The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 02, 1891, Image 2

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    flattsmoutli Daily Herald
K NOTTS BROS, Publishers
rVilii!i. rvry Thursday,
and dully -ij
wsnlriitmcrpt Sunday.
R!:itir-l at tua Klattsmodth. N-t,
(wfrtr trtiistiiKiou through tti U.v'H. mi.ln
it-ind cU rxtpa.
0m.' comer Vlu aud FIClb strtwlii.
tea eopjr, one year. In ailvauce ...
to cony, ona yrar, nut jn advance .!
toe copy, ;x numilit, In ititvmi.1 . .
lie C 'py, tlirpi iii"ii!li. In ivlvane. .
tie eop one yr In a lmicn
mcip pr avk,' hy pirrier
a eory, pir month'
. 40
Tlx ' ouri River Improvement
ij4 i5 Kan:iH Cil v.
MiBrto- i Dec 13 iiml 10th. and n
Cass unty i directly inteiexUMl
au lii iitcomi: of the convent ii.n it
Eaw that we Jo not lose interest
fit thv. matter.
One reaHon for the improvement
rj the water way of thin country in
tiat they are necessary for the
undlintfof the crops and mining
litput. The cxperii'iicc of the pas-t
few weeks has h!iowii that all the
ttilroud in the country, initio all
mi their cars, cannot move the crops
! the Missouri Valley with reason
able promptitude. Kvery city of
any importance on the way from
farms has been clamoring for cars
and railways have refused to accept
(rain, because they must either cto
fcis or reject more profitable bitti
es. The fact is the railroads do
aot want this business when they
can Ret rid of it. In order to haul
the freight that went down the river
from St. Ixju'is lat year, by rail,
would require one train of cars
yery 15 minutes for the entire yetir.
Twsn 7 -eiht million tons of freight
j water alone, and even with a
aOmparatively large amount this
year, the roads are fhort of cars ns
aoon aa the gTain movement r-etii in.
Without the relief by water on the
atrern, lakes und canals, they would
fee utterly unable to handle the
8mmerce of the country with
farce timea the equipment they
tow have. This is a good reason
lor increasing the number and
ampacity of the water ways, includ
ing the Missouri sywtem from Mon
tana to the gulf.
Water transportation has always
keen conceded to be the best reg
lator of railway charges; but tl.e
feest statement of the case which
ha been made, for a long time, is
fta the call for a River Improvement
Convention at Kansas City on
eceoiber 15th and Wth. This
aaotcs the general average of
the ratea of the states bordering on
be Great Ikea at .0700 of a cent
per ton per mile; while it i 1 000
nita in the Northwestern and 1.X)
fa the Southwestern. The differ
ence is entirleydue to the influence
f the lakes, as is shown in the tei-ti
sony of Mr, Albert Fink before the
Senate Committee on Inter-State
Commerce in IKS.". When referring
to the method of making ratea in
he lake states he aid that, "The
rate between Chicago and New
Tork. which is generally de
termined by the competing water
rates, is taken ns the basis of the
tariff. When this is established, a
fable which has been prepared,
based upon the: relative distances
af other point to point of destinu
tfan af the freight, gives the corres
ponding rate from other cities in
) territory east of the Mississippi
Vf r And ofiii of tiie Ohio." Ill
ther words all railway rates in
tkeae states are proportined to the
rate along the lake shore,
wich ia determined by water com
paction. The advantage this is to
ie lakes states is shown in the Cull
W have amounted to $7;i,(7,K27 on
fae tonnage movement of H'.O as
ampared with the rate in the
Marthweaiern atatesaud (154,071,01:1
at compared with the rate in the
Svuthwestern states.
The improvement of the Missouri
Kivcr will supply water, lraupr
latum In tiie Northwestern and
Southwestern states etjual to that
f tl.e Ijketf, whicli will save to
Hicfc stated on audi tonnage move
ment as that of MIX) the sums of $17,
40,917 and IT! MM, respective ly,
wiakiiga total niinual saving on
present busin.-Hs of fo.";U8,077; be
sides which it would stimulate
very line of btininess, and bring
into exi-denoe large manufacturing
Interests w ,ieh h not now etist.
Tiie saving on present business of
a single year will more thnn pay
for the complete Improvement of
tlic entire river, und give it over to
the enjoyment of the people for nJl
time to come.
Its great advantage is shown in
the fact that after watercompetition
Laa pu reduced the cost of railroad
I THE. c. ,jr
V trl' a
A nmitr pml m
tt f.-it, water rn
iter rnte HTflfUil til nut
I half the prevat rufy-a on ruch
articles sis lotinntu e yiie jiroduciH
ct trie c-iuatr-.
costs but on; mill Jnl forty-live
hundredths of a mill per ton per
mile on the lakes and one and sixty
hundredths of a mill per ton per
mile on th.; Mississippi Kivcr;
while the lowest rates which rail
roads made isai five mills per
ton per mile. The improvement
of the Missouri River as proposed
by the convention will make rates
e jually as low, whL'li will reduce
the cost of grain freights to from
two to tour cents per ousnei iroin
kIhII Missouri Kivcr points to St.
1 Louis, which added to the rate of
six cents per bushel now prevail
ing between that city nnd New
Orleans, would make rates of richt
to ten cents jr r b.lthd from M e.
ouri Kivcr points to tide-water, at
against the p-evailiug rate of
twenty-five cents to New York. The
Ii.lVi e. ice 1 make the Missouri
Valley farmers rich, and give n
g-eat imfctus to every c!as
of business. Governors, senators!
and representivci in congress,
senators and representatives in
a ate legifcl itures. mayors ot towns
and cities and presidents of com
mercial bodies are entitled to seals
in the convention, besides which,
commercial bodies ure invited to
appoint delegates.
Snakr In Wr-t Virginia.
It is evident that Wcit Vir nis dries
not intend to be relegated Vj liie lutck
grounJ waile tlio uarritiun of unka
atories is g'lin on, mid shn relates
through tlis iiWiain of a di'ii.iteh the
following bouncer: "While two luul?-r-Dien
nanie l MeCray and Doners were
fi.'lliu titnlKT near Cleveland, Welcter
county, tli-y cut down a larjje linn tree
which was literally alive with snake of
a variety nxver before found in tliii vi
cinity. They were brown in color, lar'u
iii iti; havm:: yellow j iw, from which
they continuouily eviett-d a slimy uiat
tT and were t-xeeedin'y vicious, at
tacking the ru-n as soon as the troe f.;ll.
After killing a lri:e nutnber, JlcCray
and Dt;uer were oblige-1 to retreat. Se
curing aiaUnce, they returned to the
fpot and a genral slan'htcr t'Xik place,
Dot less t'u&u O.J reptile beinj killed.
Investigation was then made and from
,UH to 2.WJ0 eg-.'s were fuuud in variuui
part of the tn.t."
r.itlug llnrkwliral Cakva.
Says a gentleman whoattendcj the re
cent Methodist conference in Washing
ton: "I was ainiiiil hi ,he way In whi; b
a few Euxlihh delt gatr, conducted them
aelveaat tiie hotel. It reminded me of
the story told alout Mattiiew Arnold on
the occasion of his visit to this country.
When at Cleveland lie was generously
entertained. One morning his boot put
before biui at the breakfast tabl , among
other things, buckwheat cakes. For a
lung tima neither he nor his wife took
any cakes, but noticinj that his Ameri
can friends ate them with a greut ap
parent rellah and gusto, he gingerly took
one on Lis plat and tasted it very crit
ically. Then leaning over to his wife La
s-iid, 'Yon'd better try one, deah, they
ah not 'alf so nswsty as they look.' "
New York Tribune.
JapanM Clfaratta la Chlaa.
During the month of May last the ex
port of Japanese cigarette to Shanghai
ajrgremted 652,500, from which it may
be inferred that the foreign resident of
China are beginning to appreciate the
Japanese article. Cut unfortunately, as
is usually the casa with everything et
ported from this country, the necessity
of kping op the quality of the article
is not appreciated.
Adulteration with leaves of the lotus,
the goba and so forth, has been resorted
to, with the result of greatly injuring
the reputation which the cigarettes wers
jnai beginning to earn. The Tokio new
agency addresses a word of timely warn- J
lug to the thortii-.ghiud manufacturer.
Japanese Hul.
Cat Off His Taa Fast Heard.
Mr. Phil Ilenson, lbs gentlemsn dia
Ungnished for having prod 'iced the long
est beard ta the world, fonnd it so la
eon ven lent and uncomfortable that he
was iudncad to ent It off. A number of
his friends had plsnned to place him in
charire of the Mississippi department of j
tiie World's exposition at Chicago, where
it Was rimirimnd hi rniarkaila rxarJ '
would prove a striking feature in the
attractions, and much regret is felt that
ha chosa to relieve himself of that in
enmbrance. The beard was bv actual
mxasnretnent about tea fet long. I
Corinth Herald. ' I
ftB4ar Labor la Mala.
A wealthy New York merchant ha
emplojud a minister to labor in ruial .
Maine for a year among the "no-'
churched." People who have not inve-1
tigatd the matter hsve little Idea of th '
pportuiilties for such labor. On eras. '
road within ten miles of Lewis ton ther !
is absolntcly no observance cf the Ka
bath. Mr.n were in the fields pnllir,J J
turnips and women were hanging oal
washings last Bunday. Lewiton (ile.l I
While a retitleman was ont huntli ' Crawfordville last week be notic d I
something curions swimming Just nuder
thewHter. Itdidn tseem to be a
nor yot a bird. Presently it rose, shook
the water from Its wnnrs and started to
fly, when he shot it down. It had a head !
bke a tnrtht, wings like a but and a tail
scsly like a carp. There were two feet I
webtied like a gooe. Atlanta Conatita- j
tion. i
The first olociric telngraph. at all da
serving the nam- was invented by
Messrs. Cojke and Wheatntone, and wr
laid on the Lon Sou and Daikwcll rail
way ia June, 1637.
V hit Sailor WU Ma f
Sutul I'otaatata.
nw th
onomlral llitmawlfe laa Cat
vrr Old ItiWIrry.
nr. .11 I J
w how oiien liio feet of a
pair of M l ai;r ill be worn out be
yond all ilNyfiility of repair while the
legs are ei'a tly whole. I!y the nao
of the pai.j.s. , deserilied below nnd as
much tiKflnt it usually tahes to darn a
badly fyim pair of stockings. It Is pos
sible to produce from three worn pairs
two p.urs that will last as long ami Ct
as wcl. ns new ones. The worn foot is
first eir away, tearing t!e stocking In
the shape of the right-hund figure of
the tliiirain. In cutting follow the
line of tUf liocl und the scam down the
side of ie foot, nnd cut off cnouph of
the nppo side to remove all the worn
portion rf tiie t'x.-. If the stocking Is
worn al)ove ISe heel cut sway a little
more of liie lep. iir careful l pro
serve the shape Riven in the drawing.
This will leave the leg a trifle shorter
thnn before, hut usually the difference
will not be noticed. The new feet are
cut from the legs of another worn pair
of stocking f'nc pair f lc;;s is suf
ficient to make feet for two pairs of
sU-.-UiifS. 'l i e li ft h.-.nd figure shows
the shne of the soleof the fctiK'Iclng. and
to secure the prcpersue it Is necessary
to cut a pnprr pattern Fold the pnper
and. on the fohled eL-e. lake a distance
which shall represent A II; nine nnd a
half inches Is nlsiut right for a medium
sized fool. Then, by uiing the proiir
tior.s given la the cut. ywt can e!!J
slinpc the patti-rn. Tl.e center diagram
represents the upper side of the toe,
which la doublet! hU vg the line C F.
l!f the patterns cut out the left am.
center figures form the stocking leg.
DuoriAM ron ccttixo oven stocki.nos.
placing the edges A D and C F against
a fold in the stocking. Sew together
the edge B K for heel. I'nfold the
parts denoted for the toe, place F on A,
and ww tli odg F 0 to A I Sew C V
and C I). I) F. and I) II together, aad the
other half of the foot the same way.
The scams should all bo bacUstitched
very firmly, and then ojenrd and crosv
stltehed down to lie perfectly Sat sc
thai they will not hurl the feet. Chil
dren's stockings can be cut in the same
way by using pattern of the same
fhupe and regulating the size to suit
the foot of the wearer. American
Bl Aart On lar In tb Xth Co TliU
Important War.
Mending should be done just as regi
larly a washing. Set apart a day and
do your work on that cay; then it will
not accumulate until it makes youi
heart sink to look at it the housewife's
common experience. !! a basket,
bos or bag well stocked with the ma
terials for the work. When a carmen I
t cut, eullret all the pieces, roll them
together snd put Ihent where yon eao
find the m when wanted; thus you save
the fatigue and annoyance of rummag
ing the whole house for them. The
precaution of putting pleees under the
thin places defers the final breaking
through of the worn sections for some
tune. When they do at last come to
rajrs, cut out evenly all the worn parts,
following a thread If yon can when
cutting; at the corners cut diagonally in
to the garment about one-eighth of an
Inch, turn in the edges and buste down
on the pat;h. Then fell do u with
even stitches, usliifr nulla fine thread of
a color thai matcltca the goods. In
mending two eorreaponding parts of a
garment, like two sleetes, two ktiees,
etc, hat your patch nf vrrarvnd
Inj i?e Ilon't Ht a patch on one
elbow or knee no bicjer than a dollar
and on the other one as lareaayour
hand. I have always found It a very
satisfactory plsn in making garment
to make three where most people make
two, or to make two where others make
ona. That Is, Instead of making a pale
of ahlrt I make three, and Instead of
two pair of drawers make three pairs,
and Instead of on waist to my work
dresars I make two. Then when they
eome to mending, ink the extra, one
for patches. Dorothy Lincoln, la Knrm
asd Hu.
I I StllM Thaa Hat WaUw W1
nrtrka r Sm HImn. '
ft la very often necessary to eoavey
artlfiulal warmth to the bod. In easa of
aickni as, or with perv)na of Imp-rfect
etreulatioo lu eold weather. Hot water
bottles, of glusa, rubber or elay,' with
bricks, soap atunes, billets of wood and
other article, are employed In the mis
sion; but the handiext, and th be-st be
cause tiie iivsit satisfactory, method, la
said to be a bag of sand. This may be
prepared In sliuost any way to suit the
occasion, but a good plan Is to make a
flannel bug .nie tiht or ten inches
square, which should be Cllcd with fins,
perfectly dried aoud, the whole being
covered with a layer oi linen, cotton or
stout canvijt. This ca be easily snd
quickly heated by placing It anywhere
aUnil l!ie tto.e or oven where it U liol
Uto hot; it an be easily adjusted to the
feet, buck, chtw.t or any other portion
ef Uie txxly, will retain the heat for a
long tune, and will In us displace any
other agency fur the same purpose.
QtyA Housekeeping.
IU tar.ful at tin.
lommonplif but bnportsnl la tha
suggestion: "IVs careful of 6r." Never
take risk by lighting fire In tov or
f urartee not known to be ready and ssfo.
In building or repairing as that tit
pipe holes In the chimney are tight and
vell protected from 1st h aid sldieg by
n of clay iKt mails fo U. purpoae.
Two.Porffliztt t.;iH;ti:t3ra NrrriNary.
I A professional man onglit to know at
Aist two foreign h.nua'e If he ha!
4 devilled p-iu haiit fcf luiiiiii siuiiien
m l a strong ls-nt of inni I usually inui
Mtes special ca)iieity it may be worth
rlnlefor him to extend bis list to Italian
tnil Spanish, even to go outside of theve;
but French and German ho ought to
ywsess as part of the very means of his
jontact with modern life These Ian
(ttiige will admit him to everything that
a valnahle in the newest thought of the
njiie, since it may be truly said that a
production which does not speedily see
. iSe lijjlit. either originally or by trans
'ation, in English. French or German is
nther not worth prs-cial attention or can
. bu calmly waited for. Interview In lios-
lou Herald.
t.ii.f r.j Cwi:sj;ra fur H..i:sa V7oia-.a.
The Woiuau s Dr-ss ilefonn club in
, Bo-ton imuiU'iMMiiiie'J'tOiiieiiils'rs.coiii
1 pricing teachers, dia'tors. writers and
t!ier professional workern The first
i ainy day all tlis nieiulH-rs are pledged
J V p;-e:tr In a stormy weather costume
j muscling of a kilti-d skirt m wati-rjiwaif
. ;loth n-ichinu a little way Ulow liie
inees aii'l revealing gaiters of water
proof or ruling hisita A reefer
: at will -over the ui-r part of the
I r. 1 I - " . . I . . .4
UAMI MUli I N.tti UN. I Oil, UC tO llid
iume. New York tiun
The Chinese lay down bamboo rod
for young oyrters to ciing to, and give
hem tm jecMi attention When a fair
nirnlier sre imiiure, they pick lip the
rislsaml carry large and mi ill to market,
without separating tliem fruiu liie rods.
Vlles Nerve and Llvar Ills.
Act on ii new
the liver, etoiurch and bowels
llirciih the nervs. A new discovery.
Dr. M tics' i'ills speedily cure biliou
siicrs bail taste, torpid liver, piles,
."lonstipatiou. I'lieipialed for men
women, children, om.ilicet, midest
surert ."if) llon-f, 'i'lf. Sainplea
free id 1". i. Fricke A Co's.
l-'or many years Mr. H. F. Thomp
son, of Ics Moines, lown, was se
veri ly nfllictcd with chronic diarr
hoea. lie says: "At tunc it was
very severe; so much so, that 1
feacrd it would end my life. About
seven years iiu I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea
Remly. It gave me prompt relief
und I believe cured me permanent
ly. us I now eat or drink without
harm anything I please. I have
also ued it in my family with the
beet results. For tsale by F. G
Frickie A Co.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
and so Hpiilar ns to need nospecial
mention. All w ho have used F.lccl
trie Hitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist (Hid it is guaranteed to do nl
that is claimed. F.lcctric Hitters
will cure all diseases of the liver
und kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, halt rheum and other tilfec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent ns well us cure nil ma
larial fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation Mini indigestion try
F.lcctric Hitters. Kntire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 5oc and fl per bottle at F. G.
Fricke & Co' drugstore. - 3
Are you made miserable by icdi
(rcstion, constipation, dizziness,
loss of appetite, yellow hkin'f Shi
loii it.iiizer in n positive cure.
For Hale by F. G. Fricke A Co.
Bucklen't Arnica Salva.
Tai Hut Hai.vk in the world for Cut
Ilruihu. Sore, Ulcers, Halt Uheum. Fcvct
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, snd all Skin Eruptions, snd pU
lively curr Pili i, or no pay required.
It is Kualautird to fcive satisfaction, or
nionry refundel. I'rii f 2' cent pir boi.
For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
We have sold's Cream Halm
about three years, und have re.
ron:::irr.dcJ use ia :crc '..'.sr. a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
The uniiiiimoiis answer to cur in
quiries is, "It's the best re;neily that
I haveevrr used." Our experience
is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. II.
Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, De
corah, Iowa.
When I benn using Ely's Cream
n.ilm my CHtuirh was so bad I had
headache the whole tune and dis
charged a large amount of filthy
mutter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head-
.n lie science. J. Sohmiers,Stcphuey,
trtilng Fa eta.
The American people are rapidly
becoming1 a rase of nervous wrecks
and the following auggrala, the
best remedy: alphouso liiimpfling,
of butler, Penn, awrara that when
his son was sperhlcs from St. Vitus
Dance Dt Miles great Kestorntive
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L
Miller tit Valprni nnd. J.I). Taolnr,
of lAiaiiepsirt, I nd each gained 'ill
pound if an taking1 it Mrs. II. A.
Gardner, of Vasttilr Ind. was cured
of 4d to SI convulsions easy and
much aeadarh, ilizxresa, bockach
and uervoiu prostialiou by one
bottle. Trial bottle ami fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. (i. Fricke, A
Co., who reconiend this naeijuailed
remedy. 4
( rlllJIlMlt
rui l us or
' always in slock
S's. t '. 5 : U r M
No. 4 hi a 1 .
Nn. a 1 : u it. m
....s M s. m
....S E'S p. Ill
... m a m
... 1 -is. m.
.. :'.! l, III
S ;M 1,, m.
... II Art a. m.
No Hi. 1 Vi a. 111
.No. Ii Hi :I4 a. 11
!u. itu JU. 11
''o. 11,
a. IS.,
N". Ss Acaimo'lail.'U l rK,..
Nn :ii arnvis
Trains dully rif.t Suiniav. -Ms. m.
-.. 4 ,M p. 111.
A I'Oi'U.AK t' A MILT.
Jrfis: "How Is It, Knte. tlmt ron slwan
Ui 'enleU nri 'm tliuliutl new tinnir r lo
wUi.i I nju), you always n-tiu Ui vet ahid
Of mo."
K is: " t clrn't know; I eertnlnlyito not
liF .! I...,, III itlMt uilt-HM.:
Jcsxir : " Wi ll, diinii ilm lum tvwmnnlhi,
for auiiniile, )ou bine taken up ilniing,
without anr tir!ir-r you esms toths irsru
When ll-K,o Ci-M-ilKi hi r lli lnrli-clilr
m., ...l. u...iy, ar.'l . r!a:nlv wo are iiii a..i.i...
Iuir 111 irni'i- ini.ii-r ) mir lniriM im.ii : 1 intird
J'.hi ol:iiii Tmiinty L.ii(-i l,i.-t e eiimrr tn.w
im fliiii m.i'fn niislnl. in .iiiy:i!ir lH'4lj;
iiu v-"rn t On iii im ull the luo in - in,' und
ll"MT J is" 'irl ! !'i uii-'l'i nil f.n-tilliftl.HH-ifi;
ji.ii (.iii. n on l-iiil'lull) ; an. I in Ihe ls
DMiitu t ui ui' mil rmeoto in heiiitli.iiwiiiir,
("f l.-ii ni-. lo y-Mir tisu'aieuiliin'fXL'rnii-.
Viuti. tin yiiu iri t all of yuiir liiluruiNtii.n
fr. i n In I I I'l'i eul-"f tlia y tut
?iu neifi iro t'l tho i lly.'
kAtr. : "vSu. ji-iiui. ynti will nishs m
Yti.ii. I h-ive'ii.iy i.ii- w.itn i-i.f Itiiuiinutiiin.
lint il i.i ;u cr:- I on It tnn-u ail shiiU.
vit I ( lii-i.r i ( nujlliii r m w l.iil hnt
the ii i l"W 1. 1) I Itu ir luu I'll ml riiuiiii.ri
on i ilO'. I. b ufit l Nt.l 0inini.
An l lron..n' It Is In us s i, fur II
r'-illv fiiriu-li' ll ns'luiir i r ti e hn
linii-i'lii . : liiflu-r lum int rn up li:.i iiitiintiro
111. ll li li&l tiiKi'll lor H r. im In hi) 4 tins
rm rii- ni'ire mvJ lllir Inl'.rmniii n
I'im .ili)"-! ol I'm H:iv anil innilii r us)
tiiiii u in t'nt th il mnkf-s I r le-n a t:iuifii.
Ii'in 4kii-H r. in lit. !, wo all at'r u it I
heuniy r--rti!jr rsn.v itmiru'i,
a w. f rue M-nt for b. t-W-a f all el tli'-in.
an. I Dit'l t .at i.nn it S'l ti.r nu n. mo.! her s i
fur wniium, nn. I nimtiier for iliiMren only,
wmle I. m.. nn mill evi-rr ire i t u; so
nnlv iim' I t tikMins liiBlend fit M-teml, Slid
tiuit h wlii-re lue ei.-in.aiy ci.itu In, ..r 11 I
only '.) a f ir. riu ion tliiuk I sol
01 lai i-h in mi y i.rniv; I 'it I will l t )ou s
m.r, nr. I 'ier still. een4 10 ifila to ll uih
li - Ii r. W. Ji-iiniuifi lrr"t. l'i tint Uih
rtsvi, Ni'w Vurk, fur a C"'v, sn'l I
hall alwnys cniiniili-r that I tuira iluno you
I (mil l.iiur; aiel msr a juni will N.riiltui
na iut a jimi mr &m t. r-HltSlt'n t r
linns th l"it iiifiii mr-l fu fully In town. If
that Im ,lt I Xxiutorot's laiaUy lili
ILat Uuu II,"
A liberal ofler only fl.00 for
nnd Demorcst Family Magmine.
tSend your rubscription to this
Everything to Furnish Your llousi ;, .
AT V" :
-Rf AT
uaYiniT ourcnatea me j. v,
Main street where I urn now located can fccll oodg chca .
er than the cheapest hating jubt put in the largest stock "V
of new goods ever brought to the citj. Gasoline Etot )
uutiruruilui of Ail linJbaoM on the inritalltueot plao.
A full and Cornplcta line of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded nt all Hour.
Mustang "
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A lonj-tcsted paia re!ieer.
Iu esc is almost universal by trie Housewife, the Tanner, tk'e
Rtotk Rair, anJ Ly ever oao reijuiring an eficctii
' Vo oth'r rpniication ecrp.irra with it in efT.cacj,
Ihi wcll-rnoirn rciucJjr h$ stood the tet of years, almost
Ko mctiicinu chtst ia complete without a bottle cf VIvitamo
Occij'ions rbe for it use almost tverjr day.
All dru;!Sts and dcalen have it.
; U.Y UkUitlZlCl, U
r 7 i. ' .
IV Ni. 47 Mil'lr rtr
il thnr Ii II In I urine r 'I
liiiin Hiiiihis lire em ill. 1 1
V. V. Mieli.ill.C. ' I
a t IT W Mim-Im
e'.v.ilTU.'"i e Il luuiif'- It " jSi
hi INHkwuuk lik. Krtuk s.w,"
U, K fcurnoie, uecorurr. r
A O V. W. No. SI .Men
a lruluv v.U'lnir In tin'
liall in l(i''kwitl hlocs, t
K. e, Itruwn. It oriler.
OOVsl. UJANAM-IVS lo'.m-ll Ne J
l M-el at (lie K.lil I Hull in in- i"
f..i.. i.i,.i. ui.iiAit A liitir,
Vlilflll I
l.wtliri.n Invlinl Henry llrnild, Keiteii
I tins WallliiK, Secretin v.
OASS IHMiK. No. 14. I.O. '). K. niseis
.. e .. ' .....I.. .. n.l. hull 111 Htlf
or? I ueuny muni hi mm -
1hx-k. All Oilil Fellows are contisll)
N. O.H. W.llrulK'e.Seerelaiy l
mikk siim:klu:k
wsfua and IllarkimUb ilH'S
rVsga, Bub'gy, Machine sod
plow Repsiny
nCn?5ii0IXG A Fi?ECI
-n ttai th J
Which is the best h'rMfi4
farmer, or for fat drivinu, i
purposes ever inrentcd. It l
tlmt snyune cr.n put op ihs
corks, as needed for wet and
lays, or smooth, dry roads.
h's shop and exsamie the Nk
tnd you will use no other.
13 N.irth Fifth I'lstt
...Mil. Scientific Am
ne j-
1 - . r.,
'4 nycuvj
i . i rrsiosi pat
rFHion i ' ;
r nr iM fr llan1teik writ t 4
i'.l ft " l IM"I.V. .Si W ' i i
f) iet l.arrwa f'.r MM-urlnc patent in A yr
Vxmrf tah"n out l.f n la limieh ' '
i4l puolu; br a usics n an lie ul ciiS ' t
Scientific mc:;..
Tid. hplT'liilIf lllnlrLat. ' M
fnn hoiui without ti. Wa r
jr; f I Jl nil tniMitlift. AMr
'taUXiitt4,r4 U4wstWwa;. iJ
' I II ' K '4 '
v mm
" Il
IX, Turk. triutUUa.
: -