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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1891)
4 t W J -) v i; i,i Bl .The Full i'rc'p-ct'ii - - "T B. Bi ' .T Ml ' iiT'lin written irei! r tliC comlnj volume- by A iioi of Ominsst msn id women, amonj whom art Hon. W. C. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand de Lcsscps. Andrew CarncHc. Cyrus W. field, laruuls of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M.P. Sir Lyon Play fair. Prank I. Stockton. ,g. VasIII Verestchasln. W. Clark Russell. The Carl of Mcat:i. Dr. Lyman Abbott. Camilla Urso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The VoIumeTor" 1802 will Contain 1 V Illustrated Serial Stories, lea of Practical Advice. ;pscs of Royalty. ,way Ufe and Adventure. ... paces. Five Double Holiday Numbers. n Yard i Roses.' iher Yard r) l OLD RELIABLE. t & PI LUMBER ! Shingle, Utb, 8aab, Doors, Blinds laa supply tverw derusnd of the city. I i " ' . . . TJi 1 1. . 1 . I " I t.uii ana ire. u;rms. ruuriu iirom It i in rear jl 0crs boute. HENRY BOECK 1 The Leading r?t$lyiJRE DEALEB -i L AND ' UNDERTAKR. faatUntly keopt on hand everytbin you Deed to furni.h yur aos. aaaaiii aura a mux run 'lattsmout - Neb fr Atcliinsop.St Joneph, Ix-nvcn-worth, Kaimsia Oifj i St. I)tiU, and all points north, cast south or wtMt. Tick ets sold nml biijf. ffoc checked to any Iolut is the United States or Ciiiindii. Far INFORMATION A3 TO KATKS AND KOUTKS Cull'nt Dopot or nddreaa H, C. Towx.tKxn, G. V. A. St Ixuis,Mo. J.C. Piiii.Lii'ri. A. . 1. A. Omnliit. 1 Arc aw. Act., rinlUiiioiiUi. C.t( TiU'idioi"'. 77. 1VTEAT MARKET ' BIX l H BTWKKT F. II. KLLKM'AUM, Prop Tb bent of fresh mt-Ht alwn vs fouud ia Una tnnrkct. aim t KfKa and Uutter. Wild tusac of nil kinds kept ia Iksir Hl-llHOII. 1 LV!w--'iju- JH n.lUl a ' tO) r.a IHl H ni 'HI Xi.lj'.'.e'.'.rtl fur l!5;2 &n1 fr.;'.i:r.:T Colics will be i-nt Frre. lri!!!ant Contributors. 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles. Charmtnz Children's Page Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. FREE TO JAN. f, 1692. To New ah-rlbera who it ill cut oat and send a this alls with nam and addrrea ad 11.7 J we will aaad The Companion l-'rre lo Jnn., 1MI-J, s-4 a Vail Year frees last Dale, Thl. offer Inrladra Hie T 1 1 A Ml 14 t.lVINd, CHRISTMAS and NEW VEAE'M !eelU Holiday Naaibers. Wa will alio .ead a roar of a braill'iil palatini, rnllllrd "A Y A It 1 OF HOMES." It. rr.dei-lloe kaa cam TWENTY TIIOI HANI) DOl.l.AItH. Stmt Case, liMi-vfot OrtUr, or Rrgtttmd Utttr at our rUk. ' Addrtu, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Bo-ton, Mass. P J. H:A:X:S:K:X OKAI.RR IN STAPLE AND FANCY anocf:niE8, GLASS AND QUEENSWAUE a Mill iV.ronage ! the Publa Solicited. JOHNSON BUILDING SillH St. jyjEW HARDWARE STORE s. h. iiau. at an. Keep all kind of biilldnrs hardware on hand and alii mppiy eoniranora on biosi i orable terms TIN" ROOFING MlMiuilnir, IS III iin and nil kinds nl tin xork promptly d jue. Ordurt Iroiu the enuntry Boiiciiea (18 Pearl St. I'LlTTSMfJUTH. SEIl PERKINS- HOUSE, 317. 319, 321 and 323 Main St., Plattsmouth - Nebraska H. M B0N8, Proprietor, lbe Pcrkius has been thoroughly rsooyated from tor3tc jottooi aud ' sow on Of the best hotels in the state Roardurs will bs taken by tbo week at 4.50 sod op. MOD BAH CONNECTED T UK miZKNS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH rJKnRAMKA u,.!t! tlx-, n.ld In IS Authoruad Capital, 1100,000. - ernnaas BANK OARKL'TH. JOB. A, COW BOM, President Vlca-Pre.ldi-ni w. b. vvnaisa. ctsbisr. oiaaotoM fraak Oarrntb J. A. Connor, F. B. OntS.'.iu J. W.JobBaM.nsurrBok.JohaO'Kaefs W. D. Marruua, Wra. Wataaaacss, W. H. Cuihlif. TRAH2ACTSU GENERAL BAUIINO BDS1HES asueseertineatesof deposlu bearlnf Interns! llurs auu sells escnaoge, eouuij auu eity .mnii A. C. MAYKS COONfT -SUUVK YOlt ii. AND CIVIL KXGIXEER III orders left with Ilia Bounty elerk will bs promptly attended lo. OKPICB IX COUHT IIOUHE, fiuiiamouth. . Nebraska TMioeiaiN.ia mat., -Fr2J22ZZZi XW a ay ali i-MBt W'SWtMa. raiisiu i su. j 6 rrs. fn rrri rn The Dest Short Stories. Hints on Self-Education. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. This Slip 1 and 6 1. (3. 1 KST : NATIONAL : HANK Ol? ri.ATTM(i;TH. NKI1HAMK A Paid up capital huiplim . . I Vi.d o,m. rstbsvery Ix-'l fwllllles for the pruiiii trar.ractli'ii of ilmtlmnte iiiinkintr Uusiness rttix-ks. bonds. cold, iromnmeiit and loeai se- lurltli. buiiKlil mid sold. InmhisII reewiv slid lliliT, l allowril on the eertil)ci" Urafts drawn, avallniile In any purl of th iiille-t HUtte. and all (He principal (own. o urope. OOLLWrriONS MADS and riioui-ri.v Kin- TKU. Blltbest market prlre pnlrj for County Waf rau is, mate ana i ;ouiiiy nouns. OIHKCTOKS John PltZK.rald 0. riitwliwortb Ham WukIi. K. K. While (eurife K. l)oty fobo FltXK-riilJ. Waiiuh. Hnwldeut ; ' B ANK OI CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth slreot. fald no capital " lurplus OFFICERS 0. II. Parnels President Vice PrestiLirt Caslirii Asst Casbier rred tinnier I. M. Tatti-rHiia f. M. tatlMiVM, DIRECTORS ). II. Par iiele. .1. M. Patterson, Pred Hordi-r. I, H. Htnltli K. B. Windham, B. 8. lUm-ey ana r. M Patteisun k 0ESEEL BANX1NC ED3INEC9 "elANSATED Aeeonnts villntw. Interest allowed nn time lepimlu and pmmiit attentloni len to all bus urss entruitod to Its ear. Chamberlain's Ey and EWa OintrMnL A frtaJii cure for ChronSo Sore Eyes, Tetter, Bait lihonm. Scald Head, Old Chronio Sores, Ferer Sores, Eczema, Itch, Psairlo Scratchos, Sore Nipples and PUus. It la ooollnf snd aoothing. Hundreds of cases have boon cored by It after ail other Uuatmeat bad failod, It Is put np la S3 sad 00 cent buxos. DEAF" NIB8BiD"l""CUftKD l M.'alBMbteTWUr sUr C4 WklsMi hw. Osnsfrwlable. tw-Meawfi-iaiawraaH Mi n4 r, Miawt.Mif . cp r c rvssla I libit K77 Si li PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Haajvss SUtal brtUtl'lMi tV IkaJr Hrom.r ft lyruiMnl frith. I , jA"or vatiisi iv ti'iwrs I tir' k. I llaur to Its Youthful W'U .,-4iLlttAi- a.a A hair I f ' s a ' " ' " 1 ' 1 ' : ' r. N"vor Fll lo Ifrsrtor Orajr laUU.L Paranr'aliiiiar I . fill' it i nfra tltr Wifsl ( .rfitfit. rSrsi. Ir fs,. s-lIiPtT. ti ajijUaa, !",' UHW. Ml rl. tJINDEWCOfcNS. Tb o-Wpit-euwIbrroitia. CKATEUfa CONh'OKTINO Epps Cocoa HRKAKFAST "t a tkeraaKk ksswlssre ef lis sat nml ahlrh .ra tha oneratloi t nf dliretiea asd autrlllon. and by a eareful sptllmtl'Hi ef the Sne proaertlstof well ssleet.d I'ikos, Mr. KniM has nrofldnd our breakfast table with a deliraiely BsTored hever(e whleb may sate as maay Baf dei'tnr' bills. It Isht.tlie jadls Iimi. meofsiirh artleles n diet t k -t a eon Itutlon may he K'ds.lly built np until stronif vanneli In resM .sr lRdeaey In dleie. Mun.limli of snhlla aieladles are floatla ( aroniid usready lo ailaek wkfreeer kete is a we.k point, we may sissss man a fstxl skatt hf keeiiisf nurielTs. well for tl"d wnh pure ulno I sun a prnpeny naiiriinrn nunr arnoerir nanr inen irainp. t!il (er i'e Uaeite, Maioni si "'7 it k boiling water or milk Hold enly la k: oad Mm, v proi-enes ' jAMkstrrs a io eilai Isn a-anuthls I'bemlst l.aaii.s. KaxlasS jiorn nar.srn wanted for iiM.f iHk-- faAYLIGHT rl,llillIHUhHIMin"sOrtEWYOBK!,IPF. AChrlina tfNn f .rfrulT.if Mtarfnswwi "In lli. k Jn ' In kxnlli pita. r....u.f U,. taw V ol Uv iI,w.wmiw. II twi.'.. Iji.p4 oikl. Uil. 4ll-.liuiiiil-elSllr a (miMw lit Hrr...lf h,,fnik, W T..7 . Wiil..l,J.n.rli.iratl,niSM), Imbl phnljcrk ZJA. lull Ut W S ".IW. II . " Sill "J 1 ", r.inWio i ' ,jJ,r " f"'4 l-. at.Sr.f..i' TX. av VwMatij a u. sas CHEST. Hut Alto V.ry Not Only r.ftaiitirul t'aoful. One should bi'O und have one of these littlu work chi'hts to appreciato lt bt-auty and wortlu Its beauty lies in the color, principally, as the lit- IIOMKMADK WOIIK CHEST. tie boxes are mode delicate shinies of then the rililton must tip of such plazfd puper; mutch It exact- !r. To miiko one we in UHt patron- I tin driirr store Brut, beict r.i.i Ikixcs of similar size and color, the cost will bo twelve cents; then And a yard of two-lneh-wldth ribbon to uintch the color of tho boxes. Glue the boxes to-Ki-ther, tnukiii"; the six Into a solid chest, tie the ribbon around them, fin ish the ends In a big bow on the top, and talte a stitch through it to keep it in shape. Slip the boxes out and sew the handles on, euch to represent the cuR tents "f the drawer. Harper's Young People. EXCESS IN CYCLING. Soand Adrlre (llvrn by the World's Lead ing Medleal Journal. Those who believe in the iin essity of physical exercise, and we belong to their number, have need also to remem ber that even so good a thing as this Is In excess an evil. 'Hie use of the cycle Is a form of bixlily recreation In itself doubtless wholesome; none the less Is it open to the mischievous efTeets of un due Indulgence. Tempted by the euse of movement, combined as a rule with attractive scenery, everyone tries it. Kveryone too flnds ho can do something with it, and considerations of weather, constitution, ago and health are apt to be dismissed with summary Impru dence. One fruitful source of Injury Is comtietitlon. In this matter not even the strongest rider cun afford to Ignore his limit of endurance. The record breaker, who sinks exhausted at his limrnev's end, has gone a point beyond this.' The septuagenarian who tries to rival his Juniors by doing and repeating bis twenty or thirty miles, perhaps airainst time, is even less wise. Lady cyclists, too, may bear In mind that their set Is some w hot the weaker. So like iM arnonij men the power of en durance varies greatly, and It ta belter for some to admit this and be moderate than to labor after ths achicvementa of far more muscular neighbors. In short, whenever prostration beyond mere transient fatigue follows the ex ercise, or when digestion suffers and weight Is markedly lessened, and a pas time which ought to exhilarate becomes an anxloua labor, we may be sure that it La beinir overdone. He that would reap Its best results must content him self with much less than this; but un less he can observe such moderation, he had better abstain from It altogether London Lancet. MICROBES AND CARPETS. Maalnia Whleb Good ilousawlvaa Shoald Lay to Their Hearts. In our endeavor to bo comfortable In this vale of tears there la a tendency to overlook the elementary laws of hy' glene, and In no respect, perhaps, more so than In the superabundance or cur tains and carpel-those non-patented contrivances for hindering the free cir culation of fresh air and stultifying na ture's automatic arrangements for the dcodorizut Ion and disinfection of our homes. Carpets are always objection able when they are not designed to per- mil or easy removal ior cicauHiuK pur poses without the necessity of turning a room topsy-turvy. In most houses the carpet only comes up once a year, by which time It is as full of microbes and accumulated filth as its Interstices will allow. No wonder, then, if our rooms preserve a musty smell In spite of peri odical opening of windows and vigorous sweepings, which only displace a por tiou of the dust to settle promptly else where In some less accessible spot. Fixed carpets are even moro objection able and unwholesome In bedrooms, for there they absorb the fetid emanationa of the night, and soak up various de composable materials for future use. The Ideal would be a polished wooden floor garnished with rugs in sufficient number to give an aspect and feeling of comfort, while admitting of easy expos ure to the salutary Influence of air and light Bugs, carpet and curtains ought to be froqiieutly shaken and hung up In the fresh air if they are to remain sweet, not once a month or year, but two or three times a week, if not oftoner. At this price only can wa hope to deprive confined spaces of their native unwholesomeness, and the soon er housewives lay this maxim to their hearts and act upon It, the better. Hospital (Jazctle. A Br1tit Cola Makes lrlh Eyes. A slmplo and excellent plan to pre serve and strengthen the eyes is this! Every morning pour some cold water Into jour washing bowl; at tho bottom of the bowl place a silver coin or some other bright object; then put your face In the water with your eyes open and fixed upon the object at the bottom, move your head from sldo to side gently, and you will find thut this morning bath will make your eyea brighter and etronger, and preserve them beyond the ordinarily alio ted time. How Destroy Your Moths. A good way to discover the presence of moths, and also destroy them, is to place a lighted ' candle In a basin of water. The moths will be attracted hr flume, and will drop Into tha PKtTTY WOMK J water .ihhelnyyest.'rniKl'U. uyus that would not ithrluk (l aa down, and white. (itce lay, turutsu from tue and lot could almont woar I fit I the old, eofl Rnldliowi of her halrl Kind Htmveti! If but for onsdear time, 1 mllit A'ttln prewi treinhlinit li ii)on her cheek 1 . Her alnu, iwle throat-her whiter brow ) her Imlr ! Her Undi:r eyes whertila the love-lluht luinel Butonce-biitoiico-to bear those awevt Hi I ahou'ldTuS glaxl that she is roe from cure But oh, this flmt and awful n!,. .-alnne! - Ella lllindusua Overlumf Moulhly. Coffee in the Kast. How long coffee was in use among eastern nations before being introduced into Europe is not known. Aljeziri Al hambali, a noted Arabic author, states that it was first made known about 870 of the Hegira, and so quickly did eoftVe hous--s and booths multiply throughout Avabia that the government several times made strenuous attempts to sup- pr" them, fearing they would lead the people into idleness. Notwithstanding theseetlortH.tiie "cof fee habit" took such a firm hold on the peoplo that the beverage was made and drank in secret. They even went long distances into the desert and there pre pared tho seductive concoction without fear of molestation. So'iie pious Mohammedans thought it wight lie included among me iuioxi- iting beverages forbidden by tho Koran, but Ailiambiili, in sn ablo pamphlet en titled "The Support of Innocence, proved that it was not in the prohibitory section of that book. As a consequence the followers of the prophet once more returned to the delights of coffee. De troit Free Press. One Woman's Jtedtime llonra. A lovely woman who was talking with friend one day alsuit tlm enjoyments, disappointments and heartaches of child hood, said: "The suilenngs 1 endured when a child were more acute than any have known in later years, and the pleasantest remembrances I have of those far away times are of the bedtime hours, when my mother sat by our beds in that low roofed chamber and taught us the songs she sung as a child, told stories, some of which were of her child hood, while others were conjured up in her own head. Some of the sweetest hymns und sacred stories I learned then, and there ever comes to me when I close my eyes a faint picture of my devoted mother sitting there in the twilight. I think the only reason that the darkness had no terrors for me was that it nearly always came while she was with us. The sound of her voice dispelled all fear; it was associated with teuderest words, svreet Inllabys, softest good nights." Anna P. Payne iu New England Uiiina stead. Art In Telling Lies. Telling the truth is an art, but not nearly so difficult an art as telling lies. It is within reach of any man's power, if he will take time and pains, to relate the thing that is. It takes a man of im agination and strong memory to bring forth the thing that is not. Besides, the liar cannot carry his lie all over the world and back to the creation; at some point or other he must piece it on to the universal truth, and to do that neatly he must be m good workman, but this is only part of the greater question as to vice and virtue generally. Virtue is for all who love it; in order to become an accomplished villain a man must have natural aptitude, careful training and immense powers of application, and at any time the villian may be ruined, as a villain, by the unexpected coming to life of conscience. All the Year Uound. Sliver Dollars S7S Miles High. The treasury counts its silver by weighing it, which is part of wisdom, iu view of the fact that a man, counting at the rate of 200 dollar pieces per minute steadily for eight honrs per day, Sun days included, would be kept busy for considerably over eleven years. Piled one uikjii the other, the f 100,000,. 000 in the- treasury would attain a height of 675 miles, and placed side by side they would carpet a room 60 feet wide and nearly 24 miles long. David A. Wells In Harper's Weekly. The Veea of tbo Sword. The nscs to which the sword has hn put seem to have been almost as varied as its appearance, when we recall the anecdote told of Charlemagne, who said, as he used the pommel of his sword to put his stamp on treaties, "I sign them with this end, and with the oilier I will take care that they are kept." Kate Field's Washington. Her Hubby's Teachings. Friend Why do you got married so soon after the death of yonr husband? Widow My dear, if there was any one thing that my poor dead and gone husband insisted npon, in season and out, it was that I should never put off till tomorrow what I could do today. New ork Weekly. ' It is now suggested that many dwell ing houso fires caused by lamp explo sions might be averted by keeping some of the ornamental vases In the rooms filled with sand, so that it would be always at hitud and reatly for use in case of need "He who discovers a new dish confurs a greater beuefit on mankind thaa he who discover a new star," says a fa mous writer, and the majority of jwr- sons would be willing to accept the statement without dissent. The artificial honey is becoming formidable- rival of natural honey. Its composition is sugar, water, free acid and a small proportion of mineral salts. Ersry Japanese workman is ticketed. He bears on his cap aud on his back labels giving his name and business, as Au fA UNIVS Iiltbl ' Ou v. 1 w.vMr . S ; Well as his employer s uaiuo. ,en . yiiths. ' lir-L- iff hv f:i- tl frcqiii n wliieli SI- ,'iho ol wmlilen death , Jee out of (our chm-h Ih ft" Tin nynijitoniH r s . utixiiHpei i17 Jlu nymiitoniH lire not neiieriiJIy ttiKletHluod. Tliene are: u lmbit of lyTn'ij on Hie rigiit side, short breuth, puin or ditress in the Hide, buck or tdiolilder.irregulai jiuImi'. asthma, -weak und hungry Hpells, wind in stomach, wellin(r f ankles. or dropny, oppression, dry coiifrh find crnolherinij-. J)r. MileH' illustrated book on Heart Disease free at K G. Frike & Co.'m, who sell' . und (guarantee Dr. Milen' iincquulcd New Heart Cure, and his restora tive iervine, which cures nervotia iichh, headache, Hleeplessness, drop, sy, etc. It contains no opiates. ft Wonderful. K. W. Sawyer, of Ko'chester, TYis, . a prominent dealer in general itit-ri-haiidiHC, and who rutin several ii'(i(lliiin wagons, had one of hi liorH.m badly cut and burned with lariat, The wound refiiMi-d to heal. The borne became lame and stiff iinwwitliHlnndiii(r careful Httentiors mid the application of remedies. A frit-mi handed Sawyer some of Haller'n Hurb Wire l.ineiuent, the omul wonderful tliinjr ever Haw to liral Biii'h wounds. He applied it only Tnrct" l!tew illlU me l-on; will. completed healed. Finally jfood fur all worn, iihh, orusi'M, iiiiu wound. For Hale hy nil druist For l.-inic hack there iu nothing better than to Hatiirate a flannel cloth with Chamberlain's I'uin Halm and bind it on the affected parts. Try it and you will he sur priHcdat the prompt relief itnfforilH. The same treatment will cure rhau matism. For ale hy F. O. Fricke & Co. A Cure for Pnralvsls. Frank Cornelius, of Purci'll, IniL Ter., nays: "l induced Mr. I'iiifoii, whose wile hud paralysm In the face lo buy a bottle of Chamberlain's I'aiu Halm. To their (-rent HUpriH before the bottle had all been uhcJ she wan a tfrciit deal better. Her face had been drawn to one Bide but the l'u in Jialni relieved all pain and soreness, and the mouth assumed its natural shape." It is also a certain cure for rheumiitiHin lame hack, spraitiH HwellintfH and lameness. .r0 cent bntticH for salt by F. G. Fricke A Co., DriitfKiHtu- HfiRIER!S TSmiiRl ILLUSTRATED. Harper' Bazar ia n journal for the home, It tfives the latest ira formation with regard to the Fash ioiiH, und its numerous illustra tions, Paris. dcHigns, and pattern Hheet HiippJement", arc indispena ahle alike to the home dress-maker and the professional modiste. N expense is spared to make it artis tic attractiveness of the highest order, its. briifhest stories, umu nf comtMlies, and thoughtful es says satisfy ail taHtes, anu its iswi page is famous as a budget of wli and humor. In its weekly issues everything is included which is ol ntereat to women, liic nonais for WJfi will be written by Walter Hesant and William lilack. Mrs. Oliphant will become a contributor. Marion s limely iulka. bay In and Day Out," are intende for Matrons, and Helen Marshall North will especially address grids T. W, Higginson, in "Women antf Men," will please a cultivated audi ence. HARPEER'S PR10DIOALS HARPER'S MAGAZINE H 09 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 09 HARPER'S HAZAR 4 Ot HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postaire free to nit subscribers ia the United States, Canada and Me . The volumes of the Hazar brgijt with the first number of January of each yeur. When no time is ij. .n- tioneij. subscription win begin witu the number current at the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Huzar for three years bnck, in neat cloth binding', will be sent hy mail. postage paid, or by express, Irec of expense (provided the freight does exceed one dollar per volume), for 17.00 per volume. Cloth casea for each volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, en receipt of IUM each. Remittance should be ninile by Post Office Monev Order or Draft. to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this dvertisement without the ex prose erder ef Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, New York. 'he volumes sf the Magazine he- Fin with the Numbers for June anal ircemker af each yesr. Whea ns time is specified, subscriptions wilt begin with the Number current at the time tif receipt of order. liounst Volumes of Harper's Magszine for three years bsck, in neat cloth bind iag will he sent hy ninil, post-paid, on receipt of J.OO per volume. Cloth esses for binding;, HJcats tack by mail post paid. Fort MEN OrJLV YOUNG MEN OLD MEN II II TNI lOHI tl INI Ilirilll fl I lit Alt TB7 Ball. ls)rU tffarU iTt thM.clvatv aaaviif bow ts iisfHinnr BHAKC0FFTHC HORRID SNAKIfe laay ftrc up ! 4mm I awl attik tsjls) rtf ear. WMMiiaUriaatnaiiLfii OUR KEW BOOK MM tr. rulf"44. M Italic lln.iiUlM ik. kllM.,kr .1 DIMM M ul solatl.u 1 tfco On"! .1 w... kw r HOME, t aiitkW. tialMlnlr w m, tk. nml ws Ut er r.ui.f . O.a.tU ... Iinnl kllltr, Wi..m ef er at MlaS. ISmu l Irref er I . anew er sV I it yrv ghrsssei errtss eaw he rr. ''" ' lVt Knhliliriiul IS OSBSVSlOr TS esoAss a raars t son .ui is uu immM. MW'r H Swim, Tmliin. rwmi Owiw v. ..fiw.. I. k. f.1. ; r tRIIMBMJlCALCO.BUrrAI.O,N.Y. Me SIXTH STa-MaT m AT 1IAEKET