The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 17, 1891, Image 1

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pM Daily
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' niTJl YE Alt.
ux9Tox k uissounimrgs n. n.
1 6 : Wi P. M
'. lUUHk. II.
'o . 7i4 p, m
o.lo 9 !-,. in
Nol M a. m.
No. J, 6 :2l p. ui
No. S ... A3 a. m
v'o. 7 -IB a. III.
Ill ;l a. Ilipil. ,. ..
1:30a. m No. it,. ..
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11 rt a. m.
,j inxwviu r.u iFic haii.way
. ' TIME l Ak'I).
. W Aceomoilution l.ciivo..
. nam arrive...
Train dully except Funnily
ln.M a m.
4 .wi p. i".
Absolutely Pure
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of nil in leavenimstrength
Latest U.S. Government food report
J Attorney il.lji. Will irlv prompt attention
' lo all tm.liie. fiifm.teil in Mui. Odlne ID
1 Unloa block, Kwt Hide, t'lattrmoutli, Neb.
irVaiT .
i ii" ..
lli.l o:
tu Mr
. f nlicy rllilH'ti. tit nd quill
Rev. Guy Wingate is an Omaha
visitor to-day.
PlatHmouth Souvcnier spoons at
Carruth A Son's. 3t
Santa Cluuse, Christmas and
Geo. Vass. tl
Pure titickwbcHt flour for ale ui
Ueiucl's mill. tf
For a nice Hat or Cap go to JOK,
the One Trice Clothier. tf
For fine boot and shoe" g to
Joseph, Main street, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, tf
II. C. McMaken departed for
Kearney this morning on a busi
ness trip.
I warrant every piece of goods I
fell and will Hell at bedrock price
forthe next thirty days.
li. A. McElwain, Jeweler,
415 Main Htreet.
Refore) you buy any Men's, Hoys'
or Children's Clothing look through
JOE'S line. He will eave yon
money. tf
We will give genuine bargains iu
gold watcheH nnd jewelry.
H. A. McElwain, Jeweler,
413 Main Htreet. tf
J. M. Patterson nccompnnied by
Mrs, Sam Patterson departed for
Omaha thin morning.
The largest and best line of
Gloves at wonderfully low pric at
JOES, tf
For abstracts of title nt reason
able rates, go to J. M. Ley da, Union
block. tt
Children's fine shoes at Schild-
knecht's. 3
Gnppa at Loulavilla.
Reports from LouiHvillc convey
the intelligence that la grippe has
become epedemic in that sectioji.
It is reported that nearly every
hoiiHe has been converted into a
hospital, yet no serious, results are
apprehended at oiice. Several
Cnaoa ara uUn knoWU to exist in
Tha E. Q. V. Soolaty.
The F:. Q. V. society will hold
their regular meeting at the resi
dence of Perry Walker Thursday
LVc. 17, where the following pro
gram will be rendered:
Mini.: Iimlriimcnlul Lillian Hinlth
Kecltallnn Ancle A(Hit
Kiopllun Slatiu-ry Carroll Uonaxt
Mualc-lnsti uin.'iital .. Id 8111I1I1
Krcltatlim N l tin Wuvtirklit
KKypHan ryriimldi Koi? Ilypm
tMixfr. jAiinr-ttfl. rmnk While
Ri'dlullim M;ruurlte I)vl
M!is!c-lfst"imnfa! Maltln Hmllli
K-H'ilnu'if lurla Ml.i McClKllund
Kxercihes commence at 8 p. m.
At the ChrlMtlan Church.
The Cantata entitled "How we
Waited for Santa Clause" will be
rendered by the members of the
Sunday Hchool at the Christian
church on Thursday, Christmas
eve. To which a cordial invitation
is l vtended to all. A treat is in
store for all who may attend, and
Santa Clause will appear with pres
ents for ull,
Hlkl) CwrrtHFiixn,
Supt. S. S. und Manager.
Tnrilfi cillfl ltlM nau
hi t fi' I. Iticy h-va lull
I tiniv h'XMl- ami In or-
drrl iFlMiH old nl.M'k out bur r
ductd lli':lr nrw rmlnr hnl to to ami to
IS In Irlmmeit,
Plattsmouth,' Nebraska.
Thnre are lliiii:inil "t yoiirer lmMe, e",
mrla. nrhiMil leaflient cleiM, He oho i re ekln;
out rn exlHiri.ce mi a 'iy barely iiltlck'nl
to mipply Ihelr every dn' niiu.
Hv minpleiliiK a roura In h"t rianl and
ty (liilnlil''gtliy caiiraru Iioio M lo lio lT
Hl'iia'lon (tu"rlteed tornnipetent liioVi.U
Indlilivual iiii.liuitli.n, Hew lpeiller
Bomnf "er Hiini !ore.
Itridxtf work and finu 'ld 'ork
DR. BTFINAt'H IM'l. a well a other u
enllielU'JiKlvea lorlhe paliilemcalraoiloo ol
tee 111.
a A. MARSHALL Fit'lil P'o-'
A. 1J Knotts departed on the
early train for Lincoln as adelegate
the to sugar beet r nvention.
Did you see j
line of suspenders?
For gents Christina, Blippers go
ot Joseph tl
Fint- line of men's shoes in the
I city at Schildknecht'fl. 3
The time has arrived that the
boys ehould put their Hkate in
good repair.
The Schildknecht shoe store is the
place to buy children's tine shoes. 3
IWT A pair of plain spectacles
and case last Saturday, December
The find will please leave the
same at this office.
Ladies' felt shoes only f 1.00 at the
Schildknecht shoe store. 3
Do not fail to hear "Siiort Mc Al-
lister" at the Waterman Friday
Why will you couirli when Shi-
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts., U cts. and $1.
For Bale by F. G. Fricke A Cc
Wa.ntkd A irirl to help ,th the
housework and sleep nt li. ie.
For n nice X-mas present sro to
JOK. the popular clothier and look
at his hue line of Mulders mid Mats.
J. M. Craig and Henry Hoeck were
pnssenirers on .o. 5 tor Lincoln
whither they go to attend the
sugar leet convention,
Geo. Vass and the court house
clock. tf .
He sure to call and see the prices
on I.iiilii'M niiil (ic ills gold and
gold lit led Wiitchi'S.
!. .. ? l WAIX, Jeweler.
413 Main street. tf
Steepness ni"ht made miserable
by that terrible caut;h Shilohs rem
edy is the cure for you, by F. G
Prick, and ( II iwiyucr. 4
A Sioux County school "deestrict"
iin.1 a KOrrl picn'.C rerently. A
large crowd of the farmer boys
and girls gathered and while the
girls prepared dinner the boys cut
wood. A sufficient aiiount of
wood was cut to last during the
winter. Evidently the young folks
will have the "picnic" later on
rcuu link or
always In slock
JV : D-K :
J fun and rt;
li. hleluyt Mn.i'Uhellr for the paliile. ei
iriM'iiotP or leeui.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
ftockwood Block I'lallmnoulli.Neb,
Good Feningl Have you used
Ah! there is no need ot my saying
anything further, I am mire you
will hereafter use nothing but the
ruinous Plush of Hoses for your
couinlexion. Yours with best
Flora A. Tonus.
South Hend, Ind
P.S. Call thiseve nlense at O. II
Snyder and learn the particular
Iliminess is brisk among our
merrhaats for those who advertise.
Wed M In j Ban,.
At 3 p. m. to-day, at the residence
of Mrs. Jas. O'Neil, grandmother r.f
the bride, Ivdwa-d Darker and Cad
die O Neill were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, Kev. Haird of
the Presbyterian church officiating.
The wedding was a very quiet one,
there being only a few of the imme
uiate relatives of the contractmir
parties present. The contracting
parlies have each resided in Platts
mouth for years and arc held in
high regard by their large circle of
In a few days they will be "at
home" in rooms over Elsou's
clothing store, and doubtless will
be glad to welcome their friends.
Tub Herald extends to the
happy couple congratulations and
expresses the wish that the journey
of life, so auspiciously begun, will
prove an eventful and prosperous
If you want ladies' felt shoes, they
are f 1.(10 per pair at Schildknecht' s.
One if the newest and brightest
lines ol
Plush' Goods, To j j. Dolls. NoTelties.
Kur tha Holiday trail that haa bee
icon la tows for year.
Which was bought early in the
season from tome of the
Which guarantees you the pick of
the market and at prices
for which we
are noted.
:Tt,e Lowest in the Country :-
The public I eordlally Invited to Iniipnrt our
goon aoo compere price
R.r, EHCIIEK, I'rop.
"Sport McAlliter."
Next Friday night will be a gala
night at the Waterman. William
A. Hrady's matchless company of
comedians is billed to appear, sup
porting the quaintest of ull Irish
comedians, Hobby Giiylor, in his
new farcical comedy, "Sport McAl
lister, One of the 4U0." Jeremiah
or ".Sport McAllister." s an Ir ch
imin of leisure with sporting pro
clivities and an ambition for polit
ical honors. He receives the nomi
nation for the office of sheriff of the
city of New York from the demo
cralic party and at once proceeds to
canvass for votes in onoosition to
Dennis MeGinty, the republican
candidate for the same office. The
latter is game, however, und shews
fight The electioneering tricks f r
sorted to by both sides in order to
secure the popular vote are im
mensely funny. "Sport" culls
meeting of his followers, and his
rival, who lives opposite to him
calls an opposite rally. "Sport's'
son writes up a speech for his
father, to be delivered from the
balcony on the night of the meet
ing, and, while prompting his father
on that occasion, he transfers the
manuscript to his dudish step
brother, Percy, who gives the old
man a protection speech instead of
the proper kind. A volley of bricks
and other missiles is th result of
the mistake, und Percy is sent off iu
disgrace. "Sport" is. not daunted
by the accident, however, and in.
vites the bosses of the foreign vote
to a grand banquet, where, by his
clever diplomacy, he Ix-comes
master of the situation. In the last
act, where an amateur theatrical
performance is given on the stage
of the New York Lyceum theotrei
the public is let into a few stage
secrets. The curtain rises on
perfectly bare stage and the entire
scene is set before the audience
Many fine specialties are intro
duced In this act, which is the
most unique of the three. The
names of Georgia Parker, Heatrlce
Norman, P. Carroll, Chas. W. Young
and the "Olympia Quartette" are
already famous snd they alone
stamp the attraction as first-clans
A Communloatlon.
A4 short time ugo the Evening
Ne.vs we suppose on account of
the scarcity of news items-published
a half-column urticle on
'Abolishing the Whipping Post,"
and much attention was given to
the matter at. the time. Only the
igntrrance of the editor was pitied,
und the subscription li- wh visibly
reduced. Tuesday evening the
News came forward attain und criti
cised the Delsurf c exercises, u.ecj now
the schoolft It plainly shows that
the New, is determined to outdg
onize the public schools, no. matter
what is done. So we th'iiilt jf time
to c:ill a halt. In (he first place, the
Dclrtarte exercises refcrrtd to are
only used iu one room-Die high
school, where, they are practiced ten
minutes each day. We do not he.
lievc it would do any harm if
properly used in all the grades.
Hut a more suitable method is UHed
in all grades below the high school.
The Carl Ilet, system of gymnastics
is used twice u day iu place of the
old time recess. This system is
used iu the schools of Kansas City,
Omaha and many other cities,
where special teachers are cm
ployed for that purpose. During
this exercise which never requires
over ten minutes fresh air is ad
mitted to the rooms and the
children gfven a complete rest and
a vigorous recreation. Jlns exer
cise resembles the military drill
somewhat and commands attention,
precision and carefulness iu each
and every movement. We have
seen nothing like "chicken stretch
ing" or "St. Vitus' dance," as re
ferred to by the News. We might
say in this connection that the
schools were never in a more pros
perous condition than at present.
And when the News spoke of abol
ishing the whipping-post it re
ferred to several severe cases which
took place yearn ago before the
present management had charge.
Such articles are misleading and
unfair, und show that that great
moral sheet- the News will resort
to anything to carry out its designs.
We are in favor of doing away with
corporal punishment as soon us
practicable, and if the News would
take charge of about a dozen boys
tint could Tie selected it would not
be necessary to resort to the rod;
they would like nothing better than
to be expelled from school und
given an opportunity to roam the
streets lit will. When the time
comes that parents can control
their children without the rod, then
our schools can do likewise. If the
editor of the News would try teach
ing school a day or two perhaps lie
would lie lietter qualmeu to criti
cise. Or, if he would takj the
trouble to visit our schools and see
for himself what they are doing
he would know more and say less
K Stiiiqlqoi of Gisl Tiqde o
While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are favored with, we
still desire to lncreae our
and have completed arrangement in which we have Becured large quan
tities, at tirst lianas, ol ine ccieuraieu
Cull on the Tucker Sisters in the
Sherwood block for bargains in
Winter Hats. tf
Lll of Lettam
Renuiuiugiinclaimed iu the post
office at PlattHinouth December K
for the week ending December 0:
Aekley, It W Hvrari. Owe.i
Heein, Until H iker, i-o If
O ilman, A rem I'litinli chain S
( lark. II.i-imi Marin cut. f
pM'KMOtl. .1 K
liny, Ml. I. Ma
!lan, MI- Mary
.lone, Mr HC
Kralenehoirl, Karl
l.oi tf, M in. .loon
Mmiimnnery' V W
MuehliukH, John
Mallln.Mn Vail
ii.tHini, ile k
MeKeaiy, I S
hWMieoLei, VM J X
Staiiiil.ii. Panlel
Smith, Steve
Kilo aril W II
11.11. Mr. K
K 1 1 hi ry
hliiK, SO
l.antv .1 It
Max I.. I II
Maial. lln flora
.Noli, ii, vvm (1
Koherli, J W
hfi It. Luther
Sm'lh M'- eerta Hubert
Taylor, Vvm
at such prices that we propose to give them to our many customerO be
lieving that we shall increase our trade, an our customers appreciate vjc
fact that we nre spending the money we set aside for advertising mirpos
es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate Vjie gifts and
tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade.
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $3 entitles the purchaser to
either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Hutter Knife or Sugar Shell sold
by Jewelery ut $1.00.
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $13 entitles the purchaser to a
set (lj of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, Bold by Jewelers at $2.0q
EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $123 entitles the purchaser to a
set (0) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at
EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to a
set (II) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel
Forks, or a set ot Tripplc plated Knives, Bold by Jeweler9 at $4.00.
ERE is what the manufacturer Bays in regard to Solid Silver Net
al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow
ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take
the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented
for some time to attain this end, and nre now able to offer the public our
Rotrers' Metal and Knurrs' Solid Nickel Silver. We E-ue.-antce this metal
superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi
dence in assuring our customer, that this ware is inferior to Bervicc on
to solid silver. It is a beartiftil white color, is highly poiisned ana
an hardly be distinguish -d from pure silver. We recomend this ware
specially tor hotels, restpurauts und boarding houses, us it will stand
more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold
its color and will outwear any plateware ever manulactured. All out
customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac
tured plated ware since lMtio, and their name is never put on goods that
are not of a high grade, ho our customer can rest assured that they are
getting some very desirable goods when they get goods under their
brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it 18 too
Wc Qtiqi'qcc oi Prices o be le LoAvesf
Headquarter for Everything in the line of
Repairing of FINE WATCHES n Specialty
ond ull Work Warranted.
33. A.. M'ELWAIF,
415 Main Street, . Plattsmouth, Neb
Tile, 11 M
Persons calling for any of the
above will please ask for "adver
tised" letters.
II. J. Strkioht, P. M.
C. W. Sherman has our thanks
for a paper containing a report of
the Missouri river improvement
Christmas is druwing near. Con
suit the advertisers in the columns
of Tub Herald before purchasing
Christmas goods.
The children that are to tpke
part in Christmas entertainment at
the M. E. church are requested to
meet at the church 7 o'clock sharp.
Conductor Lyman, of the paper
train, is compelled to lay-off this
morning on account of a severe at
tack of the grippe. Conductor Mc
Crcath has been installed to fill the
Shareholders holding paid tip
stock in the Provdent Savings Loan
and Iluilding Association, of Oma
ha, of which there are a number in
this city received their semi-annual
dividend December 1.
Ufutrice is considering a proposi
tion looking to the location of a
furniture factory in that growing
young city. What is Plattsmouth
considering? Echo answers she is
eonsirlering the lillies, How they
fe;v;;fe: "If
Plattsmouth Souveneir spoons at
Carruth St Son's. 3t
The comity commissioners, Geo.
Vass und the court house clock.
You can get the best of hand
made boots and shoes at Joseph
Fetter's. tf
The Norfolk sugar factory haa
just closed for the season. The
output for the year was 1,300,000
pounds, 1,300,000 pounds of which
has been inspected by the govern
ment officials, and a bounty of
J'.'OXIO allowed.. The remaining
310,000 will be held over until next
yeur for inspection.
A Row at tha B. A M. Station.
This morning when the west
bound flyer arri"cd a gang of
toughs from Creston, la., alighted,
the majority of whom were glori
ously drunk, nnd began abusing a
certain member of the purty.
During the altercation one of the
parties seized a car pin and hurled
it violently at a member of the
party, woun ling hint frightfully
about the head. He was at once
taken to Dr. Cook and his wounds
were dressed. The injured man
would make no arrest as he was
not positive who his assailant was,
and all that were able to travel were
permitted to go on to Omahu,
whither they had started.
Upon investigation we learned
that the crew had been discharged
from the employ of the C. H. A j. at
Creston, la.
Home. Maualne, 1111(1 Hriiai.d
loieilo IU ol. ami II Kit. i,ii
Hanier' mmc n mui llt JIAi.B
llHrper't llii..,r nnd 1Irhi.i
Ilmpi r'n Weekly and HKHAI.I
Iowa SI ale. Keener anil IIkhai.D
Western Kural a"d IIkhalu
The Koriiin and IIkkai.ii
(Ilobe-DemoetHt and Ukhai.u
luter Ocean and Ubkals
tt tl
. J 4t
.. i ,
.. 4 M
,. 2 or
.. t 60
. 2 10
.. 2 116
The laws of health are taught iu
the schools; but not in a woy to be
of much practical benefit und arc
never illustrated by livingcxampler
which in many cases might easily
be done. If some scholars, who
hail just contracted n cold, was
brought qeforc the school, so that
uh could hear the dry, loud cough
and know its significance; see the
thin white conting on the tongue
and latter, us the cold de- eloped,
see the profuse watery expectora
tion and thin watery discharge
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar should tlren be given
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free
ly, that ull might see that even a
severe cold could be cured in one
or two days, or at least greatly miti
gated, when properly treated as
soon as the first symptoms appear.
This remedy is famous for it's
cures of cough, colds and croup.
It is mnde especcially for these
disease and is tne most prompt and
most reliable medicine known for
the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale
by F. G. Fricke A Co., druggists.
i - i
Do you want to know what would
make your father, mother, brother,
Sister and sweetheart happy? It is
a nice pair of shoes or slippers for
a Christmas present. W. A. Hoeck
A Co. have just received an elegant
line that they oiler at Vkky Low
prices for thirty days only. tf
i "