f I A HtPtY. - The Mgi'li bug Editor of iho ' Era Makeg u Brier Heply to the Doctor, ( I -uATTSMoUl H, Dee. '. Dk k KfrVnK: Why ducs'iil i' ' L. G. Frusflay nue me lor ttlui d ami putne bi ll i ml the "bars" it stead o mill further exposing 1. ehaructcr to v, l.ich lie mills Unit h. jfi iendK? I utii re:nly to tu that l-.irtc into court and pin w iy, m.ido an attack on the Dock; but it is iinuect'dHary that I refut all the churned he prelcrs uuim me. aA simple statement of the lii flnci.il conditiou of the New En Ulil'lllj; lift niiOTi tiit VvTy lgno!;!1 life will give the people. come idei at least why I got into debt with k many and it will show whether o not I put money into my 'jeans" a; the doctor says. The outfit excepting army presf was bought of II. J'. Hall.-ckA Co. Omaha. On which I paid paid $U'J casilt and fl70 in thirty-three days J paid $i) on a . count of the ami) pre- bought of the Lincoln New paper t'nioii and then I bough, paper and jb Htook which wan de voured by Hit flames together will other material. All of tins was paid for out of the money borrowed from Henry Xonecable. According to liiKowu elaUMiient I borrowed o: him iii):tH mid which I secured oh far aipK!ible by giving Jiim 0 bill of nale conveying all my rights title and intercut in -ail oflice to the aa d Nosecablc I told him nt the time the good never could realize that amount and that I would make good any shortage on soon as I wan able. Wm, If. Powell, my foreman atl.l assistant editor, got out a Hinall sheet immediately after the fire without my knowledge and while I was out at Murdock in which he estimated my los U The local support during ti e continuance oi the paper wan ve.y scant indeed. All my subscriptic 11 did not amount to ?1 r.:'st o. which or at lent a good share cnnu from mibscrlbcrf" away from home. I did n t . e I 0 011 ace u it of ad vertising only our udvi-rtieeri pid an) thing, and that wait w ill considerable reluclioii. A fail minded reader ought to be able t . jee from this that I spent time an -money in South Ilcnd very foolirl . ly. The last remark tny foremai made in reply to the question what made the people o dissatisfier with our paper that they refused t tand by, wan, all he could find ou. 1 was too independent and did no ' tand in with the whiskey ring, regret for the sake of my old honu where I lived and work for the pus even years that I was nn enem; to drink but I have this to consoh me I never thought the lens o men for drinking. Prohibition v the thing for me but I don't say ii is for others. Hoping I may live long enotigl and enjoy the good health I now posses until I have. paid the las' cent of my debt, just or unjust 1 tdiall ever remain with warn friendship for my friendii and with out malice towards my enemies. J. Y. IEKrin, Late of the New Era South Ilend. John Kuhney is an Omaha visitor to-day. W, J, Hessr went to Omaha t'lii morning. Clans Hrerkenfeld and family came in from Louisville thin morning. Geo. Vass is moving into the Wet tenkamp block,' In the room recent ly vacated by the Racket store. W. J. Ilesser lias been Buffering considerable inconvenience the past tew weeks from an ulcer on his eyelid. Brown & Ilarrett received ship, ment of wall paper direct from the factory to-day. They carry the largest line of wall paper in Cats county. The Kvening News of last eve ning published a letter addressed to the board of trade of this city Ly an Omaha man relative to the establishment of an agricultural hnplement manufactury in this - -city. The Herald feels it the duty of our citizens to consider the mat ter, and ia the event a reasonable proposition can be secured, negoti alious for the ultimate establish ment of the industry should be in Mt'ituted. A Mystery Explained. e-The papers contain frequent no. ticeaofrieh, pretty ' and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps nd coachmen. Th well-known upecinlist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un. balanced; usually subject to nead ache, neurnlc-ia, sleeplessness, hn moderate cry ing or laughing. These howaweak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to . . . vt : T : .. 1 1 KCHiorniive .si-rTiiii-. im.h uuiuri .ntiil a line bonk, containing1 many marvelous cures, fne at F. O. Fricks A Co's.. who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cufe.the finest of heart tonics.Cures Jluttcriug,.short breath, etc. AlawVa Ctaaaa.f Almack's Is no more; VtUis Room have bail th-.ir day anil ceued to 11 N more will the magnificent bail u, salons of thediniry edifiet in Kuii t,ii sell St. James', celebrated under both theu) titii-s, ro echo the sounds of revtlry an V mirth, Henceforth the aniiimtion witlii i its walls will be ccnGned mainly to salt by auction. In its day Almack's wait the center of fashion, entry to which was guarded by a committee of ladies as closely as ever Cerberus guarded s region not so inviting, and who were Km easily satisfied than even the fabled sentinel. Eve n the Duke of Wellington who, according to Lord William Lenox, earned for himself in his day the title of "The LVau of the Peninsula." jitst as in later times a gallant admiral earned for liinv self the distinction of "The Swell of the Ocean" was denied admission one nigl.t becain he had donned bl.vk trousers instead of the knee brif-ches and wi 1c H'oj'kiiiK'S whir'u the committee hail voted indi-i'enfiible 'or gentlemen. Evpry biK.k dealing with fashionable life nt the end of the lant century and the be;(iii. nuifr of this sbouiids in rei'in-iices to Al- iliac k's. ,ccorilin to lecud Mr. Almack was in reality a bi "t' hi'an. ivlvi came to London ia the iMWiMal cou.lition. His roal name was M All, hut as at that time bis countrymen were not so es teemed so'Uh of the Tweed ns they ure now, be thon'ht t'i diminish hostility to his liaiionaiity bi- leveioin bin iitriV nymie. Almar'.'j ultimately U-cainfl Willis' Room, and was for Ion? the headquarters of social festivals, dances nud charity dinners. Tiiese festal times are over, mi l instead of the toavtin.is- ter's "Fill voir classes, Kentlemen: buinj er, if you jiiea-e." the refrain tf its I'n-iidin:; genius will "Go, going, gone!" And thus di aptM-ais suottuT link which joined the end of the century wiih what th" Lite L.rd Lainingtoa culled the "Days of the Dandies." Lon don Telegraph. n lmprtnt TrsnaUlln. Of the rtiyros Ers, the imnortact medical matinscrpt which Owirge Eliers, t'u well known ilermnn Egyptologist and novelist, ar'inio-d at Ltuor eight een or nincNNm years ago, only frag ments tue chapter on diseases of the eves, for intancehnve, with Profeuir Ilirsehljerg's help, yet teen translated. Eliers shran from translating the whole, on the gronnd thnt niediral know!slgs was requisite for the tasV. He expressed this ; inioti when be anil Lu' wig Stern elited tho tnsnnscript in l'a. A com-pl-te translation lias now ls;en made by a Lerlin Medical man. I)r. Heinrich Joachim, w ho learned Egyptian for the purpose, and has been workinjf at ti.s translation for several years. Thanks to his latxirs, the oldest medical work in tbs world Is now acceviUe to si! who Csn read German. Joaehim thinks thnt it was written st latest l.jjl) years B. C, but that parts of it sre of still older date. It consists mainly of recipes, iute'spersed here and there with proverbs. In some passages advice ss to the examination of patients Is given; in others the p ognosts indicat ed by certain symptoms is stated. The treatise shows that palpation of t. ab domen was practiced by the old Egyp tian physicians. Berlin Cor. London Lancet. Cark Kami. Cork growing in Hpain snd Portugal is sn extremely precarious business, and it demands considerable capital. Only the other day a man in this city was seeking s partner with fKKl.lKXl to put into s cork forest in Spain, with s lesseof 150 years. The bark is cut only once in ten years, but as the forests sre very large the grower manages to obtain sn annual crop. This year's crop is just beginning to come into the American market, the tree b.vil.g brvQ barked, in July Slid August. Crude cork comes over in great bales weighing from 171 to 223 pounds each. The beat to which it is subjected in order to flatten out its curves also drives out most of the insects, sucb ss one would naturally expect to find in bark. As cork 1 too 'light to form a cargo of itself, the cork carrying vessels also bring oil, olives, wiue and heavy titer- rhnndUs of various sorts. New Yoik bun. Bom nig PuniLlnt. One man regards as a wonderful schievement the raising of four pump kins on one vine, weighing respectively 115, 05, DO snd bO pounds. The biggest cornstalk reported was 10 feet 8 inches high. The blggeat ear was eight feet from the ground. Lots of others were fourteen to fifteen feet high. One man thought it of sufficient importance to report that he bad raised a potato vine fifteen feet lung. Eeports of second crop strswberries hsvs been frequent, and fanners had some on the Reading market less than ten days ago. At least twenty fanners reported that they had recently picked a second crop of rasp berries. Pennsylvania Cor. hi Louis Globs Democrat. ... ... Will Drsla Me Lots t 0l Ike Bf. . .Diver Dolph, who has been sesn.hint St the bottom of Hntton lake, near Lara, tue, W eight dsys for ths body of M. H. Dawson, drowned thrse weeks ago, bas given it up. Ths only thing to do Dow is U drain ths lake, snd this will be undertaken at ones. Ths estimated cost Is $5,000 to t7 ,000. Aslds from hu mane and family considerations it Is very importan, to recover the body, ss $7,000 of life Insurance Is involved. Cor. BL Louis Republic. HI. FS It4 Him. . John Burton, a fat man, of Cambridge, went to the Howard Athenseata, st Uos ton, to see a variety show. As ths car tain went np bs fell over ths gallery rail to ths pit, thirty-five feet below. lis Undod in the sisle and got up unhurt, ssvs by a slight cut over ths eys. Ex change. ; Hit CabkM. . A wsgon load of prodnes recently brought Into Dallas consisted of but sis beads of cabbage, the half dozen filling the wagon 11 Dallas (Or.) Chronicle. - - - . - Tin Dear right. The pi mien riiiuprising the snrvey lug parly vr working for the Bear Val !ty coinpaV up Millard's CHnyon, were on Mouila treated to a sight which sel d un comes jo men iu thisceuterof clvili- ration. Vget the story from Alessrs, Pollock aur Ross, tiaiiBit men of the party. Ths men were working np the canyon about a villi above the Millard lijse wbeu thoy hyird s pecnliar, crashing noise. Looking up they saw on the cliffs high above tuot-lream, sfld about a quar ter of a mile from them, two noble bucks standing, with beads lowered, a Wit ten feet ( Tn each other. Thus they stood eying ach other and pawing the dirt for full; .1 minute. Then they made a simultaneous spring, snd emus together with s noi like a falling tnxi. So violent was the c ncussion that ths suiiunls were throni. back nntil a dis tance of ten or tilteeu gain inten'encd between them. Tlie men, fascinated with the sight, watched the deer go throngh tho tame performance sgiiia snd again. Finally, sfter s more than nsnally violent rush, the bucks did not separate, but struggled us if apparently trying to push each other back. It wsjn lescsms plain to the meii, however, that instead sf pnshing they were pulling away from each other. In o.her words their horns bad become locked, mid from raging combiit.mts the bucks became fright !.!" ajiimci!-. snd wt-rr o::!y be&t ctj f.s curing a divor.-e. W.rs. Ross, Pol lock and party then conceived the Idea of taking advantage of the helpless con dition of the bncKs and csptnring them. They made a great rush for the scene. but before they reHched it the deer in their straggles approached too near the edge of the cliff and both of them fell to their death in thu pd below. When the party reached the water the deer were found locked in each other's honu quite dead. The gentlemen thonght to skin ths deer and bring in the hides to lend an sir of authenticity to the tale, but the law Is so strict as to having in your posses sion the hide of a newly dec-eased deer, no matter whether the deer dim of Is gripjie, commits suicide or falls out of a balloon, that they foibore. Banning HeraiiL Tlirr AmrlrM 4)iient. Three little dirty, half clad girls mads a brief sensation on nnper Broadway the coldest day recently. The eldest was imt inure than eight, and her companions might have been mi and seven r pec lively. The eiglit vear-oll carried s fa led, rib rotten p.im-ul that had once beta pale biuu, and iu-r two co'iipanioiii were trying to soneeze their beads un di r it, while they carried the rear of their short dresses in one hand, as ladies manipulate their trsius st a muddy crossing. The eldest divided her attention be tween the proi;r angle for the parasol snd getting her little skirt down low enough to touch the sidewalk, which she lAxasionaily sccouiplikhed by stoop ing. Three pairs of feet were visible through the ililapi dated shoes, snd the sliabby old July LaU wouldn't have been picked ont of the gutter. And tiiese three little girls playing lady on Drwilway were evidently delighted st the good Lumored attention of stalwart gentlemen in heavy ulsters, Udiee in tly furs snd carrisge drivers muffled In tlkt ears in warm livery. New York Herald. rii4 ta ike Hail kj KUctrf Hl7. A very pviliar cskj of iVx-kinr; by Ktncity o.-cunxl In Shelhyville ie cently. The victim was William Lou den, who works at the Hotel Ray. In front of thj hotel is sn iron veranda running to the third story. An electric wire passes from the street into the room occupied by George Colliding in ths hotel building. This evening when the elittrio light was turned on a heavy rain was falling. Ths electricity sppar cntly bad heavily charged the iron ver andx Louden cams out of the hotel snd stood with his back against the iron railing. In an instant be was shocked and fired in his position. His frightful yells attracted a big crowd. Charles Huffman ran ont of his store, and, touch ing i.oun'-n, was also b.nily shocked. Louden finally fell on the sidewalk. The to men are badly burtitd. Cor. In dianapolis Journal. Almost Drrotl In Sawdnst. Men have lost their lives in qnlrk- sands, but seldom, if ever, has any man come nearer sinking down to death in quick sawdust than aid Merchant Tailor E. W. BaUla. of WilJiamaport. Walk ing along eight or ten yards from the river bank, njion what be did not know was made ground si most entirely com posed of sawdust, he began to sink be fore be realixeM any danger. After he bad gone down to bis wsiat, sn J could nut regain ths shore, he removed his upper garments and threw himself as fast ss possible out into the river, where be struck wading ground snd made bis wsy In ths water sround the treacherous sawdust tract -Cor. Philadelphia Rec ord. MaSe Tklaf Uralf. Ajthongh ths district school In Hol lowly, Coon., wss tightly closed during the vacation, there wss one caller that kicked up a rumpus. It wss a thunder bolt, but where it entered can only 1 Conjectured, During its short stay It passed throngh s wide range of studies, including spelling, reading, grammar, arilhinetio. and geography, llesldes throwing Dew light upon tbe books treating on these subjects. It tore up the floor, splintered the desks and in its ex citing exit carried off part of the win dow sash. Yankee iilade. rtaltf Oaaal far far Plirslalaa. William K. Vauderbilt, not feeling very Well tbe other day, decided to take a trip to Europe, snd u wanted a physt claa to go with hiio. The doctor said be could not afford to leave Lis practice, which wss worth (1,0'X) a week. Mr. Vanderbilt offered to give him 110,000 to rusks a trip of six weeks with blm, snd ths oner wss accepted. New York Cor, Philadelphia Frets. 1 .v, CA.1T OVElCO&TS MJ2 SUITS, FOR IvXElsj- AND BOY3 FOIf LliSS MOXKY THAN EVER IIEAKD OF BEFORE FurciGhing Good?, flats, Caps, Trunks, etc at Jobbers Prices It will Who will rhow you better niatca, quality and for lets money than you can buy west ot Chicago. A CHILI) CAN L'UY AS CHEAP AS A MA" JOE ECac CrLl3r Ono .Price, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTK. Ta C.lrbrale (ha narMltlalaa. I Another effort is being made by ths inliabltants of Choisy-Ie-Roi, outside of Paris, to observe with tnuch solemnity and ceremonial what is vsirnely callwi the "tntensry of tho Marstillaise." Cholsy-le-Roi clsims to possess the dust of Konget de 1'We the composer of the byum who wss burial there in 1&M5, bis birthplace being Lons-le-Saulnler, in the department of the Jura. Ou this no count the members of tbe borough coun cil consider that they Lave the right to take the Initiative in organizing a P.ilit Republican fe.'tivi this year, ss tbe Mr seillase, under the title of "Chant ds Guerre de l'Anuee da KUin," was first heard in 1703. PreUdtnt Camot Is to be aslied to be come honorary president of the commit tee of the fete, snd appeals for funds will be made to sll the cities, and also to communes which possess more than 4,000 inhabitants. No date ss yet has been fixed for the celebration of the cen tenary, to which It Is presumed that every patriotic Frenchman will give his sentimental snd sympathetic If not practical snd jiecuniary support Paris Cor. London Telegraph A Sloth Trala4 Valama. In opening s pscknge of books wrapped In tin, the custom bouse inspectors cut with a knife the binding, by Kuban, of a "Poor Hkliard Almanack." The import er made no claim for dan:ige from ths government, paid the dnty, returorj ths book to Paris to be rebound and wrote an ode to Diana of Poitiers, goddess of book lovers, in gratitnds for the miracu lous escape of lbs test of his Almanark. Ths book, rebound, csnie back fifteea dsys sgi). The owner snpposes that it is intact, but be does not know, and bs cannot learn even by paying tbs duty again, for the official wants a new in voice, snd ths importer is nslve enough to think tbst hs can persasds the official that tbs first invoice, which is filed at tbe custom bouse, accurately describes tbe book on its fourth voyage across las Atlantic. New York Times. A aM-Calasa bMnf, ' ' A Ruaso Chinese railway is reported as the objective point of negotislions how going 'on bet wet ntisslaa and Clilnrae representatives, ttuasla Wants I he right to build a railway from Vlsdi vyst.xk, the Patlflo f miloalof the pro posed Siberian railway, across the north ern boundary of I 'ores toTien-Tsin, snd thence to tibangbsi. The alleged ob ject Is quick transit of Chiseae tea and silk to Europe. The Chinese, however, are very jealons of Russian influence in ths east, and will probably decline Russian aid in railway buildmf. En gi nee ring Vws. Or. John ilente, the amatenr telescope maker, is i' w finishing a DO) inch silver on glass mirror fur Allrghsny college. which, when mounted, i!i j.iv that lu stitntion the largest rvllectiug telescope in tins country, iOS BUYERS BEAK IX NIND THAT JOE' Q SAVE TO'CJ IM OITET. pay you to come fifty mil-s to trade with TOE- PLACES OF tsOh'SHlP. CTsint tv-V. l'si. Chorea. Sk. betam filth ud Hlite.. Father si.-ey, I'asna; Hrvlefsit WiMkt ShiiiJ 10 OS. A, buSday Srlieol at 1 :,Mb vincdlcllob. CMatsruM.-fv.rner l-jeust snd Fluhth Bts. Services moniiiiK sd ssenlss. Kliler J. k. Heed, pastor. Sunday tk iiool is a, n. BriworAC-St. I.nke's churrli. eorner Third and S ID'. KT M II. Humes'. 'l"T. H'r- Tlrm : 11 A. a. a-d t Jlir. M. buuda) IWboul ats mr. M. fSSNMAK MrrHnnsT ,rner Hlith St and s.nuillo. Kes.lilrt.t'aslor. hervN-es ill a. It. Slid I Mr. M. BuDftsy Hchuol 10 JB A . rHrsHVTSsiAS 'ervlees la re fhereh.e-ir- Drr rtlllli Slid tiramle sis. rv. J . T. I'slri, f-li.r. hiindsv-ar' ool at I ; 30 ; I reaching al II a. m.s-,d a m 1lis. II. e. C. K nl 'fcls fhnrrh siet eiy hslilislli eveiilut; at T :l& In Ilie hssrniri.l u( lite ri.m ih. All sie Hulled to alUad Iheau meet hiss. Pimst JIsthodist. Kirth SH., betwen Main snd fr.il, hev. I. f. Brilt.H. I. uastor. hervlrra ill A.M. S -on Y. II SiieiU. (irliiMil ui a si. l'rayruiecl)i ( Weduetdsy even- liS. Uvhmaw raSBVTaiA. Corner Mala and Ninlli. Iv Wine, iwsier. hemces usual hmns. hulidoy fclnMil t JO A. H. Swrrni-x csisotioau (irsnile, be lareu fifth and SHI II. Ccuihsd IIaitiSt. Mt. Olive. I'sk. between 'lenih ai d Klevenih. Ite. A. Htwuell, ws .,r. Menlces II a. hi. slid I M V hi- trs)rr tneellns wennrsiiay etrniPK. Yol'SII Mss's Chri-tiaS' Asmwiatiow lliMmsln V airrnian biis-k. Hmn sireei. liim I'el uieelliiK. I"r meu (inly. ever Smiiliiy ( teniis'n st 4 u'rlork. Hismts uiru rrk days (rum S W a. in , to S 1 JO p. Di. BOITH I'AMK TAHrNNAIXB HeV. t. M. W Kid, I astiir. hervlera 1 Sunday ri'hool, Ss. in.: I naehlns. II s. m. and I u. in. 1rs)rr lnrsllin lursilsy nl'hl ; rlinlr prae ir y ridsjr umlit All are welcome. TTOENIY A. N. BULLFVAN, Stteraev aUljiw. Will ntt prompt s'tenttns to all huslurse ntnisted Ui hlai. IHTioe la (Joloa block. Hast aids, I'lalUmuiith, V-b. n. A. SALSDURY : n-E-N-T-I-S-T : OOLD AMD HiKCELAIN CKOWNe. f. Hielaasys asmikells fends pslsless SI- tract lun ul tetlli. Fine Gold Work a Specialty, aakweud Block nattsmoulh, Hes. JQAWSON A PEAPCK nAVi RECE11D , , Tkrlr Pall slnias. finer rltitHf, ties srd inllll klao a lot of ue la-Lion eon sd a(H hats la lrs and fe . lUrj ha full line of bshy hdBnd tu of derljeloMi old Muck mil pits re 4ux4 tkvu sirs nil. f nsu loss sad Is . 16 tS'ilalrlaiinsd, MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. W Allied- Ail sci It. rsllAhle in a-salary S7i to so nvinlhiy. wllh iiiit-mm. 10 leureM. si in bis owa sarilua a resn.hsllils hm i rk House, yrferearet, HASUVACIt'SSB, llCk Boi L'A, New tuck. Many jM soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, litive since heeii ieriiinnent lycnr'l of it tiv OliHiiiiberliiiii's Colic, t'holeni nni diiirrhoea Rem edy. For ertlc hy F. G. Fritkc & Co. Shiloh's catarrh remedy a jiosl itive cure Catarrh, Diphtheria iiikI Canker motiUi. For sale by F. G. Frkke & Co. r 1 i v Shorthand AND TYPEWRITING ( OI.I.EG I'lattHinoulh, Nebraska. Theta ar thousands of touih laAle. sew gins li 'iil lreirrs tlriks. He hoi re ek 111,1 1 1 esisienre en a aalsiy ksiely sufllch tu -iii'll (heir rvrry nsy wills. i 1 iiii'ii, nr.r s course ta short bss4 I h Sixshi'iglh y eau rsio ln-in tStoii Bioutll. m ira Inns (ru'ri!lrd to eoniietenl slude It Mill. wi -I if ItirlliHi I, l(.'Slliei. DAY AND KVENING SESSION Ris iiis ev r atayeri hmia. cold ad ronctLAiv CltOK Bridge work ami fins gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. rmiAt'H U'A!. ss wsll m othsr I ssthtlct(ireB lor (he iialulesseilractlos 1 treib, a A. MAILSIIALI Fitzgerald Pdo tt'liimvnil ,r.k lit - l .-m A . ohject ieiiol only to buy shoes l lo procure for what you spend t beat that your money will ,u i es tint 11 tliis will not content yo nioiv tlniii this you ennuot, In rt son, nsk. (ur inithods nre 1 simple us j onr desires. We do n lift y our expectations to the cloud hut we realize thein whnlcver tin nn V will never sacrifice iulcrests to ours und nowhere I etui you et 11 fuller ninl f;,f I'ipiiviileiit for jour inouey. ' s-Hpirinlly pnritsblo purglmse i ) 011 is our t ic . , BOOTS, OIIOBQ O' n shehwood. . 601 MalnStrtet s. a B I J"