i i 1 ciblihers t- rvTh"rnly, and dally etcrj Vjpt "Sunday. . ' ,';1'-.l at tiis tlattmouth Neb. po-l slice for tnns'ils"tyn turoinrh tli U.."8. ma.U si sneond etna rate. ( Offl'- corner V Ins aud Flftn stret-tit. felephoue W. TKKMS 1MB WSKE1.V, Ins copy, one year. In aqrauca ,...?! )n py. one yar, not to advsncs a toe eup, six montM. In adduce ts Hie copy, ttrrn iinfittis. In mliauce . 40 TIHMK roB DA 1 1.1 He dp onf,y nr In adnnos foe copy yr -vk. by e:irrlw , copy, prr montb f TUESDAY. DI-XKMBER 1. KEEP your eye on the man who adwaya pretends to licHunpicious of Iher people. IT is safe to ay that the repub lican consTiBMticti are now supremely happy. They enjoy the aht Ex Senator Infills mi that the independent part) is dead. A voice torn the grave always speaks with effect. WHF.X the people want more free trade than they now have they will rust the republican party to pro ride for it. AX unbiased reader of our free trade neighbor or, for thai matter, reader of democratic Bheet in general cannot but conclude that Ihey regard manufacturing indus tries located in this couniry n Jiemiea of the people, and they Uve to dia -ourajje every move that has for im object their entabli.ih NinL Wis notice tli.it a dcmocrnlic faper rarely ppeaks encouragingly il the infant, yet growing, beet sugar industry. We cannot nee why the party leader should be ho arrow as to discourage them imply becau e they are creations ef the McKir.ley bill. The fact is, they are intended for the good of tie whole country, democrats and republicans alike. INDICATION'S point to the election af Mills to the spcakerHhip. He will appoint a committee on ways ud means that will formulate a ' pure tarill for revenue bill, thus placing the democracy on the iffeusive in V2. The republicans .rlromF the contest on that i""' y tiling that we have to fear is that some liberal tariff man will be chosen, thus spoiling our little game. SO NATURAL How natural it sounds for the Journal man to call for contribu tors! That's n phase of the eco aouiic problem the old gentleman nderstands. Pass the collection fcr the boys. They'll need it before this contest is over. The only que tion, however, which is liable o annoy the unlestees, is: Who in thunder is to superintend the distribution of patriotism after the Journal lias taken up the col lectiuiiV We admit that the tall ckim eys now, and always have been, a Standing menace to the llritish tree trade party in this country. But, vvhiie the tdiaduw of these himneys slretelt westward aud threaten that party, they only in sure tir !i;;f ional pripperi'J' ar.d t supremacy. Take care.-Mr. Journal; .ii one of those bill chimneys should . happen to fall on you one of these ' ine days, it might knock an intelli ' .rent idea thronrrh' that dense . eraniiitn provided it did not shat ter the chimney. TlIK Journal continues to snap at Salisbury and ICdson for dc- 4snanding a recount of the ballots cast t the recent election.. The i contest an', -t claim to have evidence that votes were cast for them thit were not so counted, uud this betrnynl of uneasiness on the part f our neighbor is conclsiiiive evi- ' tivn'-c- that it is afraid of the legitl- , mnte outcome of the recount. Ve a, Mr. Joiiruid. ho! thin Totinrf bien done .in thoroughly dcaiocratic ' state, 8iic.li as Missi.T'ippl, Salisbury ', sad Edson would bare "1o submit like men." No, no, gsntle Annie, (rive us a recount to the end that ' the will of .e i-I.uil pievail. TAPITF AND FArtM LANDS. The free trade or,n;aii of this city elevates a one -hslf cnlii'nn ortideln yente'day's issue i:i on utlcrnpt to , ildicnl-i an urficle writ'en by one who i not now connected with Titk Hrvt,r. V'c beiicvo tiie ailiclc iu ijue.itiou s writtin in reply to " Hliiteilj'1 r.'jhf Journal of svcrnt lnte to - tf.rt tli.at a l.ruU'vtive tarill c.MiHod im u4 lands to depreciate ht man infer from the article in question that the writer wiehcs ti cvnvey the iileii that the increase in niunul.ivturintf industries in the primary tfiwe of tlie ntlejft'd depreciation it the value of farm lands. As a matter of fact, such argument is not eound, and we cannot believe the uuthor inennl the article to ISe round aed in any such light. An ordin.. y observer nf affairs, let him be a believer in free trade or a prole, live taritt, cannot but admit thai u our indus tries become diversil i ' md home consumptive force . gnu me i, there is invariably a t e in the vulue of farm lands. A alization of this truth account the fact) that movements arc ben inaugu rated having for thelt primary object the building of ir '- iilaotur ing industries near oiii western farms. We venture to asert that if it were possible to locate a inanii-j factoring t-nUbiiniiiiicnt iu Cas ; C unity tomorrow that would empl' y li),(XK) people, tliat the price of f irm lands i:i this immediate neighbor hood would be enhanced at least fifty per cent in value. j Hut this talk about the deprecia- tion in the value ol lurm Linus is all bosh. To be sure, as long as' Uncle Sam had land which his subjects were permitted to enter freely the price did not advance as rapidly as it would have otherwise; but, notwithstanding this draw back, any honest man knows tint, owing to the diversification of our I industry, mane posimc oy a H-ctivc tariff, the value ot larm lands h.n advanced twenty-five per cent within the past ten years. It i confidently expected that this diversification of industry will continue, by the establishment of beet sugar industries throughout I our state, which cannot but result! to the advantage of the western farmer. The position taken byj democratic friends that a protective j taritf decreases the value of farm lands is neither political honesty j ilor common sense. THE J'hiladelphiu Times (dens.) has the following to say of Gov. Hill's latest eteal: "The returns of the late election in .New iork gave the democrats nearly 50,0i)0 majority for governor, but the republicans elected a majority ol two in me senate ami . just one-half the house, making it a tie. Gov. Hill, by the most artistic use of state and local power, has etolen two senators and three representatives, while the republicaas have been able to steal only one representative". .. - - iii levisea by Gov. Hill's imitat ive fine art of political theft, the senate will either be a tie or have one democratic majority, with a democratic lieutenant governor to help along in case of n tie vote, and the house will have fonr demo cratic majority to start with, and add several to that by contested seats. "The honest cilkens of all parties should not longer close their eyes to the fact that political theft has become one of the fine arts of mod ern politics." Writers transmit to us soiu csrioss t i 1 . I. A J 1 . , ? . . , , f rtiv of faiw hair whim m-lira mmrm lit fashion. The trade in wigs, for Francs npi'lied all the rsat of Europe, becnine immctLse, and was represented In Paris by a largo number of wholesale mer chants, who employed cutters to operate In the prorinom, especially in Normandy, Flanders and Holland, where tbs hair of tbs women was finer. Tbs hair of warm countries was not wsoUd, because too coarse, Ecglix'd women and fir la did not cars to part with their balr, and weru Djt mi ,jor sj Ui bu totc-A lu .'.m sacrifice. 8oms villages in Normandy furnished as much si tea ponuda, avcr aglng two feet bx lVnjth. ; .i The pries was from fonr to firs francs pound, and it was cot from tbs beads of the living, from tho heads of Hie nru vr rwsuixr cumiiiDg, racu ina . . .,, . , . baviii its commercial name. .The great a a I.... i a iv i- - J , - J . Ll .' I .... t. ... . ii iram iiiai onmiiair naa vo in nana is- slesd or In part Ctneinnsti Coiumer Ciai Oaaette. . 1 . FacalUr Koawaw . . I Oct cf tbs wars of the roses, the firre eet and Ceadiiest of t'uem all, was (ooght on a field where, ciiriontJy enotigh, a rose pewiliar to the spot grows or need to grow. It is a rare plant now, and Urn rrton is erplalnod by U t. Lesdman iu his account U Yorkabixs batUoa. Aiu-r fleseribinj the terrihls bn'.Ue at Towton en Pulm Hnnday, HCI, be says: "I cm- ....i .. . -t.. a .,ii. . . rv . j, i , " ,r', T .r7.T , . . wiu-oat -i iii.iuioii vo vae i.tuo uwun bns!ii peculiar to the 'IVld of tl-i White Itoss and the Rud.' "They aro said to bars been plentif ul -..i- . SVSSI sV lJM awi j -m likSS laban lh.a,i aiaiad , r" " T. I: ' "T ' crown was oCTered to tt-bcrt of Xor la such numbers that tW haw, become ,. ii i, a rt-.-,r pre, Racb vaivj.llam Is simply sbsws - ful, for tbe plants are said to be unlo w ana anau. to ezist in any other soil. ... xi:e m o roe., an. w. live . wiw a ry pot on too center w. eaca ot tnwr peuis. ana sa ukj frw uri vim umier aariaca nec'imca a u.iu run coiur. ionaou News. Tlili FIKST CRUSADE. REMARKADLE ARMY THAT WENT TO CAPTURE THE HOLY LAND. rhMunill of Innocent Mm Sasrirloaii toransaaf Irnnrmnl r thulm Vhn Intolllgont KnlfhU Took Part, Vic lory Cam Mho Who Ltd. IVter the flirinit was a monk of Ti curdy, who bad minis a pilgrimnj?e t' JennuuVm. While Hits lis lind wit nefsed the snfferinirs of thof who trieil to prenerre tho tros faith araonjf the hnnles of barbarians who had swarmed opnn and now possessed the lumls nf Aitis Minor. Homw the iliockinsj pruf anaiiofiS of the aiersil places of the Ilnlv City, and his hwrt burned within him to ridease It from its oppression. At nighttime dream came to him from whii b it was pointed ont to him that his mishion was to ruu.se the milium of Eu ro to s holy war. Kip-d with tin nmmtton, he made nn way back to France. The reports of Li ' powerful prrarliin fp.-e.id, and greater nnmls rs (lm-k each flay to lieur nuu. Finally, in November of such a company is gathered s proliably has j never been toother Is fore. Tiie plain of La Li.nae. in Anver-ne, wss covered i"'i '-" In whic h i werelisld 3U.0U0 ie.,pls, 4,003 priests' n,l iixl l.iklioiM urn! nliiMits were there. I while also there was there one imin who was mightier than all of them. Urban II, jsipe of Itoms, to whom ail wmlern Eunis did liomiige. A lofty stand bad be-n erected in the open air, for no building would accom modate the throng. Upon this sat the pope, and Is-mle him stoxl the hermit, holding aloft the cmj-s. With burning words and tearful eyes be described tlie shameful sights he hud witniwd In Jerusalem, mid called for volnntera to go with bim to wrest the Holy City from the infidel. His appeal was seconded by Urban, who promised all who fonght tlmt if they won the land they compered should be theirs; while if they died a place in heaven should snrely be their reward. The cross was held ont to them and they were invited to come forward and bike It to wear npoti their person as the badge of their devotion. Adbimar ds Monterl, bishop of Pny, was the first to come forward, and thou sand poured after bim. The excitement spread and all Enrol rssonoded with the preparations for this undertaking. PeU-r. with excess of real mrA iw.tntj. Itu-lr r,f wtwifrin frulnaTMal a BinltitnJa of pnt rnM, women aud children, unarmed snd nnprovided with ti.e snstenanro for the inarch which he nndertisik to lend in person to Jema leut across tbs tuounuinons parts of central Euro;). Extorting fixsl from ths people arconj whom thi-y pn.si.ed, and set npon by them In revenge, tbo pilgrims fell In every road, cut down by sickn--.is, star vation and the sword. Others no doubt wk to lMr llHfrly llom nnt.t jn Jinnziry IVter fonnd Limself alonn. Meanwhile a rrry different army ha 1 ! been gathering on all sides, made np of 1 the very flower of chivalry of all the European nations. Godfrey ds Donillnn, daVe of Lor raine, the Connt of TnnUun. lUrmond. Tanrred, Feirt da la Flichs and many another warrior whose name stands hii;b in history led their armies to join the host William Bnfns was tyiw Ung of Eng land, a man so avaricious and uuscrnpn Ions that be never hesitated to take by force any possession of bis nobles that was left unguarded. Under snrh a mas ter it is not strangs that the English nn bli wers loath to lears their castles for so long a jonrney, and hebce few Eng lish names hare figured in the first cru sade. lui pet nons, improvident, trustful Rob ert of Norm.'iiiily, however, who never could remember evil of bis brother tlie next day after bo bad tnwt cruelly abused bim, now turns to William for j aid. His Kiirrtsj heart barrdag to re hevs the sufferings of tue Ho.y Land I . . . . ? - lends him to sacrifice every future pros pet. for the purpose of oluinin? the means of gratifying the present iuipubm. He mortgages bis dnchy of Normandy to bis brother William Rafas, king of England, and with bis money tlitu ob tained fiu ont his portion of the boly army. The acisnea of navigation was in that age too crude to Us alls to provide means of transit (or so Urge an army hr water, and thowhols force, raXl.OM nJauiry aud loo.OW cavalry, iuiai.hed by Land across central Enmps and ovur tbe Uelleenoot into AjiU Miuof. Tbs pitiless sun, the flinty soil, a Strang climate, lack of food, want of water, all fought on the side of lbs Turk against the Crusaders, and the path of i .. . . ... ," , n i lit devotud army was marked by a trail I . . , . , . i graves. i At NicesL at Antiucb, and In ottn-r plnres tk ootitending annies mot. As a Knkend Uiiug the. Crusaiiirs were iet riotav anil on a Janaary morning iu KVi tlie dvanjng army. Tarn-red in the lead, ascending a hill, looked for tint first bias sipuu tee city of Jenr-alem. General and soldier, prines and ' psaant, fell ir out rate npon the grotuid. j Home wept for ry at the slgViti Wbeni I with sorrow, becanse abort the bunpte . sad the s puicber tiie. crvscMit ot lif i hammed f liaieivd In the sun. I THe siesrs wkii'b folkiwaj Lvbal for I luofisiis. Slid wlma at Uet tbs tiU V. u 1 ten IS. fsw inside whom tllS aywMlUs haul spared fell by tbs swords of ths con quwrorsi. lu nuking arrangsioenU for govern Ug CI city the oooqtierors dediifd to i a - , A ,v,oli1o,i m)y0 MlM to u.vu . , ' . vti. ... ' IJ.WB U Hinui'iiMwiii, u.aw. " , to w lu farMi . . niii uk th;, uu thf p. , wort ,oremifnj net TOtji j,,, tJi, only One year iijr . I brwt rtiilnl the first Crncade, Rcion A !tllwL kieriinrnt. Halloween is sometimes called "nnt craek night," because mils have always taken a rolipicuou part fn its observ ance. Two nuts placed in the fire oil iiuiiuwrt-ii aid nriiurd for two lovcm, Should thsy lie togi'ther and burn to Rether Julin and Tillie will be s happy husband and wife, but burtuU the nuts bounce and fly asunder, the siu is bad cue. New York Herald. Delicary of feeling Is not confined to centle people, commonly so culled. It is well known, for example, by tlnms j who Imve to do with men confined In priton, that fftch convicts never fipenk I U1B naiea worn -prison, iu inTariHiny oe some euphemistic sulwtitutc, "this ' Institution" beinj; peihi the one of-j tenest adonteil. ! Wlien a Cliineie compositor sets typo lie places them in a wooden frame twen j ty-two by liftwn Inches. This frame bas I twenty-nine roovHs, each for a lino of ! tvpe, and tlie tyjie rents In clay to tho "epth uf a quarter of an inch. Tlio types aro of woxl, pi'rfef-Uy squire, and tho compositor baiiille.4 tlietn with pincers. " " " , ?";" ,,"."d-. . lr. 'J hd Lot s wife backr W"? Snm1;ir ehnj,l tMrlier. "l "1'I"' woman passed Ler with nPW nn"v "" r'f rhni' ' A Swedidi glass which contains phos- I phnto and chlorine is kjM to have great I ailvaiitaea over other gl;ss for use in luicroscopes and either line lenses. It is of extr-mu bar diiens uud is sujceptlblo of the finest polistu Wiles Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on n new principle-regi. lat- inir the liver, etnmrch and bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. llr.Miles' Tills speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, .'loiiMipation. I" iieiualed for men women, children, smallest, midest surest! Tit dimes, Z'c. Samples free nt l. O. I'ricke A C'o's. For many years Mr. H. V. Thomp son, of Pes Jloines, Iowa, was se vcrcly afflicted with chronic Uiarr lioea. lie says: "At limes it was very severe; so much so, that 1 feaerd it would end my lib. About seven years ago I chanced to pro cure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. It gave me prompt rebel and 1 believe cured ine permanent ly, as I now eat or drink without harm scything I please. I have nlso used it iu my family with the best results. For sale by V. O Frickie St Co. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and su popular as to need no epecial mention. All who have used F.levl tiic Hitters ning the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist nnd it U guaranteed to to ul that is claimed. F.lectric Hitters will cure nil diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheuiM hikI other atlec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and urevent us well as cure nil ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, couKtitiutioii and indigestion try Kltx-trio Milters. KriliiC satisfaction tru a ran teed, or money refunded. I'rice .rX)c and 1 per bottle at Ft G, Fricke & Co'a drugstore. 5 Are you masle miserable by indl gestion, constipation, tiir.iiiiei-a, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi lob's Vitalier is a punitive cure For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Eucklon's Arnica Salve. Tns ISwt Hai.vk in the world for Cult rtruises. Mores, Ulcers, Halt UIh uiii. Fi ver Morist, Tetter, Chsppi'd Ilan la, Chilblains, f'ornk, and all Mkui KniiitioLi, ami posi tively cuns pibs. or na py rtiju.rud. It is Etisr'vnteed to uive sstisfaction, ot mom V refunded. Price Vi cent per box. For sale by Y. O. Fric ke it Co. We have sold Lly's Cream Halm about there years, und liuvc rc commended its use in more thnn i hundred special cases of ciihirrli i he uiiaiiiiiKUis answer to our in onirics is, "It's the best remedy tlait I have ever used. t)ur experience is. that where parties continued its tie, it never fails l cure. J. II Montgomery, & Co, Druggibts. I)e corah. Iowa. When I begun using Kly a Cream Halm my catuirh was so bad I had headache itie whole time and diS' eborged a large amount of filihy malter. That bus ulmost entirely disHpj eare.l iindbave fad bud lieu'l- nciie acience.-j. SMjiiituers,U'piiiiey Couu. . i , .. turning rats The Anierivau people are rapidly becoming n rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: ulphouso Jlumpfling, tif L'utler, l'eiiu, swears that v. bin bis eon was spechless froni t. Vitus Dance Ir Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. I. Miller of Vulpnii aud. J.I. faolnr, of Iigansport, Ind each rained ill pounds it an taking 1L rlrs. Jl. A (iardiu r, of Viislulr fnd, was cure ol 40 to .) convulsions easy am much aendach, di.7.ness, bockui h and iien'fiia prnatiation 1T on" bottle. Trial bo 11 It ui.d lute Ixiek ol Nerrotts cures fi-eeat K. G. Fricke, & Co., who reconieuds this unequalled remedy. JULIUS I'F.PPKKIiKKG, BTAXsrAcrent or ass L'llCLEZILE 7.VJ r.ZTAIL . , . ' . f Xii.es irs CHOICEST HRANDS OF CIGAR3 rtLLi.issur TOBACCO AND SUUKtf.'l APT1CLII , , always in etosk riultOUlOUt?!, ."icbinisa iiunusaTow a hixxovri iuveh n. n. TIME TABT.TE.y OK DAILY l'ASME.Ui:- TKAt.NS CC1NG EAST V.. o I : III r N No. iu :.w a n. No. a 7 ;44 p. m Nil Hi V ; A a. in Nil, li Hi :I4 a. ii fu. M S JO a. n G01MG WEST N'ul,..- 1 M a. m u i, ft : f) p fi V. V, a m i. !. in. no. Sasp. m Xll. 'I. .. l, m. o. II a. m. VIXMUUl PAVIflC HAILWAY TIMRCAKn. !. SKI Aeaomo'laU'in Iravet . Nil 3i " rtiy. . Trains dslly fef pt 'umiav. l:Ma in, 4 ,M p. III. A 1'Oi'tl.Ait t AiilbT. jmr.: "How l It, Knte, that yon tlwnyi sw-iniii'mteiiim'tntiiiiutiw-wiiiiniir im h"((l.,um, you aiwuy. um u. gti .hd Rati: "! ! fc I rnini An nnk DuKeatir rx'i1l'in In Hint (lliverinn.1' Jlni : " tt el, dnrmit (b fewmnnlhs, fur iuiu1v, yuu liuio tukcu up iiituig, . ! "I a:- y-i, HWiVLCLi.V-liVa IT. 4 t - . . 1 1 . i . .i I " ..Vl'T. ' J c 1 " i.X -1' S ' '1 V. without any i'-n'-r i yu ranm ,,tml r m Win n lli bllmvu ili-x rli-il tier J iMirte iliu I' , tint Itvily, ana roriaiiny se uiv nil iinpn.v. iri in i'nnf im i'-r j"iir liKiru in n: I binrd ra tennis 'J iiinni Ume, -t eM-iniiK Unw kill (i'l'i in initiik- In hivliiK lUM't kil; toil II' p ml m-:ii t i ! up i'ii all the luti m ln, nnd iw j'i,t i. n.itl'i niit.,-r an t ,r iiuK,iij;- ; yuu ini'Tt: a iK-iintiiuiiy; snl in tno iiim nr'iil h ,ou ii lm' iiiicriitr,, to In I'l'iiilli.owlinr, yue r. ll ni''. to ymii li)k,i uli'iiilureeit'i-ii-s. wiion- do )'t'i ki t ail "f your iiiinniiaiKai fr.,:n in tl.w l ine eiii-ol lUeway Uu.-i lor rim n-'v.'r t"i lo llie ay." Kic: "iviiv, Jnime, j-nii will mnVs ms Ta n. I haviMMily rue ftnurti' of infoMiiiil Ion. lint it i surpr j.--i I"' it tii'i-ls an mil. 1 rerr wi.l loir t snjilaer n w l "t hnt tin- imi l,'i iliiji I ii ii if i.iB lull u. I' inikilun tin thn anli-t-u Hfs f Nol Hiiiriiiue I And a rroit tron-un- It Is to us all. fi r It ri'iliv furui-li'-s lis n;iii f r tne winds iiiwli'ii'l : luilirr linnitiK'n up in umiriiii'S tint lie lias tu"ll I'.r lears lit lie my ll.. otih irives ni'irv mil lelOT liririimi :-n nil llio miiij'i'is "t lim oayi uno hi' ili t a)i In it It m tlml Hint nuki-s 1 1 r m Ii n lutnous laiik'i-fH-r. In f " I, 'l H I urnfi Il'tit ll II tne only rilv rsn.r mni's ihii iii i n, f,ani a. :it for BBt'W "f If ' lliem. an t Uii'l lliatmie la all f,,r men. anotljer ail (.,r wnmen, and anollwr lor uuiun-n oiiiy. tins ens mils uviry one in vr; so wn imiv ni-,1 to lukuoiis ii'ia,i i'i -, n,i. mint tiat alii-oi lim evoni niv iiin.i-s In. I"i' II IS only .'.m yar. rrrhaf-s im II. ink I am too lav I In iry iei e; I I wiu " " oura. nr. M, r a'.wii'l III rents tn II e ,i.l II. In, r, W. Jrimi'in brannit, jut li't) Htnwf. New fork, 'or a aam;ils enpv. and I aliail alwars entuMer taal I hava done you a rn-at favor; and may bayou will lmltin us out, as yuu any wk havs inn repuiaiioa i rvtriar the bint informe,! family m Viwn. If that lt so. it li Ixuiuruit't lauiiijr llaifailns Uat du Iu" A fibera! oiler n1y Bfll fir thf: wi:i:ti.t hf.kald and Demorest Family Magar.ine, Send your eubscriptioil to this on ice. 1 -tAt'VJ I rr-.r-i-7 -oT I Everything to Furnish Your Kouse:,y I. PEARLMAN'S- -fliat HOUSE FURNISHING EHP0RI0B UaTin"- Tjurchaied the J, V. Main street where I am now er than ths it bavin" ft haft A nsUt of nevr goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline Eton and l'urnilurf fall lind. bold on the inetallment plan. as- WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Toll aud Complete line of 1 1 Drugs, Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS , , Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all IIouri. - i . M Liniment A Cure for the "Ailments, of Man and Dcast - i A lonj-tetted pa'rt relicter. ' ' ' . ' IU UaC lav a-nc:.t universal by the lloasewife, Uie Farmer, ths Stixk Raider, aad bjr, ever one requiring aa effectiTS 'o othT appliration comnrri with it in efficacy. ' f Tliia wrll-Vncwn remedy lu itood the tcU of years, avlmost e!,eralion. ' 6 medicine chert i complete without bottle of Wvitajco , Ljsihi.nt. ... . . i Occiicnj trisc for its oc almost every day. All dnig'uia fend ilealcrs hnvo it. i J T!!E POSITIVE CUP.K. j.'.A HECHKT SWIETIKS rr.MiiHis ii' rvius imuutiei (. si. 47 Mefiveiy Fiit.t-iiy iliUi. I, l, l I'tri,. p Xt (tl- l)l'M-k. Iiiua miiu'lua sre cunlt.i ly ml led m t '. C. VI, .hall. C. t'. ; U I'ev y, h. '' O V. w.. Msl (lrt nnit i; t eve ,liiK ef siv li l"irll iit'l, In HiK-kweeK hiix-k. Frank ern l, K fcueroule, llecordrr. ' 4 O I!. W No. l-Mi'lfeeonil sy. at i. 4 Kriilav ei lii! In His niimih i ;:.- K. ;an.lM W, hall in lliii kW'Kiil Mock, K.J. lIuiKan, t", f. ltr'iii, Kinier, IJUY4I. f K J lAM-lVi :i ncll No ! Met at llie K, f e Hail In III" raimeir r..u 1.1..1, ,.r llHrlirlt A llllH. lln hrvihren tnvlled Henry llerol.l, Itegeul . llms Hallli'K. SecreioiT, 04SS I.OIMiK. Nil. IMI I.O.I). K. ri.ir.tji ct r Tuemlay nliilil si Ib'tr hH I" ilrrall llo-k. All Odd Felless ars cordially Uivlmd n ariMKI lill ilii,. il tS," S!. i i'.'rj N. I.S. W, Undue. Secretary.! JUKE SIINKLLISACKEU. Wifoi and Blarkimltb thus ' Wsgsn, Buggy, Machine snd plo Repsirin doss HORSE.-MIOKINO A BPECIALTT n ja?s 'ba NEVERSLIP EORSESHOI : ".'biibi tb Ut horseshoe for ; farmer, or for fa.t ilri vinii. or for rj: j , purpoies ever inrented. It ts an nit. ; . that anyone clo put op sharp uf 1 (!orks, as needed for wet snd slipp Inja, ur smooth, dry roads. C'alK hs shop snd examine the MtVklisi; f ' tnd you will Ue no otliet. '' J. II. FHNEI.LnACKEIU 12 North Fifth St. PUttsnmut1, ,j " Scientific AmprlcaC; Agency for,1- IS THAvE WAriVS, r ' --4 OMIflN PATINIi '"fjU'1 COP.R10MT8, !. 9t-r Irf-ifrriail' a arnt liw H.'."l1,vv, wt.'t In ........... . . K,M,na Mi - m i,,. - - - -- , i riiut l,nn.atl UNIinm patllU in ASll-t a. fc 1 ! rj t''nl liaen can lif ! l,riairlil I- "' ' I ll.-liubl.v bjaa-,l!ino liaaut Uia-S "i i--t ficutifif BfricaiiS' Tjrrt Hnsiiatinnnf siTSrtentld' paper In V 4 w.irlil. Splim-liillr IHil.lralt'l. hn I'JJ1',; ' it ,i ai n.,.niii. Adilr,a 11 1 1' ruuujuiMi. JU Uruausu.liaw Iwik. n- ' -AT- 110DERSJ- "Weckbach store room on soatk located can cell goods cheap jt put m the largest block I. PEARLMAN. Paints, and Oils. ustang Mt..lrs T!!E POSITIVE CUE, hiM b V: