The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 17, 1891, Image 3
,,, ,,, , ' "" ' i ' . t 1 ) 1 1 1 4 I Arltclu l.nrs titan The Vtfcht It- n. V. H. Gx:-;-v I The Marquis of i.orie. Mciwy Clews. Vai '.Vr.r-tt.!:!: ;'.). -Camilla LYsu. .''.m. 4 nri i t,, Article of !V?i.tV.-.! ArMct. Cltnr-' of Ry..:y. 'i0 I.r,.-r.3 r. , I 1 To N ' ft l:; U 1 rn if r A m:i v.t.::. " wt.'l " r. Lumber Y US THE OLD RELIADLC. ! II. A. WATERMAN & SOS i Plllf LUMBER ! Shingle, Latl), BiiflbJ Doors. Blind Cuo supply everw demand of the city. Call tod tfi't tcrmi. Fourth otrect . lu tnur of ,: liouw. flENRY BOECK The Loading -FURNURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. jomUntly keep on bund everjthir joa Doed to furniih your houne. CORNER ItXTH AHD MAIN (TRKKT Platt3 mout Neb Jam For AtchlriHon, St Jowph, Ixnvcii' wortli, Kaunas City, St. I)iiii, und ull jxi:ita north, fiiHt ctH sold und pne clii'ckcd t o a n y , point In the United States or Cannda. For INFORMATION A3 TO KATKS AND KOUTKS Cnll'at Depot or oddremi II, C., G. V. A. St. Louis, Mo. j. c. rnii.i.ii ri. t v -I I I A. O. P. A. Omahn. r II. D. AlHiiK. Apt., PlnttHinotith. 1 , treleplione, 77. TEAT UARKET BIXTIl 8TVRKT ,F. II. KLLKNUAUM, Prop. i bent of fresh ment alwayn found in tlil market. ylno freiih ln and llutter. v ild K.ime nil k inds kept In their neiiHon. "Pf HIXTII STKKKT J-EAT MIRKE T ., V'ViM The Full rroipeclu of NuUYe rVitdtei for n:.l .'....:n t3 ' e ft... r.w. j Cwi.r; r:;. " : .-. - .;,- '-c:. l.-.C ' ,t '.V. HeM. Ill I .r. i ..;. l'..". kv !;rV!:-M .? Travel. r-.,?i:hr Sclesco Ari".cL. I ft If " iw hu!ifM - riiirr hio i.l rut one niiu ':nl us Ihiu ! 'cnd C'ci :nl(;ii Tri e lar f tn I'm! "n-. TMi uf.T lnrlml" . v i . ... r ;." - -----a'c P.. rt-rk?on. h ,V. c;..:- 1.'ie IV, ."; Sr. ALbott. b r ;. r i t ,..!, r. 'T ! n i I n .n :.':! .iiI.-t. rtl:!-.( " '. Thi! YOU'TH'3 Cowpamom, r.t.n, r: .vyiji.i . THE MKLY STILL OONTINUE3 ' The Most Popular Family Newspaper in the West IT 13 THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOB THE HOME .-. .-. THE WORKSHOP, oh THE BUSINESS OFFICE, ros THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WORKINGMAN. oh THE POLITICIAN. IT I1) A ;hl.Ir;N mfv.papp'?. ni in micb is ably conducted, numtwrlncj raong lu w lt,irfl tf, I ntii- It tn tnn country. Ii pub I irini ALu Til i: '.',), .,n 1 kujj I'.a ruaJurg parloctly poatod 00 Impoitnnt VHntH nil over tho worlil. In Ui'i.KAur 'i:hTul.i rn ul to thof M tho b''c majnifnM. Amono llm-ontrlbutoraon W. D HO V i i l.h, I U A N K It aTUCH'luN, MK'J. fr KANCi.U IIOU.IJON DUi'HCTT, MAKK TWAIN. HKI.T MAHTK, MAU HlCt: TIIOMI'HON.A W. TOUHUfX Id )l 'I IVT 1 'tTTR HTKVI Nr.OK.hUO- yaiiD Kii'Lr.Mii. auim.r.Y uhk, makv iiaki V I Li. cati:h woon, JOI.'Ij CHANIJL.I.H HAllHIH. and runny olf,.T c b -OND LlTtHAKlf FAME!. It wlU tnu ba asuu tnat 1UE INI El OCtAN pubilaliaa THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. It FuftEIGN and uQZlC CO:;".r:".rOiri!EiICE lSTSry TtnalT aod tLa bust. The Ytiuth'8Dep;irtin"nt, Cariosity S!inp, Woman's Kinfrdoin k The Homo Are Dttor tlian a Majatlna for tha Family. Onaoftn Ifot Important Paturoa la tha Dopartmont c! FARM AND FARMERS. Fdllad by rit-OOV Vr r. HOARD r.f 'Hord'a Uaiiyman Tula la a dow cuituria'.a. AN ALLIANCE Ilan nWo biin opanedf'ir tha apicial purpoa-j old aiuttlug t.'iti lu.m'jia of ti.o L-Quir.rr. THE WEEKLY INj : OCEAN Is Ono Dollar per Year, postage paid. THE . . SEMI-WEEKLY .-. INTER .-. OCEAN Is publlohol oTorr Monday and THuraday at $3.00 por yoar, postpaid ThG DAILY INTER OCEAN is $0.00 pJiaql Vka Hae SUNDAY INTER OCEAN i8 2.00 km Lit ral Tsrma to Actlra Asanta. Bond for Bimpla Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chlcaga B AN'K OK CASS COl'NTY Cur Mala and Fifth iireet. aM ii i capital vi m Suiplua f OFFICERS 0. H. Panio'a twl flurdrir 1. M. I'altxrvib r. M. Pattnrvin, Pronlrtolll Vice 1'riMliUiil 'alnli At Ca-lilff DIRECTORS 'J. H. Par., r lo. J. M. Paftiraon, Prai Onrrlrr. i, H. Hmltli K. H. Wlnilliam, H. 8. Umii-ry and r. M Pattoixin K OENELVL BANI1NC BD3INES3 "JUN3ATED AivoiiiiI anlli'ital. Incrit aliowH or, tlm 1ciihiIh Hint pniiiint aiti'iitlOKIvru to all bua iihiw vii'nitled to Ita oara. PERKINS- ilODSW, 217. ai(, 2''1 and 2J1 Main Plattsmouth r.'obraska D..T: ... J iUflll -w 1be Perkins renoTated fri.'m baa tp been thurouKhl) to '.W.t:..i,; nil 'a now one of the best hotels in thuatata Bord-H t ill bf taken by tlm woek at It R(1 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED 9 y m fp - i - -7 T-i - - - - How Lost I How Regained! KKC7 THYSELF )r ftr I.F-ritllKKIH A inc. onl Si 0i( Mfll I'Ul.K FMHAY ott NKKVOI Hfcxi i-MVHKAL. ' num. try, unto its of VOIITII. r intl HTKU VITA1.ITV, I'Rf:. MATI'KK UK I INK, and all DINKAxm and WKAKNKSNfr.riofMAN. SUU (fa, 6lri, fill; las liiTaiuabla tinacriptiona. only ll.wl f mall, dirahla aralm. lMarnptlrs ProapacW M with nr!oriamanta rnpp a rrun of tha Pra- a4 yolunlary KK h h I taatlmonlaia of tha cured I IILUI HUW, touanlutlnn In tmrioii or by mill. Kirt tmau ITMil. lAtlOLAHLK Htr.CKKCT auj LH.U TAIV (I rilf, A.llr It. W. If. I'.rkrr. or Tlx f'sabiMiy Unlloal liutltuta, No. i I1uIi1im.1i Hi., Bixl.Kl, Mm. Tha l'aabody Undleal Irwtltnw has many Iral. tatiirs, but bo aanal. ItrnUt. 'i'ha holanca of l.t'o, nr Hlf PrerTalln, ta a traaatira nvira yalnalili Ifiao fold. lUad It ttow, narv WKAK and Nt.KtOt man, and learn lo l STU1. .Vriru. ll luiyrlBlill.' rlOM. A nrw nr. onl 11, mi iiiutM t I,...., riA pui4 4.a in H.-a 'i frf .i'i Xy fj Ujiin.i,iihiii,'M 1 ,.bMiaMi kiaa. a.w ab4ii.....i , t .i.,h.m. V IT All I'lii. , (.k.ilMKKl u.-, Mn, il.nrrfii. Miilmn ll. u ilniffl.U r irwt 4 ) mi- " "WM.!.!.!.. ..UMMI, ,! "I..h,r lr I.m J) m ....... r hjkll. jf i ti. ...i... Chicbi.hb CHCaiitfi, C-o , t . ra f, TMt ' iuiMai axn r tunnr. a.ia hi ail Unl WyaUia. lain it Tiio Dcst h"rt CCorlcs. i:in; Si.f-Cclucaflon llo"-r:ll Articles. :cl Kwtory Pcpiirs. Nearly ices Illustrations. v!ih nnmn to Jr:nM J.-i"i, ".'Art. unibtT'i. . . uv .'.:.:!. rmmi nru? ait Ll . UUIiflU Wlaronnln. Kdltor a'i j Proprlotor 01 ida'.uro ana aa important gniwaKii- DEPARTMENT 8ing tboqunMonl now Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment A certain enro for Chronic Soto Eytw, Tetter, Salt lihoum, Scald Iload, Old Chrotio Bores, Forsr Bores, Eczema, Itch, Ptairio Bcratcbes, Son IUpplci and Piluc. It U cooling ted soothing. Hundreds of eases have been cured by it after all other treatment bad f allot! It Is put up la S3 and CO cent boxes. I" A slN88",1D,"l,"CURE0 r ,a M fm I'MI'a InvMibl, lilator lur t. iHiiii'MiiiMtiii Miiiyr. MiMi,nfti,rnrr B3 J InMnfi " '.A PAkKER'S HAIR BALSAM 'lr,U 1 'Mat I f m imlt. 9 1 t 'f"''"'l'-t ln'..(.,i. aL l anvr il'a to li4l(ir lira "T 'tS Hr 0 Yoiitiilv.l Color. -46 a Cuiw !. A li!r ta.ini. I'- liinrKUin, j'ftm,'lhf lb um.Aui1& RCORN?. ti. ' m" fur eimn, ... T m In or a V" , N. V. c,katf:l'icifoktino Edds Cocoa HkKAKFAST "Ilyn thorough kiowU'-U of tn munrul laW Willl'll U-IVTII (III UlMHftf Iftl R lf (hil"t (Ml H'ul tiulrllloii ft'xl h v I'art'ful him Iitltni n( tlir fln nr")M'r1l,M Ht'l'''''! Nro. .Mr. Kiip lnv nVHiel our liriikf.!"! tiilil1 with II d'-lir p v II vvot -i lnvf "ii wii in ty piv ii m .fiv h mvv' til In. It l hy Hit lil'llts Ion 'f Mfli itr'lt'f- ii 'lift (It t a imi nlMIl 'ti m iv If" i illy buHt up iciiii itmiiic 'M'i'iifii l'i r,l't iniy ( 'iiilfiny t it Hiitnlietl- uf nil)ll mi (T:ti 111 rj M nt'ln nrm hi pm tv to ..trhok w'i rv'r liorr m wtwk -l nt . A in iV fTapi in lu v a liil il iinft ttv kmv'litiy, iiiir" vt 4,ll for fAr wtth Ii ir hlO'i ' ;i r'M"rly fimirinhfl f.'riim " -J:Vtl HTVl U ll'IIf. M i lnl nllil'ilV !h hoilinii w;iiir or ini, Hit!i rt y til half-pounil tlfiw, h; WD-r-rtfl ':itir!ft thiir! tl A M n'i KITH A IM , lliirnir iniithle rhmlr l.oinluii, K'ii(!it d nvn Acrvrs waxted for j DAYLIGHT Ofl.!(iinMA!UhHAlMWH OF HEW TORE 1,1 FF, A ( hriittUI wnsnsin Btarrsllrcnf M !) wmk difi1 ( lit isro in pifMWw, rMiisig tn ' msMM," It risrnlt Ifcwprl nst la Utaaluina. ud risj fsumtu d'tocUTtik n rii. p-ncngsm. iw Mrs. araria-ai saaa pwvia, ,a. f a V tBrl fiiaptn 1 hsM. Hfrafl H'kfnf A T. Off - s- A' rW hf ;- std A'.yki. r.r JtotTtimml lih faO rafrsvinfi fmtu uh Ijfht ifrtniiMranhai 4 rrwxl, full W tfr. aBfl amllM. tl is) s)M? raf Tmprnr, twitnw HI MS piww o UM (iu.rl.a hra. IW aa.r iw riUUr mr. " ""f M minnl wmm tnrf.irM Ii, iMttWinUllMMlNfM... M-tttan (SkarWIJ Mb Ml. tB I'lftlia i a..fca anil rlsa slrd 7. k rsviW. sT lts)n Ufio k la 4rasM, (ptitw Diamond BmHD A . Imml 1ji4 nAbli rill k, U Wi n. sfw. Sans r-Ai phi Uli-AUl-U'tiiA, I k. l Tlils Slip WW 't &-J auk lf J. iM-t. '- Vlh or n A fi,U li i thu i.'iuh, at th f l'""'-I', r, j,,,,.., j'lB Of llllM ty. imri , , , . ... y - (, uit'iniu r of tiifi.'-laliil coiuiiitiiuiy. lu- llHll irt l'll till! jfl till Willi till) I'llcilll!, coinimiiiily ti tin) long pi;jiod of in'uri) Early in Jm twi.-ntics (18'.1!.'; the Kn linh wliultTi Cypi'iis, on hcrwny home after an ciji'inlfd und sucuesnful cniiho, and bi-fony ht.ining on tho, thcu lum ly and iK-rili is jii-isshh urouiVl tho Uoui, t - a . . . ' U!l!i JUtlCl. K.,l.i 1. called al Jltciini inland for fresh provi sions and lo ritmit. Jmt ut that time the island elders liejjan to feel the wni;t of a school teiK.her for the yonnif com intinity faHt growing up, and expressed their wihhrs to that eficct to the captain ot the Cyprus, who, without hesitation, willingly BKieed to help them, if possi ble. The renult was that HniTett, then a yonnir man on board, of fair education, was sounded, and he gladly fell in with thewiohesof his captain and the com munity, went itshore with all his belong ings and thenceforward threw in his lot with the Wander. Ho was not long, however, a schoolmaster, as on tho ad tent of Mr. Nobbs, some few yeais later, u majority of the parents wished for a change, and of Course Bnllett had to ac quiesce. Mi. linffi ti's residence, even on peaco ful i'itcaini, was not, willioiil Us excil in.T i pisoiles. In oi i urii-d, at. tli ill -l;n,i;e of tin, Lug!i.,h government. Hid e-vmliih to 'i'.iloi i, and Die ( oiiiiiiiinil y' reiuiii h.iiii.- Ijiniillis l.iler tiiil.ulid Ihfoiigli fii' -ss of many of iis mi ni lM'i. Tie n ii.nin, in iMiii, iliiiin;: llm 'M",n" of Mr. J. i-!, n i :M,.t a,,d his I wo cnmpatMoN, Kolihs and Kvans, I lo'i'lliel' Willi tin ir fannlies. Wen.- lor It r.hort lieriod liaiili.hed to (lie ( iamliicr i.-.i.:iiii uy in:.-. ::;iirary geminii.-ui, win in tin; i' ili s Wi-re Kllidiy tiral.l, and r liiaiiird liiilll tin; Mm ni lil. -iv ov.-i. L'islly, Hie lin-il di'partaio fmin loved old l'ltcaii ii lo the new lininii t N,,i folk islaml. :(,(iU mile.i away. liulli tt was an ingenious wufker in wood, and Ins handiworks in the hIiii of ealiineU and such like are widely Uis li lhuteil, the old laiiiillar legend, "made from the wood of John Adams' house," U ing always kept up anil nodo'iht add ing altraction to the goisls. Until tliri-o or lour years ago Mr. liullett had the full wi,f all Ilis faculties, but for thu hist eighteen inoliths he h;is been totally oblivions to pasiing events. Chilian Times. .i.i i .i r! A Hnlilli-r'a Iliiiin. While Mim Winter, of Kminiltslmrg, was overlooking her childhood's tr'as nres, she came cross an old TiMainent whii.h she Iniiud on the silo of a soldier's ( Miujiiiear tin re during the war, all er th" -oldieis had left for the fu ld of (iet tyslmig. (In examining the booii her eyi s fell on tiie name "Samuel Wolcolt, ('s Mill-, I j ie couuiy, N. V.," and Mi-s Winter ilecidi'd to write to the ad-die-, thinking tho owner would like to recover the book. In a few days she reeoivl a reply from Mrs. Weaden, of Clifton, N. J., stating that she was a sister of the sol dier and the only living member of a large family. She said her brother bad returned home from the army in 18H3, and died in IMfil, and Miss Winter's let ter bad been forwarded to her as bis nearest of kin. Mrs. Weaden seemed much pleased at the idea of recovering this long lost memento of her dead brother, and Miss Winter sent the Tes tament to her. Baltimore Sun. A fbaptar en OyaUra. "t)j ulers are fatter this year than I ever saw them before," said a restaurant oyster os m r. "I don't know why, but nsnally the fatter an oyster is tho sorer the flavor. This is because the fat oy ster hits generally been out of the water too long and lias been fed. That is not wholly the reason this year. They are fatter anyhow. "An oyster Is bent on the half shell. about twenty-four to forty-eight hours after he is out of salt water. Kitten be fore that time they are apt to give rramps. los, the male oyster is the liest, but we don't come across a male moro tuan an avenue of once in fifty times." New York Herald. Why Ilia ) polling tVaa lii Urr-il. The opening of the recent church con- grew at UhyllU, Vu'r, Wt delay ed fur half an hour by the nonapiearanr.e of the Archbishopof Canterbury, and every body wondered what had happened. The archbishop had lost his crozier. This emblem was locked np in a leathern case, and was carried off by a servant, who thoiiL'ht it was a nun. and locked it tin in a room full of breechloaders and car tridges. Whether tlie congress would lisvo lieen adjourned if it had not been discovered is a question which does not call for iinmeiliate reply. Christian World. train lloanli'd a Hand Car. A section man wascoming Into Colum bus, Ind., on a hand car on the Pennsyl vania road, when he was attacked by a large bear. A terrible storm was in progrt ss at the time. The man and Uar had a terrilic struggle, but the man finally slrnck the licar over the head with an Iron crowbar, and as (he animal rolled from the car the man got it lu motion and escnS'd. lie was badly scratched and bruised, but not seriously Injured. Cor. Philadelphia Record. Illaw 0aa an I'nlncliail ftafa. Cracksmen played a singular Joke on themselves in blowing crpeii the safe In L. U. Ulair's store, Rio, Ills. Mr. Blair has lxren the victim of so many roblsrie that he has been leaving the safe open and sending the money to Qalesburg. The burglars drilled Into and blew open the empty nults kod safe. Cor. St. Louis Globe- Democrat Kalaliif Taa In Norlh Carolina. The result of the recent attempt to raiae tea in North Carolina indicates that the soil and climate are favorable to audi an industry, but that, owing to the eis nse of picking and curing, none but the highest grades could Is- produced profitably. New Yoik Times. f Ad.rtU, t)n of -,i tf Hdvenis, 1 . .est and uioi l l'itrUcss U roniHV intending ..J'u hinirte. unci ei-Tiermllv t" taaie, uuvTUi!inents in teh'uraiib . i .- - r - - - i. ' enveii.iii-j,. or in ,.,,vi, .,.- ,i,i..i. i...ii,.t them so closely tlmt no one supposes t hit tliey are anything else until they are opened. Saturday evening it waa in the evening, let it bo noted, when ordinary messages are hardly expected a lady it uie listener g ui'imuiniauce, who haO been very ill, received one of these min sives. Khe is weak and broken, an:! being summoned to receive what nie sujijiosed to be a telegraphic mebsagp gave her a severe shock. A worse cast than this is an actual one of a sea cap tain's wife who lives in an outlying por tion of the city. Tho captain's ship has been long overdue, and all the people ol the neighborhood sympathized with the wife in her agonizing suspense. .There came a call to the door " for a message," and the lady answered it with her heart In her month. .She tore open the supposed telegraph envelope, only to read the messuge. "Yon are wanted immediately at Tremont street to lest the merits of the new lewing machine." Naturally everybody in the ticigliboihood is indignant, and such an advertisement is certainly bad policy, for there is not a family there about who would purchase a sewing ma chine of the in, ike miveilined if any other kind was to be had. I'erhans a feeling of indignation, stirred up in many ne-gliliorhnotls, will have the effect put an end to this oifeii-ue and Ini-i hievoii.- kind of advertising, which lio repn'ahle linn. it. Would seem, Would ing-'ii;e lii.--l.ieli.ti I'laiiseniit. C'jiik ,f Him f.'lilneNM I'rniililff. '"'ret socieli extend all over the einiiire, and I lu-ir name i- Icion Tin-y are semiri li:;loiis. and have, as a rule, the Miwer of hf and death over Iheir members. The Triad society is one of the strongest. It was the eaii-e of a gre-tt rebellion iii northwest and middle China fit the beginning of this century, ami its object then was to overthrow I u fovernmeiit. This rebellion lasted eight years. It caused the devastation of the pfjv!ii"., in which it went on, and there was much bloodshed. The secret societies were mixed up in the Tat-Ping rebellion, which very nearly resulted in the overthrow of the Maiichu emperor. It is said that the present troubles nre largely due to these secret societies. Some of thein have their tiicinbei.1 in every province of the em pire, and they embrace the Chinamen living nt Singapore, San Francisco and all other parts of the world. Kvery one has heard of the' Highbinders of San I'r.mcisco, who have their courts ami punishments, and ate the terror of the coluny there. -Frank U. Car penter in N tlioiial Tribune. A Heavy lllit.l. One of tho most terrific and effective blasts ever made in the extensive store quarries at Glen Mills, West Chester. Pa., was made the other day. In tlm face of that iMirtion of the quarries which is otiened about eighty yards in length nine holes twenty-five feet in depth were drilled at equal distances apart. In these WIO pounds of dynamite were placed, and all responded to the touch of the electric button at the battery, several bundled yards distant. Hundreds of thousands of tons of stone were raised and broken by the explosion, many of the piece being as large as a freight car. The arrangements for the blast being generally known in that sec tion bondreiU of people assembled to see it. The amount of stone loosened by the explosion will be sufficient to keep busy the several large crushers for many weeks. Cor. Philadelphia Ledger. Rapid Tranalt for tba Farmor. A practical illustration of the benefit to the farmer of the proposed system of freight service will soon be given in Maryland, where an electric road eight een miles long is being run through a first class farming country that the steam railroads have not touched. This road will not only lie nsej for passenger traflic, but will lie equipped with freight cars that will have a capacity of five tons. No matter how muddy the highways are or how stormy tho weather, the motor trucks upon which the farm wagons are wheeled will always be ready to carry their loads to the nearest market, and to bring back their return load when re quired. Pitlubnrg )ispatch. Ilia Trap Carrlnl OIT by a llimurri. A Iniy living at Iitiwes mi-sed one of his iniiskrat traps, the chain of which was brclfcn. i::d:- tir.g the tr.-.p had lieen carried away by something stronger than a muskrat. Two weeks afterward ho found tho trap in Russell's woods, and caught in it was a largo turkey buz rard fastened by the leg. The trap was ois-ned and the vulture flew away. Alongside of tho bird while it was in the trap were two eels, which are supposed to have been brought to the enptivo by other buzzards. Wilmington News. A Miinmnantal Yarn. Of all the Munchniisenlike stories that are going the rounds, this one Is by no means the most trifling: "Eight years ago H. H. Bowles, of Cherryfield, Me., planted in his garden a small flowering shrub. Near the strub grew a green gage and a cherry tree. Last year the shrub put forth cherry blossoms, but bore no frnit This year It produced luscious fruit of the green gage variety," Philadelphia Ledger. The superintendent of the Pine Ridge agency in South Dakota was staggered the other day when a little Indiau boy very timidly asked him if there was danger of another uprising of the white people soon. In Camden one Sunday afternoon re cently a two-year-old child sucked its father's old clay pipo and died within an hour in strong convulsions. Two Englishmen have just returned to London after walking iiround Enrols, a Journey which occupied fourteen mouths, A Husband's ... 1 Iltlslniiula too ollcn j aiul p..r. i,ls f, ,iCirw, from lieiiilni he, divine--, , ' HlccpU sucs4, lily, 1K.vvo,j ', ( when by the Use of ),-. I I J Mill H- l iiiiivers-iil entisfaction y u Kivev iiitiiK'iice Hiile. WooiKvtirti. J.V. . nas an oi fort Wnvni 1 "' i I"". Miow VY.:j.c.Voiftri.-r. ' 1 or .TtlKTH . . r . .. ' vx ..u... SyriictiHr Mich.; nnil It is the trrentea r I IT llll.i. . " ........ ,i Li'lll.ll n . a . n , .... 3 , bottle mid line took on Ni ls'", riiHeascH, free at I. G. Fricke'VC0 W6nderfiih j'.. M.r;;ivycr,of RocbeMcr, Wis., n firoiiiiiii-nt dej, ,,, p.,.n,.rai r.;crfh:iii!iix', and sho ruiid m vtral peddling w.-ig-ons, had one of bin liorH.m Imdly cut anil burned with u latmt, J he wound refused to heal. The4 lipre hcciuiie lame and Ktiff tioU"wi(lii(,iiidiiiL; careful attention und fill a 1 ic-;i tir.ii of rcincdicH. A fri;-;;.!. )i. ixI- I Sawyer Homo of II.iIIci'h li'arl) Wire Liiiemeiit, the most wonderful thing- ever hiiw to heal niich wouikIh. Jle applied it only tlin'c times and the sure was coiNplctcij heiiied. J'.'(tiallv porxl fur all Viirs, ch(h. hrusesi, and woihkIh. J'or Halt; by all ilrugo-iat For lame hack there ih nrithinff holier ti'.an to eaf urate n flannel lo;ii :li C liaiiil.criein's J'ain 1 ! io. I it on the a.'.'i cicd v j' ;:nd y on u ill I,,- Mir hcpruiiipl relief it aliordM. treatment will cure ihau-I'm- m !e I iv I'. Ci. i'ricke par: -. ll l.-l'l at I illle The K i . ; i i -A Co. '1 In I 'i flics of ho Maiin'ino he- fin wiih tho Anmln'f.u for Juno and I iii i nil. el ul laili year. When no time is ripccilioil, e li i htui ipl ionn will bi'in with tho Number current ut tin-lime of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of ll.,ipi -'M iMnt.iiiiir' for three y nr hai L. in neat clulh bind ing will he sent 1,.- mail, po-f paid, on receipt of !f:i.K) per volume. ( loth Ciifen for binding-, ft) rente each- by mail post paid. files Nerve und Liver iils. Actonn flow principle rog-ulat-ing thi' liver, sliiinrcli and bowels through tho norvH. A new dint-overy. Dr. M iloc' Hills speedily cure biliou sness had taste, torpid liver, piles aonstipulion. I'lioijiiuled for men women, children, umaHoHt, inidoet Hi,re.-t! ,"o riouen, o'ic. Samples free at F. G. Frieko A CoV "Tho foremost of our periodicals." COKMAITDIHO IVEEY CEEA1 CENTRE 07 THOUGHT AHI ACTIOS IV THE WORLD. Mm atastplt copy wltt llluitratadprotpae. tus will b snt fat 21 esats. sua towm asnolo. Tm Foam la tha moat matrnetlre, the moat ttmrl tha larr anil tha hanitaoTTiPat of the rffTtwn The three jrrent ffJoupH of mib jcctri out of the coiniiirt pear will be impartially nsd intttnictively dis ciiHsod by thenbleet writers; I. Political subjects prowin out of the grcHiilentinl campnino. , tl- Financial disturbance here and abroad. III. theological unrest- with all tin social questions sugf- ' jreetctf by those groups of jrrcnt top ics. There in no other way whereby one may got the ripest information about tin- cereal problems of the time within so narrow a compass or for so small a sum - short studies of trout subjects by more than linn tlroil of the foremost men and woin- onof the world; because there is only cue American periodical for wlu'cli all the groat leaders of opin ion mid of thought write, and that is TUB Fnk'l'M. The December number for exam ple contains: Degredalion bv Hon sion Tho Protest of l.oyal Volun teers, by lieutenant Allen I Koote I'lillilllerer lit file Sucietvof V(1 Volunteers; Tin; Meaning of the Democratic Victory in Massachu setts, by Gov. Win. Iv. K'ussoll; French fooling toward Germany; AnotSor Conflict iihout Ilsace- Ix rainc IneAitable, hy Ciimmille I'el letan, inombor of the Fronch Cham ber of Deputies; Should tnc Silver I. nw ol 1S!K) ho repealed? liy Jacob II. Sell i fT one of the most successful and in New York; In Modern Fidti cation n Failure? by Fredrick Ilar rison, the groat Knglisli rssayists I'nrogiilatod Competition self-destructive, by Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Western Traflic Association: Women's Clubs, the Volume and the Valud of their Work, by Alice II. Khino; A Day With Lord Tciinison, by Sir Wil liam Arnold. Anil live other arti cles. There lire now in progress discus sinus of our yension system; Prison Management; The Training of Teochcrs; The Lotiisinnna Lottery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Arc Modern Educational Mat ters a failure? , (Vic a copy. $." h yenr. THE FORUM, Union Square, N. Y- .n in .."a nm of r.iEfj Insllr. Quickly, Parmanantly Heatorad. "'"ha'aa. ryniira, DrMllty, n1 alt lha train nf rrllt from r-arlr arniraiirlalnr aiuonwa, ti.a nwulla nf urerwiirk, alrknHu, w.irry,au). kull iranaili, tlPTrlniininiit, anil siaen to avMry iimnii and imnmn uf ilia binir. simpla, nriunil nii'lli.Htii. lietr.e.iiaTii linprnvonipnt Been Si'mIIu ra hiipim.l.i. inn r. f, r-n.i... n...i. atptsu.uons Mid 1-r.M 'n .I ....,',., ,p.u. n.l.irr.ii tRiU MCDICAt. CO., DUFFALO, N. Y.