The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 23, 1891, Image 3
r'!" 1,1 V "... ... -' I H"W urn . .i.-i., MMMMWMMiasail,Miai lin in 1 1 III II. II ill,, , A i ll.J!Lf fj'.'-V"" i.4lu:,,: i t-i -w; x'.';; a.; r;--;-u Cva v...l U t.... lie:. - -rt).-ic4 Imn. '1 .,;..,,.:......,,,.,;.. V;,;u., r ;i ; c. ;:.;..c. J m. . -r.-. t'.icw nro I .-A KUt II !U V. ;;. !:;i3; I L:.. . A.,v C.::-::-' C-ni ; W. Hcltl. ? .-V lh A;arij.iis 1. . ?. -; j ;..4..v.-, -.t:.- t.y.,:i ;::;..'... -r.-..;-; i:. :::.,ckioei. i tWory Clw-M'b. t'a.-'.'i V. ':.;.;r I'.ujsII. '''' ? '. v I :' . ..L'-. I. .Lbo" i C.Uii...- j. . 1 ; j, I'..-?" ." . ' ;.irey, a.iU C.'.c Ilur.!.';. C. ; '" . - ' , "",;( - ... , ' ' il t ti'iii Vw ....... t j ' f-'iia '.!i;f rr-i. ii fxt'oi Ji.iKc. .Vi c .w;.iun. T-'.J :'.v: i CI: r! foi".". j ! S.lts. .u-,u. T.-jvc!. i.: .: ; c.s - :! f.!;.r-v,.::; oM'- v : '.. ln:b. i-K-nra AriL'.w. .i'.-.-.. " J 7" i-a--c Tj.m r: - . nx..-.rT. ::!u.-.ra-i 7ct:::.' r-.--'.r--.-i.-K-. ;:-.r:y k t 7i: - ir on-. H I 5? H Tr, Krrr Su'-n. rfl-., v. VI Cl : out n,:-l ,.,,'.!. :.;,r. ' v ' "'..'n ' V ii ttLlU n j i : n,...-.i -: ! !:;" :v.-.- :o .; i- h i ' ' U' .1 " rH ".r r I Y-." f'Ri t!- Vn-. i o.'.; j- i i, l-.i,;.-, r .- -,' : ,V i - - , ,, ivnc., fu::t.--T-::.y- .. ;v y:.v..;-.-. rM- .,: ,. .V i'J .f tSnftn U ..., nl, .! tt 1..-.:m;: I r-.Tl' -;.':: -.1 ".. Ok' e O i '' - JVW p J- II:A:N:S:IS:N . IT I XATIOMAI. : MANK ' DltALEB in PI iTTMITTtl VtriilliuU I I IB 1 H II.IIVVIIIl A 1 PI TTwIMITTtl VtriilliuU I y Capital S'i J iu,uu.i H(JiBiTT t)it fiirilltlp fur the firomp V traiictlou ol llkltliudlo Uiinking Business fltock.tionrti.nnM. KnTirnmfit vl local 9iirlti( bointlil tiid ftoi't. WcihisU rt'CMiv -. hrt inictrit hIIiiwiI mi Hid cirllllcit" iriu iirnwii, avallah'.n In nny ii.irl o( II.. all tbe iiui.iupl uu u tiuupa. 0OLLICTIONS MAtll AND MIOMITLT.BEMIT- TKU. Hlgtim market ptirn pi fur foiiniy Wai rauia, bi.ii ana t uuiiiy buiiaa. uiuetToitd Jnhn FiU;rIU D. Hkwurtb au WaUKli. V. K, WliKa ICOITfa E. Dovnf JobD FIU(?ral.). . Waui;h. l'reildful ta.i;, B ANK OP CASS COUNTY Cor Main and fifth itrret. r!d op capital ufplm , rvr . K5.UUI OFFIOERO frwildfnt Vice I'rmiium fanhpll A'lt Ca-hlul uinECTona O. II. rv .1. ,M, Kri Onrilfr .m. jiimn u. a Wimltiaiu, 1). B.JUu.iwy aud 4 uENEE&Ii BUSISESS rRAN3ATED omnin miriiar. lawrm aiinwon on flm yiKMlla &A prmniil 'l"DtluulT0B tJ all bu- uirrmu w iu car. 'd.imlxglaln'B Ero tad Ointment A entaln onro for Chroelo Son EyM, Tatter, Soil Cheun, Boaid Head, OU ttroBlo borca, Forer Boros.. Eczema. Itcb, Pr&lrls Bcratchea, Sore Elppk u4 PUa. It U coolinj and oothlrs. nandredflof etMtharobeca cared by n utor &ij ot&er treatment bad fallol UUpat npiaSSo&dCOcc&tbozos. 0- HAIR BALSAM "vr to Mtr Unt lA I IS VMilhfnl 1 CW ll'MM half la tV T m . & . IXt.fc IT. l-JKliajUM. IBIS. lUHrt", n rmw mtf mr tot Comt, HATEUL-COMFOKTINO I. Gocoa PPS BSiiAKrisr Mkrnith Innwlfdr f t aattral , if-h f'lvri Hi apatailiiiia vl dlrwl'u iMli-n and ht caielul ap lktl'n r4 )rnprMouf woll ipImw 'S-i i. Ui. , jpn.TiiiM urbrrakla-t Isbla with a V llfiiii-a l,f ,,n .ih mT tr dt.i', Itlal'rlttirjidkc piimrh in inn ' iltih.l a ! ia t. r uliial.y hulU p until ulr inu Mill rtrtj -iidfii.f li illnmM, i '4 ilrl nrUdi't ar fl. llo Jr Uinurk iimi r kri it a it. piny e. inrt a fuHl fpl6r r wr II loniKrA oltb 'id pipi'fiT ii'iufMn-d lfine." y I',;, !. Mdu'l aiTtif'T with Vnriinlk. ! w,lya hU pound ' "fti. Ikkrllnl Ihur: la a k(J , Duaia ,i!iilrrhMlt , LuiiJon. Kniilud V . : crVTWJYAXTCP for h iJMiOAYllGHT A. i.ii i umuiioisaor hkwtori nrr. rtiut ''- f )HiMwA av4 4"iaIt II f-nm- if it k ! tkf'M. aja f laiMttt 4mut kti wt i r I, '.. It Vi, W4 fmA, foil ul It' m t.ll nm a If u li ifMnit. ara,w Afvota H -ud, Uta a'l W wa .nli-f. lb & .i ir ln-i l p. bl(.i!.BM.4. 1 .r w lit! f' 1mm. 9nim K .tmI.. la ia V-.M VMlWXHUiVIl V MBit. ". T. fr'i.-.i 7 rw . P'l 4 Uf-4 a- ) -,. a 1 Pi a - fifa. litftJIM i 1 1 ) ' a .-.- a I'. I I .w, h. A STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, ' GLASS AMD QUEENSWAUE Mmi Faefl a Specialty ntronae t tho Publo Solicited. JOHNSON EOMING am SI TClll , 1 w tiAnOVVARS STORE S. IJ. HALL & SON K')-pMklnlinf b illleM ImrdwuM o-i hail muvV'y c "il'Il Kirn OU UIOH lf urablti ler i. : TIN" HOOPINO; HpoiltlDIt and nil klndiol tin work prnm"tlr Jjue. uiuura ium iuj couutry Hulleltcd. (16 Pearl BU FLATISMOUTII. RED. PERKINS- HOUSE, 117. 819, 221 and 323 Main St.', Plattsmouth - Nebraska JL 11 B033, Proprietor, lot Perkim hat been thoroughly renoTatcd from top to 5.;.t.;.a and is 30 w ono of the best hotclt in tha itata. Boardan will bo takes by the week at 11.00 aad op. GOOD BAH C0N1TECTED II K CIIIZKNS HANK. rUTTSMOUTn . lp!lal itoek paid In I Authomad Capital, 1100,000. omitu 1 'JK OARKDTB. JUS. A, COR NOB, rrasUniil. Vlea-PiatUeni W. If. I'UKnnci. Cathltr. - BSitr-TQiu makOarroth i. A. Connor, t. K. Ontbrnasp I. W.JuhoKm, BaurrDork.JotiaO'Kaafa W, D, Mxiriaoi, Wa. Wttaocamp, W. K. OuahlAt. HAN3ACTO CEiinAL BANUIICI BU31NE3 mum tArtlllrMfa of dotxwln baartnn Intareal tiara aua talia ticuanun, C4iiiuljr and ailf .1,1 ! II fvmwr- C. MAYK 3 oc nrr -HUKTuioa AN0 CIVIL KXGINJiEK mm All ardrri If ft with line unty clerk wilt b proinpll atleuilifil to. OmCI! IN COL KT U0U8B, Plattemottth, Net)rasVa I Cicn f?MW9 A"A V air .-. el. 1 . ' I M . . M W I " ta. . t i.m I .1." -'. " i-Jtm rfV LNIOM-, VWIMV.II -l , w-fl-m a I'd j.i ulk. 1 A. Lumber Vara TH2 OLD RELIABLE. !l. A. WATERMAN & M EH SLingloj, Lath, Faab, Doors. Blinds Cm uplj everw demand of tlio city. Call and f;pt ternn. Fourth street in rear of opera lioune. HENRY BOECK FURNITURE DEALER AND-. UNDERTAKR. CaaiUatly keep on hand TerTthia yoa aaad ta fgruiih yoar kaua. aoaaia atxrv . una mmm b'iattsmout - Neb For Atchlnaon, St. Joaeph, Lravea- worth, Kansas City, St Louia, and all points north, eaat aouthorweat Tlck iia auid aod lt; . gage checka-d t a a a y pslst ia the Unittd St a tea ar Canada. Far INFORMATION A3 TO KATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or addreia II, C. Tovnui;.nu, G. P. A. St Louia, Na, J.C. PHIU.II'I'!, A. G. V. A. Omuha. M. D. AroAM. Airl- 1'lat Telephone, 77. MS AT HAHKEfi "W SIXTH STREET V. II. ELLEN BAUM, Praa. The lent of frrih meat at nitjn found is uiin ninraei. Also I re a Jfi,r aad Ujltar. Wild Ca9 af all kind keat ia their season. atXTH TST fja t uaheetT Pit! LUM -Hi 4 ' A ftpnrdj Locimii(( Till.. "If tlw new en;ine I am nbout t(. bavu ouMslriR'teil i.s not nipaWs of umlj. Inc I'jO mil mi dmir I'll giv her awuy to t!m iij.-it pcrfon I meet." Tliis iiftoiuidin' nt.'itt'iiicnt was a'mlo. !' Mr. J.H'k.iwi RicliiinN, the muster lin tli.inic or the JIiii:t.l-!i)hia und Itwul iui; riiilroml, JJr. Kiilmnli, has bce.i Win king on liis late.-t invention for piiHt ten jenr-). n.l 11 few duy ii'o the drawin.i were eompleted uuil the pat ent was npplit'f for. In Diit'.vanl HiiiK-ir-ince thf new Iw:o. motive will not diiK-r materially from tl'" fjieedy enjfineH now used. The pe enharity of eun.-.tnictiou lien in the fact that instead of the twoevlimler us ned at present there (-.'ill he four. On ryVm dcrwiil he I.H-ated 0-1 each wdoofthe locomotive fia:im ns at piesent. und the onier two will 1),, fust in what in known an the cylinder saddle. The inside n.-iir eylit, 'liM lira tit bi Iri mif nicru urn! -'H n) oil an aiiKle. The outside cylin diTMrrcitij ho horizontal us ut present. Iho four cylinders will entirely over come what js known to cn-iueei ) its the ilea I eenier, und the e:)-ine will ho per fectly h.ih..iccd without any counter balance iu the wheels. inei lattir iuiirovement will, to n ""'i"" ;im'" away witn v lclll'.'..! p'liiinlin which has proved bo (1 ! riv:- live to modern roadbeds. Tho perf.rt hal.mcinof the enino will he lar:; duo to tho woriiin;; of the two cylin der:! .;.') near !; r ceiile!', and Iheso en mo cylinders,;; us they do from Mich a central point of vantage, will help out 111 isi' llK'.uer 01 ppeeu to a fruit d Phil. Cur. lioston To t. DTee. Rrrinnn by Ti-: -plniiin In i:!)sn,. The tran.Miiis:,io!i of Rennons by tele pi met) tho ; who from various cann-i aro tinahle to attend church Bin-vices which was fxy rii!'"G! .1 with in L:r laud last year, him liirneii out sonnei-esi ful that nrolieiii!f tal.en toe.l.-nd Its "re on a lat'e scaht. Provided with tho receiver i.p.r-lly used, it is said that invalids can hearfcrfectly while in bed. Innipiiet room the tolliiiK of tho hell before itrvico is distinctly imdible, the players can followed, tho re Mmses unpiia-iz' d and every word iy er 111011 distiniruished, vhilo roIu.- in the antheiu ujo heard as dibtiucil v ta in tho church. Twenty-four cn!l were recently r. ceived at the telephono '..lice for contieo tion with a local cl urch in un English town, mid as tho number of gubscriliera there probably nnmb. red not more than tuty, it is evident that tho privilege of bearing the sermon without Roiii? lo the church for it was appreciated. In many vi i:iu iar;;einwua in fcijL'Iaiiil.eKneomlly iuancneHier, r.ottin-liam, Sl iiTord i.oiveriiampton, the church teijphona rvicu lias coma to be quite uu hiaiiiu tion. Kew Yorli Uecorder. Furmliig Iiora ray Humctlmo, "Vi'ell, I raipposo you have beard a (Treat many bl' stories of our wonderful crop," remarked lion. Thomas Simpson, of Winona, "but I lmve just beard one which I know is true and which well Indicates the greatness of this year's crop in the jrrnina besides wheat." Mr. Simp on then related to the reporter the his tory of two Winona boys in South Da kota thissnurner, withholding the names of the youug nin. Last sprinsr they rented 8.800 acres in South Duloirn at Efty cents an acre and put in a crop of flax. From this furm they obtained 60.000 bushels of flax, an avenge of a little over nfteon biwhels to the acra. Selling this at ninety-five cents per uusnii ine youii? runners realized (17,. WO. Their eitimated expense was Rvt dollars js-r acre, or $10,000. and this, de ducted from the gToss receipts, leaves a profit or fJl,500 for one summer's work for two yonm: men. The Rruin is now in tho elevators. St. Paul Pioneer Truss. ( K0I1I11 limit f B Tramp. R.mly indeed is anything men in the psX'rs to the credit of the Renus tramp, but it is likely that many of them are as brave ns Thomas Duru.s, whom prompt and daring deeif recently saved the life of a little Italian girl, and shamed hun dreds who Inactively witnesseJ the inci dent khe bad fallen into tlm fountaiu of tho City Hall park, New York city. CTfJwdj cf treU dressed H..!e iaw In r peril, but not one of them made an effort to save her. They stared in npeechhvi dismay, auine of them probably thinking that water might injure their garments, When Thomas Burn, whose attira .!. noted lain to m of the tramp order, bur neuiy inane bis way to the front, plung ed in and saved the iimierlln! el.ll.l whoHe unconscious bodv ahead v Uv ml tlio Ixrnm of tha f;;f5::f.-.:r. V...L LUd. rrla Fat M.a af tha Nortbwatt Tha-coiny-titlon for tha priara for the greatest amount of adipose tissue finally narrowed down to three candidates. The prixa for the fattest man was carried off by F. H. Hammond, of Alpiua, who tip ped the beam ut U7U pound. Air. Ham mond is Imttwentv-thrwe years old and ix feet high, The prize consisted of a fine ovrn;oiit The second prize, a baud aonia iuiio, waa won by Jnph McKeo, proprietor of the Cact rut Call House, who WeiKhi d ii'i pounds. And is 6 feeUiuebea lu lielht. Purtland Oregouian. Irl ill Ll.erlur. It is ataUd that tiir Charles Gsvan Duffy is mgnzitd ca a long cherished project the preparation of a aeries of notable Irian publications somewhat after thJ fctvlo of Caaneil'a Wulinnal Llbru-y" volumes. Tha veteran sUUm- man, ihoLga in rather weak health, ia fti'd as an enthusiast in the matter of popular Irish literature as wheu, nigh fifty yeura ago, in conjunction with Thomas Davl and John Blake DHlon. haatai tod the Dublin Nation. Li imtnrt Star. A Curlooa llaatcr. ' Dnnba'r Ju k, who Is one of tha hour linnUrr I?? al' tha dnwn at 'gion, ia deaf and dtm.b. He has a camp near IjMddingtou. He trapped four bears and a large number of otUirs, wukrats an j minks latit ecjson. Trantilmf and hunt Inn In the gi klr part tf hU luilneai. Bat gor Cuuiluercial. COR&A. Mnt At- Ad OrU'tital I'n.tinif That triidcd with Or. at luiiEr. Kite flying, which 1h universal in his Cinntry, ceases middeuly on the 15th ef the first Corean mouth, and the next day atone nidils taku iu ii1mc fin tho rliie' publioiiumueu'eiit. In tho eastern part if Seoul, the capital, there are large tpen cpacw. that have not been built upon, und here occur tho most serious and interesting fights. One Kection of the city 53 pitted nniusi, uuotiier, but any one can take a hand on either sids at pleasure. There are no rccoL'iii.-.c.l lenders, but tho mass of lighters readily follows the lead of uny one who shows himself to be a little more reckless than the rest. I Two mobs, consisting of fifty, wvenry or a hundred men each, are drawn t:p ' against each other, with un interval of perhaps fifty yards between them. There js 1111 incessant shower of stones, und each man's business is to bit us many men us be can, ami especially to avoid . all tho stones directed at him. From ' ten to twenty men on each aide are ; armed with stout clubs mid wear thick : Wadded hclmcin. Thefe form the skir- j iiiiHhing line. They sally out from their : respective sides und, meeting in mid I cafeer, strike out viciously ut each ' others heads, c:n .1 man holding up h,4 clonic with his left hand as a shield to ward off the blows of his adversary. After the ( lub tight bus lasted about thirl v seconds ono or the other begi.u tofrivo way, which is the signal f or n rush of tho olhers. Almost invariably tiio oilier side l.real.3 und runs, un'l sometimes an; chased into their houses, but generally hoiiih of tho pursuing party pre-s toocl:,ndy on Iho fugitives. Then tho latter suddenly turn and deal a few itaggering blows, which check tho pursuers, und in a f.w seconds tlu tables aro turned, and thoro who a mo ment 'ngo are flushed with victory nre now iu fuil flight with their enemies. Thus the batilo goes back and forth iicro-9 tiio fields, wiiilu the iicighhorin embankments are crowded with pec la tors. Tim e.Tect i.r tho thundering cheers tif the Rjiectators upon ineconi bat.inta is marvelous. They ch.:rge upon each other as if in actual battle, and show what would be bravery if exerted iu some useful cause. Near tho river are numerous villages numbering from 100 to 000 houses each. Toey are situated ulong the banks ut in tervals of about half a mile. These keep np a continual series of fights araoii themselves during the season, one vil lage Indus arrayed against tho other. The defeat . -d party fly across the marshy lic'.J to their own village, followed by tneir enemies", who enter after taein, seizing anything on which they can lay their bands iron files, doors to mark their victory. Then tho wholo village rises ;i;.-iiuvt the invaders, mid Ihev fiV i; if iheycau got back without broken bead. 1. Tho fnrt atone fight of the aeaion was rather more disastrous than usual. It is re;x,ited ihat six men were killed; but this is probably an exaggeration. A company of soldiers were ordered ont to atop it, which they found some difficulty in doing with fixed bayonets. Japanese Paper. Dafora Laarnlng a Language. Some student begin a language for tbe mera love of knowing foreign tongues; others acquire them either for professional purposes or with the aim of gaining access to foreign literatures. Hut whatever la the motive it is well tn et out with some knowledge of tbe acienceof l.ingima-aorae insight into the relations of languages to each other some grasp of the theories of modern scholars a'.ioiit tha origin aud develop, ment ef fpeech. To learn language without knowing anything of the science of language is like acquiring the art of pniting tip electric fixtures without any ktiuwludge of the principles 0 electrical science. lo approach it, on the other hand, from the standpoint of universal prin ciples is to make the stndy of it easier aud progress in any particular tongue much more rapid. By knowing, for ex ample, the laws of consonantal inter change, wa miiy often discover tha meaning of words without being obliged to refer for them to the dictionary. Id this way every new language learned makes mora easy tiia acquirement of other tongues of tho same or of allied itockd. Boston Herald, rn.afa Monty to Carry. My father was once with Lis ahlp at Raoiroon. One day dnnng a heavy thunderstorm he vim diivinj; In a cb to his agents, when ha saw a "coolie" (porter) drop down in the street He got out of the cab si once and went to the man, but he was dead. There was a burned patch in his waistcloth, on the right side, and aome blackened copper "pice" lay on the ground. The man had jiiBt received them for currying a load, and, as tb.H clothes of the poorer natives of India and Burinau have no pockets, ho bad twisted them into his waistcloth, and this money must have attracted the lightning. But the most curious part of it was that the queen's head on one of the coins was clearly impressed on his iua, aud even tuo words "Queen Vic toria" were dearly defined. London Tit Bits. A llonhj Frlui. A rery cute "booby" prize friven at a party was a cabbage, tied with a pink ribbon. When it was untied the top was lifted up aud the inside cotitainod fiiiecwjdy. Tho center of tbe cabbage had been hollowed out, then liued with tissue paper, filled with tha sweets, the top put back and tied on. It created roach mcrriuicut. Ellye IL Glover ia Good Housekeeping. Talllas fortaiia. In England a ring, a button and a coin are often placed in the wedding enko. She who secures the ring is to be tbe next bride; the button, the old maid; the coin secures a wealthy anitor. A ring put In posset "infuses magio pow er," and "will toll the fair if hitnlv aha will wwd.M-CviBlla Family Magazine, STONE FIGHTS ' N io-al r venf.'i: of tho Worhl'H J'nir Ilie J'O' ,'iihvO ji-aiB. old wirl l;e 11 reniaiknhle event, but whelhtT it 'will really lu-ncfit thin Ji"i ne llllicll 118 llni rll-,.,... ihe CI t'irillive Kervin.. II- . 1-ianMi:. Mileu in . I, .,, j.. . rui iX . jiihl whin the AiiitTiciiii'pcoplci'i'eVd 10 cure their exce.-ive uorvoutiea, lyeie,Hia, . , lieiKlucl,,., , tliilte(-8, J-Ieej.let-Fm-R, neiii nlia, t.eryouH (l,-., i-ility, UullncKS, i()iiiii.-iin of mi etc. It iictH like a rlinrm. Trihl bottle urn! fine Imok on "Ncrvoua .inn jieiirt nir-ciiftT," with limlecl ti-Mi imoiiiii Ih free une- tree 11 1 R a hricke & C o. It iw v.iirriinted to en tain 110 oji'iuin, moi'pliine or (lnnirer outi driiH. 1 Wondnrfjl. E. W. Sawyer, of KocheHter. Win.. a prominent dealer iu general iiicrcliaiKlisc, and wlio ruim Kcvcrnl pccl.ilini4 wngf.ins, lutl one of His Iiot'f.ih liiirily cut nrid burned with a lariat, 'J'Jic wound refused to lieaL Tin; borne beenmc hnne niid Htilf iiowwitlitiindiiitf careful attention mid (be application of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer pome of llallcrV liarb Wire Lincmeiit, Ilia most wonderful lliiny ever paw to ileal etitli woundn. J It; applied it only three times and the eoru wae completed healed. Equally pood for all eorn, cut.", Ijiiikch, and woundn. 1'or Kale by all druggist Cure f-r Paialvsis. Cornel inn, of I'urct H, Ind. Tcr., iyf: "1 induced Nr. I'ineon, ttlioM'wiieJiud j ural vein in the fnca to buy n bottle ot I'hainbfiiaiii'a I'ain Halm. To their prcnt mpriFa lieforethe botlle bad nil been used' ehe wiih a prcat deal better. Her lace had been drawn to oun ftide; but the Pain Jialm relieved nil , pain and hoi-ciucm. and the 'mouth assumed iis natural elmpc." Itis hImo a certain cure for rlieumntim lame hack, epraiiiH Hwellini: and lamenes,-. ,71 ,.,.nt i,ttifH for bala by G. l-'rickeAC'o., Dniiejiiste). 1892. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Iiazar irt n journal for the home, Ii gives, the latest iu formation with regard to the KuhIj ione, nnd itM numerous illustra tions, l nriB designs, and pattern sheet supplements, are indispctu nble alike to the home dress.innker mid the professional modiste. So expense-is. spared to make it urtia- li attractiveness of , highest order. Ita brighe-t stories, ti rutin. ing comedies, and thoughtful ea mys satisfy nil tastes, and its IuhI page is famous as u budget of wit ami Humor. In its weekly iesuea everything is included which is oi interest to women. The Serinle for IW.' will l.e written by Walter Hesanl nnd William Iilack. Mrs. Oliphant will bet-omen contributor. Marion Ilarland's Timely Talks, "Day In nnd Day Otit,"arc intended for Mairons, and Helen Marshall North will especially adtlress girls. T. W, lligginson, in "Women and Men," will please a cultivated audi ence. HARPEER'SPRIODIOALS HARPER'S MAGAZINE f4 0 HARPER'S WEEKLY i 0$ HARPER'S BAZAR 4 Ot HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 0i Postage free to oil subscribers ia the United States, Canada and Me. The volumes of uie Haznr begin with the first number of lanuary of each year. When no time is men tioned, subscription w ill begin with the number current ot the time ol receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Ilarpcr'e for three years back, in nent cloth binding, will be sent by inaiL postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the ireight doea exceed one dollar pur volume), for $7.00 per vol nine. Cloth cases for each volume, suit nbWor binding, will be sent by mail, poat-paid. 011 receipt of fl n each. Remittance ehould .be made try Post Ollice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this , advertisement without the expreea order of Harper A brothers. Addresa HARPER k BROTHERS, New York". The volumes of the Magazine be- f in with the Numbera for June and ecernber of rnch year. When na time ia fcprCiueu. fcubrCI iplions wyiU ' begin with the Number the time of receipt of order. Hound. Volumes of Harper'a Magazine for three yeare back, in neat cloth bind iiiff will be sent by moil, post-paid, on receipt of .t.00 Per volume. Cloth cases for binding, 30 cent each -by mail post paid. 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