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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1891)
..' 111 1 3 7 xl V - If .s f 1 I. i . Te Full Trospcctu of Articles I Articles bars been written eipronsly Tho Right Hon. V. C. Gladstone. The Marquis of Lome. Justin .ucartHy, id. l Sir Lyon riayfa;r. 1 rn.c u. Stockton, iieary Cicwa. Vl Vcfstc:!-. --V. C!ffc Ruoc'u. Tiio Carl of i"cath. Dr. Lyman Abbott, Camilla Ursa. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and Ono Hundred Others. The Nine Illustrated Serial Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Glimpses of Royalty. Railway Life and Adventure. eon Lores Pare. Five Doublo Holiday Numbers. I "A Yard 9 of Roses." i r, IT : NATIONAL : HANK i TV P FI.ATTSM0UTI1, MMIBASKA p eapllul ..VI,0 d.Ofl .. lu.'jo.m , i't tbe very bet fiwIllllM lot tbe promo 'i ttiintactliiu ol llRltliuaiO : ,itjaiiKiiig Business,; Btorli.bonili.Kold. eoTcrtimi-nt r4 lori torlllr biiilit wikI M. U'ill'i tci'i i: Slid iniftri Hll'" fin the riTlldcit" lrl drawn. sv,tllittl In any put ut ilii United HUtut 4id ail Ike prlucipitl Uni ui (urpe. OOLLrCTIOHl MADE AND rttOMPTLT RKUtT' Till. BI(hM mrkt pl- pU tnr rrrnuty Wai. tuil. Mat eui Ciiunty tviu. DIUKCTOUrt John FlU rrald n. llnVwortb (Urn WkUiiH. K. K. Wul'J ioort B. Dorjr lobD FIUKrAld. . Wir:l). frnaldeot In lie?, B ANK OF CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth itreet FaM npespltHl Implui OFFICERS 0. H. Fnrnie ' Frrililcnl Vice I'r ' I 'll' At CVIitri Flml (piiMW JjK. l'ttrro 0. '&r. fin. J. M F T . MiAHtt K. B. Wla f I. l. nlOB CTOHfi Fttnnn. Frrd (Inrdn? , Hiiti. K. B. WUdu.u. B. 8. IU.uj) ud I. Jl imjo I EKL BAWXIUC EU3ISK AwonnH oIiik. Intrrmt alliiwM oti tlim 4. Min and promt att"iiUuuf ifro u all bu hot eutrutled to Iti car. alwrlaln's ryo (md F3rti Olntmtmt. Li'certaia enre lor curotuo soro tF, Totter, Salt Bhenm, Scald Baod. Old Cbro&io Bores, Ferer Sores, Eczema, Lcl, Frftlrla Scratches, Sore Tipples ud Flics. It 1 oooIIdz and coothliij. Handrodsof oasoa have boen cured by It after all other treatment bad failod. it b put up la 23 and CO cent bosa. 0 r"S a fgNFflsasus'inncumo 4 A I A l-k'.l.alTklp lUrlMb. , HAM DAL&AM i. ( I llui to ll. Vmuilut Culor. . I; 4 Im n nai t iilr luirl . J ,7 a : I'n.TTlH. uu, a. okATKUL COMFOkTINtt Epps Cocoa HREAKFAST tBratkefAsrb knoldra ef Ma aral T iwhlrh tet.'S th out-e'lnm t dlrl. Si itnuiunn, ICQ dt r.rnui .piicv:ua In proprttl.i of H orlKtrd I'o'.ne. Mr. f r.n p"tiora etrr srfi;. I tat;. n a I wiralrlv nnorrd tnnt xnlrti rrJ j 'any liri'bliU. It UIit lb V UMnltiich ertrlM of dirt tint 1 rnn I ,'n n mi) b ritloalir l ul t up until atrt.n I - b to rnlit "t trnilrucr to diirt ! i:ft: r.f ttbtle p.rUtim U4 fi..! I id ui rdv to eMaoK wticirT-r a u I' fM.Int, We may r.cane rom a f t t v'.i'.liinnii tufiiflrd ltk IHiiliKi nt a ri nnur:ii'd f'i " r. rrrvl i' (..irilr. Madoil nai"T Hk , ji r fitt-r or 1,111k, pM rj, ; ! iisli-upd rn-ri. iMirin ikui: 'n LI'I A lit) ll.j,..i,i.thlriiinht ij tnl4(li. F.DllMd ACrVT WAKTED for DAYLIGHT y km fMV! or top t ir. (MrtUMS. !i:a4-'MI r rtOTta) " 10 lul 'Tt and tf.' ia r .. 'x Jiear w.iii O m ( ftah4.hl trtMbArmi'hA lad tw-l. fill (if rra fi-a,H a a ij u mif- tvtaatf t. r y- (!.-''' f-T A tll.UIMr. WM. V ' i.Ul'K'I't " ' It, . .,uo iMii W.'di tf u4 w nsiM, vr-aJHA Jl ua aa i fl )?M. ? 'r" ftaf nrf r J L- -.'-tia J.afi--rta. (! All m Vn aFiaai- awiaek, MmoI - 0 4 r , - . , fmkm al WMf. INK hi avJ 4.. i V5 Alt .--A it.- -i la Notatfe Tcaturci for loja end Specimen Copies Brilliant Contributors. for tue coram; volume 117 a now 01 eminent men Count Ferdinand do Lcsscpa. Andrew Carnegie. Cyrus W. Field. Volume for 1892 will Contain too Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Sclcnco Articles;' Cii-rmln Children's Pc Illustrated Weekly Rtinnlementa. Nearly loop Illustration-. FREE TO JAM. I, 1892. Te Kew Bnberrlbrre who will eat eat nod .end nt this .lip with name snd adilrrH and SI. 73 we will scad Tbe Coirrunlon Frre to Jan., ISO'ii and Tor n Foil Veer from that time, This offer Inrlmlr tbo TllAMiH f-'!V!Kf!, CliSIKTSAS osd SEW YEAE'S Doable Holiday Camber.. We will elue icad a ropy of a Lraatlful piintltic. entitled "A VAKl) OF HObL-4." II. predortton bn coot TWFATV TIlOlrtAN!) DOI.I.AUH. UtU Cluck, Ut-oJla Order, err r.egiiltrt4 letter al our risk. Addrtu, The Youth's Companion, Booton, Mass. p J. II:A:N:S:E:N DEAt.KB IS STAPLE AND FANCY QROCEUIES, GLASS AND QUEENSWAUE T C71 ! Mronarre l thu Puble Solicited. :0HHS31I BOILDIHa SiXtH St- TEW HAROWARS STORE S. i:. HALL & SON !( )-! nTl Kindi of b ill 1r Irirln iM on h tad und Will ui'iiiy r'eil. ti' tora uu uost lair uiiiblr lrr.i:t TIKT ROOFING Ht'Oiitlntj end nil klnd ol tin work BrnraMtf dine. Or J jr. tr.aa tuj eouitry bullelttd, CIS Peart Rt rLATT.SHOUTIT, MIB. PERKINS- HOUSE, 117. 311, $21 and 331 Main Bt, Plattsmouth Nebraska T. II E0S3, Proprietor. 1bs Perkins bai been thorooghlj -enoTaUvl from ton to ottoca aaa ' tow one of the boat hoteti la the state Ooarders will bt takes by tbs week at 14.60 and op. 3C0D BAR CONNECTED T HF. CI1I7.KNS HANK. FLATTdMUCTU KKBRA8KA ;ap!Ut itoekpai4 la I Authorized Capital, 1100,000. - tmciH rUK CARfU'TH. JOB. A. 005H0I, Prmtdaot Vlce-freeldeni W. U. CltBHIHii. Catbier. niiiaorons rriak frrotb J. A. Conuor, V. H. batbmaai J. W. ekntea. Henry BoMk.Johs O'Kaels V. D. Merriam, Wia. Wetaaeaap, W. 8. Cklf. r2A!I!iCTS'i CE5E2AL BAKHK3 BDSIO ejiM (rrtfnetM of dtvttl Wrlnf Intertet BUTt aus sell eicueucn, muuiy eaa , all ' C. MAYES ocj?rY s o u t n v o b da CIVIf. L'NCINKF.W All ordrni If ft with tbe M'lnty clkik "111 be pri'iuplly an-ndid to. orritT. IN COURT IIOIWB, Plattmiiottth. - Nebraska ,rU -rl ' " adVeB Ua. mi ,'t li-V- i-i ,L k. :- : .1 if will le lent Free. ana women, smonj wnom are Tho Dest Short Stories. Hints on Self-Education. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. I ! M 1 THC OLD RSLIASLiI. u. is t V D Chinglei, Lath, 8ash, Doors, Blinds Cm supply ererw demand of the rity. Call and gut terms. Fourth street in roar of opera bouse HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND- UNDERTAKR. Ceastaatly keeps ea band STtrythla yoe aed U faraish year keaaa. earn ttm aib nan srai Plattsmout Neb 4 ir-j-rr, v mB7 Per Atchlnaon, St Joseph, IaTest worth, Kansas City, St Iouia, aud all points north, eaat aottth or west Tick ets sall aud bag gage checked a y faint la the Uaits4 States ar Canada, far INFORMATION AS TO BATES AND ROUTES Call at Dfpot or addreaa II, C. Tow.NSBNn, O. P. A. St. Louis, Ma. J. C. I'HitLiri'f, A. O. P. A. Omaha. ILD. AP0AR. Atft., I'laltainoulb. Telephone, 77. I V srw Ti tiU la A 12 Eli if. akfiia SIXTn RTKRET ale F. II. ELLIINRAUM, tfp. Thr brat of firsh nint always fetusid la thia market Alao tresis Kgga aad batter. Wild gaast af all kinds kt la tkeir season. ' f fa sum sTFin ffl Heat hauketI This Slip 1 andS1.75-1 i England to a flii of fraud which l bocouiiug s::ii(;wlmt common in this ' CDinitry. pi;itioa uru iuiiiimlly broultt ovir from Cii'i iimtiy for tiic nrpii only of wv& old by nucUon. Ofcaf-iotmlly thoy liettr I 'lJ ti:um f, tlid often pun ly npoci yjiliul rjriin. But tunny of tin in bottKt name IttU'ls, which cliwi'ly rejiotitbla thtK- tf eminent iiiiiniifactiireM. Tlio jiianos lire nbually flii j i'il without nuiiK's and the nunm liihelititrt) fiutou in London. There nr uiu k'-r-j in I;riin ami other Uerujun cities who will ship ny number of klioddy pi.irio.t without names ut about i,'hty dolla.-ti each, and with them will end a Kre-d or more of UKxorted name labi'lfiio Unit the deitlein, or, for tho Ktitler of tlntt, tl imrehitwr cun clioo any rmher's naniH lit; pleuwi,. Kama eiuiiient (Jenuaii Crtuu who Java a-ti:c:it'3 in I)"d;i!i r.nsr t.'i!:n tr.t;s 'a prevent imy imitation of their uame. Hut unless tlie firms themselves take lcliou the piiiiioa g to the docks by doz Jim, mid tiolK;dy.Keeins to cure that a fnc'l is lHnx iifrinitted npon tho pub lic. It in Kiiiittfuctory to know that the pi iuo luunufiietuivrs of thin country r Womin'; nlivo to tho necessity of taking tt'jn to prevent this injury to tho pnbli! and to themselves. Not long ligo ll Wei, Viiov.mi I'ew Voik firm hud occasion ti take action inuctiHO of thin kind, itnd hail tho k ttii factioa of securing u ver dict calculated to efleetnally prevent a rc'pjtitio"u of tho oitonsi'. Chicago Kews. A Ct'.intlon of Vitality. Alitl!) Ron of Janitor Patry, of Jlenn' hall, .Scrautim, was put to bed shortly after 10 o'clock on Thursday ni;;ht tip parently in f,Mod heallh. Soiim tiiaf iter tiiw fit her went Into the mm and found tlio child stretched out si iff mid col l m if dead. Ho win almost frantic wilh ,-rief nt tho siipiioKfd Ions of his child, und were painful to lienr. Tiio mother hurried tu the bed si lo of her boy ind t-1 iped him to her oreaht. lht little ullow opened hint eyi and rtvmmeil hii brcalhin', while tin mother was tenderly kiting his e.ilien lipn. Of a r.uddcii tho color came buck to his check, hU limbs relaxed their rigidity ami In a few minutes he wan us lively pa ever Imfore. lhecaunuof this sudden cessation of !fe, as it seemed, is ntl ributed to ntn''- until ui of the blood. The fond mother's nresvs sent tho lif current aain nurhing thronijh the child's veins, stnrt- td the puliation of tho heart and brought the virtually dead child back to life. Mr. and Sirs. Parry were over loyud beyond measure when they became aware of the f.ict their beloved ;liild wliotu they had thought dead was jrly nuected with n temporary cessation of vitality. Scran ton Ucpnblican. A Crt LnciUnr Artlit. Artlstlo Janan has suffered another rTrl,. loss In fun death of Mr. Sliibata Juiizo, coininouly known as Zeshin, who expired on thu 1.1th of July, ut the ripe tine of eighty-live. A greater worker in l.tcqiur probably never lived than this remiirkablo artist Everything that came from his hands was of the most beautiful and refined character, and re peatedly during the last ten years be garo practical demonstrations of the fact that the capacity of modern Japan- te artisans to produce lacquer of the highest quality U in no rtwiieet inferior to the capacity of the greut masters of former times. Zeahin was among the ten artists ehoson last year to receive the special protection of the Imperial household, and he had obtained more than a dozen gtj 1, silver and copper medals for work shown by him at various exhibitions. Ha was a CnUhed expert in every process of lacquer manufacture, and bis decora- tivo skill, exercisod chiefly after the fxiliitui of the Hhijo school, perpetually fiiruatbcd novel and exquisite examples Japan ILxiL Ma.le In the Thunder. A startliug aud moet remarkahle phe nomiDon occurred in EruokQeld, Fair field county, on Snnday tilght, Ang. CO, hicli will be rrniPinborcd to life's end by those who heard it About tho tima for the evening service, and when the Mngrrgatious of the chnrchos were swaitiug the beginning of worship, it Vgan to thunder and lightning in the distance, and the shower appeared to be' rapidly npproac'oing until it was di rectly overhead. Suddenly there was a burst of musical thunder, sounding somewhat like a gong In different tone, and so marks 1 wore the tunaical notes as to be sweet and al- rri'Mt inidn Ultn. As quick aa a flash all 111 ) of the congregation In the church were directed to the ceiling, and the snpprraaed cry of "What's that?" could U beard aU over the church. "It thandcrr was tho oxchun.Uon froai aU, All were startled, although some wera more frightened than others. Daabury fCofcu)Nwa. . The lnerM la CreiaiMlM. The practice of cremation instead of ordinary buriul is m-khig steady prog ress iu Paris, in splto of opposition. At Die iiew crematorium of the cemetery r'ero-ls-Cliaiso a futnaca Is in operation Which will redceo a body to a.,liei In less than an hour, at a coat of about thirty erDU for fnvL Hint tho establishment of tbis system in the French capital l.tOO .nchumnd bodies of persons who hvs dit.d in hospitals havo Itnu thus i'pied of, besides Ut bodies of COO of the. well to An classes, whose wishes hare in-u tui.a Complied wila. Galigaanl Lilnaaeng-r. It la sild that the demand for Amor less sen sis so great In England and Uannany tbat a screw company of Pro idenoo bai established a brunch factory In Leeds, England, ami will put np an other oa the Continent kfrs. 1r lhtam NorUteott, of Bowman vUn, Csnvl.t, was scratche J on tho haul by a pet eat a short Urns ago. The hand Immediately began to swull, mortlQo tion sut la and brr arm bad to be amp latoJ U)lw the elliotf. ., i;f a doaea florists met at the BImujA cuu house recently mid tackled the ta.i the earth with flower. -hat Is, they planned a scheme which pro vides for u chain of correspondents throughout the world to act together as cue concern for the purpose cf executing ordew given in uny part of th t'lobo for anything lu florul aminyoinetit frotu a tiny buttonhole bouquet to an elaborate bank of roses. In order to effect this purpose un urarizutiun known us the vt ..:-.. f,.i.t, r,.ti,.. ery itsboci.ition was sUrlud iu Canada last Aunst. A maj irity of the board of directors jv. -. fTi,...i Ht:ites. The gHtheiitiK was attended by H. S. Lie brecht, of Nuw York; C. B. Whitnall, of Milwaukee, and Frank Huntsman, of Cincinnati, nil three members of the board of directors. O. L. Grant und Joseph Cumin represented the Ohicariw floriNts. "Our purpose w," said Mr. Lie brecht, "to make it easy for a man in Chicugo, New York or Timbnctoo to convey a bouquet to a lady in any part of the world, with lightning speed, with out starting it from the point where he himself may bo. "For instanre, take a person here in Chicugo having a friend nrrivingor leav ing on an ocean steamer in New York, lie simply had to walk into the Ktore of our agent here and give his order. The order is at once telegnphed to another agent of Die association in tho place wliere the flowers are to bo delivered, and there yon ure. We have cotno to Chicago to perfect onr rules and appoint an agent." Chicago Herald. A Ilnnnit with tVIlllluiit. The coming novelist who will dissect American character and hold it r.p to tho wonder or ml miration of the world will find something worth studying in the life of the hermit of New York an I Newport who has j'ist died and left behind him the $10,000,000 lie nclnd t ) takeaway with him beyond tho grnvc. For ten years Ldmund Jl. hcuenner- horn had lived in a literally prd'itiul mansion nt Newport, with his fates locked against ull but his physh Ian, surrounded only by servants, and living in parsimony which contrasted strangely with his once spendthrift ways. In i7 boyhood I had heard of him as the gay est cf gay young men nlwiit town, ai l afterward as eutertainuig the fashions tle world at lavish expense in Lis Twenty-third street residence. ' Then, after awhile, be wearied of so cial pleasures, drew more and more within his cell, became a recluse and scholar, and finally grew utterly nnso cial. A bachelor of seventy-five when ho died on Thursday, ho belonged to one of tho oldest of Now York families. Why the wild and luxurious bachelor leader of soriety became transformed into tho unsocial rocluso is one of the secrets nt which his friends can only guess they allcgo disappointment in love and which the novelist can spcU out to suit hluuelf. Philadelphia Rec ord. t The Dnntlng of a Ills Wheel. The bursting of the great flywheel or perhaps more properly the driving wheel in ono of the mills of Manches ter, N. H., illustrates the ever present danger hidden in the nse of modern ma chinery. There does not appear to have been carelessness or even an accident which usual caution or foresight could have prevented. Tbe automatic- gover nor regulating the supply of steam to the engine seems to have become clogged, the engine suddenly speeded up and the great wheel was set whirling at a pace that tore it into pieces by the enonuons centrifugal force thus generated, scatter ing the entire building over the country round about and crushing and wounding the work people. This wheel was forty feet in diameter, with a face nine feet wide, weighing f.fty-fivo tons and turn ing, when run at the usual and eaferate, sixty revolutions per minute. Boston Common w '"tilth. Track Load! ef Money. Did yon ever see more money than you could carry? Comparatively few people have, but such a sight may be often wit nessed in the lower end of the city. As an incident to di'AW a crowd the loading of a truck with silver is very potent. A enstom bouse truck stopped in front of one of the llroad way safe deposit Insti tutions yesterday aud men wheeled ont handcart loaded with silver bars which others tossed Ipto the trues. Thry looked very pretty the bars, I mean and crowds of people stopped during the pro cess and passed remarks upon their weight and value. It wasn't money, of course, but it will be soon after Uncle Sam gets possession of it, and a very snug fortune it will make, too, in silver dollars. Naw York Herald. Ttanytoa al A Id worth. Lord Tennyson's stay st Aldworth is flow drawing toward a elxu, Imt lie will not be returning to Farriugford for some three or four weeks. lie has not for soma years boen so strong and well as he is at this moment, aud there is no doubt (as I beard a friend of his remark) that the regular p-riodical changes from the mild climate of the Isle of Wight to tho bracing air of a country lying BOO fwt or more above the sea IovhI have had much to do with his amaxing vigor of body and Blind, lie baa as n sua! boen con stantly entertaining visitors from his first reaching Aldworth, the bo'.Lg Lord Daflerin and Theodore Wat ta, who have lut jnst Itft London Globe. Ramos ef Three Chtldre. An Egyptian family lately arrived la Chicago, the fat.Her to work at the World's fulr, have a small son whom they have named Abiaham Lincoln Levey. The two elder children are Baiard Touah, the Egyptian for Star, and Vic tor Hngo. The first boy was born in Parts. Uostou Transcript The Swl Way. First OnW I didn't see yo la bfckh ing this season, Second Ontor No. When I want a bulb. 1 go caaoeiqj. Good N.SWS. 1'1'yMi'i i.i ii'l iii'iiv .aim mi:i;ilse tl'.iMi wl.u !h.y in(,)n, i )a. lietitH that tiervouV lu.iivt trotiidea come friun tht hIoiiiiicIi utul jsre of liule ct)imeiiii-iii . Dr. , i'lunklin Mili'H, 1lte lioied indium l-eciiilist, ' 'ii troven the. contrary in his new book on "Utai t I)it-e.ife" which may be had free ol J G. Fricke At Co., who guarantee mid l ccotiimend Dr. flilcV iiiieUiilletl new lietn t Cure, which Iuih tli; hirj-'ept P!e of any heart remedy in the world. Jt curca iie-oiiH iitnl orL'iiiiic heart tliiieaae, i Hliort iiretitli. liutteriii;, pttin (,r ten. : (lcrneHH in the Hide, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fuintinir, unioiher : inc;, dropsy, etc. II ia K'i lorative Wonderful. E. W. Sawyer, of lCochestcr, a prominent dealer ii . general tiierchiindiHi', ntid whovnins Hcvernl ptddlina yas'jtii. Imil .one of t:is IiorHOfi badly t:til nndjlitirned with a lariat. Tin? wound refused to heal. 'J'lie horse became lame and ntill nowwithstandiii(i carofiil attention und the upplicatioti of remedies. A friend lianded Sawyer some o Ilaller's Unt il Wire Lint incut, the inoKt wonderful thitif; ever saw to licnl audi woimdH. He applied it only three tinien and the fore was completed healed. Equally good for nil nor, ruin, lirupci, and wounds. For enle by nil dniRiut a Cure for Parnlvsls. Frank Cornelius", of Purccll, Ind. TtT., Fiiya: "I induced I'lr. Pinion, wIiokc wife had paialyfirf in the face to Imy n bottle of'e I'aiu jtalin. To their fsrvnt Hiipriee before tht; bottle had nil hecil iiFed iilae wiib n rciil deal Letter, llcr fact; had licen d'awn to (ilie Piile; but the I 'it in Dnhn rehevetl Jill pain and koitiicsh. mid the mouth .ifKumcd itn natural Khapc." It ia iIho n certain cure for rht-uiuntiin lann; back, tpraina awelliuM aiid lanit-m-HH. .K) cent botlicH for tale by F. G. Fricki,&Co.,I)rii,;'iBl8. ILLUSTRATED. Ilarprr'n Haznr is n journal for the home, It gives the latent in formation with regard to the Fiinh ioiiH, ntid ita tiuineroua illuMra tiona, Pnria ilfHigna, und pattern hheet supplt'inenta nre indihpenn nble alike :o the home dreHK imilier and the jirofeei-'ioiial modinte. No expeiiHe ia spared to intike it nrlia tic nttractivtMU'ss of the liigheHt order. Ita brigliest stories, amus ing comrtlie.s, anil thoughtful ca siivh titihfy all tastcH, iiikJ ita lat iVe in famotiH as it litldget of wit and humor. In its weekly ii'suca cverythin;; in included which in of interests to women. The Serials for 1W. will he written liy U ptter Hesnnt und William Llack. Mrs. Oliphnnt will Leeomen contributor. Planon llarlanua i iniely JalKa, Day In and Day Out," arc intended for Mairons, tind Helen Marshall North will especially uddress girls T. W, Iligginnoii, iit "Women nnd Men," will pleaee a cultivated audi ence. HARPEER'S PE10DIOALS HARPER'S MAGAZINE U 00- HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage free to nil subscriber ia the United States, Canada and Mrs. The volumes of the Ilsixnr begin with the first number of January of each year. When no time ia men tioned, subscription will begin witn the number current at the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Ilarper'a Bazar for three ycara back, in neat cloth binding, will be Kent bv mail." postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the ireiglit doea exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suit able for binding, will be ecnt by mnil, pout-paid, on receipt of fl.liO" each. RciniKance should be tn.Tle by Poat Oflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newepapera are not to copy this advertisement without theexpreea order of Harper A brothers. Address HAKPKK A I1ROTITER9, New York. The volumes, of the Magntine be gin with the Numbers for June nncl December of each year. When n lime ia specified, subscriptions will -begin with the Number current ut ( le time of receipt of order. Iloun4 Volumes of Harper's Magaxme for three years back, in neat cloth bind ing will be sent by luuil, post-paid, on receipt of j:i.C0 per volume. Cloth case for J'in'Vr an each by mail post paid. . - Ladies who use cosmetics or pew tiers to cover up or hide a bad com plexion, do not know that O. H. Snyder can ftirni-h thetti with Illnsh of Rosea, which is clean water, puri fies the skin, and positvely remove black heads uud nil skin disease takes the shiny look from tlm face and whitens it soon aa applied EE A MM iirfi'lfi ',"! A Prrs-v? iLLC 1 ru ww jjt $ lumawi FtMinT i iHJi-aiTysim is it S.ueu ttm i. , i-M.tiin.1 -4 1 r Mil W U !. Swry at k rTPtl rievuct;, i. n niiMt. Yotuca tmi pa did. iT.r( fna ,.ul)l H. SiLir. lk a rmut n iiti, tk-.kt ri. .i Wurr, SttB'..d tiTd-iuul, PT roMmii iirnr aLta i ttl. SeS'.S VlTAT.ITt M STliO.4 K IS, U, Sri.ta r. r-r Kk-.UKV we tr inn of oroctirt i-V eer rirlriiiT. m.ihivt . tiDll.ira ( nuru.,T c. Jio o.ta 'Iu Hub- A t Ml.ll... M I, A.,i.nlll, i ' Inn kiHUkiMKnd 1 r.lvnrim. eus kew iCf)xr.H'rcv,V;"; k.ritnltni l-wto. u.llau.l.K Aulr..l - it:! mc wmw .11 x I: V .-