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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1891)
Hli6.rTPTf", Thinking it would intercut a large part of your readers to know what i. being done in the schools of the city, I hvc been led to make thi communication. An excellent faculty is employed, and kept busy taking care of the tudents in attendance, in me hit-h Hchool a larire rantreof pub- jects are taught by experienced and thoroughly practical leacuc... . t, trie, it mil' riiirMie the LatiV I Jon. Swobfl j Win. Co'e, tody, Hi . ntific course, preparing him for Xjte university, or henniy pur- aaaMaaMaaa HWMI,' M r.Uit Mtt l O jo :v 7i) Ti (. tiKuleiitui j- 'I so Chas. V heeler, " " . John YhihIb, team wot. Jones Ac r iuu, " Geo. 1'ninHtl, " " Jacob Stull. " huwin Hiitex, ITHllk Mitt, K. Kihiow, " M. K. McCook, " L. Kilclow. " S. Wwjndler. " ... J. A. t'laypool, " A reeolutiuii w.ia introduced on motion of Mif'-'iv ..-!op! the effect that sidewalk ohonld be built for a H panic who bad been ::...l .....I t...i-iii't.fl III STEALING A CROP OF BAhLtY. Km him for thiactuiilbuiiteBH truns actioMi to ljtiund in real life. A school of Bhorthand and type writing is also maintained in con nection with the btiHinesB coun-e. The course in elocution and del aarte includes physical training, voice culture, reading anddramatic expression. The tuition for the Latin scientific. LngliHh, buMinen and elocutionary cotirees for non-rewi-leut pupils i but $1.50 per month. For Bhorthand, S per mom.-. Typewriting, fifty cent per month. It in the aim of the faculty to make the school second to none in the state. It is hoped that all those tlirectly interested will co-operate with the faculty m their enons 10 keep the interest unlla-ging and the attendance regular. Eight new pupil the past week and still they come. There are niw enrolled in the City schools UW pupils, with an average attendance of about ninety per cent. Many of our rooms have . h:in Beats. For ex- ,!... room Xo. '.'0 has seats for Oysters about fifty-six pupils and an en rollment of eighty and the attend mice good. High school has en rolled seventy pupils, witn sixij even seats, and it rarely happens that a seat is unoccupied. Room fc 10 has a larire attendance and the teacher has a hard task indeed to take car of sixty-four pupils A visit to the rooms will convince anyone that n new six-room build Kxeltlng Dattla In the Dark with ia.iermljr Arrow! Thlaaa. A daring attempt to xteal a whole field of barley that bad been thrashed hal b'.vii tu.iJs t t'.ia tirm of J M. Mnus- ford, on tiie tir.u of the DunuiiCton ditch, nins miles nortueast of Denver. The barirT had been bsjreed. and the bags 7, stood piled no in a field some distance - . I I-.,. . ,ln.V A young Wivw wau was taSm;; a snort cut st-rosn the fields saw four men at work loading the wicks or barley Into two wagons 'hat stood outside the field. Two of the men were currying the sacks to the fence and throwing them over ...I ..,..a..r twn were loading the Wait- Oh, "lie wjo'I WW tout they wrr oui jijufj friu hands. Muiuford's m-onid luve dnven the wagons into the fi.-l.ljt. and lM'leH. mey wom ua t t i n anu I. to a . iiw build nidewalks nt hud failed 1o comply, and tiiattin y be couiprilt-u lo pay the billi. On ini.tiou of Itrowue the rei-ir- . 'tra'IliiV furm y.uitU indeed that nation of Chief of Police Archer '.i "k w,ta the desperate haste wos nccepted. At this juncture the election of a ) chief of police was declared m order. Four ballots were taken, resulting in no choice, as hilloat: First ballot W. T. Cole, eleven; 1'eb'r Milium, one; W. II. Miller, one; I). M. Jones, lour; W. II. Mai ck, one. Second ballot - Ci three; Jones, three; Malick, four. Tl I d ballot Minimi, one; Jones, three; M.ilick, one; llyers. live. The name of vV. I. Cole wan wiiiiJran ufler the second ballot. Ohliu -ry. DiKP-Laft evening of typhoid fever, Clara Limpiisi, nt the resi dence of the late Mrs. Ilotniberg. It will be remembered that TllK IlKUALl chronicled the death of Mrs. Iloliuberg, and to day we are called upon to note the death of Miss Linquist, w ho had been caring for Mrs. Ilolmberg. Celery. Cranberries, Mince Ment. Sweet Cider, Xuts. Figs and Raisins, nice Hiiuir for diimv nftter your Thanksgiving dinner can be ii.dal l'C.NXETT & lC'TT H. Ended in a Bow The Wesson & Walters troupe, ii,b rendered "the Fireman 8 . , 1...1 l.,..ll onrl it Into be Ward" at this lllare X few even ing ii niT'icu .,o...j - ---- - . - much re-retted that the schools ing nince, had a little d.fhculty at tinanir yuzy im Ha-!!njr- rrm ... i :!..,;!, iin(r rfnriiiLr the Da8t I nrolublv call on their enioothc UUUIU 111 r " I . , summer. uumg nem.c i Wesson, chief manager auo ja.res ine Uianaijersu. u. ...... :..:. have labored faithfully the past ncr.iirry, an .u.., . - ..... . . .... ,- it a success, quarrel, resulting n ... .. vniinir leges irom .lir.Nri, . inn ir nuuv r. . - lv I I ,., urlltlf. fill 1111? SlilLTl. II tF people hare neglclen to avail vw.v. - - - . people i h , ,Ln nulled a knife on Mcbuery tueuiseivr. o. . yr v " - UUer eeij ha, it is oniy a maucr . - . , i..:.. ,, when I'lattsinouth'B night scho.l mer ana murr..-. . .-k will be a thing ot tiie pasu - ThurullV Irk Thanksffivinsr and! ...... ,i. b ii u j - ' " " i rii n i i v " the rhMU arc xnaJ-m I frcqucauy mine paei t ( 111 ' nrun'iratiiintf Kir 2k L'inuu n."i I ill "-'' - r way. n,. MrKniw ond Tom Patter is sure to be a success Uon expect to start this evening on uperintendent never heard of such a hunting trip to the western part Tl.f linva will HO word art laiL lie isn I uuui moi .- -.- . . woru an l,i..,. v,..v-. a n rn r. we learn 1 1 1 1 W , . ' ' H ...... - , . .... f ' I f ...I lliuf lUirougn ine unoiiu ! - Tin- nroixer ventilation of school ottsc in that country are suffering .... .. I ...... un.i.js r.,ii ii trii mrt ilisease rooms is of no sman unporumce to .... .. , i. to be on our children. Many of our wik,, but kfrpm them in low have but little means i i" "i" I places and near tne snore. YentiiKie uu ........... . ... . . . : , A .ol,1 ,1a at about ten o'clock would ! Henry "ecKuarn hok a .no .u .-.SBl,r. The auuerin- Council llltiii mis morning. i, ...lent does all in his power to at tain good ventilation, but a teacher would work with the desperate haste with which the- uieii were womng. The voim fellow went at first to Mnmforil'sboiue and told him of what wan koii.k on. J. S. F'ter. a neighbor in" fanner, win culled ill, mid om six meu were h"t toother, all aruied. and t'.iry stiirtnl out on hjrsebaek to cittch the barley thieves. The uilit wu dark and cloudy, and It was iiiioosMl.le to st-s any distance, but ' tiiey r.Kie'lii the direction of the plucs ' where the bailey v. utaeked. and soon they colli I bear the voices of the men at ! -..r!; It v:li illinovil'le to' n-e anv il , ,..,,1 .i emiMiIUtion was held to try to -l.i'i.le toe IW way to alsiut tbs capture. While the ix Horsemen wero gaih"ivd iu urnnp. bilking in low tone together, a Uh of lihtuintc from the cloudy sky lit np the field. It dis closed a man with a barley sack npon Ins shoulder not Ufteeu ft away, and close at hand the two wnsons. with ths other three men at work. One of ths horsemen, sluiost b ijuick M th flash lnLr Iwhtiiinif. pulled his weapon and t.s.k aim. and U-fore darkness ouce nioro bid the .eiie a shot from his pistol rang ,,., t i,e hit. This wus tint siirnal for a jjeueral f uillade that filled tUs diitk uight with fl iHhin pwtol shots. n. thieves returned the horsemen's fire, and the horsemen kept it np nntil tiieir auiiiiuin lion was exhausted. 1US ouly aim for either side wm the flashing ,.,....1 .fw.u uf the others. o that not I . m .1 mneli .Uinaira was done. JNoneoi luo horseiueu wcrs hurt. Wbiln the firiu? u. ,.,,ini n tha wagons wers heara driciii- ..IT. the drirer wliipping up tYwir hrir4 ill a f urioua wnv. U was . .-! Ihut l it tWO Uien liUUl'W IUB fence had fled and left their companions to taktt the cousequeuous of their acts. When th Lrm i ceuseu. ine iiieu i u i m . .. - - - - men. but they could not be found. They hud Bed In the ilarsnew. n rjui.ur tion of the barley ba;, showed that a jrmit many of them bad been taken, an i the horsemen at once went in pnrauii 01 the wagons. About hair a mile away they lonni tl.a lint llm tmno-UMIld luen Wert gone, Tbe wagons were half fiUed wito ,r luiriev inn m nnniDer 01 emmT . ... !.. bags were round witn tue uaras 01 a Denver firm npon them, so that it seemi probable timt tne thieves came irora tan city. Tho wasun are now at Mr. iluiu- ford's placs waiting for an owner. In tho morning an namhiution wx made of the field where the shooting too It place. A trail ol bloou was louua lean tier tn thm fetie. but there it was lost. The attempted robbery alarmed the neighboring farmers, and an examination u muil. whie.h resultifd in the discov ery that seventy-two sacks of wheat which one of the farmers had stored in a ,1. I'.hI.I lmd disnnesred. ll U mt- tx.ed thst the thieves were tiie same ones who tried to steal Muinford bar ley. Denver Republican. THE LEADING AND ONLY ONE FRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. . -r-T7 IS waiting to show you his new goods yj J JlC and to let you know how cheap they can be bought. , TOE- HAS TIIE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK In 1.U line in Caes County. You wi 1 not be able to buy cl.CB,er We.i Chi cnfin you take quality and price iu constdcrutio:). -JOE- N u Only bnyi the be-t mates and latest norelties in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAI'S ETC. And if yon are looking for a reliable pluce to trade give JOE a trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. (I raid t:i KPnmt, . I. UKumnn Ttetl Ttnb tail. ;Wfl l-Illll....'", " I A p-JWIirj IU wt,r uwui , who may feel a little chilly pernupe hslied nu Item announcing an apiroacn . . . S 1 u.u.l.i;...r mnt ItiM ItfltuuV WU tiK v .. i . ....i rrwtwl h the L'entleuiau n-und aa bride- f ii .1 oiin oeraoti wouiu uti iu- j - - . McuniouB v t1H. vUii erx)iu. who gravely nvk.-d him on wh-.e .trained M make h.a or licr wt p announce- very ehort. m.l,.. nnxika' War with Clillilrvm. No one who has n Dr. Drook with children U likely to forget lihi "way with them." Ktenur peraoia iay that h wake tlum behave very badly, and. jxifwibly in jealouny, otiiem uave caiiea I PLACES OF WORSHIP. Tin. council met in regular en ion at the police court room; full j council present. The matter of ripening South Ninth ftreet on motion of Murphy, amended by Itrowne, referred to the claims committee. Mr. Donohoe present and stated that he dcnired to urge the matter of giving him accen to the .city, as it had been pending f.r Aonic time, lie fluted that he wiib aed lo nunuort the city aa wua verv other citizen and all he atiked waa the privilege of occetiH to the city. . The matter waa referred to the atrcct commianioner, with in atructious to report at the next meeting. On motion of Murphy the chief of police wiia inntructed to arreat and Jjring before the police judge all riia whoae fltock waa found running at large iu the cemetery or other fenced parka. On motion of Gutsche the trine tery committee wa inntructed to ..,;i,t a ool Iiouhc on thecemeterr ground, the cotit not lo exceed f 100. The report ot tne finance commit tee, as followa, was aaopiea: J. C. 0leinn, mw filing $ 1 SO a ii Knnttn. tiriutinir '.V) 10 ' Volk. aahirv tU .r0 M. S. Archer, uaUiy 41 a) T.m Frr. HiKCial police 00 i !f Intnl. reijairinir railinir '"crr.mid Hotel Kihy. 1 50 r c Aretier nii.l I. S. Iouea. liniiliiighOHecart 2 00 6. A. t'laypool, uryiii n ! .i X C Mayeit, labor and exp's.. ( Ul ;;.'roiHail,ilary 24 ( IVti-r R mer, wood worh 4 1j O. 1'. Monroe, atove and pipe for hone hoiife 7 John jannie. handwork " M Jos.l'airlield, " " unthority he hal wade the announce-1 jjlm uUj,.r 0f youiintt.m tliMn of tTowa nient Before the timid reporter could i v0 obi.'etion U heard from tha i fur Ilia nistol '. . , iri i.u.i. 1....I. In,1uu1 ou.L,'lit bin i ,. ,;, i.M lii-'li and broad, in which renlv thn man irroned for II!) 1 t!m re-.Kjlter tllOU nour of duom had come. Imaine his joy whti, Inntend of a jnntol, the man tirndnced a rvicuetboolc, from winch he extracted a live dollar bill. This he tlmnkf r.Uy gave to the reporter, saying that the niarriasw announcement had rpured him the tronble of popping thi qe.uition. t-xctmnge. nCaBt' H...I "llrcu" la Ireland. "Coat" Is a word that Las gained In brradthof meanin?.' It is not simply f the miner tart of the bodr of the male creature; women's rights are ko far recognized in Ireland that the word applies as wen to a iemi niue article of drewi; but, Indeed, to the correpond!.ng article to that worn by the men that u, a jacuev out h u araotijr the working clauses (and to this cIam alone what bas been written ap- i)liel the oioal word lor "ursas. non- don TlUJit. . ; . . Tksi UlMaM Talc. . An intiwtinff Incident thowiu j at how grrnt diatAnce convemtioo CMa U MAaUl M wIkImI hv tinten&nt Fot LSI I W V" J lT. I VIIO Villi 'I vmv xr--w a " . .... . .. m i.W . aV,(.K K mrnrm that BA n)i.TnWKl WIU1 IU a-'v " w man across the harbor of Port Bowers, a a . 1 mil nl a qwter wy , na h dm mu I .. ..41 rn &rfu mint hilHtr thftt At If U awiwiv w S'- Gibraltar the hnman voire has been dis tinctly heard at dii-lanoe 01 ten bumib. Ilarpern xonnff t'eopie. There was In London a few years ajro a lady who had the vv inieuiw aunoi of white lonf sugar. Ihd she tap jipn to come into contact with tht Innocent article, or were even a lump of it broubt Into her presence, sue wouiu be soiied wilh a violent paroxysm of ratfH. A ijigftdcms do, which had been con fined for a week io a hum near (liUon, made his escape finally by climbinK the weather bo-mling of fifteen feet and tUcu iuwpin. to U grooud. tu-n whiMiU of chnrchmaiiMliiu tik'ur Jrel meeL lit it f.Kilinij to lniaiin tiiut the new bUbojs vUitatlous will (uin some uf their power ver inouiem Inn it.reiiielr nWf sa ... . - - intercourse with the children? However literally true it may be. surely the story of Dr. Lr.jolis (toiii to a poor womuu's rxnunand keeping the children outtf mischief while she went to church tells pomi-tliinft of his spirit. And the story lose none of iu point when one reflects that the woman could tiot hear one of her vUitor's sermons. Harper s eoaiy. r.Lnt Lastkar aad Tataat Cilt vci.ii- trmnv mnv Atinl the term "patent leather'' to all kinds of enamel Luaher. still, strictlr soeukinK. it U only used in the barons trade and in the cheapest grade of shoes, while patent Mir la tha material from which fins shoes are mads. Only the Tery finest cair.kins srs used, the enamel being ap- ..lil .fitl,a akin bit been through a king course of treatment and all the Stretch Ukea therefrom, ana Is, inert fore much more durable than patent leather, which U maun nunauj iroiacow bides. Shot and Leather Facta. Tfca Allaulhaa Tra The first ailanthus trees grown la America were brought from the far east an1 nliLiitiHt in the irar Jou of Hums' cof lee nonne on lower lirimumi, uiyum n,iin urn. Nw York. Thev were I much admired by the New York beaul ana Wlie oi kiouij uh ) r from which the conclusion is drawn that fashions io odors also change. Lx-change. i i . null nriiruiciiMiii CHirii.-""'e' Uiut srid F Ijhtn Ht Hellcr IlKinilli r,r,-" . " . .... ...nil.. MlllMtl 1ft A. M . Ill-eO, uwiur. euuu.j .- eri-.orAL.-8l l.iiki-' loifb. "7" T"l'r4. ..... u.-.-ma m trt0t Klttli Ct and liinmf. a.nir. ;" :l tuAlMr.m. bupij imiiuo. . -rsr.HVTMi.s.-'eivMM.irlieh';r la'i.... Vi .'".wm- at i 1'teacl.n.s 5 hl'v li.'Kl'.V .!. 'ht" 'hnrch well f MIT .,n..,'. r. ....., .,, l.iiu.iie"! ul KeTh".rAJ.7.V..ra-ii..l..d tbm mrelliiK. , Piht M'THonmT -Sli'h St.. tn Main rmi . u t,.i., i, li .,Mi,,r. inn rran. Pfi r. - - - -.- I.JLi .i.i i Mii'da. rlMl 9 -JO A M. Ilsy. r Dieell. g roriJ li km a - rarpHVtrai M,n, Nii.ili. ",r-1'"" ' ' " bum, huiidi. eci.iKii . i. awpr,,i.n i i,K:aoTioi(AU-Cranlls, be Viflh nil Hlllh. Cei-oaru luiTi-T.-MI. Ollv. Ji.k. brtw.en 1 4-L It HI1, r.'.l"" " ... . . t,.r. hrivireills. ni. nU UO P ui. !) .....ii,.,, Unli.i mluv en til. i(. vno Vr's riiMi-Ti- AATio'r- :, waieriM.iii.l"k.MiiiireH. !,.. 1 . ... ..It ...... Ktili.lHT Ki le! li.eriin. i"i '.i... tVriM' i. hi 4 iiVI'h-k. l'.H.ii. i.iil art d' i....h..'Mk iii .iii i .w ii. m. . .1r.. .1. M WXKl. I "" eel Vie. I ru.. !;-'; .A, m. trend ilr. II s I", in! l m., ..met niMUi If iuf-y ii.-i" . r- . i .......1. a I vi u a. Itsilnn. iici rrtuay iik- .Does Yoqi Little Qii Need a cloak this winter? If she doea you will make a yrent miata you ao noi run aim n m " we are ofleriiiK before buying. Wo havojust received from largo Cloak Manufacti nts Tun lino ui Childrens Sample Cloa! For tliildrcn C, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting of garments in all. KO TWO ALIKE, on winch ircregivena disccunt from regular wholesale no that -re arc able to ecll them at actually Manufacturer's Price, ..ft . ,,i i,( u. Drove the truth of the nhove atntemen CALL IN and let u prove i u r . Miaaea 1m -i.o vim at the Kiime tunc our i i.w- i Sucquca and Jackets. Oaa Way af rultlof a lt i raamlaa. It was a custom in the ti Jie of Calhv rinede Medici to iiiako f f in of wsx and melt them slowly before the Are or sub them wilh needles. In order to bring suffering to enemies. This operation was called pntting a s;U npon them. I popofl la I'opular Scienra Jlonthjr, Whea yoa ro o a shoe store your obiect lenoi onij 11 j " ' ' . I..., .,nM . , ... 1 the. to procure nr " '' j" " :.. . . ..... will 1.11V. I er.i mm j."" j. Lees than this wiJl not content you; more thim this you cnunot, In ren- ...... lr Our method nre US .'-.i... emiri rmni. nc I O not lift your exr-rctntiona to the cloudri, llirni whatever thev Ulll w nre. We will never sucnuce your i ...u.u I,, miru nurl tuiulwre I'lMC IIUI HP." - - - - can you get u fuller and fuirer e.iuivHlent for your money. An r-rpecially r.rofitoble purcimHe for von is our 4'tc. BOOTS, BHOH8 Oil R SHERWOOD. S01 Main Street SECOND SALE OF SAMPLE S1I I Another opportunity to buy allocs nt FACTOBY PBIOES i ... ,. t.enrdi. nf I'latlmnout We taVe plensure in n""";c n ,unr a,hcr . surrouuCinjC town. , that we hnve Jf nlinH, ...... ..i aiuM a. uuriuur"" -- , , . . . a7e;awerediapl-i"teJt)ecnuee barscaina that """ J.V. Ma 11 full line vonaialinc.' V"" . rh d ens Men;.nd lio :. .hoe.ol all kinds and of dies. Misses, tA'J'i boys and Mens bH,ts, in Amonij tl.rin J"V'y hal you er f) t. Weir . .1 i. I TthVt VecBuae we don't a.k hIKh prices for shoes f Dontth. "k,"'L7'";,,ty. We liare anionK these .hoe, n shoes are not o any hiRh l"''7- ,h(nir eilrin,iC . .triroe' ss fine a. any . .own . . " Thpir lnXtiMic worui. and theahoesina Tuu , - , V9UtmoatJ, . 1 Usraet ! "aiuea u4a" - .. j M m SI Giriu MlMim ii Uii' i HERE'S A of thkm: 25c 25c Childrens Nnt iirul Wool Col or Shirts and Dnrwers AH Siiea. Childrena b11 W ool Shirt & Drawers All Sizes. 39c I.nd lea Fine Merin uSMk Ti i mined ehirt and Druweis. 39 Mens II i II envy Ki Miirti. drawers. WM. HEROLD & SON. 507 Main P.rcct rUttsinoulb,