J V V THI r f i 'J i 1 A WOMAN DOCTOR'S BROUGHAM. It I Notlilnf Mora Nor Lee T!in a Pre late Traveling lreelng Room. A busy woman doctor in Brooklyn, whore practice in so extensive that It keeps iht driving over the city's ill pave ltv U fur ninny hours every lay, has had inr.de fur her a IruuUaiu which , combines about an many roinforts as i ; possible to j ack into bo confined a ep' lo foeirin with, under the seat is a irT- tior.! rawer, divided intocoiiafiiTents, thold those snreical inotjluu-uia which doctor mnst ciirrv. In the fauin il rawer X fontid room for two or three small hrflidbiis containing sr. Brs.,rtuiirr.t of edicines. There is ahtoepsire for a1-''1' Irtablo electric liattery in its'Ty'(,,l woo.) case. These - are nil bidIc"way however, when tha lvuw.r la Xf. and no do not war by "" "- i"ii.A:l nnst'tiveiiei the untidy comfortable. aijciiruuce of the rent of the. interior. fc . ' There is within'.; out of the way about this, nf com Si'. The' novel features nr. !' in the front of the 1 .ronlnni facias ( tlie is-cupiiit.. The ino.-'t "itr.d.in;;" if a I pretty clocli, by which tlie doctor tbu'-s j feer vi.-itM j:rnl the ; e(d of hercoj. It- j man. It is screwed to tlie wall. to fjx-uk.at n ci tivi i;ici:t height, filler- Heath it is 11 silver !. 1 1 1 (lower hoi h-r, j . lor liie liiK-ti r U::m lost none oi hit essen tially f ii.ini'ie taste he.iiiise bhe bin leal lied how to mv your le olT. Then in a little 1 is U t in the lining of the ciiiri:e is a it.si i. i i r n t, for a doc tor's hanos should nlw.ns he n joy to look at, evrii when they belor to a .man. In in o'.l'.-r pocin t U a bru-h nil 1 cmib and mine ha;ri im. This dm-tor' Jhnir in ;! ruly, i in." tririty fi' pirit. in the ro'i l- . and the manv a f'SSloll. Lottie. : mill lot:;,' nini a i.ttie un- ' rally charged with elee ,i i t inteij.ie'y energetic ier p(K'l;c-t in a wliiU. for i .iu-;ly dusty in UrotiUyn, i's costumes have inspired r ."..M-trt tit .lei.mr-t ti lini. ; , '.,,..,' ' illollier lul'l Miles n BCt'Ill Lrooimute often poorly vcu- tikted. ! Tin' .s a mirror, of tour-, that cna ' be ti.t i n a l.ocli j'.i; t Li low the clock and 'li-n returned toils itK-ket. A fan jpee;..otit theie, n (jlove Imttotier here j ml i l i,'er iim het than ull lim f;et:er- i one or two of the latest cuinl erx of ' the IM;i izineti; medical ones for til? loctoi' own KTnal in hhe bowls nloii, . and more entertaining on"8 for her I f riendii. For this doctr U K'ldoui wen i 4rivin abont uloim. She geiienJIy ha f)tnfl of her patient I or her friend with her, una when con versation fl.is, or the cnent m waiting i 1n the iTonlinin while the doctor t culling on a patient, the magazine keets thu time from draffins. Even lier coachman p'ts the Ix-nelit of this featnre, and he may oflen be aeen, looking more comfortable than "correct," leanitiff back itwii bis Ikix with a copy of a re cent publication in bis hand. New York Tribune. Strang OtrnOch t. It is danseroni as well us wic':ed to do wronx in the prewnce of children. An bservaut little ly was iu a utreet car the other day. and followed every move ment of the conductor with the greatest interest. A very stent woman boarded the car and cat down next to the small boy. She took a ticket out of her purw, but when the conductor came alou be somehow failed to notice her. lie pasml and re prowed her several times, and finally, nth a nervous glance around, she re placed the ticket in her purse. This was too much for the snail boy. who bad all the while kept Lis eye on ber, and the next time the conductor came alon- he exclaimed: "Yon didn't get ber money, mister. I don't see how yon missed ber. Khe's the fattest lady in the car. Anybody could aee her." This complimentary allnsion to the woman' weight canl a blush to play over her broad face, und he quickly produced a ticket, while all tiitt other panaeogers smiled. Pittsburg Duijiatcu. November la American lllatorjr. A most notable November in our his tory waslhatuuo ill 3Tu", the Ciatuny t whl'.n was olwerved throughout the thirteen colonies us a period of monm ing, on account of the going into tTiTt of the bated stamp act It in creased the burden of taxation upon those who bad no voice in their own guv eminent and aroused them to such a fnseof in jot-dice that ten years later they rebelled and the war of the Revolution woa began. On the first day of Novem ber, therefore, the church bells were aol emnly tolled, flags floated at half mast and business waa everywhere u fended. A!! orrr the Jasd sach taea as Kamuel Adams, Patrick Henry, James Otis and John Adams addressed patriotic peecbs to throngs of their country men and fired their hearts with thought of a glorious independence. Kirk Man roe ia Harper's Yooag People. A Ball Made of RaUklea. A thrifty Welshman at one time ex hibited biin)!f publicly ia England at tired ia a costume 0001 posed from top to to of raUkins, which he had spent three years and a bait ia eoUaetinjr.'Th" dress irai made entirely by himself. It con sisted of hat, neckerchief, coat, waiat- sjoat, trousers, tippet, gAiten aod abore; The number of raU required to complete tha tnit wu (70. Most corkms of tbe frsnnents waa the tippet, composed en tirely of rata' tails. At One time a batch of several thousand raUkja waa Im ported from Franca into England for inanufactonnK purposoa, but they were fonnd too small and too fine ia lex tor to U useful Washington titar. The aroaaatls Clave Tree. A peculiarity of the clove tree ia th.t every part of it is aromatic, though tha greatest strength is In tha bud. IWsudea the bads, the utenie are gathered and form an article of commerce command. ln ooe-rifth the price of cloves, and Laving about the same percentage of tien.ah. Tothiaiedae tha fact that frronnd cloves can be purchased ia the home market at a lower price than whole dovia, Kxchange. BRAVE MAINE BM THEY DO TACK A NOT HESITATE TO CEAft WITHOUT CUN3.i Armil with a I'ltrliiork and an Ax, tViunln InliahltiMiU nf a lumber l)lg triet Hlujr an Knormoin Creatura Wblcll Mail Klllod Two Ktean. "I read about Mrs. Iyewis killing th( two bucks in the Adirondacks. and about Sirs. LVcky Latimer's dti-r hnnting ex pb'its iii Pennsylvania," sail u New Yoil.er who his been bunting up in Slaine, "and now I would like to rea l about the way some women np in the iine foreJa have of showing their grit and f kill when it enuiiy to dealing w.ta certain wild tmiinala. "A family nauicd McDonald lives way buck in the wilderness of the Mob J river. It fimsiMs of the husband, Unb crick SIcDonald, bis wife ni;d bis sister, ! both young women. They have a fimjj liillt; farm in tliere, and ki p a few eat tb'. Their most valuable jKisses.-ioii ia that line was a yi ' of sti-eri. O.ie da..' McUoiiald was 0i.ii.4ed to K( to on" of the rettleinenta fev. ral miles away, and I: s bie-iuess was to bs ;i bini over tlii:".. L.s wife und i-Utcr wire b-ft nlmn- t k nfter thin-'s iluritr' l.i .".!s,-n e. 1 . . . . . . .... 1 H--1 oeinre nam j'Teal oenowing v.: ' j h'-ard among the cattle in the bartiy.ird. I The si 'ii nd s were of sin h an mm ir.l 1 cii.iri' ti r that the tw.i wo::n-n berai::' ' fa:i;.r..'d tint they were clii-s of terr .r. 1 I'.v. !',D;!!.:!J. artr!" 1 with a pifhf'T::, ' an I her si-i'-r, carrying an uz, hurried . to the barnyard. I 'Theretiieyfo-.in i nn enormous bi-:ir, 1 ftatnling ib ji.intly b'-twisn the prostrat i bodies of tb- two HiiT', 1 acli of wh 1 il he ha 1 b lied t'l tiie groiin 1 and k.liid. 1 The other c.-.ttle were hudllel in terror ; in a c iru. r of tiie yard. Tie- leaf Uru'.vieii mil suariiii ajui sliowe.l lm teeth ns t ie won n iinproaehed, but. ia ' s;iite of h:s terrible front 11:1 1 threiten-j irig atti.iide. the si :'iit of tin- ste.-rs lying dead oti the ground was more than t;. ' plucky young wonn-u could stand, in 1 tli'-y ru h"l with di" rate mieat 011 tb.' stiatbng b" ir. Tirr.V KtI.I.Kt) TIT. CI AK. "Mrs. McDonald chared with bT pitelifork and tiiru- t its s'.iarp. 1 .ng tin' deep into the bear's n-e!:. Tik- Ixiir gave a bowl of lin, and striking the handle of the pitchfork a Hwerful blo r with one fun-paw be wieix bed it from Sim. McDonald's hands nn 1 sent it fly ing across the baruyar 1. While the U-ar j was doing that Mis McDonald pitched Intu linn with tiw nr. un.l ul tlmfir. blow di.-sibli d one of bis terrible foreleg1!. The War turned on her and she rained i blows thick aud fast nrsm bini us shs backed slowly away. Mrs. MtDousId quickly regained pna-essjon of the pitch fork and renewed ber attack on the Is'ir. "Del ween the atlucks of the two de termined and plucky women the Is-ar was so badly harassed that he made an effort to escape from the field, but tli women pressed him tun chen ly. The battle was not of long duration, for the lusty blows of the axe In the girl's bauds and the deep and painful staha inflicted by Mrs. McDonald with ber pitchfork soon had their effect on the liear, big and tough as he was, anl in ten minutes afu-r tlie Cght began be was stretched dead by the side of his victims, tlie two tis?rs. The two nervy women hud their clothing nearly stripped from tbetn by the claws of the bear, but beyond a few cratches they were not injured. "They were not on the scene in time to aaVe the Valued itr-rn, but their pluck in avenging the death of the cat'le aroused so much enthasiam and ad miration at the settlement that a pnrse w as raised among the lumbermen and hnnters, with which another yoke of steer was bought aud presented u Mrs. McDonald and ber brave little sister. ANOTHER WOU AS S BEAR. "In tlmt Mine Jlolus river wilderness. but nearer the headwaters, bves during the snmiuer and sometimes as late as the' middle of Noveinlier, if the weather is not too severe, a family named Baker. They ere Boston people, bnt on account of the health of one of the family, wha Is oraieuled ny (no ruc ami pine air of the region, tbey rpend most th year in their coinruodicus cabin in the Mo! us wood. "Baker's wife is a pretty woman of about thirty, aud has learned to bandlo the rifle, like an old woodsman. She in sisted on making one of a party that had fonnrd to ront ont and kill a big bear that bad been located In a swamp smile or so from the chm. rihe wa eUtioned by the guide at a spot where in bis Judg ment the bear would not be likely to come out when the dogs got after him, as he had no faith in a wursan's ability to stand and shoot at a bear as it bonneed Into sight out of a thicket "His Judgment was right, for when the dogs got on the track of the bear Mrs. Baker heard theta taking a course that would fetch bruin out of the swamp at a place where the would be unable to see it or get a shot But she wasn't there to be fooled, and she started 00 a run for the spot where the bear was evidently beaded for, and she got there before any one eUe did. ' The bear, a tremendous big fellow, as black as ink, broke through the thick brush on tlie edge of the swam p, and waa patting in hi best licks across the opening for cover on the other side. Bat he never reached cover, lira. Baker put ooe rifle ball close behind his left shoulder and another through his loins. When the guide, Mr. Bstker and another member Of the party came tearing to the spot, Mrs. Baker wu sitting on the carcass of the bear as cool as a eucnra ber, and with mock disgust exclaimed: " 'You're a nice lot os hunters, I de clare! If it hadn't bees for tne this bear would have been a mile away in the woods before yon stupid things knew what bad beojse of it-f'-New York Sao. ' UlCerea wUa the I aaaaee. The Minister I now come to that rreat rite, the Passover, and Drowsy Railroad Official (awaking suddenly) I (ull yon yon have to right to a pass over this road. Bam, show tbi man to tha door. PiUsbory Cuileiia. JIM AND JOE. Yes, thera s Jim, snrl snra's roVr born Tlirre otl r wan s lietUT ftUows Whon thlnis went wmni; lw didn't rmwl, Nor cunw his la-.k. iir i:ro:m, iinr ln;lluw: Bui rui kiiiK "uitu; thu sa:no uiu au llr'd ll;ht his iip and K 11 mokln. Till lb. il?.-, eaniB mand ml r.,;oi auain, Willi Jui til Uasliin and 1-Jiikln. Then thr a-aa Jw; wii lilm. jroa sea, N ithln was ever irolu anuan ly. He'; swear Ibe world wan near iu end Caune Mime one hadn't trailed falrlr; Cooil men rent Jnsl almut plnycd out. Tlif di'vtl's mi m "w ilrawmn nearer; Bome'dof-jut why he toll Id uat lull Tha world a (frowin queer and queerer. Well, aa II hiiienl. Jim wan poor, And, as II haws-ned. Joe waa wmlthjr; Jim, he won rulher small and woak Jne waa a tfiuiit.mrom; anil hmiltbj-; Yet wlirn il came In slie r ronlenl. Ami lii-hriilii sniiiiMiiie i lse' tmnble B)' uniili i u'er Ills nn 11. h)' Jim C'ouiil Jiini brut .I'eepti more limn iloulil... -lirwalra IVrnmaa la V.-.nkee i iade.. I'alntins lure. Has the lace triiinii ug of the dressin ; table assiiined a a: billable tingi? i. washed. It will still have the "doiei over" look, tip it off, thoroughly slni and In Ush, then prc.-s il a l.tlietofla -teu. Now stretcii It Iii -inly upon a boar i cr table, with reveral ttiu ktieiws i , new-;aM-r beneath it. L'.-e a balf inch wide bristle brush and put on paim lend'! from dye freely. The paper will r :i'or:i tin- cx:r.-i inoistiire. 11 uvea 11:1 one even tmt it is very ijn.ck work. When the l ire Is 11 -mi ly dry, presi it ttit.l il II d iro-i over a p 1 Ided board, hi liion;:i it who fttibroidi-rv. Any of the !::, ! :(-;. r-;,eci::!!y Va'.cn cieiiiu s.can l.i- painted in si veral dainty tint-, tie; bt.r tingoitt toe p.-iitern i-f-f. i iiv. !y und inatiry novel manner, cue U iug !: I in f I.-, ting harmonium colors, lb" s'.nall t.s.i'led fringe which comes in cotton lor edging curtains mid r.r.iji-1 1. s can be treated i l Ibe sanul manner wiih ll.ei'yt.i. A uy cotton i.r silk good-take tiiid retain tiieiii easily, mil they wdl m.t Overrun the ontlims of th" de., gu. Cut 0:1 lim n tin y nre a l.ttle apt to "spread," Mis. JJ. U. Uaui- wy iu (iuo 1 liollM iieepilig, r uutlljr Jara. "A plea-ant fiiii! t;:i 1 voire ot ths morning meal, fl neat costume with a knot of becoming riblmu ut the throat: a god dinner t.c-iefiilly and proinpdy served. 11 song or a:l iigreeal !e bisik in the evening after t'." and a lot of otbi r stutT like tlie nlmve npiM-ars quite regu larly in the pajM-rs as advice to married women relative to retaining the l ive of their bn-b:oi.l4 I i-all IL "HtlitT" liemiM do not Lsdieve the resulu aimed at can 1m broiihi ii!wt iu viy ftiitdi vruy. in an atleiiipt tit teach a thing which cannot be taught If the afT-ction ex ists it Is not going ! be wiied out by delayed dinners, wash day attire, sick headaches and no music or books, un 1 that is ail there is t it, barring ail oc casional row which sets the household bloisl moving vigorously and with good rmult. Cor. Detroit Free Press. Pulnla af Ilia C'umpaea Anitiii( lucblna Amoni the Pueblo Indians six points of the couipaas are rcco'i'ized, and each i i ns its color. North is yellow, west is J blue, south is red, east is white; tbeopper regions are many colored and the lower regions nre thick. A.l the prey jtihIs are represented by their imagi-s in these lix colors. For exsinple, there is the yellow moun tain lion of the north, the blue mountain lion of the west, the red mountain lion of the south and so on. Likewise it il with the other lsasts. nml thea a very considerable number of deities is formed. All of them must receive worshipful at tention lest they get anry and revenue themselves for the neglect Washington Star. A a Apology. Once, in the bouse of commons, Mr. Lahonchere referred to the conduct of some political opponent as beiu "un worthy of a pettifogging attorney," and, being called upon by the speaker to with draw this unparliamentary expression, did so, declaring that be was glad of having an opportunity of retracting it, "as it waa a trn-at Injnstice to the at tor iii y." .jit I'i'.oic'i Argrutut. f-rwiluete of Slealro. AHhongh the soil of Mexico and its tropical location are both favorable to agriculture, the lack of energy of its working population, combined with the i lack of a sunk-lent water supply, neu tralizes it geographical location, and the production of corn, brans, coffee, suar and other kinds of product are barely sufficient to supply the home de mand. New York Times. XUfriiBf ttia Fatara. Apples are in much favor in Hallow een testa. A maiden may find out at least the first tetter of the name of her future husband by peeling a pippin, tak ing the paring by one end In ber fingers, swinging it three time over ber head nd tben letting it drop. The paring will surely full In the shape of the initial of his name. New York Herald. Professor Kohlbranch, who haa been making some curious experiment with Ughtninr. finds that the amount of elec tricity ia as ordinary flash so small that it would require thirty-seven flashes to keep a common incandescent lamp burn ing one boar. ' Toonr neighbors across the Rio Orande November ia as dear a month a July is to ns, for oa it sixth day, in 1818, the Mexican proclaimed their independence of the crown of Hpsin, and formed the second greatest republic of the Western heiniepbere. Among tne r.ypusns coffee wa a favorite drink, but was alloweil only twice a week, in campaigns especially assembled for the purpose, the greatest solemnity being olMnrved as such occa sions. A mixture of powdered aluminium aud chloride of potawh will give a bril liant flash Ugbt. It give no smoke, and is thu far better than magnesium fur photographic purpose. 39: TO CLOSE B DYERS CAN" OVERCOATS M SUITS, - roii i.icss moni:y than i:vi:r iikakd of hkfokk Furnishing Gcou?, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc- at It will AVho will tliow you better iiiMk.cn, quality nml for less luiy west ol Cliiciigo. A CHILD CAN I5UV AS CHEAP AS TOIS .Elac; Cn.137- C110 OPERA HOUSE CORNER, (icoreje Mutsoit, of out h I!( nil cume in 011 the fcchuylcr tliie inorninjf. Mra. J.N. Miion, of Ilurlingloii lowti, 1 vi-itiii"; her dauglitur, Mrs (J. V. Iloiiscworlh. I'rof. Hulsiey eaye that if (he pop ulation ciiiiliii'.ii'H to incrciisii us it has thu past twenty-four hours nil uitioiitit f.icililien for teaching will have to be proviileil. There is liitle doubt that the Professor in. correct, wiougii 11 im (Mmrrie.i mat lie in eomcwhntexcl'ed amlepoke hastily regarding the mailer. Baaoluiionx of Coodolenca. At a recci t meeting; of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of (hie city, the following resolutions were paiecil: Wiikwpam, It view of the 1oa we have eiiHlaiiu : by the einblen mill ncciilenlul dent 1 of our brother, M. J. O'Kei!!;, a.'i'l of the -till heavier loee oi v'losi'dcarcet to him, and Vherer.s. V.rt Ihcr O'Keilly waa ulu)a a li'Uv ni.il faithful member of our oivisio'. hinte ila oigan ii! nt ion: Kceolvcd, Th t it ia but a juet tribute to the i enmry of the de parted to my tli : in rcgrctiinjf liis removal c mi.'irn (or one who was in every v. ay worthy of our rcpard; . Keeolved, TI a, the member of thin divieio I elmerely e) miiilhi.e with the family of the deceased in the diapeiisniioo of Providence which has fi.Hicted them; Kt-euivru, iliut our ilmrler I.r draped in mourning for the period ol thirty tiny and these iveolu tione "prea l uptui rninuUs of the divieion and u copy sent to the laruny oi ine ueceaseii. A.Cf.AkK, M. WUA'.KN, ' I. llA? HA II AX, Committee. H ra la a thanes For eotne one wi' h a few hundred noiiars to ei into , Kod bueini se, Ketnbliehvl lSHfl. por frti,rr )ur. ticulars uddree ,x o( ijytt-. mouth, Kcbraaka. wad-a A Fatal M.stana. i'liyeiciaiiH muse on mr.r. rni mietiike thou when tbey inform pa-tit-tit that nervous heart troubles rome from the stomach nnd ore of little coneeinicuce. J)r. l'ri,kli Mile, the noted lnt, .,.,.,-1, has proven tlie contmry in bin new iinua on in iiri uiuesse whit liiniiy r iiu. wi r.u. iritkO & t ., w ho guorantre nnd n, ..nimcnd I)r, MileH unrnuiif led new u.., f..- which line the; largest sale of any heart r nieily in the world. Itcureg ii.-rvime uitu nrf:nmr !rnrt (lie -iiHt' fhoi t brtaili. lidHiiin.,, ,,; r . (lerncen in ine "iii'.nn,i,r,,oll,,.r irrrguiur imiih.., lamtj,,. e,lllot 1 it-r iiiK, iliaKealoriitivf ii"uc vum iicauiKlic, fiU, etc. hi:ak in mind that IT? O O SAYE YOU MONEY, pay you to come fifty miles totrnilc T O IE3 NO TROUIJLU TO SHOW OOODS. I'LACLS OF WOKSHIP, Catholic-M Paul's ( hiin h. si. I. leer, riiih Mel siiili, r mi l'i r s ne), I'ssi'ir Hrtlees: V i at s liU l"i i.Hi A. M. bubdaf Srlmiil S12 rfSi. a I k Iserdli llnl.. Ciimi-ti'S "ft er I..M-ust suit rlvhlh Hts. envlrrs ineriilnir slid rvrUSK r. r J. n. lireil, I'asiur Suiiil ph l,mll IS A, M. Keii oeAl.-Ht l.nkr's liuieli. romer Third slid Hi-. Ilrf II II 10, its. isli.r. Srr lre. MIA M I ill Wr at. Suuda) ftrliuul si jn r. M. fisHM A N MiTiieiosT i rnsr Xlilti ft sad llinnll". Ilr. Mill. I ir. eerv re II A. M. slid 7 :M V. M. eiiumy hcliuol In :30 a M. I'MrsHVTriilA . ervires In 1 f rhntrli. eer ier MJIIl Hi'" l.nnille ale. liev J. I. I SIM. eii-lnr. siii.d -se eul al ; I rearlilng al II a. m.s'.d s p in. si . II e. K "I 'a' 'tmreti rre eu eveiy SuMmIIi rvriili y at 7 14 In Hie I'lin mn l l the rliiirili. All air ilivilrd to ait bd thee lerrllnifs. FlMST MstnonieT -"llh t.. tietweri Main Slid frarl. lrT. I. f. Hill I. O. l. HH-liir. hrnrlres : 1 A.M. S (SI e. l Mllnla. srhisil :l A M. I'lS). r lin rll. g MrdiiesdMli evra- ihmaM PasavTrai. Tomer Main slid Nmlli. liev w .tie. si r. hrrtlrtMi etna! In ins. Siiniliiy 'fiiisil w :.m a. m. S s. i'i-" i MiiM'iuTioNAL. iraiilis, De- larrn flllli Slid Huh. t'eMiliro IIAITI-T. Ml. Ullve, I'sk. brtaren I. mIU s:ia Mevrnil! f-. euaell Ime nr. SeiU e 1! III. i let 7 ) p 111. l ujrt li.erllns Meilm ann) rm iili if. Yncsii Mss'a Clllll TH A"CIATIli liiMinia Iii b aieriuHii litiwk , siHin mieei. i,ia- r! Ilirel luif. Ier Inn. mil) . m il hmiiliiy ( trill. hii Hi 4 u'rlis k. I is. ins n;s n wrrk dnyt I. e in Ji a. in .I" :30 p.m. SIll TH I'AKK TA HSMS Al't-F -IleV .7. V. w-miiI, I ssoif. ss-inr. a: euMisr rriioni. .'ie.ni,: I rrsrl li t, II a m. slid S i. in. ; cni)er nieein s lursiis nictii ; rlinir (iiac lice rlnl 7 loslil All are vrleinne. When yon jra '.1 a hoe ftore your object ienot only to buy eliocs but to procure fur what you rpend the tieat that rour money will buy. I.eea than tdis will not content you; more than this you rnnnot, in rea son, risk. Our methods) nre ne niinrile us your ilemres. We do not lilt your expettiitioiiH to Ibe lomln, but we realie tlicni whatever they are. We will never rncrifici your ititen els t-i ours unl nowhere else enn you get a fuller nnd fairer equivalent lor vour money. An especially profitable purchase for you i our etc. DOOT8, SHOEO on. E SHHIWOOD. SOI Main Street X If 1 fr JoVocra Prices with money tliitn A MAN you can -Price, PLATTSMOUTH. A. SALSBURY : DENTIST : OOI.D A.I 1'Okl.tLAIX CKOM'N'9. Or. M.elLs)s ai ssilirlle fur Hie ialuleM r 1 1 .u ten ol tci til. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. tixkawsl Uli ck I lallliiiuulll,l MAWSON & PEARCE u 1IAVB KH'KIVt'fl Their Fa'l ansae, 'stiry rilils I a. tle and qnllk. UMi a I'd "I lira U.ioi". eeue liaee hale In sirsa si n l I. I In y li h lull Ime ni daliy h"iHl and III ir di rt ulise I.I elisk mil lite is Siiird lleli sir- sell. I lisl- In Viand I 'b re la riliiinrd, MISS SCIIUVLKK, TRIMMER. DE2STTISTKY OOI.D A0 HJ.Cft.At CKOV.S8 Bridge work and Cnt gold work 1 SPECIALTY. Ort.fnKIKAt'H LOTAI. siwrll as other aa eltiriicsieo lur I he iialiilraaniraellua of Is Sib. C. A. MARSHALL Fitigcrsld ElocN JTTORNEY A. N. BULLIVAN. Attorney at-l-aw. Will sire prompt stfenttns to ail l ueineea entmelrd to Iiimi. oriies la Uolos bliicK, last Hide, I'lalUlneulll, Keb. Shorthand. AND TYI'EWRtTZNG COI.LKGEV I'latteitiouth, Nebrueka. Thera sr thnnanrii nf ynur Indira, eewinf (Tirla k lesil lra liera eleise, ele a hu , re ekliqr nut rn eiinirine en a ealeiy karrljr suflicu-al to supt'ly Hu If iiery day mi. fty run iilnliip a ennrse In sluirt t kH(,ii r r)"aliiii( lit-jr nuriiu frnra tt Iu tifn.rr eiilh . ei'ua'leiii m-rtdteed In enmretent ttudsnt IliulditUal li.llutli,l, Dew IVsailteis. DAY AND E' VlXINS RISSIOXS. flos rnl ever lls)fr Flnr. Wl nlrd An aellTe, frllslile no.e-slnry ST III MI II ell III 'I allll ImrraM-. to iriur.. na in k imn earie a rui nesilde Sew ti rk Mouse, hrfersarrs. lint Lt. New Vof a. aasirAtiiuaa, ivc Mnny old sold ier, who ontrncifl rbnuiic iliiiri liniti while in me service, hnve since been pernuiiient ly cured ot it by t IihihiIm rlniu'a Colic, Cholera nml diarrhoea Rent. eiiy. J ur siiie iiy p. ti. i ricke & Co. Shiloh i ciil.iJ It rfiiieilya nnai. l'i ciil.i It Itive cure Catarrh, Ihiililiieriu nnd Canker month. For sale by F, Q. Fritke & Co. ltseu.J ... .i.' . . 1 r . 1 i ly I) y r.'.U: I ? I 1 . .. V . . "1 y .