The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 29, 1891, Image 4

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    2 V"
emr 1
lr..iii.'uiu.t i.i.iiiLii i,( i tu n. h,
Cm. on Tri.l In ihe Di.irirt Cor. t
Tti. .!. I..... i
, " "f" con-timed tr J
i n ir u r:iMit i... i . . . t
,.7 : . ii"iici iro.ii it Orci-non
rendered in th county tourt. Some
time -in,-., tl.H ,-,. v r.,.,rt ibi-id-l
trains Hie claim Jud-e; Sullivan
aKau.Mt tli- city the. c-Ke i.
aPIled to the dititrict conn
on . writofi rror. It win probably
t dmponed of to-day. J
, ' Polio. Court.
A motion todiHiiiifHauatkliiiif1'
wax 'iru.-.l bef ire Jud - Ar-",r
to-day in the cawe Oswell lta r
ra Ariimrornr. h appear' that
nil? tie tcndurii baa lin St?-"''!"
biirder for the Vancniirt KocW ('..
nttfl l lie plaintiff fjar.niih.-e.l tin
bnrd lulu n iib a vii- f collect
"inj;n fciii to the iuuut of 7M I
Contracted by U'tVnd"iit lr K""'
purchased Hie c )itr over ruled the
motion, -4
A cimplaiit made a,:iiiit
ChniM -Sin-cK. proprietor ot in
Cioldcii Gate iloon, for keeping 1 -
filace optril la'ter titan the lawlui
lottr. ,tle plead guilty ami wa
finetl and enst-t anioiintin i t
$ J.IK). Upon the payment of the
amount he wan re s mod.
County Court.
Edwnrd O. . VanaUa vc. Plattx
tnonth KUctrlc l.ilu Co. "'t '"r
f I.I XXI damuL't'H lor alb-yed breach
of coulrict. 'ilearitiir on deiiinnei
to Hecond and loiinh ilelen-'e-i M
plainlilf canee of action and on
motion to make defendant' third
defence more fpeeilic. drlinile an I
certain. Demurrer and motion
St. Croix Shoe Co. v. Reed I?ro..
Co. Suit on account for 1M.
Annwer, December 7, I'.)!.
I'liillip Jacob vh. Noble Sewing
Marhine Co. et al. Demurrer to
petition overruled.
K. G. D vey A Son v. Sherman
G. Knee et nl. Suit en .iccount for
Hearing, Nocii;bcr JO, 1U
a. in.
Hatex A Co. vh. K.inmm I'elrr
en et nl. (Icfi'iid.itit.-',. and
Firn .Nalional Hank of IMatlH
tiioulh. garnii-hee. Anower ol
pariiinhee taken, hhoiuu mort
trage lien for f 1 4'.Kto, and probable
amotuit ol 'ool held under mort
jjiige about j:i,."ji.
Ackland Salisbury V8. W. H.
Deariii. Action lo coutcft ly re
count of ballot, election of deleud
ant, clerk of the diMr.ct court,
kelurn day, December , fJl.
George Krienn vh. William Tighf.
ut, blienif ol Cand county, by re
count of ballots.
Sloan, JohiiHon A Co. th. Chn.
Clutter. Suit on account for
, December 7, lJI.
A Co. vn. Charled
?I. h. Smilll & to. va.
Clutter. Suit on account for $''AJ.7;t.
Answer, December 7, Is'Jl.
Fred Shrader vh. KaHimn Peter
frn. Suit on account. Default of
defend mt entered. Judgment ior
plamlitf for f-'7.
Moline, Milburn. Stotldard Co. vh.
E. Wilev. Suit on note. Judgmeut
by confeiieion for f 110.
Slate of Nebraska vs. Charlee
Norton and l-'rank Jackman. Com
plaint for breaking anil entering
liouie and Htealini; therefrom pro
peity of the valuf of iZl.". On
In the matter of the laat will and
teetam 'tit of Jamea M. Chalfant,
leceaHcl. Will adtnitteil to pro
Late and letters tcelamentary in-
ued to lauiea ?l. l'attereon, exec
In the matter of the entate of
George Walrndt, ileceiineil. Hear
ing oil claim. Iiecree for pay
. nient.
Santa Clauee,
Ceo. Vas.
Have all kinl4 of
dried fruita, Apde butter, home
made Sorghum molassen, pcnrlnnd
Snow liake hominy, Cryatal rice,
canned fruit mil vertablea.
Canned meals nnd li-h, everytliiiijf
l.c kept by a firHt clan grocery.
Dr. Denrin id in the city on busi
ness to-day.
Tfaa Tin t'arrot a Bad rnaaor
A friend of mine once had a Roreon
African parrot, a bird ao ban lo.n9 and
ao accompli.she'l that everybody pitted
Mm, lit so rare u wo hel l out a lump
of iur, a Lit of fruit or caudy with
"Ilere, Pally! Pretty Polly? want aome
weetier he wool I dart hii bead aiids
and nav.vely nip nut the lump of tuar
tut the fiura that hel l it. It teemed
to rotwe all hi wont temper to feel that
fce wan obliged to receive the gift from
ne who bad the power to withhold it.
I bare often fancied that if reincarna
tion is a possibility, that parrot bad
been one of the jaluuJ and venal aouhi
aome poor Innocent bad taken for
friend, and from whom a wound bad
teen received Dot iu the finjen, bat in
tb heart. Mn. Frank Leslie.
Wma IMr la Ko;lftd.
"In Great DriUin," aaid Dr. Elltabetb
Cackwell, "otir aeventy-tbrea re?1trej
women doctor are few compared with
the three tbouaacd in the United BtaW.
Yet with the nine ttn lenta in oar Ion
ian acaool and the addition of tha Edin
korgb daaoea aixl Uia fact that the Ulaa
gow Medical college baa lately opened
ita d'wra to women, clearly indicate tiiat
tha movement baa taken sturdy irrowth
In our con ti try, and when our
work h bein carrii-d on for forty yeara
there U every probability that our Brit
iidi woman doctors will eqnal nnmerically
oar kiuafolk acroM the water."
As with One Vole.
"And Dow, children," remarked the
nnday school snperintendent, as be
Lnaight hU review of the lesson to a
close, "if the boy who honors bis fiUher
and bis mother is to dwell long In the
land, wbt my conclude at to the
koy who iloes notT
"lie Un't la It," renponded tb cbil
lrn, with on vole. Chicago Triboua.
Marin's ling In WlnilKir tfiii
w lb Unary ffutt ol gtataly ljin
ttioui lupraurd luftlcu
Wonw Mb VUIImI It.
The Scotch moors, ns 1 avr th
July, rn ulremly fiiilinj; in my un
into n Mift linnnoniuiu luitilin u
nt Hti'l Rrwii. fur the beather w'
yet purple; but fl) mm c'HUiit the
vt a U""jutii!i fivulet tii.ulilin on tin
Mcky rny, or turned mure Vivid tli lu
teu jjeii of tlxfe jiatches of venlnre
Hi the of the brown of the hfall.t r,
r!:::-h e tliinic tivtii an unnatural wiiei
urtiit.t who paint in the lii'hlituds tr.itix
fer tii' in to civ&van. Thrs lii.'li lit,'ht
stay by one vrtea the bills and nil the
ordinary fi-atiir-i of tiiat cliurtuin i t
lutnl melt Into thediiainest of in tuorie.
One of tlie; ttiiiini. r'H lltll lilita w
tt vi -it to tae prri' juiv ,te liiftitl
ut WitiiUor, 1 iloti't Kiiow what red tii
uml lol: W'Hitiii' mill diplomatic ri fe r
erice it t'Hilt to (; t t't" permit. I only
know tiiat the tiioiipitful American girl
who reui.-tnlxTi''! me mid mi'le me one
of the four who wi-re to iavad'i liie
Men-1 ireeineLifoiifi-rr-J lune'n i!-.'t-ur
ou tne, ami rvi-u t!;ot;!i v;e rT" nil mi
r.ii-.ij l i itit'-d ia what tmnnv, it v.-.n Ini
tijaii, w ;m it not, to U) uVli0hlcd to gj
where few enter?
We l;)iliel npm t!i lir-rl of common.
er v!i i fiie I by im in tlie wake of the
cicerone-, wim every hour take thru::
of hilit-em throuli the main part of
V iniior castle, 'i in-ir baliiln were red
with Laedilarc, 1 t:t we lofujy ijrriored
piiileiniok'H for one day.
There were Imt three bi'h liht thvrn
to reliiettilier. Olie wan General lior
doti'n lit! le. U-fore wbicb I roall have
knelt, for it whk tiie well worn book of a
Soldier who took it the teuled field
an Ins companion.
There in no ini-t.uin a b xk th.'.t liai
own read, th'; Very way it lien op-ti, the
iuvUible murk of reverent i d liu'i M,
the color of tae paji.-r which tne o;ien air
It disturb"'! mo to it In a liid-on
little u'l.oi ca -et nil ornatm nt itiori an 1
Very Gnu in it way, 1 aupiKe. ,
and taking many poual out of th"
hero' t-it t' pocket, who jj-ivo it tn th . ,
qtvsi, but n inappropriate to t'no him- i
pie life of that heroic aoul, that martyr j
to the mistake of hi country.
The second bi'i bht ri tne q'tw-a n
own domicile wax the view from the
xtate drawing room window of the
avenue ttretchin mile and mile nwny.
It wa kuimy and bright, for aomu far
Luck En-lh rovereign or bis wise gar
dener b:il, perhap, eviib-ntly In-lieved
that with a!I hi prwvion ta'-re wa
nothing quite equal to the God Kivenone
of cunshine, and ko there was a wi le
trip of the reviiest turf in tiie world on
tither aide of the drive. There were no
parterres, no fountain! or statue, mui
ply this broad open ap-ce, where ber
tnajeRty could walk or drive for mile,
bidden by the forest tree on either tide
from the Rtaritu eye of the public.
The third bi'h li'ht in those drearily
maiiiGcet.t palace coiiJor wa. the life
tiie modeling of thequi-eu and the priuje
convrt, made eime bi death. The
marble waa scarcely pure enough to
represent a jierftrt un ideal of wifely
love as any aculptor ia ever likely to
Kive. The ipieeu'i face tnrne 1 toward
ber hnsbaiid reveal the nt most devotion,
the iiuw-t tender entreaty, a the lean
against biin implorin; linn not to leave
her. Whoever bus not understood wifely
aloration before must ?o away from
this exquwite exemplification of it with
anew knowledge of wliat it possihilitiei
are. 1 do not even know if it i u
uil.din. I only know that, intract
able, cold and iuexpreviive m marble
i snpiiowsl to be. it iipeaks i.l the face
and attitude of t'ae qnen as u paiutiuj
I n-nieml)er to have neen.
1 wish I ronl I f uch penuine ad-
mirutiou of the prince, but be W iu E rr-
.nil. IV) bandmime, i"j far away. Ui
head U t inn-1 quitii frotD bi t wife, au l
ns Khe clings to him be coldly jkiiuU to
distant latid.
so tkacz or HOME.
There wa nothing else iu the ror
eous room that tay by me. There
lu-eiiied to me miles of corridors, draw
ins rtH-m, little and bi;.': dining roo:n
and iKiu loirs, all glitter and glow. The
cnnl ilt end orni'.hi, tnarble and onyx,
gloss of aatin and rich atnffs, the dazzle
of Imuinons glax, jiervadisl the entire
suites of atiariment. We ketit looking
f..r Kine riKiin where there luixht be a
trace of bomelineiui.
We longed to bee a workbaxket, even
If her mujesty doe'm't do needlework,
and a Killing room where there oiilit be
an ordinary writing desk, bookcase
with some well thumbed volume or a
chair an American rocking chair even.
In which a loving woman bad rocked
ber babies to sleep.
Th doors were closed on the qneen'
ami prince consort's bedroom, but In
genious inquiries caused the old house
keeper to give op their secret. Ther
was no difference. They lived in there
in taV and I began to think my child
ish idea that kings and queens slept in
their crown waa not far wrong. Eliza
beth li. Cuxter in New York bun.
Chun for a Rnk
Mrs. De Fashion Is Mrs. Do Style at
Servant No, mam.
"Will she be hack soon, do yon tbickr
"No, mum; she'll bo away all day, I'm
thlnkin. Ye see Tve given her notice,
an' she's gono out ter find a gnrrel good
enongb, ter fill tny place. Yet uiinht
come in an rt y'raelf. There's none o'
th' family home to talk ye to death."
Njw York Weekly.
A rUlabU Cm.
Judge What is the charge against
this man?
Policetnsn lie stolea street car horse.
JudgeI willdecide tomorrow whether
toiv iid him toaloimtio asyloia or
poorliooie, Uuod XSews.
...- l: 1 .... I f .ti
aejioeruieiy, nn jou uii, uu'i u; i uiun
Wjfc a siinplu thins liks tint! The
it t.t . V - i . 1 ..'..II
id g Ii'a jx-i feclly ridiculodi!" a would-
ue-inart youiit; lady unclared to a
tniiroa with whom kIib wait oil very iuU:
Ulale ieiiua.
''Wbit would you do, my Jutr?" mid
the other.
. . . .. ii
"uor waa ina repiy. i wouin eep
f till if I didn't know, and not fraukly
confer my 1,'norance.
"Well, that' where you and I differ,"
lutid the elder lady. ! never expect to
gee the time when I will be too old or too
wim) to ler -iuie new tiling every day.
I think, of h.I the folllin iu life, the laoxt
fooliitii folly u to think on hoiild know
verytbhi. I have frequently beard
elderly men, with a freat leputation for
wisdom, le lare that they of ten felt
humiliated when they fabled bo.V littll
tliey knew. I anre yon, my dear, thitt
if your life M upan-d until you are three
quarters of a century old, you will often
find yourself coven-d whii humility at
the thiti'," von don't know. The wisest
way u to le.ini early in t'aat no ha
man bein' tan know ever) tiling; there
fore, never U' too ully or tni proud ti
u-i what yon vi:d to know, i;n I frank'
to confi your i iioraiice of llnu;; with
which you are not familiar. Not imi.I-i
eroii will re-p ct you Jen for it, (ind
wi-- jieip,,. wi.l value jour opinion
mm a more wln-n tia y tin 1 that your nU
ter.uii i lire l).i-- iiNo ta iun! lit.ov. l
eil.,e, an 1 you ure not afraid or
H-li i aed ton Ini it that you d) Hot know."
i.'ew YoiU L-d-'er.
V,' tlr liritM-r lloin Ilia llcail lake lialue 1 Alia P.iak'ai
b;u l-eu tliMoVered on tiie Hawailaa
b-landt. The water are more nait tnan
those of th- D ail oc i. Simple of tho
Water h ive Le-n imalvz -1 iti the labora
tory of Oahll college, Wltil result of pe
culiar a weil as hcieiitiik' intere .t. Tno
water, v.-hiidi in dry weather
K.ll abundantly, i of cotii.kj kalurated
brine, )et iliiTer ess.'iniaily from tiie
brine obtained by evaporation to b.itura'
turn of ordinary nil water. Tne iluT r
etn e i Ktrikinly hown by merely mix
ing t!l" two clear fluids, when a eopion
deHj-it immediately form of oiilphurate
of lime, ho tiiat the mixture ahti'ist wi
ll llli.M. The ne4 Wat'-r contiiin lllp l lie
of iua ;ne-ia in abundance, but m arcely
any bine, while the salt laUe water con
tain chloride of calrituti, limo salt, with
only a tr ice of xulphate.
In compi-itiou tin' wat"r of .liaiip
proaclie closely lo that of the IVad bea.
The upt'ilic gravity of the water, even
tl a l ::::r-r.i',.!r" )'. r.iiireuai.-it.
U l.'ioj; at standard teinp-r.iture it
would of course be higher. The water
of the Da 1 mm is considerably lighter,
St. Kpsalio gravity having Ix-eu f jund by
ilifti n ut ooscrver to range from l.U
(Lynch) to')H(Lavoiaii'r). The imn-t
remarkable jiecuiiarily of the water i
theeicesive qamtity of tiie lniiu it car
ries. Thi hhoul I give it peculiar me l
teal virtue. Cor. Ciuciuuaii Tixuei
bu.r. A Tfple.l Nf Vork MlMr.
A sunken eyed old man whom I meet
every night that I stroll np Fifth avenue
, soi .eivlere between Washington i-rriar't i
nud Twi-ntv-tliird street I iiiii.t li n
I ? itui miru strut i uiiiet nam i
' known a good fifteen years. lie lives in
garret within stone's throw of the
no Hire and Is the owner of tiinch vat.
; i aare, ami is me owner oi mm n vai-
. aside property. Iu the early days of
! our acquaintanceship I nsd to encounter
, him strolling iu the park mumliing a
I French roll, crumh by iTiimh. Taiswus
iis breakfast. If be eats anotber meal!
I. i i. 1 1.. . .i... i i,:.
dress is that of a vagrant, but bis cuu
Vernation is that of au edin:ated m m.
He is especially buppy in recounting
reminiscence of the New York of Jwu
generation o;;o, and lias traveled a
couple of iniiei ut a time with tan to
point out vauihhed landuiurks iu which
I happ 'aed to lie interested. I Won hi
regard early by giving bim car fare
after each of thee jaunts, lie pouched
the money and walked bark. Tlii.i man
is a true mw-r, but not a liegar. thongh j
lie dix-s not wrntili! to miMiji.iropiiati .
my car far. New Vork Cor. I'uu.burg'
TVtirra I'm nelongrd.
A rleryinan not loir; since ohvrved a
horse jockey trying to take in a simple
rentleman by tunnming upon him a I
broken winded borre for ft sound oni
The pamon, taking the gentleman Hxi,le,
told hitu to be cautious of the person be
was deuliug with. The gentleman de
clined the ptin hasK and tiie Jockey,
qnite nettled, oliserved, "Parson, I bwl
much rather hear yo preach than to see
you privately interfere in bargains be-
1 tween
wan and man in this wny.
"Weil," n plied the pnrson, "if JoU
been where yon ought to have U-ca
laxt Sunday ymi might have beard m
preach." "Where was lhatr inquire.1
the jockey. "Ia the state pn"on," re
tnrneil the clergyman. San Francisco
A lllow to Entbuslassa.
The desire to volunteer evidenced dur
ing the Chilian excitement recalled the
story in a naval wardroom of a certain
staff ofilcer. He was in Europe when
the big Cuba trouble of a dnxen or fifteen
years ago broke onu Thirsty for battle
and glory, he cabled bis services to the
proper authorities. He learned nothing
from his action till the oeit pay day, whea
be found thst the ainountof ihecsble toll,
which in bis enthusiasm be had nrglert
ed to pity, was deducted from bi check.
New York Time.
The AmMmiIsI IMsrharge of a ra.
A capital pun may arise by pure acci
dent, a recorded in Bucko's "ilx)k of
Table Talk." A Mr. Alexander Utin
waa dismissed from a post in the cus
toms ut Edinburgh, for circulating somo
false rumor. The dmmlval is said to
have bee a tlins noted in the customs
books at the time, "A. Una discharged
for iiiakiug a false rt pirt."
Die ruby is tha most eire-n.lre of all
stonea. They vary from $!00 to f7,0(0
ber store, l l.e finest tu r of flisinoints
; p) j13 Ooo. Single lUmi yauje
from 11,000 lo$J,OQO.
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc
It will
Who will tliow you better make, quality ami for Icbs
buy west ot Chicago.
TOE Elac Cnl3T Cnc jPicc,
Cati'oi.ic.-M. I'shI's I dunh. kt. fcetr.
K",h "A ,"1' rsilier s'lu-r, I 'i"r
H..t,lf. v. l - na m - . n. busly
hrlmnl sllJu. vl'ii tM-nrtiiemu..
Chsituk. Ton er I.jeui snd KU'hih Hts.
e'i'ices wernlnn mot .!. tal'-l J. K.
,,tf(li M.u.m, mi.imi is. .
oeAU-Ht la lie's tiurrh. ren.erTnlrd
smiVme. Kev It H. Hurnr. ,-ier. jer-
I'jiV ."' '"'"' htl'ul
gmhai Mmo-Mrr - jmer Hlilh PI sse
iinlo lie., lint. I otnr. her re : II a. a.
snd 7 ss r. . Mmiisv iwbiNil U-Jta m.
I PkHiVTHiiaI. 'rilre In i m rlieirli.eef-
l t Mlh seal i. r:, l, He m.. i:r. t i.iiori,
l u-l.,r. Mn am -m" i l si I i J' ; liriulili.s
si II s. m.s'.d p in.
Hi. It e. r. K i.l ibltnirb in'etevr
ruhl.Hlli esenli e si T IS In " tw I .1
Ihr rlmrili. All si il.lled lo Sll, UU ttirir
n rrilnu.
FlIisT 1 THOI'lT Mh ft., t'flW'll Msln
si, a Trail, i n I. K. HilU. I'. II. ilnr.
Strler : II M. S ear. M unit Ihh.I
JA M. 1 is). I un rll g Mrui.riHliijr rtrs.
lisiiMA rasnvTrair Tener Msln snd
Noiili. lav v lie. irnso f. I'Ulrei u"al
In, ms. hiJiiil.ijr ' rlnuii i ji A. It.
tvoM-s niTiokAL. jrsnli, ke-
loeri. F llll HlMl Mxlll.
t'ei'Uni l'.AIUT. V(. Hllve, i'ik. he! wrea
'It hill ml l.'eflilh !' V. A Heforll, IMS-
Inr. k ! r li s. m. i II7 p in. J ra)ei
li.eelliitf rlni s.lli) t'Vi
Yrn VsN' HKt Tl (KITIl
l.iu nia lii v i, ei.Bii hii k, M.iiii men. i.ixi-
r' llieei aul. t,f Itiu ctlt ' . ft i ft S-!.tl;iy si
ll nil n hI I ii lo k. I i- ii," i,n ortk dnyi
l-nin ;, in . lo s : as ,. m.
i Hi, mi I'ai a Ta us itk sci.r - Iter. J V.
t V- M'd. I if. e-ivie. i Mn dnv Si lioul,
's in. : lreKt-i i p. " ;
I'tniei menu t Int., in i.ifhi j el,nir piir I lkhl ADuie Icelee.
H'hc n you po to a shoe i-tore your
object isnot only to buy ebnea Imt
to procure for whut you epend the
lent that vour money will liuy.
ljen (ban tfiia will not content you;
more tnnii tliia you cannot, tn ren
ron, sk. Our nietbode mm
nimple aa j our clceirea. We lo not
lift yc iir expectations to the rlotide,
but we rcoiize tiirm wiintcvcr nicy
lire. e will never encnlice your
hiterenta to oure nnd nowhere elee
c.iii you t;ct a fuller nnd fairer
rnulvnlent for your u;. . An
especially profitable purcbuse for
you ia our etc.
301 Main Stxeit
pay you to conic fifty inilcn to trade
Does Yoqi
Need a cloak this winter? IfMie dors you will make a tn"''" mistake
you Uo not cull nud cxniniiie the cbililrcus cloak that
we ureoflcring; before buying;.
Wo havo Just rocolvcd from
his full
Childrens Sample
For children C, 8; 10 nnd 12
garments in
all. NO
were given a disccunt
no that sc arc able to
Manufacturer's Prices
CALL IN nnd let n rrnve the
bow voil ut the f nine tune our i i.Mi
Bacpuca ana jacacta.
Another opportunity to buy shoe sat J
v Lilt, tib usure in nnnoiicinirto the people of I'lattrnioulh ,
anrrniiiK'iiiir townatbnt we Imve
aliunde hoc. r aucceee will) the laet line was plieiiouiiual and
(IreiU were dienppointed becniiee tliry cimie too lute to secure some J
bnrfiiina tlmt weoiicreti. ii" ti"""'" ....... ......H ...... ,c
i.. . ll 1 lontiiv A Co.. ol Koston, Masa- full line consistinir i
dice. Miree. Children, Mens nnd llo) a boca of all kinds and of a J
. . .1. 1 'Mil ..hi. ..I l.ltt lltlll M . .1 I. A. .1 1..
scriiition. aiiioiht inrm
.rii. n.e beht vulue lor vour
Don't think that Lei aurc wr don't
linen are not of any Inch quality.
aa line as any shown in the city, everytlunjr f itrinsic is stripped
aud the shoe that you buy ol tia stands on uieir intrinsic worta.
1 Ue raat ! valuta and give you the woilk ol yeur saaaty.
ffe sis EI Mil Great
Children Nnt
urul Wool Col
or bbirts in.'l
li.irwtra All
Cliildrena all
Wool Shirt A
Drowcrs All
WM. HEROLD & SON, : r f
tin PtTcst rilttsxaaatiV V.!
507 Mala rtrcst
Mi). Keueu
at Jobbers Prices
money tlmn you can
fa' .
Little Qiil:
a largo Cloak Manufacturi
lino of
ycara oM, consisting of US
TWO ALIhti, on which
from regular wholcbalo pries
sell them at actually
tr.illi r-f the
i.i.siv 01 a-uu ir,. n
mcccetled ill gelling anolher liiJ
" - .'w..,,, .
money that you ever "laid rTrsl
nek lilnh prices for shot s II I
e nn ainoiig huh snors II, I
Bjips ii Ci
Ladle Fine
Merin o S 1 1 k
Trimincil cbirt
and Lrawcra.
'envy kibU
jh I'tsaua;
f ,. II M v
It - l4llll. . '
llitl, VKllll
VeelS e-
F ,
a t. ? t
n r - -,
Ill .
I V,
m a. . I