The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 23, 1891, Image 4
. . pam cn tv uncav tlTr stealing. m , ( n i V. .1 - . . , . j I. . I AD sieiiuuy urRSW'U woman lawi j on- jr,a coaraaarat i.uvr.i k fered A Paris jeweler's shop and asked to rasawvnl ml SlaJa Kalil. i m vaWKU ..M nina - While she I " "The Ulan With, the Coolest II'TVC I - was examining thetn a man liepin play j ever met," Raid Colonel A. E. Sei'cr . i I n a ban el organ before the door. U'lie . who was in a reminiscent moon. , - . 1 . .1. 1 ..i 1 ' f v.l 1 I.. I. M u M. l.k. I w-14 M - .. I eihii. wHiiHt io annoy me laoj, win oJouei iuiu o. .,-'.. .1 I.. .1... .1 .... ,',., i.f ' i.riv,.! t ILiriwr t fTT IHU - It'll 'i.l. I'l tllOUinil nilO lllUt H I'l'VV . IHMHIO " . ...,-- - - - tnoiiey to th mm and told him to go lt iff' ft ii'ti.f c iifi-iinsr of the ,', i "St iciy will be hchl In. . i '! o'clock in Thin .- y nl 1 h" home of on vest Miiln 1 ftwnv wViii-H lid liil At one. On returning to the counter she sui-J th:it trine of the pins united her, but tint as some compensation for the trouble she bad ifive'i, she would boy a brooch. She "accordingly chose one, paid ten fram s lor It. at)d was leaving the shop when the Jewriri ujiowit dhiUiOud p.u 0 p,..., value from anions those she had b .cu examine. He accordingly stop;ed hi-t customer, win) seemed highly indinani. and insisted on the jeweler's wife search ing lu-r, which was done, but uo pin was -Jbimd. 1 lie jeweler sent bis sister to watch the woman, who wan seen to enter an other jeweler's sliop, and was pretending to make when theorem find er made hia appearance. As soon iw he be,Mii playing she a c lin threw hlu s-Mi' liioiu y mid ordered him t move on, the p -rson who was watching her I-r-ceived that with the money she bad giv n the man a uiece of jewelry. This wil at once made known to the police, who amit'.ed IjoIiI.RU I IOUUI Oil ion 111,10 r.- ..1 n,,l liv Ktonewail J-''.; sou iu 18C3. After waiting for.i.i- .,i for our exchange we were order,-.! to tiirfa Court House. a.. w.x:c -were on the lookout for Mosby. One cold, clear iii'ht in Fehrnr 1'1. I w.m on picket duty on the V rentou road. I bad poet two. I ;ru!i"" l-'v MMt ulunMt 011 tin1 diK;.j quick, tryini; to keep warm, wii -u beard a troop of cavalry cotiim t 0 tile Wiireeiitoil load t ipiiC t" They were htoppd by the man 0.1 ;. one all ri .,'lit. and I jea came down 01 : post. ' Wiie i lliey came clo.iefi.oiui me 1 I; illed t'.ieiu. " 'i-'rie.idH with the coniiteri.'-i. the uuswer to my ch illen,'e. "One m ill ilismoiiiit and a lva with the countersign. was my uesi 0 . ui.1,1 1 'A well ilre-j-ed ofTic-r li:ii-t.:.. and advanced to the lt "f "iy h.i. net ami Knvetae coUM!er-i'!i la.11 ik . "0.utw,':i correct; I k.ioui.1 Pas oil.' i,r:.. . Jy,nt three hundred ol C'lil . e If , M'in wlicn .... ; ! - it t-eml youf , 0 (.1 t : 11 (ti'l'nn of 'Vh I.. 1 i rciiool. tiliort- l:ont llll'T M pee I totri't hpr Out- ti!e .f "rl'ol I ( urn ut rxtrfiiily i,-V r:il - h tekiMw nn 1 5ffrv'i, I'nioo t'i. n' a ':viiiT nervice will l.i'i i"il il li '' ' r n'njitil-t church nt Nuii'i !'rH nl l n. ?u. next YhvrfiViv. !'l - m'iiiioh will lie rr- c'o ii i.v Vc '. Pr. Uritt, of the Miciiil 1'iirly. ntheroil ? if. hill Mini A plea- ntttie 1 widen c f Mr. Hint I) H Sin it ! 011 inti rsli in Saturdav rii'ilit. in honor of J i it. '5 ' ;0 V) JCa THE LEADING AND OKLY PRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. aPVSV'l UOtll, BIl I IOIIH I Oil ion 111, in r. 1 i. en! ankles of btolen je elry.-Puri j them; a motley crew in a:iparance. h T I .. ,. I.,:t li,! lltr!l.r. tillM I i-iiir,!. A Woman ItdrlrJ by Tw l!dbnil. H itue years hince a voting woman n::med (iardim-r marrieil in Scotland a lmm uauied Zadreiin. Tlity ipiarrel-d and f epiirated. ami the woman afterward married u man mimed Smith. I5ut a abort time elapsed before Reparation tixdc place in this case also, mul a iiura mar riage was contracted with a man named Bowhill. The p.11 t'"S however, did not reside I0113 together, the woman from that time forward living Hlon'i. Tues day she poisoned herself, the body being found in bed the next morning. At tins cop mer'H inipiest, when a ver dict to that IT'-ct was' returned, it wal tatel that Zadrean hiid not been found, but Smith and Bowhill were in attend-ini-H T'ne latter tv.-.i lr.c'-d bis certifi cate of marriage and claimed t'.m cer tificate of dentil. After di-ens-ion a compromise was arrived at. Smith tak ing the coroner s curlilitite, ana tueiw 1 men asreein- to share the cost of the funeral, while it was urruu;,'ed to bury the woman in the name of Zadrn, tlias Smith, alias BowLilL Loudon Sundard. ItUjIllJ ClMtl. Ilonseholders who may never have acquired the habit of I.iyinirlna winter' anpply of coal in nmuir or fall, and whose regrets for failing to do so are lieard with the regularity of the annual advent of cold weather, may stop r-piu-inj;. It is true ecouot.iy' to bay litth) coal at time. Coal men will t:ll you that this fuel rapidly lose in quality. The pases pas off by exposure or some thing of that kind, and with tieta tho beating power diminishes. Th -re is one thin,, however, that is a necesM ry in main th most of this kind of 1 irift. The coal bought in small quantities thord llie taken fr im fre,h nhip.ii-ul . Tii-ieistio profit in bnyins coal that Tnnir Ii.-ivh lain for wieks in a vard. It ahou! 1 come f re;.h from the cars in order to get the best service out of it. New York Time. n-..r. u 1.1 V lot. lll,'l!l. till.ltl ". . . ami Ian-Yin,'. Tu-y d 011. 1111 1 .: due time I was rclii vvd and o)ii koiind usl'-ep. Early the next morniiu the sear--!' of the ci ird rotisi'il me up and told m t was i.-aulel at be.i luarl'-r m :har:,'e of an orderly I went When I got there the man who was on post 011 was ahead of me. II w.-u ns'.i-re 1 uri-T-ee of Oelieral AleMllld'T Hayes, our conimandin oticer. and Wi.en be came out 1 went in " 'You bad iKist two at l.Vot Tjiyit?" 'inanded tli" general ()i li'i'-prt-. f Present, Iown I who ir- vis it intr in tin city, llic ' i-i ni-'iiu V V'.f C'unt'iecl of nbout t lir.y ol o.ii' prominent youuy; pen ' t 1- mil f'oni the report!' it i cvi d: i' th t n h'K 'ly en ovulilc ninl p ild " tunc was Mini iiy mi 'pr.-sent. t'.aine it ii'l inil-ic were p r t i; itc I io until iii t a ln'e l,i,ar when H Icpaitcil lor tlicir rcipecliwr home-", each feeling it was n' 1 to In- there. WliMi I- Co 1 I Uekinii f'owilei? H in n well kn.iwii fict that enr Lot.Htc oi if- ' 11 a i urcil hy b akern in the prep iration of the fin st mill most wholesome bread an 1 cuk . iiml has been from time Ii is ninony; thcohh st 'ami the nunc u.ost hciihli.'ill . . i,, f !i:ikiiic uowdiTF. It ia T fYJ IS waiting to show you his new goods J Vy Jit and to let you know how cheap they can je bought. ! -1. -TOE- nil cxolvt (I iu j;as by the heal olthe .1 UfiiiaiJM'-u in- , - - 1 had. sir.' I ovrn, and Icuvcn n Irucii of itscll T..U uiumt the trivm of caval: V : 11 .. 1,,,.,'. mi. I it U Ibis tl.i.t civrs - ' - I 111 I" "", -r- it itl utfat vaUic us n icaMMiiu"; that tmssed vnnr oost.' I told him w't bad bnprx-nej. "Wt-ll." ia-sill 1 (jrimly, 'you did it.' and be ilismi-sed me. I diM-overed pretty r-oon th'.t the men I bad pas-ed wi re IJosby's command, with Mo-l.y at their bead. Tin y i: ; 1 riilden throu;h the entire camp, taken it-o t..nt i,f one of the general o51r'T'. mounted it on a liiulo .md escaped with it to the Confederate hues. 'II'J'.v did lie Jl"t tb ps""-"''' W ftmud out that afterward. At one of the ont poets was the rawest kind of a raw recruit. V. line ne was on pu.-ui 1 duty a man drehsed in ncnt in the opinions ol lb Hicians. -New York Journal. phy tlr. T.m;' A 1 li 'llo Son. Mr rw. ,1 T. II. Talma.'e. tlie r.r end son of Ur. J )iia 1'.,'o, ivn ', Isirn twenty-four ye ars no iu the bout l which bellow lives, at llie corner t-i Joralemonajd Clinton streets. Hews educate 1 nt la- l'olytii-h:.'- Jnstituti , afterwurd coinpietinir hi stiidh-s nmier private tutorship with I'rofewor C.iskie Harrison at the latter's solnsd on Mo:t- 1 1 -tie ilreet. Al the H.'e 01 liui' lit' HAS TUB LAEOEST AND BEST STOCK In L: line in Csiks County. Yuti wi 1 not ho able to buy duiajter Wis'. Chi ct'o when you lake quality and jirieo in coiiM(lcrutio:i. ) JOE- Only buys the hvt mala and latest novdtie in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING CtfODS II ATS, CAl'S ETC. And if yon ore looking for a rdiahle place to trade givo JOE a trial. OnERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. . i ta -tie street. Al ttie -d in a capuinsnni- T ,, . w..,.rMi ..n,-,. ,,r ih . 'orm. witli the red fash of the ofl'u-er c f : " ,' "Lackawann.i nu 1 Wesl. r i rim liar acnes Lis breast, approaclie 1 hha l!e chailengcd and the officer ro- pou.h d. 'OHicer of the day with the coutitcr- "Advance and ffive the countersign riiilroad. where be remained for 1119 time. IIi health liecomiu-; Kiuiewlnt impaired. Mr. Talmai ;s-nt n y :r i i Ciliforuia. which be devoted to the out ihs,r life of a i-port-iwiaii. K iium.,' Zrt. I , .1 . I '1' ... .!,.. ..s. . - im'Tii iil 1 ii-rewv. a ! r.111 ii", rn-,, The officer advanced and L'ave a word ; ... ...... .. . . .. v. l') "" wnicn was imi uintuim iuuo " That's not riht,' aaid the aeDtiotl, and yon can't pass.' AftiT f(.!'-li era!: 9 WratllllUZ. uia-.e a member or tne ;ew ioi m's xi hmiL'e. tieinz at the time of his a 1- miisioii next to the youngest tunuberoa "Alter cotuiix-ramo wr3nini, " 1 u fl1Mjr. ..fScer iusist-il that bis word was rilit. I jlr Tahna-'e Is a memlKT of the be ei-bimel nnl.". 'Wlist word have cw'cKt c;:,,; n;i 1 ,.r tu). U,wilt;.. you srolr 'Hie man said. ' I'he her-eaiit I ilUo r,.,.mly c, in 11 1' jotii.t- C.luu Fllllnl fur Tevttu r-rions wlioobj;i:t to theco:.'spicuouV M i,r i...l,l fiiii.irf when it is ldaced in ii ... ... fv ry ------ , ii front twth ma ir now have their den- ti ts use a nibstanee which r'Uible the teeth so closely in color that its pn-s-enee can be deleted only by a close and careful elimination. This new fillin;'ii a kind of .'lass and is the invention of a C .-man. It was put on the market only a diort time uro. but it lias been ns.eil euou-li to prove that the idea is a capi tal otie. The ,'la.J cornea in the form ot a s iLd, which is made of nine different mi T'.o-.k lines nil:--,) from ft bright Wiute t:irin:;:i various yeiiowe io a kuid cf p ile pini. Generally a f -t of WtU vi'.l have nhotit ti,o color i.f one of tea liu-'s i.f sind. bt:t to have the tv-o e:- iii'l'y t.i Mi ;e it way bt r.e-es. iry t) mix two shades. New York Tiihuno. I)aimri .'.slifl f'ir Tililnj Cnl1. Jo'.'.n II. Taylor, of NadiViHe, Iil.. trhiia t.-ave!i:r,' oa the v'a'.a-'i railway from Ct. Lonis to Kinuherry in Oclo'm-r, 1 -.i,'i.i:i:-.;"te lin..'. 1 thMn,''. the r.i.,',i-f-ea. e of t'.io r..ih'o.i 1 co-u;.;.ny in r.ot Laviu2 t'.iM car properly heated. Tin) cold culminated in an attack of rheumv i.'ia. which lias crippVI him f r life'. Tor this ha bre,i''ht su.t H jainst t'ue co;n Jfany for Clll.dij.'lilatnaes. JndeGooil-in.-m, iu the circuit court, sustained demurrer to ti e evidence of the plainti.T. An appeal will be taken to the supreme court. Cor. Louis Republic Mln Is a Crest ll. Down In D er We the other evening the village barber asked yonng lady to attend a hop with lira. The young lady Tory properly went to get ber mother'a Corseut. Her mother took her one id and told her she could go if she would get the barber to asree to do ber (the yonng lady's) father'! barbering thi winter free. We have not beard what arrangement has been made, aaya the correspondent who telhi the utory, but thiuk everything wm all right, for tba girl went. Dangor CommerciaL Octob.-r fairly ontdid Itself in the Ver mont mountain The crimson foliar !. l,u'inv tviiinerstnte. the hazvatmis)- ,li.-re, all have combined to wake the ast three weeks ol the month the most delightful erpeheticcd there for man) J ears. A recent eruption on the ann'i face ras phid oraphed and lasted for fully fifteen minud. Its angular height it to be distnrbimce causing tlu vapors to aHcnnd fully IjO.OOO mil". The yonn;?et t'acher ca record Is said to be an deven-yer.r-old boy in Kansas, mho, it claimed, baa beel recently granted wrtiflcat of the ar Kve me tue worn, j.v , . 5i t , c..,.rv throu-h the waic-a.-audnolxslycatipaMWithontit. 1 buj, . o( lhe C;iv Uill . ntllj -The oD-er was no other than Slobby , , otll(.r i;)Vove:iic.i:-. K-iiteui- Uiinseii. ite mm an re wsnieo, mm. :,.,,,(.., , ;ti;i thercwi;.!. Ileiia wailing for night, got bis men togetaer , nirmbl.r ,)f t;le n.tmilton club. n:i I bis ana maue me successmi win. . I .,. i,.. ntent v been added to tn For cool ity it Wat anything ' ,.lllU.rhIl. , lst f the lliiiu r and ever heard o:. -ew ot uevam. Uiivin' clu'i. Mr. Tal:na-u U an en . . . . 1 thusiaj As I was K-aving I ittsburg I was ap- proached by a yonng; wan who. after unJ u . mvmW.t ,)f lim Ur(k Kivinir me bis card, thanked tue uwt ,,.":.,,,., 111.u..!1-;..!, ,., Life. ......'! t..r ,.itr l.wtiTu t.t laat IllL'bt: ill J ' i In. ii-urlv embraced m "I never enjoyed, myself o mncli In iny life," bo said. I r.iuiwl 1,14 I'linrl- ' I . . I 1 niii clad. I reoiicii, "11111 mv num-1 1. r i::j bleeUort pleased yon fomncJ. i.oimn IrrtTr.iit Tlicfl. An DIMI if I cin the Tilt if .1 l;;v whiih - hail pniiis.i wb;:t "irr.i-V.-iM tjeil more sjvere li-...t ..I'.... -u.e!i-4 i,f l.inenv. Tim (4 nnr ulifvln-r tn a l-tiirr t!in tn .:;.;;: t. .". Vii1'.:--!- rS, k;io-.v he bus ordod plea-aro to bu ! (. uti : ifiee. "Yes," h ca! 1, "it pare tno trnmen") ' r!,:i e--i' You r-3. 1 ata cr." i;r 1 t ) b'l . . a - r fir.-i i.:ovi d bim to atuie. Aiait: otiu r t,. I y a t, I l.'h iK-.l I -.K M thin rays: . ... " 1 s iy r.ot'.iix: if a Mae':.-i:ni;ii married toa prl iu town. Ail lier famiiy 1 were t-j 1'" :1 a b' '.'.ov; or if 11 1 1 iiiiib-.-r" we:.t to J our s'aow, and I had the Kill ! v.e; : purloia a ro'l of 1 "i I p P '. hut I at liomeiill t ) i:i; "'lf. Oh! 1 bad such A no cry cl i.i j .-t il.-uui.. :..iiou when a pood time! Thank yon so wutli! Do c::rt'T, wiio or.hln't re.i 1 LU name i-veu lecture b -ro r.,"i;: soon. . if n v. i ro l.;: ov.-.i v,;:i can iui.1 li.;..i. 1 :i the lv "iMf L:'.'.:e Mlchi " in, ne,.,i n Au.l after v. i-kiir-r tun a p'.ea'r.nt jour- li.y h i !,.f Irr::n-'a lt:. kr.otr I h-ft at least one friend and admirer U-hiud me iu Pittburg. Ma- (UelL A I llll- I.Ik- ImiiIU "Si-'e many of my paragraphs or stories in the t-rra .ivri-H." a. ked the funny luaa of the t'lchr.-ge t-ditor. Haven't noUced." returned the ex change editor. "I've -n a cssi many things credited to the pir, Mil uavcu 1 IixAed to ee whether they were dog fights, weather items or some ot vour uem. Want tue U) cut youn out and Uy 'em aside for you? "Oh, no; I wouidn t pns you w o mnch trouble," said the funny wan. "No trouble at U, s-senea me ex change editor. The funuy man went back to bis desk, thought over the matter for a raiouU and then llirew a paperweight at the ex change editor. Chicago Triboce. GlOTM Wot Hm4 -I B -Ibs. T rt.n teen said that th 1-Te- makers of Paris make nse in their trade .r tli skins of rats which are cangut in the sewers, bnt this is denied. Certainly the material would not m strong enougti 1... ti.nii.i. ui Yoik I-cordT. Hit crf.iiic. i;-V' . PLAC1.S Ol-- Ti()'.' -(i CS1HOI.IC-. t. PbhI's . Iiur.-:i. r. betera iii shiI emu. ruui'i m - aivee.: Viw-lS m' I :. - buuduy he.ieiil tl J i-, l k le et-Ulelu.!.. C 11 1: -. !)..- -eirer I iit sua ri-. h -1 t.i-i Uiiiu'HS Sl' "' 1-. .... .in tiii,Ul iii-iilMil 10. M. trt oVai.-si l.uke's linirli. rotn'-r Thl'd .! H'V II 11 1'I.IW"' l''"l- : II A X I lll t f Ulills) Btliuol ml - It I M. liMiain MiTlieiMST rner KUtli ft sml liieiill-. Ke.llin.ii"i'. ""'" - sikI 1 M. h'Ui'l li""l 1 -s PJ-I--I1VTI HIS nviie In ' Hiex-ll.riir-ii.r Mxlli lo.ll.l. inlr .i. l-'V J.I. si.i.1,1 - "l K.J' ; I Ii m ii si lis. ii.v-.1 s II III. ..1.' C 1 . i- C .1 I'.i ii.'f im fini-T ...1.1 .'it.'i ...i,li : V, In 1l-e l ni Hi" ' 1 I llicr'i mil. Alisie i. HUlu Lu Ui" tS -ICl III . Fllo-T M'TllOIUfT-" -'ll M . ittwelt Vslll mm fm", lev. 1. 1. 11 ...1 .ii . it in 1- fti siirili M-I,i, t-MA m". Itj-llleid riiia Wii) li-0- bu- 1 1 r mi "' '-.iii "1 1 er Main n1 , ,. 1. e. v i "-'s-.-jr- ir. 1 .'.1 ' ' f - Sn 1 l Ol-'i 1 N r i iiwu Cisiilie, uf Imn I il'l elui ' 1 a. ( l lilMtl .' ?' ' 1,1, .li i - -I t. ill-" lia. si-vi i II ,-. in. '. : ) I' Ii M-sliic V- nil.- : r-1 .. Ym-Mi Vis's (itllii"" "'"- i ii. M- ii . n ni . 1. 1- ' . y ' - .... , i ii r in1 ' en ' I - S ) . I I. in... ii .1 I ii'rii -k. ,.i,n-- i.;m'U ii. )( I in s j a. in .in I' ; ' I ! fdl lll A1K 1l'l l Vl I I -l ' , V . ..hI. ii. f. S ' - i "' f tie'- l i.i.i 1 1. ' ... i: f ,ir:il el I" i l V i 11' - - v l'1' 11 i ' " tC 1"" IK-.- I I. il Ml-'II -M "'' ' !ri 5 Ilrr Vlrirs. fTTiiirtl- It is a lumnl of trmU man Cis wife hill ideas of her own. A few ilays ago she told Chailie at dinner: Itpi-irirneitr is a CTeat thin." "When did you liud tlutt out?- ai-ked r"i..rli.i. "A Imlv stenned on hit dress tobir nd never offi-red a word of apology." "Or course not. cuuewed cuarue. "hat she suiiled." Oh!" Then I smiled. Yon see tliftt Sinlls produced a smile in retnrn." "A wan would have smiled, too, nnuei the circnmatanccs," remarked Charlie. "Thut wua recinrocitr." said Mrs. Charlie, ignoring the remark. "Almost as satisfactory as u yon nan slapped each other." And she answered in a ureamy voice; "Almost." Detroit Free Prow. V-bIbIm la Dentition. The elevator io one of the big news- .. . f i ;u .-.-. "Wti the material would not lie strong enougu piper omce-i was nimi wim n". v.. to snccewtfully counterfeit the kid, unless l woman, fsdiionably dressed, was a pas it were for the thumb parts only, which j senger. Next her stood a buncLback are generally of a thinner and different au aged man, neatly dresi d and slirink- V ! . Lil,r rn.mlliatmL Ktl-CS- lii'r a f:ir a llosaible OUt of IK'ticO. T.lfl 1IIU "( .rwmw, ....... - " f , . t... l..- ll .l a r,t nilL'tlt irr,iiin liiil nt llllll Wl'.'l a t ll')Ut)l . HI a in.nner anu umcicun . bu eu niuu, nruj - r rrotn the rest Bugges- in ut far as iios-iible out of notice. ( . .1 9. .l,.V . I .... 1. I t.i... I. a 1. i.ll tio.l lias been miniii u.isirni 011.111 j wwiiuii imnnininu'i i..i beopeucd with the Chinese for the skins 1 air as if weighing va-.t possibilities. Ha 1 of the raU which they eat Wafchlngton deuly she 1. aned over and wita the t.p - . , 1 . 1 ... .!.:.. ..l,.t,A,1 fin.,,r ilaintilf 1'rs. 1 . " 'J ! Boes Yotu Lit le Q'1- Need a cloak thie winter? Ifehe tloos you will make a prent mUlal : 1 ....11 .....1 il -liilitr.oix rlu.iks that J vuu uu iiui .on iiiim am.i..,, - wo ureollcriiii; hedorc buying. f Vo havojust recoived from a largo Cloak Manufactt his tun lino or Ghildrens Sample Cloak For children C, S, 10 nml U year ohl, consislin- of U garmciits in all. KO TWO ALIKK, on which vercivena wsccuxt from regular wholcnalo I . no that ".a arc able to fedl them at actually i. . .." Manufacturer's Price rfr lN-nii.lhlim rrivc the 1mHi tl the nl.ove ftnlcnicn ., - I o , t t! h" ;.!..! ! n.uc our UNJ: Ll.Ni; U Limits uu.lMIhat-- V hiiciiu'iu uud Juckcta. i si:co:; salk op sample shoi? Another opportunity to buy rlior sat FACTOB'Y PBIOBf ... . ! ..iii-imrln llie f-nitli of 1 'lnttsiio, i e tilUC lilcllKliTr in iiniii"" i-' . i -. ; M.rroiiii.'in. towns that we have eucccclcl in KvunK "not h. J . iiiiidc t-lio. e. Cur nu ccss Willi mc met unc v. is piieiioininai lln v (-nine ino late to secure sol ,ircj, wcr..M.i 1- v i( .11Viin,.,. t.,u., n,." Inn L'tiiliM t li ill we oiii-ri-i- - I 1 Viiltcrll.Tctiiiny&Co.,ol Honton. Mass., full line consistm; Chihlici.H, Mens and Hoys el.oc. .1 all kinds and r UK"i . 1 . .1 ; -u o r i.f I, ova liiwl Men l,r,i,la f IllllOllM., j ...... can cive the heel value for our money Hint you ever Mind v. ,i.i .L ii..i i.,.i.iiii, ainiLiii'i ui,li lil oh oricra lor slim ixiniiniiismiii "" ,,. , - ., shoes are not of any hiui 'ualily. c have a.non theee sin .. :.. il. wrrvltmiir elrifili la ulrl as line as any enowii m (. and the shore that you I uy of us stands on their intrinsic wot Star. Smoke U Ending its champions in Kng laud, nutwitiisUiidin. the torU made to pres ent it dilTusiou in the atmosphere. It is clniinevl that the carbon in the sinoki Is a iwwerful deodoiizer, and as sucb U a bleesini rather than a nubnce. of ber wbiU gloved finp-r ilainuiy tonnb.ed the bump of Iter neighbor. "What was that for'" one man Hi ked another in an undertone, "Don't you know? For luck," ws tbs answer. "Toncli a bunebbark and briii r,A fortune, Isone of woman's pet sopcrstl Uons." New York World. .-u ..ii irn in ahoe More vour i ii, i. m. " - - - -oliicctieiiotoalyto buy shoes but to procure for whnt you -prm! the 1,,-rt that vour tnoncy will buy. J r'S tbnn tliie- w ill not content you; ..' ,.re itmn tliie vim rntiiiot, In rcn- i-.'m, nek. Our incthoils n-e ns ...... I ..nur ilrnirrs. f. llO tlOt lift vour MiTtnluuii to the rioiiiu, I .ii'u'i rciili.C tiicul w lliitevcr tin y lire. V.'e will I evi-r eri n i -e jour , . i. 1., mini ihm! tiiiwhcrr else Hill lirtin i.. ... . inn you uet n l"t'l'r n,u '"rr i.i I,,-- -r,nr tnoiicv. Ail COIII.ll:I 1' i .itv tiiofitiilde iurchuee for i . j i vna is our tc. -rr-iT. CtTIOEa O II JWW-' n,ir3iiij;iiB R SHEPsWOOD. 501 Msiai Street iind the snore mm t"" ' "7 - Ue reet ! isluea and give yosi the worth of your monry 1 are SI Ci?iG Great Esi ii Uiii.. IlERI- S A FEW OF TIIKM: 25c 25c Children" Nt urul Wool Col ut Shirt" anil Ibirwcrs All Si.'.cs. ChlMrrns ell W.M.I Hhiile fc I'ruwi re All Mi.e. 39c I.nlifs Vine Merin o Silk 'I runnii (1 l-lili t anil Dm sets. 39c Mens Ilttr lieivy KiM.''. h i r t a s f ilrnwers. . wm. herold&sonTI a a .. 507 Mala PtrcH riattsnoath, if., )