The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 17, 1891, Image 2

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KNOTT3 CP.OS, Publishers
V pvi-ry TbupiJay, and dully evttj
want ic-i,it Si.mtay.
K' ;'. -r-.l turt r!Hii't!lfi. Srb. p vt.
V:ur turns ilian thmasiii tlie U..-S. mi -Is
I arviit.ll ?i-n rt-.
C"';,-, , Via :iD(l Fifth strnrt.
r-i'-'.i'iiiMit' :sd.
TIUIVS Full wrr.KLVa
" eerr. e::f ye ar. i:i a-ivnsce S! "
-:. ("ipy, nut' js.-ir, !) m mtv-we H'"
,.n c-iuy. ;.: m''?, In n.v;i!-- ,. 75
s..s c 'iy, Hire- ' u-V, is eUuvr). ... lo
Ti'ifH Knit lAIL
.. n.p . ., y i ' .! :i lv .i-" J' i
lueu.v p.'r tiy c iTriT I
". r.i y, ;n r nwi",' .'. .. !'
TUi:r)AV,:;ov:::ii5:;i:. r.1-
the i"!:3!,oi:JT-; ih-wksgivinc xti-'JN.
Hy tf,. ,,ve.-i.:ent of the I'll i ted
.tCatofA.neric.i: A proc l.uria'.i )'!.
Ii i.s a very Ud i Ai '.. nt of the
narveloin profp-nty v.h.cii Ikh
erovvne.1 d.e y..arno-.rdravvii;-t. a
dopc'ti at its h"i.-f'daud reasur-fci-
touch h:i been felt by Ml our'. It h-i heeu as wble as our
couulrv an 1 i-o rpecial that evrry
toiv.C lies '( It ltn Connor. inK
ence. It is too ;;r-at to i.c i;n-"i
f man's power and too jarticular
to be the il'vUe d his iniud. To
C )d, the bene-icent aid ail wise,
who ma'.ies lii-r labors of n.e:l to be
fc-uitful, reJecuis their lor.-rH by hl
jr.-ice, and tho luea.-tire of who-e
f.ivernin is as inucli lieyond the
tioiuh.s of man as it is beyond his
d .. ,h 1 1. . i ;. nr. 1 -r.i'ilil of
tiu peoide of this favored nation
re justly due.
Now, therefore, I, Ilerjamin
Harrison. ireyid"llt of the l.'ilitcd
States of Am lica, !o hereby up
t Tlu:ri!::v. tbf V.h !i!V of
Kuveiiib r Jire.-eut, to be a d.iyol
Joyful tii:i;..-uivi;;.T to c;.;d for t'.i.
bounties o; hi.; j,: ovidi :.ce, fur tin
in w..u-a v.e are j..t.;i:i.'-i o
tiijoy tiieri, a
tin 1 of tho
and r. ii . i. i: i
g r.o our f.i.'..
cl.-.i.j i'.a.l '
C'ra.-a';e' to j.r
8P.-:'''. ''
r- i, -t of to.!,
lie C'ollTeali'
l.i.:;iiy t is ,i'.
firesides a:id
oes towards li
j re -erva
; in civ..
:.: !i i.i
, , '. t :i.
in i
. d.:.v
.d n;
wor.-bi,! iu til.
in, tbf ll'I.C.
, i.i: our Ai.i
'diouh'Jul indpf.d-iio.-c
ttlio lack
1 the body or of the i-jiirit.
In testimony whereof I have
hereunto i'iy hand and caui-ed
the seal of the United Staloa to be
Uone t tiiecitr of Vauhinton
tiiia 13tll day of November, in the
j:ir of our Lord on? thuiisand
ilit hundred and ninety-one, and
f the indeptudence of the lnitcd
States the one hundred and Mix
teenth. lSliXJAJU IlAkl l ION.
IJy the President: J.VMi G
CLAIMS, Secretary of State.
' ri.fX.LAMT!ON.
Noiv, i:: re ll an rvi-r have
ftoj.lo i i Nil i i;.i t . .
t.-A j rea.-ot:s for lif.i:.;" th. '.r h.ei.r.H
in f.Tati, '. tb.e ( me liul. r
uf the tuiiver.-e for the ui.'.old biir-
in.;s they have t njoyi d d.i. i the
year v. I.i h i.j no.v dra.-. I:i;;' to u
f Jose. Ti;? di-n:dr;i. el.'.-..i i of t'.ie
dr. u'.'iv!1 I .l.'.' i, t''o : ;. n.e ir.jriio'.s
of the frtat: : a y.-ar have been i! by the t :
ferity. The window of hiaven
were (...ened; the raiiiri came and
ow tile earth has rrnjiouded with
t most nb'.i'idant increase; the la
bors of the husbaudiiii i Ii n e b. en
lost lav irh'y le'.vaided; thir feliJn
ha e i.t .i oorv v.i.,!.. -'..u frraia-- the trees -Willi fru.
tlie kranaricH arc now full to le
pletion; now vio.'ar.d cr.i rj;)' have
been infused into department of
human erforts; joy nits iu the hearts
of the people where there watt a
lamentation a year nyo: nencr.d
health prevails and peace r. io
within our hordem.
It 1 i.lSt hc-iie.iiiiii', tn Well l.B
the fierforruance of a tcarcd duly,
that nil fhotibl manifest in a
I'uhiie manlier their tipprcciaUon
ai.d ti '. i:" jrrjtitud- fcr there
pricelces lltMtitip'
Now, therefore, 1, John ?l.Thay r.
governor of the Mtate Nebraska, do
hereby dchipnate iliurt.d.iy, the "J
day ot the j)rta-e:it inontii, ax a day
o: ll'.et-i'tf ;,is in:; n;!l o llic
Moiitlliii for His f.iiln-rly care
over ltd am for His tender mercies.
I most earnestly resilient, all the
pccjile of this commonwealth lo
oi-l. till fiuui uil se- ular emjiloy.
inrnt on that fl.-y and as-emhle in
their several jbiceH of jiuldic wor-
hip ai:dofl.-r I p fhanlsfcivin;; and
onga of praise to II.b holy name.
In accordance with this beauti
ful ciniloin fam'iies will he reunited,
oi-ial and frr.ternal influences will
prevnil anj the hearts of all should
be made ;lad.
I be f, .i(oe wtlil an i.ltuudaucc
not to direct the poor mid i.eedy,
but to nivc to them freely of their
own bounty. I-t ull the people re
joice. In testimony whereof I have here
unto set in v hand and canned to fx
jtJfUcd the reat real of the Mate.
Done at Lincoln thia 14th day ol
November, in the year of our Lord
one t'.umwand -'eij-'ht hundred and
nincty-on-, of .the Male the twenty.
11 fill and of tli independence of the
I'nitcd States the one buini.-cd mid
lly the Governor: J1IN' M.Tn vi:ic.
Jwil.N C, AU.ftv. Sec'y of -State.
bas n-"
into our mn.3'. ui";nr
.,. r,,,,,. t. stay
It is a sbeil i
of pllbli.'
uf ilt nliare
p itron
i: j:t t t a"' ye.
o;, t::ict
; ti.e
jii ohal.!..
;. i.. 1
i i was i'i iven iiii, ai:d it is very
t.i r.- ui.. itia.'V Ih-io'.iii.illH
vor.i.l -bi.'.ly eeii:lMe t!ie prcsei,1
s:a:.- of atfairn for tliore that t-xis'.i i
d.u in;.; his rei;.;n.
Tilt: econ liiiical bo.isewtfe wi.i
lU iuand of her htidiand b) lay in
liieir wiu'er'n Pupjily of Coal foi
f -ar a e-ii;tiiiued cold spell and jo-
bly siunvdrifls that may interfen
with tiaf.'it will m.i.:: tli'J nippl.'
..i.ort ai'.d juices hi-h. It is m.uiev
r.ivcd to lay in a mpply of -coal at
your earliest convenience.
l!fSIT :s uvn are beinuin 1o
ft-rl leut'W ed eilOoitl '.i;; -ilieiit lit iiiv
steady j ro-.vth d trade. This
uieans a belter circulation of
money, that obligations will be met
m iv jirouipdy an-1 .nnlidencc will
be i-b.eulhened witii mauufacturers
Tlic col l wave has ii! -o had iu
edect iipnri trade. I'armers wh
have attended to the field areto-dnj
laying i-t their wi'iter'n s-'.t;i;dy for
tiii.t uii-'xpected indication of :i
" vere winter. Their tr ; ' have
l.i-u ;:"1 an I ru-e i'i tit! y they
v'dl b iy li!.-ra!!y...It t!i-u ri main
uir L non
es 1 llU'i t c
rejire-e it
: t'.i- i r ;-! '.J
U..i V. ii li il'!
till !.
th -'ii
inp-iuy has t
t . i
..iv. : t.: .1 ;
n- Ul 0!',...l
i..-l at Ah
c.jiital utoci
xandi i.
In b, wiili a
'ri), tO IlialUI-
This new i:i-
f.icture plate k'ui-s.
du-diy Sv 1 1 1 roo-l i,iVe eliipMiy tiiviit
to thon.-.inds of laborers and u.-sin
in the cuii.'.iiiiiji'.ion of our farmeris
jirolucts. It is not eiir;u!ar that
the deiitociacy fail to rejoice at
this, for it appears to delight in
attacMii-; BUth in.-.titutionn as
though they were a common
enemy. It is confidently hojx-d
that ere lon the dcmocr.i:y will
woik Hhoubler to Hhotiider with tiu
rc;iiibhi'.i.i i..r'.y i" the i.itt rtiiid of
T:tr Cit"s rotmty court hut 'e i.
ati -in uiiHut to the city of i'
::i'.ti!'.i rr: I u credit to the count j.
I's lo-' ; do!' iv:e l:!i-. been rr i'i ''
by i v -ry I ,i. ly a ! i ., it p.. ;: ; r-. ::
ion l - !u
,ve mr,-. ;.;
: 1 .! .'
.1 I
H r
I tin:. .::r.
.' a' i
! tr;f- b
in lh"
di. I ' . i .
n;', was
('.:" vai lotl
:, i . 1 'i i : i ,e
. ) i. ..
d-lla'.Iy Ci tl-
location fell to her l it
Onr !j!1--!;.'.s t;;i"i
veouhl :iM to the jir i
fST tll.t it
l-cr'.ty (.f the and therefore v, oi k. d to jjet
the location, and now that it is
bcinnin to show that the bonds
. o! -il were r.ot u i ! i -!y r ..j end' d.
we feel at liberty to invite jro
p c 'vi t 1 j of l.e
Ciy'iy to tiiis tiiy miki ei'r for
what thoe J s(),f aj bonds were voted.
The free tride organs all over the
country are minting to the recent
siihl iiduction in v.a,;r.s ut Iht
Carnr;;ie iron and steel works and
charge the reduction to the M'i.i.i
ley bill, thcri by hojiiii to lecore ii
point for free trade. Mow thi n if il
be true Unit there has been a rr
dticlion in wbj; s at thoe iron
voiku it 'oei i.i.l riiiair!''2? the
ciaim that prop clion inablen tb.e
ctiijiloycr to jiay better w.icm, but,
on tlie contrary, it nupports the
chain ir.nM.aich us the M'Kiniev
bi!l re:!;.cci the tarid o.i i..ui raid
nice! f;oit!n. It reduces the iariff on
nice I r.iiis froiti CH to il'M ) per ton;
on fdieet or teel iron from one nnd
otic-fcu'h cent to nine-tenths of
one cent H r pound nu-l on iroo
be, i n. s, girders, joitdr) and almost
ull other iron wares a redv.ct n of
from one und one-fourth lo nine
ten h ct-tifB per jiouml in made.
These jiapera can do no better
nervicen for the Cause of protection
tirantoiiive notice! when a reduc
tion of warden follows a reiluclion
of the tariff. The Rnat-.Ht ilifll
cully, ho'.ev. r, lj that our fiieudrj
do not five lltcir readers both I
, note
that wa"ca have hi
-d, but1
leave the reader to
txritf Iihm heen i
wnrkitiRK of the pt
i nl.ev will bear llle ti
:iat the
... Tl
il llic li'H he turned mall sidi'M
ii iiiv i" -
- .
Y.hy will you coiikI" ""'." Mi'-
l ilt s cure will fcive .miu.diiite ".V
lief I'i ce 10 n, cm. tuiu tr
ji.i. i nil i .. tr
l-or a e by b. t. l-nekc & C o.
i ui
Opniinc Lriit-rn by I.nw. j
"Inotlc edn hliort limp n," uniil a
W isli.n.-ton olli. ial. "that wiuio ohjec-
,(..,. ,nTii.mlo l.v :i Mr. Tell, of tin- San
Diiininxo Miorp line roml, to the f'n
int; of a private letter by tim rliief of the
Bi in t M-rvh e bureau. li U 't K1 ii' -'lly
kcowu ihnt the rules vt ti:n i-ortoillee
tic 'ii:irliu"iit t-int,owvr inv-elor too;H ii
imii:i e!t-r.i at li-tivtioii, i..e
jmiiie to lie very lisnrh a.!ot:im .1
lit till i p.-oei'i-hir-Jln.-aHMied, l).lt 1 iis-nrf
T"U llir.t it i ( :il l i -d to II ','rv:tt.T i-.-.telit
t' even tli.'-i) who klloW nil uixmt it
( i ,)..-.. la I, u-t, itil.HT til" i.i lae
r . i, i.iecib l '.rtii.i r.t id:::' t ir. y 1 rivate
! L tti r can bo o;h i:kI uinl M ad. T.iis will
I nirpii e Miiim jH'. j le, I j.n-..i::;iP, t.'.d it
j is nevertia -le-n true, und a n-b r nee to
'the T.rivate iiiKruet ions to I'D. to.iiee in-
c; i t.'r.s, vviiidi a:e in loria, vm'.I
c'l.tiviiiee iniyboily of it. Whether ki'.cIi
re n t j iivil' ;fi s lire i vi-r n-d il'n'rpu
mutely would be to find out. It
in a nood l al like urn slin a man ousnv
j.ieioa. As ai.iatt.'r of fai't, therefor",
)oa will K-B the t'tiit' d Suites mails are
I;i) i.i iro h..eri d tii.tTl t'au ni .ils ill lblMi:l
cr tiny other country no &..r u K-ivi rn
ti:e;;t -i-jiioiia U louccruud." iiuv."
Vuik Iiuralil.
Mnt'a t'lfillir.
"Mm fire becoiain- as bail ns rroinen
f. r tlie adoption of i-aano uud tnieo'ui fa diions hi chithintj," aaid ft
Fifiii aventie custom tailor, "an-1 ta -y
U--.1 urer.s ivforta jreaeln il to them id-itio-t
ns mtie'.i as the f ii.iairi3 k-x. Tain'
thf;!i collars that uro in Vo;;'n.', mid'.i are svora lii:;lii-r than ever this
f..'.l. They r.huo-t tr.ui;,u on.' und chafe
the '' in iiittil it nor.'. V, t ween the
beavy, hot b- uver and the ti'lit col
lar, b;tlJin"-s is becoiiiiii Min'.iaul in oar
Cities., Tli.j bih, tii;lit colliir lias ns
I.iutli to do with cur.siii ba!dn"ss as any
other o:u' thi:i;r. Ti:ea the l.n'i ii-ni s'.jle
(.flitting tie; cb.thes f.ireel i:s to mi.:'.'
them t; :i:t lit: 1 frair r.'l ur i'"i 1, ntt 1 tills
re...v. to 3 i.ii! fr .ut r. illy eh... ih; lif-
"l i 'iit Ji.tte'it le:tt:;er slenM s-.reut iltld
rineli the f - t c::til w::li;i.: ii a l.uiutiil
i :. :ci: liv.-ry iiuej 1 ". . :i .iiele v.
I.U ( f l it'-, t '.yl of I:, . i Tit I he i
I pi.y hi:.!, m; 1 V.-o.vl v 1. m;u'.:..
tun.- h v 'i-.t.-.ry t. far-. Inn
; . l ti. t if ! th: i fii l.i.ti 1 is I..
.-..: 1... 1 i.-- hi I :..;; that t a j:;;.
I ' s d .n'i f.t I li" i t II I: '.lu."
le.l I.
.1 KVi
fcf-:is..r Mitif-ir.l Viiat.-il lo rxpfl
ftoi i i :-r ah-"a It li';.'i".:iin? 1 1 c
f.-n I.iluul til l . tori, Jr.. m.iv-r.-ity.
rt I'..! Alto. L i itwis V libont 2 i )nn
Ci'iits l.t i-:T tiio brakes of a Cl car
w h: eh w.ts (.tiridin? th-s nr.iver:'ity,
ai. 1 ln tny of tiieia " -t ab ur.l ua l atart
e 1 iKwn t '-le l I'iy htation. Iu a
short tho car was sj.hniia:; ulon at
a livly rat?. the ladu did oat to? it
until it lui 1 reai-he l Talo Alto. Tiio tar
was tniniru tho; uiornin, nnl
a i-j," ial iTr,'ini l ad tj Lb tout froui San
Jom to b.tlil it b.ic'c
.Senator .Star-ford was wrnthy when ho
board of the i:icid"tit, an 1 jir. poiisl to
r-pi 1 the tiiiie.i"iers. It was dincovt red
th d tl-ierit were f".l!y Z'Ji lsiys e:i;:i-;. d
la th.;, an 1 tho senator ";ivo urders th y hmiM all le .vrjnir; 1 t-il -uva.
Th? or h r w-juhl j roh.thly Ii.ivo b.-en a
f.w 11 at for -'.Irs. Ktatifor-I. bho in
t r. 1 f.,r l'u.y.ij-i ;-t.'rs, anil nuiiv-l
tii-'ri by : ivi:i'; t'-::t it wi:i only a b iv! h
j r. : ic f'..i..i;ynieeetib'l la Jad.l' .a.;
: iii.r. r.l todiia .'s his ro-jl.i'.ioa. CVr.
C '..,.jj!....-J,.,-.i.i.
Velt.e 1 Ii.nrri I:rl:ij 111 T.erk.
e'ors LiiVo a irr-ers -r. ei iihor.t
.' f. ('. - :"-, Mi 1 vlll i: t tin ia.
i'. :: r-.V.dV 1: -Hit', '.'m I ..:
:,:.di .'ii M.ifi.i tre-'U'.v.i-i.l r.r--.
!',. the-. i, r.n 1 hf-' r abah.
. : i...... ::..:..;....;-....
! :;;.::-' le-::i, w i-i t r ::t ::a 1 1 ef !
fc r riot t ) P...- t ..eui, ,;yin; tn-j- woui.l
a ,v brm,; I.i r t.l tut it. A I re; n w if
indtiL"-1 in at Lis tire iim ninl il." t o.
the yellow Ihiwers. In an the r r.i
lion w,-is in tidies, and Miss Uris-n-
wo id's 111 h:"k irul cot Ikt 7..V.'). Tli
Cavcis jst i a llit u: woili. Ucuehoro
iVy.) Ib ei 'er.
A t' ? Mho Fel Arrw.
raji'Ai'n Joan iiiciiiir Is, of t'a Ilritinh
l:ip Cuiibri.tii Moiian h, re;KrU hnvini; within half a mile of a j inrn- la
rock, biuwin.i r-vn f.-etn'oove llie
wai'T. - i latitude Z'J .; S f-ts. noitii,
1. r. .: ' ! 17 d.- .1) s. -s. !. M)
eni::i,iia;s w.-re tukeii and no ui- obr-1
Vi:t"r was rV'"T i xc pt eU'e to t'l'l ro' i;.
The ae.i was Hinooth, and frun tho t-ip-r.;l
y.-ir 1 ti.l r'k a.iiH a.-e:l to be 4bnt
I ii.e f -,t iadh.'u tera; Hid wah-i's tdej,
l i 1'iee'i Isr ; r riri .-r the w.-'. r. C..;
Udu'.s tys be l i r.r.w tla.t it win
not a lloatinj oij-.-ct. l'l.iUJtlplua
I'I ije.l Ciiril Dnrlbf tit K.rilrn.
Tl.-r ia preat eicittineiit at V iaate,
lad., over the arrest of a yona;; uisn ai.d
a yon". vorenn for j.lneiiif "wven rp"
at a uii:tin in tli Chritiuii etiereh cn
Krn.'rT evening, d ilj.hus ).h!(-fr-i'
ai.d hii ilary Pnuly aid lover, and
went to cburcb together that evi'iitnj;,
IT it etijoyiug thn jrnvfrs uml doi'rri,
Adulrbns tore the lu !: .:! a irimber of
liu.i.A 1 iV. ALtl Uiainifiiet aim' a din k
( f can" on tb f mot. The yonri'i pfopli
then jiiiyesl "rev en tip," Tl.-y were ar
rented an-1 fine-l. lioth plwliO (ruilty.
Cfjr. Chicago Nev. A
A man at Qnebce, who received a fw-
ful bad alui jot fittid hh'x k by ton lihi
an electric lijjht wire, an l suffered very
keeiily a.trwurJ, aay he -wns at
we r V':ved by t-.x'-tf oT I i-h-s s r.n 1
atorVir pn-i walking lutf-xjt over tho
Bides ot ttie qui1
ii " lint
Itnntt Will It l.onit.
Tlds exquisite cover U made of a fl no
qnulity of linen ultabte for the doll-
aU, (lowers the npple blossomt with
nmi ti iv n riiiin omen u-
are first provided w ilh a I
wji.. if the cloth be a
ijirp(. (mhos if smail. Tli
... ... . .
neatly hetnstiteheil. whci
' ' '
reaily for the mbroidery
wlneli II is rniliroiilcreu. Hip foursule
lie m five inche
lurje one, or
ds licm is next
lieu the cover U
l" ''" ""'sl Of eiin.'en or tlie wash-
ort. Tlie color neeilful ur
ereum - wliite. trray two sliudos of
delieute pink f r tlio blossoms; two or
throe jiale-ifreeiia for the leaves and
three bhades of wood color for tho
Btrnm j
I in I tn l. ivi.rl.oit Ik ttin cloin . '
nrnlly, it If. the Er-t to pi'ov.': then, in
their natural order, the leaven, buds
and b!o,..oiuH Tlier-e dirret ions us to
order m v ! eni neeilh- s. bt t t!ey siro
not. for iii.I. ed "no bl.i!.soi.. tan lo
be iirti' tiinll;.' I'liibioii'.en d lUile.-s they
are f.:l!ov.t-,l The f v.crt!.:,t it, w. r'.a d
before its tt '.awill serely not leolc its
thmi;:h it frve.-. but rat !u r iui ! heie-h it
V, ere st in !; I t'.e brri.r'i Here r.;::,i:i
Is a point to be observed in t-nl: urtis
tie w.uli; if ii .lure be I'.ie rum '.el t'10
xvnrli hhou'.d ,'row ns nearly at. ios.i'ulo
after nature's fashion
1'or llic ..teni or brulch U to be used
tlie wxv colored nb:s. tiie h en 's
for the bi'h li;;litsthe mediiua for li'lit
' . i . . te ii
. ',--
t1; -.U'e. t ...ts (v I
thftdows the dar'i for the tery
om s. The htiuhes, as a raatter of
course, arc b) lliis iast'ince ti b; Miia'.l,
and ull the ivnrli i:. to be done In what
la known us Kensington rtiUli.
for the leaves the preen shades ora
tn he ir-fil hi the kuiio way, li;:ht and
ilarlt bela r fr d" to r':pre:.s li ;ht and
hhu.le T l,i' i. it. 'u s of t'lii Ie.-,v' rnu t
all run bv:.i tiu e-ntral v ia titho
cihre. exae'.ly as the n:i!n.u.l leaf il
reined, i.n I ear mtv t be taken to fre
aerve the .err:.tod cd;r.
The bl
part, ih-'
th" in I i
In i.!l i::
t' " c::rv
!!'.' o-.t '
s eus ur. v. .
for the n;n t
at shrelel with
a -id ivilh rial; fi r !'
f.n.-! f the I. ii'et.
r.i be r- -. . I !
'. h.h red the h. ,i !e l.t
r. h'';,' to ;y-'' ' ' ' f '' '-s
,,e (.fan .! nr.' y.-ll e.,', rr.d
th-" C 'Ii'
curl 'I
ea. li sh.o
..I I b- i ,tii; h t"d e. th a i.:it h
eros-wi " al lh " end '1 h cen
tre.'. .! i.y a n-i::i'- r of Trench
ter is v
br.ots. ull of yelhe.v, m:i'..i:i.; an c
lil:e the nr.Mral blo-'oai.
When the entire iprriy Is worhed, tho
falling leaves mie t le donn. To fivo
them u-i in:i dl ninety as feil'ile, unil,
it the reur.i" t'inf, keep cloM-'y to na
ture's node!, thee leaves should, r.ome
of them, be Bhnded with f ink and aome
with jrray. Tliis. lieeatise tho real
leaven in fY'In.-j would mrely vjmo
al:;;hl ujion or- side and tome upon tha
Tlie erahroiil'ry well Cnls'ied, tho
last ftep Is the mnhln of the frhiTe.
I'or this Cne linen thread is needful,
whi-eh Is to ls knotti-d iati the Item ut
f.!u rt Intervals and then tied to aa to
form a lievl'.n
When coiirih te this dainty eovr-r will
le found truly arli lie and Ct for any
r.x.rn v. h"rt in the fund- hiy.TS are af-
fi uen'ly b-.-ht in U:se lo td:a:t cf its
beiii? in b:.r::i iry.
So mtyh n. ' ht be, and to fond
rfTe- t, t -'O, on the ii''het of harm r.y
ihnt I dare only t-"u li thu ed ;e i I. ere.
l.e tlie i : it I . ever an f l::i;ili', the re
Milt will inevitably be rr -si if one but
obtain what Mr eul'i a rym-
.- bli.l
:.;e J-.ursub
fl :eny l:oiMn fur ItvAltti.
r-Ki.'i.s ice'.r.'.i'd ly ch
nhouhl be in. le bri;;ht, ll;;h.t mid pleas
Uiit. His i.elilo:i t'iiou;,-lil of r.s tane'a
aa it should be, bow essential to health
of children jdenty of li'ht, c .pccially
unliidit. Is. Ona rrawo wliy poor
people' children thrive In the face of
most aelveise aorroundlnyi Is that they
are nearly all day out of doors la tho
full Ibd-tof day and In the air. Ke.p-
i.. i i.. ..M l f.-j,- ;,-;;;t: -) '
and f Lttirj.r them in dark, gloomy
room, is alrailar to eainj a younj
bird and keeping It always in I he shade;
it will toon droop and linn all brlbt-D'-sa,
beeomlnp dull and onr;leM.
rsomo children look pale and delieata,
althoirh smTjunded with every coin
f : t and bi.iury. well fed, we'.! brdiei
after The r.ul cans is often want of
liht, want of cmbsht aad tvaat of
eheerf:!lu"a In the psople and ia iiia
rilUlU Ihl iuiluik
A TootliMOl Irrrl.
A delick'iis dt'i-K-rt Is max". a si fob
lows: 1'uiir t up milk, ( .ar or"
cup niKar, four t.ali pootful grated
chocolate, ln tabltpooiifuls vanilla.
Put the ch'icoiate over tlie fire in a
double) boiler v ltti part of the bib'l and
1st it e.joU ifitil eicuth, odd the rrst of
the milk, and when this is hot pour il
upon t' u;;tir with tlie beaten yolks
of (he ftf. v th 'iu -i it in the it. re
aad cook until the cu-. tird Is(jIds to
thicken; wliru cvd Jiour hit o ws or
small raps, and heap on the top of each
a mTiu.;iie imule of the whip' of tho
't whin, d sliil With a li' lie p rvderci
ti"sr, or It miif I sert -l hi it Inrjr
u.'.l An i. ret awl vari.i.oi may Is
wade by subktttnUnj for the cIkx-oIhUi
liaif a nip of strong t-itf n
llvltlfd Ora.
tier we lutve a sirapls way of keep
Injprapes fresh for months ut a time.
Cut the laterals as lon as possible., and
insert in bottles of itnter into each of
whie.i I i.y) b't a p'.SU.f .1 nuout t.vo tible- j
rv,ofi'',- (,f tpj..l p.irJ"red chnreoaL
tz:l p V i l-i
k- qe.M, y
jucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tntf lii t Al.VK in tht- wi.dd fur Cult
nrtue, m res. t'lceri, Hull Uhtuui. i vj ! ('.
Cirn, nnii 'l Skin !iriittiitij, mi ! (.. -!
tively ciirttt l'ii-f, or nn ny n'luiired.
It In Kii iralitnd ti) tiv iU.'.tctuiii, ui
moiliy rffumlel. I'i n c n per liox
r'orul.) l.j V. 0. Fn.-ke A t .
We have Hold ldy'n (.'ream l!alin
about three yeati, unit have re
couimended itn unr in imue tliau n
hundred cjucial ciimh ( catarrh.
The unanimous nif-wi r to our in
ijuiries is.'it'i the be-t remeily th.d
1 have ever u.-i'd.'' Our e.j i rii'iirc
in, that where iiai lie.s contiuiu d in
'". it never lads to cure. -J. ! !.
MoillKiiinery, iV Ch, Il ut;,;i';, 1 -
"rail, loW.I
When 1 tie: -fin lisinj- lilv'S Cream
I a 1 1 ii m ' ca oil i ll so bad 1 hud
hea, l.u lie
. bole tinte and I e
:e uui iu'.l of !ili!-v
. Ulf. 10 Oui I'll i ! il
I have iff had hi
outuii i J-,:.',ep!iiiey,
Cha-Le.l i, ,;, ;
matter, 'liu.i
liHU; j,Mi, .in
ii.'he : Cicnce. J
" ll-m rii-v
Act cm:..
i.i'; the liver, i
l!;ii.o--u tlie i'i-
I'll i n ij-'e - 1 re.l.Iil'-
oinr-ui l-iiwi i.
V.'. A new 1 1 ;..,(, ri y.
: p( i ' 1 1 y cure bii;o.
, lo.v.i.i ).cr, l ibs,
lir. Miles' Tills.-;
i l, ess lied , li t, I
women, ciiibhei
ipi ile 1 for men
sm .licet, jiiidei-t
Sl.'ert! i) ifl-i',., 'J.", .
free at 1. l'richi: i C'oV
am j.teu
fN.Y rf ..r
i-ylhin. to rjir;;i,h
Having Durchitcil the ). Y.
Main Hrvct wliero lam now
it linn llit! chetinest liaviny
1 raj
of new goodn ever hro'ioht to
and furniture of a!l lands. sold
jJruffs, k-iicines,
l'rcsrriiitlons ('nrerftlly
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A tore-tested najn jebjvcr.
Its us, is almo-t universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one rctjuirinj xta clfcctiva
N'o other explication cenpnres
Tlh w'clI-ktiovM remedy ha3
No nicdicini chcr.t is complete without a bottle cf MusTAwtf
OcC23;oti3 arbc for its use almost ever Ly.
All drugrisu and dealers tiava it.
S.-iJL.i.x.4ti..i 1 klfcB-aiiWai. ( I ' f
;!-.. Tlir m .-.': IT I r r tnr I TA'TTtA ! ; I
T Mr !Pri'iiT!yr rsir
- iii ui-, u rr
It wiil 3 ou nulla
tmiely do oii tl"" 1. ilv
i iuiiiu, i iit r i tfti
.New l)j'tu'. erv !! V,
)i'tu. erv !!! ' Ci
) !'! ("i '! i i
yV-Uef. i. r imi !,)"' C . ' .
Itirn i Ann ' ..
1 if iui-l liie l!.:n ' i
its ii I .1 . i ' !y ai.d i
coery. Try a cni'-.l.' IjiMu '
e ard lea!
mil .1 tJlin
; r. t;. i
n to- J (
i i i
mid !.!
Are vnil mad" mi erahle by j
d ."i, coiir.tip.Hion, 'i!i.".ii,
b,. ot npnelite, vellnv,' j,in'.-
.' . t X.
..., .i ue.aer IS a poen v; (
.or sale by Iu ( irn he' t.
Vor many years Mr. 15. iuTboirip
s-ia, ot I ) i" Moines, b uv . -u.v ; . , tu
vetely aMlel-'.l wi'.'i c'troiih ,ij;lrr j
h"-ii. lie .-uis: "At limes 't w;ls '
V ery M, v,.,.,..' ,,,, piMell : ii, ;,l J I
f : erd it wot l 1 et:d riy li! '. dioutl
.-en ..iiis ii"o 1 i li need hi pro I
ciiv ii liotile" of CIlaml 'TinuS'i
Colic, Cholera and' Ihjri-t(V
.-ui" lv. It j.iv,. in-- proii'pt
unit- (
htivt I
I. it.. 1
aii'l I lielievi: euieil lee tuorna
lv. as I now nil or drin1 wtllifiii
hiirin am Ibin" 1 i. let -:. I 1
also u e-.'l it in miv f.imiiv wilh the
best results, i'ur DilfV by K
1 rici ie Co. ' I
lillLr.f. ft kr-
& cargo
clercscn be.
oray ir
-s'li-'IHMIlvriH ruwr
AT -
Jt A
llODMltS -
Wot kliach store room on routk
located 1 can f-tll gooil.s cheap
iust nut in the hii'irc! tock
- f i-. V I
the city.- (i.-isoline ttove j
on th'j iiiitallrncnt )lan. .
Coti ph V: line of
romti ana Oils.
Couiounilcd v.t all llourp. i
rith it in
t ihcacy.
tooJ tho t:st o( years, almost
- j ' v ff T C I . v iej ' : I
; r.
damp Krla.
Wai( IM hot li ta a eool, dry room.