f 1 U 1 J t ., .... . ... . . r - . . v . . i . , The lull rrinp'ctus of Notable features for iSga md Specimen Co.-.lei will tin sent Fre-. F3ril!iant Contributors. In biivc been written ei)re.ly for the coming- volume by a host of eminent men ami women, among whom ire . Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Count rtrdinand de Lessens. Andrew Carnegie. Cvru. V. Pleld. t no Marquis of Lome. - Justin Mcf-arChy, M. P. Sir Lysn Pte-fo!r.-- Prank R. Stockton. d CIcw. -Vasill Vcrcskhagln. V. Clark Russell. - The Carl of Meath Dr. Lyman Abbott. N l Camilla Urso Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and Ono Hundred Others. The Volume for 1892 will Contain Nino lllusttated Serial Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The Dest Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. H:nts on Self-Education. Glimpses of Royalty. Popular Science Articles; Household Articles. Railway Life And Adventure. Charmlns Children's Paje Natural History Papers. 700 Lapse Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. I'.lustratcd Weekly Supplements. Neirly 1000 Illustrations. 3 "A Yard of Roses." lmber (11 u HE OLD RELIABLE. filiin'lea, Latli, HwhJ Joors, Blinds j :n etipply evcrw demand of the city. D' , Call and pt terms. Konrth trc ct 1 in ri-ur of opera liuiw, i I : V HENRY BOECK The Leniaing 2 f JRNITURS DEALER , i A AND 1 ,V UNDERTAKR. tantly keep on hand tverytbln ) yon need to furni.h your aotM. ' f i eaaifin Bill A ill Kill mm Platt3 mout Neb I Ml ilia hi dl ,1' ;V.liil'M II MTV. .4 ilHIlUMliil1!! 7 i. ii lni.uii . I mm ' I 'f 1 at Fr Atchinann, fit. Joarjih, Lfaven ff woiiti, Kniimig City, St. I-ouia, F and all points north, east south or went Tick ets sold and batf gne checked i to any , (polut ,. the v Unitrd States or ICuniidu. For INFORMATION AS TO RATKS AM) KOUTK3 Call'nt Depot or address H, C. Towkhexh, . , G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. , J. c. rnir.r.iiMM, A. O. P. A. Oinslio. H. D. Al'OAK. At., Platlamouth. Telephone, 77. ATHARKET SIXTH BTKKET K. II. KLLKNHAUM, Prop. Tke best of fre Hh meat nlwnvs found ia thU. market. AIho Ireah . btftt sad Liutter. friid rs (rame of all kinds kept ia their aesaoti. Me a t"h Trk e tT -A nllnfi m: y i ii.il a 'Ui u a tt . iv a il tv li.aVfi m i ia FREE TO JAM. I. 1000 Te New Habacrlbera who will eat oat and aend us thla slip vtTth name and adiirea. Bna 41.73 wt will end The Companion Free lo Jnn., !-,!, and Inr a fall Year froajihnt Date. ThU oiler Inrlndea the THANKS ..1VINCJ, ( IIUIXTSIA and NEW YEA IVH Double Holiday Numbers. We will alao send a copy ofa beautiful pninllnc. entitled "A VAIII OK EOSfcX." In production baa coat TWENTY TIIOTMANO DOl.I.AKtf. Said Cluck, uuojlo. Oder, or Ilrvlilmd Utter at our risk. Aildrru, 1 The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mast. J. II:A:N:S:K:N DKAI.KH IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCEK1ES, GLASS AND QUEENSWAHE i'u rotmpe ! tb Publo Solicited. JOHNSON EDILDING SiltU St- TEVV HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL A SON Keep ll klnih of hull'len hurdwara nn hand and will mpi'ly enUHetir. on inntt lar oriililo trroil TIIsT ROOFING MKilitlllH and all kind ol tin wnrk prmnxtly dine. Urdnn Inmi in eouutrjr Hujlclted. (it r.'arl fit. rUTTSMOOTII, NEB. PEllKINS- HOUSE, J 17. 319, 821 and 223 Main 8L, Plattsmouth Nebraska H. M B053, Proprietor. lbs , Perkins has been thoroughly reooyatcd from top to bottom anJ ' oo W ono of the beat hotuli la the state Roardeni will b taken by the week al lt.no and np. SOOD BAR CONNECTED T HK CTH7.KNS HANK. Pl.TTHMOHTIl . KKRKASKA ktptul itockpald In II Authorued Capital, IOO.OOO. aaruaaa 'tUMX CARBCTH. JOS, A. COHNOK. Treildeiil. Vloe-PreilUa w. n. cusHisa. Oftner. D1KSOTOBS fraak Oarrutb J. A. Connor, F. B. Untbanani 1. W. Jebnwm.HenrrBtrek.JokiO'Kaefe W. D. Marrtaa, Wa. Weteoaaas. W. H. CuihUf. fBUmCTSi GENERAL BAKIIN3 B0S1HES mum eertlflrtte. of depmlu boarlni Intern.! Buyi aud Bella eienangn, nouuiy aua our n'lti A. C. MAYES COUNfY -oUHVKTOB '."J. AND CIVIL ENGINEER all orden left with the eounty elerk "111 be promptly attended to. OmtB IS COUKT IIOVMHB, Plnttsniouth. - Nebraska Judi TMI ONIlMAie0INUlMf, TM otalT IHpsw li.Mrta (nf Ifcartan-arl nii B i awlksa)n. i-aai If, - rtiTt I 1J mitt .11, I ana ft -. u . w, If lo.etia uimi - " IHU a aU I - . This Slip J RST : NATIONAL : HANK OK IM.ATTuMOiJTII, S KllltAMK A raid up canlnl Surplus ..jsn.ft o.im .. ln,u.",.( n the ery bet fitnltlle for the prnnii trnniV'fliili f IlKltlnmle Uiiiikinu: Uusinoss 4tii k. hnlnli. if iilil tftiverlimelit arid lnial . MiriiiM. Ixiiiht -uk hoI'I. Ifi-ii'ifUi rt-e.-lv mil inlercit Kll"wed nn the eertilluVM. ; tr. ft. (I r..n uu .lhtlilM In ui.v rt.irf .if l ' i.l'e sunm kiiiI all the iiri.ii'lual hum n Europe. Xil.LK.TION MAKR AVfl IH'IXITI.T KKMIT THI. IlKhHMt fllHrket p'e p(i Inr fount Jf W. ranta. Main ana t'oiintjr honilt. 1)1 HKCTOKH John Kltziritld II. IhiwWorth Hum WitiiK'i. V. K. tohiie ilcorxD K. I)ii"y lohn Klt7("rM. H. Wanifh. i're.lilent B ANK OK CASS COUNTY Cor MhIii and Fifth street. r4ld iiticapllal fvi lurplu. J Ural OFFICERS ). II. Pamela Pnnldi'l I tt-i l.ur.ier ' Vice frmiirii t I. M r.t!-moa rah II r. M. I'.tltervm. A"it Caelnel DIRECTORS ). II. Par , ele, .1. M IVitterann, Kred liordrt I, H. Hniltii It. II. Windham, H. 8. lUnnej ai 4 r. M .l'aileiuin K QENEbAL BASX1NC BU3IHESE HAN8ATED Aeeounn aollritee. iniereM allowed nn t'me leomlta and pMinpt aitentlonf ireo to all bua Iiew eulrutteii to Its care. Chamborlain'a Eya and Hrta Olntmant A certain enre for Chronic Sore Eyes, Totter, Salt IUioam, Scald Head, Old Chrooio Soros, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, ppairie Bcratcbca, Sore KIpplcs and Files. It Is eoolinz and soothing. Ilundrodsof cases have boea cared by it after all other treatment bad failod. It Is put op la 23 and CO cent bam. NEBSn.Dio.iE!CURCD ki i lavai4aTalUsr tar C-V V kastmt aat. I'-qsnfclahHS, .w,mfMi.i,fs)iifamwtirtfaji .iar.Misswi,Mi.rnrP b3J sVMdl., &W Iwkw Wrm tm M ! -sv(rnLt 53 PARKER'S ! HAIR BALSAM mm ltjvuiutsil art.lh. r Falla lo hrsrtur Oru Jltvir to IU Yottlhtul Coitir. Lan 4tMSM hair ta.iaj. 1. -.rarr'. am.r 1 'inlf. h ...... . ..il I .k..i, w.k l,nr.. I .ai u. M-1 .fwa, raia.Tai la liaicfuila HINDEHCORNI, t ii,fT.wf.rnnia aK ak. .iu. u, m unuu, at uiiiux a uu. a. I 6 RATKL'L COMFORTING L)is Cocoa UKEAKFAST "Sv a lkara(h kawldr f Ma aararal law. whlrli aavara lha noaiatlnnl of dhrat:aa aad aiilrltlnii. and hy a raraful ap luallim nf taa Sue pronertia.of well paieetea . won. air, Knni ha. nrovhled our breaklat labia with delicately Svore, bevera(a which may .av a. aiaaf heavy doetor' hill., It h hr'tha J.di. lou. uaool.urk article. o diet thit a eon lintlnn may lie cradaally hull! ap until .lror enoiidi In re.Ul every I'adenry In tlei. Ilmiilred. of luliil meladle. are fluatlai around a readr tc a'lai'K wetev-r aete la a weak point, We may e.capi many a fatal halt h keeplaK imr.eive. well lor INed wl.h ioiie blno I and a properly nau.hhed frme " ;ill Merl-a (ia"tle. Xa,lo.l tlmiily with boillnx water or nuiar. Hold only la half-aeuad tin., hv ro"erie. iie..l l.iur: JiMKi Kl'l'.t a Do .lluBiMiilhlechenilit ladaa. Huilaid tlOTli AC.T.ST TTAVTED for DAYLIGHT r1,l(i)lTH4FUhH4lOWH Of HElTTOni 11 FF. A (.brlat.aa funis I ftersllTt at Mtaalim ol donsj " In Hit nit .una- In tous-h ..., rwvvaiiM h " waasr tym of lMk.f r-aviir nf Niff Tms'' sm ff s troaaaws " ll dtwrib-a iipi 0fill Ukstslum. dfifalai i s4rti t a j n ba-unfM. H Mr H4- Aoii, 4 -1- Tha W, Vat. Ut lHaelr I fca-k. Hrr f W " JJV tsarltsaMt. With .'vr(rTliSJtlnaVa- lish lihniuf fi.li ml sraia ;!' as Aras fur Taj, -a awasJ 6ay kL Purs) mmA ffnmt. full ul Wrf aad ssaiUs, ll.u sl.y ut lwpm- mtUM tm ikdi tMiWaff ol titt (iuai'sL-al ts-- f9 ww A.aat. MiBkaurt asir. -f4 4 w"4 -attl vnsM tridorM It, Ti) DUO ifN- Wstas,. frV.9 aw. f A auTM1snt4HMUBl)tli4rSMk.fuf MdNf IVwatAM Bd v K rf fw". rtU tut jtta..tv a si. ..WMiai4Wi SSaaarlUSi Unn4 ' It) wi sMr ai""- ..'.-7- . rs.a - snaia. sH Mt. lf fWr l'ra " ' r, rysra a uasar aft " a Duuiono Etno A rits m atV, Nsm saaet rasaiSts Ml . T M- -4 it) Hf 4 a4 W4 avMiaM T V f now to ll.l,, , f.lllnU ; ol hmialali ll.aui,. ""Sufii" pill)waiia'.cusTilmatnn 1 apJ.iarttf .lri.iu.nl t, hirKpHt Jhuro Vi the oT(llewnim'a atttMittvn. '.Anil I aome of hmi are lncli.,. riniujii t beuuty Thu pruvailiuK funcy fvr cuk snd comfort In homo decoration Innim upon a generous aupply of tliesu vush loni strewn about an apitrtmcnt. A etrnltrliV backed chair l Immediately made more comfortubla by the placing CIIKTAM tHHIlllllltllV of s pillow Delimit the hollow of one's back, and four or five nre not too many to pile up on a divan or a couch. Cushions for this puriose should bo Muffed with down, because it absolutely refuses to knot up In lumps, but shakes out and fulls up nrain however much pressure It may have been under. I.nrio couch pillowN are frequently filled with a lino quality of feathers, In which case an inner covering is requisite so as to prevent the feather quills from sticking tliroii(,'li. The two Illustrations pive siiffpestiona fur the quaint decorative needlework called Cretan embroidery, which is a very remarkable description of silk env broidery on linen, found only on the inland of Crete in t!:e Dffean sea. In all cases the one stitch predominating In the Cietrtii ui k la a kind of very close herring Ume, the stitches beinrj taken In ao close a proximity to each other that the effect of a plait or twist Is produced. The method of the execution of tins stitcli la veryi clearly demonstrated in the small Illustration, which shows the needlo threaded will) four strands of filoselle Hiik, lint occasionally six strnnds may tie threaded to advantage, as wido portions of foliage and the like may thus lie more quickly covered. frequently a heavier twisted silk is used The coloring of the square do sign given Includes a deep golden brown, fawn brown, yellow, cream, two shades of dull L'reen, nnd a very lovely tint of azure blue, with an occasional touch of bright red. The bird in the center Is outlined In chain-stitch iu fawn brown, with the exception of tho eyea and wine; feathers, which nrc out lined with pold silk, the Interior portion of the wing U'liig (llled with red silk atin atltch. The small circular flowers above the bin) nre likew ise In satin atilch, with cream-white centers out lined with fawn brown. 1 lie two large MCTAIL OF C RITAS STTTCR. flowers are In diverse colore, one hay ing lu outer circle worked In green snd the other In blue, the little intermedi ate lines of atem-stitchlng being of golden brown, snd in the center of the flower-forms white and pold and fawn are judiciously blended. The foliage la brown, green, fawn and blue, the amount of each color being introduced in rather s haphazard fashion, but in such manner sa t produce charming re sult Aa to the uses to which Cretan work may be applied at the present day, scarcely loo much can be said in Its fayor as s decoration for tea cloths, table centers, aofa pillows, towel shams. night-dress canes, footstool cushions, head rest snd other articles for which the possibility of being frequently washed is s consideration. Italian linen ts the moat suitable material for Cretan work, being pure homespun, and ao soft snd free from dressing that the needle psasea through it without the slightest resistance, while its moderate coat Is sUo greatly In its favor. Ella Starr, tn Leelie's Illustrated New. paper. t rioaalaf lra. Here Is a recipe for cleaning delicate laces, which sn old Iscemsker who has woven many s goasamsr web for the great eonnolueur and lover of laces, Mme. Modje.ks, gave to ber pupil and patron! Ppread the lace out on paper, cover with calcined magnesia, place an other paper over It, snd put it away be tween the leaves of a book for two or three days. Then all It needs Is a skill ful ihakc to scatter the powder, Snd its delicate threads are as fresh and clean ss wbeo 6 rut woven. , A Uooia TnrkUh llath. When a warm bath la taken, If the whole body from the crown of the head lo the eolrs of the feet la Instantly sponged with cold water there will be 00 danger of taking cold The cold water closes the pores naturally after a w arm bath. Salt Savwa Ulni-banis. Yon eon prevent your pretty new ginghams from fading if you let them Ua fur several hours In water iu which baa been dissolved a goodly quantity of salt. I'm, the dress tn It while it is hot, and after several hours wring it out, dry and wash aa unal "r 1 . Toa Stay rol Oalaac Now. , . If the hands are rubbed on a stick of celery after peeling onlous the smell will be entirely removed Onions may be peeled under water without offense to eyes or binds. Arc tour Kulvoa Hoatrf Ordinary rubber Ink eraacra, it' is said, will remove rnst from polished cut lery without Injury 1 m ' " aasi 1 aa s sm ll . - DO, W'vtT ,vVYORK CITY. JUDICIAOf f-l-CER'S EXPERIENCE. .fnooth Toncoed Mlnarpera .M.ike a) -. Mistake I" "Sllog l'" a .Man, 1 an, I V" Is Arrtialed anil Sentenced 'I'lie J i, Vleata I'ter Fa to. At tlie'a.awyerH' club a few nights a'o j Judge Uiiik B. Cowing mid Judge 1 lenry ' A. GiIilerKl've were epintiing yarns on tl)'! queer exK'rieiie-r! tin-y have had willi the thieving fraternity, when not known. Judges Oilderslneve und Cowing are two jolly and niot entertaining compan ion's. They me very popular wherever they go and now and then meet with a sharper wiio tries to ingratiate himself iu their good graces to the extent of uh many dollars as they may happen to have in their pockets. Judge Uildersloevei was telling how he was approached by a bunko man a few year ago nt the Pennsylvania railroad depot iu Jersey City, and how he crossed the ferry with the "hand shaker," who thought lie had made a greut capturo. Judge (iil.kv.sleeve is a famous tqMiris man and a sharpshooter. Ho has won many prizes with his rifle nt national snd international tournaments, und has written ii dozen boi);s on rilles, marks manship and game, big und little. He was returning from a trip to Pennsylva nia, where he had had a very pleasur able time shooting with a party of Phil adelphia lawyer friends. 1 loli. id hardly got off the train at Jersey City when ha felt a vigorous si up on thu back. "Why, hello, my dear Mr. Thompson. So glad to seo you. Just in from Phila delphia, eh? How lire ull the folks at home?" When Judge Oihlersleeve got a chance to say a word ho replied meekly: "Yes, just in from Philadelphia. I guess the folks are all well. They were when I left them, anyway." "Now, I've met you iu Philadelphia, I am sure. Don't you remember me?" THE JUIKiK tll'.TS fcVEM. Knowing what sort of character he had to deal with, Judge Oildcrsleeve led him on in a modest, innocent way. "Why, you must be mistaken," said lie to tho bunko man. "My name is Johnson, Joseph V. Johnson, und I keep u store in Philadelphia." "Why, 1 beg ii thousand pardons," and tho bunko man bowed low nnd disap peared. OAVR TMK TIP TO J1H "rAL." Tiien came tho "pal," just as Judge Oildersluere expected. Ho was just stepping aboard tho Desbrossos Street ferry when ho got another slap on the J back. "My dear Mr. Johnson, how are you and what are you doing over here? You don't remember me, but I knew you years ago in Philadelphia," and bunko man No. 2 plied his tongue in the most voluble manner, Judgo Oildersloeve as senting to everything he said. The bunko man had got Judgo Oildersleevo to promise that ho would meet him again when he saw he couldn't get him to join him in a quiet game or a liquid smile. "Now, my dear Mr. Johnson, don't forget to meet mo, will you?" said the bunko man as he stepped out of tlrs ferry house on the New York side. "Officer, arrest this man," said Judge Oildersli-eve to a policeman standing by. "Suy, you old jay, whut do yon mean?" h'.t-twl .1.-1 wUi!0 ihmIi, r,'. vrtwli anger. "We will meet again, young man, in a short time, I hope. I will give you my name and place of business Henry A. Gildersleeve, judge. Part 3, court of geu erul sessions." "Whut's the charge, judge?" asked the policeman.' "Suspicions character." The next day the bunko man was sent to tho island for six mouths by Justice Power, of the Tombs. TUB "PAL" SENTENCED. Two mouths later Judge Gildersleeve had the pleasure of meeting the uiuu who was king of the New York "hand shakers," "Kid" Miller. Miller was the man who first addressed the judge iu the depot at Jersey City. "Miller, I've mot you before," said Judge Gildcreleeve. "Not gnilty," replied Miller. "Well, I got off a Pennsylvania train in Jersey City one day two months ago, with a gun aud a basket and dressed in my hunting clothes. I had been on a little pleasure expedition, and you saw fit to isterft-re is the business of a peaceable, law abiding citizen. Yonr companion is now serving a term on the island, and the strangers who come to town will be better off if you follow suit. One year in the penitentiary," and the bnnko king was led sway, and if ever a face looked queer it was that dazed bnnko man's. The two bunko men who tried to cap ture Jndge Gildersleeve'S shekels bad worked New York and vicinity for a long time, yet did not know the face of the criminal court Jndge. ' In the case of Recorder Thnyth the "hand shaker" was frtwh in from the Windy City, and hadn't looked the city officers over so closely as his calling would seem to war rant. Judge Gildersleeve told me that so far as he knew he snd Recorder Smyth were the only criminal, judges that liad ever been approached by the New York bunko men. The ouly other erjierience Judge Gil dersleeve ever had with the crooks out side his courtroom was during the Cen tennial in Philadelphia. He had his pockets picked while going over the ex hibition ground.. He had just 'been made a judge of the criminal court in this city, and some of his friends, who remember how Judge Gildorsleeve felt over the theft, do say that for a long time pickpockets received very little merciful consideration when they were sentenced according to the jury verdicts. -New York Herald. . ' A Woman's A (a, Afala. Quoriens Does Miss Prym believe everything in her Bible? Cyuicus Yek, except the entry of ber birtu.-New York Epoch. .".ill aj rfurirleri Dfir.tt. f I i ii 11. Hie s liii.tonis nrw ""I. genenaiv iimlerMr, "n. Mile. Him l',re-ilh ' r,int ! Hit-Kit h. k " t5''',',l,,rdilrcKsin I side liH'r Moulder, irri.,, ,,,,, Mllfit. 1 SI liitri ihomI. v. - rs - 1. W.irilr ,.i u rn, n, .in. n in-, MijuuessnesH, (iron Jt contains, 'ncopiate's. V 'V Wonderful. , cu K. W. Sawyer, f Roclienter, 'W'iB ii prominent dealer in general mercliaiHli.se, inul who runs nevern pi-ildlint; wajf.Mis, liml tine of ,ia Iioi w.ih badly t ut mid Imrned with a liiriut, The v.ound refiiHed to heal. The liorne liccnnie lame nnd etifl ' iiowwilliHtatiditi cnrcful intention nnd llu Hpdicntii, n of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer Home 'of I luller'H Hai l) Wire l.iiieinent, the most wonderful ('liine ever Haw t Ileal wik'Ii woiiinls. He npplicil it only three timcM and the core was completed heahvl. Equally frond for all eort, cuIh, Ihiiscs, and woiiikIh. l,-or nale by nil drugg;int For lame hack there i nolbinjy better tliim to Hiiturate ti flanniT cloth witli C'hainlit-rlaiu'H Pain J I in mid bind it on the uffcc'.cd partH. Tr" it and you will be wur- priHcdat the prompt relief italfordrt. 'ri... ...:n ........ J 11C Mill I1C 1 1 1 I III 11 II I win I III I- I 1 1 .1 11- matiHiu. For Hale by J. G. Fricke A Co. A Cure for Paralvsls. Frank CorncIitiH, of Purcell, Ind. Ter., HavH: "I induced Mr. PitiHou, wIiohc wife had piiralyniHin the face to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's I'ain Jsalm. Jo their frrcsit nuprine before the bottle had all been need elie wiih ii jrrcat deal better. Her lace had lieen drawn to one Bide; but the Pain Halm relieved nil pain and noreiicKH. and the mouth .isHiiined i t h natural Hhape." It is also a cert a in cure for lhetimatiHia lame back, sprain HwcllintrH and iamencci. ,ri) cent licit ticn for Bale by F. G. Fricke A Co., Drtifrieta. 181)2. HA'RI?ER!S BMIMll ILLUSTRATED. Harper'n Haznr is a journal for the home, It jriveH the latest ins formation with regard to the Fatilv ioiih, and itH niimcroiiH ilhiHtrav tionH, Paris deHip;rin, mid pattern Hheet Hiipplementfl urc indispens able alike to the home dress-maker and the profesniotiul niodiMlc. N expense ih npar d to make it artis tic attractiven sa of the highest order. ItH brifrhest wtones, uiihir inje comedicH, and thoughtful es Hays satisfy all tastes, s. 1 itH lawt pa Re in famous as a budget of wii and humor. In its weekly issues everything is included which is of interests to women. The Serials for 1W will be written by Walter Hesant and William lllaek. Mrs. Oliphant will beeome a contributor. Marion Harland's Timely Talks. "Ltay In and Day Out," are intended for Mairons, and Helen Marshall North will especially address girls T. W, Hitreinsoii, iu "Women and Men," will please a cultivated audi ence. HARPEER'S PR10DI0ALS HAKPEK'3 MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY....- 4 00 HARPER'S HAZAK 4 0 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 0 Postage free to nil PtibHcribers in the L'nited States, Canada aud Mex. The volumes of the Hazar begin with the first number of January of each year. When no time is men tioned, subscription will begin with the number current at the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Hazar for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent tv niaiL postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight doea exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of ft each. Remittance ahould be made by Poet Oflice Money Order or Dralt, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy thia advertisement without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Nsw York. The velumeswf the Magazine be fin with the Numbers for June ant December ef each Tear. Vhea na time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt f order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years hark, in nrstcloth blad ing will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of WX) per volume. Cloth esses for binding, NO crate each by mail post paid. YOUNG MENVOLD MEN" lit II THI TOILS II TNI SUPMTS 11 liUiU. Tk.y karat, .fort, u fra. ttaiiilra, .at in b.dwidi bow m .acM.r.ny LlSHAKEOFFTHC HORRID SNAKtS 1. (It. if I. .M..r ... Muh l.ta Mrrf aTkra, waMaaaajmaiiaaraaaaiir OUR NEW BOOK M (M. M 11. I Ml for. I.n.ta .Ib,h,uim la. ykUMaakf .1 DlMaa M aaa AnUtl.a. al lk Ora.ai .1 ataa. k.w ky HOME TREAIMtNT, t w.tkal. .ala.t.lv aar wa, tk. wwrat faiaaa aC Lot ar rallla. ataaawia. Onaral aad S.rraa D. kllllT, Vain, al Wr aad fcllaa, SI..M at Irrara r IKNIH. StaaUl ar rimla etM want kM r.w4. BaalU la a lar. liowt.l.l.r,aaatr.aflk.aWkAI,TIVIVELOrX OaaAMI a f AITS atlODf wa.. alalat.aU lnl.r.,1. Um MM turn M BiaM.. Tnu,lM ... In UM.ataa. t.M.HMia- B.,f.n.al yoh.ii.aMI RUMtOICAI.CO.BUFFAl.O,N.Y. HI-clls.wilMli,, ,t,,,,W, X W l-H or ,1,-opHy, pp', .'1 ' f.Mi-h nndmuotliering. i)rV0 llltistniteil 1,()(, on Heart i.V N.'-. fr,-.. , K (. FrUtc & CVh hikI P'arniil.-e Dr. Miles' unO , ' New lie,,, ,(,,. ,, ,liB live Nervine, which cures nerv.!u " a m a "Nisi Y- .mm: -a - . -'-tu jva4'wajsi .s' " '"! V" . v4" 4'