IT aits i 1 1 tier JLjlJl ITTE. i II A 11 AAA i c. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. FRIDaV NOVEMBER 20 1891 "NUMBER 59 3J.GL 0 Royal Baking Powder. Leads All. "The Royal Hakiiifj Powder ia absolutely pureJNI for I have so found it in many tests, made both for j them and the U. S. Government. The Royal Bak ing Powder is undoubtedly the purest aad most reliable Baking Powder c(T rod to the public. "!!!:,;. . A. J.IOTT, I'll. D." Late C.rtr: '.I for U. S. Government. "All Irni ) xA.ic'.i I have submitted it have proved the Koyd C -r; I'owlor perfectly l'ealtliful and free from every d. ittoiiuu Mibstance. I It is pirest i;i jtia!!:y 1 highest i:i strength of ) any Baking Powder t.f v, hic!i I knowledge. ' "vm. McMuiiTiin:, r.. m., ph.d Late Chcmiit-in-chicf U. S. Dff t vf Agriculture, IVasiinton, D. C. "The strength cf the Woyd shown to be 23 per 1 cent, greater tliaa any other. "Asa result of my investigations I find the Royal leaking Powder far tiipcrior to the others. It is pure, contains none but wholesome ingredients, and is of greatest strength. ' ( r. X. VALADE, "Public Analyst, Ontario, Domin.Mii of Canada" The latest investigations by the United States and Canadian Governments show the Royal Bak- ing Powder superior to all others in leavening 1 strength. , Statements by other manufacturers to the con" $-(iry have been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the official reports. Dlsamroua Wrok at baward. A head ond collision occured four uiiics cast o' Seward yester day afternoon. No ilcalhs lire re- IXirlC'l hill ni'Vf'fll! 1i! HUB. the pang of 11 guilty j ,,,,.,,,lw j : uri ..,.,, u ,,.,rt. badly shaken ii. Cass cnuuly wan represented in the person of TIioh. Marshall, of Greenwood. We learn (lint III! was severely injured, having two rilm oiiiki'ii 1 1 r 1 ( 1 inn c .1 ;i r 1 1 me mis placed, also, his face received t-ev- etui ugly gawlics, 1 1 1 k 1 1 ; ; 111 nig it lisidly, yet it is thought l.y his c t c r? rw DENTIST : GOLU AMI I'UKCELAIN CKOW.N3. f. B.flLOUJI hiwulifllr (or the iiiliiltia . I liHi .( let-Ill. FiiJ- Gold Work a Specialty. Nrb. A PEAHCE AWSON u IIAVU illXKIVtl) hiiui 4 it ! iiw tuiliMi cme hmh liuU , In Htmw ami Is I. Ihryh it lull Imv nl dull Icml mill In r- dcr 1.1 clfMi i Id iKk out livi tuceil 1U-I1 !" mil. r Hula In 40 and t 7& em In irliiuiifil. MISS SCIIUYLKK, TRIMMER. 1 1 Co to Urown & htirrrtt n nnl pet n window hUihh and top up thul lioic iu your limine. tf The Prrn Cast. The niyHteriniiM iliHiippcuriiiU'P of R. Peten-cn lian lint yet Ih'Coiiil' t lonnifjlily clear, yt t it iri rtidcut that In? ia alive, but iii all prolialiil- ity Hiilferiiij coiiHeienee. There in now little doubt that he left Omaha Mouduy via the U. I. for llie houiIi uh er the Ktatenient of l-ireiuaii Fitch prex ioiiMly piiblichi'd. There ix ineonlrovei table evidence that he obtained fevenil hundred dul lard under false ,rctf iixeh, and it ha been Hinted upon pretty jood niithority that he forced a note 1o the amount of ifWM) junt prior to hirt leaving. It in pretty cinilui-ive that he had at the time ot leaving an amount of money 111 tli; iieililorhood of ;JK), dial wan 'really the property of oilier parties. What Hcrnm niVHlerioiiH in that hi cieiliiorn were not crowdiiitr him nod his af-eto will by far more t lan equal hiv liabililieH. It in Mlated, upon piml tiulhority 11U0, that he made 11 deposit of $i jiint 11 few day nince, which cannot but nerve to create 11 little doubt that he left voluntarily. The oldest ac quaintances of Mr. Petersen cxprertt profound Hiirprine ut Iuh action, iih h 8 character in the past has been nbove reproach nud his buuinee trnu-iaclioiiH perfectly Ktraiht. In view of all development tluis far it in thought that his leave is either due to mental derangement or beciuiHe of Mime private trouble, at thix writing unknown. Mp of Nebranka Content Mr. liriN, nuiiuijer of the Ray L. Royce Co., offered a prixe of IfU for the bent map of Nebraska drawn by pupils of the public nchools. Mr, J'ris -elected Dr. V. A. Humphrey, John Waterman and J. 1'. Young at) a committee to ex amine the maps and award the prize. There were eighteen con testants, many of whose maprf were good, but the committee finally -FRED 0 1 Mil An honest Swede tells his etory !n plain but unmistakable lan guage for the benelit of the public. One of my children took 11 Hevere cold mid got the ci .ip. I gave ner ; decided to award the pn.e to John n teaspoonful of Chamberlain j 7lh (J Bchoo, UH C ough Remedy, and in live iiiinulea ' 7 ' " lates I gave her one more. Jty this ! " ' co-reet map. time flic had to cough up the I Hut we wish to make favorable gathering in the throat. Then "lie I mention of the mapn drawn by wenttoKleep and Hlept gHd forjML.(;i Churchill und Louie 1 1 ft ijmi 111 1 tmiiu 1 1 111 kli frif 11 n : n.ul vimiii. .!- then t.Ur wint bnek Martin. The committee could not 0t AXU 001.11 AKO I'OUCKLAIS CKOWNH Bridal) work and line gold work ) SPECIALTY. OR. HTKt VAC'S MM'At, r M'othr kli viUiriicnulfta lor 1 hi piiiiwirs'!iju of A. MARSIIALIi, Fitzgerald Yr to bed und ulept good lor the re iiiaiiiiier of tlie night. She got the croup the Hecond night mid I gave Jier the n,imc reineily with the auie good results. I write this becunse I thought there might be some one in the hiiiii need mid not know the true merits of thin wonderful medi cine. C1IAKI.KS A. 1 HO.irSEE.V, Den Moines, lown. W) cent bottle for Hale by Ci. h'ricke & Co. 1 s V jfTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. V attorrn-T M l sw. Will rir prompt i-fillni 1 In all i'ii-lii riirM'li-'l t'i him. THfi to I I Uiitnu Llm k, ImI "Idf, l:ntt-Rivutii. ?v:t. V ' VTr"1'"1-'' "e'lvs. r!.lf rTra-antiii7 V 1 I 10 fjMi mi iilli y. Willi iiMii a-f. m i.i.ia.ta r in F. - 11 Fr. tii'ii n . i-m mm in i'w li 111 11.-. 1:1:11 Mllirl1MIIU l,ih hot L'i. NfW Yolk. I . Many old soldiers, who contracted ,-chrouic diiirrhora while 111 the crvici li'ive Hiuce heen tierninnent- ' 1 . iiiiitvt nun a rvice. li'ive nince been tier y .... I . I '.Colic, Cholera nnd diarrhoea Rem- -I I'urr buckwheat flour for Hale at Ilcisel'g mill. tf Wonderful Suorett. Two years ago the llaller I'rop. Co.' ordered their bottles by the box now they buy by ttie carload. Among the popularimd suceeseful remedies they prepare Is llaller'n Sarsaarilla it llurdock which in the most wonderful blood purifier known. No druggist hesitates to recommend Ibis remedy. For cclc by tlruint. Remarkbl feexn. Heart disease is usually supjioaed to be incurable, but when properly treated 11 large portion of cases ean be cured. Thus Mrs. Klinirn Hatch, of Elkhart, Itid.. nnd Mrs. Mary I.. Ilaker, of Ovid. Mich., were cured niter sulfering 'i ears. S. C. Lin burger, druggist lit San Jose, 111.,' 1 - .! :i....i .... II A f I rn)i nun l'l. .hub .i.v, iirmn Ura..,i,i... 1 (l vlii 1i enreil (he former, "uorkeil . ' lrC'-'ry , inc.U. 111. ike a decision in time to have the announcement mude from the I Htage. The money Is lit J. 1. Young's t.t ore for John Bauer; also all the maps, it any of the pupils desire them returned. Regular meeting of the Living ston Loan & Iluildiug Association at the secretary'Hofiice, over CJering & C'o.'h Htore, Thursday, Nov. VX 2 The cold snap of the forepart of the week was unexpected by all, yet we have heard of no Hpeclal harirt being done to vegetables, house- plants, etc;. The Weeping Water Eagle aays that I'latlsmoutli sent the largest ingle delegation to the Epworlh L"H,ue convention, of any town repre-cr.tcd. The opera house will tic dark un til Dec. 0 from present indications lis three attractions have canceled their dates. Walker Whiteside was to hold the boards Thanksgiving. The others are "The Southerner"' and Turner's English Girls. So the next company will be ''The I'rivule physicians that he will recover. Epwor'h LeMmie Convention Tlie Kpworlh League convention was in hcssioii in the M. E. church on laM 1 ti'l.'y. ."alurday and Sun d,i! The convention was n great success, bringing together 11 body of young people full of devotion, ?.cal and experience in Christian work among young people. About eighty delegates were in attendance at the convention from various pails of the district. Many nub jecls of great importance to Melho dist young people were very nbly discussed, to the profit of not only the delegate, but till in attendance The church was well filled ilurin-j ull the day sessions, and large con gregations listened with delight to the speaking iu the evening ses sinus. On Sabbath the singing of Mr. nud Mrs. Harris, who are now conducting revival services til the M. E. church, added largely to the interest of the convention. The paper read by I'rof. Meuke of Greenwood on "Methodist Young People and Amusements" will probably be pi luted iu these columns next week. Weeping Water Republican. Clias. Hebberti of Avoca ia in the city to-day. Mrs. S. P. Vaunalta ia reported better to day. Mrs. O. II. Synder was n passen ger for Omaha to-day. The Rovce troune will play at Lincoln this evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Lencan, of Omaha, lire guests of II. C. Hackney ut the Riley, Mrs. I- Trouse returned thin morning from n four weeks' visit to Iowa City, Iowa. W. II. Wells of South Ilend was a pleasant caller nt TlIK IlEKALD office last evening. Mrs. II. C. McMaken returned this morning from u three weeks trip through the west and nnrthweM visiting nnd inspecting orders of WomeiiH Relief Corps. 0UU FALL AM) W INT Lit STOCK - O.U1 - - DRY - GOODS - AND Is 1TCV7 Comploto in all Dopartraonta, IMtFSS boons We nre tdiowiugii handsome line of CAM KLS HAIR l'LAIDS, UROADCLOTH, FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. IILANKETS AM) COMFORTS Slock complete und prices lower than ever. UND Lit WEAR . A good Ladies Jertiy vest at 25c. Ladies line Jersey vest nnd pants 1 white orjKiturul grays at 50c ench Ladies natural Gray Wool VfPts an4 I'antsat50c. Regular 75c undw wear. Full 'lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete linen of Child's undesv wear in natural, scarlet and white nt prices ab low as the lowest. GLOaiS ftJTD SH&WLtS. W 11 AVE never rhown 60 largo aline in tliig department. "IV ..ll ! I 1 ! ! c tt r i v can Bjieeiai aneiiiioii 10 our i irga asaorirneni 01 iioeien Military and Hip Coat bliapes trimmed with Mink, Seal, Astracluav Muflaloon and Conej? furs. Our lino of Plush Sacciues aro cheaper than eer before. FaB lines of Cliildrens and Misses Cloaks and Jackets. Fill I SI ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. wonders for his wife." f Hi! tea, v.- l.evl lyignn lit had lit ill t 1 tdy. For sale by F. G. 1'ricke fc Co. KnMratnliillu f Iliavpon bund a fine lot of rib. ; bons and tips which I will sell at hr lowest price fo caidi. I have my goodit at J. Finlry Johnsons hnrd ware i tme where I may be found very day from 1 :fX) to B;(i0 p. 111. , y ' MkS. J. F. JOIl.NtMJN. . f iiiloli's catarrh remedy a posl itie cure Cntarrh, Liiplitlieria and Canker mouth. For kale by F. U. Frickei Co. . Some of tlie most startling, in terstlng tliceoveriea of the life nnd customs of buried Egypt nre now being made through ex tensive exca vations. These discoveries are exciting a great intcri-ft Many .1 discoveries are, however, being " J tiiv'le 4jt our country that Bre re. l ni;frkabe, among which we may I jn jiuil that of Haller's Pain Para-u- ' V'whlch ellectn entire relief, nnd i'hiany cast a 11 complete cure of J'" '' that terrible disease rhetiuiatism, and which also relievrs pain )f all kiuds. For s ile by nil drugistn. ', 'For rent the west side store room. Window Earreit'a of a good August Gokdkk. (Uh at Draw a A tliy'eiise for I Ml j ears, says two bottle r made nun "led like 11 new man.' Dr. Miles' New Jlenrt Cure is sold nnd guaranteed by F. G. 1'ricke A i n. itookot wonderful testimonials free. 1 lias Just opened up a full line of ladles, Gents and Cliildrens all wool underwear and be fore you buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't tall to call and cee ourprlcc3. We beat 'em all. Uava you ECn those nob by Mlssea Caps, all pretty ehades, 55, 65 and 75 cen3 cicit A Hi:k'AI.i reporter recently vi. Ited the new Keeley institute at I! 1 ; i i r. He says the new building is being pushed rapidly and ample ucooinmodHtioiis will scon be pro vided for the increasing number of patients. The treatment gives uni versal satisfaction and the institu tion is wot thy the support of ull. Our exchanges speak in terms of praise of the success of the late ad vertising train. Each predict that ood results will accrue from the enterpri?. There is little doubt that bcacfijlcnt results would ac crue if the work already begun were to be supplemented by an ag gressive and public spirited move to secure the location (if Industrie that will work up our raw material. It is gratifying to know thnt nl most daily residentsof South Head, Louisville and Cedar Creek, come to riiiltsuiouth ou the Schuyler train in the morning and return well loaded with articles of merchandise in the evening. This speaks well for our merchants and should serve to convince those of our peo pie Hint perfer to trade in Omaha, that there is "no place iilio home." If it will pny l.ouisville, Cedar Creek nml South Hend citizens to trade iu riattsmouth it will certain ly be profitable for our people to do so. Patrouli Louis Industries. Polloa Court, Theadore 1'reU was brought be- fare ludire Archer to-dav on a charge of cruelly driving 11 horse He plend guilty and upon the pay incut of ?l and cost was released. Drivers phould bear iu mind that our city ordinance makes it u mi-demeanor to drive at a faster rater than an ordinary trot, and the police propose toenforec the ordin ance to the JEWELER -Headquarter for Everything in the line "WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND BR0NO CLOCKS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES, FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELRT A EIQ SIOCK OF HOLIDAY GG0D3 AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINK WATCHES a Specially nnd all Work Wurranted. IB. A. 'ELWJlsr, THE LEADING JEWELER, 41 C Main Street, Plattsmouth, Net. The I'lattsmputli Journal is mall lug a desperate hut futile effort to have it appear that I- C. EicMioli the republican county tri usurer- elect is not eligible to the office that Mr. Eicl.holf nor his father before him were naturalised citi teas of this county. We under stand that the treasurer-elect will when the proper time cornea pro duceallthe evidence neccssury to prove his qualifications. However there is nothing in the constitution regarding the rligibilty for county ofllces. It is however very, plain as regards the office of governor; so that the- case would not be a parallel to that of the gubenintiou Wcepinj Wuior llama. Fron tlie Ei!l. Mayor Adams donated his entire salary as mayor to the suspension bridge fund. E. E. Day started for Chicago last Saturday to attend the fat slocK show, he wilt be gone a week. The handsotno residence of S. W. Orton is ulmost completed. Steve is anxious to move so ss to get the full benefit of that suspension bridge that Dick ia building. mystery. Mr. J. Copple, of this city sent word to his souto come down und he would divide with him. The public school will give their first entertainment in the ODefB in contest pending in tins state. house on W ednesday evening Nov 11' i . TJ l.l: In. . ..... ' Weeping Water Republican. Mr. G. W. Clark, attorney ot Green wood, made a business trip to our city to-day in the interests of some of his clients in matters of final settlement pertaining to the estates of deceased persona nnd while here he received notice by telephone that one William Ward, against whom an attachment was issued by the county court wherein Elzy Lewia brings aclionnguiiiMt William Ward for the sum of $ 1J0 and accumulated Interest, is disposing of the prop erly so attached regarJlese of law. In reply Mr. Clark has ordered the constable to Immediately arrest nil persons interested in the disposi tion of said property. In nil human probability a lively time will follow when George gets home this evening, 23. The attraction heretofore oflfer. ed will be increased by many new aad pleasing fculurcs. There will be a grand shooting mntcrt nt the farm of Mr. Cnnaday, Tuesday, Nov. 24. Live birds, trap and sweepstakes shoot ing will be the order of the day. The fun begins at 10 a. m. This will be a splcnded opportunity for lovers of the sport to get a turkey for Thanksgiving. Everybody iu vited. Fire destroyed the residence of John Copple west of Wabash, last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Copple had gone to town to do some trading while Jobs was nt work husking corj. Neighbor hastened to the place as fast ns possible but nr. rived to late to save anything. The cause of tlie fire is tveloped ia iUflt 4 C J 111. Monday, in a npirit of rivalry, Chester Burns nnd Kd Ward each husked and hauled to the crib 1(X) bushels of corn. The boy I . . If - L H incnccu til iinu pum .ve. anJ slopped nthalf past se fc tllkin it i f ' liuee-ipiaricraui uu fttmr nooning. The contest to0'it piace on M j Hums' farm nnd is pretty good work. Eagle Eaglet. OUR CLUBINQ LIST. Horn Vauultiaiinit Itrmi.D lo'nlo III u nuit ICH1I Marper'i Mw( x n soil lli"luU'.... ij .rpi i'. li,ru -.y.T" liiiH r' WiTkly xml hkiiai.d lowaSUtoUr.lsiermiiil Ukualo ... .-11 , .... 2 ' .... 4 I .... 4 i .... a a , Spaclmrn caae, S. H.Clillord, New Cnatle, Wi was troubled with neuralgia an) rheumatism, his stomach was di ordered, his liver was affected to as alarming degree, appetite fe8 away and he was terribly reduced in tituh and strength. Three bottles J Klectric Hitters cured hitn. Edward Shepherd, Hnrrisburt, Hb. hud a running sore on his le of eight yeurs' Htanding. rjeeJ throe bottles of Electric Hitters and seven bottles Hucklen'a Arnica Ni ve. nnd his leg ia sound and well, lohu Speaker, Catawba, 0 had fivt large fever gores on hid lep doctors said he whs incurable. One bottle uleclrio Hitters nml one bo lluck- i " VYI'"1' S:,We c,,rt'J him entire ly. Sold by K (. Frlcke & Co. JVhywillyon cough whrn Sbi oh is cure will give immediate r. lief. Price 10 els B0 eta. and " hot sale by F. G. Kricke C