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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1891)
KNOTTS ifndS, Publishers PutillnUtlTery Thursday, and dally ever wtmuKaxcrpt Sunday. KcKlHiiTrtJ at tlm rtattmno itti. S'.b. pn-. fflcr-tiir triiiumlH.'o.i tlirouxh tU mala at second alarm ruiM Omc w.rtwir Vlu an4 Klftn ttrwti. Telephone 38. TFRtff rnn WKRKLT. eopy. one i adraiiea. .. Il M copy, i)it yrnr, nut In ftrtTniv-e 1 00 cnpy, six nimiilif. In ait'anra 75 llrK miiu'h", in advance . 40 I TKKMH rOR DAILl a cap one y-ar In al n $.100 Be eorijr per rifk. by curler js us copy, per moutb jo TUESDAY, NOVEMI5ER 23, 18!l. THE PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING the prenident of the Uniied ttateaof America: A proclamation, ft is a very frlad incident of the aarvelom prosperity which has . erow-iied the year now drawing to n done thatiU hopeful and ri'uwur ta touch has be"ii felt by nit our people. It lias been a wid; in our tDuntry, and co special that every Mome lias felt its comforting in!ltt nce. It ia too reat to be the work mt mail's poivit und too particular to be the device of his mind. To od, the beni'fice:it and all wi.e, rbo make the labors of men to be fruitful, redeems their losses by his grace, and the measure of whose governing is as much beyond the thoughts cf man it is beyond his deserts, the praise and gratitude of fiie people of this favored nation re justly due. Now, thotefore, I, Berjamin Karrison, president of the United States of America, do hereby ap point Thursday, the 20th day of HoTcmber present, to be a day of Joyful thanksgiving to God for the bounties of his providence, for the grace in which we are permitted to joy them, and for the preserva tion of those institutions of civil nd religious li'oerty which lie five our fathers the wisdom to Irvine end cstuMish nnd tit the ouragc to preserve. Among the appropriate oboci vauces of the day re rest of toil, worship in the pub lic congregation, the renewal of ttimily ties about our American resides and thougWful helpful Bess towards those w ho eufier lack f the body or of the ppiriL la testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the teal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, Ibis 13th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand mght hundred and ninety-one, and f the independence of the United States the one hundred and six teenth. Uexjami.x IIawkiso.v. Itj the President: James G. Er-AIME, Secretary of State. THE GOVERNOR'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Now, more than ever have the people of N'cbiax'.a most convin cing reasons for lifting their hearts in gratitude to the Supreme Kuler f the uuivrrse for the untold bles sings they have eajoyed durinf the year which is now drawing to a dosr. The disastrous effects of the' d' oiUh which a fllicte'l some portions f the stale i' year ago have been followed by the sunshine of pros perity. 'J he windows of heaven were opened; the ruins came and sow the earth has responded with a snost abundant Increase; the la bors of the husbandmen have been aost lavishly rewarded; the fields have, been almott wcij-hed down with grain the trees with tie granaries are now fnll to re pletion; now vigor and energy hav been infused into department of fetsrsaa efforts; Jay sita in the haarts f the people where there was a lamentation a year ago: general health prevails and peace reigns within our borders. It is most becoming, as well aa the performance of a scared duty, that all should manifest in public mnnner their npprecintio f of and thrir gratitude for these priceless bb'ssimn. Now, therefore, 1, John M. Thayer, governor of the stale Nebraska, do trrby d'-signatn Thursday, the "D lay of the present mouth, as a day f thanksgiving nnd praise to the K j: Hi for Hi f.. il.r'y c:rt over us und for His tender mercies. I most earnestly rrqtiot all the people of this commonwealth to brtnio from all eerular employ writ on tbstdny sni ssaemble in their several places of public wor ship and oftr up thsnkujiving and songs of praise to His holy xinme. Ia accordance with this beauti ful custom families will be reunited, Mcial and fr$ternsl influence will prevail and the heart of all should he mads glad. I br? trims with an abundance at t Urget the yt ! tt4j wii bounty. Let alt (lie people re joice. ' i In testimony wherrot,! hive licrr unto si-t my hnml and cuiisud to re nin xcl the preat seal of the Male. Pone at Lincoln this HUl day if November, In the year of our Lord one thousand eij'lit lmndred nnd ninety-one, of the Mate the twenty fifth nnd of the independence of the United States the one hundred und Hixteenth. By the Governor: John M.TlIAYEK. JOHX C. ALLEN. Sec'y of State. THE COUNCIL'S DUTY Since the po-ition if chief of po lice is virtually vact nt now it be comes the duty of the city council to eclect a man who is qualified to execute the laws by which lie ought to be governed. This is a duty the council cannot shirk unless they will allow the community to lookout for itself and they do as they ph ase. No person al prejudice oujrht to enter into their minds while they arc figuring on a man. Hut what can they ex pect of any one so long as they de mand him to give his whole atten tion to this duty Hnd work for fifty dollars a month. Wages that are earned bci hid the plow in tlie ditch tind on public works anywhere. The salary nim-t be raised before they can expect to elevate the Mandard of their police force. There ure plenty of willing men but few that can f.II the bill when the interest of the city arc at stake. It is not necessary to select n man who will work ruin' to any in stitution that has IV n sanctioned by the ordinances of the city to continue for a specified time so long as the law is not grossly and repeatedly violated but it needs a man who has that honesty of con viction and determination of pur pose, that he will strike terror into the dens of iniquity. Reuben V. Hyers, W'.T. Coie or L II. Dunn are men competent to be entrusted with this responsible duty. The mayor can be instrumental in doing much good and putting the city's moral condition on a good footing, but he must have the milliard assistance of a competent police force, or his efforts avail but littie. SHERMAN'S PERFIDY The nttitu'Ie which Sherman has been assuming in the matter of EickhotTs citizenship is at once laughable and disgilsting. It re minds one of the few vagabonds who on a memorable occasion in time of war tried to cut down the enemy on bridge spanning narrow but very deep pass at the bottom of which there was a rest less and turblent etenm which swept everything into oblivion thnt fell into its way. These foolii-h men stood there and brandished their weapons defving the enemy that was calmly looking on, oi casionally the van guards would fire into their ranks at first die . aiding the weakest, but they stiil kept up the attack until only one big burly fellow reaiaiued in the centre of the bridge feebly push ing ahead, his few friends now un able to give assistance begged him to come back but all he would do was to shale his stubborn head. The army from which he had es ciped came up and sentinels were sent out to reclaim him. They raised the flag of truce and even before his very feet tore up the p'snU tlat Stcitiiht iiot full hi io the bands of the enemy which know ing the circumstances refused to sacrifice hi in until he had found hit own doom. Now il remains to be neein when the legal progress is followed out in inMating Mr. Kick I. off in the ofllce of county treas ure whether or not Sherman will fsll tiuuugli the plank which his own party drew front under him that he might not gn any 1rhr. OMAHA isn't in it at alt, Minneap olis takes the Republican National convention in spite of Ciucinnali a close second, liter no doubt will be a mwtterof minor disc-ussion, but delegates can fill up ou the subject ' 11 Die CAT' is Fonseca has given up to the Inevitable. The popular up rising was so great that he was compelled to reign from the presi dency. ' TV swin(r tnscliJne hv opnel wMs field lor thteuiployiattiit ( f wore women ij BiaklDf sewing so chip tht the poorekt suop girl may hsv a dozso tuclu la her tkirt if ih wish thein. Thserstnr lisvlns tb gratet Bom ber of ddiLuet jes l tLSCuiton, s sps ei of pollimk, tn the bll of which hat beet) foncd a many a 11,000 trparat Uiobils eyes. Tha Ursct furra in Georgia li owned by Colonel J. M. Siuith, who Lai 14,000 acret io OluUiorp and UadJaoa eo un til. His knnaai profits aiaouBt U f.;i,ooo. An l'-ant?y i!ref-u'(l woman lately en tered n Parin jewelers simp un.l nVd t.i see some v.-iluaMu gold pin. While s.:e wase.iiiHiiiiin tli.-m u uian began pi i;--I113 a barrel orjrau before the dixr. Ti e music seemed to annoy tha lady, snj stepping to the door she tlnw it ple.-t. (,( money to the muii uud tuU klm t't way. wliieh liu did nt ones. ; On n tnniiiii; to the counter h!u hi;.! tlutt none of the piiat suited lier. but lli:.i sssoine eoinpunsutinn for tln troubltt , Lii-1 given, aha wonld buy a brooeii. ii.i. j seeorlinsly chose or.e, puld :ca frr,:.;; ' for it. and was leaving tha shop when i!m ! 1 I : , . . ji-weirr miiweii n nianjona pm tT gre vs n from ninun tlioite r lis lmd ht-.-n ex.i:iiing. lis accordingly -topp.-d hi, customer, who s.-eirieil hi'my indignaul. nd insisted on the jeweler's wifs search iliK her, wiiu.u Wm uuue, uui no pin waf fuiinil Tha ewelrr sent his sister to watch tho woiu-in, who was seetj to enter an other jeweler's shop, and was pretending to make a purchase wheti tho oran grind er uudo his upp-arsnco. As soon as he bf'gin playing k!io n;r iin threw blt.-i smio niont-y snd ordered him to move on, but the person who was watching her per ceived that with the money sho 1ml (,'iv en the m-xn u pi-e of jewelry. This wai at ones made known to the police, who rrestwl both, an 1 faimd 0a the man sev eral Lrticlej of stolen jewelry. Paris F:oro. A Woman Hurled by Two Ifaabanil. Some years since a yonn wom.m named Gardiner married" in Scotland a limn named Zudrean. They quurreh-d nd separated, and the woman afterward married a mun tiatned Smitii. Lot a short tims elapsed before separation to;,k place in this nlio, Bnd a tiiird mar riage was enntraete 1 with n man named Ujwhill. The paititfs, however, did not reidolon3 together, the woman from that tiuo forward liviag alone. Tuea day aiio poisoneil herself, ths boly being found in bed tho next Morning. At tho coroner's inquest, when s ver dict to that effect 1 :cr:ie I, it w.11 stated that Z.idn-a:i had U'it "vn found, but Sui ih aud UowhiM were in attend, nee. The latter produced his certifi cate of inarria','s si 1 clai nd the cer tificate of death. After d ens-ion a compromise was arrived r ' tuitli tak ing the coroner's certificate, an 1 the two men aKrs-ini to sh .re the cost of th funeral, while it was arranged to bury the woman in the ihiiiw of Zadrcr.s, tlias Hmith, sILu DowhilL Loudoo Standard. rtnylnff C'aL Ilonwholders who may never hire rquired tho h.ibit of layin in a wint'.-r apply of coal in summer or fall, sud whoso rertrta for failing to do so nm heard wit .he regtildrity of tao anmul advent of cild v. .-ati . rl mny ("t'.p r,'!'I iu'. It is true ec . my to buy little coal at a time. Cnnl men will tell yon that this fuel rapidly loses in quality. The gases paiui off by exposnre or some thing of that kind, and with them the heating power diminishes. TVre is one thing, however, that it ne etaity in making the tnostofthit kimt thrift. Ths coul bonj;bt in small 1, wntitiet should be taken fro! frwh shipments. Theiei-no profit ia buying coul that may hav lain for weeks iu yarl. It should come fresh from the cars in order to B't th best aervio out of IL New York Times. OUm Fllllag hr Tth. V rsont whooljject to thecopspicnons nest of gold filling when it it placed in the front teetli tuny now have their den tinal nss snh-tanes which resemblet the t' eta so closely io color that its pres ence 1 an be detected only by a cUw and careful examination. This new filling it a kind of glass and it the invention of a German. It was pat on ths market only short tituo,'o, but it Sirs 'oren dim enongh to prov that ths ides U a capi tal one. Th Klass comes in the fonn of taud, which is tu&ds of nine different tints. Thew hn rans frm bright v lite through varioat yellow to kind of pale pink. Generally ft of t-eth will have csjut tho color of one of t. j kindt of tand. but to Lavs ths two ex actly the same ft riiay be nerpsiary to luiz two ahades. New YorkThbun. DtiH Akd for Taklag Colt, John II. Taylor, of Nashville, Irst, while travehog on ths Wabanh railway from St. Louis to Btanberry is October, 1W, contracted cold through ths cegli penes of ths rsilroad' company In not having the car properly heated. The cold culminated in an attack of rheuma tism, which has crippled him for life. For this be bmnjrfit in -t sffVnt the ton pany for SI0.OUO dsmtges. Judge Good man, in the circait court, tnstalned dmuner to tuvlJr njf the plain Usf. An appeal will lie taken to ths tuprems court Cor. St. I;ult Repuhlla Down ia D(t Isle ths other evening the village bsrl-r axked a young lady to attend hop with blni. The yonng lady very properly went to gjt her motber't consent. Iler mother took her one si Is aad told Ler alia could go if nhs would get ths barber to ajfres to do her (ths yonrg lady't) fatlnr's barbering this winter frts. Ws Lave not Wrd what rrsr-mect hat been made, ayi tho concipondent who tells ths story, bnt think everything was !1 n?rUt, for ths gurl wett lisnor Ojiiiiai rciaL October fairly out.Ud its. If in tl.s Ver mont mountains. The criDison folisge, tl.s balmy temperate re, the.. hazy tuios phero, all have eonibined to tusks the last thres weeks of the month ths Dit delightful rperieucod thers for monj yaxt. Arsoent eruption on the tnn'l fart ws photographed(and lasted for fully fifteen taiontes. Its angular height showed It to be a distnrhsncs canning ths vapors to atrend fully 0O,uOO uiltea. Tit youngtt teachor on record it tall to be aa eleven -year-oU b iyin Caiiiai, 1 who. It is claiuiud. has Ua rvcoutly oriiAtLv i' tkains Vjlau tAST N . : i i e M ,NU. 4. . .. I" m " Ni. 7 ; 11 e, ni Nt, u. ,.V . II. Si,. M u ill I No. i S :ii - n Not,... l It . v.i. V. o. I. . Vl. .. Ml. I. 11. w. . ..3 :lj ii. 111 .. .: a p 11. . 1 .01 11 m .. ' ! . Ml. . '" l. Ill . . A lv . 111 .. II ;iif a. m. TIJIK CAK'O. N-. 3H Acnnn.1 1 at I r ! . No ;W ' nr. iv 4 , 1 rami Daily ri.-eit -uuiiuy. in si a m. . 4 .00 p. 111. SKCHKT SOCIETIM KNii,llis tf l'Vli:U .1111.1 11 I,.,! No. 17 M '- t-i-veiv ili uy CV.-lilnj 1 ilie.r Ii 11 In far ne ft da k In-rk. All vu iun kuwi.i uri- eoitliM ly " leU 111 t'.C iii.e.' . : ! iiiTi-y.n.K n. 0 II. "'.. Mei-U f!ft mnt tli'r-1 rliUt e .Inj- "t es li i"ii II :.t . S II. Ilnll In K.h M f r 11W Vei'iit'.yes, M. . I, f l.lllT-MlV, liec.inler. AO V. W .Vu Kl-Mtiis "mil ami iiuirlh Kri-I iv v 'I1 'li II"' 111 .i. 1 a ii' . A . ( . hall 11 I! 1 kv i.l IiI.h k, i. .1. Moiaii, M W, , I', hr i.i, K.iniler. IMIV.xl. . It ! A M-I'J'H Tn. 111 II No irr.'t. " M ' Bi I K, "I ' Im I Ul III l':itHKl.- 4 'rilir Ii'im-k ..vr )- lie l ft l'i". velrii.n linlliren Invl.eil I'i'i.ry llinil l, Ite.-ni ; I s a t lc t-reidiv, C ls MipiiK. IK I ''.. K. biim-is e ' rii-a:i) ni'itit at their l.a'l Hi r'HifiM t)lo-k. All I'Hil Kriiiiw arx nirdial y o. '!"' io-imI vIiii vi-iil'V In 'N'Cily. J er. N. (i. H. W, lliuU'H, Seeti-lii'y.l Hew to Succeed. This is the grent probh in of life which few i-aliefai turily Milve. Some f::i! I.eeuiue of ill he;. Ith, oil), i rs want of luck, but the u.njority from insui'tu'ient grit- want of nerve. Theviire nervous, irrcMilutr.chuiipe. able', e.'i-ily gel the blues and "take the e piritrt down to keep the fpirils up," tlius w.ting money, time, op portunity nnd nerve force, 'i here is iKithinir l'.le the Kentoriitive Ner vine, (iiecovered by the great spe cialist. Dr. Miles, to cure ml nervous .li-eiiHi'H, ns In idache. the Lines, nervoiiH U'( - ration, t-lecplt'Hirss, m-ur:ili ia, Si. itus (, fits mid hyeleria. Trial bottles and line book of testimonials free at E. G. I rit ke V C'o.'s. JULII'S l'El'I'EKIlKRr,. aiANi-raeriuKvr aso vucLEdtii?. nun pstail . DtALSU :x Til a CHOICEST HRAND3 OF CIGARS mix ujim TOBACCO AND EMOKI.-.'i AR'flCLIS always in stock Plattsmouth, - . Nebraska 31IKESHNELLHAC:Ki:ii. Wacua asd Blacksmith abut Wagss, Buggy, Uschint and plow RepadrUtf 1ua HOIWISnOEINO A 6PECIA.LTY -H OMI ts NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which it tbs best horseahoe for ths farmer, or for fast driving, or for tit) purposo ever InTsnted. It it so mailt that anyone clb put oo sharp or Hat corks, as needed for wet and sliier lays, or t-.iootb, dry rotdt, Ct.ll at hla simp mid examiae ths KEViuLir sad son will n no oh, J. If. BfiNKI.LBACKER. 13 North rifth St. Piattisa mih A rOPCLAU FA1TILT. Jrmt: " Hnw In it, Knt, thst alwart wia til 'cati li "ii '! llwlmjit new U.n.if ti iit I nuj, . uj kittuja tuciu tu kci bim4 Of m Kats: "t don't know 1 I ewialnlrdo not auiki- ny .-rliMi In thkt dlri. l'.im." J km sit : " Well, dure, 1 tho lut (n mojithi f suuuplo, uu kafe uaa up imuiuua wlUvwt an UaW t ymi rtff tht rrv-.a Ixto Uim liarga iboerte'l hor iMwrtaciM oamlili'iily, and irtalnlr are all Imiitof. Ins la trur imdiT y nr (iiinii-tn.i : 1 Wrt you lulling 'lomrar Kuttim Ivt nennif bow li.l null i in .';.yli, ImmUIIi you aftii Ui i iiu mi ail th iim. ' i...(' .. know jn( wlmt Io AVi under all cinmiuMaiicni 1 yo'l enu rtsin Imiuiilisiy ; and In Ilia lut Snonth (,u Lr HD,roeI.ilu bMiUi.owlnf, Viiuulim!.lui,ur n vu kh-iiiiurtiiiiaM. wii.-ro il . y.u ,i ,1 (,f ,,i,r iei..r.iii...a from 111 inn lutu ui-.,f tbs way i.iaur lot you iim-er 1. in it v." KT: Wbr, Jennie, you win maka ru yaiit. I hiivei.ii i'i,iiprif Hir..tmiina bill It l.irirmtT! how It n.fll I wi,t. ( very 'ie.itn Imir i f aii) , w l,nt ol. t.Hineii few iLa .ri:i iu f,i!i li.f. , null. 11 m llw ilii, .v.u N,, Hn!,,! Ant a m tmti'.nu 11 ( tun aa, . r ti miiy furnwli-s im rnl,inf fi r ti.a whnlw liirtit"h'l I : lAihrr un up kits be lias takua lor )rr rt I h i 0 la onn (riv-s iivir and Utur lnT imiii(..o fa t f it of tn.i I'iir; tk 11 niuii. r aayt thut It Is t'.f.t tint rt: U t 1111 !i u Um....s hieii.k.-e-r. In ru t. Ma ml S'fnw ti:m u M USacil) ie.!r rxxn r I-.ii- a.t,ljkd, tn wi .ai - I I. r ,'ii! ,11 i 1 : 1 ,1 1.1 an lfind llmiunela a'i f. r irn. ancihor at f r woirrn, and an'.tlier for i n'r, s!.ll linn nne nulla mi -y ,? a . . ; ao a onlr n.-l Io (ne imi lnail of "T.I,aiil test l wl.ura tii n.jr rir In, fur II 4 only (tin a year, fi-rluii y.i.i tiuiik I am to lavwo In my tirati e 1 f . in j,,u it 0'ir,or, iK-tlur till, -.,d 10c "illo u.a f'ilt. (l-ii-r, W. Jnirinn l'iniir-.. .', rrl l.ih tr-l. Mow Vit. a amil rj.T, r.i d UbH ai ooiwldrr I Sara d-na yoq B treat favor i and may lymi will leiittai na out, aa 'n iy w hva tlia repulallou f txiii(t IIm iit iuf'innrd fiurily In t iwn. If that tjn an, It It lsnauial't ktialit K--"-r IamU Oua U." . A fiheral ofer only for THE WF.t.TLY HERALD nd D-moreet Family Macailne fXSend your ubwt ription to thit1 til'iice. mm Mmmm Ths llKfT Mai.vb in llie f,,r( uu i Ihuiiii-i. Hi.ri-K. L'lei-r,. 1: m,, y Vl., S iren. T. to r. Clou. m il ll i i.l- I'm::. :,.. Con s, hii. I nil kin imiitioiif, - ! i..j livelj cur. s i'u.i. or no puy , . ure'l. It is guaranteed to yive sniikfacuns, 01 money refunded, pric e reiitB per 1-jx Kur tale by P. O. Frirk & Co. We have sold Ely's Cream Rtltn nbout three yearn, mid have re- ...... ...... .!... 1- . I .tntnimui HO Urt III llll; IIIHT hundred special cio-cs of catarrh. 'I he uiiiiiiimoim itnswer to our in quiries is,"It's the best remedy that I hnveevi r used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. il. Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, De corah, lown. Whervl began using FJy's Cream Halm my catairh was so bad I IihI Headache the whole time nnd tlis chnrged n large iiiiiouut of liltliv matter. 'J lint tins almont entirely disappeared and have not had heiul (If he SCiciice.-J. Somiiieis.Stepliiicy, Conn. Miles Nerva nnd Liver iils. Act on II lll-tv t.rl, I.. ... I ing the liver, stonircli and bowels inrougn tne nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' l'ills Slleedilv i-nr,- l , ; 1 1, sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, .lonslipation. t iieiiinled for men women, children. mnaCeHl. mi, I, .1.1 st,rft! ft I closes. Z'h .Sami.len free at V. . Vricke & Co's. .11 I rr Wtl ow Fla,ri ' J M . to I if 1 J ." m VI mi - j w )AmtaClausSoab N.K.iAirbank&Co., Chicago. Everything to Fnniisli Your HousCsV ' I. PEARLMAN'S -6RRAT HOUSE FURNISHING EIJPORIUr"' UsTin purchased the J. V. Weckbach Btorc room on fo.' Main street where I urn now located I can feell gooda cheap j er than the cheapest having just put in the largest fctock ! of new goods ever brought to the city." Gasoline BtOTM and furniture of all kinds Bold on the installment plan. I. PEA REMAN, fly WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND 1 A Full od Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils-''' RUCCISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS I Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all IIoup .. Mexican ' Mustam A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Bcal A !orij; teited pain felierer. , Iti tiM5 i almost universal fcj the Housewife, the Farmer, Euxk Kaiser, ar,d ty every enc requiring an elTcc' l.niment. 1 T'o ether application comparei with it in efficacy. Ihis vcll-kiiowa rcacJ li stood the test of years, a" jsneratiotu. j aicdiciuc thtit is costj.!tte vi:!:cbt a bottle of ' I.tVIMKNT. Occaiio.n trir.c for iu use almost etery day. HI drccjiaU tr.d dealer Lave it. H f - A ir a thf: positive cuiic. i ' 1 i'oi.i a lcttei-'ui'ittt'ii bf Mis. Ada 11. lliird of (iroliin, S. I)., weijiiiite: 'Was tiikei! with a bad cold, which l-ettled Oil 111 V lltltli".-. fultii Ii set 111 ami rmally terminated in coiiHiiinpJ In n. l our Iih turri gave me in- ing I could live but a short t:' favc myself up to my Savi' tei if 1 coulil not ," .' my fr'endu oil earth, l.woi l 11 my nheeiit ones above. Hy In . band wa udved to ti i'Dr. Mint; .( . New . iJikf.ovcry for loiiHiiiiinl 0.1 i coughs and colds. I gave il a' tri;i ? 'f took in nil eiht bottles; il linciirei4 . me nnd thank Cxxl I am now a wel i and hearty woman." Trial bottles' free at I. CJ. I'ricke Sc I'u.V ilru; store, regular siw. Sue. und 1.00. Are you nuide miserable yJL 'di gestion, constipation, tli..ifles Ioms of appetite, yellow skin? thi loll'rt V'ilulier ia 11 tumilivn riir.-. For sale by F.J. Frickc & Co. " - For many years Mr. H. F. Thorns son, of Des Moines, lown, was be veri-ly iilllieted with chronic liurr hoea. Me says: "At times it was very severe; so much so, that l. feaerd it would end my life. About seven years ngo I cluiiiced to pro cure u bottle of . Chamberlain's Colic, Clinic : nnd Diarrhoea K'emedy. It gave me prompt relief find 1 believe cured me permanent ly, lis I now eat or drink with' jt harm anything I plcnse. I li iiIko used it in my family with ". best results. For sale by F . . l'ricliie A Co. f ". I a ft V w "iy nuid tne scenes c. mv childhood. C Lprai? 3 oiiTic poies cr i . greeqb&sswiX. mokearifJeSrndHWrny . " I073T since departed, wc rIUy AAIIM lib IUMJ As soon as ftey olf ered ( -AT- M00KRN- e Liniment 'farm t grate wUiiite.