The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 01, 1891, Image 3

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    ;, . -. Me '... !.';$ -i x;.-s . t f-.r i i.,1,"i.:-ii;j:,iI('.; Mr.n. :. (i:-tiTf.-.c-'H !:..;.!.-.-r : ; -
4" T . - - .. .
"A Yard
of Roses."
Mnoer iara
jATffliH k M
ftbingloa, Uth, Pub,
'oors, Blinds
hupply emw demaod of the ritj.
'nil and et Urmi. Fourth ttrect
ia tear of opc.- houe.
f Tha Leading
Wtture dealer
I w 1 l Ti.: i. . ...1
i .
MUttly kerp on knd Terjthla
yoo iMd U furiinh joir ko
(5 - '
C irr mats armBirr
r Atchinson, St Joseph, Iiem
woilli, KiiiiHus Clly, St. I uls,
nd all point north, at
until r yrrr t. Tick
eta sold and bag
gUt clieck4
I a j
' ' 1 i- i '. :
Unite4 . ' ' A
Statci or
Canada. Far
AND K0UTK3 ' - '
Cnll'at Dopot or addrrea
. G. P, A. SL Louie, Me.
J. C. I'uiLLlPl't,
A. G. I'. A. Omaha.
D. A "OA. Act., riattsiuoulh.
Telephonf, 17.
f. It. KU.KNIIAUM, Vrp.
t brat of trrali meal ulwiiri found
1 ia tiiit inurkeL, Alo lrek
J gmt of nil kinda krpt la tkeir
S The l ull IVi;ctu of KelaVe FcMurci for iTjj tr. 1 -j,r;::ir-t Co;
. i , , HrJ1!!a:t'.-'
Line itwnriM ir r, . .:.- t ;;.;.r , ;..;.. ; r
U.niiii t'rs .V.rj. l!;::.-y ... funy, i.::J 1
T.'w Volume ot iG;.: will Ccr.;;:..':i
Nine Imistrr.ted icil.i! tor!es. ica f.tjrl cf AJvc'ufure. It c L t rtjort Stories.
Articles of l'(3ti.ica! Advice. EW.dica of Travel. Hint , en fsvI.'-Cueation
Glimpses of Royally. Popr.l.r Sde-.C3 Artrries. I'.outr.W.d Articles.
Railway Ufa and Adventure. Ch.irmlrri Children Ta?3 Kfitufil IJliiorv Panera.
700 Urr,e Pagci. Fiva Double Holiday rTurr.ltra. Illustrated Vcey
FREE TO JAN. I, 1302.
Ta New Pabarrlbere wha will eat eat nnd arad an ibla all; wlih name
od addrrae and tl.7J we will trod The Companion I'rro (a Jr.n., 1.VJJ,
and for a rail Venr from that Dal. Thla oUor Inrlndra l!io Til .Mi!t.
'I VINti, C UItlS-nUK aod NEW YrAB'M Doable Holiday Knmbrra.
We will elae arid a enpy of braoilful palntlnr. rnrlilrd '". VA::i Otf
BOSLS." Ill pradoriloa bna coal TWENTY TIIOl'MAV) DOI.l.AUfi.
Bend .luck, JOUeilet Order, or t'oitterrd Utter at our rlti. Xd.lrcu.
I Tub YmiTU'ii rnMDiumu n
i nfronape ! tLn Publa Solicited.
Kefft II klTl if b ill leri h,irlar m hind
lid aupi'ly c"it'H' l"r ou iuo( laf
urabia U fJ.f
and all klnda l tin ,.rk prom' lly
dtie. Ordare Uutn tu tiuuiry Sullclltd.
J17. 311, 321 aad 32S Main 8t, '
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. II B0S8, Propritter.
Ibe Pcrkict be been thoroughly
runoratcd from tup to Lk)"vi. and t
aow one of the bfat hotcli in the atnti
rtowdun will be taken by the wwk at
$1.60 and up.
PLiTrsMouTii . BitnnisitA
Japltal Mock pud In M
Autheruod Capita!, f 100,000.
frldant Vk-frWn
w. it, !i:sHni. Ctnier.
fraat OaiTBlS I. A. Connor, W. B. Onlhraaal'
i, W. Johnaa. UaarrBaxi.JohaO'Iwt
W. D. Kwrian, Wat. Wttaaaamt. W,
,' '. H. OiKblBi.
' . ! i
' . . -
j . ban aud mIU eiciiaj-ic. couulr and
800.1ft .HDUVEtOI.
All otdira left w!th thaconn'y rkrk will ba
pramptly altf ndi-d t
, oitick i.v foutx uov;.ir:,
Plrtttmnotith, : Nctir.iska
C;ncHt?Tf:a rNSiiZH, Pro CKZ3 T D'H'Taa C f7
TXl OHf.HU Mn ,HUIMt . 1 ah.lMff W.i ,(i fc -
' t' a, N .t t -f-'i fHew- aT -mu i VaaJ ft l 'A. a y,4t
.ihi 1 ii'- 'i mkm mm tiw btfi. vj w.Ayt, -a 'U f-.w. -i
AU t ' m pt-i. t ...16. A; r-af tr .'t t - -, t .' i "
4 U. wtlafal . I MMMj. , Mal tasafatabaB, I '(AaMI I : Ma t l'- '' , v
1 ve 4 k. tNi(,HAfrm Urt.t ' . . ,
4VU bf Ut iav1 , t.
ci v.i.l It i.;r.t l rc?.
:U: Lyma.i Abbott.
Eurr-'.tments.' NeMy loco Illustrations.
raid np capital ..
,...!MI ll!.IHt
mhnTpry b"l fvlllllf fur the priiup
trituaACtUiu u( agitlui.ite
iSankin Business
rttvk, honrti, (jnld. Kiiri'rnmRiit and local if
uriil biiiilit M'I ain. Di'iimiM r0"X
md iiiin'il ulliiwi'd mi tli riTl'Iciii'
rft rtr.iwii. av.illn'il" In :tny p:trt ( H i
:'n" (ilUja and all tlie prtucipul lawui o
TU. 'Oghnat market P'lcn pild for C'ni'ity Wai
raut, Ktato ana Count jr boudi.
John Pltzruld l. Ilnwki-wurtb
Wiug i. K. K. VVIil'
lorif K. Dopy
iohu Fltf-rnl.l. 8. WaiiKh.
I'reflilanl Ci'l ler.
Cm M;iln and Fifth mroet.
'a'.d up capital
. 24.t
). II. Pamela Hnnldwl
'rd fiororr , Vice 1'ihii..i t
I. M. 1'itltiTwia ' (Aiix'li
T. 1. IVlnrnon, Ait Ci-lilft
1 If Par. ..!. . M l.t..rA.. Vm4 IIm.H..
I. H. f mlth It. U. WIndtiiun, B. 8. 1Uiii-i ai d
i, n ratieiKin
Aonft'ii ollcite". Iiwtral allowed n rim
tixnlia and iromit am-ulluuiirnn ti all bua
beta wulnuled to IU car.
CSiacibcilaln'a E70 tmA PMn
A ccrtald enro f of CbrocJe Sorts Eyes,
Tetter, EtvJt Ehenm, Scald UotA, Old
Cironlo bores, Fever Cores, Eczema,
I tcL, Prelie Sm tehee, Soro ITIppIcj
and Foe. It U ooolln and soothing.
Hundreds cf ctss LiT bsf!i enrod by
It after all other treatment had failod,
Ills put up la M ted CO cent bun
f ajsKtSSantssntmcURtO
-..i.k......Hi..iUi. jurr.HiM,,if core
V Ji kaJ;, Wr,ia U M .ut litC
. V 4 ir iwxunti't f n.t;,.
- J-ve-f f1! to luroru Ori
. 4 Hia to l' Yomrviul Color.
...a..! L.i i aw. 1 ft Lir ti. j j
... 1.4. t. Ik ..Ill I'Ma.lala li. lia. JUvw.
fMlP(;RCORNJ. TtM a- If mwttv, ('.na.
tu k.. a. L. a. I. Mad M lAJj. a CU, k. Y.
Epps Cocoa
"Bra ttamafh kaawlatM at tea aaraaal
t"'f) (' Aaora'l'ira ( dlrml an
aad antrliion. and by a raraful apilliatlon nf
tba In proportlaanf cl aalM-iad I'mm. Mr,
kpM h4 provided our break ful labia with a
dcllra'rly SToie l l)r whlrli may aare
a. many ' da'tnr'bliu, MbT tha Jaala
toua Hi au-t nlc n dt II I a c"n
itu.lno mat h tradaally billt n ull aimn
enaugh Ii mini arary alcy to dlaeaaa,
Hiioll nf . aalnla aU4ira am fl il
anaad 01 raad ta a'laca wttriari'r keie ia a
wxi' iwilnt. Wa may aapa man a ft;,l
aiiHit bf keeMa iura:Tca vail- fur Iflrd wl h.
l ita wt- 1 aad aropitrly anul the I frame. "
C'lvll "arth-a tliu'tl. Na-1'Mtl almply with
bothnt watrrm roiik, Hold a-i'y la kall-aauat
fv. ! .ni'itli'1, sHUelltd lhi::
JMiU ttt'i'l IO..iiawa!.atnWhm!it
Laadoa. Halaad
nocnAfjTvm ttavtkd for
. I l ,li ,:t A.T.I ti:iAim tif M.W TOBB TUT.
fOI ilat ta wartant aan.i.fanT Hln'n Bona" In H.a
an. "in I in 'Kl'-t., l..lin(i:.a Matfr ' of thatmJn
MofKnvdB.' c 1,11 'a.iMaww." It .(. 'I
Vara. B ta.'l W y aar,.tt af ,ne(j.(l.tart.rianv4.rai.
Maaaa, pt U4rn (will, V'i. fh. .
aa4 laaataa 1 hao. Ilrra,a (r7.ta A Jl- I.
? . "il;i ' nnr.'f.jr.f: aifla.k V i' ilvpii?t'a
ml Ifmrir N Iwf m h f lv . I' tra
aa I fima, fan af laan aaa m.m. ii ta aa allf of Taaiaataara,
IU a
a i t u. im p... w . 1 1. o .ri-
U. I M p.i" w iu i i m i m ... y a"'Wfc
ar..vlloini W.ah.1. alaaaaf H
a ,MM aa. - i. vl 14 U " La
r t anaa aaaiiM IL --a. .rll 'D
Am. mr IHia"la an ala'lraa.a. fi a iia
a ,,'a
Jfrutkt mn i ,1-. .'rtn. 1 ,ra.. rlla jr almita la
X It. V vUibiJiulval ai ., tUrUara. Vmaa.
-w . a,
. Mala
This Slip I
and SI. 75.
Whnr Dm. llnnat
Atiions tin' uwii;,'t'in nn tht) north
bon 11 1 Uicliiniiinl iitnl Diinville Air Line
tram ii few nilitnni wan nil old clarity
in; iiril Diiiicrlield Ilaiupiiiti, on ilia
whv di the (Jlil Ddiuiiitiiti, nfti-r an iib-amu-.
of ulmiit fifty yearn. Wlu'ti lie wua
autei'ii yi'iim of ii'c lie wim broti'lit ti
OiMir'iJi liy E'hvnrd LiH-kct, n tif;:ro
tia lt r from Uichiiiiind. iitnl wan mihl to
Mr Wisi-Cimsin. who lived near Madi
son. Oa.. for ll:iniitnii was a
native of Ivinj mid (jin-cri county, where
lie Irft Koine n-lativi'S. whom lie now du
aired to we. flin lii-oria imiKter owned
atiotit 1'IH) darkeyx, and mude from Kit) to
Slid liali'H of cuttiin.
The Oeorna railroad had jtlnt liwn
omipli-ted to Madison when Uncle
"Hamp" landed at M.idiwm. After the
war was over and he found himself free
lie went to work iu euruext uud made
mom y ri'hi aluii. lie now ownu S00
acn-H of land and Hindu thirty-four bales
of cotton hut year.
The old man was on his w.-.y to the
aceiie of Iiik childhood.
lie KM)k of having lost f 1.100 by the
failure of H banlcui institution some
time no.
The old man riaid, in ft lanhln way.
that lie left ci','ht lienn and a rooster in
Virginia wIp-ii he h-rt thrre. and that he
wax iioiiijf, there to look after them, lie
thought Hint he rtllit to liave a K''1
price for the chickens, and iiiterent on
tiie iitnoniitH from the time he left until
now. which he thin!; wonld be quite a
nice Mini. Richmond titate.
t)mnia lor Trrra Killed by Cna.
Suit lias been entered III the cotntnon
plea.' court by SiiHaima!) Knch fi'ainst
the city tr. recover fil,0(X) damn'ea nn
ilcr itn r.nuHiial claim. She nays that
he iit the owner of property on the
north west Mile of Levcrintoil avenue.
Upon thi cronnd. she aayn. there ij
erected n haiiil.sonip hmme. in which nhe
makes her niwlencn, ami the beauty of
the pn-mirtea, together with the value of
the house and ground, was much In
creaw.l by the presence of four hand
some Norway maple tree planted by the
plaintllT nlmnt twenty years no.
Lant fall the jrasplpe nlun Leverin
ton avenue commenced to leak, nnd
through the neglect of the city ofilcials
thin leak contlnned until last .May. nnd
the soil of the street beriimo peruiputed
with the go., which fanned the maple
tree to din and become worthless. The
plaintiff says that the value of lu-r prop
erty has been greatly decreased by tho
lox, nnd huuee the auiu Philadelphia
flail Not Jlrl In I'lfty Trara.
Therw wua a liieetilii ut Muvontnh,
Els.. Monday, liet ween two brothers wlio
had not met In-fore for upward of half n
century. A well dressed, aged couple
alighted from an evening train and in
quired for Squire C, E. Uagby, one of
tho oldest citizens of the place. "He is
my brother." exclaimed the old gentle
man, "whom I have not seen for over
fifty years." The strnnjjer was William
Lagby, a retired farmer, of Harris City.
White county, Ilia. Ue left Macou'jili
alxVit lifty years so, nnd nfter travel
liiK for some time he settled down on a
farm in White connty and married.
During the war be luM track of bis
bn.tlier and snppoaed lit was dead. lie
beard from hiui a short time ago and de
cided to visit hi in and bis old home,
William Bagbyis eighty-fonr years of
s'e and the simire Is ten years tils jun
ior. The aged wives of the brothers hud
never met before Monday. Exchange
A Ira ad a Ctaal aad Still drawing.
Allegnny can boast of perhaps one of
the lurgest boys of his age to be fouud in
the atata. His name is William M.
Wittijr, and be rmidcAwlth bis parents
In rrostbnrjr. Ue is a little over sixteen
years and eight months 'old. For the
past two years he has icen gr iwlng at
tha rate of one-half an inch per I th.
His height is 8 nfit i inches and be
v.-ei;;hs 1 HfJ pimn K D wears a No. l
hat and Na It shoe, lie hand measures
13) inches sronnd the knuckles when
climeib His chest measure is 44, and his
waist 41 Inches. He has always enjoyed
excidl "t health, and pomeie an appe
tite which would alunn most people, ss
It calls for sbnnt whst would satisfy
three ordinary laboring men at each
meal He lifts &0 pounds with ease.
The yonnn giant is still growing.
Had") Uud Cor. Caltitnort Snn.
Oattlaf Raady far lprlaa
With the arrival of antunia Snperln
tendent of Gardeners Woolann has bepin
preparations for Is-ialifyii.g the Nuw
York parks nd S'lnaree next sprinj.
Toe taiJeuma are now sUllug out iu
sold frames IW.OuO pansles and dah'
Nearly 60.000 tulips will be imported
from HoUand, and there will re tU
nsosl number of herbaceous plant. Mr.
Woolsoa tnesas to try next spring tha
ase of young ailantus trees to obtain
aiibtropical shrubhnry effects. The de
spised ailantus la, ia iis tiiit few yaara,
more beam if ul in color and form than
many a rare an 4 kijhly prised ahmlx
New York Boo. y
rlflaal rartlaraa.
We are told that bleached cowtails
are the approved loops for heavy por
tierea, and that their festoons are ter
miniifffd an natural with tssaeled ends.
This rather stsrtlinu information comee
to us front an English paper, which, like
all Journals of that atsmp, is proline in
bi.'jirre schninee of action attributed
solely to Anwican women. If the
Anerimn woman who h v herpnrtleres
loped with blescbml cowtails would re
ceive her medal she muni come to the
front As yet her street aud nutubor
sre nnhiown. New York Bun.
An old man wss buried the other day
at Lt. Cii pin, k'ruuee, but was dug np
aoon alter, as one of the bearers said be
thnnght be heard a movement In the
roCia. The old man was to have
moved his html, and he was soon re
tond to conaviontuess aud life.
A very curious coiucidenpe happened
t Falls. Pa. Five man, all
trnii.""!, livf, and mi t-iuj introduced,
cu.ii IwJud to bu Ju'iu A. Liljuou.
Snraetlnica II la Hunt t Tall Tham
Apart, TIiiiukIi, and In Kipairluifiiitiiia
Ona la Liable to linn Dp Aaulnal Ilia
Wrung Kind Two Htrlkliig Kmuiplra.
'Bad men in the west brrak into twe
classes," said a gentleman, lute of .Silver
Clly, "the eure enough and the imita
tion bad man Oi.e ih a killer and the
other simply blusters The two sorts
look alike, talk alike, garb themselves in
big ha Is. belt gnus on their hips, swear
and guzzie sin) follow each other's suit
from tirst to last, lor which reason it is
hard to tell the real tiling from the coun
terfeit The only sure way of distin
guishing th' rtie. solid silver had man
from tlie '.lateil fellow Is to test thelu ue
far I as presented,
Russian Uill. who, in the early
piglities was a rustler in the valley of
San Simon in Arizona, and a singularly
industrious Horse and cattle stealer of
that siiadeless region, was an imitation
bail man He was a great talker, uud
hear linn tell it had filled more gravel
than Hit epidemic. It is doubtful, how
ever, if he ever drew human blood, slid
the other rustlers similarly regarded
him us a man of no courage. It turned
mil n case V the magpie and the pea
iiK'ks wiib the Russian though, for one
evening the Impulsive denizens of
SliakesjM'aie, A T., tisik Bill s word for
it and incoiitineiitully hung him de bcue
'The Russian had company, thongh,
for they stretched another gentleman,
tune and tree tlie Name, yclept Sandy
King There was no discount, however,
on King One could bave taken u brace
ami bit nnd bored clear through him and
struck nothing but clean strain game.
King uud Russian Bill were together on
he occasion ol their apprehension and
.'akiug od. and were decided specimens
of the two ty,-jes of had men.
TDK KAMI? or Utl.U
'Bill, as m naiim, bus Leen me prop
erty of a gissl many of tlie fighters of
the west t reijtiently some ulllx or pre
fix went with It to keep the blood bo
dewed Biils from getting all mixed up.
There have lieen a Curly Lill, a Wild
Bill, a Navujo Bill, n Buffalo Bill, a
i'oker Bill, a Cheyenne Bill, a Freucu
Bill, un Antelope Bill, a Russian Bill, a
Broncho Bill, a Canadian Bill, a Monte
Bill, a Butcher Knife Bill and Bill Bon
uey, or Billy the Kid, that 1 have known
"Cheyenne Bill was and la ooe of the
t il.-e killers referred to. and ulwuys try
ing to run a Mazer' npou some tender
foot and scare linn to death. Raton, N.
M. pronc.nncd Ralitmui' does not. as
a community, rise early of a Sunday
morning, and as t once, back In l.W.l,
run i out of the bou l in the still and
early hours of that holy day, I beard a
voice over on the next street raised to a
point between a threat and a command.
My atteution was at once attracted, and
getting out where I could see 1 found
Cheyenne Bill in slow but threatening
in mint of a reluctant tenderfoot who
bad come in on the train the night be
fore. What the row was about I dida't
'Stop whsr yon be, or HI pull on
you I commanded the vaporish Bill In a
tierce tone, his band on bis slx-sbooter
nd following slonit after the stranger
tome two roils behind.
"To give the tenderfoot bis due, while
he kept walking away frcm Bill, be sp
pe.ired more disgusted than scared, and
while he aaid nothing and did not tun
on his would be captor, nevertheless be
received bis orders to bait with becom
ing contempt, aud kept straight on.
'Except for my presence, Cheyenne
and bis victim bad the town to them
elves. Jack Uixeuhangh, the mnrshul,
and the ret of the citizens being sensi
bly in bed. I bad seen a Chinaman run
Uln yeuno around once over in Trinidad,
and knew there was no more to be fesred
from bun than from the last calf on tlie
rungs, and shouting over to him 1 ao in
formed the person from the east and od-riM-d
bim to go after the duughty Cbey
rune and pnll bis bead off. The tender
foot bad about made op bis mind to do
it anyhow, and my vote settled It Ue
turned and started for Bill, whereupon
'.hat person at once lost all bis valor and
led briefly.
' "The tenderfoot eaaght op with bim,
however, and eased his surcharged soul
by three er fonr forceful and very rueri
toHo.iS kicks. Tills seemed to do botti
bill and the shorthorn a world of food,
tud the former avoided the . fifth by
plunging op a stairway. The tenderfoot
wanted to charge after Bill and kill him
completely, but 1 nrged a different view
md pointer, out the fact that Bill took
his gun with him and that If be found
Himself cornered he might shoot,
"Curly Bill was another of tha riot
Mis and desperate sort. Uis range in 1881
ind 1883 was southwestern New Mexico
ud teste .-n Arizona, No out kuew
jr here Curly Bill bailed from, but If
there's truth In Scripture, where he was
join j wss plain to all. Ue was reputed,
whou I saw bim, to have killed nineteen,
nitrt, and bad the air of one who was
looking hard for a chance to make it a
score. Curly Bdl has found his grave
tomewhere nnt In the arid wsfe he pe
troled, as nothing has been beard of bim
for some timu"--KiinsAs City Star.
wave Rlniaalf Away.
One day Iu a' cbat with a friend be
uid to me. "lias It evr occurred to rim
that when old age deprives you of much
bf yo ir present ability to earn a living
you will be obliged to look to yoar
friends for support, or else become a
charge at some one of the charitable in
ititntlnnsT I confess I itu neither a
aiuney maker nnr a money saver, but "ii
'a dollars to doughnuts'' ttiat the person
who thus twitted me of my weakness
imply echoed as be did so tho grueral
pluu which be, in the cold blood of mid
.lie ate, 1 ermntuiT on ss recjurcj
w!i'jii h Hhall get too old to be indis
H.uw.blo. IXtruit Fiee Pre
sudden Deaths.
Heart dii-eiit-e i by la- tl
fretiiient catieo of eudilcii
which in three out of four i
unsuspected. the Hynil)!!!,
not j-eiienilly iinderetooil. )
ore: u hiiliit of lying on If
Hide, eliort breath, pain or Ui
tli.e'ridv, Illicit or f'ioiildt.T,in..
....t...... ....... I ,1
j JiiliriT. ir I ii I ii ,, iiu Mini
i Htiells, wind in Hloinncli, swe!& 07.
t .... 1. 1 ... ......
niinn n ill viiwirj, .jjiir,pi,jii, -
coitli nnd Miiolherintr. lir. MilCt
illustrated book on 11 dirt Dim-ase,.
free at V. (J. Krike A CoV, who Hell
nnd guarantee Dr. Miles' uncqiialed
I New Hmrt Cure, uud Ins reelora-
five Nervine, which cures nervous
; iichh, liendaclic, elcejaleHsncsH, drop-
ey, etc. It contaiiiH fio ojiiutt h. .
' - WoidOrfjI.
I K. W. Sawyer, of Kochenter, Win.
In proiiiiiient drnlcr in . gciunl
j tiicrchimdiee, uud who r"iiiiM Kovcral
ieddlmg wng'iiis. Iitnl one vAhiy
liors.iH liodly cut anil BtiHicif Villfi a
larint, The wound refused to licul.
The horfe bccnnie liiine mid Htilf
nowwilliHt.-iiiding cnrcful nttcntioti
nnd the npjlic;iti(ii of rcincdicH. A
friend handed Snwycr noine of
Il.illcr'H Hni b Wire Lincinenl, the
moHt wonderful thing ever h;iw to
heal eiich wounds. lie npplied it
only three tiinen nnd the nore waa
coinii'ted liciileil.. E(iiully good
for nil porn, ctitn, brueeM, and
woundH. For Hide by nil druggitit
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