.7 I. O 7 Ti lt 'Vi TY VL J? aii, biIF.i. . . I V" s ' . : FRANK CARRUTH V EMESO..;',,7, 1,391. SON. v; DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER AND SILYERPLATED WARE, GLOGKS, OPTICAL GOODS, Elf I i . Wo would call epacial attention to our Watch, atoek -arhiftH 4 i ti A xLJ . -y- tomvui' uwwKiii xoxais UlTV cased, in. Qi yiuofti Silver and nickel. Wowouldalso ca.l your attention to our otock of SilrmT, 4 t. ' , -7h otn. Staplo and fancy cod3f Rememoor tfcio is no old chop worn or shoddy stools but tho namo class of 7od7Carrutif Son Has always carried :r. stcck and every article sold at auction is guaranteed by them same as if cold at private al$j 'r Tuy such goods at your own prices i an opportunity that is offered hut once in a life time and every one should take adK ' "tags of it at once. - - fjEM.EM.BEfj - TtE - PLACE. - - SALEb DAILY AT 2:00 O'CLOCK AND 730 O'CLOCK P. Hi ,,, nl, I JEWELRY STORE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRfl Colonel J. r.TLmoi, of Chicago, -will CorLd.-u.ct tlio Solo. A FIGHT TO TIIE DEATH. A FIERCE AND BLOODY KNIFE DUEL IN A MOUNTAIN TOWN. It Was tha Culmlnatloa of a Long Slaad lag Faud, aad TC.i ProrlpltaUd by Cur Uug-Haoenlaary Kcsulu of Ca- brldlrd FvrorUy. It was Saturday arid "trading day." and the little mountain town was filled with scores of Loth white ami colored p-ople from up and down the valley. There was considerable drinking, but everybody seemed good natured to me. I could not see the !ighte-t sign of un easiness, but by aud by thcaptain ca..ie to me as I stood in Trout of the postofiics ami Maid: "Look minify like thar waa gwlns to lie Uoodih d yerel'' "Why, everybody seems peaceful and serene, so far n I can fee." "Yo' d'-an' know these folks. See that yrw giub-riu over by tlie hamee thoji? That's the Jack -on rrowd. y-e that Otlier gallicriu over by the drug (tore? Tbat' the 15,-rry crowd. They're jit eyin eai !i ot'tir ii';e two bulldogs, and leetie mo' wnisKy li bring on a fout," "Is then- m:y U-Aw ltween the two twdhT I ak d. "Powerful l,i.d. I dun goe4 cl'ar back to the wah. The Jurkaoua waa Union and ttie iVrry'M Wi C4,ufel. Thar waa honsehuriiiu and riihbin and ahootin, and they Wn for t. Ifa the fust time tho two crowd- l.t-v bir, in Ujwn together fur iiiort'ii a y'ur, aud I doan Uke the looks of thinn." "Can't th-j officer of the law keep theta tj;iii:tr "Om. en of the law! Why, man, U tliein crowd were to break loone fifty ofQccraof the law couldn't Irevent blood hedr The leaders of the resjctive factiona were wen who must have been mere boyt when the war broke out Each bad About a dozen adherents, who were all more or I.-mi tlu.-ly related. UoW Till: JlullT KTARTED. They did not ei ru at all aiixioni for a conflict mid miiflit have gone their ways without a blow but for the action of a dojr. He waa a mean lookinfc cur an I belonged to the Jwknona. In wander ing; around he it iulo the Berry crowd and one of ire i.n-n uliced about ait Inchon of hi- t .1 oir. The dog rushed back to Li master, while the Berry crowd nKK-'.'.i ii.s, yelps of pain and right All of r''h'i u KU ve Jackson stepped to the ini.M!.- of the ktrift, flung down bis hat and k'wut' d: "Tom r- iT.v. t-t yo' hain't coward, come out y-re and fitfht mer The challi-ii.'n wae insUntly accepted nd with.ii h.sty atx'ou.ls a ring wa formed iiii.i CJJ people were looking on. The men were jm-lly evenly matched as to height r;ii weight and age. It wm not to b" a lmttlo with flats, bnt With I Jong, keen hunting kuivee, and you could ' tell at a glance that it was to be a fight to the death. At firtt there was much jostling aud moving about, accompanied by shunts of encouragement to the men, out after a few moments it waa quiet painfully quiet I think there were at leant thirty women among the onlookers and fully that numlier of boys and girls from ten to eighteen years of age. BOTH lilEU.STS KIIXED. It was the firi-t and only time I ever saw men fight with knives, and it was a horrible thing to see. As soon as their friend fell back they rushed upon each other with tiie greaU-t fury. Etch griped the other with bin I. ft liurul ss nil Uhlwd aud thrust, and earh wok wounded four or five times Wr t. broke loowe. Not a Person in the prow,! spoke above a whUoer. Evtrv v f..l. lowed the men as they f.inted and dodged like prize fighters, and men and women shivered and gaxjied for breath as one or the other of the kuives drank blooL The road was drv. but wiilmnt .lnt Prenently it was dyed with blood. The men slioned a little now an.l u.-n .. they dodged about. Blood ran nfF thMr finger tips, down their less. I tremJ.lo likealeaf. I felt ahorrilildi(fi:j n,l yet I could not move away. I felt I muni ne me end. When the fiVbt hail Uuil . V. , ,J4 ail hour, aud one man bad eight cubs and the other tiina iu ...l.l.l- chuthed each other, as at first Neitlier uiierea a ctieer, curse or groan. Thev stool snuum nn tn K n,V.. J I i.i . ... ; auu oacseu aou cni aca thrust until both sank down from sheer weakness. Jackson died within fan mlnnW- Pn, lived about thirty. The one bad thirty three wonnds, the other twenty-eight As they were picked up ty their friends - ' .. J la. ll I . mi., uurieu mio me urug store to breathe their last, the hogs ninmng about the village came and disputed with the dozeo doirs over rxuuu-iiaion iJ th i.i, pools. Detroit Free Press. A Beard l( Ikhsal tapper. A teacher in a larce bnanlinv x-hnni for young ladies used to jest over a pupil wnoee appetite at table caused her ne gh bors serious alarm. It was the custom to have hot raised biscnita twi a a,V for snpper. and this irirl. aftr jufinv m. one evening, gave her teacher and doctor a very baa night indeed. It never seemed to enter anybody's head that hot yeast biscuit was the food above all others to cause moroia appetite And bilious at tacks. Yet Uie supper of hot biscuit and cheese with honey or preserves is one of the institutions of boarding schools, and worse fare for growing girls it would be hard to find. Slurley Dare's Letter. Some Fataona Ecbaas. There is a famous echo on the Rhine between Coblents and Biniren. which r. peats a word seventeen times, while in I uie sepuieuer or Aletella, the wife of Hulls, in the Roiavtn umnimi t)..r u an echo which repeats five times in dif ferent keys, and will also give back with diftinctneHS a hexameter line which rs- i quires two and a half seconds to utter. Brewster mentions an echo on the north siu of Shf pley chuih, iu Hiiistex, Eng. land, which repeats twenty-cue svllahle. i Brooklyn Eagle. NOTES ABOUT WEATHER VANES. Carved Wodca Vanas Wrat Oul with flgarrka'xU la fchlps. I When the Phusnician sailor stuck needle through theteiu of a feather and held it out In the wiud. he invented the first weather vane, or feather vane. He was nearly equaled by the Indian boy, who was taught to mowt-n bis finger in bis month and to hold that finger aloft In the air. When that finger grew cold on a certain side the Indian chil l knew that the wind came from that particular direction. The Pluimiciaiis, however, were probably the first of all civilizi d peoples to pUt the vane of feather into practical uw. j Since those early days weather vr.nes have been used in every form and by all riu-os. Mod-rn vanes in thWr present sliajies were fir-f maila of wo. )..y traveling carvers and later of cop; r by tinkers and smiths. They were uw-d on jxiles, churches, public building!!. i hips and were placed on rocky points i f land alonir the aiailior Th?y ar? n:. tf made in every conceivable design and pattern. Horses, cows, deer. t-lcH, shijis, roosters aud even pigs are ham. mered out In copper and used totegintrr the direction of the wind. The newer vanes have rain ctijis at tached for catching water dining a storm. The amount of water that U'j is measured by the square inch in a tulm under the vane. Wind gauges also are st:acheiL These indicate the sjieed of the wind. The giugea are small cups hung sideways to the vane. The wind blows them around in a circle and the revolutions are registered by electricity. Nearly all the large weather vanes In town are connected with dials in the buildings below. Ths dial is round, like the face of clock, lettered like compass, and a re volving band shows the action of the wind on the vane overhead. Vanea are no lesgrr set in sockets, as it la nearly Impossible to keep them properly oiled. They are bung loosely, like a cap on a pivot, and the hollow stern of the vane hangs over the head of ths pivot, cover ing it from rain and rust One of the largest vanes sver seen in New York was placed on the postofflc about fifteen years ago. It was so Urge that it was considered Unsafe and was taken down. A good drawing of it is still in existence. The arrow, scroll and banneret seem to be the favorite shapes in vanes at present The fence jumping hore and the plow are yet found on the grounds where country fairs art held, but they are not in great demand. The tobacco le.f j, fonn(i Lu,,,,!, j the south and in Connecticut The spread eagla and running deer are wind signs in the western states, the doer more par ticularly in Canada. Malt barrels in copper are placed on breweries through out ths country Jiew Vork Recorder. f TO CLOSE B CJYJERB HEAR IX MIXD THAT 0 JOE CA.1T SAVE YOU 2wl OZtTB'Y" i 'OVERCOATS Mil SUITS, FOR IvIEIST AND BOTTS FOR LESS MOM-Y THAN EVER HEARD OP BEFORE Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc- at Jobbers Prices " It will pay you to come fifty miles to trade with TOE Wbo will khow you better untie, quality and for lens money than j.u can buy west of Chicago. A CHILD CAN I5UV AS CHEAP AS A MAN JOB Hac On.l3r Ono -Frioo, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH.