The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 24, 1891, Image 1

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    t p-"J'"nl tn ft uniM'ii i of frjiuil wuicil ,V
u leo florists met at the r3he
, . . .l- .,,,1 l,.H.vl ItlM lilr I
inistiiki! ll'.u-n wiin iliey iniorin im-
" -" nei vouV J.i-iirt trouides
Ho may"' ' r
V IT IT - - 1
iiv iieraia.
I " ,r ! i-
Royal Baking Powder
Has no Equal.
The United States Official Report
,0f the Government Caking Powder tests recently made, tinder
uthority of Congress, by the
Vashington, D. G, furnishes
lation as to which powder is
shows the ROYAL superior to all
others in leavening power; a cream
of tartar powder of highest quality.
. r(
The Canadian Tests:
"The strength of the Royal is shown to
be 23 per cent, greater than any other.
"As a result of my investigations I find
the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the
others. It is pure, contains none but whole
some ingredients, and is of greatest strength.
" F. X. Valade,
" Public Analyst, Ontario,
"Dominion of Canada."
k 6";
f. 8ittnayam'milirlle lor the pahilua !
Iiaclliir ut In Ui.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Baakiiood Illurk riultiinuuth, 'eb.
4 1
uelr Pall ir. iKnr-, ribtx n. th't n1 quills
tlMi l"t Kl lif l.telilim oiiie nape null
lu aira aid I 1. 1 hey h a lull
Hue m lmhr h-wl mid In or
der MelrMt iM nwlt out hv r.
duced Hi1!! "trw Mill hut. to 40 and t.
It tri i iiIiiiiiiiI,
. 90 I.I) AID PonCKLAIS CROCKS -Bridge
wurk and floe, gold work a
A MUirllcsKlven lurlhe aliilrweiiraciloo ol
i Uetu,
j Attorne jr at-l-aw. will pr'inpt a'tentlnr
J i til I'li'inrM iitruif ! v, him. I imoa lb
Union block, t mt Hidi, 1'lalt.mmitli, Nfb.
WM.i An iirlWr. il!lil m'li-liiiliinrlin
lono mi lilh'jr. villi iin rmi. in iriirmnl
llliU-. t-tlrtrtnt, MAKi rAlll KKH, ll k
Hoi 1VA, Nrw Ymk.
, Many oll noMitTH, who conlrncted
' jclironic diarrhoea while in the
1 .en-ice, hive .lure. been permonent-
IT rr,'d ' ('luiiriihcrlnin'.
"wiic, Cmiirrn nnu uimilnn i nriii-
, tdy. For mile by F. (. Fricke 4 Co.
) For lame bnck lhere is nothing
ettcr tliil to until rule a Da nut 1
. 'loth with Chamberliiln'a l'nin
'lalm and bind it on the affected
'iirts. Try it nnd you will be ur
rinrdnt thepronipt relief itnlfordn.
he fame Ireutment will cure rhuu
"itiom. For .ale by F. O. Fricke
, Co. - . ' . . .. .
"hiloh CBtiirrh reitiedr a poi
ve cure Caturrh, liphtheria and
: ker nioutlt. For .ale by F. 0.
jH :
Some of the moid t;irtlin tr, in-
teiKtiiiK tJiMcovcrii B of ihe lilc and
cuNtoitia of buried l-kr t are now
Li'inix lildilf through L'XtciiHivccxeu
vatiiona. Thuwc dit-coveries ure
xcitinir a (rn-ut iutnnt. Many
litcov lien ari1, howevir, buitiK
rintli; in our country that aru re
markable, aiiiiini,' which we may
mriilum that of llulli r'n l'niit I'nra-
lyter which ctfcctn entire relief, and
. Ii ninny riiM'H h romplete cure of
Mhat terrible ili.'ivme rheuinaliHin,
and which hlnr relieves pain of ill!
' kind. For aalc by all ilruirtta
Why will you couffh when Shi
loh'acure will pive immediate re.
lii f. I'rice ID cih.. M eta. aud (1.
Fur aule by F. Ci. Fricke A Co
Department of Agriculture,
the highest authoritative infor-
the best. The Official Report
Ojntrrt Blue Tuiiitt IU.
Crrun ol Ojtteri Com-ouime Orlraoi.
Cflcry. (JurroOllfe.
rill.t of Trout .ill PnircnM, ni Potitocs
rollfd ll.n l'liiiipil Knur.
1st ot Hpriiif Lamb Cmm of Turnip.
Cold Toi'tue, Val and llm,
Prlai IMn rl Rc( u )iu
Bib Kn. of Bff f Sclcti fu Idlnf
Turkey ".tired. Cr nberrruc
Balml ol Duck, I'utrwil Jelly,
ltomui ruurli.
QmU o. T"Ml, ler Cre-iee.
Saddle ol Veulson, ! Sauce,
Hmalt llili keo Feilrt a la K'lne.
Trlmtilet ol 8we t Hrrad f.r lena.
Prog I eir f r-adrd lth Preai-b Pa,
Jack rtabtitt Mu.tnoom Hauc.,
Itktlon I'rrain tuSi,
a A LA 04,
Freih Ibner 8ulad. I'tilcken Bilad.
Lotluir wlili Kurd fc.l'.d i'lg,
Marhel Potatoes, Hleamed Potatoea,
Uarruw PbI I'i ik. ' Hweet 1'olniwei t ruwoed,
liuporled Htringlrailleatii.
Green A pile P'e. Mlnnrtt ' emon Ptfl
Btrani Fruit l uddliu IUM and Braudf couee
Neaimllian Ire Cream,
Pin'1 Ap.l Jelly. Ari I Food.
Lady Fihe'm Lnjer Italalnt Kuta
Auorted Candlea I ananat, rrai.
Edam Cream t hi ee. I f ot Water Cracker.
Th EifTsI Towar of ToilM Artlola
310)71 bottlea bluxh of roKed aold
in 1simi, You know I could not have
hold ho much if bliiHh of roxc win
not an reprenented, a Hiirc cure fur
iiiniilen, frecklea and blackheadu,
niv.rj I predict it will be aold by
every tl rti jrtr i t, nnd naed ty e very
Indy and in the United
State. ). II. Synder will aupply
you at 73 cent per bottle.
A.J. Senmnn returned to Omnha
taut evening after remaining in the
rll fi"w Have,
I up
One of the neweat and brightest
lines of
Plaih'GooJa, To j . Colli. Korcltici, Etc-
Far U Holiday traaa that baa ba
a la lowa for yaara.
Which was bought early In the
scanon from mime of the
Which guarantees you the pick of
the market and at prices
for which we
arc noted.
-:lhs Ltrxs:t in ths Country .
Tuetublle l emdlntlr Inrltrd tnlnipect ur
gtftiui mi u runil'.iii pi .v-m
I, f.tiCUKJl.rrop.
Ed Oliver took a trip to Omaha.
C. C. I'urmele went to Omaha this
Urid Critchfudd went to Lincoln
thin morning.
F. S. White went to Aahlaud on a
liiiHlm-MH trip this niornin".
W. II. Newell nnd wife were pan-
Bengera for Umalia on tne early
Dr. E. E. ReynoldH.of Rock IIIiiITh,
wan u pleamiut culler lit TlllI Hlk
ALD office tliie mornine.
Mrs. M. J. Lnmbnoii went to Mace
donia this morning to viiiit with
fric.idn over llnuikHiving.
Shorthanil and typewriting: col
lege over Miiyer'a clothing utore.
Day and uigl't nenHioua. Situatioim
guuraiiteed to all competent tnd
eiita. If
Dr. Peering returned to bin home
at WabaHh hint evening after a
uliort vinit to a sick aiater ot
IliiHtinga, Iowa.
S. C. I'attcrnon, of South Hend,
came in thin morning intending to
look after the affairs of bin farm
Bouth of the city.
T. Clark and wife vinited with
their daughter, Mra. Wooda, in
Weeping Water Sunday, returning
Monday evening,
W. J. I leaner, florist, went to
Omaha hint evening to be gone a
few days to utteud to matters per
taining to his trade.
A. Schlegel and daughter, Grace,
having Sundayed with friends ti
this city and their former home,
returned to Lincoln.
John Ieeley. north of town, is
building h chicken house on nu un
usually large and nuhMantial plan,
it being of brick and about a
hundred feet long.
Judge Chapman received a letter
from If. D. Travis, county attorney,
stating that he was confined to his
bed mid would be unable to attend
court for the present.
J. A. Liniihan and wife returned
to Omaha lust evening. Mr. Linn
han has been looking over the
affairs of the riattsmouth Invest
ment Co. for a few days, of which
he is secretary.
The regular meeting of the E. I.
V. literary society, will be held at
the residence of R. W. Hycra, Fri
day Nov. 27, at which an interesting
program will be rendered. Every
body invited. Watch the pa peril
for the program.
John St"ene, postofflce Inspector,
in on a tour of inspection through
the county and having thoroughly
examined the records and finance,
of this poHtofTice, states that the
affairs of thconice rnnk well among
the best of the many he has ex
amined through the state.
A. C. Mayes, county surveyor,
commenced this morningto survey
the public road granted last Friday
by the county coinminf ionern, from
I'lattsmouth , extending north
through sections six and seven,
town twelve, range fourteen nnd
rijnr) nn. !n!r.-tctl"or the tele
graph road near Lawrence Stull's
While out quail hunting yester.
d.iy Frank Morgan accidentally
allot Jim Johns' bird dog, so thi't
it had to be killed. It ccms
another dog had located a quail
aud when it flew up Johns' dog
jumped up from behind a bush,
thus bringing him iu direct line
with Fruuk's gun, who was in the
act of shooting the quail.
The county records disclose the
fact that the railroad company has
made amicable adjustment with
Mrs. John llardruba for the loss of
her. husband, who was killed on
July 2nd by the explosion of engine
No. li in the roundhouse. The
company has been prompt in
adjusting this affair to the entire
satisfaction of Mrs. Ilnrdruba and
her friends without causing her
unnecessary expense.
The east end of school district
No. 20 just north of town has peti
tioned Superintendent Noble to be
set aside as a separate district and
muko the novel proposition that
they will wave nil rights to their
apportionment of slate and county
school funds nnd the west end
object because It will leave their
district on the east line with only
one child of nchool nge belonging
to a permanent reaident and about
four children belonging to sojourn,
crs nixl tenants. The truth of this
apparent independence on the part
of petitioners is that they ore living
in a district where the bind is ap
praised very low but have about
eight miles of rnilrnnd w hich would
1 have to pay tuc bulk ol Uie tax.
Cave. Before the District Court.
Among the cawes continued for
hearing in the district court are:
CM. Gilbert vs. Weeping Water
bank. 1 1 A. Gibson, trustee vs. E.
L. Hem' et al. These cases have
been ) consolidated and sent to
Frank Ireland ot Nebraska City as
referee before whom they took testi
mony for fifty-eight days. The
referi e found Reed indebted to the
bank upward of &20,XH) nnd the case
is now pending on motion to con
firm the report of referee ond comes
up for hearing before Chapman to
day. Western Engineering Co. vs.
riattHiuontli Street Railway Co. et
al. Action was brought by the
pbiintilT and the Sprague Manufac
turing Co to foreclose material lien,
a mounting to about flO.(KM) nnd it is
now pending on notion by Street
Railway to til- an amended answer
asking for $17,()L) damages from
Sprague for furnishing defective
machinery mid motors. It will
probably tie heard during the ten?:
Fred Hellows vs. Win. Tighe uoi
sheriff. This is an injunction re
training the sheriff from levying
on execution nu a judgement in
one of the westi m counties where
the plaintiff claimed that the ser
vice of summon was defective and
judgement invalid. Judge Chap
man (liiouiHscd the injunction
holding, that the service of
summons wim good and fixed the
supersedeas bond for the supreme
court ut $l,t(K). This cafe has been
of special interest to the bar on ac
count of the technical points in
volved. Frank Deitrich et al vs. Ellen
Child et al. brought by plaintiff
against their mother claiming
eighty iicres of land at Ixuiisville
which their father entered an a
homestead nnd died before proving
up. Their mother made final proof
and got the patent issued in her
own name which patent they seek
t set aside and have her declared
trustee in the hands of the court
on advisement
Wm. I. Oulnn vs. I-.IIen Uuinn a
case brought by plaintiff to com
pell his mother, the defendent to
deed him eighty acres Of !anftieor
Elinwood claiming that he hud re
inuiucd at home and donated his
service towards the payment of
said place on condition lit it he
should have it. He waited until his
mother moved to Iown before com
menclng suit and then got service
of summons on her by publication
in a news paper and got a decree
for the land of which she was ignor
ant until a year after the decree
had been rendered at which time
she got the decree set aside and a
new trial grunted which wua had
at the last term of CJiirt nnd is now
under udviccmcnt before getting
the decree set aside, her son l.nd
traded the land to a man by the
name of Forsythe for eighty acres
of land in Oloe county nnd Forsyth
now claims to be an innocent pur
chi'ser. The court has found that
tlie. plaintiff Wio liut entitled to Un
bind but has it under advertise
ment a to whether title given while
the decree was in force would be
Continued to-morrow.
Immediately niter the resigna.
tiou of the chief of police hud been
tendered, it was nt once conceded
that no man -could hope to be ele
vated to fill the vacancy, unless he
was a 'member of the alliance, in
good standing. It appears that
every uspirant to the honorable and
trustworthy poslion pfii.oii(.1 this
essential qualifications except Jack
IX'iibou. As Jack's friends desired
that he contest lor the honorable
position, a committee (at once se
cured jthc services of Judge Sulli
van, better known as 'the State Or
ganizer for tin Farmers Alliance,
and in the presence of tt few of the
most prominent members of the
order, the cundidate was duly Initia
ted. In the event that Mr.
Dcnson should finully fuil to cap
ture the prize, it may yet prove an
"unholy alliance," as tho candidate
was required to pay an luiatitory fee
of, f.VJTi, of which t he State Organb
xer Judge A. N. Sullivuu is to re
ceive f.'i.'X) nnd the ul fiance the re
maining five cents. The latent re
ports are that Dcnson'a chances for
the chief ol policculkip ure very
( Have n'l kiuds of
(fried fruits, Apple butter, home
made Sorghum molasses, pearl nnd
Snow flake hominy. rice.,
canned frulls (ni'd Vegetables.
Canned ineata and iih, t-vcryihing
clue kept by a lir at clubs grocery.
- - OP1 - ' -
Ziadics Furnishings
la llovr Complete ia all Departments,
iikrss ;ons
We are showingu handsome line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Stock complete nnd prices lower
thun ever.
HAVE never rhown to
o call special attention to
Military nnd Hip Coat elm pea trimmed with Mink, Kcal, Astracka
Mufiuloon and Coney furs.
Our line of Plush Facrjnes aro cheaper than erer before. FaB
lines of Cliildrens and Misces Cloaks and Jacket". i
x. vi--lQ A. e-- y il
Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty
and ull Work Warranted.
415 Main Street,
The stock of groceries at Peter
sen s old Mund will tie sold ut re
duced prices to satisfy mortgage
of First National bank, and anyone
needing goods will save money by
calling at the old Htuud. Remem
ber the stock is Iresh and complete
Come in for bargains in potatoes,
flour, glassware, chinaware and
crockery. Opera Grocery.
Nolle, k. or p .
The yearly election of officers ot
vr.lllliuei lOUgC io. ti, iv, ot i:,
Wednesday p. ni. Nov. 23. A full
attendance is desired.
C. A. Makhitall, C. C.
OTK8 DOVEY, K. of R. S. ; 2t
The teachers of the public schools
will receive their warrants for their
pay to-morrow instead of Friday,
on account of Thanksgiving.
In placing their stock of Holiday
Goods before the public this year,
Lehnhoff Uros. give us the assur
ance that it is bigger, better and
liner than ever. Their assortment
tliis season covers everything in
Honks, HookletH, Cards, Satin, Plush
and Leather novelties,' Toys,
Wagons, Velocipedes nnd Dolls.
Each succeeding year finds them
carrying a larger line, nud from
now on their entire store will be
devoted to Holiday Goods exclus
ively. To get the benefit of first
choice they advise their putrons to
innkc early selections as a grett
many goods cannot be duplicated
Inter in the season. They cordially
invite nu inspection of their line,
whether with the intention of buy
big, or not, as the opportunity of
seeing such an elegant iiHhortmenl
conies very rurely in Platte
mouth, d;Uw'J
A good Ladies Jersy vest at 2j. '
Ladies fine Jersey vest and pants ha
white or natural grays nt 50c eack
Ladies natural Gray Wool Verts an4
Pants at 50c. Regular 75c under
wear. ' '
Full lines of Ladies Fine wl
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal and black.
Complete lines of Child's unden.
wear in natural, scarlet and whit)
at prices ai low as the lowest
large aline in this departtnea.
our l trgs assortment of Reefer
Headquarter for Everything in the line f
Plattsmouth, Net,
Home Vaaiizliieaml h child
lo -il" 111 il. ami IlKH-IU in'n Miik z ne hikI IIcsalu
If. n i a nu; r ami IIk lo
Murf. t. Wpjiklv and kkiiai.ii
lor-, tula H.g.iifr and UjiSALD
. X m
. t m
. a si
Cood Look.
Good looks are more than ekia
deep, deqending upon a hcalthi
condition of nil the vital organs.
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a Hi I ions Look, if your stomachy
be nifeeted you have a Dyspeptic
Look and if hour K idneys be effected
yov will have a Pinched Look. S
curs good health and you will have
good looks, Electric Hitters ia tha
great alterctive aud Tonic acU
directlv on those vital organ.
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils an J
gives a good complexion. Sold at
P. G. Fricke 4 Co's Drugstore, 60C
per bottle:
An honest Swede tells his atory
in plain but Unmistakable Issv
guage for the benelit of the public
One of my children took a severs
cold and got the croup. I gave hs
a teaspoon ful of Chamberlain
Cough Remedy, and in live minute
Inteslgave her one more. By this
time he had to cough up the
gathering in the throat Then' nh
went to sleep and Slept good lot
fifteen minutes. Then she pot up
nnd vomited; then she went back
to bed and slept good for the r.
mainner of the night. She got' the
croup the second ulght nud I fcave
her the same remedy witli the earn
good results. I write this becsus
I thonght there might be oinc ont
in the suine need and not know the
true merits of this wonderful trtedU
cine. CiiAk-uia A. TiiOMpaiiKN,
Dea Moines. Iown. 50 cent bottl.
for sale by F. G. Fricke A C,,,
Ture buckwheat flour for sale at
Ileiscl'a uiilL fj
! . 9 - r t