The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 27, 1891, Image 1

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    " 1
.Dailv EL
Firm ye ah.
Royal Baking Powder
Has no Equal.
The United , Stkes Official Report
Of the Government Caking Powder tests recently nude, under
authority of Congress, by the Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative infor
mation as to which powder is the best. The Official Report
sJiuvvs llic ROYAL superior to all
others in leavening
of tartar powder of
The Canadian Tests:
"The strength of the Royal is shown to
be 23 per cent, greater than any other.
"As a result of my investigations I find
the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the
others. It is pure, contains none but whole
some ingredients, and is of greatest strength.
" F. X. Valade,
" Public Analyst, Ontario,
"Dominion of Canada."
PT. g.t-liiwavt i a-'llirllr (inllir ilutiai-tutril-i'
1. 1 til
Fine Gold Work u Serially. III' rk 1 Ultrinutli, Nt-b.
Ibelr K'l n . ho iiMm t . I'M rrt qnllla
klAii 4 hit "'I ll- l,ii. li. C'lii" li liaU
In man ai 1 W 1. 'Ihi-jr li vaa lull
iwr 01 -iiy Ii-mhI in
4mrlr (I.I aiiMk imiI h ni tt
4uc-d ill' U am w . r tint- m 40 hui! tt
7) re ! ' tltiiiif.l,
t ":. A1.& P!iKl,Al cko-a-kh -BrM
work and fiiio rhU work a
S.ATFINM'S LOCt.a wHI a litter an
t .ili(Hirn!.n cf Hi' iMliilrsnrttr.ii'iliiu u'
1 1 uch.
MARSHALL, Fit'-f rl.l
'Atornrynt t iiw. Will't "-ntnf
to i n. mo. rtitrii.tcl 1.1 hi.". mi.i- 11.
inlimMmk, I vt Milr, r:ttmiHitli, N' li.
. 1
t- i . 1 a 1 , .
ft 1
1 . o
''rtf r tnmianl of y.'iirf IdMI. wif
n I Ira Iii-m 1 ikt, 1 1 Iki nrr l .in
pi. ftirn mi t Hlrr barely iudiflrut
- -mm. iHiV m 111 mifri nnni iimi
(('hlHgthcjr taiitarn dom tiu to il irr
V'.l -. .... ...
jiiiuni unmata to compctrnt ttudciiu
iuim iu. iuciiou. nrm iv m; i iters.
Roi.rm OTrr Waxit r'i ir.
1-An artl. rrllaUr m-alr 1H
aintiihi., wltb Hirirnwi. in ir.ninl
nn m-
a vmii,tl Srm , tk
lrffrni' ,
j N,.w V..ik.
NAaiireii;KM, Irtt
y old Doldirm, who contracted
iC diarrhoen while In thr
i', have nincii been permanent
d of (t by Chainibertniii'
. (.'holrm anl dinirlioi n Rem
l'or riilc by E. C. l ricke A Co.
.iiloh'a r.iturih
remedy a poni-
cure Ciilnrih, Liiphtheria ami
i "
iher mouili. lor tale by P. 0. & Co.
Why will you coiijrli when Fhl
H a cure will j-ive iihiik diutc ie.
1'rice ID ttn., !V) ctK. uJ fl.
t sale by r". Ci. Frtcke A Cc
t if. Mui'xruvc went to Ttltitmali
rday to init with hit friend
former Instructor, I'rof. A. II.
rlin, iiiperlntendeut of the
iioola nt that rdace.
power; a cream
highest quality.
Pro J mm tor E. Q. V Literary Enter
Imnmint. The E. Q. V. litcrury society will
bold their regular meeting this
evening at the residence of K. W
Ilyers, where a pleasant program
will be rendered. Admission, free.
Millc,liitiunu-nlal MaMIe mllli
lui e. i-al ' K. Q. V.
Ha Matnilth
Rrclatlot ...,M;irx-rrt llnvU
Dun, cil lieu llyrr. Mntil!mlih
fcopiimi Prlrtiil 1'IikIi l)U'li"i
Alilil il.itn
Itfcit.tiluii (inti'K Wijiki-r
I'rbtie Unisnrmilh h'rttlr WatitirM
Violin ilo. I'nif. Il.,l.r
I Herltatlnn I lzlr Jnqu. I
I Duct, in I.lllUn 1 ml I In mltli
I ItfidlliK "I t'4lt ii McClrllnhd
1 - -
The EifTel Towor of Toil it Artlcla
:tlli,'7l liottlen IiIiihIi of rHi'H Mld
in Hji:, Yon know I could not have
(old mi much if uIiimIi of roxi-H win
not iih reprerienled, 11 nitre fure lor
1)iiiili'H, frt'i'klcrt and hliicKlii'iidx,
11 lMU. I prt'dict it will he Hold hy
every tlrurn ' '""I need by e very
lndy mid 1 nt Iciii it ii in the United
Suite. O. II. Synder will otloply
you ut 7.i centH er bottle.
I'. D. H.itcM hud n letter from
Ilnrry Fide, ihe ninii who wim hurt
by (he falling of n 1 l,l) pound box
of plate lafH while lit-injr luiloadrd
fl'O. II tiic U iiiiil, .'ilid he h .llllrt Unit
II. irry doin nicely at bin home
in Oiuiihn, to which lie w:ta taken
hint Ttixediiy rveniii1;.
Our itifiiniiant liad the wroirr
focus on bin opt Ici when he took
the dime nxioiiH of Jolm Leeslcy'it
chicken lioime ut 100 feet. Itlnforiy
by tw Ive feet.
Stanley nn mi explorer, EdiMon iih
mi inventor Minn i-'loni A. Joiicm hm
the dHcoverer of the I'iiiiioiih MuhIi
of Rohi-h for the complexion; are
naiiK'H Hint '.vill be hniidcd down an
benefiii'loM of the nice, to ull re.
corded time ). II. tj nder cornea in
for hia fhnre (of the prolitn an lie
ii I wr ii yn keem a bi Mtipply on litind,
uud itella it for 75 eta. per bottle.
One of the nrweat and brightest
lines of
PI'ojVGooJs, Ttti. Dolls. KorcUiit, Etc-
fr lb HulMif trail that baa bttm
trn la Iowa luf ycara.
Which was bought early lu the
nrjHOU from Home of the
Lakgest IxroKTi.vo Iloi'sns
Which guarniitcrfl you thopit k of
the market and ut price
for which we
ore noted.
-:Tli3 Lows! in I he Country .
Tlia public it frill nil r lnll d to Impact aur
g u a..U rumpaia pi tu.
Tha Hotel Riley i
Mr. Hackney iH jfivinty moMt ex
ccllcr.t satir'actioii an a uiodtd ii
t -I man nt the Riley. Yenlerday he
d'd hiniMcIf f)roud byway ofrct-
tiugoiit the bcMt dinner one comd
haye denired. We vnture to my
no hotel in the slate furnirihcd a
befter menu than did the Hotel
While the leant of good thingM
di'Merved the titiendance of n round
hundred of our bent cili. eon Hcarce
ly twenty were prcnetit f otn
the cily acide fiom the revtilar
boarders, n fact not in tiie leput to
the credit of our people who otiht
to know that mich eiicoiiraement
toward the keeping up of a lirtd
clan ItoH'l in ceriainly vcy bad.
A town ixofien ruled iiccoid:ng to
the cliifH d h :elH which it flip
poria; wenhould tlicrciiire iih a mai
ler of personal . iIe if for no
olher reiicon encoi'iage mid nnnirt
our hotel men. (ne thing in pai l 'e
ularly clear; llione who uiifHcd ; lie
Thankfgiviiig dinner ut the Riley
miMceil u li'iiHt heldoin enjoyetf, and
to even up the neore they fliould
drop in during the week and nhow
their atitireciaiiou of a li ct chi."n
hotel by taking a dinner and thiif
encourage the iironneior, Mr.
The Chilr1rn' Thankaglvlnu.
To ftand at the fotilh end (it
Rockwood Hall, an pome of our
citi.en did ycfterday, and fee the
iutcurc ciitirfaction and ciijoyuieut
exprcefetl on every countenance of
nix or pc ven hundred happy
children, iH in leed a feapt more lit
f it Thanksgiving Day than turkey,
cranberry Httacc, itiliii pudding,
nnd ell the other (rood thinirH
found in a iiiont elaborate menu.
Four long t.ililen Hrelched tin
length d die hail, arranged to neat
about three hundred children. At
one xide, tablea groaned under
their load of chicken, turkey, mealp,
btuiH, csikeH, piet, jellieH, pnratogn
potatoes, friittf, pauces, and Halade,
For two hours before dinner time
many willing and busy hands of
teachers, older (scholars, and their
friends were employed in gettingull
In readiness for the eager mouths
and Ijtsngry stomachs that were to
be feed at U:.'J0. The feast began,with
all the tables full of first grade
pupils. When they had finished
and gonenwny full of dinner and of
Thanksgiving, the tables were
cleared the dishea washed, and
everything made ready for the
higher grades. They, too, display
Kood appetites and feasted with a
cheerfulness and contentment born
only of the knowledge of having
striven for the Tappiness of others.
The teachers foil. iwed, bless them!
TI.e pupils for whom they arranged
this feast little realize how much ol
needful rest and comfort was Piicri
(iced by these teachers for the hap
piness of the children. The citi
iimn of thii city rhould be proud
t liilp Mid) tr.ulni.i in their
wur'.ity ellorts to teach by example
as well as precept thu golden rule.
Everything passed olf pleasantly
with one exception. In collecting
the dishea together the legs of the
table on which they were placed
ga v c wuy nnd about twenty dollars
worth of dishes were destroyed.
No one in particular permit to be to
blame for the accident. On inquir
ing ilseema the tenchera will have
1 1 foot that bill. No one clrC hciiia
to be financially responsible.
Rnlwkah Elioilon.
At meeting of Rebekuh Lodge
No. 4d the following ofllccr were
elected lor the ensuing year: Mra.
T. ):. Williams, N. O.; Mrs. Laura
Twiss, V.G.j Mra. John Cory, Sec. j
Misa Mary Kroehler, Trena. ; Mrs.
L. C. Anderson, Mra. Davis, Mrs.
John Cory, Trustees; MiRa Ilattie
Shipman, Sitting 1'aat Noble Grand
for ensuing term.
The lodgn waa visited by Mrs.
Dr. ins, president of the state conven
tion, who made uonie very appropri
ate remarks. Two new members
were taken In, the woik being done
by degree staff.
Auihora' Carnival.
The ladies of the I'resbyterian
church ore sparing neither time
nor expense to make the Authors'
Carnival the uncial event of the
easou. There are Fcvcnty-five or
more of the best known people in
the city taking part, nnd they will
be drcHed In such costumes that
the character they arc representing
will be readily recognized.
Remember the dales: Dec. 10
and 11.
Mra. Samuel McKonkey died day
before yesterday and waa buried ut
Eijilit Mile Grove to-day.
11. Smith of Denver is in the I frra" mm m. . ....
j C. A. Rawla
Miss May llicltce, of Nebraska
City, is visiting with Miss Hirdie
Miss Maud Ilurke of Lincoln is
visiting with her friend, Miss Idu
Harry SUdd. son of Hon. If. H.
Shedd, clothier at Ashland, came
into the cily this morning.
C. A., banker of Louis
ville, and wile, took Thanksgiving
dinner with Mrs. R. I'. Kennedy.
l-'oi'M)-Silk lie, which the owner
tuny have by calling at this office,
proving property and paying lor
this notice.
Mrs. C'has. Owland came in from
LIU wild, her country residence
and took Thanksgiving dinner with
the Wescolts.
Senator Thomas and his mother
went to Omaha yesterday morning.
Mrs. Thomas will spend the winter
with her daughter.
Shorthand ami typtwritin col
lege over Mayer's clothing sto re.
Day and night rcssioiis. Situations
guaranteed to ml competent Htud
euls. tf
Judge Ramsey issued a license to
wed to Mr. Joe McMaken o
this cily and Miss Kale Diishe, of
Cedar Creek. 'J lie ceremony took
place yesterday.
Fred Schroeder and family, of
Cedar Creek, came down to spend
Thanksgiving with Clause Ilrekeu
fi.'ld, iiihI to attend the election of
ollicers in the K, of I". lodge.
For Archbiship Hendricks'
Golden Jubilee, to be held at St.
Louin Nov. to Dec. 1, the II. A M.
will sell round trip tickets for one
fare. 1 icaets good to return I)ec.2.
2t F. Latham, Agent.
Allen Slult. was called to Omaha
this morning to do an important
job of paper hanging. This is a
compliment to our city and u
just rebuke to those who
have imported hands to do
such work.
Ed "Todd, an employee of the
shops, visited with his brother-in-law,
1". A. Rickerson, in Ashland
over Thanksgiving, and last eve
ning both came to the city. Mr.
Rickersoii expects to locate here
A taffy pull wns held on Wednes
day evening at the residence of Mrs.
M. Schlegel in honor of Fred
Schlegel. Games, music and taffy
pulling were among the amuse.
iiienta of the evening. The party
broke tip nt about i:'.V a. in.
A petition was filed in county
court this morning by A. Salisbury
to contest the election of Dr. Deer
lag to the office of l. i k of Hie dis
trict court and another this after
noon by (ieorge Edsoii to contest
the election of William Tighe to
to the office of BhcriJf .
W. G. I'iukerlou, night operator
nt the II. A M. depot, was relieved
this morning by a Mr. Krall, to
make a short visit to a brollnr in
Wahoo, afler which he will go to
visit his father in Marquette, Ham
ilton county, Ncbraxka.
J. C. Romine, the noted fishery
man, south of South Ilend, was a
visitor to the counly seat to-day
and it was noticed that he admired
the ningniheent appearance of the
new court house Hearing comple
tion at this writing.
Ihe Wells Fargo Expresa Co.
have a custom of giving a turkey
to the head of every family in their
employment on Thanksgiving day
which custom waa again observed
and among the many delighted
families we might mention that
Geo. Freer, agent on the Schuyler
run, who got a nice large turkey
out ior ine nenciit r.t the young
ladiea, we will aay George la not
married and only gave Ida mother
and sister thi treat.
K. of P. EUrtlon.
At a regular meeting of Gauntlc
Lodsre No. 7, K. of I'., the following
oilicera were elected: M. N. Griffith,
C. C.;F. O. Ilowland, V. C; F.
Dickson, Prel. ; Otia Dovey, IC. of R.
S.; . J. Streight, M. of F. j C. C.
I'nrmele, M. of L j II. J. Dray, M. at
A.; F. Dickson, F. Schroeder, Ilcnj.
Elsou, trustees.
A resolution waa read nnd
adopted that the officers-elect pro.
vide nn oyster Blew to the inciiibera
tf the lodge immediately nfler
lodge closed. After the meeting
the boya proceeded to John Schiap.
pacasse'a nnd devoured the luscioua
bivalves, and it la reported mc
washed them down with cataup.
Aak Ote Dovey bow this ia.
is visitimrfriendfl at H K H I I M h K W IUI II III ll
- M I ll I u u y y m
- - - - - - mm
- - OP - -
Indies Furnishings
Is 27ow Oraplcto ia all Dopartra3nt3,
We nre showinga handsome line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Stock complete and prices lower
than ever.
AVE never rliown so
o cill sj)';i:i;il attention
Militnry ami lli Coat sli ipci trimmed with Mink, ISca', Astracham.
MuiLloon htid Coney furs.
Our line of PIii1i Sncquea aro t'lienper tlinn eer leiore. Fall
lines of Child runs and Misecs Clouks and Jackets.
2S. jL. McE IiWAIN,
Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty
and all Work Warranted.
33. Jl. M'ELWAIIT,
415 Main Street,
The stock of groceries nt Peter
sen's old Hand wiil be sold at re
tluccu prices to satisly mortgage
of First National bank, and anyone
needing goods will save money by
calling at the old Ktaud. Remem
ber the stock l.i fresh and Complete.
Come in for bargains in potatoes.
Hour, glassware, chiuaware and
crockery. Opera Grocery.
In placing their stock of Iloliduy
Goods before the public this year,
1-eiiunoii isros. give us llie uasur
nnce that it ia bigger, better nnd
liner than ever. Their ussortment
this season covers everything in
Hooka, Hooklcts.Cards, Satin, Pluhh
and Leather novelties, Toya,
wagona, veiocipeuea and Dolls.
Fiacli auccceding year finds them
carrying a larger line, and from
now on their entire store will be
devoted to Holiday Goods exclus
ively. To pet the benefit of first
choice they advise their patrons to
make early eelectiona as n great
many goods cannot be duplicated
later in the season. They cordially
invite an Inspection of their line,
whether wiih the intention of buy.
lag, or not, as the opportunity of
aeeing euch an elegant nstortnient
cornea very rurely in Plntta
mouth. dJJ.w'4
Mra. Jacob Vallery, Jr., met with a
misfortune yesterday morning. In
going from the dining room to
what she supposed to be the sitting
room, nhe entered the wrong door,
thus falling down the cellar way
and breaking her collar bone. Mrs.
Vallery wai not yet acquainted
with her new home, hence the mis
fortune. ' .
E. R. Todd moved into The city
A good Ludics Jersy vest nt 2ac.
Ladiea fine Jersey vest nnd punti is
white or natural grays at 50c eaca
Ladiea natural Gray Wool Vests an
I'anls nt 50c. Regular 7ac undta-
Full lines of Ladiea Fine wool
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal and black.
Complete lines of Child'a under
wear in natural, scarlet nnd whito
nt prices iih low as the lowest
large a lino in tliia depart meul
to our lirgi fts.v)rtin;nt of Ileefera
Headquarter for Everything in the line at
Plattsmouth, Nofc
lloina ViiL'iiiiif iiihI ini.,o
in ii III n. iniil IlKH i a
Il.irnf i I,IU I lis -i. I HrliALU
M.-rtM-i'a nn. r ii'iil IIkh i.ii
limp, r' Mrrklv aim i khai.I)
tuwaMulo Ii. uuliTHiliI HhUAI.I)
l a
Cood Look,
Good looks are more than akla
deep, defending upon a healthy
condition of all the vital orano,
If the Liver be inactive' you ha
a ltilioua Look, if your ittomac -be
alfeeted you have a Dysteptia
Iook and if hour Kidneys be e Heeled i
yov will have a Pinched liok. H
cur good health and you will hava
good looks, Electric flitters ia tha
great alterctive and Tonic acta
directly wi those vital organa.,
Cures Pimples, lllotchea, lloilaanoV
gives a good comiiiexion. Sold at -
It I. r t Af mm M. f 'u'j 1
x a a iv-v fJ
& Co a Drugstore,
per bottle:
An honest Swede tella his
in iiiiiiii out mini stnk.-ihlA fe-.
gunge for the beuetit of the publk
One of my children took a aevem
cold and got the croup. I gave har
a teastioonful of Chauiberljia
Cough Remedy, and iu tiveminutea
latcs I gave her one more. Hy thi
time die hnd to cough up tha
Knthering in the throat. Then tin
went to sleep and slept good 1
fifteen minutes. Then phe got vt
nnd vomitetl; then rhc went batk
to bed and slept good for the ro
maiutierof the night. She got th
croup the second uiKht and I pa ta
ller the same remedy wiih the aauia
rood results. I writ thin breast
1 thought there miCht be some on
in the same need and not know tha
true media of thia wonderful medi-
pea Moines, Iowa. CO cent baUto
for aal by F. G. Fi icke A Co.