The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 03, 1891, Image 1

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    ' (J
; UailY ti
I'llTH YHAll.
TuuSOmiASKA.TllUllSIUY. .-EMIllt8.18l.
AH Experts Use
Roval Baking Powder
Perfect and uniform success in making finest food i ;
morc certain with Royal Baking Powder than with any
'other. Use it in every receipt calling for a baking
Powder, or cream of tartar and soda, and the best
'.Vaults in pure, wholesome, appetizing food arc assured.
Experts use it because it adds to their success. Physi
cians and Health Ofncers recommend it because it adds
; the wholcsoinencss of the foou
Marion Hakland
c Lest in the market
t!iavc used no other."
the- Kr.vnl Hakincr Powder us
Since its introduction into my kitclicn
lavw .
f..,i. Pimni' "If ipmi to me that the koyal
iwihs wma . , , .
y .
, Takin Powder is a good as any can be
great deal and always wmi s-iusijcuuii.
MRS. BAKER, Principal of Washington, D. C, School of
1 Cookery "I say to yeni, without hesitation, use the Koyal.
') I have tried all, but the Royal is the most satisfactory.
M. GORJU. late Chef, Dclrnonico's, New-York : " In my use
of Royal Baking Powder, I have found it superior to all others,
r ... ....... n t . i Arthur n:id
ftuyui . , - l !
Presidents Arthur and
A. 1UKII., U'Hy, ...u
t t .....I hnlimr nnwilt r;. l)llt V)X bllCl
Cleveland, i nave icsicu uwn; i
food can use none but 'Royal.'"
'GecVasaand then Christmas.
or ladies' fine kiI shoes
"liiitma slippers, go to Josi-oh
. ;.t'. 1
-X..wn pel the best of hand
' ,' (K)l(l' and shoes 81 Joe
je Pchitdkttccht -hoc house has
very finest lie of men h-s
me city. "
f Geo.
Vnss ond the court house
The will be bii oyster 'Pff'B.t
. w . .t....i. ...i Siili street.
'"dav Vve . BecVa; also other
retrcshitienls. and table ot aniuti
for sale. Kvf rylxxly invited.
Gentlemen, if you want a fine
dress -hoe, It can be hud tit ich Id
knecht's. .
..I Mr M II. 1'IIMm-r. of ClibrulLir. .V t, wa
badly umicted wiui riu,.. ....
uyrar or more, m to be tin Hide o
work or po to .. boo . ',"
ronclu.U.I to try tl'"','rl-1""
I'uin Halm on the boy. It ko n
. . i i,a uinr walked
... - i i. ...H-i In at h V.'l nd
one iiiw ' - ...
back every b ln.ol nay. u-m .-.
tie for nalc by I-. O. I ruk; & t o.,
M imii Kittle Horton, formerly
t i,..r .f Hhorihand at the Wes
l Cl V- -
leyan univtrHity of Lincoln, ban
been employed to asnint ITof.
u.rm in the shorthand colleRf.
ti..... .t..!rlnir to learn thU art are
I ,fTr, the iame optortutntieB
offered in larer cltioB, and n tfut
many are improving tnem
Snull wtt H-veK W-jun Briilye.
Since it has become eevident that
a railroaJ bridge will be built iicrnHH
(lie I'latte at thirf place by the M. 1 .
road, we have thought it mi;ht be
well to Hii'-Mt that our Cili.OIIH
eonniilerthe matter of buildincr n
wiioii bridge in connection with
That hitch a bridge would remtlt
advania)ieoiiHiy l oiir city and
mirrouiidiiitf country there can be
no mic Mtinn in the mind of any one.
Am the matter now MawM 1 laun-
mouth iiierchautH receive practical
ly no trade from that section, wnere
ii h if our city were made ui cennible
,v Hiich u bridge, an immeiiHe
r.( iriutn wmi i come t'
llllllll.ll ' "
. . . . I
...... ,.;i. A d .- are now muaieii
we are completely depriveu oi
. i.. i...... ..wl tli- two river. Of
ii inn- ... j -
miii-Hcwe deem it impracticable
to advocate the bridiiiH; of the
Mi-Hoiiri. bl t no Htrioui ol J Clion
can be ure dajainMl the bridditi ol
I.. I'latte. After the rauroim
bridge will have been coiiHtructed,
the cxpeiiMe of driving the one row
of i.ilinir. Dlaiikinir and raiiingim-
i.riilop will be couioarativeiy UK"1
probably not to exceed fiJHl In
ilwcoiirne of a con vernation witli
Mr Ij-wirt relrttive to the mibiect,
he Htated that he wiih not prepared
it .rwak iiiithoritHtively an to now
the matter would be coiiHidered by
tin- M. I. aiithontieM but he woiiiu
readily Kiippoit any more that
would be beneficial to Hatt-moum
nmvidinir it would not renult detn
.,i.-iitallv to the road. v e rmune"i
that the board of trade and city
r,.iuril consider the matter neri
oin-ly, and work in conjunction lor
the ultimate biiildinf ol tne urici"
minetion. The
T. TT". t....i r An m jt I ! . ti, fri'Mtirntlv corre
The 1 roviueni bviki """" i " " 1 -
.... ii I ...... U .i1 m it ted bv oil newH
nullOin( BIOCIllliui '""" ; -
iM..e Uour local Bcent, iB recog. nape rm the Hentinient of wliicn ih
... . ..i it. r..i;.i, t.... .n,ir.pil iiv the editor. Wlien
H .wl tn in one ui iiic in"" , M,j& ......... j
". "j ..iiIkIv inortuaKel . .., ..,.;...;.,-nf tl. kind th lournal Birain winhed to bii
uiicri 1'iH" ...--- . i null iiurrui oi"i" inuio . . j
, L..'v,.. t.imk.und anyone ,lu."u ...,! !... T W. Herire ban been
oi ru"v ' l,v in tlie counirv. mnc he .v.... , u.,,.vt
- .. i. , a :. nM i.ii.ii
i. ..i. i.... ;.i ihia ritv. an oi 1 1, -:ii i-ii 111 iiriruiiH in
nareuuiui-i i- " . ,
. .i..:. ...... !.,,m,iii:iI i .....i.l.iiitH "Hrinunent Willi
wlllllll reCClTeu mrn n iuimi 'I' - - "
The Btnck of jtrorerien bI IV
okl Htand will be Hold Bt
nnlinir ccmkIb will nave money oy
calling at the .ld Hand. "''"
l!r the utock i frenb and complete.
c l in for barKai;.B in potatoeH.
'flour. Kh.warc, china ware and
Suckery. Ora Grocery.
Santa ClauHe,
Geo. Van.
dividend Dec. 1.
W. H. l'icken in in Omaha
on btlHineaa.
Th. R.,H.nea of H. Bil.telr. Suc
cumb, to lh Hv-Ue ofh
The rcHidcnce of K. HiIhUmIi. on
the comer of Vine uud hiRlith
BtrcctH, ii nearly burned to the
around at 2:20 o'clock thm morn
r.. Ti. hrt to detect the dia-
turbance wa Mr. HilaU-in, who,
looking tli.ough the window, per
ceived a UnM, wh.cli Ht.e ai
attributed to u reflection from the
uioon, but mm it Rrcw Hteao.i
bri-hter nhe around Mr. HiNtciii,
who at once ascertained that their
lioiine wan on lire.
1-ircman George Ilrookn, who
liven near Mr. H.lateiii'n, was at
once awakened and bateiie.l to the
I bell tower. The rapid intonation.
. t ft. if uirui a I
no niHvrtiiin hoiiiiu. w
Hm. mult. Icms tluiii a !mmi fire
m.Mi iraihrrt-d to Hiilxlue tlie rav
r tin. tluincn.
"H- -. i.
The I"'. While he can wa u.c
r.i ,,....n the HCene. clo- i;' i'"-
i i i.u. ii... l'. M. Kichev cart, and
try ui" - "
:.. f..i iiiomeiitrt two Htreauin ui
water were brought from the
i.... i,...,i ....nil nf the avenue, wliicn
bad a telling effect upon the llamcB,
to the delay, anil
together with the fact that bo few
tlw. riri-iiien retondel xo i"
rl ittinosHible to
till 1, II - 1
........ ttt im i Id i ii s.
The L'te.itcr portion of the lioiiwc
bold uihmIh. including a piano
i i...,ui,.:i,U. chairH. center
till I U wvurm i
from the burning budding
......... .ir, ,1, (1 coiiHiderably
ti... i..uu ..Mlimated uto.x'. inc
1 I ... ...r-r. ... -
I....W.. wan insured by the Livm
...... I.M.U1 iiHHociatiou lor
ti. U little doubt that the fire
i, .:.t...l from a defective Hue, hh
!, fire bad I n burning brinkly
:.. .i ,.ri..r ilur nir the evening
III uiv I' "
and the roof wan brut ignited near
the flue.
In connection with the move,nr
mention that John Waterman came
near meeting wttti a Henoua .
dent. Ah he was hnMilv
the forty-foot bri Ige that npan the
creek between Vine Htreet and the
i,. i.iL- Minded by tne ngm,
,ri. n bole in the
lit; llll -
bridge, eiiHtaining painful bruiHeti.
He wbb BHHinted home, where a
llKKAl.n reporter found him at 11
o'clock thin morning. enjj-K -.
. . . it. .1. ...... ...I IiIh iniu
tiitiel Hieep. .n. .... - y
rien only Blight and unworthy the
Hervicen ol a pnymn"".
Turn In On
..n..,. n n earlv
....1 a....i.uiiiiH iiiitiiii'.'.. ....... riiiiior ntin ......m. -
of him to behonent lIlimlKirili nirthal Judge Arch
.. ..........i ....i ,wt,lrp him I . .i... unrtv to n per
formanceby which two were united
rio hi-ll 'lu)
ora- "MutY
- - 0!P - -
laadics Furnishings
Is Now Oplcto in all Dapartmontg,
ltt-ss t.OUDH
We are nhowingH liniidBome line of
A full line of eoloringH and blaekn.
Stock complete and prices lower
than ever.
A good LadieB Jerny vent at 2Tc.
Ladies hue Jerney vent ond pants w
uhitc or nnioral irrays ataOc eac
Ladies natural Gray Wool Vectsao
IantB ut 50c. Kegular 75c unde
Full lines of Ladies Fine wol
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal ond black.
Complete lines of Child's under
wear in natural, scarlet and whi
at prices ub low as the lowest
CLOilliS flID SljUWItS.
1 t Mil-writ in lT col
rii iiii i iiii i... i-- , " .
i Vi.vit'm clotliintr Hiore
11- Kr ..... r-
Day imdiiinht bchhioiih. Miuaiioni"
guaranteed to id! competent Htud
ent. 1
Th. Sh'erm.n v.. Btg
Th.. rclitor of tlie Journal knows
perfectly well that the article which
appeared in the columns of TliE
lleuAi.iat few days since wnn.uii.
"cowardly aRxaHin-like character
X" nflixed and which he alleges
was abusive in its nature, was not
tbeoroduction of the editor ol JiiR
HkkALD n r did it receive our
wrathy journalist
HAVE never thuwti to largo aline in this department.
o cill Bnecial attention to our hrRO ortment of Recfcrt
le andcTpb!ard'lrr?ren.oved Militwrv hihI Hip Coat nlmpM trimmed with Mink, Bcal, Astrachaa,
u the burning building, but .
Mllilalootl hii'J ouetv tuio.
Our lino of Tiii-li Bmnc arc dicnper than e.-cr before
incs of Cl.ildrens and MisscB Cloaks and Juckets.
Olltnt IO rneiK i l,,.,,, :d
our Halesmen bve earned from .U
I, not confuse Tim famous I JIubIi
ol Koses witli the many
imintB. powders. creams and
Cleachesliich are
market. Get the genuine of our
"-...u, o. II. Snyder, 75 cents per
uu-.'and i Kv'y,,-p.;tMw;, '.r
wove your pimples, freck es Ida k
l.n.U, moth, tan and sunburn, and
. rntllllleXlOII. J
cive yon j -
in the matter and not oddrens him
as "TliK IlKHALn scribbler wncu
is aware that the latter is not con
nected with The IIkkalk. i. nr.
Merge thinks that Mr, Sherman is a
"niiblic mimicr" and a -reoei nun
the Journal man is positive that
the former is an "iuioi unit .
TitK lIlkAI.D lllllHt insist
ti.. t... . h.-nlth are tniiLrlit in
i u. i. .. ,i.,t in ii wuv to lie
Till- ri ui""", --,
. i .......i. lim-lit and are
in iiui. i. ------- .
never illustrated by livingexamples
.. i.:, i. 1.. mniiv niHes niiirht eiiMily
ninvr. ... - j .
II . ..
lie (lone, ti numc m
KtSrVchU: si! Z: SeUle their dilTercnce between
ah could hear the dry, loud cough tiu.mHcl"cH, as this paper does not
jitxl know us BiKHim-muM - fnJorHC the motlUHi I'inpioyru uy
and lauer. as tlie cold developed, either nor will it espouse t.te cause
m... Ihe orollise watery riFi-."i" iiiinmn,
w q n n as fl w H
.....i flin.t wniprv oini ii.i.
lioil i.i' . . --
i.. ..." i... ........ mil one of tin-in
i.i ....... l..r.r.. what the first
woiiiu - - .,
Hvmi.toms of a cold were. The
T s.'liolar should then be given
Gentlemen, ll you "";. ; " riminberlaiira Cough Remedy Iree
. . . i...... bnnrv i" ilium i .
.us "".v. " .1.7. Iv. that nil m
' Schildknecht has
The cruty commissioner. .Geo.
Vuss and the court house elttck.
Why will you cough when Phi
. . ' .it i...iiii.iiiiite re
rinu.l Arcanum None..
Tiwr will be ii meeting of Cass
Council No. l't'l, Koyal Arcanum.
... ..:..!, t l :n ciVlock in their
CHainberlaiirsCougn Kemeoy t. ... .,.,..,. A
iv timtnll micrht see that even n council chamber over Dennett &
J . ..t i.i i.. iir.l In nite I ... .. tt .....n.1.r. nr
i...w.,i... A rumor to maim"..
W....I1 iinttirallv arouse suspicion
. .i... t licit facts in the
aim to ,lc
. .... hi irht be known and our po
ii,-,. liiibrcitliiced before the people
1,. f.iir liirht. TUB llKHALt) man
...... I., iiwniirv and found that he
had not taken unto himself a help
male as was at first Hiirmifcd, but
he had simply been admitted to the
bar. The one possessing u--altribtites
of an attorney and judge
m s. t ua etraighi; upon the
recommendation of Judge Sullivan
the oath was administered by Judge
Chapman ot 'i.U p. m.totia.
Headquarter for Everything in the li
Repairing of HNE WATCHES a Specialty
and all Worn an-u'
33. A. 3sC7EXj"WAI33",
415 Main Street,
Board of Trd.
members of the
board of
. . . . . r i
net. itkt r-i .."-.
For sale by V. O. Fricke & Cc
rure llwck-wheat flour for tale ai
Ileiad'a mill. '
Tull on tbe'Tucker Sisters In the
a .i....w l..r tmrcraiiis in
Winter Hats
III t mu wow. - , 1 UK n DHiv ' i
or two days, or at least greatly mill- . lo ttttenil. ua the election of trade are hereby requested to meet
R.,ted, wtapniwly ,11",!,Bp )0r. 0nUers for the ensuing year and the county judeg'. ofTice at 7:3t).
r'!?rr.rLr"L'?m ?rior,T. iTr bttsinessof in.t.ortancc will , Tucdar December 8, wheu dele-
cure of cough, colds and croup. come before this meeting. gates to the beet sugar convention
Thoh. WALLINO, Regent.
Mityw... , , dft eBitecCialiy lor men.
Plattsmouth, Nek
tuont reliable medicine known for
the purpose. 50 cent bottle for sale
by F. G. Fricke A Co., druggists.
tl Ili and shoe CO to
J.srpO, Fetwr. Main street, between
FourfU ana ruin -i-
t,. wi.liintr to purchase Chlsl
ma. presents, either decorative or
i oseful, will ilo well to see the batar
' i .i.i. W.w kwood hall. Thursday
......iim December 10
uarriuaj n
and 11. M
I have been a great t trom
cntarrli for over ten years had It
. "ry bad, could hardly breathe
' Some nights I could not sleep and
.... I ftiirrhaited
had to wiiiKii"- i . ' .,
Fly's Cream Italm and atn d
Irtvly. it i- working a eu "un-ly.
i l.ave advised neveral friends -
Use ( the
aeveat and brightest
Pluia'Qoodi, Taji. DolU. BoTcHica.
rr tk tloUAu IrU thrnt hM beta
MaUtovatur ort.
Which was bought early in the
season from some of the
Largest Hoibes
Which guarantees you the pick of
the maraei tnu si
for which we
are noted.
:The Lowest in the Country:
. oOtt
to be held in i.iucoin
27, will be appointed and the prop
osition to locate on agricultural im.
plement factory in thia city will be
discussed. A full attendance is de
sired. K. H. Windham, rres.
O. F. S. IJuHTO.V.Sec'y-
A Meholal Wond.r.
To-morrow (F.iJoy) U the open
ing day of the Greut Columuus
ft l I. I. imt nnlr a marvel
.tui;. j i
. i.... .... i.. mmi d ami vim ai Bhininaoan.
itiowincwimii."" 'ii.i'""'"- i.
executed by man, but an intensely The Western Normal College at
llltereslltilt ruirriaiuiucui i iiiicnuuuva"!
eoualtoa performance given by a largest educauouai "..urn........
hundred actor aa one nuaun-u m me win, i
. j i i:i. lib. ......i.i.r furiires 1 1. Hre about midnight last eve-
'"Cuau.t.i c..,,..l ...hrr' .diacet.t
appear, acting as inuu,- "'' k-. ...... . .
lived and breathed, enacting the buildings were burned. The loss
most eiClt tlg events OI our nanou- i in cBiiuinii" . ,
7h.story. fc Cass county is well represented
Everybody should see inn noieu I at tnts ihhiiiuuuh
. ' .hiiH t.ere. and children doubllesa the atudenta will return
especially should be permitted to home.
attend, aa it is one ot inese curious
..a ..!. liTtlillV' IftNllllf" III
"ery case H ii the ni '
.Lov-eiiJIoiherfor raii.nh. i ...I d
use with safety and turn ""
-Z( w nalme.fforii I. Is ci;n.,g
my il.Mfnrsn.-IJ. W. Spcrry. llaii-luid.Cotnw
ua 1 atmun priori
things 'hat only comes arounu
I n.wn a lifftime. ine CIOCK
wilt exhibit for a few days, allowing
afternoon and evening.
We are Informed by one who was
there, that of all the firemen that
participated in the subjection of
the llanies last evening, Will
Strelght exhibited the most
bravery and courage.
J. I. Young has secured the
t kh otiartette of Omaha for a
.i..'i- in im. eitv. under the auspices
of the Young Ladies' N. S. society
of the 1'resbytyrlan church, for
ti ,tJV. December -U at the
house. Every
body knows the "T. K.'s" and they
!. . .. fine nroLTltnime.
They will be accompanied by a fiae
' . -i f mm CnunlV
.i... ..riiuiuniH ot me law
1,'iHier hik .".." -- .
regulating the practice of medicine
i the state of Nebaaska no one is
permitted to practice . ''l"'Y
iurgery oi obstetrtg without 1 rat
.1... ..rii...-iit..of .he state
ooiaiiiing nit -.,: ----
. ..7 i. ....i.i. iiml tilmir coitT
iioaru ui iivu.... ----- " ,-
thereof with the county clerk. 1 la
li.. MMtllltl nli:int'C uCltliT
H.trliturc of all fees and a tine of not
less than Ulty uouais iu vu..
fa use. . 1U,
The following is a compicw
of the qualified practioners In Cass
. ' I., it., nrdrr ot tUC
couniy t,'r" "
tiKAUll"-' """,v '
Alfred Shipman, M. D., riatts-
ii,. I C. Kate. M. D.. Weeping
IllUUt f J ' " -
tn'i-r. I K. Hall. M. Dm, W eeping
.. j. . - ,
w.i.r. I. Iluncrate. PI. U., loeeutnn
Wratcr; U F. Brendle, M.D., Murray;
C. F. Davis. M. D., Union; J. a. i oi
lard. M. I)., Nchawka; E. W. Cook,
M. D.. riattamouth; h. D.Cummina,
M. D, riattamouth; Tf. A. liumpn-
... m n. Plattsmouth: u. u
Douglass, M. D., Weeping Water;
I ri Freidv. PI. .. utn neno
W. II. Maikin, M.D., Eagle; Frank
Davis, Pi. I)., Eagle; T. i: uving
ston, M. D., riattamouth; J. II. Hall,
M. D., riattamouth; J. Pi. iseciy, n.
D., Wabash; Isaiah Haughy, M. D.,
Elmwood; N. R. Hobba, M. D, Elm
wood. '
Licensed under the ten yeara
exemption provision of the law:
W. H. Schildknecht, riattamouth;
M. M. Hutler, Weeping Water; E.
Reynolds, Rock Dluflfa.
Ilnrnc VnoHliinmil llftt'
in mIii III ! nml tlKB'tli
Hanier'ii Miw l n nml ll'HALU
ll.riKt'i H."r Mill lis -Lit
IUrur' lily mid hkhai.d
,iw Mais I' .jihIit And HkkaI.K. ...
Vitateru Hurai suit llnBAI.U
... J,
.... at
.... 4 SL .
I at
It bhould bo In Every Houaa.
J. H. Wilson. 371 Clay St.. Sharp
burg, l'n., says he will not bo witto'
Consumption. Coughs and toldav
i : M.:fA ... 1 1 n waA
that ll enrea in" "
threatened with I'lieuiiionia altea-
an attack ot ".ua uripjM-,
various other remedies and aevera
ttliyBicians nau uuc m
Robert Harber, of Cocksport, la,
cluinis Dr. King's New Discovery
has done nim more k1""-1 J
thing he ever used for I"f
Trouble, nommj . ? -r
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fr'cka
Co'a drugstore. IMg ooiu,
and (1.0U.
When The Evening Newa rose td
theheightaof iteidignity and rear
dcred ita "horse aud horse' decis
ion it completely overlooked th
matter 'of justice, a very esnential
attribute of one who assumes such
a Irimtwnrtll v nosiliotl as the COBV
-- -- - . - - j .
ceiled editor has reposed in hinv
self. The lournal line never called
theditor ofjHB IlERALiVan "idoit
neither have we attributed to th
Journal man the station of a "pul.
lie pauper." Of this fact the New
is perfeccly aware.
Attorney A.J. Graves, is, i IJsr
coln to-day arranging for the Edaoa
COntfBt,Oi wnidi lie iihb cuirgc
, conirm, ui whh.ii hc un
abirXgo uVc."nTonnlso.nethin may be expected t.
?. . " ' .1 .1rAn" In Ih. ni'iir future.