The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 19, 1891, Image 4

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Jlnw 1J Clilnitmttn In N'cvr V.irk I
Laid at Krat Tha lloily Lying in Slain.
Scattering Hits i f l'nir Thruuk'li tli
Strata iif tha Mtrnwilia.
liJ TjVlltl" Voi.v was pVnd. ami Lee
lienti ou wns to be liuricTtt Tlm body
of ll:ts Cl.iatM gambler lay vh.h'' li.ul
died, in a h'muil, utility, rather 11; . I j . I
room nt 1 Mori street, nevt eloor to tlm
tt.-mi'iiMif J"- Death bad not brought
pallor to tiif fare. Tin? fsi.iu Was of taut
yellow tint it had in life, 1;i coiiiiuoii
wiili i lit- rn-t of bin iuit
Lee ll.-nn liml killed himself set by
ami, l'ti imd violent menus. Hi Inngi
liml lni.'u eaten away by oj.iiiiH Minikin.;.
Tlm fact!, iw that of it con,:iuiptive, wm
pinched and drawn, mi, I tlw high cheek
hones vere made Mill more prominent
bv the il, p lioliotv of tile cheeks.
For il time ll!" bo'lv was nlciie. Lc
Ili'i.n" country i:ic:i avoid the oca I when
ever p'isMiile. Tlicv do Hot neglect tin
ibud, however. Lee lb tin's ileatli hail
treii aiilin;ia!eil. IV-fore he ihi-.l other
Ciiinaiarii gone to James Nati'tliton,
an iii.v 'ita.;, r i;i Mott Mrect, mid in
pir.'ed his N-rviceH. liy and by tlm tin
deil .ia-r cime t i pn ;i::rc, the body for
burial. A Chinaman is i:evr buried i'l
any tjitriuviii i:n has worn hi life. There
fore, n new dark linn lloiiM-, black,
Uf'::? tron-ers, new i-ami i!s uud uhivr
f,M -..iicjs vi ro bought ami put upon Ley
Hi !::.. "
Ti:eu Ills cue was wrapped looi-nly
artinud bin ni ck, from left to rl:!. and
on h head was tared a tijlil Luin;
l.laclc hknll cap. having ntit.stop.i knob
of red pln-h. After the lwiy was bet d
in the enfihi tbo room w hi te it lay waa
jiri't ured h r the vi.-iti of tha dead inaii'i
Inci.i'.s. A tilt i :ui I'.ilel with earth was
rountv C"nrt.
Kli.n r. T.fwi vii Wil'lnm S. Warp
et 'il. Miii on iiniiiiifory too for
( mill ri'criiiiii'H in all.'ii liili' iii
; ni'-;iif.-t Win. S. tre. Ili'ariny;
I)i ccniLiT Till.
In tiie in. iiu l ! -In ( H'iito ol Jii
lianiiP l jt8 -nui l. did "wil. Ht-ar-injl
on petition fur uj i ointmont of
Maiia J llujf lini'l't. ndininlHtra
trix. In the inutltTOt the ciiariliniiHliip
of Marshall Kenne'ly in nor J.oml of
T .M. Ciir'iT, '.narilian v. ir veil
iiml letter of srisariliiinchiP' '"f"11
Uroailbee'i. I'oni? 'mint !o
I km tiered iutnj ar
IIVJII 111 III "'"
n in my mir-.t uiul 1
ek lit it "time u t oiilil
(il KivV C'reavi Hull
ute iiiflainina-
uml heiij for n
not fee. I
in tiiol in it
; l - " ;l 1 : 1 1
J b:ei 1 lit the foot t the ciiaii, us Wit
itlso a tijnare piece if boiinl.
T.t& puolt.; :cx.
All was ri'iuly. A (.'ior,-ji i t CMiif.mi-n
ntereil. Litiii me wall;e,l to the f,xt
iif the I'olHn il!:'.nt::i;, in: I in the nun of
f.irl'i i'.u'Ii matt Mud: a ram'.l'.t H Kiat mx
iuchm lon uiul i.s Ihiik im a linger, nil J
a piece of pe.iihiilie nilwtanie of tin
diameter of a bail t.i m il. On tlie wmxleii
toanl they heapril a htlle pile of papers.
Tiieli the priest of tiie temple of J, out lit
the caiiilliK, the p:ii:k ami tiie pa;.ew. A
thiek, peculiarly tlm 'lllaj mnoko from
the irei l)' li'.leil tlie little room utut
InfteJ throiili the bull '.in.; ih tlie Chi
taiaeti chant il. l.i five n:in:itii tiei
can.lles, pr.::!t nml j--;'ia bunitil
away nml the C'hiiiaiuiMi went out. An
other tH'onp c.,:ni) in, un 1 the saiiie C T'
tnotiy wan rep ate't u:itil nil Ire iluim'.!
friiii l.s hail tai.t li thi ir farewell.
At 2 o'i hx-U li e ma!' r came, nml
the time for the trip to CypriTh fliil
ct ::v teiy on Lon L -la:nl wat at buml. j
Withiu 'he coliiu were placcil a fau inl
mimerou!! ohlotii; hli.iH of rice pujier, on
stvhith c'.iantcteni were written, uiul then
the coffin wan taken to tiie hearie. which
tooil lit the heail of It pr ji.'ec-ioii of five
carriages. On tlie windows of the car
ri:i','e!t were pastel lon- lirw of r-d
r:ip r covered v.'it'n black cnaractera
into a v, aon in the rear were lilted a
roaxt kncklin pi ami wveral j in of
Loihd rice. A Chinaman took his neat
on the hcir-M! with the driver uiul tlm
trip was ln-un. luiineiliately the Ciiiua
man on the top of the hearse bean
throwing moro oblong piece Oi pap- r
covereil with char.i'.terH into ttio stn-et
Irot.i u ba which he carriiL
ThiK wan to protect I lie dead
The Evil Olio ill ways fullov.s a dead
Chinaman, but before be can ca'.ch tip
v.-ith tlm h'-ar an 1 claim the dead
I;'m UHl hi3 piik ui uiid iritd tlij
the pieces of paper throwu fum the
EVAmrco m- evil or-z.
Cy the lime the; ri cerhion bad reach'-d
thu Tiiirty-fonrtii ntri t ferry tiie Lvil
tine miiht have been l.'lechs behind, bv.t
with intent to hill. I'leliininary
hcnriii!r be 'ore JiiFtiee Cline of
I.ouii-ville. Coininilti-il to jnil in
delalilt of bail to iinswcr to
iliMlrict court, l.'eli iim i! on li"i ;.
iii.inicc fur mill nnioiiiit; C II.
l'.irii en- nn 1 John anil C'linilen
lleiiniiiit M't'iiritii'i.
II. 1 1 iav . A. V. Durcll i t ul.
Suit on niiici mVi' ,n bmnl. Aiiu il
il.lil Mil lliittt'tl.
1 i t Naiii niil Hani; l V.' ep tit;
V.jiui Iteil lleliiiM t it til. 1-e-.'all
t el l-'.eil liilmv.H tnlciitl.
J ,. ,r;n-.i ul iinin. I !:illif. n
ino.ion of piainii f I'.'.fiiih '! tt" to
l.'cid ilios. In. v.i.l.oiit ir,nii'.
I li'rt N.liiil l.ll ii.lllk Ot V i illl
.V;tt-r s. J ti.-. A. I.' io 'i uiul lii - il
H o.-. Co. Vi led ciitirt A. l.ii'Miu
.or .!:nii'.i:i; ll. 1. Travirt lor i e
i'.ii a rn-t'Ieil as per t-iipitia.
: linn o.i iile.
A ''il i Irwiii v.-. C. C. !inlriil.
Su l o.i iiccoiint for i'lX Court
limU line tdiiin'.ill on c:u:re of
: action i'7"i ami due iieleud.ini a n t
olf Jin lament lor plaintilf for
In llie matter olllie ttir 1 ' a it t-1 1 1
ot Sarah 1.. hnntli, itic ; ne. Hi arinir
on til. ul f-cttlt iiiei t continued
i ibi I wne ci.tli 'l. It ih woniler
H'.l l.r.w qiiiek Vieli eil me. .Mrs.
( e irole S. J ml-on. I.ntford, Conn.
I c (:. ii M':!i irs.froni chronic
."it irei-. r,i 'i:vi::.' derived zrect
henelit Iroiii the u-e of Kly'n Creniil
Malm. I can liiirMv recommend it.
l mien lire far in fXi'efti of hII
other reiio It. l-'ranUeti, llriie;-
jj-if-t. Siournfy. Iowa.
Stanley an nil explorer, liilinon as
nu i ii vi-t 1 1 r Mine I'lora A. Jours n
the 'ii-u'LVercr of llie I iiiiioiih Ulnnli
ol K'or-eH f ir 1lie con lexioti; are
li. lilies llmt will lie liiinilctl iloivn III
I enef;.cioi of the luce, in nil ie
runlril linn- O. II. S oiler cunien ill
for hi" fhnre (of the orolil ') nx he
nlwiiyH kecpn a hi fiipplv on hand,
and M'IIh it lor 7."i elf. p.-i' bottle.
l;or liiine hack I here in nothin tr
lietler Ihiiii to MiHiii ti- n Ihiiinel
cloth wi'h t 1 1 ; 1 1 i I 'ihinV I'niti
Itiilin uiul hind it on llie nflei'Ieil
parlf. Tiy il m d joi't ill be rr-prii-ediit
tin-pii tnj t t'li i :tn'loii'M.
I .i'ii!f frra'ii i n' w ''I ctiri- i ni.ti-
tinli: in. I-1 ir inlf I v 1. . . rii l.e
C. MeMaken in in Omaha U
V n.
i i i.i; u i
:i'it i:'i,-i," " -i'",
t;i.n, liae'j v. M'n I, in. 'i i" i
m i;sk-'. I i'.iv; 'I.M.TY
'A till ll I- III 0. - lli't." 'I'li-e li,, II
iill-ef, I 'or f'l-T .IllVll,;,, ol lol nl
m , i'Vi r iiiriltti'd. I' m ini'l,
'ml ulll i' Call I III or liMfi or tl I
, lk. nn III ' lil'il li'T ! Hint -lll'ITl
!'.i-, or ii'i'i'tli. i'it I hII
,i. kl nji ki. ,1 .iihiii- tin KKVKHM.H
ml oo it il! iih' no i,i',ii
J. M. SIlMil l.r.ACKKU.
J irt i r'li-n !'i i'' u i-iit
The Hih school coiiive will p'wv
an eiiteiiiiinnienl focial at llie icm
lie nee oi K. U. Ihei. l-ridiiy Nov
Zi In which a einial in vi: tit nut in
extended. .it
Ke'Tlilar meet nu of the I.ivin
nloii i-oii'i Ac liiiildmir A-Hociation
nt the pi i relai y'n oltii e. over C'-rin
ic Cj.'s t-lore, 'I liiirnfhiv, Nov. l'J. 'I
ri4:;v MaatUittllim.
I'i-irier inaiticafiiiii iuipiies that th"
f'lod he ihomnlily chewed ond mixed
with the fluids of the month hi fore Ire-i-i
Kwaie.we.l Mild that t'.icse f iniciiotM
be Tf ,rine l without haste. J!n-I pen
pb: e,it ns thoii:;ii tliey were e;:ior.tnt of
the fart that tlie tsroiiiit' h lias li tii'tll
or lin aiis of eii-alivatni the fixnl with
which they fill it. The htoiiiiicli is a
tmt faithful m-rvitor and makes it Ion:;
Hi.,1 "-anient btrnlo to pn-w-rve im
owner from the inevitable coiwiueiicin
i f . it.f rp :i it fiturtioiis w hit ii l.a-
t":'1 lnt.'ii'h d fhonl l be pi rforiued by
the teeth mid th nalivary glands; but,
like the itiiluleiiced of ii fitit itf ii 1 mother
or liny other tr If sucrilicin;; friend, iti
services am only reeo;;inz.-,l .vhen it is
unable to npotnl to ib luands for theni.
31'i-t jx-ople in they iippn:;t::!i tniddb
life lose many t f their bock teeth, which
HTi) the prim: i j al ilrph Uienlnof iimsticii
tii :i. but tiny lail to bear in mind taat
t!" vtlmuld take riore tiineiit t'm ir meals
j iu cr.Ur to pro;-: !j p.-eparetheirf Hidfor
i twallowin'. Tin y i,hot:l 1 rclm-mlier
i that Hat me noKiloiViinco for their
i hilintiities 111 thi respect, but will bol l
j tl, ; i ti) ii ftriet ;eeom:t for nny inflect
to oi wrve the rules of btallh. Wiuh
in''ton hilar.
One Nialit
ov. tni r r 19.
the hearse just jiii--l tho ferry and In
ran:,ht np. Ah h.kii its the hen roe drove
:j!o the the Cl.iiiatiu.ii bcatu r-d th
flipw.tli n hit i a hand. A number of
:;a,ll ii.'V.j. hovevi r, in nrjed t'.ie li:; c
tiutat tat I.Vil tjiii', mid seruml.!.! .
jiie't rtp tlm pit;.ei, thus throwiti thi
Ciiieataati into iie-p;;ir.
Tito laaii puchi ,1 on the heaire, bow-
Ver, wa.i i'ipn.1 to tii'r eat. r. I,':icy. Ja.-.t I
f lim liea: - .' ill- ive otf tan boat he CareW j
till Iho ulipl he had b it. a prodi ,.io'H
jii.inli :; i.;,on tac i.e.-..-, at. I i -ture ta3jij.
T" t le.e I'nP 1:1 liie'lf lllel'l nil n'l lo W.'IA I
canii l ba.k to New Vork, wlnlu tut
j'riKies,ion puroiicd its way to Cyprim
Ji.ll in peace.
Ua iirnvin lit th cprnetery the cofHii
ru placed b.-Mibj the open grave in the
Chiuaiueu' lot, whero twenty or more
Uonoliaus already lie, and n'iiin wen
4rtvmiien, pntik umt paper li'iitetl find !
chatita ottered. Then the body of Leo
Ueuo was lowered into the ground, and
ihe roawt 8'ickliti pi and boiled rice,
vh'.ch hud ftr set upon gronnd near
the grave, were replaced iu the wagon
ml taken back to Mott street.
Formerly the food was left at th
metery for the departed, b-. tramps
learned of the custom and hailed a
Chiue4 funeral with delight, scenting
it from afar, like rultum, i the proces
sion wended Its way to the ceiaettrry,
leaving bi'hind a trail of appetiziuj;
aniells. After the funerals the tramps
Jield hijh carnival, with neyer a thought
of the dead Chinainan, deprived of his
lice and roast pi;. Cnseqneiniy, to pre
vent this sacrilege, the Chiuamen now
take the food back with them and eat it
themselves after they Lave returned to
Jlott street.
Ire Ileuu Yon will be mourned. Us
was wealthy, in the Chinatown eno of
the term, a persistent, conscientious
gambler and a Wailing and iallueniial
member of the Chiaese (ftinhlin?
.ciahuti known as the Fan Tan Tong,
JJew YorkAdveitijr.
Tint 8ni ttf lti)t.
Tir t City B I l.op: wo won't taki
lit, ,:::-. rv b ::.- i"; of. I h i'x it.
!:eco-i.i City IViy-WLn! Hate tha
"lio, t'a! eontitry If "o 1 riioiv;li, but
ti: :e s uhva; i a j' l.-iii r, ua 1 ni t ted pi
f-o "u iai, cr.u; over r, piniiit tum; iti
tlm r;ri:;, i;:il liiti. when '.i.o hot
W' .-.U.'.T i'i;:i"s, they v-l t:iel i:i 1 top
ImiIiii rin 'lxitit it, i;'i 1 t it n lii vrei-U r.-i, ua 1 then t'i' y ;! a'i-. v.-t:.t t.m
t'i l jr-ir !"!!, V:i,t"! it's h'i A, li.alih
fl i it !.. ,r fsi-ri.nso lor buy of lay r.;;e-
'Y.'cll, you're a ihttrrp. V.'o .trn a
ptr leti every fii;i::ifr, to t, but 1 doa't
- r.::y v.. riling; s;ot tii.. ! I dou't."
I ' u'j a ;;.ir I-;::;;:?'
til iUll
til l'i T r.r j;t(LYjr lo
.. .! 1 a
;'i n NT il 1, ' , . -, i.LOl i.
XJHIl At l..u.. I I . . ' Al ie.
loir amiw am -in :. jfvi ;."r.
iTIR u:.l,l. AMTI'lu' M I II. I ,,.'ra.
ioi H. l-i ::l , r: 1 a:i a..ii tjiiiot
rt' n Tiir v a .1 i t i i-
I;. Li:ioo.-i uud ti. t. lu.iii .NXA,
Ticke'.H oil Hide It J. I'. VollllV.
Price :, .Tl nml '.'7i cenin.
Ciublii n under twelve, 'S t i ntn.
HAY L. E3:
Aankst'ii lii fltol kii1 Vrr i;'.V r.,um1iu, Ii
TriM's vnnaTini
I Will v ilJ
A ckui n;tl r '-i
itirmi'i" rnirr rirfiriff
lij waiting to show you his new goods
and to let you know how cheap they
can be bought.
u lii line in Car-." Cbtmty. You wi 1 not lio nlile to buy oIic-hjkt Wt-s Chl
cii'i wlicii jou take fjnttlity uiul jirico in cniihiiltiiitio!!.
Only lny the li:-t make uiul latest novelties in
Ami if you r looking for a riliiiijlo jilun! to tniJe j'ivc JOE a trial.
Jrfrrr: "How l It. Kit!", tl.nt ym slwnri
ni-Ml to 'rildl nil ' to Lie l.l-l In w til'IIST ? ll'l I tUJ, )uj tiltvas becut t alitiui
of ".
Katk: " I il'in't lewf ! r'ri'n)r fia not
Biiti.''iier ri-'iiM-ii in f;ivt'i.n."
JL.iiSik : " tt l-il. unrilin (in- l:1-t lewPientht
tor lauipli )uu Lulu tukeu lip niiitiiijf, i ,
1 !
I A1IIOI I"-.- f- I'a'-l ' . i'l-. I etee.
filih nml Mult. Ksilier a ie y, l'mnr
H. iviri-c '! ? IHIIIIUHIA. M. huliuii) U 1 1, ll b ' li.ii..
I liM.TIH.- "ii et I..Hiit ami Fltdilll Hi
j., uli'.ii n.i iiiii'K en" "" ''ll k in r J. K.
l:f il. i)'.ot ullll) neiiiMil i . n.
Ei l-i oeAI.-M Luke's I tinii li. miner Tlilrd
mnl in-. It' v H ll liniue.. im.lor. J f-
iri: II A M a U7 .St' M. fUblla) Mhuui
al:ir. M.
lirnMAN M fTH"l'isT . "irner Clith ft and
t.ii.iiil- ll.--. lint. I n-t'. miii':II A.M.
Hlill T l't I'. I- pHU'lSy iM'll'Kll In 10 A M.
I'll HVTr !.- rim" Hi i i-li"rli.rr
i rl Mllli Or. ion- Iti J 1 I "lr '
(.li.r. Mii.ilie -e 1 1 Bi tt I teutliiin
m it n m J'.n ' l.
; h.r. h 1 1 '.lii"ehin r'pevciy
hlilMltl Ol'l.l, fill In die I I.- llie- I i I
(I, k ri i.i-1. All uie i.viiiil lu S1H.U lliifv
II eel li
Kiki-t M.TiloiiinT-Mi'ti t.. Irten Main
met l'-'l. I. V- I mi I'- I'.i'-l"i.
mii :p . " e i mull i-riiiH,l
:'iA M. 'ia. ilniill B weili.rMiii) t'HU
lev. in ntn 1'm'siivthiia. r L!n 1,11,1
V .in Ii. Ill vt tlie, p. " r. heitlift UH'i
i i l K. Nihility ! l iml tl A. M.
i rui-" ' ' ' l" " Tl,NAU liraiiUe, be-
; luil'l, I (l l ii'i.t ltia.
I IVl i-I'MI l!tl1l'T.- I - OllVe. ''ik. I til'll
j nil. I: . ! I en-Mil t . I i-i,el'. i ' "-
ii I'll.ii; V.eili.i' .li t' I.I' li.
I'M e'ii nun in ..oeiATin -
I n'l I'li'li V Mi Ml. el "
ie' ii.i , ii,". (r ii, -i oi' r. y 'I
i. ii ... ii i i I u'i I. i.i "I" " ek il,
I i hi i a in .in l : .w l'. in.
M i in I'll K lAio i ' o I y - !'. .1 V.
V- ii it, Hi e. MUfli Ml I f)' tiil'u l
j. in. : ' h ' -'. li i "' '' " ' i
i.n . , e ' ii'-' " , ' : r i
Does Yoqi' Li(le Qii4.
Need u cloak thin winter? If hIip docn vim w ill mnke a trreat niitttalce
jou do not call mid examine the children cloaks that
we nreolicrinj; before buying.
Wo havojust rccolv;
A nian at Fort Vail v, Ua., hat a calf
trith six les and two b'-ads, lie hernia
jii'paraU d from f ach other at the neck,
giving the calf two dintinct heads, wills
. t f tvM, tettlt aad taxi tatdt.
"Th"n hovr do ynu f,- out of it."
"Weil, you seii, 1 I'. -vrrmn burn the
dlfTereiicM htwiiei u-wil R!!'l other
tiling, and by the time I've diitf n;i a
lot of Sowers un Teg tables mother cntuei
runiiin out and says I uiu't bite enon-li
to wn-l pitrdun. Then I go ultia."
Good lewa.
i. ... r " - wa ; 'I I 'yA i V t 4
i' ;
I nil ) iinilii .di t. lien il
Hatlecnt lUd Him.
Ko one knows where an Indian is go
ing. Traveling arroes the plain in a
stage or an amir ambulance yon will
him alar off galloping aa if he bad been
sent for the doctor and was afraid he
wouHu't find him at home. Approach
ing yon as the two paths crons he wilt
nunally rein up, exchange salutations,
study Tonr outfit closely, checking his
pony to the sloweitt of walks, and with
out ankiii? a question will know junt
without snr tieher j j-oh mme to tlie rwu
mien te Litliirn i;itii tier Im irleelu-s
mt sua itiriuiiilt He am uli imiriv
ln In mux- umler jour In-inielii n: I Iwrnrn
t,iu teilinij 'iDiiunr IjiniK hint eu'innif Imw
ii t'ljK nu tu mistaken In iU,)iii tu IaiIIi
nu " in to m ii iai uil llie inn at 'fu,l.' and
now JiiAt w hat li, (In meler all c trcutuMAtiiii- ;
foil enu rt nil Iinuililull)' ; nml li tl,e lii-4
kioiilli ynu han nii,rovii,lii lien aii.u winy,
j,m' u-li me. Uijrour ,i)i.,nl-'ii,uin.i'ien ii.
V'bera do yuii net all of 'mr inlorniaiioa
fmin In tni I ttlo (aiuof Um way (iiauiir-fuf
oii ni vpr t In tho n jr.
Kate: "Why, Jennw. ynu will mak me
in. I hsveinily ,iw- uminvuf inloriiintMiiu
bill it Is iiirpri.iii how it mull Ml wmim. I
Very aetil'iiu lieiir i f miyilniiv new Iml ht
lu nest few iliiys ItImii inc f ill Uif.'iniiilon
ea lb snlijeel. MaaM-l Not bIiiI
Ami a srmt t ran. i ire it Is In us ail. ( kt
r'i'l (uriiulH-s Hie niulini fir t4, li'l
k'iiin hi,il! Iniher lin siKti li, t'i niaimxii,
Uiut Im has U.eil n yeim, lm this
Mi fivf miirv anil Mur lnf,,rn,ln o m
tlm ,il,)ii t ot tlm liny ami mother says
that ll w tliat ttnl mnkis U-r seeh fHnious
h,i,ii-k-.-T. In fx. I, w all k I'D Hint it IS
1 UM70I1IV nil J r.iH'i liinM"'',!-- '...',"
' ... I. uti,..Llif all 111 tlii-m.
When yon tro lo a shoe aiore
object innot only to liny Siioen u
lo procure for what j ou upend .ne
treat Unit your money will liny.
Ina than tin will not content ynn;
...I.-. ... .. i... and fliin thni line M a i lor uien. aiioiiH-r
r " ' 7 . r '" """ """' '"u""' ""'i'' t t i thin voil cannot in ren
Ing to do and what food yon will tiroha- ' wi.n,- i.o. m niia cveir mwi of ; so h iore "',n ; . 1 .
, Olllv 111.! 11 mail linn lllHU-atl 111 af-irmi, niii.
i ll,.! I. i.i-rM 1 1 m nilli,n,lr liillif 111. f'ir It IS
evening fin". I lien lie la oft frnln. 1 nnlr 1M0 a jenr. IVrlini" jmi ttilna I aia
l,ltf iHv1iliri If harAlla n,,.n vi, ut r.wr "iv w-l I'l Wk,i inairad in aeierai. aiio
' , "e-'W"- J - tliitl" wni-ranm
eveiimir fir. Then lie is on a 'ain. t nnir t:in a mu
rnnTin-' uMilf in tlm auubll ami aunn t kivUh hi my .rnlp; Imt I ill tel yon as
ran rtn easily la llie aatiiiie. Bna aoori I onn or u-f .-r uU. wml lui-rni. ui tue ih-
diiwippearing from
8ik' at. I no tana : Ii .Ivt,
il run
mt I -i
IU erllt
Ji'iinti iC MiiDiin', I'i K t Hill
fmm ,;. !.. o n... I. .in,.i il.r I HI New n, k, for a Miiifie ron'. Slid I
" --. - "Tij ,,, lwliv, o,mMitor thai 1 liavn iimie te
Into Which be has Tnnmhed, There ifl aan-At fiivor: and may heron will la riiitii
not a sign of human habiution in either
direction. Ke has probably come twenty
mili-a since dawn, and will, niib-ns lm
conclude to camp with yon, make an
other twenty before draw ing rein. Chi
cago Herald.
' tlAiinf. aa vii
1 betnu th bi-t mt.irniiil family in t
wn. If
uii any we hnvA IIm reiiiitnni u f
that I an, It Is Diauufaais iatahy U-aftliie
iaa,t dous IU"
A fiheial tifer only f '.tXl for
unci Demorent l amily , Magazine.
IVFetid your nuliBcripllon to Uii
.oil, IIKK. wir uie iioio. nic
uiitmle ua your deMren. We ihr
i. t your exiieclationa to (he cloi'di
Imt we reiilio them whalever M t
tire. We will never muTir.ce your
iiiicrii-ln to our linn noulii ie el
ii.ii von tri't u luller nnd Imier
iiiialent for vtiur money. An
erpecinlly profitable purchase for
you Ir our etc
301 Main Street
d from largo Cloak Manufacture;
his full lino of
Pnr '1illitr'!i Ti R 10 nml 1'? vfira .M ...ntuf 'nii -.f 1 (
a v vj at v fin aV J vui o viw. VVHI Jllll "
gaimthtrt in all. HO TWO ALIKU, on which w'ij
were then a discount from regular wholesale )rict
bo that '.'.c nro nllc to fadl them at actually
Manufacturer's Prices.!
CAM. IN nnd b't it prove th truth nt ihe nhove Kl; lenient, imp
how on nt Ibe niiiie time our 11 Mi L1AK ol l.adica nnd M:,-..ea Kccict f
aciiuefc) uud Jachctd. II
Another opportunity to buy fehors at
We lal.e plenum- in nnuniK-iiijr tn llie people of I'lalttsiiioiitli nnvj
Hiirroiiiidiiii; lowiiHthnt we have mcceeileii in eti )r iinoiiier nnc
aauiplc siIhm-h. Our nlieeenH Willi the hint line wan phc nominal mid hun
llreilK we "e tiiniiiHiiniitJ b.-r.ii llify !;. ' ...tC iO ft.'iiitr eume of tiirw-
hi.rfriiiiia Hint wc tillcrnl. ilun line in in ner n uiiyiiiin;e ihiiii llie lunl, ht fj
iu; Waller 11. Teniiny i!t Co.,ol llonton, Mann., full line conhintinc: of 1
ib vi, Minnea, t'hildrenn, Mciih nnd ItojM fhoea af nil kinda uiul oj ull k,
. ... 1..I !, .,, u A i,iiin -r 1 lwnl 111 t' 11 1,11 lr lif liOVMflllll Ml'IIM IiiihIm ill u-liiii
111 l,iui,n, .....w... , J ...,.. " . . . -
we ciin K,ve Ui'x vaiuts lor your money unit yoo ever "iwtu eye, oil,
Don t think that lierai ee we aon t nek mull prices loranoeii tliut ta
ahnea are not of unv hich finality. We have Miiionir (bene arf
a line a any abowii in the city, evcrylhin"; extrinaic Ie atripped awir;
.. ..,1 L. . in,,, lliut vnn Imv nl ii a at ii ill la nil iheir ntrnike r-nrlti Wai n
v tbi rout el values sou five yon tae worm ci yeur taoaey.
Ib ara Si Gifiis Great Baips ii Mm
Childrena nt
ural Wool Col
or Hiiits nnd
Darwrra All
Childrena nil
Wool Miirln A
Dra '.t em All
I.nd lew Fine
Neriu oSllii
'J'riinmed khirt
uud Drawer.
J i i
Mens V.hjXt
Heavy V'libeif
c 1. I . . ..
i.ii li l n u r-
507 llila f trctt
riittinoatli. Kct