The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 28, 1891, Image 1

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trtipil. M
ill wis'
) fifth yi:ai:.
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Roval Baking Powder
j. o- -
i Has no Equal.
1, The United States Official Report
'"if the Government Baking IWdcr tests recently made, under
. f'thority of Congress, by the Department of Agriculture,
- isliington, D. C, furnishes the highest autlioritntivc infor--.
v '"ion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report
' . shows the ROYAL superior to all
. y others in leavening power; a cream
j of tartar powder of highest quality.
The Canadian Tests:
"The strength of the Royal is shown to
be 23 per cent, greater than any other.
"As a result of my investigations I find
the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the
others. It is pure, contains none but whole
some ingredients, and is of greatest strength.
"F. X. Valadev.
" Public Analyst, Ontario,
"Dominion of Canada."
:j 1
J 4. D K N' T I-f
S-T :
1 iMilirllr (ur III' m 'til.
f yu)i.n a."
( 9t. srli.n.iv
Inn'tlii' t't th .
1 Ftvie Gold Work a Specialty
wood III' rk
iave Kixrivrn
. tllili I .l ' l"l qilillt
tie ImIiIim, cur l4i' halt
V II" " '"' ' ' 1 1'rJ lion lull
liur iii I'Miiy b 1x1 hii 11 in in
dT 1 1 rli 1 1 'I ttiiM'k ..ut Ii .v !
luct-4 t tl iir -w mil. r mi- In 40 uud t
1t rr In iIiiiiiii-iI,
A 10 Oil Crn !.
Xo material development luive
been made in Hit election contest
cases, further thiin reported in yes
terday' piper. The contestants
appear m have iueoutrovcrtatiic
evidence tllilt Vote Were Collided
for (lie successful candidate which
in reality wore not bo intended1
Ail mat llicy He 1 re in that the will
of the people he known, and if,
lifter 11 thorough run van n the
volet, it he ascertained Unit Messrs.
Denriug and Tighe have received n
majority of the vote cast, limbing
further will he done in the matter.
The fact, however, that soui- oppo
pitiol to the pioposcd recount in
being engendered indicate that
even the most i-auguiue believer
in the correctness of the return in
a little dilbioiiri a to he alleged
legitimate outcome.
And hint evenine' Journal con-
tiincd u lusty and characteristic
r ar over the proponed content,
although it ha been throwing dirt
at Mr. Louie ICickhnlf for day when
hi riuhlH to theol'iice had not been
j epiestioned by any iutelligcul citi-Z'-n.
It in altogether u question iih
to w!mc ox i being gored.
! The. Journal' insinuation that the
j contest of Salisbury and Fdson
were commenced for boodle, in en
tirely worthy the source from which
! the thought euianati . The bood
; ler iihvayM nii aciirei bin neighbor'H
I cotiHcience in the boo ller' bu'.f
bushel, "i-'roui the iibuudance of
! the heart the mouth ppeaketli.'
I And fo Sherman'H mind iiiHtiuct
1 ively light on a motive other than
o ie that in honcHt.aiid that alwa) h
1) todle. SIut 111 0 ii'm enmity toward
: I).. Salinhury during the campaign
j.l.-tt pa.-Hed ban been ho marked and
olfenxive, without a xemblauce of a
caii"e, that democrats iiiHtinctively
panned ami Hit id: "Why, Salisbury
tiiunt be 11 de.'ent man, for if lie win
Why will ymi rough whn Shi
loh'scurc will give immediate n.
lief. Price 10 elf.. Til cl. P'ld (1.
l;or Mule bv l;. li. Triclte A i't
a dead beat Sheriu.iu would be for
Shorthand and typerritin col- jul
lee over M.iyer'n clDthiii x Hto re. , ,
Day iindniht renHio.m. Situation1 nre governed ly a new
guaranteed Ut ull competent find- e'ction law, one tU it could eanily
fiitH. tf be iniccoiiHtrued. and Dr. Salinbuty
n'ld Mr. lCdeon have good reimon to
believe that the will of the voters
of thin county ban been defeated
by a technical conntructioii of thin
The Firnt Metliodint churcli be
tween Main and l'ciiil on Sixth
trret will hold Sunday Hchool lit
();:!on, in.; preaching nt 11:0) a, in.
b .' K 'V. J. W. Shunk of Om.ili i, and
lit the evf ni.ig by tin; pantor, Kev.
I. I. HriM, a Hcruion to young men.
E wortli League meeting nt 0::) p.
in. In the gallery of the church. All
a e cordially invited to come.
001.1) AMD PORCKI.Airt CUOA.SS -
j Bri.lga wurk and line K"ll
VAt'H LOf'M. n wi-l! M ottipr wi
. v, iu lur Hi- pululi-wriiriwumi ol
. RSI!ALU Fit-Tiiia TV--
Jubilee, to be
held nt St.
new election law, and they propose,
it Mich in the fact, the public nuiy
know it and they have their right
under the law. ThiH in ull theie in
to the content.
Thece content nre right. It i
pruperjhnt disputed and doubtful
q lei-tioiirt under thi new law be
Bellied, both that the voter and the
Louw Nov. ), to Dec 1, the It. A M. oh eii,,,, board in the future may
wilUcll round trip ticket for one know the intent of the law and go.
tare. I icket good to return ih-e.i. ,., ihemcelve accordingly
2t I. LATHAM, Agent.
Oentlemen, if you banker lifter
I-'lyn' Flexible Fine Fancy Fitting
Footwear, Schildknecht ha the
truck. tf
AC.F.NTS WANTFD.-Frce paid
oiiilit t" energetie ini-n. Several f
our nileKineii have earned from 7d
to (Unt ii week for year pa-t. (it
I . Ilox i:i7l,Xer York.
. p l.w. VIII kit ,rimi tltmllot
sriurn ittnipli"! t'i hlui. onri lb
. . Y'Kk- r wt niilr, ruttrniiiulti, rli.
SattHniouth. Xebraka.
-V1,). of vnilrir tnt'lfl Ifaiof
, - 1 1 tier, t.ik. rir lio.rr.iii( nlwny keep u big dimply on band,
.. :;"o',:,.",.t"'y ,unKlr,,lln'i elUitlor70cb.. per bottle.
Thn E. Q V. ioeinty.
A meeting of the K. Q. V.
literary ociety of the hih school
w.m held night at the renidcuce
of K. W. I Iyer. The oociety have
Ii 'rctnfore met at the school Iioiim'.
b it will hereafter hold their incet
Lig at pi ivate hou-te.
The program rendered hint even
i lg wa highly enjoyable, all doii.g
tboin.iel ve credit. The vocal dv.ct
b Min U'line I Iyer and Mattie
S nith, was well rc.'civcd. The
on, The I)itlruction of
oiupeii, by Mis Ida Smith,
D ) not cunfiiHe the famous KIiihIi
pf Kone with the ninny ivorthlcon
uaint. jiowdcr, err. him and
bleache which are Hooding the
market, (let the genuine of your,tMav
.1 t If fcJ I. - .. .. . J
oi oii a, ii, ' u piiviii i, j.j i cn i n per
I., .III., tl, ill I (rll-if-iiilti.i ij u-ill rn. !
move your pimple, freckle, black-"""wed n c ireful tu ly of the nub
liead,"molh, tan and miiiburn, and , ject. A debate: ' Keolve I, That
give you a lovely coniplexion. 1 j,;fe -lH t(, jshort to WiihI.; for n
Stanley n an explorer. Kdioii nn ,I,,R'r IM'iMtion," wa diciiHHcd
an inventor Mi l lora A. June a , by Minn Xetlie Waybright and Mi
theiliHi-overerof the l amou llluli ! jaii,,,, Suiitll, the former taking
..fRoe for the co.nplexionj nre . . ;
i it ii i -h llnil will lie Iniiiili'd Hun jot I ' "
benefactor!! of the race, to all rc-!,iv'' "N''" "ul'jeet for
corded time (). II. Sj nder coiiich in pupil to diHOiwH nnd both young
for hi fliare (of the profit) a lie
ylnv rimrw In (hit hiini nrt
i tanttu-n t.i.mMiot:.. r
curT(St-d to !imrM'tint tudcDti
-iiuvihir, urw tTtivwiimr..
( mi oyer H)ri More.
ki Mltj, rrtlttit mB-Mliii7l7
p'i'-T. woi iiii'"-r. io rriini
Im-iIuu j TMieuiiiiil'le rw t it
I lKf't. KAM-CAIT tKKU. Ink
bblier,who fontractrd
rrnoea v. lute In the
' - rkl '"K'e bei-n perinnnent
it by Chaimberliiiu
, ili.era nnd liarrhoj-a Rem
For iile by F. (i. Fricke & Co.
One of the newenl aud brightett
linen of
riaib'Gooi!j, Tojs, DoIIj, tnM I. Etc
rr tk llotldsj trilti Hut h4 txaa
ma Id tuwu tur Jiin.
' hitoh'a rutnrrh remedy a povl.
cure Catarrh, Diphtheria mid
i. ,-r i..oinh. For lulc Ly F. U.
f, Co.
K-k of griicerien nt Trtcr
(d ktaudwiil behold nt re
pticea to catltify motlgagt:
t i.UKinul iiiiiik.iuid liii)
igfJod will pave money by
iH the kid Hljind. Renirui
etnek f Irt Kli aii'lcouipl le.
) in for barguin lit potutoc,
r, Jjiiijiiware, chiiiaw.ire and
kcry. Optra Grocery.
Which was bought arly in the
kciimoii from pome of the
Lakukst Impowtino Ilouarn
i Which guarantee you the pick of
the market and til price
for which we
are noted.
"iTho Lon'c:f in ll:o Country .
Tlie Jiulil'.e t vr1 ;Ut IiitiipjI tn r jct ur
gullUl jV-li XIU1)13KJ pi ict
Lidie prcpented good point
Recitation by the Miea Grace
Waiker, Margaret Ravi, Lizzie
Jacijuelle nnd Mr. Carroll Lonard
nhowed that they were not lacking
ii elocutionary power. The in
Htruniental duet by '.he Micne
Lillian nnd Ida Smith wns henrtily
encored. Uy requept of the prcpi
dent, I'rof. MungravCH mid Mr. Will
Coolidgc favored the audience with
It la conceded by all that literary
nocictic nre very beneficial in con
nection with a prho !. The K. . Y'a
have for their nini, the diffupinn of
mtcli knovvledgi nntnng itti mem
bern which Hhall tend toward the
growth nnd development of mind,
trgethcr with readme nnd llueiiey
of ppeech. The ollleera recently
elected nre rery entliunianic and
th e pociety in utcndily lucreiiping in
iiiemberHhip a well as proreuuing
In their literary work.
Th Futcir GivM Crop lor thi f j-rmor
unci Grew! Induuoy lur Nrb'ftJjk-t,
The l.'iiiled State coiiHiime e ich
yCfif riii.ii' to liic ainoiiiu oi 4iiJi",
UKI,0,K). Of thi amount our im
port reach ij;i;iu,i)(iii,iitK), which
amount now paid to foreign inaiiu
faeturer would be keplot home if
we manufactured our own Hiigar.
(ierinany and France make pugar
i.i poor nu 1 ui a coM of itiU er ,u re
from L2 per cent beet. Nebraska
at a c)t of per acre cini raie .0
percent beet. Within a few yea 8
all the America coiihiiuh b
will be manufactur d at hou.c.
Xehraka ha greater advantage
than any other Mate and ha
already two ot the hix lactone in
the l' utted State. .Nebraska can
be itiade trie center of the beet
Hiigar industry in the United
Stole and the world.
That the whole Plate of Xebraka
i awakening to the tremendou
importance of the foregoing fact
hail been atteted within the lat
few month by numerou reqiicpt
from board of trade and other
orgaui.ation and prominent cit
zen urging the board ot trade Jl
Lincoln to call a convention for the
purpose of extending a knowledge
of the benefit which the farmer may
make from raising the pugar beet,
arousing a more active iuleret in
the beet Pilgar industry, leviing
w.ii Hand means lor increasing the
number of beet pugar faetori' mid
refineries ii Nebraska and taking
such action as will lay the founda
tion for making Nebraska the
greateat beet pugar producing
ptate in thi country.
In accordance with thi generally
ex;reed desire a beet pugar con
vention i hereby called to meet in
Lincoln, commencing on Thursday,
December 17, 1MII, at 2 p. m. A
general invitation is extended to
every citir.en of Nebra-ika who i
intereHted in the objeci of the con
vention to be in 'ittendance; and in
iiddi ion to thi general invitation
it i earnestly requested that tlele
to the convention be appointed a
Five delegate each from the
slate ii'riculturiil so. let y and the
ptate lioriii nltunil pociety, to be up
pointed by the president thereof.
l ive (H-legate iroui eacli hoard
of trade, real estate exchange and
commercial orgaui.ation in the
Plate, to be appointed a each orga
nization may think proner.
Five delegate from each city
which ha no board of trade or
other commercial organization, to
be appointed by the inn ('nr.
Five elclegKfc from ea h county
agricultural pociety, to be up
pointed bv the president thereof.
Five delegate from each county,
to he appointed by the county com
missioner. One delegate from each news
paper in the Plate.
It is tppccially desired that the
agricultural interest be fully repre
sented, ns one of the prime object
ol the Convention will be to discus
thoiouhly the iiestion of the
prolit ol beet culture to the farmer.
I'roiniuent Citizen of the ptate
who nre thoroughly posted on all
phase of the beet sugar industry,
on iinlinir men who have made a
practical trial of raising beet for
the market, will ad Ires the con
vention from 'time to' time during
it session.
It is earnestly rcre-tcd 'li t as
fast a ilehi;tile me npvointcd
their nanii s he sent to the secretary
l Hie hoard ol trade at Lincoln
The usual convention rate will
be made by the railroad jf the
Fvery newspaper in the plale i
earnestly requested to publish thin
Lincoln' IIoakd or Tkahh.
Dy R. II. Oakukv. I'rcpidenl,
C. A Atkinson, Secretary.
-FRED HEflfiilli-
ouu vaMa and WLvmi sruckJP "
- - OIF - -
Iadic ; Furnishings
To ITow Consplcto in all Dopartraoata,
IMlt'SS 4.O0DS
We nre phowiuga handsome line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Slock complete and price lower
than ever.
A good LadicH Jerpy vent at 23c.
Ladie line Jerpey vest mid paute Is
white or natural grays nt f3f'C eacfc
Ladies natural Gray Wool Vepteaw
rants at 5()c. Regular 75c und
Full linen of Ladies Fine wol
ribbed under wear in white, cardk
mil nnd black.
Complete lines of Child's undes
wear in natural, scarlet and whit
at prices ab low as the loweat.
llAVK never jIhavii to '.urge a line in tliis Jipurt iiieit v
o cill tmiil attention to our I trgj insortment of Ilijefert
Militarj Htnl Hip Coat bli iniis triinincd with Mink, Sea', Astrachas
Miifl'aloon uiul Conrv furs.
Our lino of Plush Siioqiies ?ro ehenpnr thnn eer before. Fnl
lines of Children)) nnd Misses Cluaks and Jaekets.
q n n onnDnnn a cnnn
mm umm
?im!e iMchen. yfl'.o "was
nhvay known n the favorite
daughter of Charlen Dickens, ha
written, for the Christinas number
of the Ladle' Home Journal, her
first story. It ia a semi-ghost tale
of the romance of an old Finlisd!
manor. Miss Dickens' only piece
of literary work previous to this
was the editing of her father' let
ters. Shu is said to posses true
literary talent.
Dr. lirilt is called to Nebraska
City to conduct the funeral service
of Judge Adle, and will be home to
conduct the evening service here.
Sea church uotice.
DiHtrict court conveues ngain on
Monday next and will close during
the week for the t egular December
Oloe coiiiily term, which cenveues
on the 1 Till day of December at Ne
br.iska City. There arc very
important case set for trial during
the coining week.
Miss Maggiu Oliver on corner of
third and Vine street will give
birthday parly to the C. O. T,
society and a lew of their friend,
i ntii iiirtner notice t lie nerviccs
will be held in St Luke's church ut
11 a. in. and nt 7 p. in. luutcad of at
1M heretofore.
3E3a k..
Headquarter for Everything in the line 4
Repairing of 1 I.NH WATCIIKS a Specialty
and all Work Warranted.
41 G Main Slreel,
riattsmouth, lick
Ceo. Yap and then cluiplmn.
M. O'Rouike ii in Omaha to-day.
Hoy wanted at Shorthan 1 College.
Call immediately.
() 'o. Va uud the court hotiHe
clock. tf
W. L. Knott returned from Coi n
cil Hlulfrt last evening.
Mi Verna Leonard was a pn
Henger for Omaha to-day.
Mia Coru Davi returned from
Shenandoah thi morning.
Mis Janet Livingston was a pas
senger for Omaha thi morning.
Gentlemen, if you want a fine
dres shoe, it can be had at Schild
kiiceht'i). tf
Mrs. Wendell left on Xo. S this
morning for Kencsaw, for a visit to
C. A. Raul returned from Glen
wood Inst evening, where he spent
Prof. Musgrave returned from
Tekaimih lat evening, where he
ppcut riiankgiving with friend.
The county commissioner, Geo.
Vuhs and the court hoime clock.
Mr. Jan. Rivctt, who h.ia been
Ilulii 'n liny n.r uiul 'Hll'ia
in .ilii III il MlMl (If. ll I n
It.r.ici '- .Mni! I un -"'1
II ris r Hm r nl IIk- i.n
Hal H r' UerKIV iilnl i -
0 Mutt) It' IfWlT mill 11 Kill l.ll
. t
.. tm
Cood Look",
Good look are more than ski
deeji, de(ending upon a healthy
condition of ull the vital organ.
If the Liver be inactive' you liav
a ltiliou Iytiok, if your stomach
lie affected you have u Dyspepti
look and if liour Kidney be clfectel
yov will have n l'inched Look. Sa
cur good health and you will haw
good looks, FIectric Hitter i thi
great altcrctive uud Tonic act
directly on those vitul organ.
Cures rimples, Hlotche, I!oiUan4
gives a good complexion. Sold ai
F. G. Fricke V Co' Drugstore, Sua
per bottle;
An honest Swede tells hi story
in plain but unmistakable lat,
guage fir the bem lit of the public
One of my children took severe
cold and not the croup. I gave hi
a teiiPjuionful of Chnmberlui
Cough Remedy, und In he minute
late I gave her one more. Hy tin
time t-lie bud to cough up th
gathering iu the throat. Then sbt
went to bleep and tlept good fi
titteen minute. Then she got vb
and vomited: then Mic went badk
to inn mill Piept
i l'iiiiu lor iii tjk
visiting friends in the city the part I '"'iuiier of the night. She got tl
i iuu i me secomi nigni ana i gav
few day, returned to Lincoln thi
m irning.
Mr. M. RichnrdBon, who hna
been visiting at Wai-hington, D. C,
for the pnst four month, returned
home lust evening.
The Schildknecht shoe house hn
the very liuest line of meu' shoe
in the city. tf
ii" '"c pume ri'meoy witn ttie puiri
good results. I write thi becam
I thought there might be some out
in thePiime need uud not know th
true merit of thi wonderful iueiii
cine. CiiAkT.Ka A. Tuo.nj'Pi.Bf,
De Moine. Iowa. fiO cent bottia
for sale by F. O. Fricke A Co,
Pure buckwheat Dour for sale at
UeiMl'i suiU.
..4 .
-1. ...