The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 23, 1891, Image 2

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    v ..
Daily UeralJ
KNOTTS BROS, Publishers
;. jhUihad evwry Tbunday, Slid dally Serf
,ealiK except Sunday.
' Reaiiten-d at tlie Plattunnmith, Neb. po't
SBce'or triuml-i;on tlirouiih tlie
tf Mfiind cl;is r:i:e..
Cffli'e corner VIM and Fifth itnwti.
Telephone 38. '
v SBa copy, one year, In advance II 5
Ike eopy, one year, not In admr-ce...... J 00
aa copy, six nmntlif. In ndance 78
as py. three inn'li. In advance. ... 40
TRKMS ron niu
Snc enp one in ndv ince ..... I" 00
eeopy per wk, by currier it
seeopy, per niontb ...! K
tint to Rive to them freely of their
own bounty. Let nil the people re
joice. In testimony whereof I have here
unto net my hjitonrt caused to he
affixed the great seal of the state.
Done ut Lincoln tiiiH Hill day ot
November, in the year of our Lord
mm thousand eiirht huiulred and
capacity of 3t)0 tons daily tl ry
would convert 'WtyXiO torn of 1m eta
into sugar, and counting twenty
six labor days to the month it
would mean 7X),0(X) tons in a
I month. One needs only to observe
thai iliis iiijuiicn ilic iuueiimirt Oil
of fuel, manufacture of machinery,
building", requires hands to run
the factum's, and thousand of
J "" . ..,.M It,.. r,VI,et
U-ncmlence oi me , mum o v...." -
of their farms into iiet
('.fill . n. of 111,' illl
t : , ...l Ui.ij lij fine hundred und ' portions
i I""-" "- i- . .... i : i ,i,,.
LiirUeilS, IU l(r villi III lli.n ,11V
Br the prevalent of the United
tates of America: A proclamation,
n v,.rv incident of the
marvelous, pro-perity which has
arovned the year uiv.v drawing to a
lose that its hopeful mid reacsur
tag; touch has been felt by all our
aeople. It hah been as wide aso;ir
country, and so special that every
koKic has felt its comforting inllu
ncc. It is too great to be the work
f man's power and too 1 articular
kl be the device of hi mind. To
nil. the beocliceiit and all wife,
who makes the labors of men to be
fruitful, redeems their looses by hi
grace, and the measure of wlios-c
governing- is as much beyond the
tioughts of man r' it is beyond his
teserts, the praise and gratitude of
ths people of this favored nation
are jrslly due.
Now. therefore, I, ISenjamin
Marrison, president of the United
States of America, d- hereby ap
point Thursday, the 20th day of
ovember pret-ent, to be a day of
Joyful tlianksgh ingto God for the
bounties of his providence, for the
grace in which we are permitted to
enjoy them, and for the preserva
tion of those institutions of civil
ktiI rr-!:-:n:i1 l:brtY which He
gave our father the wisdom o
devise and establish and us the
oarage to preserve. Among the
appropriate observances of the day
re rest of toil, worship ia the pub
lic congregation, the renewal of
family ties abo - our American
tresides and thoughtful helpful
ess towan 4 those who sufler lack
f the body or of the spirit
In testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the seal of the United States to be
Done kt the city of Washington,
this 13th day of November, in the
car of our Lord one thousand
dght hundred and iiinety-onc, and
ml the independence of the United
tales the v hundred and six
teenth. Iie.njami.V Uakkmon.
I3y the President: JAME3 G,
LAIMK, Secretary of Slate.
Uy the Governor:
Joiix C. ALLE.V, Sec'y of State.
I -J
C)E of the lv'nssian official pa
pers conveys the idea that there is
plenty of wheat in Russia to supply
all demands. This statement is
intended to deny the dang- r of a
famine but it does notevplain away
the fact that the needy are too poor
to buy and that the government is
in poss-sion of the crops instead of
the people.
OuIHvj Aif
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... 11 mi . m
BuclJlCrv's Arnica Salve.
Tbr IIkst Mai.vk iii tfe world for CuU
orii'mi B, Buri n, Uieeit, Suit Klu-iiNi. V' V.-;
H ire,Ti tter. Clmi d, Ctiillil.iir.s.
Corns, sml nil fikin Sruptioo, Hud i'-i-tively
cureH Pdn, er no pity required.
It U iiiirniitied 10 tive Kntinlitcvioii, oi
j-.-7 j-.ff.-J-.l .. -;-- ax .. I....
Yut by F. 0. Frirke A Co. " '
iiutuuui VAvifu: UAiufAV
That conceity little youngster,
The r.vening Nev, was running
r )imd town last Saturday evening
..ii:. i. !- Tuff lEIiALI
ought to be de;rl and then tried to
blame some old 'citizen for saying
it. In the opinion of the writer Th"?
e- bus some of the laws of self
preservation in mind when she
heaves up that remark.
I' the main the Omaha Iiee of
yesterd iy was right in attacking
the railroads centering there by
pointing out the unfulfilled obliga
tions, but it was ungrateful in not
acknowledging any good from
thone enterprises which required
ihc expeniiiluie of millions ant
made Omaha one of the best dif-
tribnting poi-ita in the west
The Uurlington road has 2,000
ears of wheat in Chicago waiting
to be unloaded; the Missouri 1'aci
ge is nhort L'JUO cars north of Kan-
h is Cilv and the Union Vacific ab
solutely refuses to allow any of it
ears to fo olf its roads. This is an
indication that crops have com
ni'-uced to move anil money will be
r tt in circulation throughout the
st, farmers wul realize n har-r
some income for thefr labor and it
U safe to predict a uood time this
Nothing definite has been
reached by the delegates it Wash
ington as to the location of the re
publican national convention but,
Omaha seems to have a strong ad
vantage eing the acknowledged
leadc of cities west of the Mississ
ippi and east of the mountains, and
since the states west of the Missisi
ippi lack but two of having half the
representation on the nationalcom
mittee there seem to be the best of
reasons for i's location at Omaha
ts-icrtions of the agitators of labor
organ ions in making the pco.
pie believe that the invention of
machinery has thrown thousands
of men out of employment and
made pauper out of them is
maliciously false. Industries of
this kind bring in the line of mar
ket gardening on an extensive
BC.lle, like t!ie raising of tobacco,
bi-rries, fruits of all kinds, potatoes
and onions, will have n tendency to
put more labor on smaller fields,
and farmers, instead of trying to
manage .'i-lj neres with one or two
extra hands, will find more profit
able employment, with Ic-s hard
labor, on liftv acres and give em
ploynieul to ten times the present
rM,,,l.r nf lianiU' Thi !! !'lt
more people to cultivating the mil. '
w bo should iiia .c their work a
study US they i!o the political
questions or uie nay. larun is .ui-
trying to do too much, which cre
ates discontent, which the schemers
of tlie country readily turn to tin ir
own advantage by enlisting their
the farmers'sympathy in every
ii"v tangled notion that some in
g -nious m;iid may hatch out.
Clement 'I Cuming 1 America.
A rriva'e i .,er fru'.u Loaduii brin-.
the iu forma. ion that Clement Scott. tl:
tlr.-iiiiut.c cr.r.c ;: tne Lowius ivi:-,'r:s;'i,
is to visit Aiiierica t'ais winti-r. Mr,
Scott is ono of tho beit known firt
ui-flitert in the Ensliah capiul. lis is
ktout, gray haired, has a gray intistaehe.
wean eve'daise anil i.i rate 1 the bt
authority on thu drainn in Lnlie 1. lie
has many fnt-ti ls, but aa urm.v of en-tmi'.-s.
lie b ut inaJt) and uunudu niaii;
playri-jhts :nd actors. His drrmatic
unhiuia Is bi.. I n-garJi-d as the itandaril
aulhurity, ami his article is nervon-ly
awaited after the performance of a new
nlar. His imlnii-'' is usually ir-xsl. lie
UuJiacLKxl deal .,. J::ult, but is iavuu
In pruia f.iru'Ml work.
A nice pr n,niili fro:;; lum will eoim
times menu live pound more a week on
the alui of smno diw rviii actor or
nt-trs u-'iio !it:ii tr.owa anl not ap-
preciate-I. and bis condemnation a t
new blay is uniiuliy the e:i 1 m tne voa
tare. T&ken ad ia ail, ho U regarded as
eminently fair and jutt. Ho lies never
u wd Lis position to iajnre auy one,
What he has dons baa been from con
aclentious motives.
Mr. Scott is a patient student of the
drama, lie has the best theatrical
library in England, lis will be i-innly
welcomed to America, fur be u. 'wen
particularly agreeable to Amtiican
actors and actresses, ana many c inner
and recetitions will bs jr'ren ia bit
honor. Foster CVsts In 5ew York Mail
and Eipress.
N". sl Aciinola l 'it Ij-.ivi- ...
No :i ' itrnv ...
Tnium dally except 'unSHy. a m
. . l.nop. in,
trNltiltlS Oj lV I III A" li.llliltlel l"dK-
IX Nti 17 M-'t-everv r.,r-My r.-in,u
ti ih-ir'h III" IMr - " " ""yS. All vi
Iuiik niM are cioll . ly -v led l.i leleiid
c.r. m ihitil.c ' ; u IV,V,'-K- K
O f w . Meel tlr-t und Ih'.rd "rlitiy
f v -111,-, of et ll Il 'III. M. Ililil
it 11.1,'kiv.m.k id - k. t-'niik Veiiiil'yea, M, W.
i, v hurrtuie, tu wrder.
t have sold Kly's Cream Halm
about three years, and have re
commended its use iu more than
hundred soecial cases of catarrh.
I The unanimous answer to our in-
I onirics is,"lt's the best remedy that
I I have ever used." Our experience
is, mat wnere parties conuiiueil us never fails to cure. J. II.
Montgomery, & Co., Druggists, Ue
corah, Iowa.
When I bi-imn nainre V.Iv'n f'ream
Halm my catairh was so bad I had
headache the whole time and dis
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. Thnt has almost entirely
disappeared and have not bad head
ache scicnce.-J. Sommi'rb.Su-phiiey,
AO V. W. Nil. HI Mcel -e-mi.t and Imirlll
Kri-I,iv v i('vr ai the ntiih'ti A ii. A H.
mi'I n U.i kw d hi'", K.J. M'iman, M V,
I-. I. Hr II- nrder.
Kul t. 'K IWlM-'V" I'.i. ivll Nn lo.'l,
M-.." hi uie K. "I . Iiail 'll Hi fietin-l
I ll'in-K iV T I!'" II" t fi
l.l.llili'll h:lle.l Henry H'
Hmi il nn, shtcioit,
, vp iimii!
Ofl MUMiH. IS". I I". ) K. III--IH e-
rn-d:y I'li'lu at Mieir ran ftnr-'-vn
iln-. A ii i t i-i'v sir ennii ii y
N. Ii S, W. limine. Secrela'J-.l
rVlles Nervoand Liver Pills.
Act on a new principle regi. fat
ing the liver, slomrch and bowels
through the net vs. A new discovery.
I) r. M lies' Tills speedily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
."Mia.-tipaliiMi. Uncounted for inen
women, children, smallest, uiidest
st.rfst! Till doses, 'Jac. Samples
free ut F. G. l'ricke & Co s.
It will cost you nothing and wil
surely do you good, if you Uavy
- 1.1 ...u, .-,.l.l. .
V OIIJIl, - I'l' '- - .
Tiiroai, Cliesl or unj;s,. Dr. Kv
New Discovery "jr CotiHiitn -,
Coitglw and Coldtl is guarantee'iV
five relief, or iai,ney will be jf
back. Sufferers; from l.a Gri
found it just the thing and uu.;
its use had a speedy and perfect '
co very. Try a sample bottle stu
expense and learn for yourself) ;
how good a thing it is. Trial V ;'
free at KG. l-'rifke A l'. V
Store, Large size Sic. and ?1.00
Are you made miserable by iml
gestion, constipation, dUzines
.f nrmetite. veilow skill? SI
l'o'r sa'le'by 1. G. l'ricke St Co.
For many years Mr. II. I'. Thom
son. of Des Moines. Iowa, wan i
vendy a.llicted with chronic dia
hoea. lie says: "At times it w;
very severe; so much so, that
fe.ierd it would end my life- Abo
seven years ago I chanced to pi
cure n bottle of Chamberlaii
Colic, Cholera and Diarrho
K'eniedy. It gave me prompt reli
uml I believe cured me pernuinei
Iv. iis I uuw eat or drink with'.
harm anything I please. I h '
also used it in my family .vitli t
best results, l-'or salu by 1;.
rrickie &. Co,
twuitivei rill
KO'i nrk;.b! Fcts.
Heart disea-e is usually supposed
to be incurable, !mt wlien properly
In-ated :i lartve liort:on of cases can
be cured. 1 bus .'lis. l-.Imira llaicll,
of Klkhart. Ind id Mrs. Mary L.
I taker, of Ovid. Mu ll., were cured
ai er su lie i nir i vi .un. v.. i.m-
burirer. dniL'tiist at San lose. 111.,
says Hint Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
wine l cured me lormer, --woineu
wonders for bis wife." Levi Iignn
f Huchanai,. Mich., who had heart
disease for W years, says two bottles
,o,f. Miii -f.-el like a new mull.
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold
nnc iruarantced by V. G. l'ricke A
Co. Bookof wonderful testimonial;
MAsrrAeTini or an
Yaffil ''''' r. A ?V--VvvA,
rfX-,, -"1- " . rmm
t:r'. I I fl 'ARID
I am. laden with fri
rron trie golden jataj
io across up 1
1 ca,rry tv;esLhope
" .SOAP,
As & Ccro;o
!.'''. St rAM r..
i U4 vwiii xwa
cnorcLST hkand or ciga
ri'LL I I x
ulways in stock
L u H r j : p -mm
I UQ r ii. i i.. I...
JytXKiiRBflNK & Go. Chicago,
Now, more than n r have the
people o Nebraska most co.wui.
ing reasons for lifting iheir hearts
in gratitude to the Supreme Ku
f the universe for the untold b!cs-
ings t'ley have enjoyed during the
jear which is no v drawing to
elose. The disastrous eliecls of the
4rout 'i which afflicted so ire portions
fthentntea year ago have been
followed by the sunshine of pros
perity. The windows of heaven
were x.-ened; the ruins came Bud
row irie earth has responded with
a most abundant increase; the la-
fcors of the husbandmen have been
aaost lavishly rewarded; the fields
fcave been a' most weighed down
witli trraiu the trees with fruit
the granaries are now fnll to re
pletion; now vigor and energ-y have
um infused feftO rl ,ir! incnf i f
human efforts; joy sits in the hearts
f the people w here there was a
lamentation a year ago: general
health prevails and peace reigns
within our borders.
It is most becoming;, as well as
tte perfo 'a' 'uce of a scared duly,
tli at all should oianifert in a
public mann? their u; ireeiatio f
f and their gntitude for thc.e
priceless Listings.
' Now, thcrtfurs, 1, John M. Tl nyer.
foveruor of the state Nebraska, do
hereby d :griate Thif day. the 2r
4y of the present month, as a day
f thifnke-e'it in and praise to the
Most Ili-th for l.'is f il'i-rly care
rer us and for IDs tender niTcies.
. I most earnestly request M the
people i'i this coauuviiroitl'.h to
abstain from all secnlor employ,
aneut on that day and assemble in
heir several places of public wor
ship and offer up th"n titioj and
ongs of praise to His holy name.
Ia sccordsii'-e with this beauti
ful custom families wiii be reunited,
ociul and fraternal Influences will
prevail and the hearts of all should
be made g'.ad.
, . 1 1-eg-those, with an abundance
.not U target the per aad ueesVy
I.V consideration of the fact that a
change in the management of The
Hi KALI) is conteaiphit.-d in the
near future we deem it justly
due to our patrons and the public
to explain that J. W. Derg", late of
Th : New Kra of South IJ-n 1, has
been placed in charge of the editor
ial work but will be assisted until the
first of the year by W. L. Knotts.
whose va'uible assistance on local
nnd editorial work we fully appro
ciale and who at that time contem
plates entering the newspaper
arena tljewhcre on. his own ac
A Chine Governor.
ThAng Yso, the governor of the pro-
vine vt fihantnnir, who oind reeent r,
was on of the hij;het dignituries ot us
Celestial empire, lis bad a highly ad
venturous career. Born In lowly po&I
tlon. hs was obliged to nee ia his youth
on account cf having inurJere J the tor-
meutor of an old man. Us became a
robber and soon stood at the head of all
the brigands w" nmdo the province of
Ilnnsn nnssf-. When, (lnriu'j the re-
UUiutj, the ch....' town of the province
was threatened, th- governor i.-ued a
proclamation in wftch be iromiiied the
band of bis daughter to the man who
would ve the town from the ftnrx
At the bead of 600 bandits, Telling
beat etf the atr'ir of tno rebels, aisi 'id
boms on the next day, as a reward for
bis bravery, th al-nond eyed beanty.
Then b made rapid progress. Lis was
not able to read or writs, but was of
treat Integrity, and died poor as bs was
born. Uu was called by his people, on
accoant of bis charity, Tshang, i"ths
blue sky." It is sai l, however, that ha
vss not al treys just toward bnropeact,
ujd especially tus islonrit-s. London
A Attack! a Wafaa.
Tbe following suak story U evolved
froai aTeiasexcbJUigoi Thunidayevca
lng last while Ja jo A- M.Tsrtand and
bis son (iuy were drirfcg Lomu ward tliey
saw a large snake ly1ni In the road. The
Juilge atUBipted to kill tbe snaks by
cnuhlng it with the wheel of bis gig,
but instead of "Urulsin the serpent's
bead" ths judge's whl pused over its
tiiL lusUutly the nwke colled Itself
around a spoks, and at every tern of ths
swiftly fevijlving wheel uiuu.- ricious
itrii"st st Oai fss. Oay'noiily nienrn
t ercape wns a bivc:,rird tniublo frota
the gl-r, which ha tk, falltnrj into a
pool of dirty water. Th-in thers was a
tnsi boy as woll as an;' tnaks.
btrunt to -Ute the sik tin I ikuf
from ths whei.1 and nti-osei G iy In the
soil by thirty-three, per cent by pool. ' A shower of tUiut fruuiGuys
ri'fiuiriiig better and deeper cum- (miuuiwiuhii
Waxo sua Biackuntlb bus
Vtgoa, Bugjj, Uachics aad
plow Upslrlss lue
HttMM tl-
Which ii tbe bi-t tiorfethoe fur thi
Isriner, ur for faet driv'n, or for citi
iiurtHsiLi ever inyi-nted. It is so mad
iteit anyone C:.n lit OP sharp or flat
forks, an needed f.,r wtt and fc!ii.(wrj
iajs, or inioo'h, dry toads. Call at
his shoo tnd rxunme tho KEVKimLty
tnd TOD will UH- D other.
:2 Nort!i Fif'fi St V tttsmnutb
Erorythin? to Furnish lour
Jtwirn! : " How la It, Kale, that you always
ie- m Oi 'citeli on tn tlieUt-t i Uiin Is
wiut I may, jou aiaja Kia to ci ahi4
ar me."
auike any ei'-rtinn In llmt dlrii-tinn."
Jliunic " Wi II. dtirnia tlie lat ! " tnTth.
far axauiula, you bats Ukcu im iuilni(.
IN a letter to Hon. J. M. Rusk,
secretary of agriculture, Mr. Henry
T. Omard, president of the Oxnard
beet sugar company, a (a forth
some very in. fleeting facts which
are not generally known to the
public. lie states tli-t the lj
cents per pound formerly paid aa a
duty, by a provision of the McKin
ley bill is now paid to encourage
home manufacture nnd that since
that law has gone into operation
the price has been reduced two
cents, thus giving the consumer
the benefit as well. lie estimates
'dtat obout a thousand factories, at
an outlay of about $"ttlflQ lor each,
would be required to supply the
demand iu IUiO.
Another feature which probably
has never before received consider
ation is the benefit to the soil. Me
thinks, according to estimates of
foreign producers, it would In
crease the productiveness of the
Ilavin?; ourchawd the J. V. "Wcckbach store room on bc
Main street where lum now located I can bell goods cl
cr than the cheapest having just put in the largest ft
of new goods ever brought to tho city, uasoiinc ei
and furuitur f all kinds Bold on the installment plan.
A Full aad Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and 03
Prescriptions Cnrcfully Compounded at all Ho:
:rA I i I "C 'J . Y-T
wllkmrt anr Uaetuw t vou eama to Lha rearua
wle-n Miiw ba, , p ilene rlod her Ilelearte eUuw
Si 'SliUnly, ami a rtainlr w am ail i inert. t.
In ui rn under innr inxnii tMin ; I hear 4
tut Ui!liii 'limnn Haniea taut erenlrif h
tut rl
'lui infi'14 minted
you n:b Ui I ua eu all Hie Uiim fail,' anS
know ) it what to dii under ail circuniitatiora
t in t''riir i,a' "ia :
yon eiiterLiln lieaiil.lullr i
avnlh you hav unproved
y,v u-U your liyH:eRioiiiiijte,
wnere do ymi r-l all of your lul
fniin in turn 1:1' e i ui-f tUa cay l
vtiliun than is required by our
crops, which would cause the disso
lution pod disintegration of min
eral matter, lare quantities of
which are stored in t ,e leaves
which remain on the ground mhen
the crop is harvested.
The benefits to be derived from
th as new Industry, if carried to its
utmost extent, are so varied and of
such great extent that it is difficult
to realize its actual value to our
country. Cne thousntid f factories,
at fV)0,0t)O earn, would represent a
capital )0,ij00,fXjO,' aud with a
A Tartla'a I'uaTOklabla Dalay. .
During a windstorm in fas risij dayi
of last J'iris a tremi ths fnrm of Mor
timer Hamilton, iu Jackarm connty,
Ind., was blown down, and la fa'.liug a
Umb rtnirk i'tn-irely az-rc-ss trs hsck i f
a large snap;dng tartle and forced it
down Into tU earth. A day or two
aiucj tls limb was wit away and ths
aiiupir, re'.i-ed from Its iujpru.i..uui ut,
tmlg-d away, appureiitly nnlnjurivl,
Inm its pris'in, whors It bal lata lin
rnovably Cd without food or water fot
over f Ttir moutli. Cor, Chicago Tribune,
anil In Ui
ou hav 110 iirove,! nn lii health, owing.
liyH:eRloiillijte.elwn M.
11m cay olaiar-fur
yoj neier irn to tlie i ny."
Kats: " Vi lir Jeniim, you will mika ma
Va.n. I havoon'y ( lie aniirueid1 lniiM'n!eiii,B
ttm. t la er,ii"' ln hew ll ll" ail Wl'l. I
ei eecl nn ll n)llnn 1 1 lil lil
tlie nit ! dnji I rih mo lull Infeimeisia
il llm aulij-a U lK,ey t.ut : .A4uel
And a rn. t irnnmrv It la to oi ad, f' r et
rull" fun.uliea l ie n-a.lnt u r I le whola
axidiild: lainer h'Hivn u hit nnnrujina
toil li Uaa li.-en Ik nia, il Im U,a
P it ti-'H l:l ir: 1.1.1 letier lufi f in. ' 1' o
Im oli)eiU or Uie duy; and inmler Mr!
Ii, il n llmt '.Iml uiu $ hi-r tui li a lanen
B iiiee!e,'r'r. In fait, all fn II' it it I
Uiomiir reai'y rll V lemiuilie tiiiMiKlifd,
u wu fata ai-ut for Mto'.'eant a.i it ilMm,
snd flnt UiatuiMl nd for mm, nmllier al
.,r wnnmi, and u r fur rl -'n-u only,
while tio him amis every oia of ni so wa
mdr nl u t on" Inn'ind of m vi nil, and
tal M wluni llm a'r'noiiir romi-a In, for it M
nly V .hi a yer. rerliai ! lldna I am
t,, in i m iiralx-: hut I will let you a
crura, or. tietterniiL aetiS 1(1 rent to tin ioh-
M.iir, W. J vi n I nerit, Ih taut li'S
Hre-i, New tork, fur a ainida copr. Mid I
hall alwayn ooaIW-r that I hT done. Jo
r-t fnvor j and may lie ym will lieuu,n
I flvii Hie re ,iiu.ii u e
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Bear
flvtt (lie rei,tiU.Ui'n
t t I an. It to LivuoMMt a mmltf Hiism
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A lcnj-testiJ pain reliever.
IU U almost universal by the Housewife, the Parmer,
fUock Rai!r, and by every one requiring a tuci
Ko r. ' r npplicatirn compr,re with it In efacacf.
This r II -kwjrrt remed stood the test of years,
No medicine clica 13 complete without a bonis of alutTAi
Occi'ior.s arise for in use almost every day.
Al! druj;i'U and dealers have it
A fihera! of!er-nnly f I.W for
and P.inoieft l'a ui!7 MilKnilne.
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1 1111. t'wuiiivi. Vr-UHkM 1 v'
J E.7 UiAn hiV. St Uaava K, Haw t .ea. rVaiBd.1 ..