1 v ) 1 U ; 'Si. I I' r.T) raw I 'i lit: - - ; L--.-V, . it at I Cat I 'I 7.1? vr:. : y '8 n of Roses," T Nctr Kt'1 r' ivid m'tli-i-M tuil t. r tito vr?1, eu! crt r.n ! s :. ! vn f' i 1.7 i -now'A ccittl TJfJ C.'crv:t:ii:io:i r."'r : r.fl lor n I nil Yr-tr from ihui flair, T!t o:tr litt-iiiLi a l'.:r .il :HIC, tUllIKTMA end YE.iK'M Doable I'.ol'.dar Nina'-ier.. iV ii will alto trad a rnny of a tiratillftil rtnlntlit:. rntltlrd " V V.'. '.: ! 01' ItOtiE." Il production Imacost TWCNTY T:;0f!.:.: BOI.'.AUd. Stnd C'ltc, itilH?! Orclr, nr r.cliltred Uthr at our rl:S. .iMtm, THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Do-ton, Maso, E r ti.i d SI .75, i I 1 umber Yard THE OLD RELIADLC . WATERMAN & SOS m i nuir i yn r nr LUtv otn p J. II:A:X:S:E:N UKAI.F.D IS STAPLE AND FANCY KST : NATIONAL : HAN K Of I'LATTSMlJIJTU. KEI'.RASKA Shingles, Lath, Btub, j3oorG, Blind fen supply evorw demand of the rity. Call nml get terms. Fourth .trcct la r'ur of opcrs liouc. Vhenry boeck B The Leading ' vRNITUEE DEALER y AND- .7.VA GROCERIES, GLASS AND QUEENSWAUE 'utronnpo 1 tho Pullo Solicited, JOHNSON BUILDING Sixl, St. mid up rap till Kuiplun A U-L'UL DIAGRAM How t'.io l:rni"ini(Ml lloo'wlfa i Oyit oi l IliMlery, We nil l;nv how often the fjet nf a rmir nf f '.'h l.in .'s will lie wurj f,ut bc- yoml nil i '--Hiility of n-p:'' while the IpT i"'l i'ei fectly wholu l,y the use of t'.io p.itti'iT.H (lcMTihed lnjiiw nncl as miieh time ns it iiuUy t:il; to ilurn a br.dlv worn p:iir (if sUk'UIiis. It to P" bihle t piMdm.v from threw worn pairs , r..i, v i'imI u ill last iu lon:tn't fit ns well us new ones The worn foot is Urol cut nwny. leavin;,' the .toolnnjr In the h:tic ( f tle rl::ht-li"l 1" l,t the tli:i;rn:m In cutting follow the line of the heel find the wain down the side of the foot, and out tf enough of the upper t ide to remove till the worn portion of the toa. If the utotltln? Is worniiliove the heel cut away a little more of the le-. he in;,' careful to pre serve the (dmpe jrlven in the (lrawinj. Thin will leave the U s? o triflehorter than hi fore, hut usuuii.y the u!Terfaco will not he noticed. The new f.-ct are cut from the lefr of another worn puir of ktoclun:,'K One pair of le;;s is suf ficiciit to Kialie feet for two pairs of MocUinjjs. The Icft-hi'lid fiinire shows theslia'i't-.if l!iesoleof the st-c!;in;r. and to Ri care the proper size it is necessary to cut u rarer r-Kcrn Fold the paper and. ftl the folded ed,;c. t :l:e a distance which shall represent A li; nine and a If inches is about n;:ht for n medium- sized foot. Then, by usln;; the propor tions i.'iven In the cut. you can easily Shane t!ie pattern. The center diagram represents the upper side of the toe, which Is douUed alon Hie line r. I'.v tlic patterns cut out the left nnu ' . . i ccutcr li'urc loiin tuo tiocniiis ivv, i "" ... rM.iita t lie. ... .i..rc 1 in;' - piiii.j- . - ... i 41, J.'i 'mirualM. thu furi'uMH M UNDERTAKE Matantl; kfcp on kind trcrjtbla jon cmJ U furniih yoir kut. mitii nrra mmi mm Platt3mout Neb V Fr Alchlnon,St. Jowph, Leare worth, Kunua City, St. Louia, and all poiata north. r outh or weiit. Tick tts aolJ and bag gage checkad to an point is the Unite St a tea or Canada. Far INFORMATION A3 TO RATES AND ROUTES ' Cnllt Depot r addreia 11, C, Tov.NSBir, O. P. A. St LouU, Mo. J. C. Paauri'i. A. G. r. A. Omaha. n. DWiAV. A?t . rinttsinontk. i Telephone, 77. MEAT HAEKET BIXTIl 8TKEET F. II. ELI.KNHAUM, Prop. EW H AHDWARE STORE S. E. HALL & SON Koep nil kli'lt f b ill Irrt hiirl.r on h in J Mid olll upi'iy r I'.i-n i"r uj wont i TIKT UOOFINO Hpmillnil n1 nil dlniloil iln w.itk nrom' tlT djDo. (Jfildrt liuiu Ilia coualry Bullcltfd. CI ftrl RL PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. L'EItKINS- HOUSE, 117. tlV, 321 aarl 32 Main 8L, Plattamouth - fiobraska H. M EONB, Proprietor, lha Pcrkio bu beea thnroURhlj renoTatcd from top to J0ttru auJ aow one of th leit hotel ia the 1UU1 rtn.r.l.Tn will ba Ukea by tb wouk at 11.50 and np. 300D BAR COHHECIED T HE CITIZENS HANK. rtBT"ry tir-t rirllltlM for tho (trump ti.iui-.ntlcu itl IIM'I'H't" rtUM'kii, hiilidi, K"M. K'lYernitM'iit Hi 1 lorsl w- iiirui.M Ifi.i.lil ..nil 't it. lft'in it i. tict uili'rul nliiiwt'd "li li" (!rl ill" i'. tr(M iImivii, v iIIkiiic in liny rt i 11 HiiiiM Unlet ' liHlWiipiluilp.il lwut ti Inr.ipe. X)LLCT0MI HAD ANIi fUOUPrLT UIMIT- TKIl. Ugliest in;ekf I icier t.M f ir ('uiinty W;u rnuia.niittx una I'uuiily liumit. DIUKCIOKS John Fitirtruld l. Ilwicurtti aiuwi.gi. K. K. W tuts ifdiii K. Vow y lohn FltH'-rnM. H. Wmivn. rrii-llcnl - - B ANK OIf CASS COUNTY fur Main and Fiftb iircst. did up eaplUt Virplut 1 . . I . 4....rtiiilM bufy woiUhit? up Hie miiijecv in -tleiil thul possibly not ill the mo.-t liropcr way by iiidustiionsly, and at much expense of time and team, cutting nnand dest roving the roads by driving Klii..ivilv loaded. liairoW tired wuiroli lover th::.t. When we flen 11 111:1:1 c:i a ) heavilv loaded, uarrowlilcil wiioii urr- tn;; aloii! hi.) jaded team, enaed to Ins utmost power iu making mud. and then Kiumhlin becausa of the Lorriil' iniii'.dy roads, lie seems to beau object Tho on!) tiling ho seelim disposed to do to make mutters different U to throw some hard wolds into the nniddiest places, and then coiilinu'' his custom of turning out 011 to the highway with his rut di''cr every timo the ground is too wet for plowing. Now, if the leishi tui is to do tiiiytliii' for the roads, let tli.-iii b. -in by legialatin tho narrow tins oil tho heavy lumlier mid truck wagons. I have seen 11 Hin'la heavy, narrow tired wa-on in tho di.-tance of n half mile cause more damage than could bo repaired in bix days of onliinry roud work. Tim ipieMinn wetna to be about thin: Which is tho bi'tler eci.noniy, wiilo tin s and good ro;.dsor narrow tires and had roads' Tim narrow titxa aro as much out of place on li e farm as on tin) highway. Men admit that facts and phih.scphy are i-t favor of wi lo tires, and say "that when all tho othersusu wide, tires liiey will do so. They seem to be afraid that they will do more than their proportionate bliaro of good in thij uurld. It seems that tho lef,'isiaiur may have to ii' ip mem oiu 01 lacu iuu, J He, 1, ; Sudden Deaths. irt d'. c:ii. . I,,, f... ,1 wbuli ni three out of four ctit.es ia "M "rl"'""' J lie SYllmlollIM rm generally iiiKlerMood. These a htilttt , lyinon the ritrht eliort brenili 1 .1:. T . the side, buck or t-hoiihl, .r.irrco libit piilHf. tistbn,,,, weak 11 ml huncry spells, wiiul in Htontacli, swelli(;f ' i.liltleH or drojtsy, oppr,Vsion,7lrT eolith iukI eiiiotherini;. Jjr Mii,. iiiitntrnied hook on Heart JViscase 1 free at 1". G. l-'rike A CoV.ii -..11' iiiuT1 S not 1 re: side mid nimnintee Dr. Miles' une-.,icuh New Heart Cure, and his riitra tive Nervine, which cures iioi-wVit- ncHf, lieadndie, f leeiilessnen'f, (roj; sy, etc. It contains no opiatci. N Wonderful. E. W. Sawyer, of KocheMer, tVia n 1 r o 1 1 1 i 1 ) c- 1 1 dealer in general inerclinndiKt', and who rmiB Hevcrat pcddliii" wjijjftinsi, hud one of Ilia liorf.irt badly cut and burned with a laritit. The woim'l refiiHcd to heuL The horne lieciiine lame nnd mill iiowwitliMliuiiliiio; careful tiltentioiv and the njiplioHtit.il of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer Home of Waller's Iiarh Wire Lincment, the iiio.-il wonderful t hinr ever caw to heal Hiic h woiiiulrt. He applied it only three lime and the ore was i-itiMnletod Ju-nlcd. j-.( tituiy. t;oi for I'll forn. ciiIh, briifc-H, wouikIh. I-'oreale by nil ut- ti rid OFFICERS Ml.l'ftrnflt Fnldflt fr...t l.nr.i. r VIC rrt-sai-i rM.rnlt.-f.oa ;!( ! T. M. t Ui'mnn. A't t'H'iiu I uiRECTona J. II. I'vi cl. .1. M I'litenoii. Krl lnrdr. 1, H. Suiltii li. U. VVIiidliiin, a. B. lUm-ejf Kid r. h i'miniMm a 0ESEIiL BANS1UC EU3ISEB8 ' JIAN3ATED (Woiiii ilip.tf. iTitemt sllnwod on Hint If tt'wii" hii I priMimt itfiitluuiviu ti nil lut iinM sulruiteU to it ear. CLaaiborlaln'a Eto and Cx OlntmcnL A ecrtala enro for Chronic Sow Etc, Tetter, 8sJt Iihoum, Bcald Iload, OU Chronic Borci, Forer Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Bcratcbea, Boro ITipplcs and Pil. It ia coolln j and aoothiug. Ilandrcdsof osaos have bnca cared by It after til other treatment bad foLtaJ, It la put np la 25 a&d CO occt buzu ntAor.AM ron cittimo ovr.n stockings. placln-T the edws A II and 0 V against n fold in the stockinff. Sew toirether the ed .'ei 11 II fur heel. Cnfold the parts denoted for the toe, place V on A ond sew the ed;;e V I) to A I). Sew C V und C 0. I) E and I) 11 torrether, and the other half of tho foot tho fcamo way. The seams should all bo backstitched very firmly, and then opened and cros stitched down to lie perfectly flat AC that they will not hurt the feet Chll drrn's stocking can be cut in the same nm bv usim? ratterns of tho same shape iind re'nilatinff the size to suil thu foot of tho wearer. American Agriculturist. THE FAMILY McNDINQ. h tlhfal If 4i4 HMaii, WhiaMii bar4. t:mf'iasi. I It La, HAIP BALSAM I ft" " If.'M t'n.fH$ Jnru.taitu urirVlh. ft 1 . r. ' Kimm r.l 1a In L.atnta IImv It Air to n Yinihiul Co) 'jr. CurtM vm.p rlMMa h Kir ft4.ia.f. 1 Hd II ' 1 rrw , M rUATTSMOt'TII Jspttal itockpxld la .... AuthorizodCHUi KftnRAKA i ;, 5:00,000. rrtoaaa HANK ClAKR'.'TH. 1. d'H SOU, rrH.nt. Vlf-Prli"i W. II. (TSnitJ OMhiff. DiaaoToua fraak (ItrraU J. A. Connor, F. It. Ontamu I, w.oBtoa,HiirB.JobaO'l W. D, Mornais. Woiaacaaia, W. U, Ottfhma. TRAHSICTSI GEHE2AL BAHIM BUSlHES tiiMP'n'.fl'".i'"'(j' ilcpo-tu hrtnij tnteretl Buy and w-llt tialiuS. nn'r and ur iii.MH A. C.MAYES 0 0 U N f Y aUHVKTOR The beat of fresh meat alwave fnnnd la thia inorhel. Aiao ireaa Kgg aad liuttcr. Wild f ai ie cf all kinds kaat U taair aeasoa. mm IUT1 Tti?T m Meat iiahketI CIVIL ENGINEER 111 or.i.n li-ft with ttiaeouuir elwk win t promptly alt 'ndrd lo. OFFICE IN LOVkt IIOUdK, PUttauiouth, Nebraska ' liri.T(. -wr .v.T.. J:i'l.'l' 1 ''''S HIKDKCORN. ti.. nf mr nirr H.r rnftit. aiMuJi vu. a. 1. CtATEUL-CCMrotTIJia Epps Cocoa HREAKFAST "ay tttmaik .owUAf of MS H 1 . mkii. ,nii tii. fiii.i.ilnrt of dlcft'oo ..j .i.trtiw.n ...1 hf . ff.r.fnl BDLlU.llon nf ikr In Drwrilttnf olfiioS Cisit.. Mr. Hiiirt tin iir.m lf I eiir kt' kfi-t Ulilt with 1 Sllri(it llii'd li'l whlPh my tT at taxty bt doetir bl.tt. It aM tM jt: I. m ii.-t ii-i tr Iu ( ill III I a c ill tltuti'iii my b srndatlly lullt up until utr.'iiK tuiull lu rin star U-aiy M dK. Ililtidrc.lt (if nntlt B'daSI'i ar fl'ia'lt I ariiantlurdltck nlmw kc.tit a ir-.it pitl' l, sr my ts ms a fit th ilt lit kctp'n lire fit c'! lurnlli'd wlh pit.Abiii'i I iid a ir..ieily iionrltl.c I fini(." 81.lt 1rvl . i:.ki!c. Vxlli.l iiiaitit wlik boillns w.iltT or 1111 lr. ""nld "d'y la ka t-puid I n- iiv irnv rlct 1'icilcl limit lltiif.LI'ti4 b 11.1 ll.lBM.,IMtll(t I'llHlltUI Landaa. Kmlnd hots kcv.vrn wanted for ilMiiJMYlIGHT r .imm ANUMIAIMIMN or in luiia i.irr. ACb,l.t.. nn.in.rrtllinc WrtJl l la IM J.m, tailtiuM immm .Wjttltt t n .!" HilaiM. til Arm. U.I-. CI.. !". M-,T-mJ iliwV..,Tru-i.tr...n.lr.tnt-nl.l.lri'''l',1t . i. Iwm Atw Im ri.Ml. HI I W .O'l " II- 1) ,g wut li), fur. It ! HI RU HI I wnmn' For lame hack there in nothing lietier than to t-aturatc a llanml cloth with CliiiuiberlaiirH lain J tul in and hind it on the tiffccted part. Trv it and yon will he Hiir. piirnlitl ih! prompt relief it 11 ford. 'Hit- miinu tiealiiient will cure rhau ttiiitinm. l-'or talc by E. O. Prick & Co. Cole 111 all's Itural World. 1 Tommy I'lclirtl tlto ritllcB C Hlffl I'nrKnt. In Madison, Wis., there is achiet ol .lice, J. 1". Adamsou, who is dubbin;; himt-t lf. Saturday bo visited Cnicao o netTliomas Ivim.'stoii, ned fourteen, who was wanted at Madison for larceny. lit- had been arrested by Chicago ofii- cel l. l,.ilu III 1110 CV.Iilll no ii.iuu- n.'fi 1 himself to yonn Kingston and slarleil for the train. Lcforu it reached Ucpl.tiites tho chief was saoliiij loud Slid loiio'. Kington is a ennninr; little rascal. lie saw his opportunity, lie quietly went through the pockets of the sleeping chief and found the key which unlocked his handcuif. Stealthily ho crept over the Kiioriii' iiiTif r, and v.heii tho train stt pped at Dtsplaines the chief and hil youthful prisoner parted company. J he train hud jrono a irooa mnny miles when Chief Adamson awoke. Of course ho wa-i mad, hut when ho looked for the key wilh which to retnovo ths hantlttull from his own wrist his wratll l:n-w tin lionuds. for Tommy had taken it with l.i:n. All efforts to removo the bracelet were fruitlcKS, and until ha reached Madison his left hand and wrint A Curo fvf Paialvels. I'r.ink ConiclitiH, of J'tirccll, Ind. Ter., sayn: "I iiiduced Mr. l'iiison, wluiHcw ife h:id fmralyKiH in the face to huv a bottle of Chnmbcrlaiira ' I'ain ilalm. To their prcat witpriee before the holtle had till been used rdie was a jjre-nt deal better, iler lace had heeii drawn to one fide: hut the Pain Halm relieved nil pain and noretuvn. and tin; mouth .inhumed it natural eliape." It ia also 11 certain cure for rhrtiinatiHUt lame hack, f)rains swclliiurs nnd lanienccH. .Hi cent hottics for sal by P. G. PrickcACo., Druggists. 1893. HSRPER -S llMiKRl ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Pazar is a journal for the home, It pivca the latest inv formation with regard to the Faali itniH, and itH numerouH illustra tioiis, 1'nrin dcfiR-ns, mid fiattern Khect supplements nre iiHliHpene iibieulike to the- home tl.-rrs-issakf and the profeswional inodinte. N exiiense ti spared tt make it nrtiav tic utlractivctiess of the hijrheal ii-t.,tM .-i w.t.t. M v.... trai'M J mm,0 r llt". l e'e'"'"'? '"'J" 5MUiitHtr Trlr. lr.rtt.B)ttlr..U X Kl uAaatiCia c- u-, Vaaa. Rcl A oart On. Pxr In ttia Wrrk tot Tlilt Important Work. Mend'in? should be dono j-ist as rejir larlv as washing. Bet apart a day and do your work on that day, then it will not accumulate until it makes yout heart sink to look at It tho houscwife'i common experience. Have a basket, box or bif well stocked with the ma terials for the work. When a parmen t is cut. collect all th pieces, roll them together Bnd put them where you can Cud them when wanted; thus you save the fatiirue and annoyance of rummai' inj tlic whole house for them. The precaution of pultlnir pieees under me thin places defer the ,Cnnl breaking through of the worn section for some time. When they do at last come to raiTS. cut out evenly all the worn parts, folhiwimr a thread If yon can when cuttiDj; at the comers gut diagonally in to the garment about one-eighth of an Inch, turn la the edr,'es and bnste down m m i .1 ...t.t. on the pnu-n. men icu uown wun eveu stitc'.tts, osln quite Gne! thread of color Hint mutches the irooda. In mending two correnponding parta of rnrmeut, like two sleeves, two knee eto., hive your patches of correspond- Ing iles. Ilon't havo a patch on one elbow or knee no bigger than a dollar and on thu other oat) as large us your hand, i have always found It a very satisfactory plan In making garments to make three where most people make two, or to make two where others make ne. That I Instead of making a pair of ahlrts I make three, and Instead of two pairs of drawers make three pairs, and Instead of one waist to my work dresses I make two. Then when they come to mending, take the extra one for paumca. Dorothy Lincoln, In Farm and Home- ( THE QAQ OF SAND. II la Halter Tbaa Hot WaUr altla llrtrkt or Soar Ktoaaa. It is very often neeqsaary to convey artUleiid warmth to the bed, in c of alckniftii, or with persons of Imperfect circulation In cold weather. Hot water bottlea, of glasn, rubber or clay, with bricks, soap stones, billot of wood and other article, are employed In the mis sion; but the handiest, and the ltest be cause the must satisfactory, method, Is Bold to be a b(i' of sand. This may be prepared in almost any way to auit the occasion, but a good plan la to make a flannel bag some eight or ten Inches square, which should bo filled with fine, perfectly dried sand, the whole belnj covered with a layer of linen, cotton or stout cuiivas. This can bo easily and qulcl.ly heated by placing it anywhere about the ttoTe or oven where It la not too hot; It cun be easily adjusted to Cue feet, back, chest or any other portion of tho body, will retain tho heat for a long tlmo, arid will In ne dlspbico auy other nijency fr the same purpose. liood Housekeeping. ... . . . . . .1. tit "i were uurieii tieep in 111s ouit,uii. juv.. 1 .,,,, itl4 l.r p test KtortCH. umua- They were "otit of sight." I :., coined ic. und thoughtful ea- Kingston was picked np by Chicago officers, lie Is at the Dc plaincs street station wailing for another bout with Chief Adamsou. Chicago Tribune. A Short Lived Lake. "A month hence, says a Cahforni. nays calmly 1111 tusien, aim us iaw paice is famous as a budget of wil und humor. In its weekly Issue everything is included which is ol ititerestH to women. The Serial for IhVi will be written by Walter liesaut and William Pluck. Mr a. -Amontu nence, aa)a w.at,n. . olj ,,. wi)1 become a contributor, engineer of reputation, "theSalton lake ( Marion nar!lni ii Timely Talka. will have dried up." Balton lake, it will be remembered, is the shallow inland j sea which was funned by a break in the ! Colorado river, whose waters in modern I times, at least, flowed Into the Gulf of California, as we know it The basin of the short lived lake, however, was once a part of the gulf, aud if the flow of water had continued some modern im provements might indeed have been ef fected. The river will not boom again till spring, when tho lake may refill. Any device that could render it perma nent would have a mitigating effect upon tho dreaded Arizona climate, of which dire stories are told. Worse thiugs could happen than the tapping of the Colorado river higher np, so that all its waters might flow into tho old chan nels and tusks the wilderness blossom with the rose. New York Commercial Advertiser. Day In and Day Out," are intended for Matrons, and Helen Marshall North will enpecinlly nddrCHS ifirla T. W. Hictrinson, in "Women an4 Men," will please a cultivated audl- euce. HARPEER'S PR10DICAL3 HARPERS MAGAZINE 14 09 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 08 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 Powtnge free lo nil subscribers ia the United States, Canada aud Hex. SuM.r.d Kit Ere. A Bangor (Me.) plumber couldn't open bis eye the other day because the npper aud lower lids were held together by a drop of solder. The accident happened while he was nmng some Bolder ia a get ter in which there was a little water. The moment that he applied the melted metal it snapped and fin. One piece of it come directly for his eye. The lids rlnd involuntarily the moment of con tact and the solder rested upon the lash es; it soldemd the lids together so firmly that it was impossible to mors them. The ere was not injured ia the slightest, bnt waa efTnctually closed. The victim was half amused at the ridiculous side of the affair. A companion took him to a doctor, who aoVord tho lashes. Bos ton Ilerald. W.utda't Take tba rraacher'a Wealth As the Rev. W. F. Poor, pastor of tho Lutheran chnrch of Tnbes Hill, was driving near the residence of Joseph Clark, on the West Amsterdam road, he wss hold un by two highwaymen, who, at the point of the revolver, demanded his money or his life. On discovertnj that their intended victim was a minis ter of the OosprJ he was allowed to drivo ou and rvUiti bis valuables, and the highwaymen took to the fields. Cor, Utica Ibirald andds-ettc. T-ifc I THt oriainn nb f.f xooir. .It 1 SW V ' fui M linaab imi ' 1 ff tT. n.i. 1... mr atl kf aa br-aatot VU Diixoko Burn) Tfl oriamn nb r.mootr. -.ItC la Ur. m.4 i.iL-r.lt. tmwliw.. lr''t. ih :r, v r-i.tn a.ia. Cptl.lCri . t . - - ' ' I KlMtVl-l'l . Da Car.fttl mt ru-a. Commonplace but Important Is the suggestion; "Ho careful of fire." Never take risk by lighting Ore In stovo or furnace not known to bo ready and safe. In building or repairing see that th jlpe holea in the chimney are tight and well protected Irom lata and siding try 1 wn,it B nse of clay pots made for the purpose. I bttclts.- The volumes of the Har.nr berri with the brut number of January of each year. When no time is men tioned, subscription win begin wuai the number current at the time of' receipt of order. Hound Volume of Harper' Paxar for three years back, in nent cloth binding, will be aeut by niaiL postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the ireight doe exceed one dollar per volume), for 7.00 per volume. Cloth case for each relume, till able for binding, will be aent br tnatl, post-paid, on receipt 01 liay each. Remittance should be mnde by Poet Oilier Money Order or Druli, to avoid chance ot lose. Newspapera are not to copy thbi advertisement without the expr orJer of Harper k ktrotbera. Address HARPER IJROTIIERS, New York. Tke Tlumesf the Magsiine be gin with the Number for June ansl Decetnher f each year, wheat n time specified, aubacriptions will begin with the Numtier current at the time of receipt f rder. Houn4 Voluaaeaof Harjier' Magazine for three year back, in neat cloth btutl lag will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of WOO per volume. Cloth case for binding, tOteatw each by mail post paid. Mining Dividends. The dividends paid by rninhiR ccrnpa riei of this country which report their eaminrs smounted to (1,421,673 during October. The total for the tirst Un niontlia of the year is $14.WB,W0, aa atuouut birguly in excess of that paid in the same period ot 1890. EuiioetcrUig aud Mining Journal. A Bright Idae. A Kansas tnxa gave bis gates a liberal coat of whit paint on Ail Halloween. Next morning ho rouuted fifteen boys picket fencu outlined ou thtaf Detroit Flee lrcid. FORMEHtMY III II IHl Hill SF III lllrllll M IHIU4. , Itity r tit Btrtlt tf rli It ttn UtiaitlvM, . utt. nnt .i.wirf aw v, f i r UkHAKCOFFTHk'HORHIO INAKI ttin lii.t-l. tMTilr ul kink Hm.m-w . I asva . 1 ktn a 4 at 1 1 CUR KI'iV BC2X f. Iltlr Hrt,.tHt.it AW 1 tv.rvr-. ' x V7rvvV7 ta..l.UMcrkrtl DIMM- . Mt lelaiuw tt h Ori.tii ( Witt, 1 it kv If HJMt IKMIMttli a ntiBMui .t.1 ni'tir w in, tat wntwt tat mt lm mt ttlllu lull twnl u.t Strv.it Bt UIM, Iihh mt Br ml itltt. n.trflrr mt IwMNt, attawl at ftraafttaetfUMMa hal-ttKi-. Sit i" t itf. ,.m.inMaie.u.tm.innCTHMis cm! asi'tTitttrurtciiitm n-rif. HMMbll n,w W bt. .1.1 v - -f ,r VrtMtil'.tii. r.rri,r,t' n,iMi'tp".r (.kit UtU.CAl.CJ.a.Ul-fALw,. ...1,