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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1891)
T - 3 . I' 1 Phtbinouth Daily Ilerall KNOTTS BROS, Publishers PuWtihe.t fvoryTliH.-id.iy, and dully ererj wnlnKaxnept Sunday. Kliten-J ai.riiu, ISeh. po--aT.wifiir toece-ili'ion lU.-oujiii the I.'. -W. Jt sm-nod cl.mi rM'Hji. omi-ecnruer VtntAifiItui cli. Ms eopv, mm y:u, in a.lvnnrn... US" Se eopy, one, nut la admir I1 dip;-, six mnntiif. In advitiicn T' se e:?r. t!ir.i m.-fith. la a-tviacs. ... Tf UM FOB DAIL1 fla wp oiift f ir in tv .iic I" " nsc ii'y PT ek. by c.irrler ne eiipy, per nmmh fKirAY. NOVEMUKR Is!"- but to Rive to tlii-tn freely of their own bounty. Let all the people re joice. In testimony whereof I have here unto set iny hand and canned to be ufilxed the rent xeal of the Mate. Done at Lincoln thi Ulh uy of November, in the year of ;our Lord one thousand ci-ht hundred mid ninety-om-. of the state the twenty fifth and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and H'fieenih. Uy the Governor: si:al.1 Joh M.Thayek. JOHN C. ALLK.V, Sec"y of State. TE BEET '.R INDUSTRY. A few weenn fcin-v. Ji- " published n Btateinent from a for mer biijfar beet grower in Germany, who wart in Cans county visiting friend, to the elfect that the eoil of Ciims county wua better adapted to the growing of beet than wart Hod of hirt nal've country ;ple. beets 'nest pril- pcrhnps demand of our own peop Nebraska alone hart lair uvailable for growing J t t i:... il.fiii'Ml need rli-ewhere to n,dy a tenth of thedomchUC demand. "The MntiMiiCH of what ha been accomplished in the brief time nines-' the beet au'iir industry was started in the United State.i purk the wisdom and expediency of piviti every proper and practic al aid a ii J encouragement to the Industry, It development means the remunerative employment of a vast amount of capital and labor, a Bource of (jreat benefit to the farm ing interest of a number of Mate, and our ultimate independence of foreign countries for a eupply of one of the necci-Harief"." NOVEL TEA CLOTHS. tViOI-Anoalutad Talila Rhll Without Thxts I'leml Arllel. Striped silU tea elollm are a novelty Ladies can easily make these"up them selves by buying the striped corah Hut the prettiest of nil am. Ihe flas thread embroidered tea cloths The' lints of Ahe threaiU arc an varied t!i;;l t!ie most beautiful effects can be produced Soft blues, apricot tints, yellows- they are ah so bewitchinjf it l ilifileult to choose in looking til a box of these Uireaila !y sUetciiins out a cleslj,'ii. then veinintr the Cower and leave mid overcoming tbeed'c. a pretty effect can be pro- Bucklen'a Arnica Sulvs. Tnit Bust Sai.vk iu th world fur I'uU D , ItruiK-m, Sunn, Ulcer, Pnh Kli. uni. !' Vii i Surtu, Totter, ClmpiM-1 II-nnl", (.!liitilnii)s. Ourr.n, and all Skiu I'ruTtioii,J, and ni ' lively curt 6 Pilm, or tin my inpurrd It ii uiiitraiiti'cd lu liivo nulinUcnou, in ' moiiiy rcrnnded. i Price S-'in-ni 4 p, r bei ' Kor t!u by K. 0. Fricke At Co. It will cowl you nothiiuf ail Kiirclv do voit rood, if you h, t'oiuh, C !d or any li onble ) Throat, C'heM or I.un;;. Dr. K'i New Difeovcry br t'on.mniiy fmi(;lifi oild Col N i j;uai-;ml H" PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION I!y the president of the United rates f America: A proclamation. C irt a very Rlad incident of the warvelom prosperity which hart ro-.vned the year no-.v lira win.? to n Slo:; that i'.rt hopeful und reufnur- ti touch hart been f It by all our' peopl . It has been art wide art our mint.-y, and fi npecial that every koine hart felt it comforlin? infli: ice. It irt tor) Kreat to be t!:e work f a -n'rt power and too particular H v the device of hirt mind. To 6.iJ, the beneficent and all wise, who make th : laborrt of men to be k-ui.iul, redieais their loe.rt by his grar , and the me.uuire of who-c roveruinir irt as much beyond the BioiiehtH of man ac it in beyond hirt deacrtM, liie pf.iim aad gratitude, of fce people of this favored nation re justly due. Now, therefore, I, Uerjamiii arrirton, prerticlent of the United tatert of America, do hereby ap point Thursday, the '.'i-'.h day of Kovember present, to be a day of jnyful thankrtivinto God for the kounties of bin providence, for th frace in which we are permitted to ujoy thens, and for the preserva tion of tho:ie inrttitutions of civil od reliiotirt liberty which He vni-f nor fntherrt the wi-dom to uJevine and establish and ii the cnurarre to nreserve. Anion? the ppropriate observances of the day re rest of toil, worship in the pi'b- lw- rin.rre!ration. the renewal of - r - timilv tie about our American resides and thoughtful helpful ena towards those who Hiifier lack f the body or of the dpirit In testimony whereof I have hereunto net my hand and caused the nealof the United Stale to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 13th day of November, in the ear of our Lord one thousand ight hundred and ninety-one, and ml the independence of the United ii;.lprt the one hundred and ix teenth. I5ENJAMIN HAkKIrtOX. Hv the 1'rcnident: lAMEd C, BLAIME, Secretary of State. THE GOVERNOR THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Now. more than ever have the people of Nebraska most convin in? reJHonn for lifting their hearts in gratitude to the Supreme Kul f the universe for the untold blcn in? they have enjoyed durinn the year which in now chawing to close. The disastrous effects of th irouth whichafllicted some portion f the state a year ao have been followed by the sunshine of pros perity. The windows of heaven were op.ied; the rains ceme nnd ow the earth has responded with a most abundant increase; the la kors of the husbandmen have been aaoet lavishly rewarded; the fields kavc been almost weighed down with grain the trees with fruit the granaries arc now full to re pletion; now vigor and energy have keen infused into department of human effort; joy sits in the hearts f the people where there was lumentatiun a year ago: general health prevails and peace reigna within our border. It is most becoming, as well the performance of a scared duty, that all tdiould manifest in a public manner their uppreciatio f f nnd ti.eir gralilude for these prieelesrt blcscinga. Now, therefore, 1, John M.Thayer, firertior of the state Nebrnskj, do hereby depjgnati Thursday, the 'X 4.iy of tiie present mouth, as a day f thanksgiving sad prjiise to the " t J Iili fir Ilii f.tlinly cars vf r tin and for I1U tender mercies. I tnoi-t earnestly reipiest all the people of this commonwealth to abstain from ail secular employ ment on that day and assemble in their several places of public wor ship and offer up thanksgiving and song of jiraise to His holy name. Ia accordance with this beauti ful custom families will be reunited, social and fraternal iulliienree w ill prevail and the lirarta of all should be made fc'ad. I beg those with an abundance not to forget the poor and r.redy Clement Fcutt Coming tu Amtrlra. A privato letter from Londoa brin tin. iii'iirninliuii tli-'t (lli'lnent Scott. t!u' ' draiuutic critic of tlie Loinlon Tel. irnip'i. Those , j, (ll viciit America tliia wiuter. Mr. our county fair ran . B-ott is on-j of tins Wnt known fir-t who irtitel testify that Carts county sugar been wero placed on cxhib.tion which, for bi.e and quality, could rarely be exceik-i. This nhould not only stimulate our farmers, to u diversification of their products, but our public spirited business men hhotild take the necessary Meprt to secure the location of u factory here, thu.rt materially bene- titliiij: our Lille city and (surround ing country The United Staten produced lat year oYZZ'.lZD pound of Ktigar, which wart u trillc lees than one seventli of total uinouut of sugar imported to thirt conn try. This great umoiint of eiigar, for a certain season of the year at lea-t, ,is controled by a b.ijigu nic-.iopoly, ia co!iseji-nce of which we are compelled to pay exhorbitant prices for what we con sume. Now .with the encourage mentolfered by the provisions of the McKinley tarill law there is no reason why, with proper exertion, this suar could not be produced honor. Foster Cuates in Nw York Mail America, thus rendering our- uad Uiprcss. selves indepenpeut of the monop- ly, diversify our industry and ive additional employment to American labor. The Pillowing from the Omaha lice with refer ence to bed Migar production will be found interesting: The phenomenal growth of the beet sugar industry in the L nitcu .stales during tiie last four years is attracting attention us giving promise of a time, not very remote, when the domctic production ol sugar will oc equal to the demand. The official statistics show that in lv7 the total production of the beet sugar in this country amounted to only 4'JIJ,fJt) jMJunds; in 1SS the total had increased to alout 3,X),0U . . . i ' . t i r uio'liters la tlii umusii capnai. us is ktcat, gray li.tirt-d, hurt a gray innstache, we:irrt eyci.nn uml Irt rated tlio best authijrity oil tiie drama in Knghirnl. lie h-j. many fri-.i!'l. l:it nil army of en emies, lie li;n inii'le aud nauiaili! many plarriglili nnl uctur.v Ills drunuitie cd'.uian U etill re,-arai-d r.i the stauJar 1 untlmrity, in I bin nrticiu i nrvoa'iy nwaiteil af.'-r the p-rfonnatieu of a new rl.iy. Uin jivl;nin-iit it usually goo.1. Hi tiuusag""l deal of fault, but is In j, raise furif ixl work. A nien para-'ra; li from l.itn will boiiic- timcs intan live pound inciru a week on the :dary i.f oiiw denervms actor or iietrcs v. lio U little known nnd not np-pni-iatcd, and hit coiiJemnntion of a new iilay 1 usunlly tlio cna oi tiie vea- ture. Tiik'-n all in all li in regarded an eminently fair utid just. He lias never used Ins twsitioa to Injure any cue What ho hart dono has been from con scltcliusj uiniiTes, Mr. Scott is a patient (Indent cf the draraa. He lias the bct-t tueutncal library In Knjland. He will be warmly welcomed lu America, for be bus been particularly ajrreeublu to American actors and actresses, and many dinnen and recentioni will bo given In his ll it We have 'old Kly's Cream ISalm about three years, uml liave re commended its use in more than u hundred special cases of catarrh. The unanimous answer to our in cmirii'H i -It' the tiest remedy that t have ever used." Our experience )h, that w here parties continued its never fails to cure. J. 11. Montgomery, & Co., Druggists, De- corn h, Iowa. When I began using Kly's Cream Hal in my catairh wan so bad 1 had hcadr.che the v.hclc l.iv.c ar.i -:-chifged a large amount ol filthy matter. That dins iilmost entirely disappeared and have not hud hcad nche science.-J., Conn. f,ive relief, or money v back. from found it just tiie tiling its use covery expem how m ! a i ' free n l;. Store, I.ioi' ill l-I J. a (' tind hud a sp-cdy nn.lj'i r Ti V a anij il fol i I e mid b; i; f,,r yont it in. 1 i ,a . t -.l,. 1 bottle A Co. Drug i. ml Are joil made miiu'rable ty indi .'(mi. i, i. roiiMtiii.ition, di.ini'Hrt, r.i-s f riTit.elite. Yellow f-kinl' b.h's Vitalier is a posiiivu I-or nalc by J-. G. Fricke .V Co. Mil- cure. A ChifltM tiirnor. Tshnnr Yno, th governor of the pro vince cf tliHntnn, who died recntly w one of the highest dignitaries of the Gt.cstial cini'irc. He bad a highly ad venturous career. Horn in lowly posi tion, he was olilig'J to flee In his youth on nrcount of hiiviii'' luumrrvd luo bl mentor of im old man. He became a robber and soon stood at the head of all the brigands who madj the province of Hnnan unsafe. When, during the re bellion, th chief town of the province was threatened, the governor issued proclamation In which ho promised the hand of bis daughter to the man who would ave the town from tin enemy. At the head of 000 bandits, Tkhanjj beat ol the attack of the rebel, and led borne on the next day, a a reward for his bravery, the almond eyed beauty. dueed; but, better still. If you have ins time, is to darn the whole background with one tin, "Hand made dumakk" in a new name for some dinner cloth This work only differs from the darned backirroimd in bewrj (I me closer, only one thread of the linen beinif cauht up I at a time Conventional patterns looU better in t'.:i vurk. 1 he example gi . ., .!.( .t -l I. ....... n.t en Irt a Uliu ncnnn. wuti iac uuunijiuuuu of the l-irrer done iu liirht blue, the pattern outlined in pold color, the cen ter with t)i exception ol lae ornaineni left white, und the ornament filled in with blue uud outlined with koIJ. M Y. Tribune Miles Nerveand Liver Pills. Act on n new principle-rcgi. lut ing the liver, stonirrh nnd liowcU through the uervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' fills speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, aonstipation. Uiieijualed for men women, children, mnii'lcst. inidest si.u-sl! TjII closes, 2.V. Sam)lcs free i't 1'. G. I'ritke & Co s. For many years Mr. H. 1'". Tlmmp son, of D-.-s Moines, Iowa, was se verely aldicled with chronic iliarr hoea. He says: "At litnert it wn very severe; m iniich so, that 1" leiHTi it would end mv Hie, auuui seven years ago I chanced to pro cure a hot He of Chamberlain i ((.lie. Chiller!! nod lhurtiioc Kcmedv. It gave me prompt relief uud I believe cured me permanent ly, ns I now eat or drink without harm anything I please. I have also used it in mv family w-ith the best resul' i. 1-or sale by F. O. 1'i ickie A Co. k 'A t Y i . ft'- HOUSEHOLD NOTES. Is- a hot I W V I 77 - i r t. i i r -i v v s i- - -i x i i -UN .'-v -x '1 rL33 mwuj laden vith fr?'sU From .taqoldensafe. sea. I carry avcslhops WitbtANTA&AUS cJ U &0AP, As I cargo clear as can be. 'flrV ff Mida only by M.F!RBMC&Go.CHICAGOf A5K YOUR GROCER FOR IT ' Everything to Furnish Your House. j pound, and in ISS'J to about C,U00,(XH)l Then be maJe rapid progress. He was not ante to real or wriio, out km ui great iategrity, and died poor as be was born. Ha was called by his people, on account of bU charity, Tshang, "the bine sky." It is said, however, that he was not always just toward baropeana, and especially the missionaries. London News, Dounds. In 1JJ three factories wereiu operation two in Califor nia and one In Nebraska and the total output waa about S.OWJOU oouiida. This year the number of factories lias been doubled, there now being three in operation in California, two in Nebraska and one in Utah, uud it is estimated that the totul production will amount to about 2,3)U,(joO pounds, ol which Nebraska will furnish one- f Mirth." Licenses have been grant ed to a beet sugar company iu I'cunsylvnnia and another in Vir ginia. Thirteen thousands acres of land were occupied in the cultiva tion of the sugar beet this year. "Keferring tu the highly eatis- factoiy results that have come from the effort V promote thcsv.gar in dustry in the United States, the secretary of agriculture In his annual report remarks that there seems to be ne reason why we should not look forward with con fidence to the day when the one hundred millions of dollars paid by Aai ji ita:i.i to foreign producers will be turned into the pockcU of our own people. There is nothing particularly optimistic in audi a view. It ia estimated that the present anuual cousumingcupacity of the United States for sugar and molasses is in i'ue iieigiiborui'ou of 2'X),i)0 tons. It is by no mean impossible to bring the production up to this demand within the next twenty years, and at the rate of progress made during the last four yenrs domestic production would overtake consumption in a much ahorter time than twenty years. Is it unreartonable to expect that for several years at least such a rate of priigree.H iil be made? Under existing condition the stimiilu.rt to it is strong, pr'-aier, i.ideed, than lu aii.iort uny other industry "At the prices now paid the culti vation if lie Ktigar beet is profit able. The iiiiinufacture of mgar is also profitable. The government bounty is an ndditionid incentive. If this shall be continued it is en tirelysafe predict that within the next five years the bu t mgar in duetry will have expanded to twenty times its present propor tions, and may realize in even great growth within that time. The territory for mich a development of this in iiihtry a would supply the A liika Attacks a Wfua. The fu!lowiu; snake t tory is evolved from Ts erchange: Thursday even ing l I while Ju.!'o A. McFarland and bis son Guy weredrivic homeward they saw a lare nuilyin:;iii the road. Tl judKQ stteC'pU.d to kill tae snake by crushing it with the wheel of Lit gi, bnt instead of "bruising the serpents head" the jnJjo's wheel passed over Its tail. Instantly the snake coiled Itself around a npo!;e, aud Rt every turn of the swiftly revolvinz wheel made vidua- strikes at Ony's face. Ony'sonly meam of eecape wus a buck ward tuuiuie from the gi((, which he took, falling Into pool of dirty water. Then there was a mad boy as well as an angry snake. Strange to relate the snake freed itself from the wheel and attacked Quy In the pooL A shower of stouee from Gay'n hand flnUhed the snake. It von think the kitchen place be easy on the cook. Laud npplici at once will remove me discoloration after u bruise. A nco under one's feet Is restful when lonj stanilinj Is necessary, as In tron- ias or washing dishes. Wuitm of eirirs muj be leaten to a ttiff froth by an open wiudow when It would be impossible In a steamy kitchen. Mm Cmma Cwiso avers that not book knowled'e alone, but cook knowl edge is needed in this broad nation of dyspeptics. CtsTFR.t water that has become fonl may be purified with powdered boras or alum A quarter of a pound of each will cleanse tuetity-Ovc or more barrels Moir vegetables are better eooked fast, exce;itin;f potatoes, beans, peas, tauiiiluwer a:id ulln-ia rt'iich cor.ti.a Starch, t'ablae should be boiled rap klly in plenty of water; so should cnions, young beets and turnips. Yon can prevent your pretty new f in''',iams from fading If you let them he for several hours In water In which have been dissolved a goodly quantity of salt. Tut the dress In It while It Is hot, and after several hours wring It out dry and wash as usual. The Drettv woman fades with tne roses on her cheeks and the (rlrlhood that lasts an hour, the beautiful worn an finds her fullness of bloom only , , , f v 6tnrf rnnm nh enntk i. - . l....ll.nllu (in lir I IIUVIII 7 IJUIXUd'Vll Vllt. u. I. n v v - mucu a f '- - . . i o , 1.1T till. andber power u then most irmisUbie ,jan street viherc lam now located J tan fct-ll poods encap ."..T, er than the cheapest having just put in the largi-Kt fetock v.i. li. i,. ',. ..... iii. hni Lr nnr inuulu hvit liniiiL'lit to the tit v. (janOiinc KtOYt uum vrj .. v". --- w - I - .- n v to the soles or ttie leet is loroauuy sponjed with cold water there will aot be danger of taking cola itie com water clows the pores naturally. They are left open uuuaturally after warm bath. CoMvosruct but Important is the S'.i7;restion: "IJe careful of Ore. rever take risk by lighting Ere In stove or jrnace not known to be ready and ante. In liu:l-!ing or repairing seo iaai the pipe holes In the chimney are tight and well protected from lata and suing by use of clay pots mode for tne pur pose. V t . , I AT I 1 m. i PEARLMAN'S'Ac? A Tartla's I'navuMabl Dalay. Duiii.K A w iuiLitoria in the early days of lust June a tree on tne tana of aior timer Hamilton, in Jacklon county, lad., was blown down, and In (ailing n limb struck squarely across the back cf a lurtte snspping turtle and forced It down into the earth. A day or two since the limb was cnt away and the snapper, released from Its Imprisonment, truJ'-i-d away, apparently uninjured from iu prison, where it Lad lain Im ninrably fixed without f jod cr watr fur over four months. Oor. Chicago Trib une. Tiie dump weather at Luncaster, Esn rsned a jckii;eof 6,000 p UgesUin to iMoomc clued ttrtther in a soh'l block, m.-shiiig it nsxtiary to return tboni to W'sthington. VThi.n ieia Virtoria's head gardener I'-.t l.-r S"-rvi :e r"-ent!y the qneen jn si'ntHl Lim with a snperb silver tea erv ica s a t' kin of tae m in which the held him. I. -0RKAT MOOEItN- HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. SPECTACLE WIPER. Littl CtrU Ihsuld Imatrrflsttlr Msks Oss fr Cnmissn. This Is made of two lesves of soft, thin chamois, 3! Inches In diameter, the ed;rea buttonholed with bright em- broUlcry silk A small braaa ring. audfumilurf fall kinda Bold on the inataiimeni plan. I. PEAKLHs. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of I Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DHUtifiiSTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at nil Hour. LM-i wUeltvf -A L . LwleuiU ifVl A Mexican M Ti r4mr xr aO( JLUOtClll -ar As :ilnl Mia. Tiie niost rxtHiifive salt mine in the world ia in Wk-iirxka, lieur CrcnW, Anp-tro-Hunsry. For 8'JO years it has, bca constantly worked, and from it r,',,0'Xi tons of salt are anucaily taken. The n...M of salt in It is ef t: mated to bo IjO uilei lon, SO uilM broad and 1.S00 foet in depth. It coIlM'tive galleries ure fully 0 uiihi in length, and ita luwer levels contain sttcU and bousia, making it a rctiiiiltte uiiderroui.4 Til lagr. Yankee UJsde. ftCTACLI wtr fastened at the top, is also worked over with button-holla? Uy this it csn be hun.T In si;'ht, bn-1 be always at hnd to perform the work so arpronrlutcly es- pressed In the motto aiirlied with Ink to the outside of the wiper Orange J add Farmer. rillawa Da llonlila Duty. A brMit woman l!vinf In one roora with a folding bed makes one s t of pil lows serve on a low. minufaetnred di van, ru roverrd. as well as on the bed biie had tli -in inatlo sounre and luree, and brdny they are placed In slips of plain satwn. snugly buttoned, while at ulrht thv sru clml In snowy linen. Tills may K' s suei.tlon to some other wotnun similarly situated. Uan'l haf tact Ilia Aula. Nothing Is more discouraging to a (rood housekeeper thun to mme to a house with a neglected attic, where the debris of all the previous hon.if keepers has been allowed to eoltert. It is Im possible toetilculate how much tlust and unwholeaomeness drift down thrxwivh the houe from cueh a ne.le.-tcd pot ss tills. A if 'd housekeeper baa no suah 'glaeted xoL Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A lor.j tented pain reliever. Iti uie i almost universal ty the Housewife, the Fanner, the i Stock Kaiser, and ty every one requiring a c2ectiv linirnriit Na c-ihir application compirci with it in eTir.t'-j. This well-kiKjwn remcd lias stood the test cf years, almost generations. tso nicaii'.ine tlici.t is complcU without a bottle of IIcstako LlMt NT. 0ccaii.r,3 imLsc for its use almost every day. All drufits ami dealers havo H. ("-V. 5-- -. Tmajtr- "ii! ' -i.tfiiiHI'; THE POSITIVE CUftE. j .'i.Utrt lH.I ' enoj TOO AC Piatt? IKS B u lull nt 15 : sus-k ; Seiur ; ssi I . U'.I'JI i f;a;.-4 B rM ii uii.J o n. t l(KMl MSC fa i FT t : :- i s -