The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 05, 1891, Image 2

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i- '
KNOTTS BROS, Publishers
1 rhnratlay, and dally
t ('( PiatMmmuli, Neb.
i'oim thruuirh th? U.i?8.
tt ire, nil, Tut ? Tjiand KHlb ttreeta.
f i' it ItuO
Copy, one year, tn sdvMim. ...... .. -II BO
e tiiyy, ono year, not In sdmnce J no
)ue enpy, m nuuittif. In adwie 75
Hie eooy, three month. In advance. . . to
T?""" ron 1AIL1
hie cop one y.inr In advance SiiOO
hieeojiy pr week, by cirrter is
ne eopjr, pir wnntb : K
By the provinionm'if the McKinley
bill the jieople arc savin); about
$0,C:),C"'J per month.
.1 NEW YokfK clern) mail haw
married couple un'l he h;i
A HAHY voting in Ki"tr n in
Chicago, between baby McKc-e and
little Ruth. No precincts heard
from yet
Jonx Shkk.MAN fully merits the
conipleiiientary notices that are be
ing tendered him by the preHB of
the country.
KlKiAK HowAki), editor of the
I' Timen, nrromp.iiiicH Con
reoHinan Hryan to Washington at
hid private secretary.
It 13 now pretty well settled that
the king prize will go either to the
Georgian or the Texan pupilint,
while the bwiby prize will be award
ed to Hatch or Springer.
Speakership contests are funnier
to the spectators than to the partici
pants. The republicans seem to en
joy the fan no but the democrats
will hare an opportunity to lauh
in the next congress.
The Hekvld's article of yester
day relative to the building a
wagon bridge in connection with
the f. P. railroad bridge has
brought out a short squib from the
Journal indorsing such a move. If
the Evening News will fall in line it
may be truly said that for once all
ia peace and harmony.
Should b Mad a Rouor.
The proposed beet sugar conven
tion should ue made a rousrr.
Grand Island Independent
A Wis Move
The Lincoln board of trade has
called a beet sugar convention to
meet in the capital city December
17, and asks every city, county and
newspapers in Nebraska to tend
delegates. This is a wise move on
Lincoln's part, and the convention
ought to be largely attended.
Fremont Tribune,
Lincoln has issue a call for a beet
sugar convention to be h"ld in
their city December 17, Each conn
ty is entitled to five delegates, each
city to five and each agricultural
society to five and us each editor in
the state is also a delegate, Seward
will be entitled to five more. If
half of the delegates ,'attend it will
be one of the largest conventions
ever held in the state. Seward In
It Will Stand all Right
An effort is being made by the
Lincoln board of trade to make Ne
braska the center of the great beet
sugar industry of the country, and
with that in view, a convention has
been called to meet In Lincoln,
. December 17, to which all the citier,
towns, counties and comntrrcinl
organizations have been invited to
send delegates. There is no doubt
but that the beet sugir industry is
to be an important one, especially
if the bounty that is puid by the
state and the general government
ia continued. At present the nianu
facturer receives four cents bonus,
and sells his sugar at four cents a
pound. Hefore the Infant was en
couraged by the subsidy, the con
sumer paid about eight cents a
pound for sugar. While this en
tire subsidy system is a fraud upon
the people, Nebraska miht as well
get her share of the steal. So far as
the Lincoln convention and the
promotion of the enterprise is con
cerned, it is a good move, Jprovided
It will stand alone. Beatrice Dem
ocrat. '
Everybody Should b Hr.
Reatrice should be represented at
he beet sugar con ventisn to be
held nt Lincoln on Thursday,
December 17. The meeting will be
largely sttended, and no Interest is
entitled to greater consideration
t inn that of sugar making. Ample
provision has been made for repre.
f 11 l k
rice 1'einocrat.
Tli Hea't of the Claas
Twenty yi
arsnij'i uiTiiutny w.n
not unliving a v.ound of suar. Now
she lead the worlj in that produc
tion. Her proluct last jear com
pared willt that of other countries
as follows:
(1 rnuiiy
fnllllpliie U d
1.?DiM torn
TuvsaJ ton
Tin oru torn
a 000 t'Wi
ttl.oOO tuna
JU 000 lout
i m (mo tone
.. (KM tout
United Hit "3"" ",,,
8ik1cIi li.andi t""'
f,fa M.0MO tOU
n It will be eeu, theefore, that this
country is the ninth In the abore
lists, but we are very much mis
taken if it doe not crawl up
towards the head of the class, in
the very near future. 'sy iacunc
Croakers may cry out to the con
trary, but the fact remains that
suar beet culture and beet siij!ir
manufacture are the correlalivt
commercial elements which
promise ttie greatest results for the
future of this eetion. and the enter
prising city of Lincoln appreciates
the situation.- nil, ill. i Itee.
C'o.slIKkAI;I.E speculation is be
ing indulged in by the press
throughout the countrr, whether
the republican national convention
will nominate Harrison or Hlaine
as the republican standard bearer
for b'.fJ. It is highly probable that
one of the two will be selected.
The ad.-iiiiiistraiion of I'resident
Harrison h.s given good satisfac
tion to his party and the conserva
tive m'-n of the country of all par
lies. Whether it te Harrison or
Hlaine, the administration of Harri
son will be endorsed and adherence
to it will be made a test of party
fealty. It is true that James G.
Hlaine is, above all men, the
brightest republican and the ablest
s'atesman in the country, and the
h's magnetic tptalities, to
gether with his eminent fitness to
fill the executive chair accplably.
may be the means of his nomina
tion. Do not confuse the famous Hlush
of Roses with the many worthless
paints, jiowders, creams and
bleaches which are Hooding the
market. CJet the genuine ol your
druggist, ). If. Snyder, 75 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
I have been a great sufferer from
catarrh for over ten years; had it
very bad, could hardly breathe
Some nights I could not sleep and
had to walk the floor. I iiurcliased
Kly's Cream Halm and am uxing it
freely, it is working a cure surely
I have advied several friends to
use it, and with happy results in
every case, it is me mci..ine
above all other for catarrh, ami it
is worth its weight in gold. I thank
God I have found a remedy I can
use -with safety and that does all
that is claimed for it. It is curing
my Ueainess. u. . perry, Hart
ford, Cuuu.
Miles Nrv andltlvsr Pills.
Act on a new principle regulat
ing the liver, stomrch and bowels
through the nervs. A new discovery
Dr. Miles' fills stieedilv cure liilion
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
rsmstipation. L'neipialed for men
women, children, smallest, tnidest! 50 doses, 2V. Samples
tree i r. j. rricse to a.
For many years Mr. H. F. Thomp
son, oi ix's Glomes, lowa, was se
verely alllicted with chronic diarr
lima, lio says: "At times it was
very severe; so much so, that 1
feaerd it would end my life. About
seven years Hgo I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoes
Remedy. It gave me prompt relief
and I believe cured me permanent
ly, as I now eat or drink without
harm anything t plense. I have
also used it in my family with the
best results. For sale by F. G
Frickie & Co.
Ciactrio Bitters,
This remedy is becoming so well
and so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used tlecl
trie Hitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist nnd it is guaranteed to rlo al
thut Is rliiimi.-! !-' I,. ,.-;,. It;,..--
will cure all diseiises of the liver
anrl kKtneys, will remove pimples,
tlflilll. Mult rllflim anil !...
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well hs cure all ma
larial fevers. For en re ,f lwi,,l
constipntion and indigestion try
L'l ....: 1,:.. ' ...
i.h-i wit "mere, enure saiiNlaclioi
truaranteed. or irnim-v r, fn,i,i..,i
I'rice ."jOc Hid fl per bottle at F. G.
j-ncse at i.o s drugstore. 5
Are you mne miserable bv indi.
gestion, constipation, di.ziness,
loss of sntietite. velWiur akin si,i
loh's Vitafizer is a positive cure.
For sale by F. G. Fricke St Co.
Many old soldiers, who rnntrnrtmA
chronic dinrrlnn.ii alul.. in i,
service, hfive since been permanent
ly cured of it by ChnimberJain's
lone, t liolera and diarrhoea IVem.
edy. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Shiloh's catarrh ,...!
itive cure Catarrh. Hit, Mli. .....i
Canker mouth. l or sale bv F. o
Fricke & Co,
nss and the court house
(A 'men.
you want
a fine
jj -
loe, it can lie had at Nrhild
1 1 ' ' Ik. A
Gentlemen, if you hanker after
Fly it's Flexible Fine Fancy Fitting
Footwear. Schildkuecht has the
truck. ) tf
The couty commissioners, Geo.
Vans and the court house clock.
Why will you cough when Shi
loh's cure will e-ive immediate re
lief. J'rlce 10 its.. 51) Is. oud $1
For sale by F. . Fricke A Cc
Pure buckwheat flour for oale ai
lleisel'D mill. tl
Call on the T.icker Sisters in the
Sherwooil block for bargains in
Winter Hats. tf
For line hoot and shoes go to
Joseph, Main street, between
ourth and Fifth streets. tf
Sunt. i Clause,
Geo. V ass.
A son of Mr. M. D. PtiMser, a
merchant of Gibralt ir, N. ('., was so
badly alllicted with rheumatism for
a year or more, as -j be unable to
work or go to school. His father
concluded to try Chamberlain's
Pain Halm on the bov. It soon
cured him and he has since walked
one mid a half miles to si hool and
back every school day. .To cent bot
tle for sale by F. (j. Friik A Co.,
Bucklen's Arnica Salvs.
Tub Hki-t Sai.vk in lie- world for Cut
Ilruiwn, Soph. Ulcer, hull Kin um. FeVei
.Horei, Tetter, Cliapped Hsnda, Cliilh'.aisi.
Corni, slid sll Skin Eruptioni, and posi
tively cure Piles, or mi py rtquire'L
It is t;uiirniiteed to ivc untinfiriion, ot
mom J ret unde I. Price 21 rents per Isix
For le by F, O. Fricke A Co.
We have sold Kly's Cream Halm
about three years, and have re
commended its use in more than a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
onirics is. "It's the best remedy that
I ha ve ever uscu. wur experience
is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. II.
Montgomery, Ic Co., Druggists, De-
corah, Iowa.
W hen I began using F.Iy s Cream
Halm my catairh was so bad I had
headache the whole time and dis
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache Bcieuce.- J. Somniers.Stephney,
t onn.
Strtilng facts.
The American people ore rapidly
heeomiMc a re of liervoo wrrn
and the following suggests, the
best remedy: slphouso llumpfling,
ol ltuller, I'enn, swears trial when
his son wss spechless from st Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorstive
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L,
Miller of Yalprai and. J. D. Taolnr
of Logansport, Ind each gained JO
pounds if an taking it firs. Jl. A.
Gardner, of Yastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to SO convulsions easy and
much aendach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and tine boek of
Nervous cures freest F. G. Fricke, it
Co., who rccomends this uncqusiled
remedy. 4
TTf Ant4 An eils. rrtutile Minn S7I
to 14 moiitliiy ltb im-rra. to rrpn-w l
' kit "wo wrllug
Houar. Hrli-rmm,
Ki firm York.
S mimaltle Krw rk
When you go to a shoe store your
object isnot only to buy shoes but
to procure for what you spend the
best that your money will buy.
Ix-ss than this will not content you;
more than this you cannot in rea
son, nsk. Our methods are ii"
simple ns your desiies. We do not
lift your expectations to the clouds,
but we realize thrm whatever they
are. We will never sacrifice your
interests to ours and nowhere else
cnu you get a fuller nnd fairer
equivalent for your money. An
especially profitable purchase for
you is our etc
501 Main Street
Wafos sod Blaokenltk ibos
Wkges, Buggy, Mschios ind
(low Krpttrisg dost
H uim tks
Wblcb it the best horseshoe for th
farmer, or for fst drivino. or for elti
purKever infetited. It is so msde
tlikt SDTOtie CC0 DtJt OD likrn or flt
corks, so notdsd for wet and lipiery
4yo, or smooth, dry roads. Call st
ko oliop and rzmins the nivmuii.rr
ml you will use no other.
I) Nurth Fifth Ht PlstUaustk
hi? (1 ctto t? tt ftH1 n ,n,rn?o .A
Everything to bo Sold Regardlese of Cost. Do not miss this Oppor
tunity to get Goods at your own price. Sale commencing
Ccl, G. f . S .McClary of li I Conducting the SaleK
Jrrsit: " flow Is It, Ksta, that J'io slwmrs
S"n to 'natrta no'Ui tlM-lurt dc iiilnr Do
wluu I m, you Jwj ttxui to get aiMad
Katk: "I ilnn 't know s I crrtalnlr do sot
Sialic anjr ei)-rtiin In that tHrfY-li'in."
Jkkxik: " WpiuduriiifUM but few months,
lot siamfle, juu bava lakes up paliiUug,
without inir tocher ! yon mme tn the rrariis
wh-n Mii Latarfrn i'rtlhr Is-lHtrtcclaM
tii'Mi-iily, ami i Ariainlr aiall mn.n.i
ln In uii'b-r )riir Iri.lrm tun: 1 ti.-anj
S'lit u-liuiit lumiriy tMiun In. I evi'iiint how
ia dull nia'ln milakn m (mill. Im 111:
iiu --m t.i itn ii n tm all I hi- uil'i.t ' fu'li.' and
"W JuhI Klmtlft (I'liiiHif-rallrirciiiiiKtaniM-a;
run -iit-r,.uin liii.lMii,lr ; an-l In ilia lu.t
Dionlli von li.iva mi I'IikiiImi In liraitli.owina,
T'.ir l'-il iii',Ui ui.r i'h) AMaU'iilliin.n-iwa.
wm-rr l'i j.-'i r-t e:l of J"ir uiU-rum'i
fnmi in tint lnti.i .ul-il Ilia way flai I (ut
tun IK VCI In tin" rill."
K4rr: "rtlir. Ji-iiiJ, you will maka ma
"ram. I Imvooiily aniin-rof inf..r nintiim,
Lul it l iiiriMuu lif.w II iiKt-la all wanla. I
rrry a I l in lii-ur ! n)lhiiif m w hut what
tU wxt Jrw U;t t r1.:; cx
ou Urn mih t. ti t Nul Mavanncl
And a (not manure It la In ut ail. (or It
ataily (urni.lx , tl, ria.Liif for tlia whola
bwiM-hol'l; lather baa ititfu up liii aiaauina
tnat ha haa Ulm lor yfr, aa tm tt Una
ono tf ni'irv ami l-iu r Infoi HKU..0 on
tha iilfs nf tlia day ami ntoth.T aays
tint It la that that make hrr anch a fainoua
biHiarkn-nrr. In fa-t, wa all una that H at
UMunlr raallr fAanr maa-atii buhiiihrd.
U wn ham a.-nt fur anmplraof ajl ,t Uh-hi,
ami Ami that on ia ail lor mm. anoitxr aa
for wiintu, ami annthrr for rlol.lrm only,
while I tua mm inna arttry nna ol ua; au w
only n"l UiUkoima liialal of (Kverahand
that la wlwrn Mm economy comia In, for It a)
only 'i in a yr. vrhapa imi think I am
txi laviah In my praiaa; hut I will rt you M-e
wira, or, bi-iur atnl, a-o1 lu rrnu tv tha wulk
h.lir, w. JpTinlnta liraimt, lh Kaat lih
Strw-t, Naw Vork, for a aampla ra,., and j
tlialt alwaya oonaliW tliat I hava ihm you
t sn-at lavif ; ami may tw you will I nil line
Ul out, m ton say wa hava Um rKiutatta of
brlns lha brat Inforroil family In t"wn. If
that Im to, It Is iMuuraat't faisuy u...i
UdU dues IL"
A filiem! oiler only fTJJJO for
anrl Diniort'Mt Fsuiily MaKii'if.
tySrnrl your subscription to this
t'4 Scientific Americas
f, Aocscv for
' w
for m'ofwiai nit fraa TltndW wnta tn
Ml Kji a (ii .a;i Hioji,wat Sri Ton.
OidMt Imrwaa it arui- falnt, in
Kvarrpauit lak"n imi tf ua la lronili l-rora
tLa auhiio ui a notlra (Kan liaa ai ohana In iha
Larrcst rtraalailoa f afiy artantlUa patier In
i,rht Hl'lan4idlf llhi.lrala'l No
Ban ahoiiid ba without it. WMn, S.l.oi
-as I ai Hi moi.Hia. .l1r. MVSH A, CO.
Hauauaju.kil aVuaalaa.Maw (wrt.
a, if.wi a
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain rclieyer. '
Iu use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, th
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compare, with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy Ui tood the test of yean, almost
Ko medicine chest is complete without bottle of Kvitavo
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists tod dealers have it.
Everything to Furnish Your House.
llaving the A. V. Weckhnch ftore rtomon Boutk
Main street where I Hin now located can fcoll goods cheap
er than the cheapest having junt put in the largest Btock
of new gootls ever brought to the city. Gasoline etovM
and furaiUra f all kinds .old on the installment plan.
' A Full sml Coiii1l'U linu of 1
Drugs, Mcclicincs, Paints, and Oil?.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded nt all Hour.
j . - a
IT .