The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 01, 1891, Image 1

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    sudden Deaths.
nurt iVn-uai-e IS Ii V la1" tl
" F.V f r:iiite of midden
' 11 (i n I llircf out of four
I - on 11
" tli
NUMMft 7.
1FT1L VKAll.
i f t m n f 1 w a A r ti ii r cr a n n i h h w i ur
P. V
All Experts Use
Royal Baking Powder
Perfect and uniform succors in making fmc:;t fond is
more certain with Royal Uakir-i; Powder than with any
Other. Use it in every receipt calling for a baking
powder, or cream cf tartar and soda, and the best
results in pure,- Vhotasonv. appetizing food arc assured.
Experts use it because ii add; to their success. - Physi
cians and Health Officers recommend it because it adds
to the wholcsomcncss of the food.
: the r.cyr.I Baking Powder a J
introduction into my kitchen'-
Mvhion;: "Tr-.r
the best in the r.uri.ct. i:
I have used r.o ether."
Miss MaIUA Pahloa: "It rccrns to me that the Royal
flaking Powder is a; good as r,ny can be. I have used it a
great deal and always with Mti.ifuc'.inn."
MltS. BAKER, Principal cf Washington, D. C, School of
Cookery: "I say to you, without hesitation, use the 'Royal.'
I have tried all, but the Royal is the most satisfactory."
M. GoujU, late Chef, Dclmonico's, New -York: "In my use
of Royal Baking Powder, I have found it superior to all others."
A. FORTIN, Chef, White House, for Presidents Arthur and
Cleveland: "I have tested many baking powders, but kr finest
food can use none but 'Royal.'"
Call a Holt.
It in no wonder that people throw
down their papers in di.Jgusl when
they nee the pcrmnnl ubiinc thai
liial.H ilH way into home ot our
dailies. For instance the oft re
pealed word "idiot;;" in yesterday
Journal in at) editorial eanie frotti
one of those clirM' hardened brains
that hus ii'.'vt'r Itii't-vn the vain'- of
(Liferent words. A man's language
in t"Xir-K!-i e of 1 1 i h character and
none hut fool would heap an ex
pression upon hi neighbor that he
would not hnvf said of himself. I
no wonder that the Courier Journal
swooped down upon tin detainer
of men and en lied him it reliel. lie
li bels iie.siinnt every good and fair
mined cili.cii in Cans county whih
the hums go mot free. If he had
the lirst ni'ii of eonimon de ency
he'd hunt his d"'i mi l shut hininelf
from j i.blic idieule.
lie is a public pauper that prate-'
up and diuvu the streets demand
ing his dues. Truly enn it lie ciiid,
"whom he feare'h liccli.'istcnclh and
scourge every one lioiti whom lie
received!." X
DtSt yi D
being CuIIi'tU'i
section- 'flie
1 Ceo. Vim and then Christmas.
For ladies' line kid shoes and
pChrixtniaH slippers, go to Joseph
f, FcUer's. '
d ' - ' '
You ran ret the heat of hand-
ml nliocs 01 loscii
t . .1 I. nml uluii'u nt fnsenh
IIKIIH IJVIJ 11. ...... " " "
t Vrtwr'a.
,i The SchildUnerht fhoc house linn
'5he very lineet line of men' tdioen
. .Vrfie city.
court lioue
Vans and the
i'herc will he an oynter Hiipper nt
if'. M. I' church, on Sixth ntruet.
i fiuroday eve, Dec. 3; hIko other
I IreHhmentH, nnd table of nrticlen
KvcrylMidy invited.
if you want n fine
Met ng of A'jrl?ulmrl Sooieiy.
The rej-ular ineetinof the iirn-
S'Rle Teiichm' A'iointion .
We are under ohliatiouH to
Supl. Nohle for the aiinouucemeiit
nml eonmh'te nroirrani ( die
tveuty-fixth iinnual wicetin; of the
Nehra-ka Hta'i: teacher aHi'oeiation
t he held at Lincoln, December '
:ki and ::t, lN'.d.
The program id quite lcnulhy.
The fuhjeit. covering: nearly
every !ciiirt incut of educational
work, are an ined to Home of the
foreiuoct educatoiH in the htale.
cultural Hociety will be held t the , notice that Mip .V, ,ie pre
ofnee of I'red Corder, Saturday, I'""-" " I '
IWomhrr n. nt 2 oVlock. I. III., fof . VWHHI. me prouiicion .o mm
the purpose of electing olficerH
I. K. VAM.KkY,
David Mii.i.ek, rr-iilent.
A con of Mr. M. D. runner, n
merchant of, N. C. wan ho
badly ii filleted with rhcumntixni for
a year or more, im to be unable to
... i. ... . ... ,.!.. ...I u;u I ,i,..r
conclude! to try flV.iiilicrliiiii,nPPortu",t,-" w,u
I'nin IImIih on the bos It noon ' obtain ideart lidill
pred on the afternoon of December
iU I'rof. George Ilimlley, jf Weep.
I injr Water, openH the clincucHion )ii
IheHtibject, " The American College
vh. the Old World Higher Kduca
tiiinal IiiftitutioiiH."
l:very pro;renHivc teacher hhould
attend thii meeting, an excellent
be offered to
I'ducatorH of
ST- ...
fi.or nine
- d r .ii...,,...
J it-iiiirnirn, .......
t drx fhoe, it can be hud ut Schild
J kiVhte. '
w The ntock ot irrocrrleH n Tetf r
ien'ii old ntand wiil bt- nohl nt re
duced pricen to nntiffy inortaKe
of Firnt National bunk, and anyone
neeL- -oodrt will nave money by
call . th bl ntand. Kenirm
bert..e ntock in Irenh and complete.
Come in for baraiiiH in potatoen.
Dour, Klanaware, chinawarc nnd
crockery. Opera Grocery.
outfit to energetic men. Several of
our mlenuieii liavo earned from $7U
to f PJO n week for vearn tmnt (it
. I', (), Hnx'UTl. New York.
Tr rci rnn fne the famous Itlunh
of Wohch with the many worthier
raintn, powder, cream nm! ivliu-li arc lloodiner tin
inniket. Get the jrenuine of your
drucKint, (. II. Snyder, 7a cent per
bottle, nnd I jjuarnnlee il will re
move your pinqih h, frccklen, black
lieadn, moth, Ian and Hiinluini, and
give you n lovely complexion. 1
Gentlemen, if you hanker nfler
Flyn'n Flexible Fine Fancy Fitting
Footwear, Sehildknecht ban the
truck. "
Why will yon coupjh w hen Shi
loh'acure will ivc immediate re
i lief. Trice ID Ctn., fV) ctn. od $L
For mile by F. (i. Friel r & Cc
Pur, buekwheut flour (or ale nt
neiKrl'n mi II. tl
Oynlern, i
i Cranbrrrirn,
Mince Meat,
) Sweet Cider,
i Nutn,
nd manv other nlcp thinirn for
Tour Tlmnkngivinjr dinner can be
baa at jikn.-mbi i ivin.
cured him nml he haw nil walked ' experience and prominenee. Kr
one nml n half milen to nchool nn.l j d d j ofIerwl oi ttU
back every nrhool day. W) cent bot-1 ... ... . .
tie fornale by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
Author Ornlval.
?ee the followina; lecrlplivc
booths nt Kockwood hall, Thurndny
and Friday evening Dro. 10 and 1J
"The Snow Cave," "Lalalt Kookh,"
'Old Curioniiy Shop," Chrintman
Party," Maud Muller," nnd "The
IlanRinn Garden. A very enter
t lining program of munte, rccita-
tioiin und tableaux m nlno under
preparatioit. Kefrenhtnent will be
nerved in the "id ntyle nml tlie new.
AdmUaion ccntn. 2t
The lnwn of hi-altli nre taught in
thenchooln; but not in a way to be
ii,n.-l, uriiel ieiil lienelit anil lire
I nev. r illu-itraied by liviugexninpb'H
d j which in many canea niiirt.i eanily
Ik! Hone, it Mini: ncnoiarn, woo
had jiiHt contracted n cold, wan
l.r.uii.lii nefore tlie nchool. no that
lilt could hear the dry, loud coull I
ntiil know itn niLTililicaiice: nee me
i i in u- i i! couiniLr on if (iiiL'iu-
and latter, an the cold developed,
the leadinir hotels nnd one and
one -third fare for the round trip in
offered on oil railroads. :
llllti i.iiier, iin t.,i', .,
iti. t.rnfiiKi! wntcrv rxneftora- ntivra. all (if ivl.oiil have the rvm
nun nun inn, mini; "y "'"- pinny ot our people
III III lin: ,n , w"v ... -
would ever foriret what the firnt
A Suldan Death.
Our renders willUoubtljbe
nhoi ked to hear that Leonard
Fornhoff, living on Fifleentli and
Main ntieetn, dropped dcail lat
eveiiinir. It niiueam that he bad
been working all day and wan
apparently in perfect health, lie
hail been in the room but u few
momenta when be appeared to
recognize that he had but few inor
tniniiten to live anil remarked to
the member of the family that he
would havct J bid them good bye.
No nooner had be uttered thene
wordd than he expired.
The deceand had been n resident
of thin city for about fifteen yearn
and wan highly rejected by all
who knew him. He leaven a wife
and Hcveral children nnd other rel-
Thi Ciovf-niirnnl Sxminritlon
D'ikii'U Powder-'fluyn) omc.-ial-y
T' fn ir lfl purs.
The report of the Government
iiiialyMH, aHTade public from time
to time in the ollicial repurtn. form
U-tcful niibjecu for Ktildy. A great
ileal of attention in devoted to the
examination of balling powdern.
aiid vi i y propel ly m, lor tin y are
articlen of eiu ial une.and many of
them being no L'roi-ly adulterated
nil ixMsihlc information nhould be
give i to eiiabl. coimumern to din-tin-uirtt'
between the good and the
bad. J
A largeiiuuiher of thene article
bcc'M i'ualyid. thcMimpli
I from de ib'M in all
impunltc found
wile priniy'ipMl.y ill u m mi 1 linn
both iinvf!' kmiic. The alum ii
iHed in place of cream of tartar
lieeaiiHe of itM low cost. The lime,
both tartrate and t-uiphale beiu
found, iv.ih pri hi'ii, froiu the iire ol
improperly reliued ereaui of tar
tar. Tlie an ily.-tM fiiund and reported
the K'oyal Caking l'owder to be
pure, free from lime, alum mid
piioHplialic acid, and of hili
leavening nuength. A complete
inalyxiH would iiudoiibtedly have no ba'tinir tiowder excel)!
the K'oyal cut in ly free from come
one of tliene objectionable i ii; re
el itn t Thin, we presume, ne
cnuntn for the la -k i f lenvening
tiowder in the other iniwdern, an
nometiini'H complained of by tin
cook, iii.d the hitler tat le found in
the biriiMiitu no frequently com-
plninc 1 of by ournclvt
The reanotm for the chemical
purity of tin- Ifoyal H.ikiag l'owder
were recently niveu in the New
York Time, in an interesting
criiition of a new method for relni-
ing nrgoln, or crude cream of tartar. it in only under tliir-
proceHM that cream of tartarcan hi
freed from the lime natural t it
and rendered chcmfeaHy pure; that
the patentn and plant for thin cont
the KoVal liakiuir l'owder Comiiauv
-about half a million dollar, and
thaLthey inaiutaiii cxclunive con
trol of the ritrhtn.
Thin ollicial recoiruition of the
Diiritv nnd value of the Koval llak-
inir l'owder by the Government will
. . . r
1 ' UUfl, iM 'i"ft wide popularity
ol in it article, anu ueHcrveiny aw
tVll l AliL AM) WIMTU SlCck . ,
- - OF - -
Zaadics Furnisliings
13 TTovt Ooraplot-3 in all Dpartmont3,
uitKss (.onus
We nre nhowinga lintidnoiuc line of
A full line of coloring, nnd blacks.
Stock complete and iricen lower
than ever.
A good Ladies Jerny vent nt 2."c.
Ladies fine Jersey vent and pants is
white or natural grays at !30c each
Ladies natural Gray Wool Veftaanfl
'antaat50u Kegular 73e undea-
Full lines of Lndies Fine wool
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal and black. '
Complete lines of Child's tindea
wear in natural, scarlet nnd whila
ut prices as low us the lowest.
,VK never fliown go largo aline in this tleptirliucut.
c cill np33ial attorition to our hrg) a-nortment of Ileeferi
Militury and Hip Coat t-hapej trimmed with Mink, fc'ca Astracha,
Mull'iloon and Coticv furs.
Our line of Pltn-h Sacnucs aro chenper than titv before. FuD
incs of Children!) and Misses Cloaks and Jaekets.
Santa Claune,
Geo. Van.
Hviuntnmn of a cold were
ncliolar Bliouiii men ne given
Chamberlain'n Cough Remedy free
iv. ihatull miu lit net! that even n
nevere cold could be cured in one
or two days, or nt leant greatly miti
gated, wnen properly ireairn un
noon an the firnt nymptoms nppenr.
Thin remedy U'f.imotta for it'a
rurei of cough, colds und croup.
It U itirtff i.Mnpeeiiitl V for tllCHP
lieane and is the moat prompt nnd Archers
. . .ni:i.l 1 1..: ... l,wu.t I .
iMini uiiiiiic i.imii.infc m..
the purpone
in their hour
of bereavement.
The interment will take place
from the German Piesbylciiun
church toinurrow uftcrnouu ut
'i o'clock.
Potic Court.
The uttatbnieiit caac of th! Con
nolidaled Collec Co. VH. KanintlH
Pelerncn wan brought up in Judge
court to-lay. Judgment
Z'lC'7JZynr '"r ?23 rendered In favor of pluintitl
50 cent bottle for Bale j ..... ,, i ,i,
by F. G. Fricke It Co., druggiala.
Call on the Tucker Sinters In the
Kherwnnri hlmk for bariraina in
p later lla
Have all kinda of
dried fruits, Apple butter, home
made Sorirhum niolasne. pearl and
Snow Hake hominy, Cryntal ncr,
friiilM mid vrtretutiles
banned meats and finh, everythiujr
o. A'ie kept by a firnt clana grocery.
! J have lieen a great sufferer from
catarrh for over ten yenra: hail it
very biul, could liarlty Lrearne.
home nights I could not hleeo nnd
f,. to wnlk the lloor. f purchaned
J ly'u C'reniu Ilnliil mid Hill Uning it
frr. iv. it lit working a cure surely.
I !sve advised nevernl friends to
i; it, and with happy renulls in
every cane. It is the medicine
Bbove all oilier tor catarrn, aim u
U worth its weibt In gold. I thank
Gyt I havo found n remedy I can
unit witli safety and that doea nil
Unit is claimed for It. It In curing
my deafness. H. W. Sperry, Hurt
' lord, Conn.
Out f the neweat and brightest
lines of
FluiVGoodi, Ttji. Dolli. UoTuUl.i, Eto-
rr tk HnlMky trsd that ht ba
md la tows lor jvmtt.
Which was bought enrly In tne
aeanon from some of the
Which gunrnntees you the pick of
the market and at prices
for which wc
nre noted.
Jhc LciL'esf in ihs Country .
by default. Also n decision in the
cane National crncaer co. vs. k
Petersen. for$il.l0 waa rendered
Lloyd If ilson and wife returned
lant evening front Davenport, la
here they have been visiting for
several weeka.
Mina Harriet Fulnier went to
Denver on the flyer this moruiug
Mrs. L. F. Itritt returned last eve
ning from Huntings, where she has
been viniting a few duyn.
Several tcaina have been em
ployed a greater portion of the day
trnunferi ing the lientirg nnparatus
from the M. P. depot to the court
Ths t oblls I "rlliillv lnvtu-4 tolr.ict aur
t.t, ncunB,rr.
A meeting of the W'.C T. U.
called for Wedncud.iy nfternoon nt
the N. 11. church nt Jl o clock.
county eonvenliou will be held, if
denired, in this city. All interested
in temperance work ure requested
to come and aid in this work by
nsttaasath ' tbeir prceence. Skcketahy.
Uncle Tom's Cabin ot the Water
man to-night.
Wanner und fair weather, say the
signal flags.
Dr. Livingston departed thin
morning for the went.
J. I- Mathews left for Omaha thin
morning for a few days' visit with
Mim Tony Kennler returned from
the Illiilfs lant evening, where the
has been attending school.
I. M. Muir will move hii slock of
municiid iroods into the building
recently vacated by H. A. McKlwuin,
in the Kiley block.
Shorthand nnd typewriting col-
le ne over Mnjer'n clothing ftore.
Day iiihI infill nennionn. iiuaiioim
guaruiilL'tU to ull cuiupcieiusiiiu-
tuts. ti
Do not fail to witnens the rendi
tion of Uncle Tom's Cabin to-night
bv one of the oldest und most
firmly established companies in
Km- iitiln In the stomnch. colic
and cholera morbus there is
uithinir liell.-r tli. in Cliauiln'rlain's
Colic unoiera ana innrrnora
Remedy, ror nine oy r. w. rricse
A Co., druggist.
A dispatch in this mornings
World-Herald from Norfolk stales
that John Koenigstcin, mayor of
that city, makes a tempting propo
nition to that or any other city to
build, equip und operate a bett
suersr factory. He slates that an
exuerienced and able eastern com
pany hail nuthorucd hitn to make
the tironoHiliou. Here is nn excel
lent opportunity for some live town
to make an artrresnive move
Which one will It be?
To-night at the opera hoime enn
be seen the original Macon & Mor
nan's "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co," in
thcirgreat rendition of Mrs. Stowc's
great tory. They carry special
acpiierv for every net iu the play
nnd piny the drama In its entirely
t .,-.1,1 tli. ori'dnal inanuKCi tt as
unitized bv Geo. 1 Aiken un
firnt produced in Troy, N. Y.
iKalt A thoroughly first class per
formnnce of Uncle Tom's Cubin Is
well wortk seeing.
Headquarter for Everything in the line f
Pinnoimo, wvrv AND BR0NZ1
Repairing of FINE WATCHES n Specialty
und nil Work Warranted.
33. Ji. MI'EL'VT-IIT,
415 Main Streot,
-f is.P? --i".: ' v: V
Plattsmouth, Nob
Poju Coin.
Wc notice from neveral of our ex
changes that different parts oi
this and adjacent ntates nre literal
flooded with spurious coins, nn
coins ore principally of fifty nnd
ten cents pieces nnd from nil out
side nppcarnncea arc genuine but
by scruitinuing them curcfully the
difference cun be dctecteu. iins
nef irious work wns begun in Kan
sas City. Mo, but recent develop
ments Indicate that it is oeing
carried on extensively in this state
The latest detection of the crime
waa ot Beatrice lant Saturday which
consummated In the arrest of sev
eral parties of whose guilt positive
proof enn be obtained. Four orrests
were also made at Cut-off Island
near Omaha the fore part of the
week and thelrconviction is certain.
It haa been figured out by secret
service officers thnt not less than
fyo.tXiO of this spurious coin is in
circulation in this state. It mny Dc
well for our merchant to be on
their guard.
ror line.uooia htu nnocs k hi
oseph Fetzer, Main street, between
'ourth nud Fifth streetn. tf
Those wishing to purchase Chlsl
mas presents, either decorntive or
useful, will do well to nee tho bazar
table at Rockwood hnll. Thursday
und Friday evenings December 10
und 11. m 2t
The comity conimimloners. Geo.
Vuss and the court bouse clock.
Home Vminiliiesml HUlvl.n
u, .(In III nml 11 K it i i
Il.irtn'i'i M.itf t in" lii' l
H i im i 'it IIhI r Hurt IIkh I.
Ilnriirr Wri-kly biiii iikkai.ii
town Mittn l uIikt nml IlK.Ktl.n
VVleru Kuidl anil Ukkalu
.. -I
... 4 m
... i m
... J
. ..
It hhould be In Evory House.
t n v;i.i. 371 Cl.iv St.. Sharos
burg, Pa., says he will not be wits
out Dr. rung s lew discovery nm
Consoniilion, Coughs und Colds,
that it cured his wife who was
threntened with Pneumonia sfte
.L ..f r.i" uhfs
111 llliuin - --" " f 1 T
various other remedies nnd several
physicians had done her no good.
Robert Unrber, of Cocknport, Pa,
claims ur. rung a nrw iscoTrry
hus done him more good than anj.
thinir he ever used for I.ung
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try ii
Free trial bottles at iricse m
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 60
ana li.uu.
An hfinKt Rd trtla ttfa
Im rittiltl l.llt linmtalakalil lam.
guuge for the lienelit of the publta.
One of my children took a severe
cold and got the croup. I gave bar
a teusnoonful of ChaaiberUin
Cough Remedy, and In five minutes
lutes 1 gave her one more. Jiy this
time the had to cough up the
gathering in the throat. Then sh
went to sleep and slept good for
titteeii minutes. Then she got u
and vomited; then she went bacs
to bed and slept good lor the r
mninner of the night. She rot the
croup the second night and I gavs
ber the same remedy with the nam
food results. I write this because
thongltt there might be some on
in the seme need and not know tk
true merits of this wonderful medi
cine. ClIAk't-KH A. TllOMP81!n
Des Moines, lows. t0 cent btU
ier ssls by V. ti. Fricke Co.
f -