The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 17, 1891, Image 2

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    li Daily ilt-rald
' .u:s v-pt -iuu.':.v.
-'tr-.l- i i r,.-..r
;i:iir u n ,r ui ri i) ,
tHeyimi icvw . .:pt.
Ki.e ciiat Vlnsn1 F.'tti tiet.
' t.rm fob wimi,
lae opy, die year, lu mlvauoe
' eoPy. ofuj year, not lu advunce...
)ae ooiiy, ,i, mmt)i!. In advance ...
c--y, three numthii, In advance.
"""P one year In narme.
pj per week, by curler
.11 e-?-y, ?-? s-jsth -
.. 2 00
... n
. won
.v I
... V
IF Mills continue to
ly lie will juatly i;ir,
''t!i(.' ejioili-'l l)oy" J i
t.i title of
Jl'H "i;iiiTiil- ' -Ktiri'i"!
" i .ljuh" of tlit w ir wi n
race for th .i-.itvcr-liip f
-" am!
in tin
it t!u
filum v;is c.-cricil mi iy a air.
TlIK ' hlti-r I lewill Kl that il
Clovclnf.l f.-iiln t.) nrrivc tin; ilfiii
OCTiil iy :i'j:jii:i.j'J')'i in it ill I"
no Vdi k man, for tlu-r
yicjtN in New York mure .
arc u:i
i lain to
t it than in (iov. Hill.
Tin; Lincoln Cull says that
J. I). M ini- will I'rub.iMy lie
the rciililican nominei- for
con yrt'iM from thin li-trit next
year. Among the many ' available
and able men, Strrxl ii one.
Is the event Speaker ('riep Ki-t
tangled up in the ruaiinriiicut of
the Jiouie lie can cattily call upon
Tom KeeJ, who will occupy a front
(teat, to help him out (f tli" dilemma.
Reel will gladly render the nrcei
ttary atUtanc-.
THE puhlic spirited men of Lin
coln appear d'-t' Tinined to secure
the location of the Western Normal
College in that city. Tin-re U little
me fur Hinall town- to (oiii'mIc for
the institution if ity i
drti-nniiird to have it.
TUB unwarranted warefare iti-
uguratetl against our public
HchooU by The Eve-mug News will
nor nave tne ieeirei ellect. it im
very evident that our contempary
m actuteil by motive auyUiing
but loyal ami a den ire for truth.
The New York Sun, the foreniOHt
democratic paper of the Empire
Mate, My that if the democratic
platform were to declare for suicide
and polygamy in Vi, the party
would have as much chance of auc
cem an to propone free trade and
income tax an iuggeted by Mills
tnd other democrats.
THE Norfolk beet sugar industry
has junt cloned. The success ban
fieen greater than was apprehended
by the niot panguine of itH u
porter. The authorities announce
that the f.irmir-t in that vicinity
will raie SKI acres ot beets next
year all of which will find a ready
market at remunerative prices.
Fkom prevent indications the al
liance congrcmnian will not create
a revolution In Irgielattire matters.
The boaited forty members of a few
ttiouiiis siiiCr tia uOCI reduced tC
pine and even this Hinall number
cannot agree upon the moft vital
UfHtious. to be proposer! for the
consideration of Congre-. A re
cent press di-ipttch from Washing
ton says:
"A conference of the Alliance
members of the House was held hist
night at which Culver, of Kansas,
and McKeighan, of Mcbrnxka.
locked horns on several question.
Jf U o,uite evident that the alliance
member wilt divide on mont of
their issues. Culver proposed a
resolution providing that the nine
alliance members vote as a unit,
which was e.inu-elly opposed by
MrKriirhnn and finally defenfeil.
Tfien Culver proposed an amended
yuti-tri-asury bill, and Hxked for it.
endorsement by all present. The
liill provided that the fedaral gov
ernment fdiall loan money to coun
ty conimi tsioners on a properly
executed bond at 2 per cent, interest
and the latter in turn shall loan it
at the the same rate of Intercut to
individuals. This, Culver thought,
would le a good way around the
constitutional objection, but Mc
Keighan thought it just as objec
tionable as tin firt sub-treasury
bill and declared thU he would not
make a fool of himself by voting
for such a m In me. The bill was
not endorsed.
Jl'li TI'NS point to yuod lib
t'-inlatice ;:t the beet mlir ruhvi'M
t;on to l,r held at I.iin oia to-day
Tlx- lct
piOWI. lit
Nel Tfj-.:i yirtl;tably has been re
),a1)i41y tleimmstraied, and the
factories 'that have been running ut
Koiiolk a.i-.l Citaa l lti the past
Season h:!ve !ii-i :tteu.leil with
that degree of success hardly antic
ipated by even the most san ruine
of their supoi rters. If thia new in
iliiHtry is pushed to the front, bene-tiri.-nt
results cannot out ueci iie to
til classes of iiidividirili. -me
farmer wilt be benefitted direct ly,
in that his pro-Win will be diversi
fied, having n tendency to give him
a better price for all his products
owing to the more limited supply
of each kind; and all classes will be
benefitted indirectly by the pro
duction of a staple commodity at
mr ooor. in s is mm yci :
industry and the price has not been
materially reduced, but in the event
the production of beet sugar is car
ried on extensively there will be no
doubt that will be greatly
reduced and the foreign sugar
trusts forever broken. Let us ;nish
the beet sugar industry.
A lUr. Wlfn.
South r,n,v turret, fn.m
.1 it kx m
W lH till)
tiny, tlie
rtri-i-t tolhe icivv yird gat-i,
nc-iie (. a ro it. r:i ') ftmotni-r
Jirizs U'lni lim pretty i!.;:;
(.til'.r' wa-ii'-rwt uj'i. I'"r
liter of a
tf.v.K tiais
iJ.irie-y Ll.ira.-i, a Inaliae, itli'l (i''.r
Liii'l.-.iy, a sail-ir en lo'ird th" ree-ivi.-
iitp St. If mn, wiia-h is ut
Lt-airne thlainl. iiavi l- n eimiir'rt' 1 of
the lirirJit cysl la'j -lil r of tint W)tr..-iri
wii.iiiix-s tiiijir wa-inn. Tie) men Nvie
frit-lels and the ui'ii au"-i:ti 'lm r-- IIl'-.l
to Is lib' nt ei'iily divided on t'ne two
anient lovi-r. How to d't i.'.H with
which f.f t!i two kIhi should ca -t h-r lot
was a diflieult probleii), but the happy
tlumght of a foot pre-ent'-d iLself.
The arranq-'ini-iits w re perftcted and
at 9 o'clock Hit- cnttjUiiU appt-areil
njion thu courw, which was two mil'-s
loni;, aixumpunied by a biro crowd who
li;ul Is-t-n advist-d of the contft. liurni
stand 6 fis-t 6 im lnn in height and
weifjlis alsiut 2J0 jxjauds, whils his op
ponent, Lindviy, is litho and willowy;
and ths sp irts in the crowd were not
lon in determining upon the latter ai
thf larorite.
At tht crack of the pistol the lovers
wt-rs off at a rapid ".'ait. mid until tlie
traelcs of the (Ir'cnwieh Paint exteti.ion
(if th" I'enriylvania rnllrfld were revil
ed kept w'!l together. The told
lif.ou iJurnn' wind, however, and li
dropped Is-liind, and when Liud.y
reached the end of the gold his c ra-f-itt-jf
w.u- not ia -.ight Tli! w.-i. l:er
woman' daughter will now beeomj Mrs.
tin hay. I'inladeljihia Ii-eord.
Fncliiih Fortiflcalloii'i In Amtrlra.
John Iiull U preparing t) make thing
pleasant for us. Ho ha been of late
especially active in strengtheninir hit
ontposta near the United States. Hit of
the most powerful modern warships are
to be sent to the North Atlantic squad
ron, the summer headquarters of which
are at Halifax and the winter quarters
Bermuda. Halifax ia close to the Ameri
can line and only 800 miles from Boston.
Bermuda la only 650 mile from Kew
York and U lidarUy fortified.
At Port Royal, in Jamaica, within
one day's aail of Florida by steamship,
Mr. Bull ha some very powerful bat
tent. On the little island of St. Lucia
he has a dry dock, naval station and a
heavy battery commanding one of the
approaches to the month of the proposed
Kicaragna canal. On all these strong
hold money is now being sout We
all know about the arsenal, naval depot
and fortification at Eeonimault, and
ths warships in these waters. Uncle
Bull ha industriously fortified his ont
post a near a ptible to the United
The increaM-1 activity in this work is
ntdy im or thrw year old. It must be
coding a gr"V ileal of money. It mani
fests a very friendly interest in our wel
fare and shows t'oat our jolly old nm-ls
ha hi Is-nevolent eye on us. We shall
have to watch Undo Bull, too, in the
friendliest way. We mnt not let him
outdo us in polite attention.--Boston
B-tovtr4 a Hank Not.
Recently a woman residing in Sooth
Shield was leaving the pontoftlee, and
in passing along Keppel street, near the
South Suit i 1 -police headquarters, she
tore up a five pound note, under the Im
pression Uiat it waa an ordinary pit of
papur. Blie did not discover her m intake
till the evening, whereupon she informed
Chief Constable Moorhouse of the unfor
tunate cirenmstance. It being very
dark, a number of police officer! were
set to work with lanterns, and aftt r a
good deal of labor 8neceded in collwt
Ing in different jnrts of the street a
number of piece of the note.
These were pasted onto a sheet of
paper, and application was made to a
Neweartie. bank, but the patched np note
being refusel there, it was stit to Lon
don to the Bank of England, and by re
tnm of post a new five pound note was
recived by the woman, who showed her
gratitude for the effort of the police by
sending a contribntion, which ha been
pbiced to the credit of a private polics
fnn. London Tit Bit.
A Ticking Ton-baton.
A "ticking tombstone" draw many
visitor to the c'ineU:ry of tlie London
Tract meeting house on the boundary
line between Delaware and Pennsyl
vania. Two centuries ago the region
was settled by (juaker from London,
and list mating house i qnatiit and
venerable. A constant tirking com
from one of the old tomb-tones; and
while many superstition car listen to
the wmnd with awn, practieal pfiple say
that tint ctritie noise i caused by a
subtfrraiwan rivnlet, which drain drop
by drop, H.-.-.i'.-t tlie base of the toiill)
t"?i Y.n.i" I'lade.
ThVj i !!. it should jf.
(li'ftt tugar bei-ti can be
' WW A I'.nn of an Kmptjr Ct.
Thera was a lively commotion at the
Te'crapli LU11 end of Kearny street, and
t!mt no one was injured waa almost a
miracle. Near Valejo street, on Keaniy,
is a wiue saiisiiL Hie proprietor lett
huge empty wiue ca.slt on the outer edge
of tlie sidewalk. Ttat part of Kearny
street is on Telegraph Hill, the steepewt
block in the city.
A man full against tho cask and
started it rolling, A second later it was
making great bound through the all
snd c.'veriiiij twentv fettt of street at a
single flight People seeing the dangei
shouted, to those down the street to gsl
out of the way. Broadway wa cleared
at a single bound, and uarrowi
missed crnhl'ing a laundry wagou inli
splinters. On it went at a Palo Alk
speed, scattering people right and lefu
A Union street cable car was stpd it,
time to prevent a collision. The rnnnicg
cask evidently meant mischief, and. ap
parently to prove the mperiority of wir
over water, it headed for llr. Cogswell"'
fountain on Kearny street and Mont
gomery avenue,.
A bundle that a frightened pedestrian
dropped turned the cask aside so ii
barely missed the cold water re-orl.
However, it took its revenge by smash
a fcinall fruit stand all to pieces, suit
;criiig the fruit in every direction. Th
kiwer deck of a boot black's stand was '
curried away, and a ci;f:ir stand git
blow that r.-itt!-d down thu bosi on tin
At let the cak was s! -- 'e 'it
Jack?, ai ft re.'t by colliding wit ii a hitch-
111',' ,i'st. The lK.nlbi;ii k illilli' diati v
llaniii-d t'if cask 1'irtlii; d.iiii.i." to b -f.taiid.
Tin owner of the cask stofid rt
the top of the hill and wi.-ely b-, nl. 1
that it was better to :-t ay wle-ie he v. i
thaii to veiitme among tho vler-
pi e -e, had bet-n wrecked. Sau u
U Clirolilcle.
lloiinil to lie C'iiiflit.
What is to Is; done when a fi-h which
ought not to Is caught, and which one
dis s not wish to catch, perversely insj-,t
npon Irfing ruptured wht-lher or no, and
actually forces itself inbj on' prssw .
sion? That was the question that stared
Mr. .1. IJ. 'Gregory, of (Quebec, full in the
face when he was fishing for trout at
Tadoiitac one fine day of ths past vcison.
The trout were lawful game, but salmon,
in ths same waters, forbidden frnit. It
was then with a sigh of sincere and un
feigned relief that the angler saw s
hooked ahnon after a bit,f magnificent
play break away with the hook and
parted leader.
But satisfaction wa rSmged to dis
may when thu leaping fish came, with
one grand vault alter another directly
for tiie bo tt, and at l ist lay stunned and
helpless hi tne canoe. Mr. (in-.-ory
promptly sol veil the probb-ui by regain
ing Ins fly nd assi-ting the d-h h.vk
lato it iletie-ut, tliere, like the p.itrioln;
orator, to sink or swim, live or die, sur
vive or perish. Forest and Stream.
A rrllran Hturf.
A Califoniia paer relate the follow
ing fish story: "Sunday there was a great
crowd of fishermen on the wharf haul
ing in yellowtail and mackerel. During
the height of the sport an immenie x li
can, measuring fully six feet from tip to
to tip of wings, flew down so low ovei
th wharf that oue of the boys seized
him by the wing. In the other hand the
boy held string of eight mackerel, and
it was the work of but a moment for the
pelican to grab the fUh and gobble cj.
the lot at one gulp. Other then seized
the bird, but the fish were safe so far a
the pelican wa concerned, and ha war
finally allowed to depart ThU U not
fish story, hut a pelican story, and en
tirely truthful."
A Ciickcl's SubatltoU for th Ilssrth.
One of the curiosities of the Anderson
hotel is the cricket that chirp in the
elevator. During the flood last wintet
the little fellow was washed out of hi
home, but he turned np after veral
days in another part of the house. Then
he slowly moved hi house from point to
J.M lit until he reached hi old home In
Dm elevator, lie has been there now
for several months, and evidently wa
glad to get back, a his song ha been
sharper and merrier ever sincft. Th
little fellow i well fed, but nolody in
the house has seen him. LI is music U
the only thing that reveals hi presence.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
River Itaptlam In Kvmltr.
An attempt i being made to establish
at Fort Plain a Baptist church society.
Mis-tings have ls?en held regularly for
two or three month in the village, and
for some time a revival ha been in prog
if. It waa announced that seven eon
vert would be baptized In Ibe Mohawk
river on a Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. When that hour arrived pie
bridge spanning the Mohawk wa crowd
ed with people, and it i estimated that
a thousand witnessed the baptismal serv
ice. The day wa fortunately mild, un
usually so for November. Troy Times.
Roaliiraa la lt-ialni-aa.
The work of the San Antonio (Cal.)
Electric company will probably destroy
the fall in the San Antonio canyon.
The water of the croek are to lm taken
ontjust above llogsback and dropped
over the ridge to develop the powtir. Il
seems a pity to sacrifice the finest falls
in southern California, but we supose
they will have to go. In summer, at
least, most of the water of the creek will
probably be run through the flume.
Ontario Record.
A Tarrllila gtnla of Affair.
According to the dispatches there is
great dissatisfaction In Chili, a big fight
ou iu Brazil, most of southern Ireland
laid up for repairs, wLoleaale rioting ID
China, a revolution brewing In Greece.
Russia preparing for war and the peace
congress in sesslen at Rome. Indian
ajsjli News.
A lint kill Storr.
This is a gn at ) for dm ks at Sandy
Point, Mo. Two brothers have sold
M.fHKI at one dollar apiece, and TT
worth of fealhr 1m B-mI'.ii J l-r
Many old soldiers, w ho contracted
chronic diarrhoea while i'u the
J service, have since been pcrm'inciit-
ly cured of it by t hainil"riani s
Colic, Cholera and diari hoe, Rem
edy. Eor sale by F. (J. l ric'e Ac Co.
Are you niaje miserableby indi
gestion, constipation, ili.iiiiess,
loss of appetite, yellow ,kinr tshi
loh's Vitalizer is a posif'iye cure.
For sale by F. G. Fricke a Co. "' .
For the remainiler Jot 'tit "Tin'
Fair" will ofler on the .1, 10 and 'Ja
cent counters, articles worth twice
IMC a iiiO la
C SI. Pmil' Clinn-h. nk, between
Killli and Slxlli. Father ( alle y, i'Hsier
M. rvlci't ; V iss at miU l" " A. M. rjiiuday
School at 3 wl'li bcneillolloi..
Ciiiiistias. Tnrnfr I.jciisI and Flulith Rta.
Servlc.ea iimriiliiK kihI evenlsi. tliler J. K.
Iieed, 'laaiiil. B.anla' Beliwl m , .
EeicopAL.-St Luke's C'liiireli, ejirner Third
and Vint-. K. II II. Huikbh. iainr. Her
VI. -es : II a. M. I' d 7 Mr. M. riuiiday Hllloot
HU .JUr. M.
(Ishsas MsTimiiisT arner Hlxlh ft and
liraiille. lie v. lllit. IksIoi. pervieet, ; n a. m,
and ; JO I- M. huuilay Seliuul lo Mi A M.
rnKssVTTfiJA. ifrr!e Is new i-tinrrh. Bur
ner Sixth anil (Iriniiti- sis. liev. J . T. Hair'l,
t'l-ler. Sici'liiv-sc eel al U ,.' ; l ieatlili.K
M II a. m.a el Ii In,
Hi"i. ! s. c. K el ihlf chiiTi-h na-etfevefjr
MiiIiIihIIi evi'lilnf ut t :!' Ill I III liitsi inei't of
tne i iiiK'ih. All ale Hinted lu alOnd Ilu-re
till cilia's,
Fihst MrTiioiusr. Sixth ft., t.elxen Main
Slot IVllH. !ey. I. V. Iltllt. I. 1 1. I'SsliT.
ntee- : II M..'Sie. M Mil .1.1 I'.'.'l
::i u. I'ia. riiieei. k wi'ilm clay evt-o-
i; i .m N ! ii si. v no s . Corner Mini and
S i Hi. l -v .!.. ...o r. tteivit-e li-"al
leans. M in! V ' e!,.,. :i ;.M A. l
H u s e 1 1 T i ' i ' v. e - c i e sal (;r.mi.! r . re-
(st-ei, I- .illi a.,.: ;'U'li.
InlOO'li It M 1 lT. -"t o.lve, I' .k. l.- tweeii
li lilll Phi I ,' , Mil Ui-v. A. H'i-tel, ':..
Ini, h.-- ! i - 1 1 n In. ;'let 7 l III. ilnj' r
ll eelSnii V. t'.liws. lu) ,' ,-i,n. r
l.("jl,s in V- sl'-lln.ih l,!."'K. M .11. sle, I. Oi...
.-! Iliee! In;', ter lie-1. ell : V. ever V h'lltil ty h(
l.'ttKM.n at 1 I) i I.M-k. IO,,Mtl- l.l'i II He, K il:t)
lioin s au a. in . in u : .m . in.
Sot i ii J-aiiK 1 A io ii SAi Iter. .!. M.
W ,.., I au.r. s- rvn i s; Mi. ,.ay Hi'linnl,
us. in.: I n:iet It i'. II a m. ninl p. in.;
,.r l er lli'til'l.' lu-s.lay lililll ; elmlr ilC-
ke 1' rlila) instil. All are si lcinne.
KMCIIli OK rVTIIIAS lisiiiitlrt 1-tnV
So. 47 M. et-every Wnlne-ilay rvenini
at thrir li'il in 1'arn.e e a Cra'i! Iilm k, All Vl
llliiK ttmirma an r-ii.ii ! luv 1! tn a-'eud
C. C. Maishall. C. C. ; ' I la linvey, K. It. rl.
AO. f, W.,. Me.. first and tlilid Frlitay
evfalnir of es'-li mntith l li A It. Hall
In It's'k-tiHik I1, x-k . I iai.k ennllyra, M, W.
I), li kiielHOifi, Keculder.
AO. I' W. So. s4 - Mf-lt s-.iid nnd Imirth
l-'r"tav . ve'ili'i In tlie inonHi ni ii. A K
hall in Hie k hlof k, K.J. -Mnikan, M W,
I , I', lllull, Ueeorili-r,
I)I)YI. Alt MNAM -Ca- fie nrll No Jir.'l.
11 Meet III tne h.ill I- I. all III Hie I aMIH ! 6;
Cr-.:.' leiM x evr .--' Te-il K tics, v - -1 I n
iii, -li, I. ii n.vlitd ll'-nry 1 1-r. I, ., 1,1 ,
I no tt aillia;, S.'i-retoi v.
t'ASs) I.OIM.K. No. H I. Ii. il. K. Ineel rv-
ry I'lje-ii iv in :ln a' their li-.', In I'll ..-r:i it
bl.s-k. AH i .. KeltnHs nri rnrdially lavned
"i attend hen i-.Mt In r.ecily. J Cory
N. li. . W. s.-i-n-tar)
Ospltal lU-ck paid In W I
Authorlied Capital, 1100,000.
rrr-aldooL Vtce-PTeitaul
W. H. CUBBI54. Csbir.
frsok Carrutb J. A. Connor, Y. K. Outbmaor
I. W. Jobcaon.IlrDry Bcecli.JolioO'Keef
W. I), Marnarn. Wm. WsUraeanip, W.
U. Custilnif,
-sum fertlflrAtea nf dpplla bir1nK lnterei
Huva and aell, rirhanK". enmily and
Jity i
civil i:.gim;i:r
All o:dira led wild tli. county clerk will t
promptly attended Ut.
I'l.-ittsmotith, Nehraska
When you jro to a shoe store your
ohject isnot only to htiy shoes hut
to procure for what you spend the
hest that your money will buy.
Less thnn this will not content you;
more than this you cannot, in rea
son, Hsk. Our methods are ns
simple aa your desirea. We do not
lift your expectation to the clouds,
but we reahxe them whatever they
are. We will never sacrifice your
interests to ours nnd nowhere else
can you jct a fuller and fuirer
equivalent for your money. An
especially profitable purchase for
you is our etc. .
."itil Main Street
j. iiftFSKjsr.
Putronnge of the I'ublic Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
PM up capital ..
fHlhwviv bf f:uMliii fir tun intriip
trtnf tl"ii ol UiWiijriit?
Uiillkillg IiilsillCSi
S'oi k.lioinl,Kr'M. (fiivi-rnnieiit a-d local e
ii.rc.ii h"ii..'til and soul. Iief'-m I'-'-i.
11. 1 ai: -tted mi I he r-rt I lie a
.ralis drawn, a..lla''!e In an) I' ut f '
1 niie4 ntalet and h.l Mn-I'Om Ihwu o
1I.U. UVtiest niark't (irlre i.ld for fimnfy War
ranta. Stat' an County ts.Mlf.
John Plti.-rald I. llHk"sortli
ham Wi,n, V. K. White
lieurne B. Dnvejr
lohn f'Mn'TKA, s. w anrti.
rrtisidcut '. t "
Keep all klmU of ImlHi-ra luirdsan on hand
and sill tHM''y i-oi.tintoi un im-sl lav
uiuloti teru a
nnd 1.11 I '-els ol in. n.irk t-"rn. llv
d me. ilnl.-r. Ir nu Ilia cou'i ly s ill. i'.ed
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A lor.j-tcited pain rclieyer.
Iu use is almost by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Kaiser, and ly ever one requirinj- an effective
No other application comp.trei with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy la stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chcs.t is toinj-'ictc without a bottle of Mustako
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
Ail druggist and dealers have it-
Everything to Furnish Your House.
Having niii-chancil the J. V.
Main street where I am now
cr than the cheapest Having jusi jhiiui me largcm kiock
of new goods ever bro'ight to the city. Gasoline htps
1 T. ... T nil 1,:iw1uun1.l JM1 llin in-t llllrn.Til i.l.n. I 1
UlUI llirilllUI O Wl Uli Mllllinuiu
I ELY Uiltl liElrt. M Warrra
A run I.Alt FAM1LT.
Jirssir: " How is it. Kale, that y. ti nlwrr to -cut. h on t' tln iusl le w linns r lu,
whit I nu.j, "J alvtua ut" v B"-'l 'ji
of me " . ' , T 1 ' A
KM: " I don't know: Iff ; 'I V''' -'i
malicii'iv es"i i in thai dm j- n. ,i
.li ssik : " W ell, diirm llie .::4 ll-wmnnttiA (,.'
fur siumtilo, ou have tnkt-u up iainiing.
if I f . ! I- V.l
k ii r- VsrAr i
wllhoilt any tern her i you enme to thf reama
when ttis UliirK'i iicsertfd le-r ls lsnrteoliuw
to nddeiily, Mini conamly we "I" unimiv.
Inir In irniett mider jour (nstrnetion; I Inaiiil
you U'llinK Tommy tin Hie I"1 evi nlii how
bin elnli made inisliikin In .layiinr bHM-lih
you kviii ! Im up nil nil Hie Intest ' finla, and
ainm jo-: ttlsi'.l dounilei slleiri iiinstnnis-a; .
you rntort. ai liejiiitilnlly; smi in tlie lat
mnnih you hiivo un emus! no In henlth.nwlni,
1. .11 im. I,, mm- I hvsiciilcilltureeierelsea.
(v,v do tmi Vi t nil of ""r Inl'inimtion Una little eul-ol tu say place if lof
you iI. viTK-ilolIii'i ity."
Kate: 11 v, Jennie, 7011 n."
S....I I liavSonlv l.neaolirii'Ol ini' mauon
linl II is .iirnr.s.n r le.w 11 in" In nil funis
very 11 ti--:r "f umihiiiir in w mil na
tlienevt fetrdi.ys I linif me l"lj Inl' iniaiion
mi lh siil,.', t. Vnii.ey No! MuKloillPt
An I a front inileiiin H- I t '
reillv liinnsheH I :! rt fi'llow I"r Hie lilt
I,.,,,- Iiol'l: lather luiaslvi'll lip Ills nminjitm
tint lie has l.i: en l"r enrs, n l.e sa)s thu
one iroes mure m.d U in r Inli'iiniitiou t,n
ti.e '!ii)'"'is ot I'"- do; and iiu'ilier an)
that if is tt' ii' t l"T uli li fm"'i
I,,..,,..,, -. ;- r. In III' I. H I'll lis It " tlell II M
I, no' I ollV rtVII.V Mill'.! .ne pi In -lad,
ts - I. ii - - I't t or s ill, '. s ol li. I et tin til.
'ld un-1 one is S.I l"r ll.eM. i'""'-l'er all
t ,r . ii' o. mi l iiii'.iner f-r tl..i-irtii only,
w'iII.-i i.. i.e suits ewrv i"i' id ns; 'i
in -1 i . . I, -i. ml i t m m i i. I. nn,i
t ,, ,., ,. , i , ,.....(. . . ,.'n, in. I r it I
mill f-: '"i v,r. I'. rln I" Jon I'.ii'k I rn
t-i-i I IVI - il in in I sri.-e; I - ,i I n'.l ! I ton "stl
(en. ii.-. I'. i. r -, I. M'l In cent-, ("lie I'i'tl-
.1 :'H I .- l'einnis-l, j;, I . t ll'll
' Vers. Inr a miiii'le d o. nnd I
'i.i:l J'lt -..lo:oer lint I il"lie yoll
LT. ll I ll-T ; II..-I II. .iv l- will law nil III
lis i. ot, Hs lo, I Mil' We nine I la re m tut I'. II of
ln'iinr lh lst informed family In town. If
that la. so, if la ht-uiurt-at' luim.y tlajjiuin
Usal d.s-1 L"
A fil.eral oiler -only f:Ui0 for
Tin: wr.i.TLY iii:kali
and Demurest Family Mii-,'iaiiio.
J"pSeri( your sill-script ion to this
kAAXj Sclentlflo AmerlcaB
Anencv tiTii
W ' W w
n.r.D MIDVI.
fnt Inf rmafinn sd free trsndh-ii'lr wif,
Ml SN A CO, l lOlo'OH IV, Nj..'
?(ifntifw anniran
I .rrsrt r!rniltli--n of any rti-ntlf e tsttiet n Iha st"-..i,.iiT n,u.irau-i. ii ,.,:ll1.L;;"i
tn.n fhn.ilil lai lth..ul II. It .1.1 1' 1
I .ar: II ilti ni..t'Oi. A'Mn-t M I'N.N aUI,
i a-.ii.ukiM.iU bn-adtray. W Vura.
"Week bach r-torc room on south
located' can sell goods cheap
a. .a .
vn am. iiiniuiuin ut jmiii (
-. T'it. rOSrtt Lj-