The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 21, 1891, Image 1

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plattsmoum, nbiraska. Saturday November 21
Royal Baking Powder.
Leads Ail
"The Royal flaking 1'owJcr i3 absolutely pure
for I have so found it in many tests, made both for
them and the U. S. Government. The Royal Bak
ing Powder is undoubtedly tlic purest and most
reliable Baking Powder offered to the public.
"Iir.Nir. A. MOTT, Pii. D."
Lite Chen:! J pr U. S. Government.
"All test tn v,!;!c!. f have submitted it
have proved the Iloyr.l Iu!;!.i;; TawJer perfectly,
liealthful and free from every deleterious substance, i
It is pircst in qualiiy :-,n 1 highest i:t strength of
. any Making IWder of which I have knowledge. '
"VM. McM'JRTIU!-., Y ll, I'll. D."
,. Late Chcmist-in chief ('. S. Dip V cf Agriculture,
Washington, D. C.
"The strength cf l!.e Royd n shown to be 23 per )
cent, fjreater tlia t any ct'.ier.
"As a result f n:y investigations I find the Royal
Baking l'owdcr far superior to the others. It is pure,
t contains none but wholesome ingredients, and is of
greatest strength. ,
"Public Analyst, Ontario, Domiu.uii of Canada"
The latest investigations by the United States
and Canadian Governments show the Royal Bak
ing Powder superior to all others in leavening
Statements by other manufacturers to the con
ktwi Itntit hnit ifsrJiv,"1 hi tfit nffirlnf n ftiyiist
' '-'-falsifications of the official re Sorts.
D E N T-I S-T :
' T. t, ll l iri l.elli- lil Urn tl'
' I null"' i.I In ttt
Fine Cold Work a specialty.
.' ih.d 111 ck I luiuiiii.ulb, Mrb.
iiavi: kixnvrn
ttflr Fall mrui. 'inn 1 r, bl. t . t'j .nit quill
tln lnt ft M-w luMilim C'li .liue? IliiU
lu mmw ai 1 1 i. J hey Ii lull
Im in huh h 'rt mid In tit-di-rii
elite 1 hi i.hK 'Ul li'e
ucril t li It m mil. r hl In 40 nod I
7S re- l rtlnui-il.
- m m
0OI.B Awo PonoKI.AI M CHOWNS -Briilgs
work nl line gold work t
DR.SIFtNAl'K I.OOAI. wll m olhr an
wtlirllriiWi-u lor 1 hi- chIiui-m rxlrwliun ul
t. eili,
V O. A. MAUSIIAI. Kitwnld P)nf
Attorney m.ljiw. will iti? pmmtit llifiitlni
In nil I wHit't rMrnrl' l li lilu, Ofllrc In
UuIum lil'x-k, Krut si. !, PUloiniiulti, Neb.
VTJrlf(1 A" M-ilv, rrl'iMf rc
-onlnrv K
' lo Imj mi 11II1 y. villi iiirn a-r. in m.n.
Ioimi mi nth t.
In k' iiu .rrlli'li rai Kfw V
llnu-o. f fi-rnp. . M A 1 1 Al 1 CHUN, I ( cl
Itin lt. New Yuik.
Many old nolilier. w ho contracted
!! chronic diarrhoea while in tl
I iervire, lnve Hince liecn permanent-
tf lyfHn-d of It lv (liaiiiibci Iain's
Cdic, t'holern mid diarrhoea K'em-
l uy. i-vt rni G. 1 vlk A Cu.
Not ico to Lcaias
I have on hand n tine lot of rib
bons and 1ipn which 1 will eell nt
the lowest price forcath. I have
my good ut J.I;inleyJohnHOiihnrd
Ware rtore u here I iiiii)- be found
ery day from 1 Jaj to dffl p.m.
Mka. J. F. J oil Noo.V.
!5hlloh' ciitiinh reinedr poal
ivi urr ( nlMrih. Diphtlieria mid
anXer iiHiuth. For aule by F. O.
L- Vricke & Co.
Some of the most rtnrtlln, In
tersting discoveries of the lito and
riiHiomit of Imried 1- gypt Bre now
bein,j made through extensi eexca
tuition. Thene disroveriea lire
exdting a rrrent interett. Many
discoverica ure, however, being
tnai.'e in our country timtnrc re-
miirh il le, iimon1 w
a i, l x nienioii that of lliilli
d J ' 5? eijiiicli eiii-ct en
d ff ij mny c isch a rou
nmrl il le, iimon1 which v.'e may
r's l'n in I'm . i-
'ulire relief, mid
romplelc cure of
leml'le e rhetimalism.
' and which also relieve (mill of u 11
kinds. For mle ty nil dniist.
For rent the west aide of a good
tore room.
H At'Ol tT (lOk'PKK.
rtrrcAt a
ftlaM at
Urawa A
Matter in the police court have
been exceptionally quiet the pant
week. Thin indue, doiihtlci-H, to n
great extent, to the eflieiency of our
police court Then, too, it in
deemed a decidedly cxpeimive lux
ury to appear in Judje Archer'
court, a those who have "indulged"
can teKtify. A vigilant police force
and ii court in which justice will be
meted out to the trnnsgrenHor can
not but conduce to the preset vation
of good order.
The atock of groceries nt Peter
sen's oh atnud will be sold nt re
duced price to sntisfy mortgage
of First National bank, and anyone
needing good will nave money by
calling ut the uld stand. Remem
ber the Ktock is Ireslt und complete.
Come in for bargain in potatoes.
Hour, glassware, chinaware and
crockery. Opera Grocery.
For lame hack there is nothing
l...ft..a .1..... ... ..1.......... 11 I
i'i-iii-i iii.iii ill nullum- ii Oil ll lll'l
Clollj Willi'a Pin
Halm nud bind it on the nffec'.ed
part. Try it and you will be sur
prised at the prompt relief italford.
The fame treatment will cure rhau
matism. For Dale by F. O. Fricke
& Co.
Pure buckwheat
Heisel'a mill.
flour for sale nt
Wonoerful Ruccat.
Two yi-ars tigo the Ilaller Prop.
Co.'oi Ji red their bottle by the box
-how they buy by the ctiriond.
Among the popular and Hiicceseful
remedies they prepare is llaller't
Sarsaparilla A liurilock which is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hcsituteato
recommend this remedy. "
For Hale by druggist.
Tha E (Til Towar of Toil t Anlolo.
3Kii71 bottle blush of rose Hold
in INid, You know I ronld not have
Hold oo much if blush of rose wa
not ii repreMe?-e 1, u mjre cure for
pimple, freckle and blaikhi-ads,
In l.v.lj I predict it will lie Hold by
every druggist, and lined by e very
lady and gentleman In the United
Stale. ). II. Syudcr will nupply
you at 73 cent per bottle.
Ua3 Just opened up a full line
cf ladles, Gents and Chlldrcns
all wool underwear and be
fore you buy your Fall or
Winter, goods. Don't fail to
call aud eeo our prices. We
beat 'era all.
Havo you seen thoso nob
by Hisses Cap3, all pretty
Bhidps, G3, Ci and 75 cents
1 1
N.t Thursday Is Thanksgiving
A. C. Loder came in 011 the Schuy
ler thin morning.
County Superintendent Noble U
in the city to-dny.
L. C. Kickhnff, county treasurer-,!
eleet, 1h in the city to-day.
A. S. Cooley of Eagle came in 011
the Schuyler thin morning.
The city coiineil meets lit the
p.)liee court room Monday evening. I
The greatest ambition the turkey
ha Uichc days is to be known 114 u
There appear to be a scarcity of
inthracite coal in our market lit
ICditol Ma) field of the Louisville
Courier-Journal is in the city
t -day.
It is reported that cabbage is
spoiling rapidly oil account of the
damp weather.
We glean from our exchanges
that 11 butter fa nine is rag u : in a
great many place. 1
h'uther Carney, who has been very '
ick (he past week, is reported u
improving to-day.
If you have not penned up the
turkey for Thanksgiving you had
better not delay the matter longer.
There is yet ample room for im
provement on Home of the Hide
walk in different portion of the
Farmers ore beginning to haul
their grain to market, trade is im
proving, collections are belter mid
our merchant are happier.
Our local fishermen . continue
t ) keept he market well Blip; lied
from the bounteous ntoek iilwnya
kept on hand by the flig Muddy.
Now i the time to advertise lioli
day goods. The people wish to
purchase. Tell them what you
have ond where they whould call
for it.
The city is practically exempt
I from
malarial or epidemic com-
In fact the general health
oi our cili,eut is better than rem
denta of a great many neighboring
The chitons of Pewnrd nre Mill
agitating the court house question.
There i little doubt, however, if the
matter ever come to a vole, that
Nebraska City will continue to be
the county neat.
W. F.. Hunted of Defiance, la., was
the guest of C. A. Raul last eve
ning. Mr. Husted ha recently re
reived on appointment to n clerl
nhip in the war department at
i . i .
The Knights of I.nbor organiza
tion has adopted a resolution
recommending nil loc i! assemblies
to refuse nil office holderd mid
office Hccker mcmb -rship. Kvi
dently the Knights prefer to leave
politic alone.
Illinois offers n bounty of two
cent per head for nil Fparrows
killed iiijrin' the moutlis of Decern
tier, January nud February by rei.
dents of the stale. Thia evidently
ittarilt for the encouragement oi
home industry nud the protection
to home kbor.
We notice by our exchange that
in tunny places citizens' nieeliiigs
! are being called for the purpose of
: t iking ateps to induce cntdern
capitalist to invest in busine en-
terprises. There is little doubt that
these investments will be luude in
the near future and the community
that is the most enterprising and
public, Hpirited
will derive the
After running down a dim nnd
undefined rumor to day, late this
afternoon, we learned that an ad
journed seHHion of the "Deep Water
Convention" that closed at Gal
veston one year ngo ychterday, wn
held ut Judge Chupuian'a last eve-
Lniug, at which the big four Messrs.
J. M. Patterson, A. II. Todd, F. M.
K'ichey and Judge Chapman -who
represented the great northwest at
Galveston, nought to settle all
diuVrencca of opinion touching
certain matter arising on that
trip. There were present bevcral
odier gentlemen informally called
in to help, aid, ni'sist nnd arbitrate
the matter in dispute, and the
ofca.sion ii caid to have been a very
pleasant one. Mrs. Chapman took
care of the party in a particularly
happy manner, nerving nn eleven
o'clock dinner which was relished
and prnieed by the "delegates'' and
their friends as only such a fea t
deserve to be praised. The meet
ing, we learn, was entirely informal,
but resulted to the entire satiafuc
tlou of those participating.
Roynlly Fnt!rtinment.
A social entertainment was given
at the enmmo lions residence ofK.
V. Hyer liiMt evening under Hie
1 HUHpiei'H of tin commercial elan of
j tin: high school. During (lie foie
part of the evening nil excellent
programe win rendered, eonsist-
j,l!r nf recitations, piano solos mid
duet. The participants without ex-ct-pt
iVjfi, acquitted thciiiHflveH with
cvdit and coiitrihutcd larircly to
njoym.-iit of the evening lis
wan evHlfiiecd ijy the nearly up.
plause that erected each production
At this juncture refreshments
were served, after which Un
popular game high five was in
dulged in until quite a lale hour.
Ala seasoiulde hour the company
broke up, each member concluding
that the commercial class in con
junction with hospitable mid gen
ial I Iyer family had indeed royally
inti-i iaiued nil.
The new hiiokthavd nud type
writing college will open next Tues
day night. Rooms over Mayer's
clothing Hlore. Kverything lirst
class. tf
A Lrgnlly Furo.
Those who have watched the pro
ceeding, of the court in which the
prelimin-ary examination into the
Omaha lynching has care been con
d td on lot I. ut conclude that it
i but a leg il si a u To begin " itli it
has beeiiclaimed and substantiated
that Smith was a dead man before
the rope bad been placed about his
neck, in view of which it is evident
that nn attempt is made upon the
start to so shape theaccusation that
conviction will be barely possible.
Then the examination ha not been
conducted with the degree o! ardrr
nnd concern that should chnrater
i.e our courts nf justice. It would
jpeem to speak better for our courts
if the matter were dropped on the
start for these mock trials cannot
but nave n tendency to bring our
court into bad repute.
Why will you rough when Shi
loh's cure will give immediate re
lief. I'rice 10 cls 50 cts. aud $1
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc
A Narrow Eenp
An interesting incident is nnr.
rated in this morning' State
Journal in which a tramp pre
vented a railroad disaster on the
IS. St M. road near Crawford:
"An engine attached to Manager
Holdrege's private car wa speeding
along ut the rate of forty miles nn
hour and was approaching a bridge
which had been partially burned
and was in a dangerous condition
A tramp, who had just passed over
it, ig:ialled the engineer nud the
train wa brought to a standstill in
the nick of time. The bridge spans
a deep canon and is over 100 feet in
length. The tramp was given
purse ii nd provided with a pass to
.St. Joseph. He was a passenger on
the train which was wrecked near
here yeaterdny."
I'tlcr.en Aft-tir,
There have been no new develop
ments as to the whcrcnbuula of R.
Petersen. There appears to be
l'"le doubt that he left voluntarily
aud wiui the intention never to re
turn. 1 1 is accessible properly is
valued as follows: . Residence
$2,iW, Htock of goods, $2,(KXI; dwell
iug house, $,"ka; vacant lot, $1J0
farm, $1,1X10; making in the Uggrc
gate u total of $3JUU
At this writing the following
nttachments have been filed: Jas
II. Snell, $1114.1-'; Fied ('.order A Son
C. II. Petersen, $(io0; Dudley
Steele A Co., Jl-'l.ff-'; McCord, Drady
& Co., $;iHo.fe; Paxton & Gallagher,
$173.08; Groueneg & Schalntgeii.
fHitrj; Tychsen & Reusch, $01.51
Ashland Mill A Klectric Light Co,
fl'iO.l.l; Ja. Jjpseiv Rasmus
Hansen, $100: Gertrude S. Petersen,
Allen Uros., $1 M.05; mortgage on
house, $sor; Fred Shrneder, $27;
Jailius Pepperberg, Jphn I
IJutea, $Ub.87; L. G. Lareon,
$30.40; making in the oggre
gate $t,:!'J7.87, thus making It appear
that lifter all creditors have beev
paid in full there will be aboil
$4,000 worlh oi properly free from
It has been estimated that Mr.
Peters en liud. in liis possession at
the time of leaving about $2000,
which still leaves a bullancc of
f'K.'O ocreMible by him or his rela
tives. It Is probuble however Unit
there nre yet other creditor who
will tile other nttachments in the
near future, though ct this writing
this is merely a matter of conjec
ture, Mrs. C. F. II. Clark and daughter
came down from Omaha this morn,
lug and at once took the M. P. train
(or Murray.
- - OIF1 - -
Xaadics Furnishings ,
Ig XTow Oampleto ia all Departments
Dltl M (iOOliS
We nre showingu handsome line of
A full line of colorings und blucks.
Stock complete nnd prices lower
than ever.
llAVK never tliuwii ho
We call special attention to
Military nnd Hip Coat bhnpei trimmed with Mink, teal, Astracbam,
MnfTaloon and Coney fura.
Our lino of Plush Sncrmea aro
incs of Cliildrens and Misses Cloaks
Repairing of FINK WATCHES n Specialty
and nil Work Warranted.
33. A. M'ELWAIISr,
4 1 5 Main Street,
World1 Fiilr Note.
Hawnii, otherwise the Sandwich
Island, has decided to make an ex
hibit at the exposition.
The national farmers' congress,
nf it recent 8 ssion at Sedalia, Mo.,
heartily indorsed the world's
Columbian exposition.
It is announced in the Perl in
newspaper that the entire organi
tation of the Imperial Opera Co. of
Herlin, Germany, will conic to
Chicago in 1H03 to give operatic
performances in the music hall to
be erec'-d in the exposition
A committee of the Iowa slate
teachers' association, having in
charge the matter of an educational
exhibit for the next meeting of the
r jocialion, which shall form the
basis for the exhibit at the world's
fair, has adopted the following out
line for the display: Blanks show
iug the school organisation, text
books by Iowa nuihors, work of
state college nnd public schools,
work of industrial nnd charitable
schools, work of denominational
schools and colleges, photographs
of school buildings sud schools nt
work, Blatisllcal tables, apparatus,
cabinets, library exhibits, and his
torical records.
We want a correspondent from
every precinct in the county. Wc
should like for a good reliable per
son from each precinct to call at
Caii office for terms.
A good Ladies Jersy VPHt at 'C
Ladies fine Jersey vest and pnnta I
white or natural grays at 50c eacfc
Ladies natural Gray Wool Vesta anf
Pants at 50c. Regular 75c undo
Full lines of Ladies Fine wmI
ribbed tinder wear in white, car4ft
nn and black.
Complete lines of Child's undr
wear in natural, scarlet nnd wbi
at prices as low as the lowest.
large a lino in thii department.
our l trg'j assortment of Ilaefen
cheaper thnn eer before. Fnl
and Jackets.
Headquarter for Everything in the line
Plattsmouth, NcV
Homo vUHlnruinl iltati.u It
in .ilo III iU mill ll Kit i ii x a
II, ir t'l' MilK I met H HALI) 4
II in ' Wui I il d 11k 1.1' -f
ll!ii r'. Wrrklv hdiI KUM.n II
low Mate IC. ntiT mill It cm I. n 1
Specimen Caes.
S. II. Clilford, New Castle, 'VTlS
was troubled with neuralgia ani
rheuiiiuiiniii, hi sloniiu ii wua dis
ordered, his liver was ulfected to aa
alarming degree, appetite fed a way
and lie wus'terribly reduced inlleak
and strength. three bottle
Electric Kilters cured liim.
Edward Shepherd, Hurrisburg,
III. , had a running pore on his lea
of eight years' standing. Uses
three bottle of ICIectric J litter a aui
seven bottles llucklen'a ' Arnica
Salve, and hi leg is aoundand well.
John Speaker, Calawba, O., had fivt
urge fever sores on his leg, doctor
said he whs incurable. Due bolts?
Electric Hitters and one bos lines.
len'a Arnica Salve cured him entirs
ly. Sold by F, G. Ffickc A Co.
An honest Swede tell Id's etorjr
in plain but tinmistnknble ):
gunge for the benefit of the public
One of my children took a severe
cold and got the croup. I gave her
a tensnoonful of Chamberlula
Cough Remedy, nud in five minutes
bite I mive her mi mnm Itir (!.;
time she had to couuh un th
gathering in the throat. Then she
went to sleep aud slept good for
fifteen minutes. Then she got up
ond vomited; then she went back
to bed nnd nlept pood for the ra
mainner of the night. She got the
croup the second night nud 1 gave
her the same remedy with thesnm
good results. 1 write this beoanw
1 thought there might be some on
in the same need and not know the
true inciils of thi wonderful inedL
cine. CiiAVMia A. Xikimphkksl
De Moiii.., Iowa. 50 cent bellis
for sale by if, ii. Fricke h Co.