The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 17, 1891, Image 4

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t ,
, ' i . . A IIiounM Giant. -,
- ' Tliers is a remarkable sjieciinen of a
J frciy in the New Jerwy Reform school it
' Ja'iifi'uio- hiix beeu made award
of the state because it is not cotisiik-red
ale fur bim to be at larn. lis is ouly
, aix years oU, but liii the uiwmers and
ba maturity of a yuoti uiaa of twenty
and the mustache of a man much older.
Ho it called by th medical nisn who
, kave eiuniiueil him a precocious baby
' and a wonder in mure ways than one.
t His name in Herman Hotter. He i wore
' than fonr feet iu height, has a nicely
nrled blond innstuclie and can. strike
rran me siioniuer wnu lae jotve 01 a
lt'ilt;i'li:iuimerl lie can move a bamd
of flour nnd lift enily a SCO pound
' -wfeiht. Ills parents have found it im
possible to coutrol hitn.
The br.-y is cot only the admiration of
Lis companion, but the terror jf the
sciKltburliutsl. lie can whip any boy in
Trenton, and he occasionally ainni-ed
fci!iie!f by j'luyin;; David to th town
Philistines. The tinrvtita were forced to
Jtpp-al to Jud;;e IlolHTt 8. WooJnuT, of
the Mercer circuit court, to put him in
euhji-clion. lie was examined i'V l)r.
Horace (i, Wetherill. who pronounced
linn a phenomenon and a remarkable
ue. The In iy is now at Jauunbur and
the wonder ol the institution. He has
not yet made any trouble. lie is tou
deeply in;ere-.ti-d ia his new siVrmiud-iu-s.
He is attending the relnxd, but
the teachers have not yet Trjf-iu-d a con
clusion as to lb'i- tx'Ml-fit his Miiuil.
Himkrii In Went Vlrciiiin.
It is evident that West Virginia does
not intend to lie relegated to the back
ground while the narration of snak
atorieH is (,'oint; on, and she Mates
through the uiedium of a Ui.-patch tlm
XollowiiiK bouncer: ' While two lnmlier
men named McCray and Deuers were
felling timber near Cleveland, Welwter
comity, they cut down a lar;,'e linn tree
Which was literally alive with snakes of
variety never before found in this vi
cinity. They were brown in color, lar;,'e
.In size having yellow jaws, from which
they continuously evict-d a slimy mat
ter und were exceedingly vicious, at
tacking the uvu as soon as the tret fell.
After killing a Ure number, McCray
and Deuers were obliged to retreat, tle-
-curing assistance, they retarned to the
pot and a general shin'hter took place.
dot less than .'00 reptilea being killed,
Investigation was then made and from
1,500 to 2.000 e".,' were found in various i
parts of the tree.'
Eatiuc iinrkwheat Cakas. 1
Says a gentleman who attended the re-'
entiletno(list cont.rence in osnins-
uo: "I was amused at the way in which
few English delegates condncteil them -
elves ut the hotel. It reminded me of
the story told about Matthew Arnold oa
tlie occasion of his vuit to this country.
When at Cleveland he was generously
atertain'1'l. One morning his host jiut
liefore hitn at the brealffast table, among
other things, buckwheat cakes. For a
Jon 3 time neither he nor bis wife took
any cakes, but noticing that his Ameri
can friends ate them with a great ap
parent relish and gusto, he inerly took
stne on his plato and tasted it very crit
ically. Tin u l.-aniag over to bis wife he
aid, 'You'd better try one, deah, they
ah not 'olf so nawsty as they look.' "
Xtew York Tribune.
JapanrM Clearattm la China
Dnrins the month of May last the ex
port of Japanese cigarettes to Shanghai
Sjrresated .Vii.rsiO, from which it may
lie inferred that the foreign residents of
China are beginning to appreciate the
Japanese article. Hat unfortunately, as
Is usually the case with everything ex
fxirted from this conntry, the necessity
of keeping tip the quality of the article
is not appreciated.
Adulteration with leaves of thelotns,
the goba and so forth, has been resorted
to, with t'ne r n't of greatly injuring
the reputation which the cigarette were
just beginning to earn. The Tokio news
agency addresses a word of tini'dy warn'
wig to the shortsighted manufacturers.
T f..:f
Japanese Mail.
Cut Oft His Trn Ft Ilsard.
Mr. Tail Jlenson, the gi-ntleinan dis
tingnisin 1 l,r having produced the long
est tear.! ia t!:s trorlJ, f jssd it so ia
coiivetiient and uncomfortable that he
was induced to cut it off. A liutnls r of
iiis friend In 1 planned to place him ia
charge of the Mississippi department of
t'ao World's (.risiiiiion at Chicago, where
it was presuined bis remarkable beard
would prove a striding feature in tiie
attractions, and much regret is felt that
lie chose to relieve himself of that in
ctrnbr.'wice. The beard was by actual
measurement about ten feet long.
Coriutu iieraid.
Snnilajr Labor la Main.
A wealthy New York merchant has
-tan ! ) v m lu'mistrr iv inuur iu rural
2Iaine for a year among the " un
churched. " People who have not Inves
tigated the matter have little idea of the
opportunities for inch lalxir. On croea
aroads within ten miles of Lewiston there
ia absolutely no observance of the Sab
bath. Men were in the field.i pulling
turnips and women were banging out
sjrashinga last Snuday. Lewiston (Me.)
A Qarar Bird.
While irentleman was ont hunting
itirar Crawfordville last week he noticed
omethitig curious swimming just nnder
the water. It didn't se-m to be a fish
nor yet a bird. Presently it rose, shook
tho wner from its wings and Rarted to
Cy, when he shot it down. It had a head
like a tnrtle, winry like a bat and a tail
caly like n carp. There were two feet
sjvrbbtd like a goose. Atlanta Coustltn
tion. ' Tha Lnll In rnmM nefora tha Rtorm.
In EurOiie 8,0(iO,0(K) armed men are
a-.b -niy fiu'ir'i? ea' h otiier, waiting old
for the Word to spring at ea-ili otinr's
tJinats. War has Ion ; liwn thonght of
as i'limi.'ient, and this state rf things 1ms
coins to le tegarded as normal. This
nointlous condition ia without a parallel
-is history. Foruta.
' Mr. Ilctker, of V niot). was A pVw. !
;t caller at The ITkrald t-anctum
tot ay
The Rev. Oco. II. Thnier, of lio'tr
bon. In ' , snysi ' Holh niyelf vr'fe
owe our lives to fhiloli's consiuu
tion cure." For mle by V. G. Fricke
nducJ Haiaa on ine M P.
Ticket at one fare for the round
trip will be old to all who desire
,,( ,,,.,) (i,c Archbishop' ('.olden
jui,i!ee at St. I.ouis. Tickets on
- , .. ilo i,,;i,i iri'inrn
to and including Dec. 'J. Aiij wish-
iu to visit St. Louis sboiiUl tali
advantage if this low rate.
R iv i hi y :n
Ray L. Koyce anil bis excellent
company a.c to jppiar on Thurs
day next iu the delightful medley
of comedy unci music, "Tom a
Vacation," whi
great success
ii is liiccliiu; wiib
cci'y ubcie. K'cml
what a .'-luh ,,1111 paper saj s ol the
"I'be old Casino was full to the
doors last uihtto sec Kay 1 K'oycc
tin.l his clever couipai.y in thai
bright musica. e.vit, lion's Vaca
tion." Shoiii.i of l-iu-lucr ai.d
bursts il applause sho.xd that the
audience loii.i 1 the cmcfiaiuiiifnl
! !l-l eiiuililiue. i hi' piece, the
work ol Mersiv. K'oyce and llor
wit., iii one ot those musical mcd-
' leya with just piot enough to hold
it together, '"it whicu so-called
critics wail but which the j;rcat
public desiring to l' umuscd and
. forget worry and care for a time,
! continues to patronize ubove any
other form of entertainment. Add
to this that the tuu in perfectly
, clean and wholesome, that the
actors arc all most clever in their
, eeveral specialties and that ludi-
' croua silualioiis and pretty music
Inbound, und vou have ."Tom't
"The solids nnd imitations of
Messrs. Royce and Ilorwitt pleased1
,! uniUHcd everyone
Miss Jessie
Lindsay's dancing wan charming
to look upon. Arthur Moore tdiou s
perfect mastery of the banjo and
mandolin, und the rural landlord
of A. R. l!rooks is a very clever
p'cci' of bu.lescpue character act in
jj to t)c at)ljvt. the voices ol
j 1HH)1J R ce an(, La yallette nn.l
'. .. . , ... , . . .
lie inc wumtr iiji wuu ifii. ii tii.u
funny diuinuue and liiui iiic uudi
fiv.v was reuiurkiibly well ph ased j
l not a matter ol surpr :. ' Uaily
M jrninr Journnl. Oct. 10.
Aa Orl.-lnal Srtipma.
Captain J. S. Dunham, a vesselmsn on
the great lakes, has presented a schetuc
by which the waters of the great itiland
s-as will be prevented front contiunuu
to lower as they are reported to be doing.
His plan is a very simple one. In the
'iiagara river Islow lon.iwanda, where
navigation ends, lie would dump many
thousand boat loads of large stone. It
might Isj that so'iie steel structure could
also be extended into the river from each
side to narrow the channel. The result
Would lie to leftson the Cow of water
from the lake and thereby increase tiie
stage of water at all points. The pro
posed dam would be comparatively in
expensive. The question is largely an
engineering one. Toronto Globe.
Kvaaxsllsm aait Muntarli.
It came near being a rule of tho Evan
gelical association that mustaches must
go. The Kev. M. Pfitzinger iatrisluced
a resolution to the effect that the minis
ters of the"lical association should
Dot wear the fashionable mustache. His
resolution, o(Tend In a facetious way,
was nut to a vote and cuiue within a
few- votes of passing.
' ... . :
Li-hop Esher favored the motion of
j Mr. ITitzingi-r und said that if mustach
es were worn nt all they Mionl I lie kppt
i-'.iort, especially for the receiving of the
Loly bacrament. Indianapolis .SentineL
Tills 11-ijr Mrt a Itrar.
Friday, as Charles lloxie and T. W.
Ford were np ia the woods iiear Els--iii
i lab1, limiting, they separated to meet
laUT, when llorie, v!u is ubout seven-
killed one or ine cuus, me omer geiung
away. Pretty gofsl for a boy all alon
in the woods. Oruevilk Cur. Dexter
Cie.) Gazette.
. , ,.. .. ...i ...
injr iiiis.: jil. iiom-n" n
wfi'R ni n tunc A coino noi nee. i i
used Kly'e Cream Ilalm and in a
few days I waa etired. It in wonder
ful how quick it helped me. Mra.
Ceorgie S. Judson, Hartford, Conn.
Hein;f a tifiVrer from chronic
catarrh, and havinjj derived tjrent
benefit from the use of Kly'a Cream
Halm, I can highly recommend it.
ItF aulea are far in exeeaa of all
otlier remedien. H. Ki anken, l)ritf
(fist, SiOurney, Iowa.
Stanley us ati e tdorer, Kdison aa
an inventor Miss rlora A. Jonea ns
the discoverer of the f-amous Hlu-h
of Koea for the romplexinn; are
Mime thnt will be handed down us of the race, to nil re.
corded time (). II. Pj nder comes in
for hi Phiirc (of the prn(itw) ns lie
nlwnya keeps a bio; supply on hand,
uud Bella it for 7.1 1 Is. per bottle.
For Intno back there is notliintr
better than to eaturntc u llanuel
doth with C'hiimberlain'a I'liin
ll.'ilin nnd bind it on the afTcc'.ed
parts. Try it und you w ill be sur
prised at the prompt relief it affords.
The same treatment will cure rlmu
mutism. For eale by F. O. Fricke
& Co.
H'l'ii ji'iini ran, i.nim ia rouiacv wuu nil -ii .f r ' 'H
M bear and two culis, and they made K 'V . ""Li"'?
for him. lie. seeing it was useless to ' f J 'SLl'.fY7
run, stood his ground and discharge 1 1,' I f T'l
his rifle, killing the old bear ut the first j t i l'jTT7. - iCl ' I
shot. Then with two shots more lie 1 C' K.v) UXJ " c 'f
i. ... .11 - z ..... . ..i. .... i i m -y. j m , i i k w . L
' PJ "V"" P'Y'" ,d.?'
wind", glass ami stop up that liole
in y houae.- tf
' tp" tit lie fondll uu
Of Tl' i k ! r.s" ' iiuuM lit PUMmi nth
win ! ' I s i lir ik. i lUti tic ful tiu-i-uri
Ik ' I'.t . im.
l.on n4 ("tn unit $I91.TT2 S
iiTi-rilrnttj. lu'uri-d pit untrcurrd . . 5 44
l lp ei MtMiiaiyKnnloi
i tic it in 41, to U ' 1. 4 ..mi I'Hi.k ri. . .
Iln.l c4i,tiH, t mliijie iel tiiurri.. .
ii in m
S, i.'l i
Kl Si
!'. ou
:ulx iafii' tx Iml'l ...
Cheek .i i.l Iri tl UUIU
HIIlK i t o' hliU '
fi.irt -I mi eV rnrreiiry nickel
mil lit
- -
Leu i if tiller H"l
T tnl
i lia i.-t i in l.i
ini m
2fl, mi n
'.'. k r.t A3
,1 e' to elieck :t; :
iriun ' 11, Ml
llmiiv ild H
t"HIVrl) i-i im-lt"
If Hlf Ifl. HI-ot l-ll-lt . . 2-'l".V'
Tna rrniltca iinle wU il.lM 4
Tma' ...M.'6S
TATKor 'rRiK
li lie I v.
I, J. " h t'-r-'. i S'lit'r ef ths
nasi bmk.-' Ini.e'-. itii'ii,ftii
snivel l ru t . , lie n il II" KIi.f-ilS
ami Is-iik . I l I'ins.-oK
8uIk rlim.i (ml r- ' le'ins ililt
Kill il. i! S'i'r li-i'l
- ii imsoi.
i u. y I'llllllC.
.ill k i : MiM.i.U'.vrkt i:. .iiltl lO.n Ji .ill.' I. Mi' I
A'auon. homy. MmiIiU"
I" , ,"., ... .I,i.
-lis tl l''s
Wliicli i iIih lkt tuTsi-sliiif for tin
tanner, r (or f-t ihiviui:, or for rilj
iuipo-s evi r iiivi iited , It i mi nimti
dint Hiiyutii- n..i put up sliiirp or list
.nrks, its nded for wel slid rlipvT
Ujs. or stnootli. dry tonii. sll
ll'i simp - I exnniirr tilt-
mil vou will use no iitist.
!S Snrt'i !-Vtl Ht. i'litKaixitb
Special Engagcn n.
One Niqht
'nvnntr 19.
ABsrkat Mai a4 Tamil W Conllaa,U
A ckaa sad antatla Mmtntt l omul f Ut41tj IS i
I kupfMirw It a
tasT-etis3 rsx-'ijrr f tci,-siii:?xs uzntt
istsi rri. ki .ii -. raciALTira
KaicAL aATijiuf to aiTiAT ok.
si l i a 'iiTum nioTnin
alTmiT SOSOI, ariTto KI-Tl.'Ml. ri IT il
air a, PLi.K,rLK4a ab aariaaak
rwtiKB Taa iaitirr or
B. 8. 1IUUC a.asl H. V. U14UJ(JI4
Tickets on Bale at J. I. YounjjV
Prices '". W and 3." cents,
Cnilurcn under twelve, 2't cents.
jEirn;: "How Is tt. Kste. that r1"! stwsyt
fscin Ui mieu oil Co ine titst niw iiiina r i'o
imi I amy, )uu alwas mia to ei alica4
of ins."
Kts: "t Armt knn! I esrtnlnlf d( aot
SaaliS mir Minnfi in thst ilini-tiiui.s.
Jlnsik: " Well, diinna the lust few m'TltiS,
tut liuilo, )uu tint Ukeu up iiitiiif.
.-vr,.'-.. ' ft j
ithmit any Uwhv t rouesmstothemrue
; m mi unurno o-mii uer in-imrwrimi
Sii iiil'h-nlv. ml run u in Iy He an Nil limn
Injr In rrai uies-r jmir iiinns'iion: i tisara
tuu Ulliiia Taiiiiny Khiii4 w-l rvrtiins hoir
I mm liil lnw nitaf mkt- In l'lMi imiiii
Umi acem to t, up fiu all the Ihi'i M1 fails.' sni
on lout vlialtu di iimler all circuoifUiicra I
Vou eiiKTtnm tirautilullr ; ami In tli la4
, ,,i (,vs lm .m .-I
avintli vuii hHvs HnfinivtliMi in twaini, ft wins',
vs: ti-li nis, U. jrmir iiyHalriiltijn-iKnn'lMa,
wtii-rs do jruii ai t all of ynur Uitoriiiatina
fn.m In tliia litlio uMil 1L (ilaut lur
you nrvcr ( Ui the iitjr."
Kats: "Why, Ji nnw, rmi wilt msks ma
Yin. 1 haraniily iiriMiimiif tnfutnnitkin.
knit It tnniirrttii!jf how M aif-fUikil wmita, I
Vnrf Sfllin hur ,r anyilnus' nrw Init fthal
IL null fi-w liHnir nie full uf"iPi""
a ia mhywu Xfn f Nol MakiilMl
A oil a armt traamirv It la In its ail, t' It
rvllv fiiriiinlina tisi miliif fr tba wbola
risM-hiil It failw-r lianaivin up hU niNKM'Jiia
tuat Ihi has talira U pur, as h mf Una
fitia rtvna tnnrv and Usu.'r tufis-matii'Q on
tM suhr'ta of t day and Bii.tls-r say
liml It is that tlMt hT sin h a lutooi.s
kHswktir In fw i. all n- tliat tt a)
Kmntiiy mall? rsn r miniiiiiM i.uuuilxd,
as wn havn -tit fur Kimi n-suf all nl tlMin.
and And tliat ttrm m ail lur mifi. amitlwr ail
fiw wiinsii. aisl sissihy f'S (.liililn'n mly,
wtilW tin 'hmi siilts erfrjr n w nt im) au wa
amIv niw-d tutiiU-j i no lii.tmd of iicvrnil, and,
t nit In whrru tho tvi'is'iny romsg In. for II Bi
only I 'l'l S ywr I'l-rlml roil tlnnk I ant
lixi Uvi.n in my rnlM; Imt I w i II hi you
ii' i m, or. luMtiT ;iil, ht'iA 10 tpntu to tl.f
iliT, W, Jriin'tin liriDonM, lit tt loh
ttrK-t, New 01 k, fur a went Is niptr, and I
soii'l Mlwuys c.'iuii'ti'r t!mt 1 Imvs d,ns yrni
a tn-il fnior; ami mtr In- yi ii will t-rnlnn
tin 'it, m yon ai r w fmvs tho ri-iiutiitmn of
I ns ths ir-tt tnfonriiil fmnily In t.wa. If
tnst I an. It is iuuMrual's 1 aaiilj Lalla
that ooa iu
A libi ihI fi('cr -only (.Uit fur
und PemoivM 1 amily Mny;,i.ine.
12" Send your atlbscriptioti to this
fT-Tr-a-.: --.I I
TTT IS waiting to show you his new gocds
vj J J and to let you know how cheap they
can be bought.
In lii line in Cass Cannty. Yon wi 1 not lie able to buy cheaper WcbI Clii
cugt wlicti you take qnuldy a"l prico in coiisi(kratio:i.
('AtllOUC.-M. I'aul's lilltrh. k. l'Hwl.
filtti slid hlilh. Kallii-r a WJ. !'"'
a-rlrri Bunday
SrhiKil tl I Ju. I L Ij- i.f .'.cllirt..
CiiaiTi. 4'nnirr l-euil and Tlirlilh Ht.
hrivlers iiioriiiiiK snd riilK' B-f J. V.
Krrd, paiiur. SumtH) School 10 a. M.
Kri-i ort.-St l.iiks's I tiurrh. eoinerTnltd
ud V In-. Ksr H B. hutuMt iwtnr. Hrr
vlrrsillA S.lil1.r.S. huiida) IkUool
at J -.3Sr. M.
(IraMita MfTnornsT ror ainth t sod
l.onill'. Kr.lllt1.l'atnr. hrr'r II 4. SI.
and 7 'J2D r. M. Buuiny bclioul 10 J0 A .
rKVTrKIAi. rrlrw In I rm rlintrli.nir
iii-i Miath biiiI lirsimr ' Itsv. J 1. 1 nlr-1,
K-dir. Miml-M!' ikiI al I ; i I'lrailiU S
at II a. m.s-iit It) in,
"li K. f. ('. K 1 1 'hUrhurrh miUmiiy
Sahlinlll rvrliliK :t 7 -.IB llllli l'x Inn I til
Ihr rliurtti. All ale lbilrd lu alUDd tlirx
Fihst MuTnotitsT -filth Sf tirtttrn Mlu
sin! frarl. Iisv I. V. Hiltt. I. I). inMor.
M-rvlrrr : II M. M" ! si limit
ti.'JA M, i'taif airrli. I MrdlirtiUy era
In. tiritMAX rsavTBiAa. Tornsr MlB snd
Is ml Ii. Ili-v ills. (ii,i. r. hrtviMS ual
tiuurs. Kundnjr frliuul M A. M.
Rwrrni"" nK'ioTiiii. Oranlts, be
l.fn Fifth and Mih.
ColiHSIl ItAITI-T.-Mt. otlvs. I'pk. hstwrva
li nlll ai,d Klrvrlith. )(. A. Ilmarll, ib
lor. Sivir II s. in. ind 7 :X p. ia. i'uf
nisrlliiir Mrdiirutay rvriili g.
Viicmj Kr' riiMt-Tl AoriATtni
..r. 1m t. al.ra.hh 1.11-k Ulla RlTMlt. (.lift-
.f! IMrlvt7tnt li" liiUlV.'T hiilu1n)T t
I. iiiim n hi 4 ii VI, k., ti.mii oKrii k dn)i
f Mllll :.' a. Ill . Ill I .V l. Dl.
Hot-Til Pa UK TAririifc,Arl.. Iti-v. V.
Winil,lHiiir, hnrai stl"!jr rlimd.
is. m. : I rcsrl Irir, II a m. shil II in.;
(r oi l iiikiii K Tuliy iiiIh i rl nil pio.
Hi' Jrnl-J ui, lil Ali ais rlciiiiir.
When you ro to a nhoe atore your
object isnot only to buy ahoea but
to procure for what you aprnd the
best that your money will buy.
1.1-sa than this will not content youj
more than this you cannot, in reti
son, ask. Our method nre na
tiimtib' na your deiircK. We du not
lift your eypectationa to the clouds,
lMit we renli.e incrti wntnever uiey
are. We will never racrilice your
intiTcsts to ours nn 1 nowhere else
enn vou tret n fuller nnd fairer
eottivahnt for jour money. An
Cfiuri:i!ly lirofitable puicliusc for
you is our etc.
JJOOE3. a xi o X3 a o i
S01 Main Street.
Only buyi the bert makes and latest noveltie in
hats, cai'S etc.
And if you arc looking for a reliable jdaco to trade give JOE a trial.
Dogs Yotu
Need a clonk this winter? If she does
you do not call nnd cxumine the childrcna clouka that
we ore otlcrin before buying.
We havo Just received from
his full
Childrons Sample Cloaks.v'
For tliiltlrcn G, 8; 10 end 12
garments in all. NO
were given a disccuxt from regular wholesale pric
sothat:c arc able to Bell tlicra at actually
Manufacturer's Prices.
CAI LIN nnd let iim prove the truth of the nhove tatement, ana
SllO yOS St t ili? f""!? l!Ht 1,lr r -
buctiuca uiiu jackets. ,
Another opportunity to buy liocs at
V t-v- t.Upunre (n nntioticintr to the people of I'luttsmotilh and
mirroutu'injr towna that we have
sample mio. Uur auccesa wtin ine-insi line wna .m u.ii.iihui mm hud
dreda were disappointed becnuse they came too late to Ht curc Home of th
bariralna that we oUered. This line ia better if anything than the lust, b
Inur Walter Jt( icmrny att o.,oi ihwiuh, ni., ...- - --
dieH.MiHHea.t liildreiia.Menaand Hoyai-hoeaaf all kinda and of all da
acrit.tioiia. Ainonjr them ia W puir of boya and Jletta bottts, in which
we Am Hive the ben value for your money that you ever "laid rye on,"
Don t think that because we UDti t asa nin pn - iinmiurs mat int
.r. nl nnv hiuh miuliiv. We hnve amouor these shoe that art
fine aa any Hhown in the city, everything extrinsic ia stripped away
and the ahoea that you buy of tta atanda on their intrinsic worth. We dig
at the rotf value and give you
D 8i8 S! GiiE Great
Chiblrena Nat
liral Wool Ct l
or Shirta nnd
ItHrwcra All
i irs.
Childrcna nil
Wool Shirts &
Dt'iiwc ra All
507 Jlaln Ftrwt
A' '
Little Qjwl
you will make a (rrent mistakaV
a larco Cloak Manufacturer
line of C
years old, consisting of lil I
TWO ALIKK, on irhich w i
Ul J.1VJ. llilM.linnva
nuccecded in Rt ttin"; another tine ol
ine wonuoi your miubcj.
Baipiis ii
Indies Fine
Menu o Silk
Trimmed shirt
nnd Drawer.
Mena Extra
iieavy Ribbed.
S It i r t a u d
riiittfcinoalb, Net,
.., i