The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 02, 1891, Image 1

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ihvm ykah.
lMATTSMOlTII, Ni:i!IlASKA,Yi"KI)Ni:Sl)AY, J)i:CKMU:it 2,1801.
All TTv-rvrfc T Tqp
Baking; Powder
Vrfcct and v,n. ;rm rvr?r":.-:
re certain with Uov:.l llt:;i.
Use It in ( v ry ; c
Icr, or crcr.ui of l.-l.t
,ts in pure, v;ho!c::r::.v.. r;;
rt.i tr.e it bcc.i'rc i: add ;
and Health OlT.ccr
fc.wholcsnn 'r.c!;.'; of
I t;I0N' II ART. AN!) :
:st in th- nurkct.
.iss Mat.ia
anj l owner i ?. "'
;it deal and ar.v.ij-s v.:
riKS. BAKHK, Principal
t0 . .
jbkery: I r.ty to yon,
:r..' finrr.t fond h
1'owu.x than with any
r:..i:n lor a uaKing
ry' rrda, r.nd the best
rf ::::,.'T food arc assured,
to their rucccr.s. Physi-
u.uiru'r.u it because it adds
' l'."-! raking Powder as
riv..i:t:Mi into my kitchen
tint the Royal
I have it a
I .v. ran be.
h -tf::c'.ion.M
f'iinton, D. C, School of
v.-;':hoi!t hesitation, ire the 'Royal.'
iyr.l i the most satisfactory."
M. GoKTU. late Chef, Dihmnicos, New-Wk: "In my use
' Royal Making Powder, I have found it superior to all others."
A. FORTIN', Chef, White House, for Presidents Arthur and
Cleveland: "I have tested many baking powders, Lut lor finest
.11, but tlic
A l-Ui.L 1- Lhf jtD CI TlZiiN. '.
. '.
Ani lavitt HfiinrijiUii thi r.itlZ7ftiip
of U. C ;t'.c khof; 'I fijit" amove
hI! Lim .til i. 1 .
Tin; follovihg. n i Cannot
luit Hiili.xfi fair aiuiiii a - j
to t!ic o i ! i z. i - i i f Of. Ill" coiuiivj
trcasurcr-cicci: . . , . ,
Siati: tif Illinois ( sn. . ,
Oi't:;('(u.'.ri'. ) , ,
in. ii rutin tn rcvni n in .vnu n ih
i. n- iv. ii. 'I i)l ii.i; Ii..iiui)ii nl
i" u.'n-, 'to iH iiny i-i itily that the
icciinirt ol Hiiiil OMliity vli it'll welt'
ni ,it )i I'VHin i to tilt' l''7l, anil
wlin'M liiflifli'l tin' ciil itfonl ol
liiiltlinli.alMiii ol flti.i n lio looit
(Hit llii'ie ii.itil';in..iilHMi p.ijit in j It.? -Vhlll-t
to llootii'l, i. Ii., I.', I. V.iiV
f.iiiivly ili'Kti o) t d liy tn ri'iit liiv
nl ( Iiiimo in t'li.' j fin" Ii71, ihhI
liinlifr. I l):il no "!'' n( mnl
rt'i'oriU I i . i i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 airl tlia
tin r.' ia no t'et'or I if n.r iiral ion
nl tiny cili.t'n ircvio;ift to haid (laic
iilm 'cmikI.
In hm unoiiy licifif I Lave here
unto n t my li.iiul an I aliixeil tlic
hi a I nl mi nl coin l, at C'Iik'.io, Dim
Jttlt (lay ol .Novcnilicr, A. I). K'l.
Ili:.kv ML.tT,
lcal.) Clerk nl l irciiil Court.
. fod can use none but 'Royal.'
VdHH mul llifii tliriHtmaB.
t &
'Xladica' line kid hIiocm and
'iian flippcrft, k " J'""!'1'
It'it und t-lmfH at JohciIi
' A
ll.X VA4U
'r r i
tlio licut of liand-
liildlitieclit Mine lioiiw lltlH
Ivliiicnt hue of menu nlmcn
ntul the court
re will tie tin oywtcr nu? r nt
i I.' ..l.....i ,.t Sivtli Mlrcct.
riuirmi.iy eve, Dec. 3; ul other
retrrHliinenln. and laldc of nrticlea
I lor iilc. Kv.-rj liody invited.
I Centti'itien. if von want n fine
.1 :. l.
I tolll'CMS.
Stati; ok Ni;i!i.'. jt;.
i. A -Cin .M V. )
J. T. A. Hoover, lieinn lirnt duly
hwoi ii, ili'po-crt and i-.ts h that he ix
a uileni elector ol r-aid touuty
'and" mid lain liecu i-incc the
' veur l"xl; that he knev l'rederick
ll.icKho.l, the lather ol I.. I'. Kiel..
! Iioil, the trcawiirer-clrcl of f.nd
S county, and lived in the name uv-
iciiict in which M,nd rti'dcricit r.icit
Iholl lived lor over nun; yi u.'H pie
vioii to the death of f.iid l-'redei ick
IKi'klin!; wan ri-.-ii-trar of volerit in
niil lor Haul I.ou!."ville preci ict in
the year iMo. and ieiH.ered the
li init' of had I redeiick Llckli'oll
ill out the :id day of Sepleiuiier,
A. ., IW, in ii hook t i'rnir.iied ioi
lli..t pu.'ini.-e and wh't-'h in now on
ile in the cot' ity clerk'n oliice of
A ton of Mr. M. D. I'lt-fcr. n
iilercltant of (iihrall ir. X. ('.. wa fo
hadly tilllicted with rlieuiuat i"iu for
uyeur or more, tit to be unalde to
uiukor t'o to ndionl. Hi'' f iihir
concluded to try ChHUlherlain'H
I'ain Halm on tin boy. It noon o.iid county; iind.iiM t lie cunloui
i.... ..... i i . .. . ! . f . - t. .
. . . . 1 1. ...
cured liimiitn! lit tmn nuice w.nn. i
one and n half mile to fi hool ami
hack every fcI"I dav. cent hot
tie for nale by l' U.'l'ricke & Co.,
had ut Schiht-tf
I The "lock of roci-rlcH nt Peter
1 kru'H old ftaiid will lie Hold at re
7 (tii.-eri tirices to natinfy mol liirtlf4'
of Firttt .National l ank, and anyone
Deeding; noodn will money by
j calling ut the ll wti.nd. Hemem-
t ii... .i,.,.k tu lr..uli nml roinnlete.
ii ri. ....... - -
tome in for barK"itt potatoen.
IlOtir, JJUIHHWUre, lllin":
crockery. Opera Grocery.
Snntsi ClatiHe,
Ceo. Vuhh.
' AC.KNTS WAXTKD.-I'ree paid
ontlit to energetic men. Several of
our HiilfMiueii have enrned from $10
to f IU) a week for yenrn pant. lit
P.O. Hi)X i:7l. New York.
Do not conluxe titc famoUH P.!tt"5l
of Kohch with the many worthleHH
fiaiiitH. powderrt, creamt and
deachei which are Hooding: the
market, (let the genuine of your
droir'nt, ). fl. Snyder. 7a centH per
bottle, and I niiaVaiitee it will re
move your pimplcH, freckle, black
lieailn, moth, tan and Miiiliuni, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Genllfnten, if yon hanker after
Flyn'u Hexitile Fine Fancy Filling
Footwear, Scliildkneclit ban Hie
The enmity commiiHionern. Geo,
Vuhh and the court Iioumc clock.
Why will you ronli when Shi
loli'ncue will pivr imnuvliate re
lief. Price 10 ct., .TO cIm. od fl
For unle by F. (I. Fricke Cc
Pure buckwheat flour for ale nt
Ilcincl'i mill. t
Call on the Tucker Sifter In the
Sherwood block for bartraiiiH ill
oil khkI rciMier ot voters t,VIM(fl . . . , ii- i .. ..
the wordi'l-aoem exh.hil. ti Sen. Uhn.unU the cMal.1 iMiment
teuiber H, lNi7'' waH made by him
(J. T. A. lloovei) noil that the
p.lpelM referred to were the finiil
p.iptm ol naid Frederick hickholf.
and that faid Frederick l.ickholl
wim iiIho Hworu an to bin pialilicu
lioiiH to vole ntul to the correct iicmh
of bin Htatement in reference to bin
ojje, place ol birth, renid "iice. etc.,
and further the alliaut Hiiidi not.
J. T. A. Hikivkk.
SuliHcribed and nworn to before
me thin l!Mli day if .November,
A. D., IMU. W. A. CI.L;iioKN,
Heal.J Notary 1'ublic.
ol pernourt olii-rin to lie reentered
art voterri, he ilt iii.indi il the p.iperrt
ofn ii I Fieilericli l.icl.htiU nhowiu j
It :h citi.t'iihip, and they were pro-
.1. I l.t, u t.'r,.,l,.r . L l-'t,-U liulf ill
The parinliioiu'rn of the Cbrixlian M.rH((1 , ,,llt ,lt. papern ho
churcli ba'-e fectircd the nerviceM of produced were hukI Frederick
Rev. A. Galloway for the eiiMiiin IvicknotH Ut or liual f -'.
.. .. .,-..,- f,, ; Hhovvinir bim to be admitted to full
year. Rev. Galloway come from j.,,,,,, ,,.,t t u-i.ile. liuintf
lilair, nint.iy recoiuiiii'imiii,
donbtlcHM bin Hcrvici-H will be n
valuable atldition to the mil1'
terial force in thin city.
Authors Cnrnlval. .
fee the following decriptive
hootlmat Kockwood hall, Thurnday
and Friday evenliiKH Dec. 10 and 11
"The Snow Cave," "I.tibih K'ookb,"
Old Curio-iiy Simp, "t hriHtman
Party," Maud M tiller," and "The
Ifanjjinpf Garden." A very enter
t iinin projjrnni of tiitiHie, rccita
tiotiH and tableaux U nlno tinder
preparation. KefreHliment will be
nerved in the obi ntyle anil the new.
AdmiHHiou, Z't centM. 2t
The I.iwh tif health are taught in
theHchoolH; but not in it way to be
of tiiuclt practical benelit and are
nevtr illustrated by living eaniph'n
which in many cam M iniht euHily
be done. If foine Hfholam, who
liad jut contracted a cold, wa
brought oefore the ocliool, k; t!it
all c mid heur the dry, loud couuh
nml know itn fiifnilicaiice; nee the
thin while coaling on the tongue
and latter, an the cold developed,
FCC the rof!!"i' watery rxpeetiiru
tion and thin watery flint-barge
fn Dl the iii'Hf, not one of theui
wfitild ever forget what Hit; lirnt
HvmptouiN of ii cold were. The
Hcholar Hlwnild then be given
Chainberlain'x Cough Remedy free
ly, that all might Hi e that even a
Hevere cold could be cured in one
or two dayn. oral leant grenlly miti-
iratetl. when properly treateil iim
hooh an the itrm Hymptomn appear.
Thin remedy in fatnotm for it'B
cure of cough, cobln and croup.
It in made eiM'cciiilly for thene
ffi-teaoe and in the mom prompt nnd
mont reliable medicine known for
the pur pone. M cent bottle for Bale
by F. G. Fricke Sc Co., ilruggmU.
her death the papet'H became mini
laid or hint. ' "'
In the year ISS!) the mother died,
but during the name year or previ
huh year he Hv the' iiultir!li'."iioii
paiier.- of J lift father and 1 theni;
alni ,rctm:mber t-lie cai act by
retiMiit that iiin inuii'ii'r ', fM'tt
tiud afkt il.hini to look V'. he pain-in
unit while, ho dniiiyf he reatl
the ha id 'jut pern, he alMi-'han necn
Hie pa pi rn a Ll'ial many linien pre-Vw'-uh
to t-nil lime, liii'l Jtnew Of the
I i nit- bin lather luolvotitlhin papern.
an lie olteit It. Id the children
they wi i e cil r .i tin liy rt a.-on ol bin
becoini'ig a t ill. en.
lie fin llw'i- hi ilen that In- made
a-i t-iiiii l to a copy ol records in
Mii 1 CikiU t i, inly, IlliuoiH, and in
reply in a let . r io ;lie clet !. ol h ;i i I
fomiiy, he leceivi d Hie inlorinatiori
that the recoriln of hii id eon ni j s el'c
ileHiroyed by the Great Fire of
Ch cogo in the j ear H7I, and (ur
i her tlic alii. ml ai i ll urn.
I., C. I .K K IK I I'.
Stlbnt'tibed mid hwor.i lo belolC
me t his Jl t d iv of Nov., IS 'I.
la'i.ltC'Mit ill i: l.ti,
County Clerk.
Al l MiVIT.
Stati: or Nlu-wmvA, )
CAS-t( Of.VIV, )
CI. inn I), lapi-r, being Tirnt iluly
H-.vora, I 'i;ntM a l I n i.-f tit it hi' in
an elet lor ol Cann coua y and ban
rcf-idcil in naid coinnv niuce the
year l'':;s; iliat he wan well and mti
ma.elv aciiiaiiiie 1 with l-'retlerick
I i M.', father of L. C. Ivckhoii
aodli.'d on tie; name farm wnh
l-'n-derit l, Kickhoif in Cook county
Illiiiom and about the tear l'v'l or
I ti I naid Frt dei it-k 1-ackholf in com
p.-iuy ilh Fred Turner und I'hribi
I'll' iiel-v.eiit to Cliica-o. III., to get
Haiti I'Ved Ivifklioli'n bint of Ibial f 1 1 pi' pern, Saitl I lliant known
the alnive facln by reamui of being
i.i name family at the time naid
l-'n del if!. Ficl.hoif returned front
Chic. mo and Known that the naid
l i e Il l icit F.ickhoH had bin hint or
iiual Diiiiern makiu-j' hint a
of the I'liiied Stall H. C. TAI'l'Kh?.
Subn.-i ibeil and Hworn to belon
me thin 'JHlh dav of Kovember A. 1).
Notary Public
- - 0."P - -
Is ?.7ov7 C:anUt3 ia all Dopartaxanta,
ih:i ss bonus
We are t-howinga baiidi-otne line of
full line of coloringn and blackn.
I51.nki:i .t.M) nnn nitrs
Slock complete and pricen lower
than ever.
A pood I.tttlien Jerny vent ut 2ac.
I.adit-H line Jerney vent and pan8 i
white or natural grayn til .TOc eacfc
Ladies natural Gray Wool VeMttan
Pantrt ataOt. KegttJar Toe uiider-
Full linen of Ladies Fine wool
ribbed tinder wear in white, cardi
ual and black.
Complete linen of Child'n tinder,
wear in natural, ncarlet autl wbitt
at prieen tth low-na the lowest.
llAVK iii'ver fliowti t-o large aline in this depart tucnt.
e cill pp'-wiiil attention to our l trs aisortuient of lleefen
Militflry and lli (Joat kIi ipes trimmed with Mink, Seal, Astrueham.
Mufraloon and iV""t'.V fnra.
Our lino of I'ltifh ?:;eiitic3 ?ro cli'-np'T than eer belore. Full
lines of Childrens nnd Minncs Cloaks and Jackets.
Winter Hat.
For fine bootn mid nhocs fro to
JoBeph Fetxer. Main utreet, between
Fourth nml Fifth h tree In. tf
K e wlHliing to purclinne Clilnb
lUiPrcKentH. cither ilecorutive or
unerul, will do well to iee the baiar
table otKockwood ball. Tlturnilay
ml Kril.iv cvenlnirs Dect tuber 10
and II. 2t
I have been n great nulTerer from
catarrh for over ten year; bad it
ery bad. could hardly breathe.
Some nightu 1 could not uleen nl
;hnd l walk the Hour. I fitirchnHcd
M ly'n,, it am Ifiilm and mil uninglt
, freely, it in working u cure urely.
I have iidviHid nevfral friendi lo
line it, autl with happy rcmiM in
every cane. It U the medicine
iibove nil fither for criturrh, and It
ii worth it weight in gold. 1 thank
God I have found n remedy I can
une with taft-tv and that tloen nil
Hint in cliiiftietf for it. It U curing
my ilcufnc.-Il. W. bperry, Hart
On of th
tiewmt and' brlghtent
linet of
PlniVGoodi, Toji, Dolli, Koreltln. EW
fr Ikt KolliUr lr'l t kM bt
two In tawa (or Jt n.
Which wat bonglit early In the
m-anon from oiti of the
Which ptiiiranteeii you the pick of
the murket and at prlcru
for which wc
urc noted.
-:TI;e Lowest in ihc Country:-
IbniublleU f'Tillailv l-ivUfit tnli-iped cur
gwua m ti rouiitiii prici
State ok Nlkkaska
Ill rela.ion lo the matter of the
citi.ciihip ol Louin C. l.a khnfT, ol
Cam county, Ni l rirku.
Miilhew luheltler, being of lawful
age and beim; by me lirnt duly
Hworn, hIi)h, that "I wan well itn I
ernonally atvpiaintetl with l'red
erick F.ickhnll, the father of l.oui.t
C. Fickholf, during bin lii'cliuic.
"1 Knew tin; nbl gentleman
twenty live yearii ago, and married
bin daughter, a Meter of I -on in C.
Kickholl; I alno know that the hi. id
Frederick l.ickholl wan a citizen of
the L'nited Stalen of America; that
he became Hiicll before the Haiti
Louin C. Kickhoif became twenty
one yearn of age. The hint time I
remember ofneeing bin certilicale
of cili.eiiHhi) wan in the vear lS.-i!).
"I remember the time from the
fact that at that time Imirt ami 1
looked over Hie obi papern of the
old gentleman and divided
them between tin, be keeping part
and I keeping part, my wife ami
Ixmiii being the only heirn of the
entiite til the old man, l.ickholl
that Hince that time I have no
recollection of weing the certificate
ana uo not r-inemlier winch ol we
two retained Haul ceitihcute at the
time of the aforennid division, and
further, that 1 remember that
told IxuiiH at that time that Hie
certificate ought to be well taken
care of anil it intiv be Hint it in with
my papern in the bank ut Fremont
e uraMkii.
Anil further the n (limit unit It not
Matiiias Imikldkk.
Subscribed In my presence nnd
cworn to before me thin Willi day of
November, A. D., 1811.
hciiI ) WM. I. WtLLL.
g.r. ncniB.rrof.
A Mimmnlli Slock.
A Hi:kam reporter leinurely
dropped into the dry goodn Hore
of Fred Herrmann one evening
hint week, anil after engaging in a
brief converMition with bin affable
and efficient HalcHiiian, Kmil Wurl,
ikl hot HuirtreHlioii we were nhown
I pon
intpiiry we were informed that the
t-Htublinhmciit maken a Hpecialty of
dry goodn; the proprietor maken
Hie want of bin ciintomert! a ntudy
and endefivorn to keep an complete
a Htock an Hie average buyer may
winh to nclect from. We were par
ticularly imprenned willr bin Htock
of drenn goodn, which ia tiniii H-
tionably the mont complete Htock
ever brought to thin city. Samplen
of carpetn, from ingrain to the
lincht HruH.-elln, are aUayi) kept on
li:iinl nnd Inivem are Hiuildicd at
little delay directly from the whole
nale bonne. We were imprenhed
.vitli tin- fact that bis Htock of
ladien' cloak would be in keeping
th the dcufaniln of a city like
Omaha. 1 1 it Htock lucliiuen every
grade and quality of goods for
which there in a demand. Jim
Hini-h of furn. initflrt. hoodn nnd
notions incomplete nnd the Ht-li-e
tion ban been made with becoming
tante. The Htock, throughout, can
not fail to pleane the mont fahtidi-
otm purchaser.
In the course of a conversation
wiCl Mr. Herrmann, we were in
formed that, notwithstanding the
open winter, bis bttsinesH wiih
enjoying a period of pronperily nnd
nn f.irmern bad begun to market
their crop his. pnlen were grudu
nil v becoming larger.
We believe that it will' pay our
renders, from an economic utand
point, to inspect thi mammoth
Htock before other cities to
do their trading. The UHHortinent
is complete, priced ulwnyn reason
able, and under the efficient mnti
agemcut of Misa Amelia Wurl
customers are accorded curteous
and fair treatment.
Statu ok Ni.nktAsKA )
CAssCot'NTY. J
L. C. Llckboff being first duly
sworn, deponea anil says, that be,
together with bin father, Fredrick
Kickhoif, reached Cook fount,
Illinois, tin Chtintmas in the year
of 101, ntld redded in said Cook
county until March, lN'0. Moved
from Hiiid Cook county, 111., to Cuss
county, Nebraska, Hint have resided
In Cius county ever Hiit. e.
During the veur IVi'J, or lirnt part
of 11, bis fatber, Fredrick Ivickuolf,
took out hia last papers in said
Cook county and had them in bis
poiiHecHiou until bis death, ft which
lime they becimie the property of
bis mother, Maty Kickhoif, and at
Shorthnnd and typewriting col
le fe over Mayer's clothing More
Dav andnicht sessions. Situations
guaranteed to ull competent stud
Important Stock Sale.
We take pleasure In calling otten
Hon to a fine stock nuctioti sale to
be held in this city at the barn of
W. I), lones, on Main street, neit
Saturday at 11 a. tn.
The stock consists of fine brood
mares, iilleys nnd fine pedi
greed horses.
Terms: Six months, with up
proved security, at ten percent; or,
live per cent olf for cash.
A full attendance ii lenirfd nt
the regular meeting of Hie Duugh
ters of Honor, A. O. U. W.Thursday
December 4. HunineHB of
LiuiXB Vemilvea, See.
hi i j ii ii m ii lu iy
j lj 09 oa maim ai ai
Headquarter for Everything in the line
Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specially
and ail Work Warranted.
41 C Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb
Private Secretary.
The performance of Gilletfs new
"Private Secretary" at the ucademy
of iiiuctie butt night was excellent,
and the Edwin Travers Co-dcscrveB
ami will win good houses wherever
it goes. The house wns the largest
and most select of the season so
far ns it has gone.and n remnrknhle
as well as flattering feature of it
was that the money was ull below
the gallery. To say that the audi-
ence was pleased would be putting
It mildly. From the first to the
last they gave hearty vent to their
amusement nnd appreciation of the
acting, which, taken throughout,
wait clean, studied and admirable,
Win. Fairbanks as the Rev. Robert
ia a treasure, and the presentation
of "Old Mau Chfiltermole" by II.
Rcea Davies was simply grand.
The new "Private Secretary" in its
present hands will pass into the
front row, and "Do You Know" that
it will surely prove a money winner
as it swings around the circle?
Macon (Ga.l Telegraph.
No one should fail to see this
great comedy success at the Water
mail on Wednesday, December 0.
Mom Vtitnztiie unit Unit ID
in mIo 111 ii ntul !Ikh I li
1 1 .1 r I -I't MlIK X IIH Mill 11 -MAI. II
It -rii- i'H Khz r iiud IIki i.ii ...
Uiiiii't'-Wffkiv unit t-ntAi.n
Ihwh tHts ll' iiinit-r nml ....
Western llur.u ami iikkai.u
SI k
.. !
.. 4 m
.. 4
" 4
.. I
..2 M
It bhould be In Every House.
T. II. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa., says ho will not be with-'
out Dr. Kings New Discovery fo--
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured ins wite who was
threatened with Pneumonia nfler
an attack of "La Grippe," wbee
various other remedies and several f
Iihysiciaus had done her no gooaV
iobert Hnrber, of Cocksport, Pa, .
claims Dr. King's New Discovery
has done him more good than anpl
thing he ever used for I.uuj
Trouble. Nothing like it Try it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A ,
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 00.
nnd f 1.00. . ,
C. A. Manker, of Louisville, is in
the city to day.
S. F. Rockwell, of Louisville, fs at
tending court to-day.
Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek,
came in on the Schuyler this
F'or ubstracts of title at reason
able rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union
block. tf
An honest Swede tells his
tn plain but unmistakable lan
guage for the benelit of the publis.
One of my children took a sevtrt
cold and got the croup. I gave hsr
a trasnoouful of Chauiberluiai
Cough Remedy, snd In liveininiitea
lutes I gave her one more. Hy thi
time she bail to rough up the
gathering in the throat. Then she
went to sleep and slept good in
fifteen minutes. Then she got na
nutl vomited; then the went back
to bed and slept good tor the r
nininiier of the night. She pot the
croup the second night and I gave
her the same remedy with the saait '
good results. 1 write this because
I thought there might lie some one
in the same need and not know the
true merits of this woudei-ful medi
cine. C'MAKI.KH A. TltONi'sr.F.H,
Des Moines, lows. CO cent bottl
far sale by F. G. Fricke t Co.