-,... I'll.' J - i . t am'k airiaj '(mbI. .. P. R. Drown. U. 8. A., and Jo were iuitrrie.d on lorniay at .iilpajburg, went the victim of ludi crous practical joke at the lutudaof their friciids. They bo;trded the Pittbur ay exprei-s, which reaches here nbou,t 0:UU, uud like most buueyiuootitr trii-il to look anil net like old uiiirri-'l i"jo;li. Meanwhile their baggage was holding , an impromptu reception iu the bai?j,'se w. There were three brand Dew trunk. nnd upon one of Ihuiu a by.;e car J. care- 't, painted, w;t tacked witiL large i IN AN CCYPTIAN APAT.VNT HOUSI . Tlrs v.-as fnrt T xinented rrJi a 'o bow of vl.,- - .ill. U.l the M.-C- ond trunk w. i.rd !ie tub: Intrrrafliif Hfrnn In n .nil,-l,iB I'Iiuo Ii 1 " 1 Ik t'll of t ulr... I The two rooms i.euvi iih U-l'ir.itl t .n .Azlmr tinl.-i:t. n Kie-'iijii.n h..id. Heculil iI rtik l.'i r.: Ji, I ;;I he iu; . p;irt.-d tin it: forma;! ')a i:i i . 'j.c t ) err i!r.i,:;.ii;i:'.:i. !eiit? l'..;:t v i.i Ian i : interested iu the general Kicne than In bin red jus, Mnsta;ha li ft the Assiout ware to its fate, and Jihtiiix cigarette seiit' d hinm If on t!ie ruihir; with a ilic iiir, it much us u buy: "Two ui'.-ve mad women! Cut it's 'unthinir to li if." I 'i;e hi lu.- f'r.diT.U V.:.1 end :.!! a:) ' R'C' Uo. li' nHiu conMiti-'d pile I I-o'i'-m iind i' i!i"''iir'-. mil ulii' 1 '..a: I.i ou' t"4 w- Vnito.. . cl.wi the fioiit i.i ,-v 1 'nt V ' i - . .. -c' , .The w .rrfiy C 'A.hirtre anilavrrriativ a" trrreteil the h'oyr compitinV t evening. 1 Ii en fnainm.rt t tiirtc! anmtnvhnt fVom the roinrdv, tlii! wrlHen ivoie i.... ' i.-...., ' 4 Ik a H)ecinliKt In hi. i :Vi,. " lie hiiii in iattniorith csvliiit fjrom the N .il i! ;; K ,; judgment of er.ee nlronet ' lierfectl' Hie r :d (I;ir .r. IIA.JIII.S WITH CAHC. "Jiil Married." i ijp-ii luccile' I t'"i la;:e :f ... Ki:n4 ift.ii;n-i . Y I we 'i..lvliiTM he v.'o. li.ihtaiiilit relilieil And nnother hne white main I' ' iu.t lie h:;d -o:h-ihi.i f the fountain- grooiu'i trunk wan pa- ' T'n ! t.i vvai-h him-if. kj t!ut li could siy hii . -JtuB Kitin how vri'' Uliel, Uot i i.r.-.u r. more cousin-- . n& lawr unl ! li.e iii,i;il chaii.! r A:tiA to ; TU-' thas the othei. I ri-..!.-i:t. ..r .-.nother 1 t ii : ; thiHe- ' wt't.e i;j;ri.t thought the tliirt;; ; tr.'a ,Hi.t j o;ll;." 1 '''r,' ri""! W !Hid to"keep to himnelf. lw i i.h ll.m l.tn.jj liuu 1 ; l l',,;' Mu -Vit"J everyh.idy in to enjoy the joke. i mill he ).. . s-d :i xtru piilrcif leimui r course everybody weut thronijli the c.,.o..-d .;it.i w-i-h; i i H ldui iu ive ww , 'carlo find the youii.j inarricd couple. , nipi and .im-ern t'P'" " "'f- Wnl nd eiiually of cotirxe tiie youiij; nuriieJ i twn tion!: ;-.-re vi-inK and tli'-wwer found, ail luey won- : i.,.t i.v..,y t.l a ron.i r; i:.f ;i :;u vi i:-.ru.a he hrul l'ow.; the whole place wan lu'orni d with I hem: 1 :s containim; v. anf i- ,mli?- Vie !' w" l-leait awl 'ftliotenome und mt. ! a VHfv lioh order. To nV 0n !! nudh-ii.-r wns p'.er-ffi ,i ' Wortlil Wildly expre-n it. bh wan fvl- fleiiceil liy Uie oontriiu.'d ami kii laneoii). oiUliurctM of nfiliiunp that p.. fre.iuenlly (greeted the HTfirm em. The itii-inittirtn of Kay I Koyce were cv.M ptinnnlly fine; In .;iy the lMt, !n' very clever coiiiediiin. coitsde win- cuniiv Uered. as the pniple unnled liroaUly -hei thev patin:d them, whether they vereiimre conspicuously tuarri'''l tnaa all th other youns hrid.'H and Kromim tliat had lived and uijve.1 mid had their beiu'. or whether they wer onlywif lerin what thousjinds had doue before them. They never found ont, and it i Ire UiiiHd that the trunk thu bellle Tolled up to all prominent liote'.i a:.d five the lnu'trase Mnashcri treat. fUiladelphia Pun. T r.itliiHlli lrirl Flrr. An inventive -uim of North Dakota .fcnn ju.t patented a device for utakin a 6re break to fi:,'ht prairie firen with. It 4 a nheet iron contrivance five feet wide and neveii feet kin and aiwut two f-el Li'h. On top of it are three circular reser voirs for holding 1,,ol''J, Utiderueiit'u lg urrair0'ed a nerie of burner designed to net tire t the jrrasw iu the machine ja?- over u. The main part of the ap paratus i followed by a nheet iron trailer la three section), each five by cven feet While tlie first twt of these are -in over the RruMs it U upx)sed to b -ell consnined. and the final trailer i desiue'l to eitinnisli every particle of fire. The invention it awakening much Interest among tlie ranchmen, many t.1 whom lielieve the iniu-hine will prove Imnriu'tii'iililH tmcjtriMi it will not necurely ontiue tlie tire nud it will thereby cause erieuit confiugration. Tiie iuveutor claim" it will iwfely barn a atrip five feet wide and twenty-Eve mile long la one day. Four horsm will b reinireil i to draw the apparatus. New iorkTele Tam. ' Tha I ! Itunid. The annouuceinent of the inicide of Dr. F. D. Clarke, in Cliicago. ted to a acnsatiouil incident when Dr. II. V. OldfieM enured Fenwick'i reotuurant Ul take hi dinner next day. With one ac cord the people arose from their chair. -Ila the kthv yielded up iu dead?" ra the query on every face. Dr. Oil field looked Hurtled bimiwlf. lie tarn.! xed, then white, and tottered to the es!c The irentleuianly attec lant drew back. At laat one conra'eous wan np jiroached the difik an.l nud. "Are yon dot dead?" Thi brought oat an explanation. Dr. OldflVId boni'ht Dr. t . V. unrice iI.:::tK in Tull blimm were Kt;iiniiiig on the floor footid tue wall. of Ills largely iov-d c.liml". and were n'so ilniwn r;i in two lows I, I the i.fgeway outsit.', where lit ImuM'if, si t ; ug o:i niuat.wa tewing. II:s b!o-i-'iin wt-ro i. j; ay that involuntarily we muled. Whereupon be muled too. and K'v' 1 :'l'"ai (); pirite the room of the tdudtut there wa a lurg- cuanitjer i.!ni't en tin.lv iiilfd with white ha! liire Miiall cotton l.ultf: i.i a niche lietwet n them hi;:h pile tin old man ki" hug lit thl ! thlt'Miold wa wa .liing noilietuttlg i:i a , large eart'.i'-nware mh of a pink tint, i His body wi bare fro:ii the vnit up- 1 ward, and u be lx'tit over tak his I short cheat, wit'j all thj rii cii-ariy , vii.ihle.lii long brown back with t!u ! Vertebra of the rpiiu Muuditig nt, ami his leuu, -eawin g iirius looi.eil hheletou- j lie, while his Lead. Fttpportcd on :l niuull wizened throat, wiw a.'.oraeil wi:!i t ut 'u un nii)rmou bobbing turban, dark Kreen ia line, that it resembled vegeta tion cf aotue Wirt coliiNal cabhage. Directly U hind him, also on the thresh old, ninatted large, gray balssm wboM couuteii-uce) fxpresned a bled uiinaa t'uropy. livery now and then thi creature who w:i seenred by u long loose cord. e....rx!! klwle tn t'at till) i the bale and crime, down on the other side, facing his iuastr. lie then looked deeply into tlie tut) for several uiimit . touched the water carefully with hi nuall bhu k band, withdrew it and Insp'-cted tin palm, and then returned jrr.ively. and bv the Mine roundabout way over the tale, to resume U position nt the dor sill. Itxikiug a if be could not under stand the folly of Ocli unnecessary and illy toiL la another chamber a larpe very Lliick negro, tlrcdin pure whit .-, was r.-at ! upon the fl.ior, with Li feet stretched out in front of him. hi band p'.aced tiflly on hi kne-, hi eye sturinj traight Iiefore Li in. Ilowa wotioulessi be seemed Lartl'y lo brenthe. "What U be doin" I aaid to tb dragoman. "lie? Oh, he berry Rood man; b pray." In a chatnlKT next t the negro two rrave old Aril were playing che. The Ilicrli ncfionl cmirie Will uivtp on nlertiiiiiiiieiit MK'iul Ht (lie reei- lititvol K. W. Hyern, l;ridSy Nov, .ii ii. which n neiii riil invitation in extended. , t .It A Sno- H hiv J School. We nre i !i nn-d to aiiiit'lince 1hnt I'rnf. W. I'. Ii''iut,it.' who for the IliU-.' bus l i en vrinripal i,f f!w Wislymi cidlie. I.iiKdln. bax iiliont ctiPiletetl an iincinents for the ci-tiildii-l iiifiit of a rliort h ind uliiiitl in tlii city. 1'rof. Mn. raves liai. !tci!ftl H"t lo do e rn .ive li-ncli.iiir in thin line ut ireM-iit, in view of which rintt- inotltll cilieiiH limy feel ierfectly free to pntroni.e 1'mf. Ko",cm tlione ! wieliin to take fliort liatid call ttt tiiciliaielv at the City Hotel. We .hall have more to ay of thin rn- terpricc in the future. ! For lanif hiick there i nothiiiff better thiiii to eatiirnte n limine! 'i-loili with (.'lianilierliiiii'H l'n in ', H.iliu nntl liiuil it cm the affic'.cd I iiartH. Try it ant! you will lie nor- priced nt t he jtriiiii)it relief ilalfordi. The name treatment will cure thuu- inntieiii. l or rale 1V V. ti. Kricke ic t o. Trie E'flM Towir of Toilet Article :tllt..'i74 bottle bluell of rosea nob! in In , You know I could not liave wild so much if bliteli il rosen waa not ii n reiresented, a sure cure for niiiuili s. IreckleH and blackhead", InlWJ I iirrclict it will he xold by every drutrist, ana iiru ny very luilv uud ci-ntleinan in the 1'niteil Mate. . Ii. vnder will supply y..u ut "") cent t r bottle. Stanley im -jii explorer. Kdison a mi invetilor Mien Floiii A. Jones as the dincoverer of the I hiiioiih Uluell of Iv'osch for the comiilexiou; are nunc that will he handed down a benefactors of the nice, to all re. corded time O. II. Si ndcr cornea m for hi share (of the i.rolit-t a he j nlays keep a big sujiply on hand, mill sell II Kir I.) cie. per oonu. iusine. Li re t o years ago. and. owing 'A '-y r. P" of to the reiiiiU;iou of the place, continued the ul I nam, Oldtield is In feature, form, manner and voice the exact coun terpart of thi Chicago specialist. De troit Cor. Chicago later-Ocean. Cairo aetti-e wuicU loo like Kjnare chickeu tMufA One fieti e thif leal in the street, liluced for urn-aeu g'-niiiiid sirler. and for aoiue time I: took them for nctnaJ chicken coop, ana ron.UTed why they were ulway empty. Chicken might well Lave inhabited th airkna In tli Jury llom. The sanctity of a jnry room appears to one by the che. player, for the fcesowell guarded that even la case of i ceuirm coui n..u .... v... - Iei i rs'lit'l Will covered w.-u layer iu '.ilK!: SlLMILLUACliU:. Waco and Blv-ioimi 'nv A agon, HuKJ. Marhuie nd plow llepinnir done HOKSExiIOEIN'iJ SPECIALTY -H UMStt. - NEVERSLIP HORSLiSHOF. Which is th" lst liorw-slioe for tin frmer. or for ft clnvinc, or for citj i.uriMHM ever iuvi lited. l mi niiil tlmt sayolie ci.n put on slurp or fist . ..flos k lie. ilrd for -t snd ii:p'M lny, or snii'otli. I'.rv ro K full his slieo T.d exsuilte the Nr.VKIO..l SO'1 you will life mi tit let. J. M. rSHNtl'LllACKEIl. Nof.'i Fifm to. l'lUn'io th udden sickne a physician may not en ter except after due proce of law. In the Fos will case, tried recently In D ton, the Jury were deliberatins. when late one evening one of liieiu was sud denly attacked with what proved to be tn)ke of apoplexy. Tue officer in charge notified the deputy shtr.ff. who Dot having authority to let uny one into the jury room, drove ncro' the city and informed the '.ieriH. bat even thi e.fll- cial waiiiot high enon-h to act. and an- ! Olhereipedilion started i.i search of the ildge. A the latter happened to be nt om the ft.aiit8 crdcr w:ia obtainH to summon a doctor. Doston iiexlical and Surgicjtl Journal. CslsiBC HiiihrMiai All lbs Tr Ilnaad. A com nan v in SL Loui it raising (nu&hrooiu in an Immcwe cellar, 12 by j SO feet, for the wentern market. An in-1 uirer who veDtnred into the ubterra tiean garden found an almost Egyptian arknr. anil a temperature of GO to 63 eg. Fahrenheit The company began operation in August lwt and baa al ready told 40,000 pound of the ucca lent fnngi The teason of field mush room la; only aix week, and the 8U Ixjui grower prorxj to meet tha dt tnand for the remainder of the year. haw York Port. Rot at All OslUsU "D yoa know, Kr. Hick," tald Ara bella, the night after Halloween, "I rentdowa lUirt liut night at midnight irilh a oandl aud looked into tlia mirror to the face of toy future hat band rrSi-cted there, and tee-boa I aw your face!" "What bitly rhlimloo thing the Eullows-n enrtom areP aaid llr. Ilicka, Harper' Calar. , Big- lllrknry Null. Btorii bve reached the division of pomology of hickory nut in th Wtbah -alley a big a oue' two flsU. Mncil niiety wn fjlt to necnre otne of them, Jjut it was finally Wmod tlmt thi ti Snat ol Hi included the bik, tl ker 1 being mil and almcrt worthk. ruhbiu nud dirt several inches thick, which contained many c.f their fe itherf. C"iibUiiC8 I'en.iaore Woolon iu liar- rti-ntinj nibtrt Tl'.e popular impression that every family jHsi-ssei a Lhol" as we '.I n a dic tionary and a copy of H'.iakesjH-are, l.k ? A P0?CI.AK FAMILY. Jrir: How In It, Knte. ttist ynn 1 jt T.'tn to cntcu on lo ineiui new uniiii r t'Q hat I u), ua alHay teiaa to (a Load li.i'r. I flon't V now ! I eersiBiil iy4 BiuWi-iiiiV rx'-rii'Si in Hiyt lllnKti'ln.', Jlssik:" Weil, dunn Umlaut li-wrnf nth, tut xaplu, uu kum Uktu up pauiLiiii', vi 'fix j , ! St 4. THE LEIDIRG AND ONLY OKE PRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. IS'waiting to show you his new goods and to let you know how cheap they can be bought. JOE -TOE- HAS THE LAIIOEST AND BEST STOCK la lis line iu Cae citinty. You tvi 1 not be nblc to buy clicaper Wcb Chi capo wl.cn you take quality ami prii-o in coiiti(kratio:i. u 4 JOE- Only buyi tlie bct inalic unJ latest novel tie in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CATS ETC. And if you are looking for a reliable jilace to trade give JOE a trial. it OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. I vy I i r t 1 r PLACES OF WORSHIP. Does Yoqi Little Qii'l. ..ii 'i ! ' ii' . ' : i many other popular iuipriiBsKins, w-eim . f I up -T ... ..; - c . i;...r u i.. ' - Vi t tc;,v . KS 1 i.)m.iiri.,... ' fi: ,.-..,. ?, 'i towns firm taut tniM-s n l)v.--ini of j i. i ' ' renting out Dihlea of an, cxi'iisive mid ; 'J ' p ;' a !!. Jj ' fj J 't Landsoiue kind. uitah!e to band to a ' 'ttj ' -Vv-IfJ ' biohof or t-biosftUu :! ryiimo on the f .-Iij ? " 1 1 I 'J-KAlf 1 occa-ion of a christening, wcdlinor, Wrtfc's-'-'' W I ' f " v 'l the ocrv ; att;X-- " 7 'w f ' j . in the i-Cx-VSe - 1 V tATItoLIC.-rt. I'ul t liurrn. Ik, lii-ieei. kllili muA l till. fSllll. I II I. IW1 K-lvlri-i: tMHt'iiU I0-..1H. M. Butidaj twliiinl l 1 . "I'll bi iiediellou. r.....-..w J'.ymmr I Vll.l Blld flictllb Ht. n. ivlr. i.inrii ii una rei.ir. n f , . Urril. Iiiulur. MlhlUJ M UlHll I A. M. Eri OPAL.-W laike' I hurrb. fotnet Tfiltd ".- : iTa m a. ui r. . bund.) Bciiooi vo havo Just received from a largo Cloak Manufacturer u:aur . i 1.1. ..ii ii a .., ,rrrlllh Ct kid I niB lUllimUVII iirniiltx. lle. I rt.rir. iwrrn-s : n . . i anil 1 M r. u. Hiuiisr irli"ol lo :5 n. iu...,it.iii., .rilrrs In I iw rliMirli.cr- .v hititi Mi'ii i.riooie si. i.i-T. i. 1-i.m-', i ,...li. h inv-w.-l !;; fr-scliil'S 1 - - - - i ii ni.a-.il Horn. I .V.tl-iVh pMVo C, 810 nndl'2 years old, conRwtinjj of U3 llirr i ... v v nirrthiKs. rn.r M.-innoisT Cluh ft.. t'Mwfn Mstn ai.il IVml. Hrv. I, K. Willi. I'. I'. nlr. h. rvlee : II M. I (' tr. M Mii'il' erlionl $ MX M. 1'ra). ruieeti. K WfduenUay eveo- Ink. noun PvTritiAj. C'nn er Msln nd K.i, III. Ilir ttUlf. I'anliT, h.TVlCe Ul'l hlilils. lUllilr fcl'isil J A. M. Hwtriii i im ii.niTioNAU (;rulie, be- Isi-i-m Kitlll anil xlilli. t-i.iumn HaitisT. Ml. flllve. I'nk. twtw. en 'f-.; -.i.-l l-.V;.!;, IV.. A J.pl'il. IW'A- ..i. i.iii.. II a. in. tnl t -M V- l'iye n rellii Wfilnis'lHy evi iiu a. Yol'M) Mr' C lllil HAf A'SOCIATIiiK tan instil aii-rn niilliik.M.iln in-i-l. Ciiw ' nlli'ir fi.r l.. milv.i'Trrv ht'lill'V kf .-riH. hi I iiVlork. hMinip upeu week Ua)i loui s:i . in . to V:V p.m. Koi tii 'AH Taiikkxai i.r . Jtrt. J. M. k I'll. I ulm. hmi'.st MlliiHV hlliisil, " . to. iri-iT1 li2. It m. ii-'l I'. ini-i iiimiii i' liifli-v nlulii ; r'mlr Jiiac iir no y iilaht- Al. are midline. Need clonic this winter? Ifrdie does you will make a treat mistake 0 you clo not call nnil cxniiiine Die children cloak that we are oil t-ritio; before buyin. Childrens Sample Cloaks, garment in all. NO TWO ALIKE, on which m were given a disccunt from regular whulcoalo prici ho that r.c arc able to ficll them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. ettt iv nml l.-t tin tifove 1ho trulli c.f llic nliovc ntntnnent. Ptti rliow y.u at the mine lime our I-INK LINK ti UJi iicl?li- Kcclcrt hacquca and Jackets. fsticrii. in .13 f.si.y. I. ctt lion of these relicmu c piso 1 family tho hih church diaiUry ahonld turn to tlie blank leave between the Old cd yitT T??I2?"1 WC'jl'l D!jd them devoid of genealoyical record, U) the consternation of the f.unily. A u posit ia demanded when the Bible U hired, and a chart's or two notun a nijlit U tha regular price. New York Sua. without njr t-"hT j you mm tnthe reru ! lM-n Mlw. Ullnfk-'l iles.-t.cl IKT is l-nl'iliu , i tuiiili-iily. mul rera.nl i mm all impmr. Iss i:: iracc u:::!:-r "r fcsrjete-R: 1 Ir4 ; Vnti U'llUiK I i.mtn y riiut-s wi .- ik I hi cl.lli wis Mill In .lu) lli( lav! lug lv'l-llt Iuu n-'in to I up ou ull tue n.o i m is. sua now Just w hut to ! iiii'It all t'irviiiuMiiiiia; tun eutrrtiiln tssiiitiliillri and In Ui last I,nlli von taa c .111 -n 'Vidian In lii-ilil tl. ) win if. Ii inc. In your ili) iiclciiiuiii,nn in. i Vwira do i"i t all of 1'iir Hilorinsliou trim In tin litil 1 ui-of tin war cti-lu toil nrer ' tn tn car. Aalaor Hard. I Katii " Wlir. Jennie, Ton wltl mall M At.tl,tLian In ParU h.m th. nntlen. C.'.n1-. i. "7"! X.r," "ZTI to Contit the number of Word employed j v k-klma hir of anyllnn new but ha by th. iao.t celebrated writer Th. j ,.! 'W "'Sm" work of Corneille do nt cooUia more I Di a rrrat irsnr n to ut an. r t l..n "J OfiO flit-rent won' and thoo of ! '"niite the teainf for tl.fl ho than 7.lA)Uiaeret)l wore., anu tnoiw 01 ...u. i,,, ,aAi.ru ui kit iui-i. Holier 8.U0V. bhaicespeare, me most fertil and variml of KuglUh author, wrote all hi triHe and oimedien with 15,000 wordi ; Voltair and tloeth. employ 80.000. "Parsdis Lt" ouly contain 8,000, and the Old TenUment ay all timt k ha to ay with 5,CU word. Cor. lialtmioro American. Tai'klit a Umm, Th. folly of flirfcri with atranci ronn men i cnielly pUiu to a girl who work in a lor .1 dry aomh tore, where every clerk bm read a letter he wrote to a Worcester youni; mn, who cave a Cciitioti ntii nd aldn-a. The en Vfloiie contained the linn name In th. corner, aud when it wm et hack un claimed the Vtur hail to go tl nmnJ to fln4 th. writer. Springfield Hota Uad. ... kaat Ii baa USna ! ysani, l asi On a (Ima tuof awl lSUf lnf.wmsll.sl Im i iliK ul I'm dr; Td BMtlM-r Mr ttwt it is tl I tlmt mato h.-r aurb a fammi k....k.M,.r lii f aaail airrv ttisl It I Dunn I reollr liml.T nwo'ioe ni!.liliel as w harn wnt for ni.s-if ail ol liiem. lBn l I'lalnnsl (II Inr men. anollier all fur wnmsa, uii'l nwitlirr lor chiMrsu milr, w ok' Uns ..lie mil every on ol us; iml 1. 1 lAkiioui tnsleaul of wreral. Hid tlmt I where tl. tnnssnrnjr mimt In. for It I ouljr l- O yeir. fiT!)B;iS Jim inina l am iisi lai.i In my jimiwi Imt I will lis you " o irs. nr. ts"lr si ill. n-nil III rents Ui Hi !" Il-her, W. Jenninirs Is-iDonwC, 14 Kutl Ok Hirwt, Xi.w Vnrk, for snini.ln isijiv, i!nd I lia II alwnv cinul'b-r li st I bnv liimr jou ureal liivori and Itiaj- Iw foil lit tiei utllmr sit, as ynn aiy wuhav tl. niutaili.q i f fclu the lil liifirrme.1 Calmly In t"n. It txat Is. an. it a) Deumr' tawli kta- A lilx ral cillcr-oulv tU'O for Tin-: WKiiTLY jii:iMi.D nnd Demorcat Family Miifr.ir.lne. tyS'iul your .ubcriitiou to thi oflice. StCttSD SALE OF SAMPLE SHOES Another opportunity to buy lioea ut PACTOBY PRICES We take Dleiifure in nniioucinp; lo the people of Hnttnmoutrt and nurrouu.'ino- ownatliat wel.nve niirrrrcii-ci in ", n, Suino t- allot a. Our num-M with the In line pl.e.it.minal ami lii.a slim n anu p. , , ,e lim litle lo aecurc HOIllc of til ilieu weft- (...af.is-.....v 'F""-, . '.'. '.'it ,1,:.,,, ih,. il. t. da barira n tlint weollered. i"i" " ' ".7 . " ' " i i 1 ""'h" . . . n- i. r .i in.mil Mnu.. full line iiiiisisliiiir til li ,15. V"r"r eMenaiindslovaVhoeiof all kinda and of all d rrintiona Amoi.e tlic-m ia pair of boy. and !cn l-c.c.H, in wine acriptiona. ,..-'., .i,t wm ever "laid eve on." WC 'thi ht tenM-Wtrt'M frier, for al.oea .hat th. ahoea are ,,ol of any hiKh quality. Wo have among thcae a .or. that ar. 2 fioV.". any aliow5;, ciiy. e-Mtnnaic ; .1.-, and the alioea tliat you uuy oi u iuuo ...... - at the roat af -aluca and Kive you the worth of your moucy. When you fro to a alio tore your object lanotonly to buy abora Imt to procure for what you apend the i.e-t ihui vour monev will buy. I-aa thnn tbia will not content you; more than tin" you cannot, in rt a- on. afk. Our melluxln arc na j Dimple aa your deeirca. We do not lilt your cs net. isiiniis ii on; . iw""-! but we reuli.c llicni whatever tbey ire. We will never fnrritire your ind-ri'Mia lu oura nntl nowhere c le con yon jf1'1 a fuller and fairer .mivnlent for vour money. An t eperiully profitable ptirtliuae for von ia our etc.. boots, nil o n a on R SHEEVOOD. I SCI Main Street We sib Slill Gi?ii Great Um ii Mmt IIERK'S A FEW OF THEM: 25c 25c Chil'lrena Nat ural Wool Col or I'liiit ami I)ar-cr All Cliildrena all Wool bliirtM A Piawera All Sue. 39c Indie a Fine Mcrin ii Silk Tiiiniiied shirt and Dram era. 39c Mena I x t rj. Heavy K'ibl rd S li i r t a a u d drawer. WM. 507 Hiln Ftrcet HEROLD & SON. nittsmoutli, Kcb V 4 ... v