The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 20, 1891, Image 3
I i V --... f ' 1 f 1 v V: 7 L SliBVfvr , .-tAVlJ -! '' t'OUNry-HUUVEYOR A M i. civil enoini: i'.u ' ?.-ft with the enmity clerk -Alll be ' j UC'lIpl! Ullc-tl to. V 'l.iliAIUOUtll, N.-In-a.-dia PJPfv5' iLlil's peppekbekg. ; umoLEotiiE nun retail " DtALKU : III" ( .-choicest brands ok cicaks . '. or TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ARTICLES ulways in stock flattainouth, Nebraska F jRST : NATIONAL : HANK OK PLATTSMOUTIJ. JiKIIUASKA r! up Mji.titl - BijpiUH (on oniyi ', lU.lMI.U nthevrv bet furl 1 1 Mm fr the proiup tiiuii:liu ul ilitlm.its llankiug Business- (It'vkt.txiiirli.R'iM.irnvcrii'ii'iit "1 lieal ' rimiri. ii.iuiiiil m 1. K "Hi ri..i , Si-! iiitt-nsi !'"'( in tlif ciTiilio ! .' ifiji umwn, avuUi In my rt ( ' V;ii i ;.wi sua all tU principal tewns oi CCU.SCT101U MAPI AND rHOMITLf mIT TKU. B.u&est m'krt ' P"H t'r I'mutty Wm idui, atai- mm Couiiiy buuili. pfltlXTOUH ' ' 'ofln r-ltx' l, 1l.iw. worth ." in WukIi. V. K. Willie . ' ' lieorKS K. Dovey IU ri.M. o.Waiit-.h. I'rtide H'Ufi CAS COUNTY M.iln and Kllti turet t. rt1 iiei'M:il !" UIP.U- At WAi OFFICEHS 0. n. Piimels -rl(ti-ii1 r.t (i'ir..T Vice fi.Mi'J.i::! M. reii-vint ikmi'ii l'U. V " AHl LA'l.ltl IRECTOH3 v . el, .?. M I.t!enoti, Krel fiord r -I.i. 11 U u'u.h.n, II U ll.miul "I 11. II. II lUUll.lM. M. "'" J . v-'feiAOa I QSEE.L BAKX1KC BUSINESS "RAN3ATED ' i? AAreiitltAttltleifrw. In.r--.. nJ.--.1 on ttrae tnlt n l prniniil Mt.-atniiigir lo ell bue eo eutrutteU to IU eve. CLisiborla !n'a Ero aad Ck!a .Ointment A eertalfl euro far Chron!o Sow Eyo Tetter, alt Iiliena, 8M 014 . . Chrenlo Bores. Fercr Bores. Eczema, I'rf'h, rndrio EmtchM, Pore Hippie ' (. ud I'uia. it U C00II02 ana aoouiics. nandrodiofcasoshavobooa enrod by H It alter all otbur trcntmo&t bod tullsd, ' U a put op la 25 and W cent Lose 7 DEAFS y imI lit,l l T-heJjr .r lub If A I f DAI CAM r fflewiM aail tM-iml Urn tm keie 4 ; - i . . ..... ...... V CHATEUL COMFOKTING 1 Epps Cocoa UREAKFAST . - He thormKh knowlertre t h lel ' t.l.l. ..urn II. m ....r..ll..r.B l.f illvaul llfl ( '.WWHM.t HVI rn. vpn d nulrlllon en t l rurflul ri li'ilo i ' hM 1" i'i-' olt I.UHUIWI MUI- iui . giimi! nurrd brri e Ulrhinty i"eny ii' y nii"r imu. hi-... ..i r' iimf ndi en'flf n' iltri tliU ru- i, ull'.ii tuny be ruiillj nuiii up unui innui i t. I,, r. it fvi-rv r.l.Hl'.irt l.i rtt.ri. i.....liila i.f nutiil irflurtiM ere fl.'Mtta u I u rilv Im ll.k wlM'tl' r hrf ! e ' uk ri.l' l. e li MkiM r.nrn e Ml i . .h l. kiwlur i)m1 wi'll nr.iri il eiili i.i.u. 4 ... .1 -. I.I..HI r I v II oil i 1bIii. f.tiliie Mrl.Ml kim'ilV Hith , IM ntr i mil1", s'.ilil nm lu Iiit-pmu4 ' iih l.v rnwrii'f, inn'in limn . . .' t u .I'M l.i li.tu....' f'tiniUf l.yliuiui. ftrriimii i noonAnrTjiVAXTrn for .irl-DiiYLIGHr fc V ............j jiitftiiwfiintf I trp. A rl.' " "'" Hi'"" "K'tm"!' I , .ZTihII "It" " " I' '" iO-4 ( I "I'm. ''. t"l t-.irie.-H. t i. 1 vV "i 1 f...V r.u-'-.'i .-f I I ..h'-tof ni l LIl-,'i ':.-tr'li"M r.lin.".ir'i.mi-nrw a tM r w rt t ip.lH I"" fmr mry A i. . T. - nf - Mf.l 0 I wup.f.t fa.n.. . It. i Zlt- " . "1 w er-eve V r W.l lM H"r.. li l J '-I'lfi. ir..'- i w'i'i"i.OTii iiiii.iwllii,iiiw 1 Vt THS LEADING GROCER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. mm FREZH AND - IN SEASON ATTENTION FAKMKK3 I want your Poultry, Kfftrd, Hiit (it mid your farm product of till kind, I will pny you the hilit-Ht c.ihIi jirict I urn buying for a tirii iu Lincoln. R. PETERSEN, TIUv r.KAWNC, GROCER Plattamoiilh Ncbrankn P J. 1I:A:X:S:K:N DEAixn in STAPLE AND FANCY GUOCEniES, GLASS AND QUEENSWAUE Ftonai M a Specialty roiiHj ! th! I'ublo Solicited. JCHHS03 EU1LDIH5 iltl 5t- EW HARDWARE STORE S. L HALL A SON Repp ell klnd4 nf bullion herdaare en heed lid en til euppiy eimfe'-lim ua uiosi ur ureUle tere j TIN" ROOFING : frM"ilin end all ktnitu 1 tin work nrnrantlT dooe. urditre livta Uie coumLry Muilelied. (I ft-url St, rLATTSMODTn, NED. I'EUKINS- HOUSE, 217. 219, 221 and 223 Miia fiL, Plattsmouth - Nebraska EL IT E0U3, Proprietor, 1ne Pcrkine hu been tliorougblj renoT'ttcd from tup to !jttur eud 'i low one of tho boet hotole In the etata 3ieriKii wUl U Ukon bj tie week at i.50 and up. 300D BAR CONNECTED JHK CHIZKN3 BANK. n.AU:iMOCTlt NEIIKAHKA JepKtl Itock pe!4 Id Authoriiod Capital, f I09,ooo. - orriciuj HANK OARKUTH. J09. A. CON NO K, I'rtMtlfet. VIce-frcKi-iMni W. n. ennuis'. Caehler. DlkllTflRt freak Oarrnth J. A. Connor, V. K. flathineei i. W. Johanon, Henry Bfk. Johe tt'Keele W. U. Mnrrlere, W. WeUueaup, W. 1, (JiuhtuK. rnANCACT3!A ceseeal basiikb edsikd luMteertlflCA'i'iof dpH' b(er1ri lt'eifl Lut J nuJ tile excluuif , r.inmjr ena ni.y ii. .ii I .it ) ' iiiu.-', lt$ 3Wm Uu f rnwv, Ae. M'W n a .'"'o i, fjor im ui. fnm $1.10, $ e-.rtt. . no mm Ml A r.f i. ffkil., XJI7i"wiriUBtt Cfr, ee i wM. MT-t-goiii. aa OF DAILY AS-.Ij.ViKK TRAINS GOING EAST N". .Nil 4. . Nil. .. Mil IU . Nn. 13.. Nu. M.. n't P II ....! ;.ll ,t m . ....I ; II i, in v i n .i. in In : i e t. ii -m A. II 0,. ,.3M til . : .j i 'i ..'i Ii . in . T II I, in . n li, ill . .. :l." ii. n t. -I ... Ml. 'I. II ., UlsMUUi i:u:ien; iuiliui' TIMI3 CAKI. N'. .1st Aco imii lu'l hi l.ciivi'it Nn. .mi " bii iv , lr.ihn dully econt 'Uimiiv. .ln.-.V. it m. . 4 ,uo p. in. secuet sonarJit KNIIilliS Of I'VUIIai liaiimiia I.U. No. 47 M 't-t-vrv Vciliii..,l,iy eviilnf i ilii-ir Ii II In I'.tr in- h a (ru'ii All i hum Kniini Hri eunlli ly '"v ii-il in n'lcinl I!. I!. lill I!, i : tl rtiivv. K I! M. A,. U. W,., Mi..-I tl r-t iiinl tlil.,1 Irl.l iv Ul7ltrf l 11 HI, HI II l Ii. A It. I In II.K'kw ink .-'k. I'-nik VennliyiM, ,t, W. I), E tupnule, Itt-eordt-r. A O IT. W No. H4-M1-W ii, I ui!il liiiirlii Kri'ltv v .dim In the in iiiHi :ii i;. a ' lin'l mi It i kw hiiI IiI mk, li. ,j. Muiui, At W, K, I', lirnvrn, K ili-r, 'It 'VN vM-r.,.. i',, ii s,. i,i M-t't at lh K, ..f in in . I':miii.t - it l TU( IHncH ovt'l- I lin-tliri'ii liivili'il llnrv k I'lMr Vlll l.t'J II. rol l, Ki -nl i I lin w allium, .s-cii-iniv. :tS l.'HI iH. N. i ,,, ,... ,, . , rr fl1 I IV ll'jilt at lh,.r hill I., l.i.,.,.,.. Mifk. All iMd Kllnw. ari- y ii'.-!t.-,l 1 a. W.liniU... Si-rT-laiy.1; r. THS OLD nCLlASL-. .A. fl)iinf;!e., Lath, Sab, Doors, Blinds Cn mipilj errw demiind of the city. Cull and u"'t tonus. Fourth, etrei-.t in ri:ur of ovcnt Iiouko. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER - AND- V,. .'.if. 1 A .1 r r I u - UNDERTAKE Cruiteritly kt on band eTcrjtbla ton oed to furnlnh yoor honea co rms a aixTa an kus rmmy PlattSOlDUt Neb For Atchirtfton, St. Joseph, Leavea- worth, Kansas City, Ituis, aad all jioiuts uortii.euet south or west Tick- ' is seld aad bag gage checks! t any point la the United States r Canada. Far INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND KOUTKS Call at Depot or address II, C. Town.sknp, O. P. A. St. Louis, Ms. J.C. PtiiLLirri, A. O. P. A. Omahs. II. I). Ai'(;ak. A ?t., Platlsinoutli. Telephone, 77. 7TE AT It AUKE-T1 F. II. ELIXNHAUM, Prsp. The best of fresh meat always foui in Uiirt inurkeL A I it') iresh Kgs and Itulter. Wild gaaae of all kinds kept ia tkeir seunoit. Lumber Yard mm L:7 i i r. jmr IT:' . m e . m. SIXTH BTITfcrr Pfl T -llARKETl "1- . R.rrwo' y-.(r lice Trou. , J0Br'I tl F.rowu. who worLH iu the Itiinlii-i ncii Uiilrtun, 1'it.. came iutit tn-tn At, id f.'.it i V." illiiiin b'ljniivH to,D wit 'i !(im tn li.ihl J;!ji tn help him fT'ith"' tin :pvn fj.;im a intt he naiil lit- Lad iiwi (-".. cl ou m vky in fnriii thi woo l.i. "I ' tint lW tuzzin' in th tr.-u wliilrf wittt tvj roils hwuy from it,," Brov-Ji iiiid, "of wouldn't Lavo din covi'd it." 'J'ui! m:'ii too! with them three patrct pilil :i to hold the I4 tijey, an us to cut lilt tri e down, uud a lot of Milphur to burn in tin' hoilo.v for thi iur;Mihe of nnioth eriilit tlio IxrH. iiiown led tlie way to tliti Irt-o, but tlu-y ruuld not lifitr tiic limiimiii T!i' tri-! bit v-'ith l!:;' ux mid the! litiirii;ii!K nlruck up nniitt-i.ii-ali'ly mid ho ioml nn to uliil'lln tlio two uifU. Tlii-y found titiir tho bottom of the trunk a liViu win-re tint ncciipants of tin trrf I11I tuudf thflr tiitraun" und thu riuipiiul' iil t Vittn ri.-i!'teil thti'u, .liid tttillui' fuiiit-H went up into the hollow trt ti. For it tiint! tun buzziM; in.side was tfrrilic, but j'ladu.illy irruw faiutt-r and fainter iilhi. nulpiiiir had its deadly ef fect mid linally ceased entirely. "Now r. e'll cut her down and gobble that htuc!( of houej-y" t.'iid linnvu. The tree wan choped down, 11 ml when it fi ll and ili. phijed it.s hollow interior tliet .vobet) hunters wen not only tuir pritie.i, hut dw,'ttfted. In; tend of layi r.4 of r:e!i honey tiiey weru ureelcil l ytlio i;-ht of 11 tan;;led iiiamof rattlesnal:ei, which hud Leen Miltocated by tilt Mil phur f n 11.i t.. Tlie rtli::k( a had ( lioscn lU noiii.w treo for thi-ir winter Immo. ' were tifty'iht larp,t rattlern uud eilit blacltciiaki'S, u puiT uililer, and tliree coppi rlii adit iu tint collection. The noii-e la-own had tiior.;;ht was the br.xz in of wild lit-tts was mailt hy tiut rat tlin; of raft!estia!:es in chorus as he, w:ia pas- in;;. Urovn nn 1 Hiinirea will Ret uhout two gallons of oil out of llmrattlo naal.'es, whieh will lift them l;t leu.-d trl'W. bd their .queer bet tree will pall out a tioo i day'B woiit niter all, Cur. Now York Sun. Ilurlrtl Clllii of New Mnleo. "New Mexico mid Arizona offer as Ureal 11 field for arc!ia'o!oi.tit aa do tlie lands v. hent tint umpires of ancient tlaya flonrinhed," r.anl W. 1. Metcalf, of Al buquerque, N. M. "An expedition IiTt Albuquerque only a fewdays lyo to Keck for treasure, which tniditiuue ray in to be found at Oral) Cjuivern, 100 milea from that city. Ueloru the pilruue landed at Plymouth Hock there were Unumhiu3 -settlements of white men alon the Uio ( iramlt. Corouado, in his history of tho explorations made us early uji 15-10, wrote of the (even cities of Ciliohl, descrihin them us of fabulous wealth and luaniticent bounty. The ruins ut Urun (juiver.t are believed to be the ruins of one of tlio:-e cities. "Coroimdo told of abundant gold and ti. . u.r.rra in !1 of thtrt oil tes. And many expeditions have explored about Qui vern. The ruins indicate that a urecity r.tood tin ro. The liHKtoue walls murk out the sites of palaces, monasteries and churches. A curious tuin Is that ut wnier can be found for fifty miles uronud the site of the old city, although treasure seurchers Lave boueycombed the laud trying to seenre a supply of wuter. No treasure has ever been found there, but the belief thut it is located there ante dates any traditions of the Mexicans or Indiana Just what prospects induced the last expedition to start oat 1 do not know." Chicago Tribune. ChlctKo's Ulghed Dulldlet. The bighettt building in CKIcaco at preseut (and ona which is not built on the new Chicago con.- tructiou gysteni) is the Anditonnm. IU loftiest point is 296 feet above the sidewalk. The Fair build ing, now almoat completed in one sec tion, measures 41 feet to the coping, and it is poxdbla thnt it will be carried higher to sixteen or eighteen stories. The new Mstoniu temple will liiettnurd, over all, 274 feet This is cotmtrncted entirely on tho new system. Tho Ashland block Uieamres 210 feet to the coping; the Woman's temple, whose topmost stories are now being finished, toweii 20U feet from the ground; the Manhattan, i l'J8 fw-t; tho Mousduock, 131; the Hen ning aad Speed block, IU2; tlie Alwtract building, 1'JO; the Chamber of Commerce block, ISO; tho Home Imraranoe, 173; the Tacorns, 173; the Northern hotel, 171; the Rockery, 14; the Owing blok, 1U1; the Rand-McNally, 148; the Chicago Opera honse, 10-). ami tbs L. Z. Leitct budding, 133 feet Harper's Weekly. The Utl MtMitmeth In May, IfaSX). there died st reritrnat (Ain) a retired captain of artillery muaed Li-sgonrgnos, knight of the Legion of Honor. HisdOtf, a snuaiul, answering to tbs tiaras at lllack, accompanied the funeral proeeeaion to the cmetery of LWbor-a, Cvsriiaee thedatof inter ment Dlack has walked the distance of nine miles which separate Perig-nat from laernore, climbed over th wall of tbs crmsterj, and gone to lis down on thai gray of bis m as tor every day at the same hour. Neither ths stone throwing of th Tlllsire children nor ths efforts of passers by to draw off his attention bars prevented ths accomplishment of bis self Impound task! For the Ut sixteen months Black has performed this daily pilgrlrnsgs in all wosthiirs. La Tribune d Geneve. Telacniph atetlatlee. Aooordiuii to statistics furnished at the lojt u;.i.u.d tnu'liu of the Wuttern L'uioq cmt-puDy, mesasges have in emitted from 5,hVJ,i in 1H07 to 50.1-i.H,-8!8 in 1141. 'i'liu nuuipts during ton same time Lave nsrrn from (-l.&ijrt.V'JS to Ja,0S,i".!l The avtrm.e tolls fur wiges have uet-rv K-ed from 1017 in ItHiS tw W.9 in WA, while ths srernse cer.t l tlie ooinpnn;. of si'h Mesai.t bss bceu rHlnot.d from 3.4 to S3.S. U-Alek rS-toxPhfc To latest achievement In "Instanta neous" photography httvs been tits (salt ing of t wt,n, -lour different picture of s tVg during th l.itorvsl butween it loAf-intf and enabling on the ground in Uie action of jumping.--New York Ke-eordor. ,.i - Climbing Al mint .In In Tno biyheht mountain in Iceland ws wended sminnor for the first timi. The uuceei-vi'ul mountaineer was Mr. V. V. W. Howell, who was encourage .1 when he' started for Iceland by inform,-!.-. tioii from tho I'.oyul ieointpliieal bo . ciety tliut the diiliculties in itie way tf c!iu.l.inir tint Oiwfa .lokitll wer unji. posed to he insuperable. The mountain ; is near thu eoulheast coast, and is an lay lo.-in' t-i-ht from the sea. Mr. I lowed in.ide an iitteinnt in IS'JO to climb tlie ti!ouucaiii, but wan defeated by the weather. 1 On Aiij?. 17 lust he left Euudfell, a settleiueiit on the coast near the base of the mountain, ut 4 a. m., when I of course it was broad daylight iu thai latitude? lie wu-t accompanied by two Icelanders as porters, lid struck the Know slopes ut 10 a. iu., and it took him nine hours und a half to reach the top of lite luuiinlai.'i w'uo.-e sides are quitu ntccp and covered with ice and miow. j Thon'U this mountain is tlie highest in Iceland, iu elevation was found by Mr. Howell to be only O.'t.VJ feet, but j owin to tlie latitude tlie phenomena of tiie snow slopes compare most favorably I Willi thot.'.t of mounlaiiis lU.dlWI feet biyli ! in Switzerland. Mr. Howell tuys the icicle galleries in tie' upper creviu-ses are ; particularly liue. This is undoubtedly one of tin mott nieicssful feats of ' nionii'.aiii climbing of the year, for the ! mountain pr-sents us many difficulties I ns imy of tlie Alps wit) two or three ex ceptions. It is comparatively ea:iy to as cend Mount Ilecla, uud tho climb is made every once in u while by ouo or more tourist. New York Hun. I.lfn In ( i New Vnrk. Ono night ubimt tliree weeks n;;o Oeorgc Ceon, Frederick Khepp uml Fred erick Oott, farmers refilling near North Maiilius, had liu-ir hai ni ;.cs uud lobes stolen. Of tiiey were unnoyej mid anxious to catcli the thief, uud, s miowhut inclined to believe iu tin mys terious, .Sii.pp and dolt went to a Syra cuse fortune teller for information, fche took their money and informed theui that they would lint tho harnesses on the premises of some one whose first name James, t-'i-r-'ted in a barrel. They thought of the Jameses in their vicinity. There was ueigubor James Ilich and neighbor James Wright, the latter a well to do farmer, and they gut u war rant from a Collamer justice to search the house of the first James uud one of the bams of tho second James. Tho officer who had the warrant did so, accompanied by Mr. Oott uud Mr. Wiepp. liut the harnesKos were not touud, and now James Kicli promises to make it interesting for Oott and rihepp. He claims tiiey dug np his cellar, scattered his potatoes around uud did other mis chief of this character, and made no eilort to put things in us good shape as they found them. Ho wants daiiiiiires from the two gentlemen, and says be will nsk the court to grant bis request nnli-ss Cott and Shcpp walk up and pay. Madison County Times. A Unettloo far Enall-Oi Lawyers. A correspondent raises the question whether a retired judge can practice at the bar, and goes ou to any: "The point is sn interesting one, sntl if report speak truly it is not unlikely to be raised by ths action of Mr. Justice Hawkins, who, on his retirement next month, it Is said, will resume bis old role of advocate. There is no precedent for an English judge appearing again at the bar after retirement, bnt it is not an uncommon thing for an Indian or colonial Juuge to resume practice when he bus left the bench. Thee officials, however, are in an entirely different position to their English brethren, and their example connts for very little. "The absence of an English precedent is much more to the purpose, and it would probably be considered concluhive by the bar committee if not by tho judges before whom the qnestlon might be raised. Anyway, it would bo decid edly unfair fora judge who had received a handsome pensiou to enter into compe tition with his struggling professional brethren who bad yet a career to make, to say nothing cf the awkwardness of the sitnation which would be created." Yorkshire (Englnud) Post A Hewed rink. A peculiar fish was brought into this port Monday by ths schooner Mildred V. Lee. The fish is nearly oval in shape, with a very short tall; Is 8fc feet in length, 2) feet in width and weighed 112 pounds. When taken from th water it wm of a bright red color, and the mint ia about the color of salmon. Th body except the Wtttd Is covered by simtll scale, and the back is covered with light spots. On either side of his back is a peculiar tins, resembling a st:ar, as IT be had been cat and stitches taken in th wrmnd. Th fish was taken on La Ha lank in a trawl In 800 futhom of water, but nothing tiks it has ever btn landed here before, neither can a fish answering Its doAtcriptloa be found iu ths publica tions of the fish commission. Gloucester (Maes.) Times. A atsdent el Hamaa fcatare. Mia Bliiapanie Why in the world did yon tell Mrs. De Fashion we had summered ia Europe? Mr. laiimpurso Yon don't suppoe I'd confiut to hnr thut we d been economis ing In Frogtowu, do you? Not uiach. Mrs. Bbmpnne But, dear roe, she'D tell others, and before long all sorts cf people will tt asking cs about Europe, aud we haven't either of us aver been .t of Rui ly Uook. Mr. Kiimrurso Don't yon fear. Tell people ytm'y just got back from Europe ard they'll change the subject quicker than a wink, for fmr yon II start talking abont it New York Aftr many UUs it Is now shown that enlor can b (Iran to cotton while growing, and a bcantlfnl red Variety of this arCol 1 now being raised In Oeoryia. Hurreyors at work on tit OiU river In New Mexico claim that tbey bare die- 1 00 re rJ a moaiitaia of par alum mil j ituu at th base and 3,000 feet high. ""fif f;ittrnjiM 11 1 1 f ' "" 1 i v.n '." ' . 1 , . V Maitcs-'; vent. 1 '. I;. Tlie IioUUiii; ry the World's 1-air in .i i-y -eenifi . 1.1 1. jeuis old will tie. a reiiiiirliulilc event, but wllelher it will really benelit tltia rulifin i iiuu li iiM Hie dbcovery of (lie h'ei-t'inilive Nervine bv Dr. l-'viinkliifMilen'tx doubtful.' fhrn in )i!ft-wllirtt tilt .Art .iri-;liiYVilMilrtl to cine (heir cjcoIvp iVciVtiui-iK'tlH, tlj i-iIii,i;i, JjiisdiKlie, diu'.iueet, MeepifHfnei, lieilin;...ji. iicivoii.v ' lnl.! . tTtillim.-". Cf- vj(in of C.' etc. It ii;" ' ' , Hit , .- wwiui ItoiH-il tt mim,, . . fAf lit 1. O I richt i ( o. Ii f li ailtrd Inrnn in r.-, rV.uiii, f J,tv ordiinrer ouh drugs. , t i 1 W jnderf erful. I,. U . Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis ;i prominent dealer in j;eneriil liiercliiintliM. iiikI who nine fevernl iteddlin v!i;r.)iiM, bud one of his iiirs.) lindly cti( uml burned with a Inriiit, The "wound refimcd to iienb I be Iion c lieoiime lame nnd Miff I I t v w i 1 1 j t .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LT cnrefiil ii tt iit iota :itid Hie iipplicutioii of remedies. A liiend liuiiiletl Sawyer pome of I Inller't Hal I) Win; Linenient, tli inot wonderful thing' ever kiw to lieul siicli wouikIh. He nppliid it only (luve liiiiept and Ihe rore wus einiiplett'd licnletl. K(ii;illy jood for nil cors, eiltH, ItriiHett, uud woundH. 1'or Hiili! by nil druiHt f Cure f- r Painlwsis. I'rank Cornel iin, of Purcell, Ind. Ter., niyn: "I induced Mr. Pinnoii, wIiokc wife lintl piiralywiH in the f;ic to buy 11 bottle of Cliuniljerhiin't Pain iJaliii. To their rent biiprit-a lielore the botile lui'l nil been lined -he wan 11 preut (leal belter. Her I'iici; lind been drawn to one Hide; but the Pain Jhihn relieved (ill pain und HorcneKH. and the mouth otniKd it.s nut tiriit Khnfie." it is ilfo a certain cm o for rheiiinn(itia lame back, KpraiitH wl I i 11 tv nnd'. rl cent boltieH for sal by F. G. FrickciVCo., Ui ti';y;inla. 181)2. ILLUSTRATED. Ilarpcr'a i'h b journal for the home, It irivcH the latest in- formatinu with ml;.iii1 to the I-'ukIi- ioiih, nnd nn numerous ilIiiFtra- tioii8, I'ariH defiffiitt, ur.d paltern- beet Piiiipletnenbi nre intlit-pens- able alike to the home drops-maker and Hie profetmional modiste. No expence i Kpared to make it artis tic iittractiveiicsH 01 tlie. Inffliest order. Itn briyhest utones, iiiniiB- iii(r coineilien, and thoughtful cs- -nyH t-atiefy all InnteH, and it.s hint jiiijit is famous an u budget of wit md humor. In it weekly insuea verythiii.'.' in incliitied wltieli in of titeiet-tn tt women. The Serials ,'or lS'j'J will be written by Waller Heeant nnd William lllack. Mra. Olipluint will become a contributor. Marion Hurl amis limely lalks. Lav In nnd Lav Out," arc intended for Mairons, anil Helen Marshall North will enpeciully uiltlress trirlw. T. W, llitrtrini'on, iu "Women nnd Men," will please a cultivated audi ence. 1 . HARPEER'S PR10DICALS HARPKR S MAGAZINE f4 ( HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 0 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 Ofr PoKtujre free to all subscribers us the United States, Canada aud lf a. The volumes of the Bazar beeriri with the iirst number of January of each vear. Wlienno time is men tioned, subscription will bejrin with the numlic r current at the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper Haar for tliree years back, iu nent . cloth Liii'lin;, will be nent by mail, postage paid, or by express, tree of expenee (provided the ireii;bt does exreeil one dollar per volume), for 57.(10 per volume. Cloth ciihch for each volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1.1)0 each. Keinittanre should be made by Poet Oflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper are not to copy thin advertisement without the expresa order of Harper & brothers. Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS, New York. The volume oi the Maiasine be---riii with the Numbers for June and tiiiie is specilied, subscriptions will bi'cin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Msj-nsune for .three years bnck, iu neat cloth binri 'inff will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3. j'er volnm-t. Cloth cases for binding', -50 cents each- by mail pout puld. I.ndies who use coemetlcs or pow ders to cover tip or hide a bad com plexion, do not know that O. JI. iinvderenn furnish them with Blush of Roees, which is clean water, puri fies the skin, and positvcly removea Muck heads ami nil skin tliseiteeB takes the shiny look from the face and whitens it soon a applied la Lit? 1: 1 Wai.'.i' & uii t a-ij umi Youii a nci-j" old ur r..f r III II 1HI IDliS Hr INI S'Hrll l Rf It.lA&U JTntJ VttA btMtt ril M fTtt tbtatt4vn VOSHAKEOPFThEHOnmO S U.9J d 'Ptlr a it tl . Inu. innf OUR NEW EC3X m.I Irw., o pt4. ilwt I rlllaltM 14 ."" Ut t-tiu-stpnr ouu- l Ml ASltlll W tA. e".t mm, im r MOMC IhlAIMtNY, T ta.taiAa wilwlralr " VI, it, Ww4 ! J -o.t ft-IIIM -..-. S-air.l tA Sir.iat r. Hitttr, vIihi tl HA Ml. Hi ll it trrw r SitttiM. S;nlcA ar v. - . -! s S-nla HulMtl fcerne.. :. . l.UL.UTi-ritk.w-;AI.Vnjttf. eAHI A r AUTA r( 1 Jill B -)U1 H All lt--rrt .4. W l.lft t M t) T.nlu.,1 ' ,1 n . '. . n.,. ,.,.in.i ..f-JI..,.'iM--'l rf.1 1. rtm LRlSMEDtCAliCU.bUrtr-HLU.U.Y j I VoUViUiWfvu VMS d -T.t . T.l'r. i. , . 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