The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 04, 1891, Image 1

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" ...mi YEAl
All Experts Use
V . Royal Baking Powder
. '.. . .. ; . .
J IYrfcct and u.ulorm success in making finest food is
' , more certain with Royal Baking Powder than with any
f other. Use it in every receipt calling for a baking
oowdcr, or cream of tartar and soda, and the best
,-- ''Results in pure, wholesome, appetizing food arc assured.
experts use it because it adds to their success. Physi
. ians and Health Officers recommend it because it adds
) the wholcsomcncss of the food.
'..? MARION HaRLANO: "I regard the Royal Baking Towder as
, i uc b;st in the market. Since its introduction into my kitchen
. . have used no other."
MISS Maria PaRLOA: "It seems to mc that the Royal
;' Baking Powder is as good as any can be. I have used it a
great deal and always with satisfaction."
VV ' Mks. BAKER, Principal of Washington, D. C, School of
Cookery: "I say to you, without hesitation, use the 'Royal.'
I have tried all, but the Royal is the most satisfactory."
M. GoRJU, late Chef, Delmonico's, New -York: "In my usj
of Royal Baking Powder, I have found it superior to all others."
A. FORTIN, Chff, White House, for Presidents Arthur and
Cleveland: "I have tested many baking powders, but tor finest
food can use none but 'Royal.'"
j r
i Geo. Vass and then Christmas.
i " liri
or ladies line kin er.ncs nim
hrixliiiiiM slipp'TH, go to Joseph
"1 .ei's. tl
rim irel the best of hand-
oots iiinl shoes nt J
k-Ires ..jioe, it can be had lit Schild
(4llC('hH. tf
) i nT.?M
' , ijt.ii-."
fU-o. Vass
I ock.
-. "5.
l,Vt'liil(ikiii'('lit hIioc Iioiihc lir.fl
t'mt'Kt line of iiienn kIkich
I A mm of Mr. M. D. I'iihhit,
mcr' liimt of ( N. I... wan no
I hailly iillliclrcl with rhi iiiniitifiii for
I n year or ii.ore, u to hp uniihli to
! work or jjo to nchool. Ilin fatlifr
! coiicl.hl. d to tr liainhcrl.iin'H
i Tain Riliii on tin- hoy. It Hoon
. i i. . i i - ii.... i
,V t oiti iitnl h half inili-B to hi ho:l and
! 1),ick every thod flay. Wt cent hot-
Hi- for mile hy r. O. 1 inKc lo,
and the court
if you want a
I-iMainiii( mirlainied U-ttors in
poHloflice at I'lattKniouth, Dec. 2,
for tin- weekending Nov. 25, Wl:
Anfl-rnn. Ahii'o H.-ln, Th""liir
The Htirk of gio.-erii i nt Tetcr-
irn'i eld stand wnl l! rfold at re
duced trii to K.tiiwfy niortagr
of Firht National hank, and anyn.if
needing goods will Have money ly
calling at thj nld wtand. Kciiipiii
tier the Htock if IrenJi and coili l"te.
Coine in for targ.iinn in potutoeH,
flour. frwiwaTe, chinaware and
crjtkery. Opera Grocery.
fine I Hrunn Jobii M Fliiirr. Will
Orijr. w K il.rN.rn. a r
Bui.!h till :m HhnwilB I
I'eit tnn callinir for the hov
will p)eae nay "udvertiBed,"
II. J. Stkeioiit, P. M
Santa Clause,
Ceo. V'an.
Do n-t eon f u ho the famoiM HIukIi
cj Kohcb wu.J the uiany worthh HH
aintK, powilera. creunm unn
leiicheit which are lloooing the
market. (let the genuine of your
druggixt, O. If. Snyih r, 7." centH per
liottle, and I guarantee it will re
move your pimple, freckle, hlack
lie.nlH, mod, lau ami Hinilnini, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
The ovMer Huoner iriven hy the
Ladies of the M. K. church lat eve
ning was reasonably well attended
notwithstanding the inclemency of
' l... iv.(iffi..i. Ttip nmretwlri
amounted Jo about $12 which will
be fittingly applied for the needs
of the church.
A bout Our Fira Department.
There appears to be some dis-
H.itinf.'iction on the part of a num
ber of our cili.ens relative to the
manner in which the members of
tlie firejilepartment respond to the
alarm of lire. It was plainly ap
parent nt the IVrkiiis house fire a
few weeks since that n great many
of the boys failed to put in an
appearance, but the apathy and
indifference exhibited toward the
distill bance of Wednesday morning
is a fitting cap for this climax of
unconcern. We are informed by a
fireman in good standing that there
at 1 present belonging to the fire
department l.'fci members. After a
persistent ringing of the fire alarm
Wednesday morning there were, all
told, only eleven responses. We
are informed by one of the firemen
who was there, that, owing to the
limited number, they worked to a
rcat dihu lvautage, inasmuch as it
required the full force to handle
the two hose carts and the hook
and ladder outfit, which, in this
particular case, owing to the fact
that it was necessary to work upon
the roof, were especially needed,
could not be obtained.
It is highly important that only
such men be admitted to member
ship in the department that recog
nize and appreciate tlie responsi
bility that rest upon them. When
we remember that members arc ex
empted from paying poll tax, the
thought is suggested that probably
persons are actuated by a Hellish
motive, but we cannot believe that
men will so jeopardize the interests
of their neighbor by assuming tin
responsibility incurnsd bj iiiimii
b'-rs of the department simply foi
this paltry sum
In this connection we may state
that if the hose house were turned
that the entrance mitht face 11
south instead of the. east, access to
the house would be much easier
The council ordered this change
over a mouth ".nice, but owing to
somebody's unconcern the instruc
tions have been ignored.
We have dwelt somewhat nt
length upon this matter simply be
cause we believe that our firemen
have not done their duty in a few
instances and with the hope that
they will be stimulated to do better
service in the future, thus probably
saving valuable property and hav
ing the consciousness of having
performed their duty to the best of
their knowledge.
DUtrict Court,
The day has been consumed henr
ingthe testimony and argument in
the case of Western Engineering
anrf Sprague Klectric Motor Co. vs,
Plattsmouth Street Kailway Com
pm.y. The plaintiffs arc endeavoring to
establish the claim of a lieu upon
the rojkl, alleging that by virtue of
thei having constructed the road,
they are entitled to the protection
accorded any mechanic who con
structs a property of any nature.
The defendants in the case are Tom
Murphy, Jas. Fitzgerald and Kichey
Hros. K. II. Wooley and J. K. Web
st. a of Lincoln appear as counsel
for plaintiffs and Myron Clark and
A. N. Sullivan for defendants.
Police Court.
In police court to d ly, John Con
nor was arraigned on the charge of
theft. The licenced admitted hav
ing stolen tne overcoat of Dr. I)( er-
iug, and oliV: ing the same tor his
ireakfast at the Perkins House, but
alleged thai, owing to his intoxi
cated coiidiiion, he did not fully
realize" what he was doing. The
court senlenced him to confinement
in the county jail for n period of
twelve days and decreed that he
pay the cosis. In default of 1 lie
payment ol costs lie was given
seven days additional in the
county jail.
B. X. Loverin resumes work on
the K.C. train to-day.
Mine ui1
'Dr. Miles' n.'
L !'' iierv,u.f
1 ' essiiesw i
I "o i a ten. V
n n n i i
- - OJP
Iadies Furnishings
Is How Complete in all Departments,
We are showinga handsome line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Stock complete and prices lower
than ever.
A good Ladies Jersy vest at 2"c.
Ladies tine Jersey vest and pants in
white or natural grays at 50c eacfc
Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests and
Pants nt 50c. Regular 75c under
wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wo)
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal and black.
Complete lines of Child's under
wear in natural, scarlet and whit
at prices ab low as the lowest.
The laws of health are taught in
the schools; but not in a way to be
of much practical benefit and are
never illustrated by livingc xnmplcH
which in many cases m.vjht easily
be done. If some schol.irs, who
had just contracted n old, vas
brought nefore the school, so that
, all could hear the dry, loud cough
I mid knnv it significance; see the
jthiu white coating on the tongue
mid latter, as the cold developed,
see the profuse watery cxpeetora
Mion and thin watery discharge
' fi tu the none, not one of them
j would ever forget what the first
) iiiptom of u cold were. The
scholar should then tie given
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free
Iv. that all might sec that even a
Call on the Tucker Sinters in the I severe cold could be cured in one
Sherwood block for bargains In j oi two days, or at least greatly miti
Winter Bat. tf : gated, when properly treated ns
' (unn um the first symptoms appear.
hor hue boots Hiul slioes go to i This remedy is famous for it s
Genfiemcn, il you hanker after!
Flyn's Flexible Fine Fancy Fitting
Footwear, Schildknecht has the!
truck. tf j
The comity commissioners, Geo.
Vass anil the court house clocii.
Whwiii you iuiik'i when Shi i
lob's cure will give immediate re
lief. Price 10 cts.. 50 els. end fl
For sale by F. G. Fricke A C(
Pure buckwheat Hour for bale at
Hcisel'a mill. tl
Joseph Fetzer, Main street, between
ourth and Fifth streets. tf
I have been a great sufferer from
CBtnrrh for over ten years; had it
verv bad. could harlly breathe.
Some nights 1 could not sleep and j
Had to whik tne noor. t purciiuncu
Hy' Cream lialmundain using it
freely, it in working a cure surely.
I have advised several friends to
use it, and with happy results in
every esse. It is t lie medicine
above all other for catarrh, and it
is worth its weight in gold. I thank
God I have found a remedy I can
use with safety and that does all
that is claimetf for it It is curing
nfSdralneas.-B. W. Sperry, Hurt-
,f Coun.
cure of cough, colds and croup.
It is made esoeccially for these
disease and is the most prompt and
most reliable medicine known for
the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale
by F. it. Fricke A Co., druggists.
Board ofTrade
The membcm of the board of
trade are hereby requested to meet
In the county judeg'a office at VX) p.
ni. Tuesday December 8, when dele
rate to the beet sugar convention,
to be held In Lincoln December
27, will tie appointed and the prop,
osition to locate an agricultural im
jb4ent factory In thla city will be
dismissed. A full attendance la de
Hired. R. B. Wl.NiiitAM, Pre.
G. F. S. Hukton, Sec'y.
The grocery
Co. closed its
City yesterday,
firm of Trounce A
doors at Nebraska
The liubilitiea are
The Fire at Shenadoah,
As a number of our readers have
il.ildien in attendance lit the West
ern Normal College, in addition to
the mention of yesterday, we clip
the followingShenandoah telegram
from to-day's State Journal:
"TheWYstcrn normal college, the
pride of our citv and the state, is
to-d.iy in ashes. Last night about
11 o'clock the cry of fire was heard
and soon the whole city was arous
ed to witness the burning of the
college building and were utterly
powerless to stay the fllames
President Croan saw to it person
ally that every student was re
moved from the building in safe
The origin of the lire is unknown
although all who saw it first agree
thut it started in the cupola, The
loss is about f'XMKK), insured for
$2S,()00. CitizeiiB are caring for the
students and classes ure reciting
in the churches. A meeting of
citizens is now being held in the
opera house. Not a single one of
the 1,000 student a have left, but all
declare their intention of remain
ing. Sixty student and President
Croan and family roomed in the
On f the
eweat and brightest
line of
Plaih'Q'i, Toji, JJolli. Kowltii.
Per Ike RoIIiUt trade that kit beea
eeo Is town tor Tcri.
Which win bought early in the
season from some of the
Which gunranters you the pick of
the market and at price ,
for which we
are noted.
-.-The Lowest in the Country .
Ibe publle l rrdlllr Invited to Iripect Bur
ondi ai d coeipure prlo-e
R. f, BSCIIKB, Plop.
Prof. Halsey was detained at home
all day Wednesday assisting iu the
conatruction of an addition to his
residence to make room for the in
creasing population, endowing to
his absence his presence Thursday
morning was thoroughly uppreciat
cd by ull the ijtudents. It is report
ed that after the Professor had
called school ns was his custom he
obligingly asked some member of
the school to projKise a selection of
music. One bright boy raised his
hand and upon being granted per
mission to speuk announced the
familiar song, "Rock-a-By Baby."
The students enjoyed a good laugh
and the Professor appeared to en
joy the joke hugely.
The committee having in charge
the "Authors Carnival" intertain
ment request that all parties who
have consented to participate meet
at the home of Miss McClcllund
this evening to arrange the preliminaries.
Weather Report
For the month of November, 1891
Fourth- 4H 7 a. m. ; (13 , 2 p. m.
misty during forenoon.
Sixth-"-, 2 p. in.; ft-, 0 p. m.
daily mean temperature, 57.1-.
Thirteenth - It -. 7 a. in.
Fifteenth -Misty during forenoon.
Sixteenth 20-, 7 n. m. ; 12 , 0 p.
nt.: light snow during night and
Seventeenth-5 -. 7 a. m. ; S3, 9 p.
. ; daily mean temperature, 0.2
Twenty-first -light rain during
Twenty-second -15 - 7 n. m. ;
light snow during night and light
snow in the morning.
Twenty-seventh Li flit rnin dur
ing night.
Twenty-eighth -4 In. m.; 17,
p.m.; 10 -, Op. m. ; daily mean
temperature, 14.3.
Monthly mean teniperature.35.1 .
Highest temperature, 7H, Oth;
(50-, 5th nnd 7th.
Lowcnt temperature, 4 , 2Hth.
Rainfall, in.
Snowfall, 3 in.
Xiimber of ds ys on which rain or
snow fell, 5.
Clear days, 2.
Fair days, ti. v
Cloudy days, 8.
Wind from northwest.
I)west temperature, November,
1HS7, lrt-below.
Snowfall, November, 18H0, 7 in
Monthly mean temperature,
November, 1WII. 3S.(1.
Rainfall, same month, 17m in.
HAVE never rliown eo large aline in this department,
e c ill special attention to our 1-trge assortment of Ileefere
Military and Hip Coat shapes trimmed -with Mink, Seal, Astrachaa,
Miifliiloon nnd Conev furs.
Our line of I'luh Sacojies arc cheaper than eer hefore. nl)
lines of Children unci Mioses Cloaks and Jackets. -
r. m
n n n nn a
For abstracts of title at reason
able rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union
block. l
T.B.Wilson, a prominent nttor
ney of Cedar Creek, is attending
court to-day.
J. K. Webster nnd K. IL Wooley,
attorneys of Lincoln, are in the
city to-duy.
Shorthand and typewriting col
lece over Mayer's clothing store
Day and night sessions. Situations
guaranteed to all competent sum
cuts. tf
A. B. Knotts departed for Weep
ing Water this morning and will
uccompuny hid family, who have
been visitinir relatives there the
past week, home Monday.
Jessie Graham, a farmer Bring
near lulian. Nemaha count-, loit
two stacks of wheat, containing
over (XX) bushels, by fire Thursday
during the process of threshing
The fire originated from tbe engine
by which the power for running
the threshing machine was gener
Headquarter for Ererything in the liae ml
Repairing of MNK WATCHES a Specialty
and all Work Warranted.
41 5 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb
Tha rir.t Iron fillip.
Tlie firet iron ship bus more reputed
blrtliplucui tlian Homer. Both the Clyde
and the Mersey claim pre-eminence in
this respect. Sir . J. Robison, of Edin
burgh, designed an iron vessel in 1816,
winch Wiis not launched till three years
later; and it U nid that an iron bout
was worked on the Severn even aa far
back as 1787,
Hums MiiiHZlimiuiil HKKHi.n
'ii mIii III Ml. ami II Kit. I, Ii
I(rin-r' Mute i iik biiiI IIfhai ii
II. riMr'n Harrauil IIkhai.i,
Itiii r ' - tv, ly Hint kkhai.ii
luwii -UK" I K'"'er rtlKl ilKUAI.D
Weiilvru llunil and 11kkai.ii
II a
. 4
.. 4 M
4 H
.. a
..I M
It Uhould be In Every House.
J. H. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
knr ln ait, a ...., ill nnt 1... ..IiL
n, , . , . i fl., ntno ,11. .111 iiui i.u nil.
Steel was not used in the. nil,"n, K;...Va Nnm,n. fo
constrnction of msrehant ahipa' hulls Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
nntill839. Old alts were not alone i a that it cured his wife who was
their belief that wood was meant by threatened with Pneumonia after
Providence to float, but iron to go to the an attack of "La Grippe," when,
bottom. A naval constructor of some various other remedies and several '.
Tnntn onra aai.b ' Don't talk to tns of physicians had done her no good.
Iron shlDs: they are contrary to nature." Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa,
At the dance Thursday aome of
those In ntlendance had Imbibed
too freelv In third ward distilled
rve. A fiurht was commenced in
the gallery and the crowd rushed
un to see the fracas, when the
gallery on one side of the room
gave way and precipitated the en
tire crowd Into a heap on the lower
floor. No one was seriously injured
cither by the full or fist. The dam
age to the building amounts to
about $75. Weeping Water Republican.
Now none but imall craft are built of
wood in this country. Chamber' Jour
nal. How Modara Oraaka Tola.
In Greece at the present day the bal
lot is a little lead bull. There is a box 1
for each candidate, divided into two
compartments. A clerk goes from box
to box with the voter, carrying a bowl
ful of these balla. At each box the yoter
takes one, puts his hand into a funnel,
out of light, and drops his ball into tbe
yes or no compartment, making a vote
for or against the candidate. If he
wishes to vote for more than one party
there is nothing to prevent him. New
York Evening Hnn.
An Enigma to Han.
Most men think that the ways of that
woman is past finding out who rails
against the male sex for chewing ten
cent pings of tobacco and expectorating
on tbe pavement, yet who goes herself
and deliberately wipes np that same
pavement with a twenty-five or fifty
dollar gown that her father or husband
earned by tbe sweat of his brew. Al
bany Sun.
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for Lung
Trouble. Nothing like it Tr it.
Free trial bottles at K. G. Fricita A.
Co's drugstore, Largo bottle, S0c
and $1.00.
Long-M'Comh. At the residence of
the county iudge at Plattsmouth,
Neb., on December 3, lhWI, Mr.
Kowin Wr. Long and Miss Emma
McCotnb, Judge B. S. Kamsey
The groom is one of Platts
mouth precinct's most prominent
and vigorous young farmers. He
h a son of S. I. Long, Esq., who is
one ef the oldest and itiost re
spected citizens of Cuss dounty.
The bride is the beautiful nnd
accomplished daughter of Richnrd
LI. McCo,r.b, Esq., and the groom
is to be congratulated upon his
fortunute choice Of a bride.
Tub 1IKKAU) extends its best
wishes to the newly married