The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 27, 1891, Image 4

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1;r. Tinw ..a-iearsaa
a Hcattarad lha Crewda.
, I"1 ., .ens gave Tecnmseh, Ala., et
j , ut enoGh on Sunday to last it for
ar. Forepu;,'h' show traveled on
r . train. .V it U against the Georgia
to run thronli this nut on Sun
, ly. it was decided to stop at Tecnmeh
and feed t!iB animals and At alt
the station there were larae crowds,
ana at Tecuraseh there were severul
' hundred when the last train approached.
As it re. slowing down on of the ft-ro-clou
lionn managed to tear nil the door
of its ca;,'e. Hector, which was the
trutu's name, thruxt Its head ont rijrlit
lu the faces of a (roup of ne;jes who
- . uu tua fitunui nil lucj i
could nut have lieen worse scared if the I
evil iino liallropped down anion; them.
Ui'ctoriiiniio a leap, with open moutb, !
into the croi.!. Such a sc.-i'.toriinr and!
sneh yi llhiy tvere never nor beard j
In Al.ibaiua.fSome of the negroes full :
down in abjeN fri;:lit, but the moot rt
thfin htrnck off f..f home on a hard run.
A dozen tried to climb telegraph vo'
One man (.pranjj down a well. Hector
lit ou his feet, hut rolled ove Rnd over.
When Ii "got tip t ..-re w.-w hardly a
njau, woman or chili '.v'hiu fifty yards.
One woman, thonh. wfho had faintd,
Vras lyiuif near 'e lien. With one
bound he wan on her, his n-ly teeth
showing and ii tontrne r,;. logout. Tho
people we Were im.iiit ' on were mini
lied. T ue tamer v.-,,-
and tliere was no
or ri ii. To ktiei i,
tt adlllOSt C'l' : 1(
To the i-t
?iist, in-' i
siiup'y '.ed the lxidy, timed it over
srilh h paws, and after eyeing it sus
picion, ly walked off leisurely. He
thoii'lit that the woman was dead.
Hector WaH recaptured and recac;ed
without trouble. Atlanta Constitution.
Bennett & Tutt
llavrni t y " jt WM autnmn. He i
dried fruit, Apr- nu- Vi"; ' front i'
made Sormm nmln,-.-. .'"I ; it;h,.M k,r, a.were
Soo-v tlLkr ,.,.,, m- t , .... v, , ,.,. ,,!,,
ciiiineil tin - siiio !' ' . ( v
Am4 Thl t BMto.
He vh BntUm
tiMir Ml rans.
I the peal.
Cn nncd nieiitu and
fixe kejlt liv l firat i
-i ylliioc. i
:1 ti.e hoit-ie ii7"
"Cm I e lieiT V
"Yon call." , I Htao I In tnotionlejia ilen e
Some o( theinoet rlmilmjr. "'
terHtinj; diecdvei ien of the lite ,,'!
ciiKtonia of buried Knl" ri
licinir made tlimucli v Meoeivcevci p t iinlv
vai.ions. Tlii-t-c i1"1"1' "' v "J
exi'iuiipT i jj'fHi p ' . i u iiis. s,
diHcovcricM iiro. j,.icvcf, l ,n 1
...f '. V . I I. ..I.. tu.
il..ll..1 i am t'.ii.i i"u,vl;'
Yoil Me he. ' . '
in II Me ii (.11
mat kiililc. aniiiiav
J''i I could r the lady of tha
ly.-r which olec"4 '"""
in mil ti v e " i '"i
that tc'rt"l'le "her;
and vlM ti " '
kin.!. i'ir fine I
1 1 1 : i
i'f. :t:i.:
e cure o!
nil an 'in
HI. Hi 111
t ra nl'Ci rlii'.
Mi .M.l:t
Sf I fi'-cr,
an. I iii iny
mir Thini
oilier oii'i- tlii
w il -r i' I ii Hi''
l'ii,u r v 1 1
l ill! ill'
fa a ion way ou,
i:- near with a pistol
; to re-tun her would
i .anient of every one the
of iiian,'lin' t lie woman,
It Una Not H Mil.
Oreer C. O V. l.ite lnn lately Uen put
on til 'J'vuty-NixtU xtn-et la'at, whicll
ini lu lc I'nyH'liip live:. . V. l.ite in a
fearlo otiii i r. and tin.' oilii r niiit, n he
a UiUnlU' hi i'at aloil ; I'.iV.ililip ave
nue in a ili ep Hilinie chiHf to tile hiuu of a
liuihiinu'. li'- ih'-cried l.u f',r'H of wuat
he M'.pl "i'd t'l lie .1 ll'.ho t.t..l!l A hnooZ".
Of C"i;r"e t.iat would never do, ho wiln -t
'.ininarv waul o( Ii.h cl..i, h niae
llratll nl Niitml rgro Woman.
Over the eastern branch of the Poto
mac, in Anaeostn, better known Union
town durinif the war, there was buried
recently n woman wlu story did much
to ftunulate the autihlavery M-ntiinent
In the north. She wan a revelation of
the rxMisibilitie of patient r"i,'rr nmlii
tion. Dorn liftyix year ao, in rrincu
George county, JId., he was a little
slave jrirl of six when her owner pnt her
ont to aervice in a W.ii.iiiton family'
At tlnit u,-e hhe bewail to board i)yufey I)
. buy her freedom. Vear afr year he
"jiiu by' in rnj, X"r tothin Urer
fell to her in tips.
K'.ie had collecte 1 C100 In copper when
the uttentioii of no-no of t'.i j tunii
of that day was called to her. 11 iniiibal
Uais'iin, then in c;u;;re but nfterwar 1
ice presid nt, iiecnme ejeciaoy inirr
nteL He told the story "t Eineliue
telt with such pathos that 50 wa con
tribnted by n;rthern Jieople. Then a
erien of entertainments win Riven tonid j
lier, and a few years before the war the !
frirl, grown to womanhood, was able t
Land over to her master $7iM and receive
her freedom. vS'abhin;;ton Cor. tU Lonia
rouh, and a M-ri eptilile ln-i,' iteninif
Lin "tiitnre be iipproachi d the Imbo.
, "Come alaiii; out o' that htoW, will
ooT lie ex' l.iinii d.
! T,,.' hobo moved not so lunch as a
mil" le.
D'ye henr mi? 1 fayed cooin ulan
. om t o- thtif . will oc? Ywr won't, eh? Wull,
l il i-how y i." '
With tliat Wl'e grab lied tlienppoel
boho t'V tli .u k of the neck, 'i'liero i in rt,pr-iiiiiiii.iry ruwl, theclank
ii: o'ii c.iain, and then the fur fairly
Url I .' d'io frid.y.
A-Tiif I' tli pil'nOted. , ,
"T i'-ie I w.i.i. I I. to we the person
al" i i .r.vii;iei iy,"
"At LeooX."
"Tiie:i I w mt to - the nnn, woman
or i i.l I. laity. eti leiuali, dowager, old
Dial 1. liiu-n-i'T or beir at law who renU
this . io r:v fro. ii tin Lenox owner."
"tl i. you want to w the woman that
n---i"H rie ...ii tlie worl:! ' Why dtdn't
y in nl- " 1 1 i t i" ti.'.t pl.ici-f Tarn vul
gar cirel s,i,'n of tin iim of the word
la ly' i v.-r.' .i:,'rivatiiii."
Ve. I expect no kilo lui"
"Waeii will s le be tuT
"Won't h" in."
! "Whv no:? V'iereher
I i- l!' r n wet k' vacation torpnd
with Ii -r I: :i-h in d at M irbh'head, o'j
fh- coiil I n-t n;i r -idy for the fall hotito
cleani.i Yon didn't think I w;w Kiinj
o d i it ail iity.-elf. did you" Boston
Ills Due fi-ill.ll Art.
Th voiui'4 woman bail wenreil per
tnis.-ton to MeK to the good looking
your-; c ict. It wa Just a feiiitnin
' fancv a diMre to leHru aoiuethin of hii
I "Yon don't look ko a criminal," uhe
said abrupt ly.
! lleMiiiled at thera'.hcr uncertain com,'
I plituent.
i "1 never did lint one criminal tiling in
tor l.fe." be KihL
! "Only oue'uhe sai l. Is rVh-r n di.
apIHiinled tone. She had expected t') find
Cewr It was the ixt biack U-ar of the a man tec;-.! tacrine. "vuy, jour
L'iiion dub fnhx.n that White had awiik- I'sctit- nee i t for ten yearn, i -n't i
eued. For uiHiiit tweutvdive uiiuute4 "Ye.i, uii.- 1 gut it for luat ouu cnin
there wim a little the liveliest K-rnppin
uialeh there or thereabout that has ever
ti-eii knowii in police circh-K, nd when
White got out of reach of the cub he wait
inal net.
V hat was the cause of thut oneT sbs
iuquired cnritinsly.
J ust a wutiu.iniss nyontliful whim
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc at Jabbars Prices
It will pay you to come fifty milea to trade with
Who will show yoa belter waken, qnniity and for 1cb money than you can
buy west ol Chlcngo.
TOS Hac Cxilr Cno IPricc,
brand new mackintosh, a livu j be n plied rather bitterly. "I thought it
manly to carry a revolver.
"And yon were attacked omi nijhtr
she usi:ed ipiiekiy. "And you" -
He niiook ilia bead.
"And you're here Just for that?" ah
Like otfc'-rs. Jnst for thut." h r-tnrncl
'Unietly. "Itjiiarri led wil.i a ln nd, lost
my temper, and I'm here. tniw. That's
He rnddenly turned away and went
back to bis work. Cincinnati Commer
cial Gazette.
dollar hat, the sleeves of his uniform and
bin ,r Mill, mid be was plus numerous
wotiuJa und bciatchi-s, bruin s and black
spots. And to cap the climax, thejoun
bruin ftoo l guard over bishauilcuflh, bis
gun and bin club. Tacoina News.
Mohammail's lllrlhiljj In Imalon.
Mohammetl'a birthday baa been (Inly
elebrated in the iuetrooli of the lirit
ish empire by the Anjtimand-Mam. I
London a society coiiM tin of Indian
MuHhulinan gentlemen rehidin in lin- j
land sivin a dinner in honor of the
prophet in the Ilolborn restaurant.
A lari;e tinmlier of Musnulinans aitUteil
St the convivial assembly, at which Mr.
A. A. Hnanal'.y, president of the An-Jnninn-i
Islam, was chairman. After
she healths of "tberpven-empress," "tin
Prince and Princesa of Wales, and the
rest of t'.ie royal family," had been en
thusiastically honored, tin chairman
proposed the toast of tha evening,
"Health to Lis imperial majesty Kultiin
Altlnl Ilamid Khan, commander of the
faithful aud pianiinU of the ICuobar
Tua toast was received with great cheer
iu. T''e pnx-eedins wero Lruught to
clof-e ty some recitations from thu
lioran. London Telegraph.
Lnve That Ktixxl Ilia Teit.
Tii:e wuo wiinew.'rd iiie hoIeinnizin'
ct t'.o in which M:.".s Mary il
Flynn and James A. Folic were tnado
life p trtners ut Newport, !!., the other
!ay, recalled a frihUU ficcident whicj
bcfi ll the, couple one dark evening three
jears ago. Tlie yonn; lovers were run
into by a faft e;prefs on tlie I'uiladel
jiliia, Wilmington and Ciltimore rail
road, and burl sd blei'ditu and nncon-
rypllan Hlaturs I urnrlliril.
The convfpotideut of the London
Times at Alexandria, Egypt. Mates that
three colostMil statues, U-n feet l.i.;h, of
ro) granite, have just been found at
Abou'.:ir a few f .-et Ulow the suriace.
The discovery was made from indica
tions furnitdied to the government by a
local investigator, Damuoa l'anha. 'lhe
tlrst two repre-nt in one group Ilameses
II and Queen Hentmara seated ou ti.e
r 'tne (i.mne, 'Puis is uuioue among j
Egyptian atatnea.
The third statue repisents Rameses
standing upright in military attire, a
sceptt r in bis Land aud a crown upon
bis Lead. Eoth bear hieroglyphic in
scriptions, aud both Lave been thrown
from their jieilestals face downward.
Their aite is on the undent Cupe Zephyr
iuin, near the remains of the temple cf
Venn and Arainoe. Il'ksof the early
Cliristiaus Lave been f maJ in the aaiua
locality. -
A Blaap lValltar's I rarful tap.
Jam- H. Claque, a Mock raiser cf
On-eh y. Colo., walked into the police sta
tion at Liuriington, la., recently, hatleea,
coatluHsaud generally bruised np, and
toid a remarkable story. lie said lie had friends in Oalva,
Fls., and bad takeu a slei per at Deliver.
Tue lat thini ui rcmersliers W'i relir-
i:.g to bis coach. When Le av oke be
was lying in tlie tiitch at the tide of tin
. track not far from Lurl.ngUm. badly
, Ln.i'ed aud ha'.f frozen. Ho walked t
, the police Matiou from there. His theory
wa.s that he had j imped from the train
while asleep when it was running full
I speed. An invt-htigation by railroad
sntitonties prove tlie trutli or tlie man t
low ComanaU Ar llarrnlnd.
The busy season on acoconnut plants
linn U u ln.n tlm nnta rinen. which ther
..-cm to do ail at once, and every ban 1 Viu' V'.h'iV . a
Uengatea'u gatneniig ana couveiiu
them with carta to the drying ground,
which If always in close proximity l
the bungalow, so as to be as much at
possible under the eye of the manager.
Here they are split in half, longitudi
nally, with an ax a feat which is dexter
cutly performed with erne blow by tii
man appointel for this dnty-ind then
spread out to dry. The Inteti" b'at of
tlie sun rapidly shrivels the kernel,
which curls np into a ball the sixncf
your flat and detaches Itself from tho
This is now what Is called "copra.'
and is shipped to tlie D"aret point of
landing in sacks, where it iseither trans
ported in bulk to Europe or more gen-
I Mr-itltf fr-iiiilia int.ii ftil the rifnse fiil i
rake or "poonak Ix-ing sold locally fur
feed for cattlt. Frank Leslie's Monthly.
iTt .
cious to tie! jT'tin 1. Tho Inr e was cut j a'i lion. He is now in the boi piud
to pieces mid tho vehicle wrecked. Tho . quite iil from Lis terrible exjioauie.
Iride fleet was hurt more seriously ti:an ; Cor. Bt. Louis lli-public.
the groom, .1 lier life wa despaired of.
he recovered w-mewhat, but is acrip
plo for life. Tui frightiul calamity did
ant cwil the ardor of the loveri, und the
anniversary of tiia acddut which r.rar
ly killed both was celebrated by a mar
riage. Cor. Baltimore American.
Why She Stopped Ilia Tar.
On Tuestlay a broken trolley wire de
layed the Weotern avenue street cars an
Jiour or more just at dinner time. When
the first west bound car parsed Twelfth
Street the conductor was awakened from
reverie by s cry from within the car
to stop, while a younger lady was seen
wildly gesticulating, apparently fur his
benefit. The car was stopped The
jronng woman, ont of breath, ran tip to
within a f-w feet and shouted: "Ma,
your dinner's on the table in the dining
room. The cars were late and I could
cot wait" "Ida" shook her bend snd
then the yonngr one tnrned and re-
atitned her Journey cityward. Minneap
olis Tribune.
After coolly throwing a sleeper's wood
en leg out of the window, a M iasncha
setts burglar proceeded to plunder the
room. When the movable valuables had
been rathered for transportation the
burglar left S note for the cripple, stat
ing where bis artificial leg could be
A new lndnstry which promises to be-
-ecmo of permanent value to persons liv
ing oa the kscovI baa been started In
Norway. This is the bumine of sea
weed, which is fonnd In (treat abundance
a the ei-inr t, and the preparation of kelp
...f-r the nuutofactare of iodine.
Tha Ciar In rial C loth
When the emperor of Iiussia passed
privately through licrlin the other night
ba was attired in plain clotLnrj, ana it
was the first time that be Lad ever ap
peared in public thus arrayed. The em
peror's towering figure was not difplayed
to advantage in a Lxmmi snit of brown
tweed, especially when contrasted with
the splendid tuian uniform la which
Prince Frederick Leopold appeared, and
his majesty wus the only personage in
plain clothes. The emperor, who stopped
for nearly an hour at the Stettin line
station, dined on sandwiches, which he
waahed down with several bowls of tea,
which was tnado ou lbs pot by Lis own
servants, with Lis own caravan tea.
London World.
Bosks la Bnaala.
It appears from the organ of the Rns-
si an Association of Booksellers and Pnb
Ihhers that the number of works pub
lished in that country last year was
4,3oU and that the total nnraber of copies
sold was not far short of 12,0Ou,bOO.
Transitions from foreign languages
counted .for only 51 percent. Of these
a little n i ore than one-third were from
Haw I.ii.cJ to Slate !'rf
What the French know about per
fume making i not all the rult of
their own experience. The traditionary
history of tho art is that the Hebrews
imparled the little they kuew to riieir
captors, the Egyptiuns, who in turn
gave their formulas to the Greeks and
llotnans. The Moors then took a ban 1
at Improving tnes crmle ellorts, ana
when they invaded Europe left tntir art
in Spain, whence it soon reached France,
There it found its Lome and resting
tlace. find today no rntion ran compete
with France in the science end art cf
perfume making. New York Evenlnj
To a Swamp A a (at.
The Bwamn Angel was an 8-lnch, SCO-
pounder Parrott rifled gun, mounted by
the Federal troops In a morss on Morrs
island, Charleston harbor, In lt3. Oa
Aug. 3 and 23 the city of Clrletn,
live and a half miles distant, Wat
shelled, the gun bursting at the thirty-
sixth shot After tlie war the Swamp
Ansel was sold for old metal and ecu
eyed to Trenton, Lot having been was set up on granite ped
estal at the corner of Perry and Clin
ton streets in that city. Detroit Free
Far Baaasl Maa-a BlfhU.
That Is a rather fine point of la n which
holds that man with burglar's tools on
his person, who goes up the steps of
t dwelling Loose where be has no law
ful business, has mails an attempt to
commit burglary, but it is good law for
tbe nrotocf.on of the community. The
(tens of ft dwelling are private property,
and ono who trespasses npon them with
K-Mireti Vvx. t . i.nd 10 : A. M. tt 1 :H. I U te-1'fsliclmi..
t'iim"Tia.-'en er l.jrul snd Flulitb ft.
M ivlri-a inerillns Hid nn.lsr- K ! r J. h.
Herd, isslnr. MiimIh) ei'liiHil IS . M.
KPiM'or al. M Luke's I liurrh. Third
suit ln. Iv II H luiK ilor. is-r-
vir-: III SI U7 !r. M. huiala) Hcliuol
ali Jor. m.
rirKMAN VTMorosT jmer flxtli Ft and
tirsull- He. Illlt. I"lir. e.r re. It A.M.
and J -jo r. m. enoniy iM-lmol to jo a m.
rarHtTT'ltl". -efl la 1 1 eh' n il. M'r
i.rr Mxth Bell t.ri'i.ile i. !! J l.lin,
ln-lnr. mii.iIb' - ih.I l;;e; I ii ailiinx
st 11 a. ni.avl p m.
Hi-. K. r.f. K nl '' Monro m-eisfveijr
hsIiiMili rtenhr fl l" I" I's 1 '
llir floirtli. All kieil.VUrd tu SlUbU llir.r
rterl llod.
TlHST MrToilT -Filth t . fteil Multl frsfl. H' V I. V. Ultlt. I. l. ilnr.
h-rrlrr ill M. mr M Minds, wlntd
S ii A M. I iay t tii-eli. g WeuiiHilar tt u-
UriiKAX VB-yrTTrBIt" "n r MIn snd
V .in It. Ili v W iliti, i us'i r. hrivirrs u"al
tionis. ttulidnf frltiad S JS . M.
f wrri'l" ON Ktn TI"AL. timiiUa, be
tu F'lili Mini.
ComikHi Haiti t. vt ..w. f.k h-iwean
I -mil aiiil J iii-iilli lit v. A. I'larl!, !
tnr. eei. e II s. m. i l"l 7 -I) p. m. i'H)rl
In-etlliK Wrilln xlii evrlili .
Vi.imi Hun's I'iiiu ha" tniATini
lliM.ina III k Mi'-niMii l.lerk.M .In inn til
i -i in ftttifT. (i.f in ii oiiiv.efiTV aI-
t-rii'n.n nl 4 u'rl'i k. In um eK-u artk days
t . em to a. iii . tit t : 3 p. in.
kintii Ik in TArrnxAi'i.r -Iter. .t. M
V- .d. I oir. e-ti-ii u':.'lr trh""!.
. . a in. I reef) Or. lis m. si.d S I
Tiei tn-miir liif.oy i.ivlii : c-'iulr piac-
llt i-lid ..y lilii'al. At! t- lemur
Need clonk this winter? If nhe rloca ynu will inuVe 'eat mistake S
you do uot cull nntl examine the cliililrene cloaks tliat
wc are ollering belorc buying.
Wo havojust received from largo Cloak Manufacture
his full lino of
Childrens Sample Cloak
For children C, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting of U!
gaimeiitu in all, NO TWO AUKe!, on which w
were "i von a discount from regular wholesale prici
the French. Of cm work by Zola 3.800 nn,m.fuj cnrrKlw, hns commit! a on-
.i.m sw-,1.1 Vast on tu fivilwr tin ' ....
. -,.v ... . I i,wfui deeil. rbilaaelpliia Ueager.
LUUOCb, liUo, tiutea rinr, juuiiuv,
Flanltert. Dumas. An edition of "Para
dim Lost" sold 0,000 and one of "Ham
let" 10,000. London News.
Twelve ground ho, ten sknnks, two
swanre of bees and aljont Efty ponnds
of honey were fonnd In ft bnge hollow
tree near Forth, Itandolpb county. Mo.
An Taasnal raalllaa.
Plfitograplier If you'll hold yoorchla
ftlittie hiicher. sir. I can take better
Mr. Henpeck Hold my chlo higher?
whr. man alive. Tve been mamas
twenty yearsl Ttxa Slftipj(s.
Wlien toil co to shoe "tore your
object iniot only to buy ahoea but
to procure lor wnai you eprou ir
lieat tnat your riionry win uuj,
Lees than tills will not content yoti
more than tins you cannot, in rca
on, nek. Our mcthotU are as
aimnle aa vour clcairea. We do not
lift vour exner tntiona to the clotula.
I, t we rciili?e tbrin whatever tliey
nrf. We will never rncriiice your
intrri-eia i tmrs and nowbere el-e
rcn tou itet a fuller und fairer
eiiuivalent ior vour nt'otier. An
ojiccinlly profitiible jitircliuae for
you in our etc.
601 Msin Street
IDocs Yom' Lilc Qii'l.
othatc are able toeellthem ataetually
Manufacturer's Priced
rTT IN' ntid let tin prove tlie trutli of tlie nbove sdiiemen
LilUii'i"11""1", i i ivv n...i:. ,ui:..... il
how vou tit the mine tunc our i iaiv a-i.-h uiMi.iuiii'
Jjuctjucs uud Jackets. I
Another opportunity to buy shoes at I
We tnke rdt nstire in nnnoucinejlo the people of Platlfniotith J
stirrount'inir towns tliat we nnve mtc. w. .t m k'"ik aoouit r nr
sami.le l-liot . Our euccees with the luM line wua plienoiinnal an
,IOIOC rnui r-. . . 4 , inn lute In a ira ........ I
drctU were uienpMniiA "-,-. -j -. 1 . .t : :x " "
blilirftiliK weotlere'l. liu hoc ia urm i j iimii iiiiiiiuic IBt
iiur Walter ll.Teminy VCo..ol lioeton, Muhh., full line coiirintiiu ,
dies. MiaHea,l liiltlrciia,Menand lioys alioes ol all kinds and of u
scriiilions. AmoiirtlieuiiH3Umirtf Loya und Mens I.Mita, in
we can cive the beet value for your money mat you ever "lanl eyrs j
Don t think that l.e nui.e we don't ftfk liiuli prices for shot . u.
shoea are uot of any iiic,.i quality. ve iimc sniuiiu uirt snore ti
as line as any shown in tlie city, everythinjr extrinsic ia strippei
and the shoea that you buy of us atands on their intrinsic worth. S
e roet ! valuee na jji vc you in m iu ui jur vary. y
Wo qto dill nivinir Rtm! hmm in n
II U lil U Lull Ullllio uiuai ui'uu ia Uiiu, i,
Childrens Nat
urul Wool Col-'
or Hiirls end
Dnrwcrs All
Childrens nil
Vi'ool Shirta A
Driiwera All
Ladles Fine
Merin o Silk
Trimmed eliirt
and Drawcra.
Mens Extra
''nvy kihbrd
Mi I r t s s o 4
507 Main Ftrcct
riattsznoath, 5fj