The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 16, 1891, Image 4

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k V lDVM VI V i : ft. tt.
. h : (16 H. M
NqU .. :45 a. m.
10 : ). ii .1 J ft : ii. m
"d i . m I mi. t !lSaLBi.
'.i WUa.ll Nil. 4 S.'iAp.BI
j I nS. i, K ;u!t v, ui.
" 2 l"o,19
. 4 -J
. m Aoom4aUn wt Urss i. m,
, 3' " mv.- , Oil p. Ii.,
?"ina Sally ricMHu mhiv.
h . 41 . m V- u m
-cru ae'. ii imard present,
when the following' was I done,
The petition for public road
running through sections 7 and 8
township l' raiiire 14. and section 1
townwhip 12, range VI, was taken up
and the action taken in allowance
for damages made on November '),
wai corrected and reconsidered
as to damaged to Anton Seller and
J, F. Stull and A. H. Smith, and
amount allowed aa follows:
A B. Her, on wl4 nw'4 n' ee J-IL'-U, .. 35 so
J t Stull, ani'nt. w'4 dw !(' (-I2-U ... 7S0u
County clerk ordered to change
record made November '20,,
before the Mine was read awd
signed by commiMmoners.
Bond of Conaiit limn., for faithful
performance ol furniture contract,
was approved.
Jurors' fees for November term of
district court were allowed, except
fees for night service as designated
on bill.
The following appropriations
were allowed:
C W Khorinan. priming .? 13 75
M B Murphy i t o, mdse to poor 41 Sv
A C Lis'er. sal and sip sect 41! Ju
A B Toild, " " " 5T Mi
J TrttM-b, " 4; Hi,
H Boerk, Imral of pauper it ti
WJ Will., eoil to county 171 91
Btaniln Kr, mde to pw ... 14 00
A B Kuotl, pnniiiiu ... 7 K'
Fred floo., boarding Juiy uw
F 8 wmt. ire! to pHir . V 2..
Jo Graham, krepliiK poor 30 00
8 Heemr, riKiin lur rice Ion loi
J W Bcrg. j on
O E We-cott. nidie to poor 1 110
OT Kucavelt. krplr g poor HUT
Beopett ft Tutt, iuiie to poor t 00
ii W (Uwielle. p.iiuli. g ul 2 0
Pred Putter -Ob room for sli-eiion 3011
T Clark, eoal lo county poor 4 ;
B Bnerw.iod, ihoeri to poor 1 So
M I Blark, rent of ofTlis oj
Mr JSfn, boardiiiu Jury 3 21
PlatU R11 1 Elec't ft Co n w
J C Elknliry, kaeplng touoty boute
Im rent 125 2i
H J ntrrlght, envalopei Vi i
G W Souie.nal A tip 101 M
Bird Crltchfleld, ial, work ft rip IH in
OAK riml. Hiittmou!D. bull rent jury. 3n OS
Paul Trlllliy, rare. .ck 1 on
W C fbowalter, rip acc't dlit eitirt. 42 M
J H Hi!!. e!t lf)iB, MkkI Ijirvn . I 00
W C Heowattrr, " " " .. T So
WmTl.'be, " ' " .. I 5
OBPoJk, ' - " .. 200
Mn Horn, " .. I 00
Wridmsn 4 ftreekrnfrld, llidrr to Cu'y.. 14 30
Ellen Cory, car nek ( 00
top re. id.
A C May?, ureyii,g road , 40 I
J F JokiKon, nid to c nuty 4 10
D W Knt. r, liiiiilM-r for road 27 To
8 S ilcNujllu, g,d'i.g r.a4 km
iiKiiii; r I'm 11,
South Platte Lumlwr Co a) it
MwrHicr rtMii.
Bot raaght, 1 11 in tier for diit 19 10 to
Hoard adjourned till lo-morrow.
December 2, 1 ?'.'!.
Bouid liitt, full board preriit,
when the following was done,
I C. KickholT, counly treasurer; H
T. Swanback, con-table, Salt Creek;
K. E. Farmer, justice of peace, Salt
Creek; I". G. Ilarshman, overneer
district .MJ; V. H. Short, juelice of
peace, I'lattsmouth city; C. II. King
justice of peace, Weeping Water;
Fred Patterson, justice of peace.
Rock Klufls precinct; Henry
Behrns, assessor; Chas. Ileebner,
overseer district 42; II. G. Race,
assessor; A. L, Timblin, assessor;
J. P. Falter, assessor; A. O. Cline,
justice of peace, Louisville; S. Halh
away, overseer district 30; J. For
syth, overseer district 51: D. Wood
rd, constable, Weeping Water city;
4J. Outhman, assessor; Theo Shaffer
justice of peace, Weepinjj Water
city; J. IT. Hart, assessor, Stove
Creek; E. R. Todd, overseer district
1; J. A. Pollard, justice of peace,
Nehawka precinct; E. S. Gilbert,
justice of peace, Weeping Water
precinct; Ed Conrad, overseer
district 41; A. Crittenden, justice of
peace, Salt Creek; X. Mitchell,
justice of peace, Weeping Water
precinct; W. J. Doty, overseer dis
trict 34; Tom Smith, constable,
Rock muffs; G. T. Noble, county
superintendent; Chas. Root, justice
of peace, Rock Plufls; J. C. Smith,
overseer district 3.5; Wm. Tlghe,
sheriff; M. Archer, justice of peace,
Plattsmouth; Frank Dick ion,
county clerk; Fred Panka, as
sessor, Louisville; Jacob Pearson,
overseer district 7.
December 3, 1801.
The following insurance was
placed upon the court house, and
represented by the companies
Phd'tiig Insurance Co., Hrooklyn,
2,fX0, Ifamburg-Iiremen Co., f 1XX),
C'alafornia Insurance Co., $1,000
W. W. Drummond, Hgent; German
las. Co., $2,1X10-1. J. Hansen, agent;
.Aincrlcau Ins. Co., $2,0()O-W. L.
P.rownt agent; AelnJ, Ins. Co,
r-.fv-P. H. WnuYham, agent; 1 :i:-
Ass n rhladelphia.fl.0ii0, In-. Co.
North A mi-r'.ca,f 1,(K fcranklm l'lf-
P';ia-V:hi!-.ia. fl.Oi). American
I 'ula-lelpbia, r2,C:y, American. k 01-: vatow in having an eff.Tt njion the peo
tral, St. IahiIs, $1,U -TIkim. JVIoi k, I'le wlio nso them that Is causing good
"".r; Orieiil. Hartford, 2,..X)-D. d',,li "f 'Iculatlon u to whether it 1
O. Dwyer, agent; NafionalJ Fire Ins 1 J !- P7nB hvinS weak heart to
a....... . rm tiD an J down nn tKem t.nn.u
Co., fl,1), German Aiuerii
Royal Ins. Co., J1.C33 H. S
agent. Oakland Home, $:!,
f ( -
x-, s
Mathews, agent; Firemen
I 11:1 vlrin
--- - - - - 1 j
u.,tUJ M. A. uavis, agen'l; jjuccn
Ins. Co., fl,0:X)-Tom Walling, agent;
German Ins. Co.. Frrcnort. I!!..
ZZZ C. S. F&K "-n: North-
, x- 1 i 1
wesle n Nationa', ,t.0-j. M
T , A . , .
ua.agen,; Amcin ri e, .-.ew
-o.if, .), cnrJem.-.ei-a,
York, fl,C J F -aiik Wilson, agent
r.KwusAi. rt'Ni.
WL IM Tlka t, !k iniai.i'd ll 14 Alt
i ""u a : y Z
H M Bon, boa d nuMry M 80
Be ,eU & Tutt d.e to r--.r i M
Omaha Kemil.llra.. 1h resell,!. MM
CMt bill. State vi. Hull allowed V OS
Cieit hilt KIjUvi '
Cost bill. Sta e v Kred Maton 77 99 ' change of environment, but it may or
Com till, NtM Krt fjiker (9(;lnay not cause an airirravation of the
i". It 1 r.irn,eieii!M' te tg;u.liil( S 08
Cuit bill, Slate r-itruiin VI (A
Out Sla'eChan. si.rman 12 5
CoM b'll rs stile ('in . Brown 27 .'4
Adjourned till Pecemler 8, IM)!.
December S, 1I1.
Hoard met pursuant to adjourn
ment, full board present, when the
following was done:
I. D. Hal 1, fuperluteiidi'Dt court buuie f 74 00
Hoard th.-u adjourned to settle
with county officers, and to meet in
regular adjourned session January
5, IS'.'.
HlKD Chitchfihi.
County Clerk.
Moor Knighia of Pylhiaa
Important business this evening
A full attendance is desired.
C. A. Makshall, C. C.
Oth Dofey, k. R. of S,
Vass and the court
hou se
Money to Loho.
The regular meeting of the Liv
ingston Loan Sc Huilding associa
tion to be held Thursday, December
17, at secretary's office, over Gerlng
A Co.'s store.
Tlia Apparitlaia la Ilia Elevator.
Some years a'o a young nmn came to
Chic.-igo fr'via Uetumny. Ilia fatlu r lad
cnt him oft from his annuity. H lived
iu the same houwo whers I lived. U t
finally obtained a place in ons of the big
grain elevators here. I do not know
wLat the place was eieept that he bail
something to do on the top floor, away
np nnder ths roof. Several men wers
employed with him in the same place.
One day while he was dnsting he snd
denly stopped and akel his as-,inUnU
who that nicely dres-vd old man was
that was standing back there bv the
shaft. Strangers are never allowed in
ths liiff elevators, and to ft,- one t)i.rM
well dretwed was enough to eicite com
ment. His oomnauions looked in ths di
rection indicated and said they saw no
one. He insisted, and when they laugh
fed at him he went to the !! where hs
aw the figure sundiug. Oo hU ap-
proacn tt vaiused.
The yonng man fainted. He recov
ered and then akejd his companions to
make a note of the occurrence, the date
and the time of day. He said the figure
he saw Was that of hii father. In
twelve day( he received a letter from
the old country tellinir him of his father's
death. The date and time agreed with
the date and time of the ocenrrence I
have describe!. The letter informed
him that his father bad 'fyririven him
and remembered htm in his wiiL II
returned to the fatherland, trot hii rwir.
tion of the estate and is living there
now. Ton may say what yon piease,
but I have never felt like scoffing from
the time I heard this dory. The spirit
ofth.thny's father at. wared to him on
me up riior of that elevator. Eugene
1 leiu in oiiicago Aevri,
Ml.y lha Shark la Alvajs Hnntrr.
As it is a sonrce of wonder how th
flea manages to exift in the sand, where
bis chances of obtaining a meal may
not occnr once in a lifetime, so natural
isU are pnrzied as to how the shark
maintains himself. The ocean it wide,
and the number of men who fall over
board small Indeed In comparison to iu
area, ine vast proportion of sharks,
then, must go throngh their lives with
out a remote chance of obtaining a meal
at the expense of the hnnso kind.
There 1 no eronnd for the snonnnltlnn
that the shark can exist upon air; he is
not like the whale, provided with an ap
paratus that enables him to sweep np
the tiny inhabitants of the ana. Ha
too alow in (wimming, and Infiaitely too
siow m lunnng, 10 caicn any nsn tntt
did Dot deliberated awim Into h
and anloM we suppose that, as it U said
or me snajte, ne exercises magnetic in
fluence over fUb and causes them tn rn.h
headlong to destruction between bis
jaws, 11 is impossible to imagine how be
obtalM a sufficient ripply 0 food for his
Indeed, It would appear that it is only
when he rets the eood luck to llirht
A dead or badly injured fish that the
snara nas ever tne opportunity or mak
ing really square meal, fill prolonged
fast certainly furnish an ample explana
tion and exense for his alWeH
0 Q "
of disposition. London Standard.
Wkal II HufMd.
Mr. De Brute Mr wife lu a
which knows a hundred different tricka,
Wouldn't yon like to have him?
Mowman Indeed I would. Is he for
"Won't (he aell him at any pricer
"Then why do vou (tieak to rns aliniit
'I was in honm mitvU von armU
(teal him." Good Nswa
v lio filiould Do Careful
I Tliry I the KanlS I. if, a.
T, ntm of rapid traveling ele-
"1 C'4
K,-.n.,.v 8)m9 t00 believe that th rapid mo
. :T' Ha and sodden (ton are liable to pro-
a-- " 1 " ,J uauiQ w jiru
; dnc heart diwaar. Ivr a ,..1
' tti-a. tA I... i. :
' ( tuujfc, uuk iiiuir ojhuioho
(m 10 lena color to the theory that a
prson with a weak heart (hould not
! frequently on inch elevators.
"Thil1 U cerU,nir JnUrwilIiig
, uuwuSS. I?r. Try""" J. Aim's,
,, " , ,, , -
wno akes dmeases of lut Ivkit a
ipwi,Ity, have com
pUinisff cf a ti&king fwlinir In thtse
rapid transit elevators, bnt whether ths
E30vm-Dt "f th elevator has any effect
i 00 the ne8rt or uot 1 " nt prPrel to
. t,-i . , . . ,. ,
h ( heart 1- dieted
"" the slightest chauge t.f en-
I Vt,.nnut,, .. tt k I k. ..
ill, mil KUIXb lb, Ul 1UC
movement of the elevator cauwi a
heart trouble. Doubtless it aniekeii.
the movement of the heart, but without
Investigation of the subject it would
seem to me that the movement of a
rapid transit elevator would only affect
mom" persons wiiose hearts are affected.
However, I am not prepared to give n
opinion without study of the qui .itiou."
Dr. Frank Woodbury, another phyn
cian who gives heart troubles siiecial
attention, also said he had not studied
the qnestinn, bnt he was rather inelim 1
to think the movement of a rapid transit
elevator would affect a person; "but,"
(aid he, "I think it would have more
tflW-t on the nerves than on the heart. I
came down in one of those (-levators
tiiU morning with a lady, and she coin
.luiied of a sinking feeling, as if the
was going to faint. Not having given
the matter any serious consideration, j
am not prepared to give an opinion, but
I ehotild think nervous people would
rery probably be HftVted by the sudden
and(wift n; ward or downward motion
of an elevator."
Dr. John B. Shoemaker was another
phy-ician who ilei lined V express an
opinion. "I have heard the matter dis
cassed," Faid he, "but I have not given
it personal attention. The motion of a
rapid elevator undoubtedly has a tem
porary effect on some jieople, bnt whether
it affi-cts the heart jH-rmanently or not
I cannot uy."
A not lu r physician (aid that many
p-ritis' iierv. s and hearts are affected
by the exeeiwire um: of toliaceo. ami the
rapid motion of the elevator will ill way 1
a.Te t them. The heart is always af
fected by tlie constant nse f.f tobarn.
and its movement eauily quicketiel by
rxciu mentor any kiml. This is espe
cially the cae with persons of a nervons
temperament, and tlne persons always
have sinking feeling when a rapid transit
elevator suddenly starts or itor
Whether these rapid transit elevators
have a permanent eff-ct upon the heart
or nerves, he would not venture an
opinionr Philadelphia Hecord.
Was br a tuff lluttoa.
"Dj you s-e that peculiar hs.king tnd
that man is wearing on his (birt frtjntr
(Jiid a hotel cl.-rk the other day, point
ing to a gentleman standing near by,
and on wlimm expansive bosom was
fasteued a gold button with a bird in
black enamel njion it.
"That man is a St. Louis drummer
and h" ha een wearing that stud for
twenty years to my knowledge " added
the clerk. "It was twenty yenrs ago
mat he niarrie'l a relative if Patrick
E'.in, of Nebraska. Previona ii, flmt
time a certain young biisiueMi man of
Chicago was also courting her, and
among the presents he once gave her was
a pair ol en.l buttons, of which that t"d
was one. The rival saw thee bint.,,
one day on the young lady's cuffs, and
in jet purloined one of them and placed
it In his shirt front. When h aving the
house afterward h encountered the
Chicago suitor, who spied the jewel. An
f r; !'ion was demauded of the j onng
lady and an angry scene followed, and
the Chicago man left iu a huff.
When the St. Louis drummer called
the next time he propowd and was ac
cepted. After their marriage his wife
told him that bad the Chicago lover pro
poned first, which he undoubtedly would
have dune but for the cuff button episode,
she would have accepted him. Ever
since that time the happy husband has
been wearing that button, ami fnnnev
could not bny it of him." San Franciaoo
TraJalnf a Vom la Ilc for TrnfflM.
It has Ixwn found that dot conld bs
trained to huit trnfllxs, and to great Is
tho demand in Franca for th, trnffle that
many or ins cauine specie are now, in
certain districts, possessed of tliii esti
mable talent The training throngh
wnicn iney pass in order to acquire a
centlsa decidedly agreeable one. To
begin with, finely cnt or sliced truffles
ars mixed dally with their food, until at
lengu uiey develop a hkuitf for tha
Car or.
Afterward their owners conceal In
some portion of a fli ld where truffli art
snpoosea to eilst a Uttls tin dish of Blt
iruns, corerinn tns asms with a
lew naoornls of earth. Tha A. ! t,M
brooitbt ont and urrnd to hnnt 1, 1)
dish, goaded by an empty stomaiA.
n nen n at lengui Dndi It be Is caressed
by Lis matter, and thus In tna iriiu-a r,r
a few weeks he will readily learn to
unni ior me veuctaiile Itself. Washinj
I lalxr laiui Jewels.
Amber is nfUm arm n .1.
. .. .... . in w w:iv
Rant fonm In ancient Etmaran 4wir
Ths mafrnlflcent necklaos known as ths
Trlnne de Canlno'a, the masterpiece of
the Etrnarvui eoldsinlth. has
alternate bwties of sardonyi and ainber.
javenai repre-riU LU patron displaying
at bis fuut a bowl embossed with brvl
and raised work of amber. Tlinv r.
corils tlis fart that it was used to iml-
tutS all tll tr!iTir,. amn. .....(,.l
I. . -"- UK'
Wlio will i-how you licttcr innliw, quality ami for Icfb
buy wcntol Cliicngo.
JOE Sac 023.137- One rico,
We have sold Klv'a Crenm Halm
about three years, and have re
commended it use in more (liHii a
bundled special cases of catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
onirics Is, "It's the best remedy
1 ha ve ever iixcil " (lur n,.r (..,,,. .
is, Where parlies continued its
"eu, 11 never urns 10 cure. J. 11.
Montgomery. A Co.. l)rn'' I...
corah, Iowa.
When I beifan usirifr Ely's Cream
H.i 1 m my ciitai rh was so bud I had
headache the whole time and din
charged a larjre amount of filthy
matter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache science. J. Smimers.Stephney,
Good L've ning! Har e yoti nwil
Ah! there is no need of my .iioK
any tiling further, I am sure you
will hereafter use milling but the
Famotin liiur.ii of lioKcs for yotir
complexion. Vours with best
S?(h IL-iid. Ind.
I . IS. I a II Huh i-vp tili-nuM i.t II II
hnyder and learn the particular.
Deervlnc frale
We (ll'Hire III MllV In (III r-itii.tia
huh lor years we have been pel ling
Dr. K milt's New iJiecoverv fur Cnn
sumption, lr. Kinir aNew Lifel'ills
Hucklen a Arnica Slave and Electric
Hitters, and have hi-v.t iU,,,li,.,t
reinedies that sell as well, or that
have (riven such universal satisfac
tion. We tin mi,i li. uli .iu 1..
aulel them every time, and we stand
reuilv In n-fiiM.I
If eatiaafactory rcsultsdo uot follow
there there I1HI Ttlfalf rmH is si
have won there grant ponuhirity
....... I .. . At. - '. - . .. . . '
l""i' "ii inerr merits r. U. fricse
ft CO iruf (fiats.
"A, Yard of ROMS."
One of the nooular rjaintinu-a al
the New York Academy of Design
wna yuru-iong panel 01 noses. A
crowd wn always before it One
art critic exclaimed, "Such a Lit of
nature should bclonsr lo nil the neo
pie, it la too beautiful for one man
to mde away.
The Youth's Companion, of
Hoston, seized the Idle, and spent
twenty thousand dollars to re
produce the painting. The result
has been a trumph of artistic de.
licacy and color.
The Companion makes an
Autumn (rift of this copy of the
painting to all those who subscribe
now for Ihe first time, and request
the "Yard of Roses."
llesides all new subscribers will
receive The Companion free from
the time the subscription is re
ceived till Jniwi.iry Fir-t, including
the Christmas and New Years
Double Number, and for a year full
from that date. The price of The
Companion is J 1 .73 a year.
0 ITfTh T?
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunk?, etc at Jobbers Prices
It will payjou (o come fifty mib s to trade with
A Full and Compute line of ' ,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
lTehcripuons tariiuny
f 1 . . I. i I 1
It consists of JO pages- Pays more for
news than any other paper in the U. S., beint!
replete with matter of interest to all classes
the agricultural, the mercantile and the pro
fessional. Advocates the principals of th
Republican parir and publishes in full the
speeches of its leaders.
As the coming Presidential Campaign
promises to be the hottest ever contested, ev
ery republican should become a subscriber
and keep himself thoroughlu informed of
.nvw u vi"iw hi ii ctf fyviitLLUo W0rLU
Remit through Postmasters and JTew-
aeaicrs oraircct to the
Bucklen's Arnica Sal vm.
Tub 1!m? Salvi in Ihe world for Cut
nruises. Bores, Ulcers, 8alt Rheum. Ft rei
florcs, Tetter, Clisi.tied Hands. Chilblains.
Corns, and all fikln Eruptions, and posi
tively cure Piles, 0r no pay required.
11 is guarsntcod to give satisfacfion, or
money refunded. I'rice 25 cenbiier box.
For isle by T, 0, Kricke A Co. i
mono than yuu caa
t 1
tompounuea nt nil llourp. u
4 w A m m mm 1
bailed FREE.
1. 3F- wiNN
Always has on bBn,j f ;, V
Corn, Hrnn, Shorla n .i. . ' J
y -r sale as low a " " ""' P
11 ni
I'lnttsmouth, . --""'-V V;
""'"isk,, ,