An Important dam across the Andros
coggin river at Rnmford Falls, Me., ha
just beon completed. IU object i to
improve the water power at that point
This diun is 440 feet long, fifty-six feet
wide at the bottom and about twenty
feet high, v
Of tlie iViO.OOO.OOO person who were
carried bvt year on steam vessels but
sixty-five were killsL This shows that
this means of travel is the safti ths
world. 1
A Kansas man has been compelled to
pay a fine of fifty dollars for Visaing the
band of a U-aut.if id woman who objected
to tiie familiarity.
Money Lost Dining C
"It ia imagined by nearly ev.i .5
eler who rv .mf 4 one
dollar for a meal on a dbjin-r s i , bat
I -N fill
niu coiiipaiiy is maping . 1 '
. agent of one of the leading i it .in
America, "but the figures will sof on-
Villi tt 1w. n,,w l!.. ...;....!
U a losing one to the coinpanies,i,nd
every one would dispense with the (lin
ing t ar service if they only conld. It
is the great competition existing between
tho different roads and the desire on the
part of the public for rapid transit that
forces tho coinimnies' to ohu-a dinini
cars oil their through trains. All of the
great trun line Mail are putting on
faster and faster trains every few
"As soni as one company puts on a
train that will cover the distance be
tween any two important points quicker
than the other roads can, then all the
rest of the roads set to work to reduce
the time, uid inside of two or three
months some n;her Mad will announce a
train that will make tho distanco in lif-ti-en,
thirty, forty-live minutes or an
hour faster than its rival. And so it
go. s. If any of those fast trains should
stop twenty minutes ut a station where
diiiin,'. hail is. then the trains with the
di.iinjj cars utt.u bed would reach the
lint of d'-stinatioii all the way from
forty niiiiut'-s toa'i hour earlier, and the
re. ult would Ihj they would carry
the i.mjonty of the traveling public. It
is not cheap in. ;!s I he people who travel
on railroads want souiu. h today as rapid
transportation. I.a-.t year the Pullman
Cur company served ."i.oon.eoo meals on
their dining I profits realised did
not pay I per cent, npm the tiireMmeut.
A hailing road l.vt year 1 est
e;,oi.oon its timing car service." To
led.i blade.
time ller Ittng In I'm li- Kin for l.ll.crty.
A youn:: lady, n gold ring and a Unit'd
Mates patent b-iter liX wero the central
figures in a little si 'ewalk drama en
acted at the comer of Joyuer nnd Chel
sea strei-ts, Ciiailetown, which was
witTieKscd by a large and enthusiastic
A young lady in Charlestown went to
drop a letter in one of tho new patent
letter boxes. wCli tho tilting lever, and
being evidently n-is( to tiie old style ol
box. where it is hornet imcs necessary, in
order that the letter ls really drops-d to
the bottom to pu-h it through the slot
with the finger, the followed tlie missive
with her hand to lw sure that it was
safely deposited. Then, satisfied that
her sacrid epistle w.w all right, she
started to withdraw her hand, when tlie
rin' on her linger le-l 1 her h.iinl firmly,
ami all her efforts to withdraw it proved
in vain.
Some suggested that she try to pull
her finger out of the ring, but the at
tempt proved unsuccessful. Then a few
excited person favored breaking the
box with an ax, when a bright police
man appeared upon the scene, and view
ing the situation, immediately went foi
a lile with which to file the ring off tlie
finger. It proved impossible to get the
file into the bo, and finnlly after half
an hour the hand was extricated minus
the ring. boston Cor. Chicago Herald.
A I-spw of Memory
"Humph! It's very clear that I am
not in the proper vein today," growled
Mr. Bcribbler as lie threw aside his ten
ami substituted a stumpy lead pencil in
its place.
"What's the matter nowT asked Mrs.
Scribbler as she left her ironing to come
to bis assistance.
"It's only tliat Christina story I
started to write fur The Echo. I can't
for the life of me get beyond the own
ing sentence."
"Let me se what you have written,"
said bis wife as she looked over his
bhouldcr and read from the pajs-r on the
tablo: " 'It was bitter cohL The poor
little match girl on the corner shivered
in the biting blast' Why, that all
right. Oo on," she said encouragingly.
"but I can't seem to remember what
comes next," remonstrated Mr. Scrib
bler. "Let me see! Um 'in the biting
blast' and and drawing her raiied
shawl about her lender, frozen Usly,
timidly offered her is auty stock of wares
to the p'lssers by."
"That's it!" exclaimed the author as
he drew his wife to him and kissi-d her
tend'-rly, "What a help you are, dear.
I suppose I bave written that thing hun
dnsls of time, and yet I had utterly for
gotten it" Life.
A r.h of Hrlrnca.
An English chemist who was at a
Washington hotel exhibited a little mi
crophone be bal mad which would
render audible the footati of a fly. It
wo only a small affair and consisted of
a box with a sheet of thin trnw pnjier
stretched over the upper side. By means
of a little elwctriral device, consisting of
two carVin disks, a carbon pencil and a
weak battery, tho sheet of paper over
the top of the box was caused to produce
vibrations when a fly walked over it
strong enough to react energetically on
an ordinary telephone transinith'T when
held cluee to the latter. Washington
Tbm Stamp Pearly S3 Tears OI4.
The ptage stamp will be fifty-two
yean old in May. IU inventor was a
printer, Jams Chalmers, of Dundee,
Scotland, who died ia 1W3. England,
fifty-two year ago, introduced tlie new
system of prepaying letter postage, and
aeooTdln& to a derrneof line. Bl, 1H.I9,
issued the first stamps, which were to be
pnt before the public on May A of tbe
following year. A year later they were
lntrodncod in tht United State and
Switzerland, and within three year had
become common In Bavaria, Belgium
and France. Charleston New and
The Oldost Yotor.
Nathaniel Laird cant hi eighty
seventh vote at Oswego, N. Y., Tues
day, Nov. 2. He was born 109 year
h;o in Iceland and came to this conn
try at the age of fifteen. Hi wife U
still living at tho nge of venty-nlue,
but they hare no living children. Ex
change, i
- Jwvs
"WliO will rliow you better males, quality ami for Icfb
buy west of Cliicngo.
JOE1 Hac Cr.137" Ono ZPrlcc,
As well ns the h.indeomest and
othere are invited to all on any
druggist and ;et free a trial bottle
of Keinp'a Hasiim for the Throtit
am'.wA.ungn, a remedy that ia arllinir
entirely upon iu merits mid is
guaranteed to relieve ami cure all
chronic nnd ncute couch, ustliuiH
liroiu hitiw and consumption. Lartc
botllce.TOcnnd fl.
Kxtcn.ii vc urrangeincnts arc being
made ut nil the cburcliee for the
proper oliMerviince of Christmas
eve this evening.
II. C. McMaken will inspect G. A.
R. post ut Greenwood, Louisville
and Weeping Water this week.
allowa cotieli to run tintil it gets
beyoii the rencli of meiliciue.
They suy,"Oh, it will wear away,"
but in most ciises it wenrs them
11 way. Could thev lie imtiicerl in
try the euccenliil Kemp'h IIhIsmiiI,
which le colli on a punitive guar
antee to cure, they would see (he
excellent Cffc.'t after lukiiur )!:e !ir-it
does. I'l ice fxlc nnd Jl. J ruilsi.e
free. At all drtiggistrt.
Mr. and .Mrs. fieo. K. Houseworth
will leave on the flyer for liiirlini'-
tull. IOWa tO f pt-iid Clirirtiiiuri.
There ia nil unusual scarcity of
turkey in the market for this
period of the yeur.
Height of Cruvity
XervouH women seldom recive
tbe eympiithy tliey deserve.
While often the oictureH ot health.
they are conetantly ailing. To
with hold sympathy from these un
forttintCH is the height of cruelty.
They haven week hearth, causing
Miortneees ol breath, fluttering,
pain in ilc, week nnd hungry
swells, nnd finnlly awvlling of
anklea, sfifircsslrtn; choking, smnth
eriug Btid dropsy. Dr. Miles' New
llesrl t lire ih iut the thinir for
them. For their nervousnees, head
ache, weekiicss, etc., his Restorative
.Nervine ih uniqiialed. bine treatise
on" Heart and ru-rvotm Diseases"
nnd marvelous testimonium free.
Sold ani fuaranteed bv. V. G. Frii kit
A Co.
A aon of Mr. M.'D. I'uMser, a
merrhant of, N. t; was so
hiully aflllcted with rheumntism for
yr or mere, as to be unable lo
worker go to achool. His falher
concluded to try Chamberlain'
I'uiti Halm on the boy. It noon
cured him end he has since walked
one and a half mile" to school and
back every nchool day. TK) cent hot
tie for nale by V. G. Fricke & Co.,
- Shiloh'a catarrh remedy a posi.
itive cure Catarrh, llmlwherin ami
Cnnkcr mouth. For mile by F. G.
FrickeA Co.
WAntf-d-Au SfttTs, MIsM- m-lry 7
to fl rooiitlily. nlth li" .i-.e- to r'-ine, nt
in kit own riluii a n i.ui.ih New Vi li
Hniie. Ifrferenn.. MASi rncTuass, Lock
Bui htm York.
ej 0 E
FurnishiDg Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc-
will pay yon to come fifty miles to trade
F Q FWK ca
A Full aod Complete line of '
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at nil Hours!
It consists of 10 pages, rays more for
news than any other paper in the U. S., being
replete with matter of interest to all classes,
the agricultural, the mercantile and the pro
fessional. Advocates the vrinrinnU nf ,
Republican par I rand
0(.tlHJ UJ. tld Hltf-
As the coming Presidential Campaign
promises to be the hottest ever contested, cv-
cry republican, should become a subscriber
and heep himself thoroughlu informed rp
what isocruring in the political world. '
Remit through Postmasters and'Neujs
dealers or direct to the
Bucklsn'e Arnica 8alv.
Tut Hkst HiLva In tlie world for Cut
Bruises, Sore, Ulcer, 8lt Rheum. Fsvei
Horra, Tetter, ChapM-d Hsnds, ailllilsln,
Corns, and all Fkin Eruptions, and posl
tlvelj cure TiU, or do pay required.
It I BUsrsuWd to rIvo tatisfscllon, or
a oney refunded. Trice 2r cent per boi.
For sale hj T. (1. Fricke
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at Jobbers Prices
money tluin you enn
i f
publishes in full then
I'lnttsmoiith, . . '
1 1