'M i .- V eraia 1 FIFTH YF.Ali. VL VTTSMOUTH, N K I H t A S K A , W 1 1 1 )M S I ) A Y, OYK Mi)!-R 2 18i)K jTL. M I U; 1 1 . I I if f I 1 7 B H IV II II T II III II biiiuii in m v in ' V miuit I aa m m w r T-Tn o 11W The United States Official Report Of the Government Baking Powder tests recently m.i.!. , . : authority of Congress, by the Department of A-.iJiiltiire, .Washington, D. C, furnishes the highest authirii..t; ... ir.i..:. Imation as to which powder is the best. The 0(u i..I import shows the ROYAL superior to wii others in leavening power; a cream of tartar powder of" highest quality. 1 The Canadian Tests: "The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per cent, greater than any other. "As a result of my investigations I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to thy others. It is pure, contains none but whole some ingredients, and is of greatest strength. " F. X. VALADE, " Public Analyst, Ontario, "Dominion of Camilla." 3n' A. SALSBURY : D-r-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AND I'UKCELAIN CKOWX8. , Dr.t)lriiiwuraaia-lhi-t.c fur Urn .nlii.-. fv tlarlliit i.l ti-rtll. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. aVxknoud Block l mum.Miili, Nfb. tlt and , SON A PEA HCE HAVE KECKIVF.lt '.ir Fa'l i rta. tnix rill i .. In nrt nnllU UNI 4 I" I "I l.f ln.lili.li Caitiff Hm I haia III atraw ai rt It-1, lliey h taa lull mie 111 mtiiy n'-nii mm in in der 1.1 rlftir i I.I ti k nut h r ajuwil lli-li irr hI. i HhIp In 40 and ! 7 t In llmni-il, MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. DENTISTRY .' 'S t J i 0OI.D AND POt.Cri.AIX CltOttN Bridga work and flue work SPEHT AT . TV . viulru.W US .Wit I 1 - ' ' , - HTFINATH LOP A I. , wWI M ottn.r ku . .' ia"V MAItSIIAM. . I'ittferiild J"W fii ORNEV A. N. fULMVAN. 5 inrnry m.i.iiw. 111 (iit prnmi !toiitor, ' n 9 ." rritrurtiMi .i ,iu.. t itl.co lb t t Ml Nd. l in'.tHllmilll, .Srb. Z BHOHTIIAND A'D TYI'EWKtTIXG COLLEGE- . J riaUrtinotith, Ncbronka. , r Ihnii.iirii'i nf vni tr lnlrt. cwi. V l 1 hfM eVlk. . Ir l o f Ihk I il'ly b lr rypry i!y aim. . : L 'iiiii n wniw hmi hn-1 ni1 rnni(iu,y rao tarn finm 40 10 H'jO p r . 1'il'nlri:ariiijlrdtannmctrntluilcnti ,il,ui ii;u.a lot, u.t( Ultra. . ' AND EVEMN3 SESSIONS. '. ,l Koumi ovtf Harare finra. IK Vtfd- . ; , S leq-an mil . ( il nidlilh'y. 1 ' ' ' V n aaeiliiu 1 '"lerea, , Ke Vnrk. .' r a li-d-An anlra, rellatilc m-alry 171 iif.ii.M-T. iiu uirreaMf. 10 rxniM 111 aortliiu reaMinallila r ti rk a. HAaurAtnaait. ui !! xlliT, who coutrnctdl . . uiarrnoca wlule in the nave Hincc Icrn in'rimineut-ly'.'- I i.t it tjr ChtiimlHTltiin'a -"SW n,'4,r,i " oturrhiM u Kern, 'tly. l or mile ly C. Frickc A Co. For lumo Luck thi're ia nothing tf-tli-r tlmn to ialiirato a llmintl cloth with Chnmbcrliiin'a I'nin J 1.1 1 111 mid biii'l It on tlx uffcc'.rd purtH. Try il and you will In? nur Irinrdnt thr prompt rrlicf ituirorda. Tin nainf tri-ntiiiciit will t-iirc rlmii pAjtiem. l or ulo by V. G. I-'ricke '.iluli'a rnliirrli rrnwrly n pocl j cure Ciitnrrh. liphllii riu uird r kit mouth. For huc l y G. 1 11 kc &, Co. Why will you couh when Sbi. b li iiiiri? i (jivr iiiiinoibntt rp. Iff. I'rlce l) rta., .VI eta. and L r irtle by F. O. Frkke Co TDv r. JL W ' Equal THE HOTEL RILEY T!iAii!iVi rtus uinjieK, (lynlfru Dlua I'nliiU Kw. Crram of () ili-r( C..111 mi Orlraiu. Celrry. Qurru Uhvw. nail. Filial n( Trout m Fmi enet, Hhoralr I K fulbliwa. linn rn. llollH Ham I I mi;iKnf) Haunt. Ltk ut HprluK Unib CrrHiii 11I Turnip Coid Toi'Kur, Van! and Ham. HOAX IK. F'lni- t il'. 1 f Bref aujut 1Mb KlitUul Brrthculelt I'lldUlrifi Tiiikcjr SMi'ril. Cr nlirrrv Kauc Kalml i'f ui'k, nirnt Jelly, Iliimao Fundi. Quail ua T"Bl, W alcr Cre'im, Badil e ul Vvnlimn, liiune Maucr, KNTUKfa. mull Chi' krn ritit a la !Mne. Trlmlilra nl Hwnt Fr'ad P rilaima. Frog I r a-li-d wild Frrn'li t'eia, Jack Kalililt VuaiiiniMii Hauie, lkloll Crratn lulTl, Fif!l NibairrHalad. Chlrkrn Hi!ad. Inline Hli H.rd IM'ed tig Vaiai4Hi.ra. Mac llf Pnl. toes. Hifamcil Pt,Utrf. Marruvf Fat ivat, Hwci-t -.iiiwii ruwued. Ini(nrlt'il Mm flu. Urai.a. FA HV. (ireen Am ! I' e. Mlumple rmnn Fix Hti-uio Fruit luilillnit Kuril and III unity rauce hk-hhht, Nriifmll'nri i Crmm, Pln Ai.iK'Jc ly.A'Wfl Fund. Lady l'ii.j;i-r. l.nii-r Culsini Nuta AnilP'l Cniitlli-a i'm iiiiat - -T-a 'ir .fr-. Pet a. Retain Cream ( li . i eut Water Cra.'kera. The EifTrtl Towar of Toilt Artlcia. :il('...".7I Imtlli-H IjIiimIi of roMrH hi..) in lui, Von know I cinilI imt hiive HOI'I HO IIHIl ll if tllllHll f rtlMI'A wan iinta ri'iircHciitcil, 11 ntirc nirc f,r l'iiii..'-, frci-klfn and liliicklinidfa, III lyi' I lin-ilh-l il u lll I... u..l.l I... - 1 ..j c-vi-ry (Iru-iHt, mill uf( liy ( vi-ry lulv and LM-ntl riil;ui in Ihi I'lttti'il Slnlc. (). II. Sviidi-r will Butmlv you at 73 cent per bottle. AdvertlHoiiiciit noar thr? end nf the ili tnila of the Oiiitin ciihchIioiiIiI read odviemi!iit ia yvatvrduya i sue. IS OPENING UP One of the newrat and brightest mira 01 PlniVGood, Tojj. EoHs. 17oTeltin, Etc Far Iha Holiday trad a that haa beta aaeo la tow fur yeara. HO OLD STOCK, ALL HEW Which wan bought early In the acauoti froiu aomc of the LAKUE8T IMPOKTINU IIOUHEI Wliich guarantee you th s pick of the market nud at juice ' for which we ore uotcd. -:Tke Lwcs! in the Country . uOo Tin public l tv.nlliillr liivlt. d tn Ir.apect ur B.r,i.icuia,rr. FUttiaaalk Mth. S. O. Minor went to Omaha to-day, Information crowded out of vef . terdaya irinue. 0. Sfylifii of Cuiiom win in tin- city yeM'-rdiiy. Tin; weaiher for Thurudav ix In be fair and warmer. iIih Miilfie Newell went to Nchawka thin morning. Frank Cumuli and K. K. White wetit to Oinahii IhiM morniiie;. Sleifli!iir "hcen pood" for a week nt l,onp Fine, Nebraska. Mth. II. C. McMaken returned hint evi iiinp from a two wceka' vinit in t!ic northwep't. Minn Flora Ilonovan went to Wymore thin 11 lorn i n lT to Hiiend TliaiikHpivinp with friendH. I'lili.Vli-Silk I may have by eiillinp nt tin oflice. provinir property and payiup for thin notice. W. L. KnoltM dennrtu tliiw fveiilnir f ir Council HIiiITh where he will apeiKi I haukspivin' viHitiiiu f'iend. Hill Tones has cone hiiiilinir naiii thiH time to the far went in Cfitnpnny with Tom Fiitteri-on and Have Mchntcc. S. C. I'attiTHOii went to Omaha thiH morning from thin city and ex peeled to return to bin home at South Ilend thin evenin-r. J. A. Summem and Wfivne K'iik- sell, of Weeping Water, were in the city to-day on buniiu-HH. They re turned home over the M. I. II. Covert, having visited with hin f irmer employer, II. McIItigh, re t imed to bin home at Glcnwood I iMt Morvlay evening. J. C. White, of Ilattdead, Knnaaa, came in on the flyer to viriit Imh brother, John, who it in tin- einpl.w of the II. A M. ih engineer. Shorthand and tvpewrilin col lege over Mayer'n 'cloihing ntore. Day and niulit HesHiona. SitualioiiH guaranteed to all competent ntud cut. ,j Nebrankn nigar in worth aeveral centH more juthe pound than other branda becaunp if ia u liner and better grade than the average gran- liiaiea augur. Hird Critchfield demanded i boniiH of the contracting partiea in the furniture deal. It ix that they will give the very beat material that the contract will allow. Do not forpet the ThankHfivinir fervice at the FirHt Jlaittiat chun h to-morrow, at 11 a. in. Rev. L, F Unit will preach the Kcrmon and 11 cordial invitation in extended to all. The whither maintain it Alakan frigidity, but it in fun to a"e the bovH eniov Kliniin. A Thankngiving without nkatin.r would be to the boya a ChriMlmua williout preM-nlH. Scott Hare and Henry NoKcab't- cnmedowii from the Dcu.l thUiitorn uig niul report, that the Mate fish commiHHioiierrt car wa taken out laxt evening to diatribule iish in wcalern BtreauiH. Nr. John Tighe, in retiponce to a telephone communication n ceived by her hiiKhaud yesterday afternoon, left on the evening Schuyler train to attend the be.?- Kino l her Mck n-ier, MrcShifhiiu The county commiMviouera -eri otihly regretted to go borne laht Monday eveuiuir on acciiiinl of il. extreme liberality of the. auccenhful lurnilur.! agent, who ban been en t rlainiug them ut the Hotel Riley iree 01 charge. Lodge No. 11(1, I. O. O. I. lirM their election hint evening, electing uieiroincera lor the mailing year: C. II. IVterarn, N. G.J J. W. Uridge, V. G.j S. I. Gaboni, aecretary; liird Critchlield, pcniiniient secretary; I'. C. Ilunaen, treasurer; Robert Walker, Frank lloyd and L G. Laraen, trtinteea. II. C. Hackney ia make extetiaive arrangements to royally entertain me citi.eua of r atiMitmiiiii m ,. Thnnkaglvlng dinner. The bi 11 of fare aa published n thia paper apenka for lis aelf, and pueata mav feel uaaured that no pninn will be upured to make tlie oecaMlon atilia. factory in every i.articular. Ta!! your wIvh and nweet bearta to diuuer nt the Hotel Riley. J.C. rntleiaou. I. A. Walker ml Louie EicLhofl will Mart nextSatur. day from South Ilend on the Rock iHianuon a trio throuch the aouth viailiug pointa in Indian Terriinr und Tt'xal u:nl will probably u-iurn about the middle of December. Thla no doubt will be a lively trio uent on n pleaaiire trip durlnir the- early day of n protective cold win. ter. Iruili und beuuiy. l.eluilii,lt,IK,lcu uio aiiljrtm iiu Utf t'wm.t.iaM.aiKrs a1'1 It Uui u. in ,,u., ttVl. IU...BJ s . tin. Id , v, liu.ucU "'l Iti.U' UiJuiiltu iu niiittj i !-., w . to lint u.ie ml u Ami I, ,r, ,B ,u (,1 , u ' u. in inina uiiil 11 w He .1 c in,,, iuiiit.M)W i-.likli.ill i,i,iuu luu AiiU Mii-riiiuu, tu iili li- D...,i,i, b in, ' " r ili.t I,,, ih' m "I" I' ll lc 'i i,U . .mil flauder, Akuiu.i 11 e 1 neieni, qiMl.lltid man. ereriiij,,! ihtj Hroot I remoiit held a rouMng meeting the other evening to couuier hall a oo...i niiiiiiiiiielui ing propoai Hoiia il, at were the Ural li uuaol Hie l'i ol 1 In: Aei.iahlia adveilmiiig train. - Kearney liub. Till-: IlKkALU congratulatea Fri moot tijiou lur tood fortune, and were our biiMina men aa public apirited imil nine to their iulereatd aa tboae of Fremont, I'latlamouth would be a formidable competitor for theae valua'ile induatrial enter- priaea. We are a linn believer in tke old adage, "The Lord helpa thoae that help themaelvea," and if Fiemout inakea the necesaary exer tion to secure theae iuduatriea, ahe ahould receive the benelilH. Caen in iha Diairict Courl. Seth F. Winch va. Sarah M. Winch. The plainlilf ia a wealthy und re tired speculator in Omaha who parled from hi wife a good many jcarngo und who live in Rhode laland. He brought auit for divorce in thia county und pot Her vice of auinmoiiH by pu blication when hia wife appeared to defend and aaked for temporary alimony. The court granted $.!,t X). The plainlilf now aeeka to diamiaa hia I'Ctiou but the couit holdx thai having elected to make thU county ine lortitii lurl::a sua be limot eiuy und tight it out. '1 he FiiM Nat ioual Dank of Weeo- ing Wukr made application for a receiver for the Mock of uooda ol Reed Droa Co. at Weeping Water and wua aet for trial to Judge Hall, Lincoln, ind waaaubmitted to him aeveral weeks ago aince which time he had it under adviaement and haa now denied the application for u receiver. The auit wan biollphl to recover SO.IAAI. Caae of Todd va. Omaha Southern Railway Co. for damages for right ol way recently tried in thia county rcaulted in a bung jury, baa been acnt on change of venue to Oloe county where it will be tried ul December term. touch land llama. The Kchool aa to be divided but will iiui be now until after holidaya. The liali tur left luat night to take a trip to the western part of me atate The printing ofTice of South Ilend H cloaed. It now belongs to Mr. Aoaecahle. a Mr. Wacker baa painted bis meat maiKi t nnd reauiued buaiiuas laat riiurtday. It wan o Hormy la.-l Sabbath that llu ie was no Sabbath achoul, or acr icea held here. All the farxu-ra are praying for a week" or ten days of fair weaiher to to enable Iheiu to fiui.sli corn huak. nig. Mr. Wacker nnd Mr. Well return- , . , i-fl llllllli I'lul ll , I I.... . I i-uy evening, from Uluir. Mr. Wacker cava it rn.i hiiuover t tnke the treat- ........ .m-j aeeui io nae no Ucaue I..... i 1 1 ... i .. lo UllllU. Bo." or Trad. m7.mW . Hoard of trade called to order l.v preament, K. II. mdham. ... -i 11. .ml.. r. 1J ff nr. . v " ,' -ni-uii i. ii, vi inu- bam, M. H. Murphy. F. M. Kicht-v A. N. Sullivan, Julrus IVpperberg, F. G. Frickc, I. D. Tult. llenrir ... ' 'I Hoeck, Fred Herrmann, F. E. White, a. j i. Todd, Dr. Humphrey and Frank Carruth. I Reading of minutes of orevlona meeting dispensed with. Moved by Fred Herrmann, nnd aeconded by F. Iv. White, that the i i , . .. 1,1,11 l,le Chair unnu nt I irm i.nl.u,. - " delegates to the Missouri Rirer Improvement convention to beheld ut Kansas City, December 13 Motion carried 1 - .......i.i. .4 i-,. i'jurpny, . W. Sherman und A. X. Sullivnn- alternates, A. II. Todd. Ilenrv' ii,., ic nn. i u ,i , ' Uoei.lt nndl-.t,. Fncke. Motion to appoint G. V. S. IUirlon ua secretary, cariied. Initiation fee dispensed with and admitted as n member ,i ,. . n""u,""ir- On motion, meeting adjournod. A drunk who gave"bi7 name u Jackson Smith wis brought Jude Aurcher this inorniug who lined him five dollars and costs, in dcfutiltof the payment of which he wua coiumitted to jail -FfiFil HFRRM AMU? a ail aa a a a a a a a a aa a mm aa a aa n iikw-a ' U II HI II i (I oUIi F.U.L AM) tVlMTCU Sl O 0 - - ore1 -DRY - GOODS -'AND To TTqxt1 Csmplcto ia all 3DGpartmoa.3. I!US bOIIIH We are ahowinga handaome line of CAM ELS HAIR IT. Aim HROA D-CLOTII, FLANNELS, SEK'GES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of coloringa and blacks. ULAXKEIS AMI (0.MF0UIS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. GLORIAS flflfl SHAWLS. iievi-Fflii.wn tu largo a line in this depart meii o cill spcfiial utte.itio-i to our I irgi aortment of IldwfeM " Military hikI Hip Coat t-h-.i trimiiitil with Mink, Bea!, Astracbaav Mudiiloon kikI Concv furs. Our line of Plu-li Saeqtics arc clirnppr tlmn eer before. Fal lines of Childrcns nnd .Misses Cloaks and Jackets. FSIS fflllfill NF. DOOR EAST A BIG SIOCK OF HOLIDAY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINE WATCHES n und all Work Warranted. B. .A.- M'ELWAIN", THE LEADING JEWELER, 415 Main Street, . The alock of groceries at Peter sen a old Hand will be told nt re dlteeil iirieea In wnilwlv iiwn-tn.iti.. ,.f l i.ui v...; i i i. .....i ... T K . i m imiiih, iiihi anyone I . ... . in duing goons win aave money by calliiKr in the ol.l ui.....,l l.,..... ber the atock is freah ami conn. lete. .. . . . -me in lor bargains in potatoes Hour. Llaaawnre. ehiiwi u-nn .1 crockery. Opera Grocery, not oa i. or i-"e. The yearly election of ofllcer. of I?......l... . ... ... - - -""iiuei louge .o. 4, rv. ol J, 'diieMday ii. in. Nov. Z"i. A full SLimx, C. C. rT,.a n.,,.rv u- ..t u is ' ... ' ' I - Ix- J- 6 Mra. Tom Patterson accompanied her huaband to Omaha where ahe will visit with frinnda while hpr liuaLand goes on hia hunting trip. - . . ' r P",01"' Ui,r tock of Holiday Gjoda before the pubi c this veur i.u.i. n i. ' i"i. inujiur. AA-inuioii iiroa. give ua ttie naaur- ",n that it ia bigger, belter and ,'"'"r ,hn" ev,'r- li'eir assortment ll'' V''',,HOn. ,C"yir!H ""y""'" i" Hooks llooklets.Cards, Salin.Pl.iHh "nl Leathr-r novelties, Toya. """iir, i-mciprnrn mm Dolls. ,,llcc,",,ding year finds lliein Ci,rrl " larger line, and from "u ,r ""re rtore win tie devoted to Holiday Good exclus. -vcly. To get the benefit of first c1"1' they advice their imtrons lo !!!", y, ivcXio" n" Krent niany goods cannot be durdieated later In the season. They cordially LVlV ",p.'H'tioa of ""f. XlZ seeing audi an elegant assortment co""'" very rarely in I'latts- u,outh' d:)Aw; LOCAL 0. LAil PACK. i;.M)i:imvi:ak A good Ladies Jery vent nt 2e. Ladies line JerHey veMt and panta la white or natural grays at 5()c each Ladies natural Gray Wool VeMaantf I'anta nt.Wc. Regular 75c undaav wear. Full lines of Ladiea Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete linea of Child's undea' wear in natural, scarlet and white nt prices at, low as the lowest FIRST NATIONAL. - JEWELER Headquarter for Evcrj thing in the line WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND DRONZ1 CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES, FANCY SILVERWARE. SOLID GOLD JEWELRT QC0D3 Specially . Plattsmnath. w0k OUfl CLUUINO LIST, Knina Vaunliipiinil Im-i , Ml ..In ( ,- ,! I. , - ll.irm-i'i M.m z mi n. U r hai ii . M ni. i 'a H.iz ni ul 1 1 k i.i, ' limp r'. Weekly ml i kiiai.ii hiw Mate liijl:er ami lliu'iui .... . 1 . t a .. 4 4 " 4 ,. 1 I Cood LflAlia. Good looks are more than ski'a. deep. de(ending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organ If the Liver be inactive' you hav a Ihlious Look, if your siomnrh be nlleeted you have n Dyspeptic Jiokniid if hour Kid ,ii.v l. .r .. yov will have a Pinriw.d r o. curs good health und you will hav mum iooks, j-.iectric Hitlers ia tba great ulterctive und 'louic atu- (lireCtlv Oil tlinan ..-i..i L ------ .urn uipunsk- C urea Pimples, Hlotches, Hoila and givea a good complexion. Sold U F. G. Frickc A I'n- l)r.,.,oi ... per bottle: w. An honest Swede tells hit atori in Dlain hut a - ' "innumuUJC I at a iru.iL'e for hnfu .... . . One of my children took a aever .wiu ami got uie croup. I pare her a teamioniiliil i.v.. . . p , ri. v nunioeriaiB C ough Remedy, and in five niin.,1. lates I gave her one more. Hy thia tune ahe bud in TalWvl. a... iL. gathering in the throat. Thru hi ni i i ii nii-i-n HtWI ul.ar.. . 1 flflKAn n Tl . e i.incB. int-n sue got U' and vomited; then Hie went bac to ntu nno slept good lor the ro niamner of the night. She got tha croup the second night and J Rav, lu-r the same remedy with the aam good results. 1 write thia becnua f thought there might be some on in tliesnnu- need and not know tba true merits of thia wonderful medi. n"CM ,C,IAk!'ES A. Thomiukkm, I)esMoinea, Iowa. H) cent boltla tr 'e by F. (;. FrickeACo. , rure buekwueut Hour for aalo ul Ueiael'a iailL y 1 f s 1 v. -