- f r - .... . ....... t . - v . :- I . 1 a7aa ; J-JL Li. -U k IMATTSMOp'H, XKIJliASKA.AVKDXKSDAY, DKCIM HKlt 1), 1891. FIFTH YKAll Id:' ' : - . ' i f VI I 1 1 ) i fir. I - ict. t j New ht in tottlc ln.ll. inesa, Mil- cur. taking il con. emrrty ly 80c. go to d look g col. : torf. atmii t stud- WHY Royal Baking Powder is Best. . - ."TheRoval Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests made both for that company and the United States Government. '1 v.ill go still further and state that because of the facilities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, anJ for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation, "the Royal Baking Powder is undoubt edly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. "HENRY A. MOTT, Pit. D." Latt United States Government Chemist. t M Bcnuxoros k uixsncm nirKit a. n. y TIME TABLE, y OF DAILY I'ASHENoEK TKAIN9 GOING EAST GOING VEST Nol,. ....... :46 a. m. No. i, tni p- m Nu, -m a. m o. 1 -Ilia, m. -lo.t,. ...... p,m. No. II, a :f p. m. o, 19 II i m. Vo.i . ha. ... Mo.l... No. 10.. .It ; (A P. M, ,. .10 M. n. ..?! Vt " Ill ...U) :U a. n hi), W.. Do.au I JUk.li' X1SSVUH1 PACiriC HAILWAY TIME CARD. Ho. M Acamnodatluo Uvri.( (.( ' rnHi.. . .10 M ni. .. 4 .00 p. HI. Tralm uy xerpi rungy. L. N, SULLIVAN. m.Im. will vim orunibt tll'fitloa tT"tif tiii.liifM mitmntfil ' M. omre ID Unloi bluck, Kwt Hldn, I'lutfnioulli, heb. SALSBURY n.K.N.T-1-S-T : " - - - lATrof.v L Nam 1 ooi't-nd pokcelain ckowns. j I l'.BtA'inhrtle forlbe plnlrt el- iff Iiiiiii il lfth. Gold Work a Specialty. A PEARCE HAVE KECEIVED Of Ir Full nlni. tnr rl)b(.n. Hi nd uo A lot ol ! Ililn ciina Uk- bata Id ulraw and l t. Thry a full Una nl babT h"xl- and In or ir r I.) rlnw nlil Hiwk out ba r dueed Ibf Ir nt ll"t hat lo 40 and t TS u irlmin'd, MISS SCIIUYLKK. TRIMMER. Shorthand. AND TYPEWRITING COI I.IvGK Plattsmouth. NebrHsko. Thf t ara tliomandu nl your U'llra. irl flila. achixil lfa lirra rlnka.nr aim rr-klh but rn nUU'iM-i- m a alt)r barfly iuniclrnt Ui aupply Ibrir mnt dy tn. Hy rmnplnlna a rmirna In hnr1 hand and by tliilslil'Ui ) can mill tii.ni 40 lo 1M P'r "hPuaMont radtrd lo nmrt"it UidftiU IndlUivuai ImIIUCUcd. laillna. DAY AND KVKNIN3 SESSIONS. Kooiiii ovrr Mi)ii) lorn. DE1TTISTE.Y : "1 J OLD AD rOKCELAIM CBOWN8 Bridgt work tod Una gold work SPECIALTY. SB. RTEINAU8 LOOALaaM1 aa elhar kit atbaUcaKlTaa lot the pMulaaaaxlradlva of Uaib. a a, maraitalTj. nmrwii'' fM" jULIUS PKPPKRHERO. iitrieicaa r WLESkLE AND RETAIL CHOICEST IJRAND3 OF CIGARS rvLLUIior 0IACCO AND BMOKIx'l ARTICLII lwiyt In atock ' 'uttamputh, Nebraaaa le mircto call and are the prlcra I.tidira' and (ient'a gold and 'i filled wntt he a. II. A. McKLWAlN, Jeweler, Main atrrrt. tf J. I MathewH in in the metropolis to-day. The conuly comuiisMionern. Geo. Vans and the court house clock. Misa Pettee 1 an Omaha visitr r to-day. For gent Christmas alippera go ot Joseph Fetzer. tf Mrs. Geo. Dovey is an Omaha vis itor to-day. Santa Clnusf, Christmas and Geo. Vans. tf Hal Johnson came in last evening from Lincoln. Purr buckwheat flour for sale hi HeiMcl's mill. tf II. C. McMaken is transacting business in Lincoln lo-uny. For a nice Hat or Cap go to JOE, the One Price Clothier. tf City Attorney Polk is transacting legal business at the metropolis to-day. For fine boots and shoes go to tnaeph Fet.er, Main street, between ourth and Fifth streets. tf Mrs. A. N. Sullivan lias returned from York, where she lias been vis iting friend . You can get the best of hand ninde boots and shoes at Joseph Fetzer'a. tf R. R Windham, accompanied by Mrs. Windham, is transacting legal business in Omaha to-day. WANTED Ladies to travel salary $) per month. Call Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 0, 12 and 2, 5 at 12:1 Fourth ntrert. 2t Mrs. A. Swift, who has been stopping at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Morgan, for some time, departed this morning for Hay Springs, whyre she will visit relatives. I warrant every piece of goods I sell and will sell at bedrock prices for the next thirty days. H. A. McELWAlX, Jeweler, 413 Main street. UJUUt UU U 1U The last week tor this cloning ont sale of groceries, flour, feed, China and glassware. Kememlier yoa f.ill save money bj taking ud vantage of getting what yon want. Coino in and ce tin. Opera Hot he Gkocikt It OPININO VP On af tha aeweat aad brightest liaeaol Plaik'Goodt, Tj. Sulla. Sovelviot. Par lb Holiday trad thai baa baaa aaaa la lawa (or joara. NO OLD STOCK, ALL NEW Which waa bought early in the aeason from some of the Largest InrokTi.NO Houses Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at pricea for which we are noted. .The Lowest in the Country : o()o Tba public la mrdiallr l'ilil io Impact aur Uo- . r, nciisR. rrop. riatUnoDth For abstracts 'if title at reason aMe rates, go to I. ?l. Leyda, I'mmi block. tf Jack Frost and his Queen, Forsty, assisted by many friends, will give a brilliant reception in their beau tiful new home "I he Snow Cave, Thursdav and l-riday evenings. A cordial invitation is extenned to all to partake of their snowy sweet. For the remainder of '91 "Th Fair" will offer on the 5, 10 and 2." cent counters, articles worth twice the amount arkeil. tf Geo. Vans and the court house clock. tf Why will you cough when Shi Ion's cure will gi immediate re. lief. Price 10 els., mi cts. aud $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke A Cc A young man holding a very trust worthy position in this city was beastly drunk at noou to day, Hid the police came in contact with him he would have been brought into the police court. We withhold the name this time. Tall on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood block for bargains in Winter Hats. tf Probably the largest hen egg we have hoc n this season was left up. on our table to-day. It measured six inches in cirfumferance at the center. A,Thi i.ailies to canvas immediate towns Call Wednes day, Thursday and Friday between II, li ami i. .i at 12.!, l-ourth street. Counly Court Elzie I Lewis vs. Win S. Ward rmn in aTiacnmeut. Hearing on motion to dissolve attachment con turned until December 12 !!, 10 a. in. Hank of Cass County vs. E. W Carroll et al. Suit on note for $273 with interest. Default of defendant entered. Judgment for plaintiff for M. K. Smith A Co. vs. Charles Clutter. Suit on account for merchandise. Default of defend ants entered. Judgment for plain tilt $204.22. j. J. Siuipnuil Vo. O. M. Stlcifclit Suit on note for $213 less indorse, meats with ten per cent interest default of defendant entered. Judg ment for plaintiff for $:i'.IU.25. L. G. Larsen vs. Rasmus Petersen Suit on BOCfuint, S. P, Vsnntti en tera a general appearance for de fondant; judgment for plaintiff on proof taken for $33H.58. Sloan, Johnson & Co. ve. Charles Clutter. Suit on account President Croan, of the Western Normal College, recently destroyed by fire at Shenandoah, waa in Omaha yesterday to entertain propoaition from the board of trade of that city looking to the establishment of the school there Mr. Croan aya that he belivea the work la hampered somewhat iu a mail town and if sufficient induce. nv-nta are offered it ia very rrob able that Omaha will tecure ita location. One thing is certain, if Omaha decides that she wishes to make a fight for it. she will win, Fremont Is also making a struggle, Is it worth while for Plattsmoutb to be "in it?" Do you want to know what would make your father, mother, brother, sister and sweetheart happy? It ia a nice pair of shoes or slippers for a Christinas present W. A. Hocck A Co. have iust received an elegant line that they olier at VERV LOW prices for thirty days only. tf Auction at J. Finlcy hardware store. Johnson's d2t T Bord of TrU, At a meciing of the board of trarje IiihI evening it was found imposMbfc to get a quorum. The following were selected "however to attend the Ueet Sugar convention at Lincoln: Julias Pcpperberg, J. V. Johnf on, J. M. Patterson, F. K. White and L. D. Dennett. President Windham will inter view the Omaha company to-day relative to the proposition to locate a plo-B- factory here. Offihn Tra-k An an extra wa entering the north ml of the H. & M. yard at 5 o'clock thin morning, the engine No. 202 ex perienced a mishap similar to that rouiclcd a lew days since. Ah it struck the frog the front wheel starte.. up the side track while the hind trucks adhered to the main track. The disturbance resulted in tearing up about seven rods of track and fchnking the train men up considerably. It in fortunate that the speed was not great aH the re sults might have been more disas trous. Police Court Ed Ross was arraincd before Judge Archer this morning on a charge of drunkenness, to which he plead guilty. He was as sessed the usual $5 and costs after the (ia) ment of which he went on his way rejoicing. Mr. Ross, it will be remembered, some tiir.e since served a term of three years in the penitentiary for having engage d in a drunken fight iu which a knife figured prominently as a weapon. Since serving hi term he has con ducted himself much belter, and if it were not for an occasional over-indulgence iu drink, he would make useful citi.en. The case of Philip Thierolf vs. Kodenbusli, suit on attachment was settled by agreement and dis missed. The case of Mathew Geritig vs. J. V. Hawks suit for the recovery of attorney fees was likewise settled and dismissed. Tha Olnkana Party. The following persons represent characters in the Dickens party at the "Author's Carnival" Thursday and Friday evenings: Mr. Micawber Mr. Dwyer. David Coppcrfield-J.L. Mathews. .ir. Murdstone Dr. Humphrey. Ham IVggotty Frank Dickson. Uriali Harp Mr. Eigenbroadt. Mrs. Micawber Miss Clark. D'jra Copperfield May Dutton. Miss Peggolty Miss Hyers. Hetsy Trotwood -Deana Fisher. Mis. Giiinridge Mrs. Dickson. Dollie Varden Hattie Sullivan. Mr. Hiifiiii Mr. Rawls. Mrs. liullin Mamie Stiles. Mr. Sijueers Mr. Harrett. Mrs. Scjueers Miss Halsey. Nicholas Nicklcby H. A. McEl wain. Mr. Skunpole Henry Herold. Ned Cuttle-Prof. McClelland. Mrs. Jarley Dora Herold. Madame Defarge Miss Sherman. Miss llavisham Miss M. Wright. Pip (Philya PerseysJ-Frank White. Mr. Pickwick W. L. Knotts. Mrs lUrdell-May McClelland. A number of practicing physi cians throughout the state are ex periencing considerable difficulty in complying the new law requir mi them to present diplomas to the state board of health for exam ination. Thus far we believe but two physicians of Cass county have been relegated to the rear, and tin j took their medicine with the com placency of a defeated candidate It appears however that a phyaicii.n in Beatrice waa more desperate in his attempt to pass muster. Ilia waa a new dodge but it proved un able to pass the scrutiny of the skilful board. lie secured a diploma from the University of New York under date of 1814 and by the use of acids removed the nameof the party to whom it had been lawfully granted, and inserted his own, Great must have been his mortification and chagrin upon having his little game detected. This law is a step in the right direction and should receive the support of all good people to the end that cranks and quacks, may be relegated to the rear, the rights and safety of our people cared for and the profession pro tected. The Aid Society, of the M. K. church, will meet to-morrow after noon at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Lcla Pine, on Marble street between Fourth and FiLh streets. Sec. -FRED HE OUll FALL AND WLMlill STOck - - OIF - - DRY - GOODS - AND J-sadicn Furnishings Is ITow Comploto ia all Departments, llltI SS (iOODS We are showing a handsome line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, HROAD-CLOTII, FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. I5LAN KIM'S AM COM F0UTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. CLOAKS AD StjilWLS. HAVE never ehown bo e call special attention to Military and Hip Coat shapes trimmed with Mink, Seal, Astrachaa, Miifl'iiloon and Conev furs. Our line of Plush Saivjuea ar cheaper than eer before. FtB lines of Cliildrens and Misses Cloaks and Jackets. FBiS IE ONE DOOR EAST JK.. IVIoIU IjWAIN,- A BIO S'lOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINK WATCHES a Specialty and all Work Warranted. 33. A.. M'ELWAIF, THE LEADINO JEWELER, 415 Main Street, - Ladies thinking of purchasing Jewelry or Silverware should not miss attending the atternoou sales at Carruth A Son's jewelry store. All goods guaranteed as represent ed same us at private sale. No goods offered but first-class. tf Fkank Carruth & Son. 'Tha Privata Saoratary." A large house greeted the Edwin Travers company last night in Whi. Gillette's famous comedy, "The Private Secretary," and to merely say that it was a success would certainly be drawing it mild ly. Although the play has been pre sented here before by some very strong companies, it loses nothing in ita strength aa presented by the company last night Special men tion should be made of Mr. William Fairbanks in the title role, which we think was better taken than by any one that has assumed the role heretofore. The Cattermole of Harry Eytinge, the Douglass of Edwin Travers, the Gibson of E. J. Mack, the Niss Ashford of Miss Bertha Livingston, and the Miss Stead of Miss Nelly Whiting were all admirably taken. In fact a more evenly balanced company has not graced the boards of our opera house this season. The costumes were elegant, the stage settings were elaborate and worthy of the cleanest, funniest and most charm ing comedy of the present day. -Oil City (Pa.) Derrick. LOCAL ON LAST PAGE. RR iW UNDERWEAR' ' A good Ladies Jerey vest at 25c. Ladies fine Jersey vest and pants ia white or natural grays at 50c each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests ami Pauls at rVIr, Regular 75c under. wear. Full, lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet and white at prices as low as the lowest. large aline in this department, onr lirr assortment of Reefers IP USB FIRST NATIONAL. - JEWELER -Headquarter for Everything in the Una ( "WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND HROXXi CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES FANCY SILVERWARE, . . SOLID QOLD JEWELH"? Plattsmouth, Neb OUR CLUB! NO LIST, Home M&sszlue sr4 HfRALB j g Iu tilo III .il. Mini II k H l.l 2 41 Harper' M;in z n ami IIhhai.u ,., 4 at lliirp-r'a Huzhraud 11 km alii 4 a lluipir'. Weekly mid iKIIAI.a 4 luwa IhI Kenlniernn.l Hkhald t wtatcru Kurui and Hrkaui 1 at The laws of health are taught ia the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and are never .illustrated by livingexamplc which in many canes might easily be done. If some scholars, ah had just contracted a cold, waa brought qefore the school, so that all could hear the dry, loud cough and know ita significance; see the thin white coating on the tongue and latter, as the cold developed, see the profuse watery expectora tion and thin watery discharge from the nose, not one of them would ever forget what the first symptoms of a cold were. The scholar should then be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fre ly, that all might see that even a severe cold could be cured in one or two days, or at least greatly initl. gated, when properly treated as soon aa the f..?t symptoms appear. This remeuy is famous for it'a cures of cough, colds and croup. It ia made especcially for these disease and ia the most prompt and most reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cent bottle for suit) by F.tG. Fricke & Co., druggist, Good Evcnlngl nave you uscd An! there is no need of my sayinir anything further, I am sure you will hereafter use nothing but the Famous Hlush of Roses for your complexion. Youri with best wishes, Flora A. Jonba, x c South ,,(M,d'. !' f.b. Call this eve plense at O. II Siiydcr aud learo the partlculare. ,f 1 T" ' " il