1 1 fmm 4 i ) in . Mit; A wealthy New York lady h- a,. J mum aoroau. Dni WHO k0w Very little abont her own roiintrv , i MT....v: . - - . . -" u n amim-ion a irw UiiJS fur rst lime, iihe wus taken tn t!i Wi Howe by an inStifiit fr'ipn.l through hi intercession inn private! apart im-iii or tut- hou.se. were opeueu op to her, and she bad an exceptional p pfjrtunity t inspect the nnuierona bean tied of the dignified bnt modest mansion. Ail she wan lieiii1 h'.:lpeil inU her car-m-e .in departing, u s'laJe of disap pointment wan detected in her face. "Well, what do you thiuk of iir her frK.od inipi.reiL "I must confess to very keen disap pointment." was the reply. "Theroumi are all very prettily decorated, and iwmw t tin-Ill lire ui-niiied mid iuiprem!. but I am sorry not to have seen the military." It npiK-ared on further inquiry that tiiin uu-Alliei ii ailizi-d Ni-w Yoiaer li.! folly expected to timl the president v mansion HiiiTouinleJ by a military iruar.l in full iiuifurm, uiul sue wax vehemei.l in her assertion th:it tlie German wny VMS 'i'ViT mi nmc'.l better thau ouii." Kew. York IJecorder. Mull's Duly ti Maa. The father may think to hido certain parts of bis character from his child, nut wishing him to imitate tiiem, and uuy Jjivo him prrepts iliiit lie lias never fol lowed, but t!:e child iilisorln what li) limns is cimc-alel an J forij't tin Words which contradict It. Commands and eihorUtinu may produce or re etrain certain nets, Init t jey are power-!-.- to iii.-pi.-.'emo;iii:it or create desire C.Vu th ' Lave a reverse fZ-vt. To t;ive every one hii due, to refrain from taking unfair advant ine, or in any way enriching one wlf at the ex " ti.e of iinotiicr. are nu; posed to he dil-t.e-i which are himply t be inculcate 1 and oix'j'ed, yet ho.v U tlie ib-Mre of gain,-no mtrnse in many winds, to 1 4 Di::de to yield whe;i it conllicUs wilj these iluties.' Chiefiy by crediting with in tlie breast a stronger ib-sire for jni-tice ami integrity. The love of rectitnd, the f.iith in honor, the desire to d-al fairly and squarely wiili all ui"n. must be urnnsed and xtn-iith' tied before any one can be thoroughly and truly jnt. Add the Milne is true with regard to very good u,uality. Philadelphia Leu-S-r. Tlie lar tiiuiK'.nts. Snme IVtroit ladies, not morn thnn a thousand mi I'm from a barrel of Halt in j front of a Wool war I avenne pria'ery tore, recently organized a dehatin tlnli ' fir tlie devel'ipm-ut a:il be:ii-f,t of t'nrf J rlhU of women, h was tli.:ir first ex-peii-nce, the dear thinx. m they ap pointed a conunitteo to jr down town and j-t thenedcl utationery. etc. When the po'.ite and aiTahle clerk bad aVut Cni.-hed fcd-ctin the article t'jeylnl pnt down in a memorandum book, ho inquired of the f poUenwoman of the party: "Yon will want Cashing'! Mantul,' won't you?" A what?" he askel !mrply. "A 'Ciuhins'i Jlinual,' madam," b nnwered, moving out of ranire. yo. fir." die Mid, with verity, "this BO(.-iety ii fxclniively for lailien, and if wn want anything at all in that line it will be a wotnannal.tir. How inch do we owe you?" Detroit Fre Presa, Bowad Fori MII fur Ah ant. Y illii lolly. Mayor Urant' fcretary, Med to amnse himwlf by rowing nronn 1 Staten Island whenever he Rot a holidny from liia arduous newspaper work few years ago. !! did not row very fast, but he always made complete circnit of the inland. 1 think the distance is aloat forty miles; at any rate. 1 know that Mr. Holly had to rhw before day light in order to (ret home with the cowl in the evening. It in a feat that he osej to speak of with a proud, beaming eye, and 1 never wondered at it. 1 most say, however, that in the course of seven or igiit years' consideration of the snbject, I have never been able lo understand exactly why a man nhotil 1 care to row roand Staten Lland. Clakely llall in Brooklyn Iji'Ib. lha Hater la lull's (jrral La a a. Fait Lake is by no means saturated aolntion of salt, yet it is five or six times as rich in salts as the ocean, and nearly s stroiij as the Dead sea. In innimer it contains between 20 and 12 per cent of salt, the Mtnrution point not bein J rearhed until the salt forms a little over a third of the liquid. There are all through the great basin nnmenms saline kkes and ponds, bnt none of th aiza and importauce of this iu L'Uh, Kot Infrequently they are shallow and en tirely disappear during the dryness and keats of summer, leaving to mark their aitea only a stretch of some acres or it may be mile of clay or mud, entirely orrred with lalt Ooldthwaite'i Uo (raphical Magaziua. Wsichl ut Paaar If. In tha treasnrr hen nna ilmv tKa trtM. j i floa came op as to the weight of a dollar tulL Scale of perfect accuracy were fcrooght into reqnhation, aad tha sur prising discovery was made that twenty Awren ooe dollar note weighed exartly aa much aa a twenty dollar gold ptaoa. The Utter just balance MO graina, Bowever, tha bill weighed were pr foctly crisp and new. Trial mad with oiled notes, soch a coma in every day for redemption, allowed that twenty aeren of thorn weighed considerably mora than tha twenty dollar coin. Every paper dollar on ita way throagh tba world continually accvmalatM dirt, aa (bat after a year of use It U perceptibly -heavier. Washington Letter. Ta-a Mas. Patcrfarai'ia (furionsly) Too aeonn- rM Wl, lii1 nn 1 ..,'IL .. s . . mm jvta wujw Kim tuj Kew Fn-ln law To aroid the insuf ferahla fun and nonaeuaa of a aociety sjreildlng. Paterfamillaa (beamingly) Thank fcsaven, my dangl.ter got a aenaibla hna 4aad eayhowl Kew Yorif WeeiJy. A lnsll a r"rt ol n.to Ki-. t,l. A ia ( lui-Ukl tfni-l All vle to Huiii Iti-itrtii h lnwi. All luu i-arlll l ntfnu. Tlie itfiunynitt- ill the war Uors pmwOtt. Tlir MHliiiiivol Mm drum. Tlie i laii ii uf ilir ir i,.ihI lnvii'.a. it , . . . i, i 1..1 i.,.,. r WUniiwIlieii war rrve swrlL : Ua loir tn.ni hmvrn au anxul bright, Ah'l niiiHa iteml fnini helL Tlii li ihu. ! tlien miiuiite, brave ifallaata alL Ami ili a vnfir lirlmes smsliia, t)euiitev liiiniehs hsnie abil iiunor.ratl I M ke Helil 4nlM". No hrt iii iiMrei nimII nil niif SI'S VVtieh the naoiil lull 'a III Mil liallil Henri M'iinii f'U tmi-i, uiM uo wlul slglia J-nr tlir luvrtmi ul liii- mint Li'l iiiiiom wialiie ami eniieti wiicul TliUi wieM aiel iiiiOiik i rvtf. Our IiUsiiiiw It, like llll-tl III tltflll, Auit lit-mlikc In ilii-: William Jtollit-rwcll. Twa ftltnlaol atftnta 'lia. (J-nerail a-iiliin there -re two kiM'ts of Hloinai'lis- tiie hihI and the tnlioii stoniiich tierylnnly his one or tile itlier i;cd em u reipnrea ihlTerrnt fml uiul car.- )o trims, aci.1 lotsis ami ilnnUs make ym leel ba-I niLv! itv"-' si i oi I'nlie pai ii nearly . erv tin..- vmi eat them!' Then ymi li-.e un aci; stoin Mi ll and it well tol..u I a. I riaals thai Have mi eice.' ul ni l is In tnein Yolil i;reatet reme lv afler a meal is tiioar ( Imiiate ol U carlsiiitc waler or vicliy j Do (at meats, i;reuseand otlief ncli. fatly ' Hiilistal.i-es cause nan-en. Vnmillin Mini j meliiiewiv' Tln li ymi have a liilloiisetoiii ac!i Your re.iie.t reiii'-dy is to hvuoI J it ' I t.iltv and k'riMsy fisuls as moi'li ns pussltile and eat fri'.ils and fil con ' laiiiiu pieniv of Hi ids Ac; ! linnK. are tae Is- iiiiilicim-s liiat yoiiraii taut These two kinds ol slomaelis an four. I oil nil "idea, and us aomi asmie lie i pus In kiiuw Ciat lie lias a slumach li-lnn-1 ascertain wliic"" one tie has Then he can dia'tor lillnselt eiinily Ji-cosinii ! u!:v one changes into the other intlie' course ol years The acid ntiniia li liv the cutiliiiiiniis ne of l.:ts ami avuiil ( Slice u in , lifi'iimi-s a liilmiis Imiou li and vice Ver,i 1'ueii it is well to eat ' (s;ns!ly t Isilh for a time. Yankee I Uiode. A Clrts WntMlrrful Vuwrr. Ride Lima l-iuiie. a yoii!: Fnnn t Caiiadin C"I el'lit ears m. ni-rlin; with her parents at Montreal, isssul li 1 be gifted villi a snts rnalnraJ hhvi i i beslllia. Willi wlllcll she a euahleil ti pei toriil Dliraclea ll""dreia of persul' wno are lame. Iihiel, hail or otherwise diseasl throng atut tier daily iu lne Is lief that she it poaw-aKel ol curative powers Her first enra wns oierxtel on a fnenil of ttie family suilrriit from . anuria which in Kulish mi ,s whitlow It is aid to bsve la-eu snn assf ul lne oirra tior. innsitil of IIism" ius;n a ji m- feather ovet the alTecteil part. a',ib patient. It la alleged, was iunne.inl.-i enred. hince then sl:e has cut,iiiii,il!) tinployeii tier faculty and hsj visitsj many siple. who dec hire thai he cnrt.l them of their vanunsailuienta Chlcaun TnLiuue. Art Ills sad fats. Why are lyne and dratni.tte artists no fond of animals an i bird The one turn h bero repeatedly aked. tint never, as far as we know, satisfactorily answered. Adelina i'uttl always travels with ber cansriea and several dotrs barab Bernhardt drags atxmt a sruall uienaene with ner. and nearly every sinner and act reus baa a caiilte pet of some sort Laura Hchlrmer-Msplesoa baa a weak ness for talking parrots, and psw-Ns s.tne remarkable specimens of thre ir nithological bipeda (ialiuaul Musm-j ger. A Laarnad Mllad His. C'lnd men In Japan sometime! dist'n I gnisb tbeiuaelvei ouUlde their regnlal occniatioiia Una was a fainoiis "Ku piayer. and It la r-corded that. ha-inj tx aten a pnnre at the game. Ins sntn'o aist. in a tit of Jealoiu aner. killeil bun and Was himself execnted for the crime Another was a famous author, and coin pue.i a vainame rejiertory ol intonnatinn in Cl'i volniiiea. The blind also practice,! nsnry, and acqnired much cnpopulanty 1 fioiu In Lai.u way tn which they treated their debtors. London Time TNa Maid Itlusliad. When Mr. David Dear I winner of th queen pnxe, at Lisley) waa a law stu dent, ha enre attendeil an "at borne " On th servant asking his name, he re plied. "David Dear." The girl blushed and aaid, "Yes, yea; bnt what la yonr other name, sir?" U assured her be hail no other iiaina. But It waa of no use. the servant knew better, and announced luni as "Air. David. "-ban Francisco Argonaut. In one of the brsrt known Loudon res tan rants the waiter are said to receive mora than pX) a week in tip. Th railway servant of England receiv about $1,500,000 every year la Uua form from th British public W eonsama la tola country about 100,000.000 pound of prune annually Of this ainonnt California produces abont 17.000,000, and th remaining 88. OiO.noO poQnds wa import frota Asia and Euro pa. BUrs asum to risa and set, lik th arm, on aeeootit of th tarth'a r volu tion on ber axia Tbey seem to rise four minntea eajrlier every night, on account of tha earth ! revolution ia her orbit A philological atatiatlciaa calcnlstea that in tba year 3000 thr wiil be t.700. CJO.IXH) people wbo ipeak Euglish. and that tha other Curon langnagaa will bespoken by only &O0,000,000 poopla. The expression, "All tba world's a stage," though attributed to rjhskeepeara, is found in the Latin of JonvenaL Am old O reci a a author aaya, "Oreaoa ia thoaUir where all are players." The oyster aeetna from all aocounta t be scarcely k p roll tin, actually, than the houso fly. It it estimated that each mother oystr throw oil "frota 800,000 KlaQ PATRICK FIRS?," IrUtJ ftavsehah Sa coma an Oriutu 1 Twenty years 'o tm a comparatively p Vliis living as a sailor lYwniug between Suv; irloJ jtavsehuh Sailor WUo 11m Its- coma an Orioutui I'Dtaatatfl. Patrick O KcefTa poxir man, making or un small vessels Suvannah an I nek'li- bonnir ikiUs. ToJay.ha i a kiug. lie U the 0ncr nnJH-jllt mh r o U tiio owner and Ms-jlist rnier or lha island of Nyph, in the Anstralian pnmps of the Pacific, almost in the heart of uio tropi -s. li would proMaiiiy ti . (till a resident of bavannab a.id a poor ' lilin, but for two tragedies In which be injured as one of tlie principals. In 107, as the story U told by an old timer, be was mate of the schooner An ' nie Suns, which plied between this city 1 air, Darien. On the schooner was a ' ymi Irish sailor turned Sjitllivan. H'.' ! nd O'Keeffe were apparently good frills. While near Dnieii loaiin.; lm., -r the mate was building a cabiu on i. schooner ami S kc.l HtlUysts ' what he thought of it. The Kiilorjn 1 1) a joking r ply which an-red OTCeeffi., and a li ;ht resulted. Sullivan got liie best of it im 1 1) ilccT' we.it to Ins i;'Mr tcr.s. and m ci;n:iTa piatol, returned and l-egan bring at ti sailor. , ' The latt f dodged beliind tho r.e'.v 'cabin sever. 1 ti:m.s. nnd lin.illy got n;i and remained to O'IIclITii that ho couldn't shoot iiii.'.Ui'y. Lilt be v., is li)Ntal;en, for the next bullet struck him lind heilie l in a h'liiit v,i). The ll.ale w;:s broi'.-lif to lnv iiiimn. n:i I, ntt i a t;:ig culiiiliemel.t 'l j ill, was ti led till. I (;i. iiteil In Hie t'niri' i Mates court. Ai.ervvard, while un o.Tlii r of unall :c irm-r. I:" I; 1 1 tro-i' I ' v.'it'i on of ti; I d el; bands i:iil Ma him into tlie river. ri be w;is drowned. '1 iie-i- 1-onUis fcieiiii-d t' worry O'K' He, und I e determined t' Icnv tin-"Spates," r lie termed it. Vi 1 sTi l.e tain d away from ati;..i'.i ns i.-roisd mate on an A.fn i lean vi-sJel bimml lot Liverpool, Mi l when Irj bade bVs triendi I' "'li y i n toe V. l: nf bo to'. I tin-Ill that he would never return to Savminuli tin les ho riiine i;i l.isov. n ehin. r;ot:i I.:ver;i.sd be hhipp-I t )the Hast I'i lie, and fro:ii t'.n r.) to lloiig-K ui. lie b id saved a l.ttle i.yin' y by this time, and b.-gau a small fruit and Limber ln-i-tie.Mi between tlie I'acdii: islands nnd IIor!g-Kou-. Jle was sue --ssful, and alter ti few years fecnrel the island of Nyph from t ie natives by a tra.le of Soinesoit. The island alsmn Is in t:-ik-Wn luii l f r:;.t, tlid O'lln Z ls.tlg'it schooner an I bri'; and Mart-d bn-ine-s on a big s-ale. His ve-s Is rati to Hong Mo::g, und li s'sia built ti a:i rxtc tndve trade, which has s'.ea l.ly iii'Tensed. until now ha is r.-L-oned i. a MTy wiul.iiy man. (J'Kis fTe left behind bitn when be r-ided away f r!.i ivur,ult a rrifc and :t baby danu'hti r. who is now n young woman. I'or years iiothingwas heard of bis wliereabsillts. After be began t j prosjs-r in bis f.ua way boine, however, br wrote a l. tteriin l s-nt money to his wife. Hetri-d to persiiadi) her and b.i daughter togo ta hiiu.but t'ney wouldn't do it, lle,'iilariy twice a year since ho sends remittances for their support and keeps up a correspondence with tlieui. Mrs. O'Kecffi; and her daughter live on Lilx-rty street, near Foist Urond, and have an oi' painting of toe brig of the king of Nypii banking in their parlor. LVides being a trad'-r of wealth and position. O'ICeetle is tlie ruler of a larga colony made np niontly of Malays, who swear by bun. Savannah News. Albanl Hlnclnf Is lluaala. Ybat Mine. Albalii related to her in terviewer as one of lier ni(t remarkable experiences was her treatment in ItuKida at the to a! ItianUe, whT" the singer. she observed, are all considered as aerr atita. "Well, she Bays, "it was most strange. We were all put in a sort of baicoiiy which bx.ked down tijsju the banqueting scene lielow, and as each of our turns came to ring we went lo a little opening und sang through it. Whut mimed me was this, that all the time we were lryi':!5 to in our best and pro duce our not! more cflectlvely, tji; cl it ti r of kuivis And forks still went on. and to make all complete, the inger might be in a most impressive passage and r.'iit iu ti.e laui-n oi it. wh-n. niiits re- ( carilli ss of the uncomplaining singers, there would bo flourish of trumpets aca soincliody would get np and piopa toast. 1 was more fortunate than Maie. I'itti. fur she was interrupted in tu middle of her solo." London 'evs. A Ijirga Itlarkflsll. Mrs. T. L. Watson takes the prlre tor big blackCsh caught in Black Hock ba bor this year and for many other years also, fjcneral T. L. Watson. T. W Peaiaall, Mr. Watvin and Captain O Penficld were fishing Friday oil the spindle near Penficld reef. Mrs. Watson was using a light rod, ami suddenly her line was struck by something of unusual size. She pulled in till th rod betii nearly double, and then, declining as sistance, passed the rod back, as the fuh could not be lifted by it, and pulled in at tha line "hand over band." Tli lina waa light but it beld, and she brought to tha surface and saMy landed in tba boat a blackball, which being taken ashore and immediately weighed, palled down th seals at seven pounds plump. Captain Pen field says it is the biggest blackfish caught In Black Rock harts-r in tea years. Bridgeport (Conn.) standard. Tale af Maaaa la KaglaaA. it may be gsthered from tha annual report of ber liujesty'l commissioner! ol inland revenu that mor than one-third of th whole annnal vlu of houses and messuage in England and Wale Is to be found ia London, and mora Ibaa one four lb that of the United Kingdom. The annnal vsln for London ia IfiBQ wa f JV1JV.33. and for the United Kicgdota lJ8,089.9b3.-London Tit-Bita. All la Ul Fsvar. "DoyoTi ever expect to succeed la bufi aeu, wriUog sach aa Ulegibla band aa yon do?" "Certainly. My eon t nut are alwayi ia my handwriting and tbey can never . be read except its I want am to go. rem TP. TO CLOSE B U OAT OVEFjGOATS M SUITS, FOn 1VI231M AND BOYS FOR Li:ss MONEY THAN EVER HEARD OF HEFORE It w "Who will i-liow you huttcp inaac-H, quality and for less buy west oi Cliiciigo. A CHILI) CAN JiUJf AS CHEAP AS JOS HEuIcic Cnl3T Cno HFrlcc, NO TROUULE TO SHOW COOD3. OPERA HOUSE CONNER, PLATTSMOUTH. KEEPING C0ARCER3. Th Tloardlnf lloaaa YVaman'a (ll af a Much Muolad Ourallua. A woman, driven by the viciahitudesof lifo to throw ber borne njen to boarder, Guils tha experience, as moat other wom en wbo try it do, diRlcult, to say the least. Dut she aaya philoMiphicairy: "I am learning human nature. I buv discov ered that the soft Voiced, refined balk ing woman often carries tigcrii.li claw beneath her velvet, and that the frank looking, well dreseod tnan may develop into a 'Meddlesome Matty' before my ryes. I don't know why humanity should become brutal when it essays boarding, but it sfiiiS to. A woman called re cently, liked my apartments, and re turned to the parlor to 'talk busiuusa,' ai she mill, w ith an engaging smilu. " 'Luiiui ts' meant a scries (if search ing, releiitb-HS qtiiitions and cxactiotit which set my cheeks afiaine and filled my eye with bot tears of uiorliliratiou. Lid I intend purchasing a new carjx-t for the parlor? Were my stiiir aud balli runally kept somewhat cleaner then tin y appeared that day? Were my bedsclenn Did I have two kin la of meat for uiuuei? I'm homemade bread entirely, and, fin ally, did a maid ojxrn tha front door as a rule? This was a gratuitoua imperti nence. "I waj taking tha lettcn from tha poatinan ai sho cauio tip tho steps, aud naturally n-d ived In r. And then sum Weut away, after taking three nikinc as references. I iniilsted in turn that she shonld give me one, that of a former landlady, aud it was one of tha small compensations of my lot, when she Wrote ma a week later that she found my refer ences satisfactory and would take the rooms, to reply that I had found ber reference iuokL uu&atUfactory and waa lure I could not tolerate ber exaction. "A man came to me tha other night, and after forcing my price down aa low aa be could, aked ma if my husband waa a Christian, If my family attended church and Sunday school, if my other boarden were God fearing people, and if Sunday was observed with religion! quiet by everybody la tba house. 'Teopleask ma to take them cheaply because tbey are saving to buy a borne or because tha husband has extra office expense or, aa on gashing creature told tna, 'because wa waut to go to Europe next summer.' Tha more they want tn le they want to pay. Look at tba ad VertiannieuU for 'board wanted,' 'every thing unexceptionable and 'terms mod erate. ' "Would then people think of going Into a shop and saying, 'I want your most expensive goode at a low pricr Yet they do precisely that with me, Hur ronndiiigs, appointments and service that mean a catrioua outlay they demand and are not willing to pay for. Tby canuot afford to koep op an establUhmeiit to their liking, and they atk me to do it for them without adoqaut com pent itio-i. The average man or wnnvui to part with hi OoUrtimy, si n v of J.istire and bumai.ity when be start out to bo come a boarder." Uor Twint of 'm w (a New Ywk TimcD. a... i .... HEAR IN JIIND THAT grJQE- SATE YOU COITET Furnishing Gcoa?, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc ill my you to come fifty miles to trade with TOE PLACES OF W ORSHIP. Catholic.-HI. I'nl' I'lmrrb. n. between -it It aiiil eliili. raiin-r a-my, riwinr H-ivirt-i: V ! l S nu l :.m A M. huu.laj ecln.nl r.l 2 -Hi. l b Vi.i-tllrll.ii.. CHniTiw.-'iin er l..arttf snit Flchth Hi. M ilrrtiniTiiliisilii1 trnis(. r iW J. a. t.rf d, (lanlnr. eulida) N liool II A. H. Bei oeAL.-Ht I.nai-'s I liun-h, comer Third and in. Ilev II II Hurtrn i-tir. rr-viri-s : II A M l ill jut. M. buiiil Bchuul at 2 XT. M. riFMMAN M'TlinmsT irtier f lilh Pi aai) linuiHe llrv. lint. I'a-lnr. hnvrea II A. m. siiilljsr.pl. piiu.i) m h.Kil In 30 a . ParaHlTrniaW. 'mirn Is r t hi'ieli.e.ir i -r Miili ai.il l.ruiiile (. iii-i. J 1. I Bin, 1-n-l.ir. eumlai-M- ml at 8i3T; 1 rractili'f at li s. ni.sMi s n in, Ihf V It e. C. K M ifc'a i hurrh m- ela eveiv fal.liiilli eveiili e al 7 :l& III I lie l.swmei.l .t the el iinh. Allaie u.viieU tu SiH.U tlieae n eeihiK. FtHHT MTnnlH"T. Hts h Sf., bten Main ami Trail. I'rv I. V. I'.ilil. I'. II. nasli.r. Mrvlrt-. :IA M. I m e M mimU m ImmiI SJMA M. I'taj.riJiirll.g weJiienlajf eveu lit. (leiiMAM Pa'srvTraiai. Coner Muln snd N.iiih, lirv W Hie, usii r. ei-mres usual Imiin. huliil;. J rl.iaii u uia A. M. s ihiI-m i i xoa oATioaAL. irsn!i, be- larrn Kiflll ml elllll. I'eu.iirii IUitit. V. fillve, I'uV. t-fwifti rinli a nil Ht--iiili lii-v. A. Ii.rll. I- lor, eeiti. r II s Hi. Mull J) p. Ul. lla)il li ra-lll.K W eilhrmlsy evrlill at Tut'MI Vr.s'S t'HIII TM" A'-IATIov- l:iH.niin sir-f-nan iii k. !;.in !rrr?. li- I r! inieiins. Ii r in-!, mil)', ef r boiiiUy at. IrMKN ii at 4 h'i !.. HiH.iii iiiwu art k Uu)i iiiini a . s in .In V .y i. Hi. Mol'TH lAHK lAprnirLr -llrv. .1. V. V f-A, I oif. l-ivii-si Mii.ila' hi Iiih.I. ii'l. iii,: I ri-,,rMi k, II a m. ul.il S I.. Hi.; rrinri inritli r Iiimk'hv rili lit ; r'mft rsc- iictnily liiKi't All sre ariruHie. Whrn you to a ahoe lorr your object ienot only to buy eliot-a but to procure for wliut you aprnd the licet tlint your iniimy will buy, lysa than this will not content you; more tluin tliia yon ennnot, in rea son, aek. Our methods lire aa simple as your demrea. We lu not lilt your e xprc tntions to tlie clouds, but we realize llicni wlmtevcr llicy are. We will never rnenfice jour intcn ta to otira nnd nowhere clee can you get a fuller nnd fairer equivulent fr your money. An repccinlly profitable purclinee for you ia our etc. BOOTS, BH O 13 O O It. rtUDDEna R SHERWOOD. 9)1 Main Street n YIGRS : . - at Jobbers Pricc3 money than you can A MAN - l-V t 1 u i i t ;. a f . ti ! n. a, SALSBURY Y : D-E-N'-T-I-S-T .-s fi il It ltd licui'Lt llt sfa bVl i . f. h.MLWsn .n-llirli lor t liat-llifi ul lettli Fine Gold Work a Specialty Kasaauud Itlik 1 latlsuioulh, fc'f QAWSON A PKARCE 1IAVK kl-XElVED Their Fs'l rB. tm) r.l.li. i .lr nt i'il!' . . I... ..... a.... ..... ...... . I. ... hul In s'ruw ami e I. Ilicyli vasluil , I line nl lial.y rt"itn mhi in m- t i i drrl irliMi i f.l HiK'h nut blt I 4 !ucril lb' li 'r w rail, i toil-In saud I 1 " re la uliiiiiiril, V 1 MISS ECIIUYLI.R, TRIMMER. p OOI.D A! rR''t,4lst f'HnWNa-. Dridge work and flue gold work a SPECIALTY. OK. STKO'At'H UM'Af. . i-l! ss ether eatbetlcsalvsa lurlhr ilulrMeiUwiiua UeiU. J a A. MARSHALU FitrgeraU E!o TTOkNEV I A. N. BULLIVAN. Attorney sr-Uw. will air prompt eta n all i ilne entrulr, hiM1, nm,a Oslou tlrk, fcaat Mills, i'latumuulh, hub, I Shorthand ! AND TYPEWRITING COLLEGr Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ! Ther are thnnnntfs of ynar( lsles. eT r'ls. arli'Mil tesi'licrs clmks, etc alioi reea nut r n aslsienra en a snlaif bajclr suff..il la aupi'lf Ihelr averr lsy mi. Itv eeiniiiMitia eotirss In hnrt liasisl br Di.lilil'iflb i csn sata tixai $iolMir lllll. SMus'lnes urdleei ta eempelent studi' 1 lumuitusl iLiiiuctlda, n wtviie allien. , DAY AND EVEN IN 0 SESSIO Itm'ms vrr layers f ja-a ITTAnted An setlve. rellsble f -i An setlve. relisMe r i a'si to mi an au aiiuiliiy, aa Hit nil. a- Li .A im, j in kit uu ntii.rii a rrn'oiid, Hm-e. frfermras. MAktt ALluasa. i 3 hot L'. New Yurk. I 1 Muny old noldiers, who contrnr-' chronic tiurrlioea while tn acrvice, liuve aince been tierninn iy cureci oi u uy liuiniiicri. Colic, Cholcru and diarrhoea I edy. I-'or anle by K. (J. I rlcke A Shtloh'a rntarrh remrki mrkly. iplfih bale -I Itlve cure Cutnrtli, 1)1 j lien. t nnuer nioiuu. jor Kriclc A Co. 4 J to 3.000,0u0 ova" anaoally, V'sw York Eooca.