C ' -V.' i it atismouiQ "LJairtf j" O'TJ . i ! 1 ; f 4 r i- i 1 i t -I if I i FIFTH YKAll. ! I i A lri r.l ;. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder mgriest or nil m It-a vt-n i nif strength J.atest u. a. ijovcrnment food re port. . tonu.roToir MissociuniYEn R. n. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PAoniCNOI-R TRAINS GOING ERST No. t ft : m r m, No. 4 lu II . No. t 7; 44 p, m No. 10 i4Am No. In :M a. ii. tio.M . 8:30 a. in C01NG VEST 'Vol .1 :41 a. m. vo i ft uH p. Ill (). " V in a. m No. T Ml No. 9 MP, m. No. li, ft rt p. m, o, in II :1ft a. m, H1SSUUHI I'M ltl: IIAILWAY TI.MK CARD. No. 34 Aeooiiioilati.m Iavm. No.:iki arrivfn,, Trulnl daily riwpt FumUy .lo.-H a. m, . 4 ;D0 p. lu. TTORNIY A, N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-l.aw. Will k!t prompt a'tentloa to all biilin ntruti-l t him. Olllce Id Union block, Kant Hide, flatuniuuth, Neb. ' AWSON A PEAHC E HAVE RECEIVED Pall trawv lanryrtlibnn. tip "d quill' ) a lot of tirw fa 0 Ktraw and M. ihln rone Unii- hala Tlii-y hvea full in hi bHiir n-xxi- and in or Ui" lafin old Mock out have re ducrd 111 V -irw -ullur tint lo 40 and to 74 eela trimmed, MISS SCIIUYLEK, TKIMMFR. Shorthand. AND TYPEWRITING COLLEGE- i. Flattsniotith, Nebraska. There are thouuiidii of yours Inrili s. rrwma nrln. arlnMil traWicr cli-1 V , He ho . rr rklnil giil Hi f ill-nT on a alry barrly unicli at ,-- iiiM turn nrij umj -.Bum. lly nimplrtliiK a course In (hurt ttan1 and y finllilKtli.y can tarn Iiom 110 to liu -r UlOlltll. ' hlnia'lona irurrtlfd fo i-omiwlcnt tudnita 2!f1!'"kl iMimrtlun. nr tit-illi'l. '.Y AND EVENING SESSIONS. HiMinn over Mayert Fim. 4 - - - ...... OOl.t) An lill':KI.AIS CltOWNH -Bil-lc w.irV uiiJ f;ca n! ! work a SPECIALTY. DR-SIKINAL'H tM'AI. a wi-ll M other ait ath(lravlvn lot tli pitiulru rilravlluo of Urth, 0. A. MARSHALL, Fit.K.-rald F'"- IULIUS 1'EPPEKHEKG. Mmiri-TiHM or anu wwLEsniE nun retail IlKALtH 1M THI CHOICEST HKANDS OF CIGARS ruLxumor TOBACCO AND SMOKE l' ARTICW Blwayt In tock liittsniouth, Nebrassa 'jl. SALSDURY , D E N T I S T :- 0 PGWCKLAI.X CROVN. ' ' iniKlhi-llr forth paliit ex. Uw iloo .,f troth. Gold Work a Specialty. ' A Illoi k rlallamoiith. Neb. Aood Evening! Have yon used id there is no need of my saying " T thing further, I am sure you t.il hereafter use nothing but the Vinous Itlunh of Koses for your 'Pplexion. Vours with best VLOVA . Jonkh, J South Ilend, Ind. f.n. t-su iiusere fdesse at O. H. yder and learn the particulars. Vou tan tfet the best of Imiid atie liools and shoes at Joseph 'j'" y.'-r s. f RpALI..'Vt j J FLA i Dr. Dan Goiaitig- in in iiiu liiciiup olia to-day on biitiineHH. ' Santa Claune, cliriMlmiis and Geo. Vhhb. tf I'ure liuckwheat flour for sale at Heinel'8 mill. tf Mra. C. M. Holmes mid M!mh Ilat tic Latham were in Omaha to-day. For a nice Hat or Cup o to JOK, ue I'rit'e Clothier. tf the One For fine booM and hIioi-h jjo to Ionep!t Ft t.i r, Main Htn-et, between Fourth uud Fifth streetH. tf F. M. kichey and A. V. White were p.mMenerB on No. 5 for Omaha thii morning. I warrant every piece of good a I Hi-11 and will Hell at bedrock prices for the next thirty daya. H. A. McElwai.v, Jeweler, 415 Main Btreet. He fore voubtiranv MenV. Hovm' or Children's Clothing look through JOE'S line. Ho will nave you money. tf J. C. I'eterHen and wife and !if Orr, of Colorado, who in viniting in the city, were Omaha pawHengers this morning. The lartrent and bent line of Gloves at wonderfully low nriees at JOE'S. tf For nhatrarts of title at reason able rates, go to J. M. Leydn, Union uioc. tf W. II. I'ickens is attending dis trict cort at Nebraska Citv this week. Did you see TOE'S tiiacnificeiil line of suspenders? tf For gents Christmas sliDtiers fo ot Joseph Fetzer. tf W. C. Showalter, clerk of the dis trict court was in Omaha to-day on business. Why will you couch when Slii. loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts.. A) cts. and SI For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc WA.NTKM A irirl to heln with the housework and sleep at home. o wks. J. N. Wise. Dave Hawksworth came la last evening from Lincoln to spend the holidays. For a nice X-mns nresent rro to JOE, the popular clothier and look at ms tine line of Mulllers and Hats. Geo. Vass and the court hniim clock. tf Lew Noore was a passenger for Omaha this morning. ' The conntv rommissionera. Cen V ass and the court house clock . l.ftll on th Tucker Sisters In the Sherwood block for bargains in inter Hats. tf The prospective cold wave indi cated by the signal flas yesterday failed to materialise to the degree that many apprehended. The Missouri Pacific will sell tick ets on December 21, ' 31 and Janu ry i. irood to return lanuarv 4 at one and one-third fare for round trip within two hundred miles of rlattHinoutll. Nearly all the elevators of the country are filled to overflowing with grain. Hrown A Harrett are closiuir out their stock of scrao books. Xmas cards and vases at actual roxt. Don t tail to see them. tf The council meets next Monday I night; a lively sesHion is antici pated. Do you want to know what would make your father, mother, brother, s.Hler and n wrr iiu-ni I happy? It is u'nicc pair of shoes or slippers for n t. nrisimas present. V. A. Hoeck t o, have just received an elegant line that they offer at VEWY LOW prices (or thirty daya only. tf The students of the public school have circulated petition praying that the public schools be closed for the holidays Wednesday even ing. THE VMFh IS OI'EMNO UP )ne oi the newest and lines of brightest Pluih" Ooods, Tojt, Dolli, Koreltici. For lh llolldiiy trado that hai bcua era In town for year. 1T0 OLD STOCK, ALL NEW Which was bought early In the season, from some of tlio Lakokht Importing Hoithhs Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at prices for which we are noteiL .The Lowest in the Country:-' oOo The pulille la rordlnlly Invltnd In Intpect our t'H'dt and cvniparv prloa -o()o- 8.r, ESCIIEK, 1'rop. IlattiBoulli Til, -XEBUASK I Jcnnctt & Tu h:ivc sweet cidtvif. tf A. H. Knottstnade a buHincsyrtrip to Murray to-day, Gering A Co fo Christmas pres tf ents. The holiday trade is so say our merchants. increasing, A nice line t.i holiday goods at iiennetl l utt s, tf J'rof. McClelland is suffering from an attack of la grippe. Gering A Co, Ikivh the largest and lenl fcluck of goods in the City miming no exceptions whatever. h. J. Vtitte has returned from ISellevue College to spend the hoi days, If you want a beautiful lamp for a present to a friend, and want cheap, go to Hcuuctt A Tint's, tf J. A. Hoyt, telegrapher nt the M P. office, is corisl.p.-rably indisposed with an attack of la grippe lesttrday was the shortest day of the year. There were only nine hours uud four minutes of day l.ght. Gering A Co. are headquarters for pniMii goous or every description, tf How would it do to consider proposition to have a Christina tree for the benefit of the poor the city? of j ne county lioard of supervisors will met for new organization Jan 7. At this time S. W. Dutton will be duly installed. I his is the harvest week, nnd merchants who advertise in TlIK Herald will receive the bulk of the trade. It Is not too late yet insert an "ad." to Holiday goods of everv descrip tion can be found at Gering A Co. tf The Methodist people are making extensive arrangements to give an entertainment at the church Christmas eve. Everybody should attend some Christmas entertain ment. At a meeting last evening Tucs day the board of supervisors of Clay county resolved by a vote of eleven to nine that the county treas urer be required to pay his deputy from his salary, which is $2,000. The largest and best line of nlush at wonderfully low prices at Gering co. tf Rer. Luther Smith of the Baptist church at Springfield, Neb., has disappeared, leaving a number of creditor in the lurch. Even the best of men go wrong at times, The old biiHiness maxim, "In bui ness treat every man as a scotiud rel," is n good one. The Fair has the largest assort nient ot uselul I hnstmas present? in llie city, and for quality nnd for cheapness they cannot be beat, tf The railroad companies are util izing every car possible to assist in the transportation of the immense gram crop. In some instances stock cars have been fitted up and used. A hard time the farmers arc naving, to no sure. M-nd lor Teller and Soekleps Simpon that tlmy may give us some consolation. Judya Archer' Court. Pat King, a corn hunker from near kight Mile drove, came to town yesterday and proceeded to fill tip on whiskey, and about 11 o'clock last night he was "run in" by Policeman McGuire. He ap peared in police court this morn ing and loaned the court $0.30, and was discharged. In the case of Ragen vs. Holmes, Case continued to December 20, 10 a. in. In the attachment case of Henry Hons vs. Jackson. Judgment for plaintiff for $21.03. In the attachment case of Dons vs. Tutlle. Judgment for plaintiff for $0. In the ense of Suell vs. Petersen The garnishee (First National bank) made a very lengthy answer as to amount of monies collected nnd disposition of stock of goods. A Resignation. To the Honorable Hoard of County i ; . . ouimiHsiouers oi diss County Nebraska: GENTLEMAN: Owing to the iren. eral resnonsiblity attached to the office of overseers of road districts in this county and considering the uncertainty of this life amis the death of the great independent movement in this state and lust but not lesst that my alliance friend and Pro. the Hon. Ami Todd will at your next meeting retire from active service on this:Hon. hoard. 1 hereby tender my reslirnation as overseerer of road district No. 52 in said county of Cass and ask you Honorable body to appoint M. II. Williams as overseer of said din. trlct No. f2. Very respectfully sub. initted. Dated this 21st day of December. Wm.Dellest, I Elmwood, Neb. 11 SMC A, TUESDAY, DECEMIJEU no wf. want IT? If C, Let u Work In Secure it. IlEKALI)'3 interview Tub Piiesident Croan. published week, in which he authorized us to st.'lte that he desired to consider a proposition from the city of Platts mouth looking to the establishment of a first-class normal college here, has induced a number of our peo ple to think seriously of the matter. At this writing, Messrs. Thomas and Isaac Wiles appear to be the n-'Ost enthusiastic supporters of the movement. The former ca!!-d at The Herald office lant evening and slated that in the event the citizens of Plattsmoulh desired to make President Croau a proposi tion, he would donate a sufficient amount of land for the college campus; also, he and Isaac would each furnish, gratuitously, ten acres of land, providingtlieciti.ens would purchase for the use of the college what remained of the orig inal eighty acres, which would probably be about fifty-five acres. This proposed site is located six blocks directly south of Oak Hill cemetery, rendering it about one mile from the businens portion of the city. Tin; Herald should be pleased to see our people awaken to a true realization of the importance of this matter. A prominent Shenan doah business man, in speaking of j me loss property holders of that town would sustain by the removal oi tne college, recently stated that property would immediately depre ciate 20 per cent. If it be true that a college of that nature would enhance the value of property even 10 per cent, our property owners could donate in the aggregate at least $100,000 and yet receive the equivalent of a high rate of interest on the investment. The bringing of 1.000 students to our town would bring hundreds of families nnd thousands of dollars every year; as a medium of advertising a town, school conducted by President Croan has no equal, for catalogues, primarily in the interests of the college.yet incidentally setting forth the merits of our town nud coun ty, would besent into nearly every community in the country. Hesides, those of our young peo !c that to-day attend school in other towns, would remain here: and many who are now deprived of an education because of the extra expense necessarily incurred in attendance away from home, would be afforded an opportunity of getting an education. The location of such a school would be a help to our town intellectually. As our churches reflect the rays of divine light over the community and thus raise our people to a higher stand ard of moraltiy, so would a college materially aid in the. social and intelli dual culture of the common, ity. here is a golden opportunity, Shall we embrace it? If un, let a meeting of the board of trade be called and committees appointed to push the matter vigorously. Santa Clans has his headquarters at Gering A Go's. tf An UnforturiKle Runaway. Roy1 Hritt, son of Dr, Hritt, met with quite a misfortune while out driving Sunday afternoon. While driving in the neighborhood of the electric power house the horse became unnianagablc and in its fright hurled the buggy against a large tree, throwing Mr. Hritt about fifteen feet in the air and jolting him considerably. The buggy was damaged considerably. It was un fortunate that the accident should occur, but, as the southern states- man would put it, we might be glad. "it 'twa'u't no wuss." Mr. Hritt lins been In the employ of the H. A M. as chief clerk of the freight station at Omaha for the past six years. Closed by His Creditors. The grocery store of August Hach "was closed this morning to satisfy creditors holding chattel mortgages as follows; Groencwig Schoentgen, of Council liluffa, $200; Fred Shroeder, Cedar Creek, $112; Ashland Mill A Electric Light Co., $.181.07; Meyer A Rnapke, Omaha, $375; C. II. Parmele, Platts mouth, $423.20. Lost Between the II. A M. yards and Winterstein hill, a pocketbook containing a check on the Citizens bank for $22, two photographs and .tucnsliip papers. I he tinder will receive a reward of $.1 by leaving tne same at JiiR herald office. 2 John Jannk. LOCAL ON LAST PACK. 22, 1891. l y:. .u- - VII ULTDWnDrpnnu r v.rfi last ( II Stiijiqlcitpi' foi While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are favored with, we si ill desire to increwe lour :OASH and have completed arrangement in which we have secured large otian tihes. at first hands, of the celebrated rices that we propose to cive them in nni. . ,.., ...... i. I.eving that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate tin fact tin. we are spending the money we set aside for advertising purpo, s bj nitnrmng it to them, believing they will appreciate the gilts ant tell their friends, and thereby increase EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitle 'the purchaser t nthera KogersSolid Silver Metal Duller Knife or Sugar Shell sold by Jewelerv at irl.OO. H EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a U "! UKi-r - Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at ?1.0 i . -'!Hhf IT''1'';'1' lli'-ainount of $23 entitles the purchaser to a seMO) of Rogers solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at KVK m iwf C"rt'll,''.SCr,,,,v. !,,m..Vnt of 30 entitles the purchaser to a V rkl L . -r'1!'1 'V''1 r,,,,lc "I'00"" or a "t "f Solid Nickel orKs) or a set of Tnpple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers nt $4.00. o ERE is what the manufacturer - i at goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There as been a growl ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take trie filaee of Solid si ver nnrl or some time to attain this end ni Rogers' Metal and K,w, v j m.perior to any N ickelSil ver nuinufaclured aiul ivtheXilest confi- ," . ' V' . that this ware is inferior to service on- ly to i solid s.lv. r. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and est ee,'!', j "!hu"Ki fr' Pre silver. We reonumd this ware especially for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand lis lor a ,d w o,!!" n"y '""'; " very 'tough and hardTwillhoM its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac- ire'n o'l'o'l -"l ami " n!",,e ie nevi'r P"t oil goos th.t are riot of a h.gh grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are ge ti, g some very desirable goo.ls when they set goods under VeU br nd. Come in early and secure a share of thc-se goods before it is too We qtiqqrtee otj I'nccs o be lc Lov?gs qqd ltlic Conipciitiori,. FRED HERRMANN. DOjYT N;J' : J WATCHES AND SILVEDWARE CALL AND HE CONVINCED HE FORE PURC II A S I N G. W 1 1. 1, II .; PLEASED TO SHOW 'Ol' TMROI GH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO Ul'Y OR NOT. B. A. M'ELWAIN 415 Main Street, Gering A Co have the finest and largest line of plush goods in the city. tt He sure to call nnd see the price on Ladies' and Gent s gold and gold tilled watches. H. A. McElwai.v, Jeweler, 413 Main street. tf Mrs. hd Huttery and Mrs. Robt tiaiiance, came lu last evening from Holyoke, Col. For the handsomest plush dress ng case can ot uenng A Co. tf If you want to see a sight that will make your eyes water you want to call and look over the hand some assortment of plush goods at Gering A Co's. Purchase your holiday goods of Gering A Co. tf You will make a mistake if you fail to call on Hennett A Tutt before purchasing vou holiday goods. They have a large supply of choice candies, nuts, fruits, etc., which they will sell cheap. tf Important Notice. The full official board of the M. E. church is called to meet at the church at the close of prayer meet ing on Wednesday night of this week. It is very necessary for all to be present. 2t L. F. Hritt, Pastor. Go to the Fair for your Christ- mas presents. You can buy toys of all kinds cheaper there than anywhere else in the city. tf NUMBE.T? Cqsr Tidfe o'; TRADE; our trade, says in regard to Solid Silver Met rilntn .!- t - nrAn,.i.i.i..it..,. ... c IT 1 le I.'.u.ouc olT FOfjQET THAT I AM GIVING UNHEARD OFBARGAiNS In the be.-l grades of CLOCKS JEWELRY Plattsmouth, Neb "T. K." Quartella. Hang up the baby's twkliiR, lie lure you don't forget, Knr a t.ck-t ihi-'a been wltlilnjr She hann't heard the "T. K.V'yec. The "T. K," Quartette will appear at the Waterman December 2!. Reserved seats for sale at J. P. Young's and by the young ladies of the N. S. society. Price, 50 cents; gallery, 33 cents. We will give genuine bargains ia gold watches and jewelry. H. A. McElwai.v, Jeweler, . 413 Main street tf A Narrow Escape. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. John' Waterman narrowly escaped sus taining a serious Injury. Upon her return from Omaha on the flyer" Mr. Waterman ;met Mrs. W. at the train with a conveyance supposed to be perfectly safe. The horse moved off In a brisk trot when sud- dently the king bolt broke permit ting tne horse and front wheels to proceed forward but causing the rear wheels including the buggy to stop suddenly. The .occupants were im;nedintely thrown forward. Mr. Vterninn maintained a fin grasp upon the lines nnd was dragged several feet Mrs. Water man fell forward upon her face sustaining several painful bruises. The crosa bar of the vehickle and the dashboard were broken. Spectacles at Gering A Co's. tf