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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1891)
I . r- t -J I ' J3 r. . i A rWf- : I.' I, P .' 5 T I f" " 1 " 1 llr f n ml 'w"tf"k : a . ' I ? f '0 'Hi i . Tin lull Trispcc f. Ar!.ri.., i..r- '.am vrrlttrn express! ' J ri i.. i.. w r rn iut.n . l nu m" The Marquis of Lome. Henry Clews. Vasiil Vcrcstchaln. W, Camilla Urso. The Volume for i3o2 will Nine Hlustrrlrd Serial Stories. 100 f lories of Adventure. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches cf Travel. C"n:p3S c' K0,c!!y. Popular Sclenco Articlca. Railway Life and Adventure. CMsrmlnj Children's Pae 13 - (M 700 Lare Pa&ei Fiva Double Holiday Numbers. n) "A Yard V? lef Roses." Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. iL a. mwm & m PIIIF LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, PiwhJ Doors, Blind Cn mipply evorw dcmund of the city. Call and get termn. Fourth utrett In rrtir of opira lions. BOECK . J I ho Lending FURNITURE DEALER AND I; j UNDERTAKR. I " Conatantly kec) on hand evcrjthin you nowl to farulub your liuue. CORNKH IIXTfl AND MM5 STBEET Plattsmout Neb I or AlchitiHon, St. Jom-pli, Ix-aven-worth, KniiHiiM City, SLlntin, '; nnd nil jxiinttt north, enHt Month or went. Tick eta Mold and butr- KnHe fhecki-d to any point hi States or Ciinndii. For ;i-ORMATI()X AS TO KATKS AND KOUTKS - Citll ut Depot or addrcHu C. Towxhknd, O. V. A. St. I)tiia,Mo. J. C.ilMiu.ui'ri, 7 A. Cf. P. A. Omnhn. ). Ai'iiAk. Agl, riiitlMtnouth. Tdejihonr, 77. EAT HAREET SIXTH 8TKEKT I'. II. ELLKNIIAI'M, Prop. 4 iMfi i ii nil iu,ni ta n . -1. In thla ninrket. Alao freth ' l.'.r ,...,1 Illltl.T 1 Kimie of nil kiitdH kept In their nenHOii. ' HI XI II HTKI'KT fT 3AT Masai1 l - .. . .-.) lili'liMuill of N'oti'.le l'ca'.ur.i fir I Co J t:i Brilliant Contri';utcri?. iir tlio coming Tolumo liy u o-t of fr-ae Count Ye r 'A-M"! i' i . f .':.'.-i - I Justin McCnrVty, LP. 5'r 1-( d I Ciarrf KuRic.3. 1. .'..:.: v. Mrs. Henry JV.. "danley, an J Ore llur Contain Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. FREE TO JAN. I, 1092. T New Subacrlhrre who will cot oat and .end u Ibla nil p with nana and addrraa and f 1.7.1 we will ar-ud Tha Companion I'rra to Jan.. 1 MV, and for a Kail Year from that Tatr. Th!i efTrr rln.l. ibm Til .INKfe UIVINtJ, IIBIfTyAS and M:V VK.l Doubln llnl!!T7 Nmnlirn, Via will tin arad a enar or brnuilTnl palntlni, mill led "A YAi'M Of KOXLH." 1: prodoclloa baa cam TV i:TV TIKM l 1X1 f. I. AIM. Send Cluck, ll-tJU Onlsr, irr IfylMlrml letter at our rlj:. Addrrtt, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston, Mas. THE WEEKLY BTILL CONTINUES The IT 13 THE B33T NEWSPAPEIi FOR TIIE HOME .-. .-. TIIE WORKSHOP, or TIIE BUSINESS OFFICE. for TIIE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WORKINGMAN. or THE POLITICIAN. IT I't A prprjnT.tOAN Ni:WPAPi:il, and an auch la ablr conductad, riunit)nln(7 am jua i.u wrtqr aU o it In irio tuui.try. Ii p iij.i jiio i all i iu. ni;.vh,u-i kuopa iu luuista portectly postoa on ImportiU.t.vMr.t i -i.l ovnr tno wnrl l. r.n 1.1 it HAKY I I ATU'iii. I or rniml to tfci cf th h-'nt musnztnM. Amcr,at.cO!.trlbutoriinrn W. D IIJV.I 1 I.b.lllANXH DTUCKTjfl, M Mil. IKAN'II il IIDU ItiaN IlU.'Nl TT. MAKItlWAIM. HI I T H A HI I., M A U JH:i: 'I MOVUMON, A W. T iUI'OHE I'I UiWH UT) VI N"Or, I'lJU- y un k iPi.t mhiri.f: y uawi:, m ak y iiak i Wi li. cathi kwooi). Jol t. CIIANOl.l R HAHI'I't, end ir.nnT Olnora ai b UO LiLHAUX IAMD. It wlU u.aa b awia Umt lUfi IMKkOCUN put.iiMI THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE, IU FOnEIOJJ and DOXT8TIO coh r.HPONDEKCE la ary axtonalTa and tua twet. Tlie loath' Departmont, furiosity Sli.ip. Woman's Kingdom i The Homo Axa Dettar Uian a Majaafna fortlia ramllf. Onaoltoa Mont Important Faaturaa l( th Dnpartmoot of FARM AND FARMERS, r-1lt't h-r TX JV)V W. r, HOAPn of Wlw-onnln. TVtnr and Prnprletor )f la iiiik cu.turtuta. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT ITni'TObonnnrn"!lfr'r'.a nr"lnl purpcta ol dlacuaainj tna qanitlona now ajiutlti.u tnu lm uiwi u ul l" cour. iy. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Ik t)no Dollar per Year, posture paid. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY .-. INTER .-. OCEAN la publlahad arury Mondnf and ThuinlaT at $3.00 por yaar, postpaid Tho DAILY INTER OCEAN 13 $G.0O pJJAJb paxd The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN ia 2.00 Llbaral Turmo to Aotlra Aaonta. Bond lor Bampla Copy. Address TIIE INTER OCEAN, Chicaga B ANK OI CASS C()lTXTY Cor Malu and Flftb (treat. fald np capital urplua a ooa OFFICERS 1). fl. Pame'e Pwalrtiwt ITrwl Oitrdrr Vl0 rr-ldiint I. M. I'aiUiraoa IMilmli I. M. i'altarauD. A'lt Cablal DIRECTORS 0. H. Pannela, ,1. M Pattorviti, Prad flordar. 4, H. Hmlth, K. H. Wladliam, H. B.hai')r and r. M I'altoinon K 0ENCSL BANK1NC EUSIHEEE TSAN8ATED Aacoiinta anlldta'. Int-iv allowad or. tlnii-lrj-it- and rntt ar t'iitluuivuu W ail loia liaaa eutrutd to Ita care. PERKINS- HOUSE, ii". SI), 221 and 2iZ Mia !., Plattsmouth Nobraska H. M BU.'iS, Proprintor, "lhe Pe.rkinl' ban been thoroughly renovntetl from top tc '.mUuIK aai ! now on of thn heat hotel in thu atate Boarders will be Ukp by the wnk at tl.59 ar.d tip. GOOD BAR CONNECTED UK CIIIZKXS MAXK. PtATTSMOL'TII NEIIttAMKA Oapltal aunlt paid In " Authorliod Capital, 1100,000 - omenta f BANK OAHHCTII. Jm. A. N'K. PrMldmit. VCB-Pial'i'l W. H. OimntNU. Cchiat. DiaatrroHa frank Carrulb J. A. Connor, V. K. Ciiith' -am I. W. Jofanann, Ilfiiry Bcrck, Jotio 0'Kefa W. I). Mrrnam. Wm. Watanramp, W. II. Cuihliiy. TRANSACTS:! GENERAL BANI1N3 BDSlNES aauat Art!flrli, nf drpiHlti harlti Inlaraal Hiivi and arhan;a. aounty aud City Chichi suits fv,isit, Rro CosJ 1! Diamond Bhaho VtUlWROXIkUrWiUS THI I li .. XHO Of NUlNf. Th mmf f', Hupa, unA Mm''' IM'I r. few fT I.Si as. a.1 iiiua.iil 9t iaaa. ' ti a y A'l .i,ta i paatrntt l-.a fin k f 4 4r. tk ;j t euu' ilaii, t ' rawulal, U HMHlO f'.'! - (', Atra '.., - r vid tf ftil loul urii(Ui 1:.;:;:..-.rzrr.i. w C, Tr.!: r.. r'i. ! ;.',ca:::.-Dr. Ly. l.-c J Ci:j-.t:. T.'io Ccst S.iort florl ioM:s on icll-L(ltic.iion Household Articles Natural liiitory Papers. fBIS 5!D i siid S1 -75. .1 1Q fdj.ura audan imiioruint onotoAarl- Chambcrlaln'a Eyo and SMn Ointmtsnt. A CfTtola enro for Chronlo flnrn Eyo, Tetter, 6oH Ilhonm, Bcald Ilwad, Old Chronlo 8orea, Fever Sores, Ecaema, Itch, Pradrie Bcratchea, Sore KlpplcJ and Pil.. It U ooolin tad toothing. UundrediioXenaoa have boon cured by It uf tor tul other treatment bod fallod. It la put op ia S3 and CO cent boxos. far araMe83aai'W"CURCO tfa 1 t b lnl.llh.Ur Irftwfc E ,H A7 1 (-.. Kbi hxrl. O.ii.fl.i.1.. Kwarlw'.r.illr.mrfwfll. anMfc? 9. TO rf PACKER'S HAIR UAt&AM 4 t : r, j m ititM U"ii.'t'w4 k - V' l'i.m ! ' w!Ti.NvrT to H.irt ) 1 , ' t,r to Hi Ymitlifi U"il.w t- iaaVif. i art or (fru -itJJi din ! 1 Imir t'i.tM(. rTUJv!ai , ill l .K.kl. 1. !....:. -.'l.j(,.l II, I '..U. I lUl.llMf.Jlti. Z!mI St i i'?!:-"!?!' Ml" i a ia. M. K. f;KATKl'I-COMK)Kri.NG Epps Cocoa UKKAKFAST "llya tliiirniiuh knnwIcilTa o( lha niitural lit, wlili li K.ivi'rn tlm niera'lm: f illk'1''!'"" and riiitrli Ion and I1' a curi'fiil apliallnn "I tli Una priipflliia "I wi'll iu'lff't'd ' oa. Mr. hinw li pnivldril our bri-akfiKl Inlila with a dfllr.i flv tl ivori' l hi-vi"nu-H wlilrli tn ir ;ive u m.uiv h";ivr d'tir' iil'h. Ii l lv Hi Jiella Imia iiik u( mie'i nrlloli ir diet III t cm .Hull in limy lie JrtilililtytiilHt up until rrnliC i ii ;li to- rlt e' ery t iiili'hi'y to iIIm'Shi-, lliiiidicd. n( a'Hill' mi-l tilli-n am n mtlii ii nr.iieid in ridv in nt v wlirv.-r lo-re ia a iipiK pnlnl. W tiny fnii" inaav a liititl h:lfl tlV kli'MltllH niirM'M well lflfd wl'll inirc lilo.i ' nnd pr.iirly tutui ili.- l fritni IJIVll "iTVl il7"IW. M.l'lnil llllilV with ImilliiK water or milk. Hold only In lull-pound Inn, Ik iir i'-TIM inln-Had llnir: IAMK KI'I'M li . llDime matlilc rh-mlt Lniiiloii. Knulai'd nVK ACr.YT TYAXTED for EMGIlDAYlIGHT wnfhla Uatlvmi. iad NriiuM. Ill Mr. I li.lra .-.,. .11, '.!. Tkyfc W. r I kn icvy ! . r. rnf r.iuli..mauk lljlil iitirtuaiftiha !', ."4 li"w I a Ir tor link W ilh l0 fn. W ... M iMrtMt A. ( lark f i1 mmH Ml fn rur Wll V. l " '"II" fl ,..n lir l Tutipk'S li . ! ...a. Iu Lb. D,WW .1 m ,ll' tT r. mitmm. i,n..l,r. air. " " k""!"''1 ' Ml .tiriKrM It. T7Mn.l Arfr. J..,. IrV rll ftj, i Iff ul.rt lo Ihtmiuk Pi t'- 't l in It r ihrr Hitl. t- ; V,'. .Aid. J f I'liott. 1 j 5 ft IV I J EE 4 a ( nil.., r. i, .. .a fer ' f;m CHitincuiia CMfcUii.j.1, y fOOLtD BY MOS3Y. 'A ' r l.larul 1 tlia t'uiifmltirata Cnrrlll Ool Hi. V raaawnrd ami Mailu a Ititld. "Tlie man witli thn eimlcft nlrvu 1 crer met," huid Colonel Av K. fiiV' i wlio was In a remiiusei'iit mooa, "wag Colonel John S. Mushy. I va.i a liiirVi DiiviiUj at HaiiMT'a l'rrry wheu Hi;:! place wn cuptured by Stonewall J:ie!i oti in 1802. After waiting for boiiio linn for our exchrtntfo wo were ordered down to Fairfui Court Homw), Va., wliera we warn on the lookout for Moshy.' "One cold, clear nifht iu February. ISM, I was on picket duty on the War renton road. I hud pout two. I v:;v walking my post almost on thadoiibl" quick, trying to keep warni, when 1 heard a troop of cavalry coming dow: the Warrutiton road ut a quick tn: They were itopped by the man on pm,' one all right, and then countdown on in;, post. When they caiaa close enough t me I hailed them. " 'Frietida with the counterifn.' w.. th Bi!wr to tny ciihIUiiik. "'One man dismount and alv;i:n with the countersign,' wan my next cm., mund. "A well dienHed officer dismouiai and advanced to the point of my h.t ' ; et and gave the coiinternign 'Jamaica. " 'Countaniign correct,' I Hlioiili il i'usa ou." "Tlwre were about $j...o hundred e! thein.a mollif :rjv appearance, bin they were a jolly b , ainging, tal!:i:i-' ' tttrl luughiu.. Tlp-y p-ifiM-d on, mil n il ; time I wan relieved and noon , fcounil anii-i'p. "Ilirly the next Morning the ;uv. f th" guard routed ino nji and tol.1 m t wuh waule 1 at hea lipi;i't'iM. . :hargeofan orderly I went. Wii :. got there the man who was on p't o. ,v.i ahead of in!. I.Io was Uah-red i.i. i tlie pn;.''iu.e of General Alc.a:r'.. i Hayes, On. coininauding oCici-r, ain Wi.en he ciime out I went iu. " Vim had post two at l.-ut night" ilcmamleil tin general " 'I had, Hir.' " 'Tell me about tlr troop of cava!: y that piiKwd your pout.' "1 told him wlt had happened. " 'Well,' be Baid grimly, 'you did it,' and he dminimed me. "I diheovered pretty aoon that the men I had paused were lajisby'i command, with lloaby at their head. They had ridden through tlie citire camp, tkei the tent of one of the general officer, mounted it on a mnlo and eaied with it to the Confederate line. "How did he get the password? We found out that afterward. At one ol the outposts waft the rawest kind oft raw recruit. While he waa on picket duty a man dressed in a captain'a uui 'urm, with ti io red w h of thn officer of thn day acros bin breast, approached Ho challenged and tlie oflicer re opoudi'd. ' 'Ofiicer of tho day with the counter- ' "Advance and give the countersign.' "The oflirer advanced and gavo a word which waa not the correct one. "' 'That's not right,' aaid the sentinel, and yon rnn't pans.' "After coiiaidcrabls wrangling, tVvt "fuVer insiNted that his word wm right, u exelaimedt angrily, 'What word bava yon got!' Tbs man said, 'Thn aergeftut of the guard rars ais the word, "Ja maica," Mid nobody aavn pan without if "Tba of&car m no other than Moetiy hlmaelT. Ea bad all b wanUd, and, waitina; for nig at, it hh tuaa UaUwr and mad th soooMsful said. ' . "Far cool aerrs 11 beat anytliina; I axasr baard of." Jfaw York Hiirald. Tha ataat aai. Am I waa learlr-x rittibtirg I waava proae.hed by a young man who, after firing me bia card, thankod roa moat earnestly for my lectvre of last ul'ht; ia fact, ha najrly eiiibraoad tna. "I nerer enjoyed myself mnch ia tny life," be anid. I graaped his band. ' ' I am glad," I replied, "that my hum- hie effort pleaaed yon so mnch. Nothing Is more gratifying to a lecturer than to know he has afforded pleasure to bis audience." "Yes," he said, "It gays bm immrme pli-aimra. Yon ae, 1 am rtgareI to t married to a girl in town. Ail her iaiuily wiit to your sliow, and I bail th girl t horns all to raysalf. Oh! I bad such a good tlinw. Thattk yon so kuoubl Ds lecture nnre aarsia aunau And after wahiog nia a pleuaauit owr-n-T b left. I was glad to know I baft at loat on friatid and a1mirr Wilud m in Pitlslrurg.-Uaz O'ICell A Utkla Lib M luault. "3u arnay t lay p,agrH,ilaa or stories in th exobanfesf ailcsd Hi fasm aoaa of th xobMtf adito. "Daren't uotioad," iMaurood th av change editor. Tt urn a good many things orvditod to th pap, but batrou't looked to wbMUer they war dog fights, wsatlvr Items or aom of your guaa. Waut as to ni ; t awl lay 'aia tor yofaT "Oh, no; I wwulatnt pot yea to a inch ta-onbW." said th fanny tna. "No snraM at all," asstrtod ta bang editor. The funny waa wnt brvnk to bis desk, thought over th paaYitor tur a mknoto buI then iirw a paperwwigtt at th m shange editor. Cattoago Tribaiu. loraa Na BWa W Ila4 aSaaaa. It baa often boe said that th glors- uiakers of Paris make tine in their trad of the skins of rat which as onnght ia the sewers, but this ai dunied. Cartalnlr th tutorial weald not bestmag oaongh to rraccowif ully eoontorfit tli kid, nnleas it were for the thni parte only, wblnk are generally of a Uiinrr and dlffurent kind of lenUsr from th rest. Sugges tion has been laad that a trade might b opened with tbe Chiuua for tha sldus of the rata whiok tboy nt Washingtoa Star. - Smoke l finding itBehampions in Eng land, notwithstHtidlag the efforts made to pwvent its di fluaioa ia the atmosphfra. It is claimed that the carbon in thesmoka is a xiwnrful deodorizer, and as sncli is k blensing rather than a nuisance. Ac iontlan to Marry and DU Seattle uiutiiins tisUv a disatipointtd linWd w.ira pnu ."-tHJVC 111. bllU. Ullll- rin;;e but that it wnuld be a failure. Tlie mini is Basil Suporiska and tlie girl u.Mn .'l.,Hin..Bn i...i i. .r i, I Ilhi They hecame ae(1nainted through corre?iondence reatilting from the an- Bwering Nf an advertisement in a Chicago paper, an the acquaintance finally re united in an agreement to marry if upon meeting each wag satisfied. Minn Bath rick came out here, her eager lover met hrr at I'::; rallup, but the wedding b tint taken plad-e and will not. Miss Bathrick bii.vh: 7 "I cattle mit hero to marry Basil Supo riska, but have found that he is not the man I thought be waa. I was led .to Jm lieve that he owned about half of Seal tie. and was a capitalist. I think I'll go back home, for 'here are plenty of men there that I call marry. Indeed, I've just bad a telegram from a fellow who baa wanted to marry me ail along, and I will go back and take my old beau. I have noiiie money, and I tliiiik that is what Suponska is after, but luckily I did not bring the money with mes, but left orders to have tho check sept to me aUer I was married." Miss Bathrick brought a largo trous seau, including a winto wedding uress with a train eight feet long, white hat nnd gloves. Cor. Chicago Herald. Hot H'atel Foot Wnrmftra. A rniniiiiFsioii cent by tlie directors of the French raihvavs to Lngland and iennany to -report npou tho means U'lopteii in tliose countries lor wanning railway curriages during tho winter finds that I n-no) has not iiing to learn from her neighbors iu this respect, hot water foot warmers similar to those in ohm mi French railways being employed 'ilmost every where. On the Northern it France railway, however, an import ant experiment is about to be tried on a large scale. All carriages, even ou idiort distance trains, are to he warmed, and tho warmth is to be produced by means of boxes of acetate of soda. The chemical is put in a solid state into the boxes, and these are then plunged into hot water about 100 degs. The effect is that the soda be comes liquid, On being taken out of the water tho boxes are wiped dry and are put into the carriages. By degree tlie coda solidifies, and as long as the operation lasts that is, for ubout five or six hours it gradually gives off the heat it has absorbed in tlie melting pro ces. London News. A Mlirlity llunter'a Triumph. "There was one incident in tlie woods this Kcason," said a North woods guido, "which was amusing, to say tho least. A wealthy Alii;. man, who spends bis summers in the vicinity of Lake George, and who, by t'.io way, enjoys a military title, fame into thn woods with great pomp when deer was iu season, and re quested that a deer be captured for him. This w.'is done and the animal tied to a tree. Then the military gentleman, who is a mem her of a society for the protec tion of fish and game, brought his gun np and blazed away at the tethered ani mal. It required six shots from the gun of the Albanian to mortally wound the doer. What do you think of that for hnnting? The guides in the woods when they heard of the affair vowed they would lynch the man if he came tip here again." Albany Journal. Hurprla at a Hurprla Fartj. A snrprise party was given J. 0'Don nell and wife, of Beaver Falls, by a lot of his neighbors. Mrs. Bridget Dona van was one of the guoeta. She weighs about 230 pounds, and when she essayed a skirt dance it truly waa a surprise party. The floor was weak, Mrs. Donv van waa heavy, and in the middle of a difficult figure the floor gave way, and the fair dancer disappeared into the cel lar along with the kitchen stove. She was quickly extracted from her perilous position by the men of the party by tha aid of levers and roiies, and was found to bo but little injured. The stove, fortunately, contained no fire, and did not fall upon her. Cor. Pittsburg Dis patch. A Canine Hero. A cs illustrating the sagacity of the canine race has occurred nt Jackson, Miss. Several negro children were play ing on the banks of Pearl river, near the bridge, when one of them, R"bert Jpk son, a boy, alsmt seven y oars old, slipped and fell into the water. He was being homo rapidly away by tho current when Ids dog, a little black setter, plunged into the river, and, seizing the child by the clothing, swam safely to shore with its heavy burden. The boy was pretty full of water, but soon recovered and ran borne with his dog following at his heels. Cor. New Orleans Tunes-Democrat. Itattar Than a Gold Mine. The steamer San Jose, from Panama, brought tho rejsirt of the discovery of an important dctiosit of that rare metal known as vanadium in the province of Mendoza, Argentine Republic. This metal is one of the rarest aud most valu able known, and is used for setting dyes in silks, ribbons, hosiery and other fine goods. The principal source of supply, until recently, has been a small deposit in the Ural mountains, aud it has lsMn held as high a $l,!i00 per ounce. This deposit in Mendoza will therefore be recognized na of great importance. Ssa Francisco Examiner. In the ptK'keta of clothing discarded by a burglar at Crawfordsvillo, Ind., waa found a translation from Cnwir's Com- metitariea and an example in algebra, in dicating that the night prowler was a Mitdent The Duke of Westminster has again this year given to the Chester infirmary the sum of .,300, being the proceeds of the shillings charged upon visitors for admission to Eaton ball and gardens. Miss Maggie Dotiger, of Shelbyville, Ind., began a unique course of treatment for consumption last week. Under the advice of her doctor sho uses a diet made up exclusively of young dog flesh. lusJbahcfsMli ' HiiHt.undri too ofti'tl tierii sintl parenttt their chihlreitj i. iroui neiKiiicln?, flir.inesH, ncu, uleet,liuutu.uu I'.lj .,..r,..,,. Pv"'n y vUu'- l,f",,f Ur" M.iU'H' ntorauve lM-rvme suclt serioiis suits could easily be prevWnti Drugn; ds everywhere say it . universal Hiitisfiiction iintl lin!" iitimeiiHe uk". Wooilvjorth 4t ' of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Sni"r?N C ' vriiriiHf. i. Y- I.e. Will ' ' jo. i .Mich .; antl liundreds of o . t ni ¬ "It is tlie irrfiitea seller; cy ev knew." It contains no 01 tes. TriV bottles and 1 tine boijK e ul F. cJ F WondjAful. iin Nervous diHcaseH, fre ricke & Co' K. W. Sawyer, of ' Rochentcr, Wis., a prominent denier in fieneral iiiercliiindiHe, mid who runs several peddling' wnona, had one of him liOrs.iH badly cut and burned with liirint, The won nil refiiHi!l to heal. The horse became lame nnd ntiil nowwithstanding: careful attention anil the Hpplii riticn of remedies. A friend Jiiimied Sawyer Home of Haller'sUarb Wire Lineiiicnt, the moHt wonderful tliinjr ever sow to henl such wounds. lie applied it only throe times nnd the core was completed" healed. Kiiiilly pood fur nil sorH, culs, liruseK, and wounds, bormile by all tlruifpist For lnnie back there is nothing' better than to1 Fiiturnte a flannel cloth with ('liimibei'lniii'H I'ain Jialui and liiml it on the iillccted partH. Try it ami you will be Mir prised ut lilt- prompt relief it nflnrds. Tlie name trcnl meiit will cure rhau mnlisni. For sale by ('. i ricke A. Co. Tlie volnnii'H of Ilie Mapame be tin willi tin- Numbers fur June and lii'iemlier of each year. When no linn- is Hpcoilieil, suliHi-riptioiisi will licin with the .Number current at tlie time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years buck, in ileal cloth bind will lie Hcnt by mail, post-paid, on receipt of lf:t.()0 per volume. Cloth canon for bintline;, 50 cents each by mail post paid. Wllos Nerve ancCLIver Pills. Act on a new principle rcpulat iner the liver, utomrch anil bowels) throug'h the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles .r)on8tipation. I'nequaled for men women, children, smallest, miilest surest 50 doses, !!.". Samples free at F. G. Fricke A Co's. 'The foremost of our periodicals." Pmtr ur a mTr CENTIIE Of THOUGHT All ACI105 15 WviA ltrltdpr ACTIOS ur THI WOEUJ. Awmplicopraltl llluitrittdprotaa luialllb stattM 26enl. SlI IDWUt AajfOLO. Ts VVmrii la tna nwt rnatmcttra. tha moat tlmrly, tha ln-rwit and, tha hanilaomfat nf ttis rcTlaws, The tl'iee irrcat euouph of Htib- jecls p jt of the comma pear will be impartially nsl instructively diu ciiHrcd by the aldcst writers; I I'olillfalsnlileris CTOwin outob the erresiilential canipaig-ne. IU Financial disturbance here and abroad. III. Theological unrcst- with nil the social questions sug eestcd by these groups of great top ICS. There. i no other way whereby one may pet the ripest information iboiit the great problems ol tlie time within so narrow a compasa or for o small a sum - si i art si in I ice of great Htllijects by more than bun dred (If the foremost men anil woiu enof the world; becauve there ia onlv eiti American pe.'iodicul for Y.'!!!fh till t!"' li'eeiit leiiiliTB of nliill- ion nnd of thought w.ite, and that is The I'dki ?i. The December number for exam ple centains: Depredation bv Pen sion -The Protest of Loyal Volun teers, by lieutenant Allen U. Koote Kounderer of the Society of Ivoyel Volunteers; The Meaninp of the Democratic Victory in Massachu setts, by Gov. Win. K. Russell; French feelinp towanl Germany; AnotSer Conllict ubout Ilsace- lx ruine IneAitable, by C'aiiiiiiille Pel letan, member of the French Chiiin berof Deputies; Should tne Silver Law of IH'.KJ be repealed? by Jacob II. Schilf one of the most successful nnd in New York; In Modern Kdu cation n Failure'i" by Fredrick Har rison, the great English essayista I'nregiilaleil Competition self-destructive, by Aldaec F. Walker, Chairman of the WcHtern Traflic Association: Women's Clubs, the Volume and the Valud of their Work, by Alice H. Khine; A Day With Lord Tcnnison, by Sir Wil liam Arnold. And five other arti cles. There nre now in progress disctiH sions of our yension system; Prison Management; The Training of Teochers; The LotiiHinnnn Idtery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Educational Mat ters a failure? SOcacopv. $3 h year. THE FORUM, Union Square, N. Y iiGon of nm Vafatii'M, hrrvmnmw liVb.lHy n1 U ttia tmin of frll fntni irlr ftrntraorlnuir OKWAiwa. Ui rrwtilisi nf ovirwork, nirlniMsi, worry, eto. i-tiaUi. 0i1rlupmtit, snil 'iij fivn kt tT Drprnn Mid xtrtlin of Ihf Nxly. himplA, tiainir! niilHMla. liniiitllaite liupnivvninnt tHi'ti. Kutlum iniltoBail'ln. ') im) rt'Tort'iMTii. lotlt, PtIaUiaUluta tuu 'T""fa T"ft'li"1 1 i'im!) I rj. AiMrpuM tUt'i IfifDICAi, CO., HUffAlO,. Y. At' AOl e. U1U I A.