The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 05, 1891, Image 4
ki .,..,.,..1 .1 v IMl.-wci, f MJOTIOM SML1B r ' . . - a AUCTZOIf BAIL s6n. FRANK CARRUTH c? DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER AND SILYERPLATED WARE, CLOCKS, OPTltAL GOODS, B Filled Wo would call spvcial att critic a to cur Watch stcck -which is tho largest ever brought to this Git- casc,, , Silver and ITichcl. would also call your attention to our stock of Silverware which i3 vory Largo'and"complc? both. Staploandanc7 codo, Homcmbor this is nc old shop worn or oheddy stools but tho sarao class of goods as CarrJ : Son has always carried in ctscls and every aniclo sold at auction is guaranteed by them samo as if sold at private sale ' buy such goods at your own p.-icsa iz an opportunity that is offered but onco in a life time and every one should talso advan ago of it at onco liEiMEAfBEfj - Tl-IE, - PLACE. SALES DAILY AT 2:00 O'CLOCK r 11 n AND 730 O'CLOCK . P. Mi a r i 'rili il n n Utmmi miUtSm fettMitf M faa5 Mo JEWELRY STORE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Colonel T P.TniriGi, of Chicago, will CorLd.-u.ct tlio Salo. SECRET SOCIETIES KNI.iHTH OK I'YTH I AS Uauntlst I-o1k M-steery lne.ilie l'i at tbeir b 'II In I'lni.rV A t'raiK bux-k. All n lunv kbiclits rt- iO! i ly inr tril to 'to4 C. C. Miimll. ). i:. ; tl I'ovi-y, K. R B. A O I. I'T. iliiifl ,,f Miwli nitttiih ..If. W., . !s"l t)rt anrt third Frlilny A U. Iln I til Ruekwimk Mnek. fr .nk Vernillyes, . . 1), E KuT"Mle, Kecorder. " T. w Nn.t -Xiwii.wriiiil widloiinfc KruiHV ' oit.i: hi df iiimhiii ft' A I' 1 in kiM'kwiMul lii'tfrf. K.J. Motuan. M V. t. ..II . If .... I U' I 1 111 III Ifc'H M,'"l'l III '! 1, I', hr-iwn, Ili-rnriliT, KOYAI. Al!';ANAM-f,. riMi.rll No VW. M i-t ui tlir K.c.f i IkiiI in III- t'inii-li- A TrilL' lilmk ivit I'.-'iifil lulif, nlrln lirflhri-n Invlifil lli-nry lli-n 11, Kcfiil ; Thou M inline, Mcrftiiiv, CAKS l)IMiK. Nil I !. . (. K. m ry Tui-ii:iy nn ! t al ttii-lr li.ill In VnwriL I bliik. )M- ivH'ii Hr mMikliy mivii-J O ttM ll-l lli'.rf in O:oi!y. J Cuf)' h. O.ii. W.hridi;r1.-t.rirta:y G(.-o. Vhcm anil tlii-n clirixtniax. For i;iiicf' fine kid n?iir nml Chrintiriiirt t-Iiiijii-r.-, go to Jonriili Feter's. tt You enn get tlie liewt of hand made toot iind hIiocs nt JoMrph Feticr's. tf The Schiidkncrlit nhoe hotiMP Iiiih the very lini'ht line of mi-n's hIioch in the city. tf Jen S!i:fter til", with iuite a errioiiH acrident at the 'xhopn ye terdHy r Hiiltin in the Iohb of the ne of two fitiRer. The d;it of the "Private Recre tary" ha-t te -n rhnnged from tire 9, to Suttirday 'l an ier adrertige inents on hill board and lithographs. Under the fttaiute the terms ot district court for cannot be fixed by Judge Chapman until January 1, And the judge in- forma u the next term of court for Caatt county will probably be held in the new court houee. The co.inty c iti uiM-iiiers are In the vicinity of I)uinville to-day making inven iiition regarding the nlli-g 'il powny stricken condi tion of u few ;ipjln'unt for county support. I'i t;d.ii!g t!lin Ktep the CDni'ii H t.'oi e.-. i.i.iaife.d an interent Jn the welfare if tax payer of he county a well nn a deire to deal jiifltlv v.'i;!t the npplicanta for aid. There - liti'e doubt that niany are receiriu'. r. unity mipport that ifr nu:p!'.' able to support themnelve-, an t it i woll that pre caution and good judgment be ex--ercined li-fure incre.iHinjf the list Th Bact Su(r Convtnlioi) We have rei rhed the following communication from ih nnrctary of the Lincoln board of trade, which idiould receive the carrful consideration of our local boarl of trade: Mk. KKITOK: Keiclonrd we hand you a copy of Hie c.ii! ici-iird by our ho.ircl of trade for a bi-et ttugar coiivenlion to com rue in Huh city, December 17 and IS. It ii- iti'i-irable that all part of the tale be hilly represented, and Hint a lar-e utlendam e be M-cured. We would aNo reipiot of you to pubiirdi, in addition to the call, that it in ili-irahle that the ap pointed of (1-li-y hIi-m would make the iipiointmentM ax ear.) iim popni hie and forward a lint of the iliiik m to C. A. Alkmeoii, xecreiry board of trade, Lincoln, in order that our iirr.m.'i iii .ii.i Iieie may conform to the number of delegate), in at tendau-e. The indication!) point to a large and enthiixiantic ineetinir, and we triMt it will prove a benetit to all parm of our eiaie. V Iiutever you may cnoone to eay editorially in thin connection will be duly aiipre ciated by um and ' Miiimlate. we tniMt, the inli-rcHt on thi importiint Hubject among the people oi your coun.y. Hoping you or a rcpreHetitative ot your paT will Iiiki it convenient to be present, we are very truly your, t. A. ATKIN.VI.N, Sec'y. Lincoln Jioard of 1 rade. It will be remembered we pub lished thecall referred to the fore part of the preHent week. Th Columhii Daily Clndr. An article that ban come to be aleioHt indinpeiiHable came to our dek In the Daily Columbia Cal- endar'for 1V02. The make up la a de cided departure from the ordinary plan and preaenta marked trace of originality on the part of the donor. It in in the form of a pad, contsininmg 368 leave, each S'xh Inches; one for each day in the year, to be removed daily, and an additional leaf for the entire year. Each slip beara a short para graph periaming lo cycling and road-making, of intercut to the general public. The pnd la firmly fastened to a stand, makinir it a durable as well a a uaeful article. fie sure to cull and see the prices on Ladies' nnd (ient's gold and gold filled watches. B. A. McKlwaix, Jeweler, 415 Main street. tf Nolioe There will be but one Mass to morrow ut St. John's church, and that at o'clock. The stock of groceries at Peter sen's old stand wiil be sold at re duced prices to palinfy mortgage of First National bunk, and anyone needing goods will save money by calling at the ld stand. Remem ber the Mtorlf in I r . h 1 1 nnit rnmnl..... Come in for bargains In potatoes, flour, glassware, chinaware and crockery. Opera Grocery. Kditor liasotn, of the Murray Banner, is in the city to-day. People who are always wishing for some other kind of weather are now having their wishes supplied. District court opens on Mmiday next ut Nebraska City and will b continuously in session until hol idays. There will be a state teachers examination at the oflice of the state superintendent at Lincoln, beginning December M at 4 p.'m., continuing afternoon mid evening and closing at i'.Vt p.m. December 2'). Thone of our teachers Content pianng attending the state teachers' association will be af forded nn opportunity of killing two pidine iliiikeiiit with 0 same rock if they so desire. A Drunkard for UH Vaar. One of the most remarkable cases of druukenes s on record was th it o lames V. Daley, of Sarpy county, who has just been cured ut the Iledal Cold Cure institute in Itlair, this state. Mr. Daley lias been on a protracted drunk lor thirty-five years. It had been so long since he had seen sober day that he had entirely lost track of himself. He was a raring maniac when brought to the institute, and remained uncontrolable four days thereafter, rnhea, all at ouce, his mind came buck to him, and as suddenly his appetite for liquor deserted him, and to-day he is the happiest man you ever saw, and could not be induced to take a drink for the best farm in (be atata Omaha Bee. For abstracts of title at rsuaon. able rates, go to J. M. I-eyda, Colon block. tf Shorthand and typewriting col- leire over Maver'a rlnlhini ilnra Day and night sessions. Situations guaranteed to all competent stud ents, tf Hsra la Chanca For some one with a few hundred dollars lo get into a good business. Kstablished For further par ticulars address Box tfjfl, Plaits- moutn, M'liraska. wid e Mrs. Henry Pearson left last eve ning for Taylor, III., where she will make her future home. Her hus band, formerly proprietor of the Racket, has been there for some time asranging a home, (' X KJAKJZSXL JjU I Jit V BEAK IS MIND THAT : JOE : CA.2ST SAVE YOU :L OZLTETZ" 0VEfG0M'S M SUITS, FOR MEM BOYS FOR LESS MONEY THAN EV'EK HKAKD OF BEFORE Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc. at Jobbers Prices It will pay you to come fifty miles to trade with : JOE Viho will sLow you Letter tiiRkcB, quality ami for lcg money than yu can lijr weit ot Chicugo. A CHILD CAN 15UY AS CUEAP AS A MAN (7 i JOB HIac Ozil3r Ono IPricc, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. I: 1L -