The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 23, 1891, Image 1

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I .'.e.l. I.
auv i
nuxaDia oi
moutn D
; I
Roval Baldner Powder
Has no Equal.
c United States
yf the Government Baking Powder tests recently made, under
Authority of Congress by the Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C.f furnishes the highest authoritative infor.
; Uion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report
, I-
shows the ROYAL
J ' others in leavening
of tartar powder of
The Canadian Tests:
"The strength of the Royal is shown to
be 23 per cent, greater than any other.
"As a result of my investigations I find
the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the
others. It is pure, contains none but whole
some ingredients, and is cf greatest strength.
" F. X. Valade.
,coi.n Al rukt'llLAI.V fknlV.VI.
aennlt '
V.I. .....
: l Iit-IH' lo IliK (u'llll X'
vaaauiiToc Gold Work u Specialty.
V foUIII.rW ll,.i.:iioulli,Nrb.
iiavi: ki.e x:i
TLf lr f-VI 1 ux, 'ju, i.IjI.. 1 1 1 fi l quill
fc-ti d hit ( I i n i. r -l r H.M t Uf
lit Nimw tIMl f I, 'I Ijt v ll tKllll
luif v, hub li 'iKi rnl III !
rr I 1 r.i n 1 j I ! ' t-iit li v 1
4ucr4 ill' li n , l 1 11 il ( 40 rfittl It
O'ltH A!D C'lIIC'I.AIN n:o V.n -
Uiri.l -e work anil line i; '1.1 uik
fjrnvM'K l.o'Mi ... . ! hi nt i t ,i
nri,i -t.,-,.:i, ;i, ,. f V 't ! ' ' '! o
tl p. II,
t r.-'f i n"-r.'
. ,. ii
inuii' ll, Ni u.
lull I ill. '.. t . 'I Vi . '
, ,t. J A Mfl. nl-'i itt n - mi" l v
jn V I'W lit I. J. III) Hi tn. ii ti i
. f.ff f r. n. MAM f .I M HI J(, I l
i v.i
tiny old 'oliiiei , wiio contracted
nic ill, il l ho -i' while in the
'ice. have cin e been l eri.ii nent.
'd of it by ( h i'iniii i Inin'n
. Cimirra nnn fiirn iioi-n kern
el ui rule by G, Ft li ke & Co.
o Hrowti Ar IJnrrett and get a
Ivy Kliinn Hud i lop up thut hole
' iiouce. tf
Nolle to Ladle
eon hand a line lot of rib-
!id tipM which 1 will cell at
eel price foench. 1 have
'1 at J. i'inley Johnconn bard
or where I innv be found
tverf Ouy (rum 1 :XJ to r,M) p. in,
Mkn. J. I-'. Joil.SbON.
fihiloh catarrh remedv pod-
ll iv. nir. I 'iiIiii-i li 1 li t ilit lir in nttfll
ci.uker mouth. i or kaie by v. G.jall wool undeiwear 2aJ ba-
rru kc & co.
Some of the inoct Martling, in
ter't"jtf bicoveriK of the ble nml
ciici,V, nf buried li;,rypt are now
('"'"'. ""de flfotlgll CXlCllHlvcCIit'il-
(vaiirrm. Tliint' dim'oveiir me
fyiliiie; n nrv,it biteint. Many
iccovi lien me, however, bciiiij
nnice in our country that are re
nii.rkiibli', uinone vhich we tnay
n.ea'.idii that of II.iIVi'k I'ih'ii I'a.-.i
ly.rr . h ich cliei'trf ( a' ii i-1 1 lief, and
In many CUM- n complete cure ul
that terrible dim ace rbciimat icm,
nd which alco reliex rn tain of ul!
klndn. I'or mile bynll dnu'L'iHtn,
Tfimlow 1m at
Official Report
superior to all
power; a cream
highest quality.
" Public Analyst, Ontario,
"Dominion of Canada.'
The Mock of groceries lit Peter
r.r:s';t c.;I rt.iii.i ' i'! in- cold nt ie-
l 1 !.". 1 prices to ca'isfy imw. -tirade
of lirct National l)iin!i, ami anyone
iter ling goods will cave money by
Cid'ii'g ill the old x:;iii(!. l.Vi;;.iii
lT tin- dork in I rcsli mi l coin? dele.
Conic in fo; bargain 4 in pntatoc.
Hour, lacswu-e, chinawarc and
ciocl.cry. Opera Grocery.
Tor lame liacU there in nothing
better than to saturate a tlaniicl
cloth with ( '1 1 11 111 1 x't'l :i i ii'h I'niii
liahll nil. I hill. I it Oil ll.f naVc'.cd
paiiH, 'I . it nml you will lie Mir
jirocd at I lie iromil relief it ulfords.
1 lit- came treatinctit will cure I liau
maticiu. 1'or calo ly 1'. (i. I;ricke
4 C o.
Mm. lor Ilawkxvvorlh. who ban
been vnitiutr in the city the pact
Wce'-i, ilepnrted ycleroay fir her
liome in Mi Cook urcoui jiauicd by
Mien l-aiiny McDoule.
In pi. icinir their clock of Holiday!
t- , , t ,, ,,- .,. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit3,iiMiiiiiiiiiiiertoiiii'
Gtioilrt before the public thi.tycar, ! .,. "
lahnholf Ilron. t'ie uh the uncut-j military oepaitment of! exan. l.e
unco thai it in bis-rifcr, better audi report reel, en in detail the indiirui-
liner than ever. Ihvir i..vtr'tiii iil
tlii ceitcoii covern everything ill
IS. ii i!t n ll.ioltictn.C.irilM, S.i. in. Till. 1 1
an I leather noveitien, Tovh,
Waoim, Velocipede and Doiln.
I J.i li cuccedin year linitn tliem
ivirryiug a ) i m r I , and froni
now on 'heir iiiiiif . lore will be
t'evoted to ll.iii l .y G io U eclun-ic-ly.
To t,i-t tie lei.tbt of liit
clim.'e they ii'Ivire tin ir patron to
iiialie t'.u'y n i i i i . n-i : i
many ond: caiii.nt b" ilu plicih'd
l i'.er in the era: on. Tl.ey coidiall y
invite an iii-peciinn of their line,
v. I.t i'.icr v. iih the i:;U iitiiiii of buy.
i.i.-, or not, an the opporluuit) of
' ing nich an elej'iint ii-coriiiient
tniiii n wry r.iuly in I'hutn.
mouth. !.!iw-
Tho T il Taw r o, T I t A tlcio.
Jiwil bolt ten blii. h of rocen cold
in Im"', You know I could not have
..ii ,.fi, i
m.' i ii hi ik ii ii in ni-ii ui riMi-.-i v,'anifit(i
mil i l'-iii cenieii. n cure cure ior
"A. IrectluM ftv! I.'la'jl.hv;!:!!-,
' I pleili'-t it will be col l by
every b and lo '"d by e very
l.ulv id iMtl -iii.i i I i (''? L'nited
Sh''. O. II. Syn ! '..ill mtpply
you ai 17t cen'.M ;i T ooilte.
Has just opened up a full line
of ladles, Gents and Childrens
In n
you buy your Fall or
Winter geccto. Don't fail to
call and seo cur prices.
beat'ein all.
Have you seen tJiose nob-
, n t
' by UIS3C3 CaS, all PrCttV
khlflrn. TiTi. Cm find 75 rprtlc
Henry Slander of I.ouiHvillc in in
the city to-day.
Geo. Dovey U able to attend to
buiiiH'FH once more ufter (in illncHs
of two weekn.
L. G. KuottH, of Council IIIiiITh,
Hpcnt Sunday in thm city, with
brother, A. l. Kuoits.
K. S. GitumcI Ih milTcring from nn
uMuck of ijiiin.y, I lit expcclM to e
on duty H'iiin to tnorrow.
Altur.iey J. II. Ifuldewin of
Weeping V;iter came in to-day to
attend to leul in a 11 its nt court.
I'Vancin MiCarty jumpeil from
the lltoolilyn bridge jenterday and
was Hwallowed up by the watcrn.
He Iciivch a wife and three childrei ,
Mic Olie Koliertu, of I'rcecot.' la,,
who Ii;im be-ii vicitinj; with I). It.
.Smith and family of thi city, re.
t j tied Iioiik? liMt evening on the
The new cUukTll AM) aii'l tvne-
wruin coiieire wil
ojien next I lien-
day niirlit. K'oiiiiih
over flayer m
tirct '
NiRht YardmaHter Jiin. I'iae ban
been nick for ceveral day, beiuy
unable to jo on duty Saturday anil
Sunday niht, but will rcMimc
w.irk tn nitrht.
Kiley Arrival: C. II. Wood; Aln
Schickel; M. . -yrry, S. W. Collinn,
Cliii iio; K. '.. Walker, Culberti-oii;
S. G. OIki'i, "aHtiliH; John Sleece,
Wiiboo; W. Mete, Schuyler; II. II.
Searx, Oniiiha; C. X. Miller, Dm
M iiiicx; W. I.. Paul, ( liuahii.
There will be n meeting of the
hoard of trade at the county
judtfe'H oilier- to-morrow evening at
8 o'clock for thrpurpoHc of electing
drlegatea to attend the NicHouri
river improvement convention at
Kaunas City and lo attend lo other!
biiHinecH. A full attendance in de
sired. A iail-ewl collinim occurred at
South Hen. I hint evening on the
II. tc M. went of the depot where
it':rre inn charp curve in the track
I around n hiirh blnlV. Xo. 3 ran into
I the rear il a npeeial which wan
j doing work on the hotue track but
I h.ul left the rear end of th train on
Hit-' in. ii. I rn'u. .No hci lotiH Uari a ;
wan done outnide of Kiiiaching the
cabooHcand a freight car. Thetraiu
men of the extra were all out of the
Captain John G. Iloiirke, of the
Third cavalry, ctationcd at Ft. Kin
gold, and h. wan recently ar
rented at Guerrero. Mexico, han
M n t in n re. wirt of llu- nlTair tn
- c
tien to which he wan rxpoccd and
cenureM in the bitlerect of bit:.
uae the Mexican o.'licern in ar
recti. ig him, pr.a.oiur.-ing the affair
nil outrage and entirely inexcuc
abl.'. GiMcral l'!;iuley will refer
the report to the proper authoritien
at Wiinhiuton.
I' it I'j'atl.'i iii'r to l.iov
Hcici.ce i i .i';,iuiiii)g lo a l.'.pl ii.-cit'
to the way- .. mi'.Ufe in the. IH.-tlitir ;
o' eating ami cleepiii;;. Not many j
jeirn li;, thu" belief is htill j
pi cva'ciit i.l the popttUr lulu '
that caliug mi l rleej ing niu: t be1
doili" in a : teno'yi e 1 v a , i , a .
not lo I'.ivcre fioni the regi.l.ii
hour, and even ccicncc ban pre.
ruined n far upon the credulity of
people i:.i to Mate Hie exact
i number of bourn reuuired f.r b.-ep
under varioun circunmtance.n, jum
art though nature wan cndcliiiii. rut
an to neglect that all important
(iiiiy iii ut.-llllllll.ill lOOU Wlll'll till'
Kyctcni recogni.ed It or prompting
one to Bleep when . . 4,v strength
bun been txhiiUBtcd. A natural up
petite U gi'.idod by hunger mid u
healthy Htomach will allow the
brain lo rent when and where ft
plennea it pocHcHnor.
The account In Saturday' Even
Ing Xewa of the noci.ible given at
the ro idence of ii. W. Ilyer hint
Friday evening wan the cubject of
connidcnible cpeculation on the
pirt of many of ouryuung people.
The point In conjecture in as to
hour the reporter of that paper i
juntilk'il hi commenting very favor
ably upon "vocal 1-r.oitn" of nl:t
young ladieH, which really were not
produced at all, The ciiMiunhmtic
reporter proceed a little further tic
follow: "Mr. Chi n Kt-efer'a vocal
power were decidedly good and
were thoroughly uppn ciuicd." The
f.vt i4 Mr. Kecfcr ahnit:d Mi.-.
llattic Su"'v. i in a piano duet, the
rendition of which, however, wac
"decidedly gol and thoroughly
appreciated." - idently The Kewn
man ha either gone wrong or ia
growing curelcti in hi report.
nt Nrhradka
City laht
Soiue time hint June n corpce whh
f"i: ;cl floaiiiur in the Minour
river inlioui two milcH above e
brucka City.' The only tliiiu" ' -
(he percou that iniHit lenl . ,fo uiH
identification at tht lime wan a
'j -i' upon which wa p inteil the
name j. H. Me Matnin. The matter
Wiin rt 'i'e known fif once but an the
un.oi ,i' ii'ie man appeared to have
no frieudM the body wa.i inlerre Ion
tiieriver bank T'le Lireunictance had
been pi actically forgotten until
hint Saturday, when the remaiiiH
were taken up by Hull & to. under
taker for interment in the cemetery,
in the isvftiMru 'Voir Wbei-hak
hiid mynterioiiHly diH ippeared, and
when the body wax exhiuued it waH
I leiililied by Wheelock.Vrt widowM as
herhu ban l;twocou.-aud a daught
er til.-o idenlilied the boi'y an that of
their father. The further dmcovcry
I.. .1..., ! . ..1 .1... t.i
w'ln ma'ir tiiai jiici uutivv uie riin
1,f.l.t tt'! M I. 1 I ... II. .. U I..U. ....
plainly the canne of hiri death.
Wheclock wan at lat hccii alive ia
Omaha in compaii" with a wi II
known confidence man mid a neyio.
The conlidence man in repot ted to
Htill be in Omaha, and no paiiiH
will ! -paretl to brin the guilty
party to juctice.
Dili! '--Yccrrday afternoon, Mr.
Ilaiimi llolmberg, aged twei.ty
nix yearn.
Mm. l!o!mberg had been a nuf-
ferer for about two nmntlin, fidtn a
ncvcre attack of pueiiiiionia, which
linnlly reunited in her death. The
interment will take place from the
hotice, on South Xiulh tdrcct, at li
p. in. to-morrow.
A! :30 a. in. to day, John K.
I led!. mil, aj;ed eighty yearn, nine
II II hi 1 1 1 K.
Mr. Iledland v,-:ih born in Sweden
in 1-ill and came to thin country
ceveral yearn ao. The interment
will ia'ic place from the limine, on
South lenth utrcet. at i v. in.
l!enrlii( FiulU
The nrritation of the beet uirnr
luductry recently inaugurated and
kept to the front by TliK Ili.KALD
ban attracted the attention of
number of our prominent citi.eun
ami the probability in that in the
near future the matter will be con
cidered cerioiiHly. At thin writing
Father Ilayen appear to be the
mont cnthucianlic cupporterof the
move we have met. lie
o.Tcrn to donate one half or on en
.'re block if nce,;s.iry an n ite for
I c lot ation ol mi industry, if itn en
tablinhineut can bececurcd. There
are doubtle.-n other real cut ate
ownere of the city that would be n
e uullv wiilinir to aid if come of
our public spirited biinhieHS nfju
v.oti' l preen the matter.
There i.i no doubt that the noil of
the Missouri nil 1 I'latte boltoiu.1
i iinnot hi: excelle I in the went for
;' - ; io.'i'.l!o oi'rii'var bi-ei-i, ant
inci' (hero n"1 m'Hi1!" "f 'I'dbir" of
capital cecliiiig iiivct, there ii no re.inon why it may
not l.e employed in thin Infant yet
i 'lowinir we-itcru industry. laiher
Haven meiitioiin the fact that
piinyha-i recently .been or;ii ni..
i.i Doxtou with a capital of l,h.i;),i)0
for the expren i p;irpoij of invei-t
iivr hi beet cuar industries in and
iirouud Omaha.
Now that the attention of the
eantern cnpilalint ban been at
traded to the went, au l nince it in n
tictt.vt irtil tnuv inunc iiiiiucti ire
can llourinh here, there Hliouhl be a
. t t . . i ( ; .i ..:..u
united move on the part of all our
citizen to r.ecurc the location of
Hiich an Induntry. We unguent
again that the board of trade con
cider the matter at the meeting
called for to-morrow evening.
Couuty Court. -
Lnr 0. Laren v. Knmu Peter
en. Suit on nUnchn.eiit for SfTCaiO.
AiiHwer.Dec. 7,1 SOI.
I.d t O, I.nrnen vh. Kawnui reler
ecu, defendant, and I'irtit National
lliink of l'lattnrioulh, gurnitihee
Answer, Dec. 7, 1W1.
In the mntterf the adoption ni
Minnie Carlcon, an iiiiiintc f the
home for the friendlccn, by John
find Anno Gcicer of I'liitlHiuoulll
Decree of ndoptiou with full right
of inheritance.
ItatcH&Co. vs. KanniiiB l'etercen
ct al. Suit I'll attachment in the
mm of rF'..87. Ilcnring, Nov. Z1, 10
a. m.
Fred Shradcr v. Knnniu Peter
sen. Suit in attachment for $117.
Hearing, Nov. '-H, 10 u. in.
Pure buckwheat Dour for tale at
Ueincl'a will. U
- OIP - -
laadics Furnishings,
Is 2Tcv7 Orraplcto in all Eopartracnts,
DIM SS coons
We nre chovyiuga handconiL' line of
A full line of coloring and blackn. ami ro.ii: s
Stock complete mid price lower
thun ever.
il 1. Ili;vir hoVU Fu
.11 .
Wo cull pjieciul Attention
Military mid Jlip Coat clmpcj trimtucd with Mini, IScul, Aetrackwa,
Mufl'aloon utid Cout'v furs.
Our lino of I'ludi Sncqucs arc clienprr than eer before. FB
incs of Childrens nnd fisses Clonics nnd Jackets. 1
ONr ; ")R EAST
1 -1 v
Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty
and all Work Warranted.
41 C Main Slrcot,
n't r
Oy.ti'H Di I'i I ' l!iw.
CrfBmoti'yia'ii I'uiii.niiiniH Oilf am
i:lry. ijiicon 0IIV".
Fillet nf Trniit ux Pen frn, t il I Utt.t'iM.
Hull ri.
Itoltcd Ham Ctniiiii' Sauce.
IK u( f i rl i u l.ninti t'iritin nt 1 amb.
Cold Tui'Kuu, Vaul ai d j luuu
Prime Loliittrrff au Jr,
Bib Kud. of Itcrt hcoti'li I'liitillnK
Tutkej HluHi'il. fr .nlirerjr Haue
Balinl at liueh, I'u.rant J.lljr,
ItoniHii runih.
Qunll on T"t, Water frs'Mt.
Bailiha ol Venl"n, llumt Snuce,
"mall I'hl'krn Pcttn ala R.Id.
Trlintilci nt ttwect flr-xt P r alciuia.
Prug llr 'it 'J Willi Prrni'k rxr.
Jack Katitilt Mu.tuoum Raur,
Iloitou Cream Puff.,
f ALAUi,
Frrih Lnbiter 8alu4. Ctilckcn S!ad.
Ultuc wlili llrir'l tl-'lled F.gc.
Muiho-1 Putatuei, Sl.iimf it PotaMn,
Marrttvr Fat l oin,
Kwe.t rntitUiritrtwea,
Inilwrtcd Hlnii-lct llt-aus
ras' ii Y.
Cruen apt 1 t'c. Minor Tlo I rmnti rta
Steam Fruit i'udillnx Hunt and Diaudy Vavv
Kf niiolliuii b'e I'rMin,
rin Aiil Jolty, At pel Kontl.
Lady FliiRcra. Layer Km.lni Kuta
Ajili" l RuiiOI'ia iiunaual
Cut inbaUr.pM, IVaia,
Edam Crrain I li.oiv bent VVui.r Crackara.
Why will you rough when Shi.
loh'a cure will give imniediate re.
lief. I'rice 10 rts., SI) cts. aod fl.
tar tale Ij . 0. Vrickt Ca
l'M)l:llYF. AU
A good Ladien Jercy vent at 25e.
I.adieH line Jercey vent ami pants ia
white or natural gray at .TOc eacfc
I.adiei natural Gray Wool Vectnnni
Pants otaOc. Regular 75c under
wear. Full line of Ladies Fine wl
ribbed underwear in white, card4
lia! and black.
Complete lines of Child' undw
wear in natural, ccarlet and wkitt
at prices as low as the lowest
. ....
,ar"H n inn in In a i lervirtme4
to otir l rg) aortmetit of Uoufera
Headquarter for Everything in the line ml
PlaUcrnouth, Nob
rhuiia 1'ii' i i: i . i it a)
n tin I.l ii- i 'iki: i a t 9
I! r i-r- .Mil : .. in- . i a e v.s 4 M
ll ii i'i i , -i ii il II k ..I . . i m
II. lip l' W , . 1. 1 v Mil I l;A! il II
Iu4 .ale I. ;,i'. i ra'in iiki; ii.d I it
Ppcclm-tn c aioi.
S. If. Clilloitt, New Cac.tlP, Tia
w;:a troubled with nruialgia ni
rheuiiiaticm, It i.-t i toiuach vas dia
ordeivd, bin liver vvaa uliect "d to am
tihiri!!! - .: degree, r.r-pctitc i .1 ami
and w Vi;2 lerribl1, .etl.iceil inllecW
and ctrength. Three bottlca (
ICIectric Hitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisbrjfc .
III. , had a running fore on his lr
of ei",ht years' standing. L'aeJ ,
three 'bottles of llectric llittr anal :
seven bottles liuckleu's Aruicav .
Salve, nnd hi-i Irg is sound and wea
(ohn Speaker, Catawba, O., hnd fix .
urge lever eon s on his F'g, doctoifj .
caul he whs incurable. One bnliat -Electric
Hitters and one box Hockv
len's Arnica Salve cured him eatira.
ly. Sold by F. 0. Fricke & C.
An honest Swedu tells fiia etory
in plain but unmistakable lua
guagc for the benefit of the publia.
One of my children took a sever
cold and jriit the croup. I gave liar
n tenspoonfttl of Chamtirl..i
Cough keiuely, nnd in live minute
lutes X gave her one more. Uy thin
tunc cm; una io Cougll up the
giithcriug In the throat. Then che
went to deep nnd slept good fot
l.fteen ininiucs. Then t he' got up
nnd vomited; then the went back
to bed and slept good lor the ra
inainut r of the niht. She got tha
croup the second r.iftht and I
her the lame remedy u it U the buin
good results. 1 write this In-cuus
I thought there might ha some on
in the same need nnd not know the
true merits of this wonderful mecli.
cine. Chakles A. Tiiompskk
Dea Molnea, lows. 50 cent 1(U
or taik by V, G. Fricke A Co.