The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 17, 1891, Image 1

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Royal Baking Powder
7 "The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure,!
for I have so found it in many tests, made both for J
V ' ', them and the U. S. Government. The Royal Bak-'
: ' 'nK Tovvdcr is undoubtedly the purest and most
: , reliable Baking I'owdcr offered to the public.
"". . "HENRY A. MOTT, Til. D."
i , Late Chcmict for U. S. Government.'
"All chemical tents to which I have submitted it '
( Inyc proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly
Imltliful (ran from every deleterious substance.
It.ii. purest in quality and highest in strength of
any Baking Powder of
"VM. McMURTRIE, E. M.t Pir. D."
Late Chemist-in-chicf U. S. Drp't of Agriculture, I i
Washington, D. C.
"The strength of the Royal is 6hown to be 23 perl
cent greater than any other.
"As a result of my investigations I find the Royal '
Baking Powder far superior to the others. It is pure,
contains none but wholesome ingredients, and is of j
. 1 greatest strength.
"F. X. VALADE. ,
'Tublic Analyst, Ontario, DominJn of Canada!
The latest investigations by the United States
and Canadian Governments show the Royal Bak
ing Powder superior to all others in leavening
strength. , . ,
Statements by other manufacturers to the con"
trary have been declared by the official authorities
falsifications of the official reports.
v "
, tV. airlcaayi aiiiMiiirllr lor (lie a tii.- ti-
Irut'lllir 11I li-rtli.
.) Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
. lorkwoud !ii:iiouIIi, Neb.
t TllrP'l nii. 'nnt r 1 1 i I t iid quill
kiwi d Uil il tit Imi.I"" rtiir tmi bait
I lu lr i il Ic I. Miry h vlull
linf oi hli h'xKl mid lii ii
1 Cr I irliMi ifil I.h k uni hvp t
1 aucrd lli. li nrrw tMi r ti t - In to ana la
76 f U irdiiiiipil,
v ooi.n amd pni;cr.i.tN ckowss -Bridge
work tod flan guld work k
Ott. HTHXAt'S LOI'AI, k, m nll'pr au
Uill,Vlvn Im i'f I'.tlulRMrttrviiuu l
It ai u,
C A. MARSHA LU . Fit?LTnlJ -
A. N.
l'f MVIV
lttrnry nt-l.nw. Villi pin pr'.miil ilnil..i
In all I ultit nir'il-l t i lum. oninn 11.
Uoluu liluik, I wl hhlc, I'Ul .n.o.iili.Ni b.
Wnll- nciti, n-l a'.t ma-imiiic T
lo (ni iin i.ih'jv allti iin'nar. in in.v .;n
In ' uk ii ilg a r--i imiiilf New . iV
IIuumi. rt-rrr. Ma M r All I MUM, lrk
Bui V Nrw Vuik.
Many old soldiers, who contracted
chrvmc du.rrl.Gcii iiii m the
erice. lrive mure been
rhoert Rem
ivi Hreii in ii i,y I naiiiiiierlain s
. . i. . ... i .
C ohc, ( holcni and diarrhoea Rem
edy. For wile by E. G.l'rkke 4 Co.
Not ins to Ladles
I Imve on hand a fine lot of rib
bons and tips which I will sll at
the lowest prices focash. I have
my goods at J.Finley Johnsons hard
1 ware slore w here I may be found
every duy from 1:00 to &,) p. m,
(j Mks. J. F. Joiixao.".
niion s raiiirrn rcmrflv
remedy a iksI-
j (five Sre Catarrh, Uinhtheria nnd
j (link mouth. For sale by F. G.
j Ff eke & Co.
M ining Congroaa.
j The H. V M. wiil sell round trip
i tickets to ull those wishing to at-
lend the mining congress to be
held at Denver Col., Nov. IS
and 1'). Ticlut4 sold ut one
. :rc and one-third, continuous
pass.;e in each direction. Final
;,;init,vc. 0. ' J. F..-AM l.l,
F. IiiiAM, Gcu. Pum. Agt.
A ikihc biiriiec wiiii oven fur sale
, ehesp. tf Wihi; a Root.
Kitfat at
Urown A
which 1 liavc knnwlodge.
Reduced Rata.
For the national alliance conven-
lion nt Indiumiiir.lis. Ind.. the .'li-
onrl Pncflie will iiihV t rate of
$17.40 for the round trip. Tickets 1
Hold Nov. M mid 17, good to return
until Nov. 'H. Call ut depot for par
ticulars. An honest Swede tells his story
In plain but unmistakable Ian- exciting n great interest. Many
guage for the benefit of the public. ', discoveries are, however, being
One of my children took a severe i made in our country that are re
cold and got the croup. I gnve her ni.irkable, anion tr which we may
a teasiioimfiil of Chauiberl.iin . mention that of Mailer's I'niti Par:!
Cough Remedy, and in live minutes i lyier which elfecls entire relief, and
I ....... I . I II.. .l.: I '
mi' n i nine nri wiiu iinrir. jf nun
time he had to cough up the
.... 4l...
gathering in the throat. Then she
went to sleep and slept good for
fifteen minutes. Then she got up
ami vomited; then she went back
to bed and slept good tor the re
mniniier of the night. She got the
croup the second night and 1 gave
her the same remedy with the same
good results. 1 write this becam.e
I thought there might be some oee
in the same need and not know the
true merits of this wonderful medi.
cine. (IIAkLKS A. TlloMI'SlK.V,
I)es Moines, Iowa. .10 cent bottle
for sale by G. Fricke Sc Co.
Pure buckwheat
lleiscl'n mill.
Hour for sale at
Wonaerful Succeit.
Two years ago die Ilaller Prop.
Co.' ordered their bottles by the box
T.T. r,.l'.'T '",y, 'y "V rur,T,1 littery is generally accepted, it will
Among the popular and sticccseful . ,. , 1 .' . ,
remedies they prcpaic is llaller'a
Sarsap.irilhi A llurdock which is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
l.1iifO Hmea
Tickets will be seddat the II. A.
M. oflire at one fare for the round
trip, to nil those who wish to attend
the national alliance und industrial
convention at Indianapolis, Iud.
Tickets on sale Nov. l(J and 17.
A golden opportunity Is Vere
pr'seted that those desirinr to
visit Indianapolis should ovail
themselves of.
lias Just opened up a full lis?e
of ladles, Gents and Childiens
all wool underwear and be
fore you buy your Fall or
winter gcods. Don't fail to
call and seo our prices. We
beat 'em all.
Have you seen those nob
by llhys Cd.s, all prclty
shades, 55, 05 and 75 cenls
f 1 ft
Geo. Edson is in the city to-day.
The rumors of impending war in
Chili- nrc denied by Senor Meii'locn,
Brazilian minister, in this morn
ing s paperH.
Messrs Unruh ind Ilocck, our
cutcrpising furniture men will place
bids before the board for the furn
ishing of the new court house.
Judge Chapman has been fuller
ing from n Hevere atlack of catarrh
but he wan able to make a bii 'iu
s !
trip to Omalin last evening.
E. G. Pettigrcw, who haH been
visiting witli Terry Walker the
past three weeks, returned home to
i'lilnudrcn, Dakota, this tin ;
The ther.iiDtiieler registered 1
eight degrees above aero this
morning at the II. & .M. depot at 0
o'clock; nine degrees ut the Hotel
Kiley lit (i;:.0.
The lire vcarc nt Jake Ileinrich's
reMlaiirant and reKidence has been a
Hevere trial for Jake, im he is very
low and in a critical condition from
a Hcverc attack of pneumonia.
The business department of the
high nchool is to be conducted in
a special room im noon as proper
arrangements can be made and
additional facilities for instruction
in special lines of work are to be
made at once.
I)r. Marshall surely must be doing
a good and satisfactory business in
dental work as he has all the time
appointments for a week ahead and
is hardly ever found without a
patient in the chair. Such men
give life to any city.
John Currant, formerly a teacher
near Wabash but now living in this
city, went out to Cedar Creek last
evening to consider an offer for
. . 11 1 . t t
lliai Hcnooi. jonn is one ui vass
CJtinty 8 successful teachers and is
well ou.ilified to assume
the duties of the Cedar
Some of the inOst. startling, in
tersting discoveries of the life ami
ctistouis of buried Egypt are now
beinir made throuirh extensive cxrn-
vattions. These discoveries are
in iiuiiiycasrs n cuiiipinc iiirr ui
' .1.... . :l.l.. ,i: .1
that terrible disease rheumatism,
and which nlso relieves pain of all
kinds. For sale bynll druggist
At a meeting of the W. C. T. U. in
Ilmdou it was moved, but the
motion lost, that parts of birdsshall
not be worn miles obtained without
pain. This course would require
un affidavit attached to every part
and parcel of a bird which might
be put on the market, and then how
could the ladies feel perfectly sure
that the little winged creature
gave up their last breath without
being in agony?
If the amendment wdiich Dr.
Ilriggs hnd iii-teited into n report
it n meeting of the New York pres-
be a relief to many anxious minds.
It reads: ''Infants dying in infancy
and other persons incapable of
being called by the ministry of the
word, ure regeneiaied and saved by
Christ, through the spirit which
workcth when nnd where und how
he pleascth; also other persons
who have not been called by the
ministry Al the word."
since congress nan oucrrt! in
ducements to beet sugar manu
facturers, this industry has grown
very rapidly. Nebraska noil is ad
mirably ut'upted to beet growing
nnd, while several factories have
already been established in the
state, there no reason why the
industry might not be further ex
tended. Cass county possesion nd
vantagen for the establishment of
such an industry unexcelled by any
county In the state, and Platts
uioutli might easily secure the
location of one of these f.ictuika ii
tlit) proper exertion wrre imidc .
Dr. Livingston Ins hud the mis
fortune to hnve three runaways
within the last two week and it is
feared that ho will not give up
hiahigli spirited team until they
land him some m herewith u broken
neck. Lui t e wiling ut nLout 7
o'clock while Doc was wailing on a
patient over on Pearl idrect the
team made the third successful es
cape running with incredible speed
against u lamppost In front of
Judge Chapniaii H residence which
was bent over but tore the ,luggy
from the Jioi'.'s cficr whieh tli-v
mudo a circuitous route for the
stablu without sustaining ony very
severe damage. Doc seems to glory
lu the i-iit of his team.
No Auroemont Reached
A second consultation was held
yesterday at Omaha between
General Manager Clark of the M. J'.
anil General Manager lloldrege of
the H. & M., relative to the former
road being grailted the privilege of
using the II. & M. bridge across the
I'latte at this place. No definite
conclusion was reached, but ?Ir.
Clark staled that in his opinion the
M. I'. would build a bridge of its
own as that would be more talis-
factory lo all concerned.
1 htinUV4l viiivi f-upper.
The young people ot the First
ISiip1i.1i church of I'l.illsaiouth will
give u geueial good Thanksgiving
supper in the basement of the
cuiiicii Thanksgiving night, Nov
4.1. Louie iiul bring nil your
lriciids and eat pumpkin pie and
apple sauce and everything else
that is good for a Thanksgiving
supper. Also an interesting pro
gram will be furnished. Admis
sion, free. Supper, 25 cents. ISy
order of COMMUTE.
A New Fk.
A few weeks since Washington
county was canvassed by an agent
purporting to represent the "Chic
ago Wholesale Association." Ilia
scheme was to sell the farmers a
certificate entitling him to a mem
bership in the association, for
which he was to pay $5. Thin en
titled him to purchase from
association" any and all good
wanted at wholesale rales. Aft
number of memberships had been
taken it was ascertained that the
affair was a fraud and those hold
ing certificates had been 'duped."
It always pays to buy of those
parties, whom you know are re
sponsible and worthy your patron
age. It might be well to lookout
for the agents as they nre still,
1 "
j operating in the slate.
I writer refers to the mi
A Chicago
matter as fob
' The company was "managed" by
George Samuel!. It consisted of
buying goods largely on credit
and selling for cash on orders from
farmers and others in the country.
The Central Trusts and Savings
bank secured judgement on a note
and so!d the stock ou hand, ercur
ing thereby enough to pay court
costs, but leaving creditors to the
omount of firi.CXlor thereabout un
provided for.
"The fake is too recent hereabouts
to be certain of results, but they
can hardly be different elsewhere.
In .Minnesota where the selienie was
extensively woikcd, the complaint
is made that the sale of the hhareof
stock usually closed the deal, and
the purchaser was simply out Ins
..(. .). iiooils sent were interior in
quality and more costly than the
same grade Fold by the retail trade
It would semi as if people would
learn, in time, that the safest place
to do any kind of business is with
dealers whom they kmnv and who
are permanently located yet every
year the traeliug sharpers comes
around and ropes in any amount of
Noiiim to w. c. T. U.
Remember the called meeting nt
the M. E. church to-morrow after-
noon at 3 o clock. A good attend
ance is desired. SicckKTAk V.
1 ha C:lur;Hiio Qnnneti.
The' (hicago Ladies' Ouartetle
win nug in Waterman s opera
house to morrow evening unlr the
ausiiices of the the ladies of the
lCpifCojnil chif-ch, The entertain
ment will be first cl:i.uM in every and well worthy the
patronage oi all lovers ot tnumc.
Read the following:
"So highly were Miss Cope's phe
notueiinl talents regnrded there,
and so rapid was her progress, that
.he prevailed tiisni to give a
rending In Chickering Hall a very
high compliment, Indeed, nnd
which was endorsed by a large and
delighted audience. The most crit-
irnt and discriminating people
who ha e heard her, believe her
capable of equaling the merits and
career of Mary Anderson, whom in
many rfpecis eh greatly roiicm
Alice Morrill Knvinond was the
mlpicnt of u vi'T ltenrty etirore.
Ilcr vo.'ce is a rich, deep, powerful
contralto. Chicago News.
Mi-s R.i.vmoud'B ninging was n
rare treat (o the ntidience. She
possesses a voice, of wonderful
coinnass, strong, clear ami far
reaching. Hertalent as a vocalist
has not beeu in the lau t over
ruled. Chicago Inter Dceaii.
Alice Raymond isiicijuiring rnpid
popularity as n singer, with a full
nnd finely cultivated ullo voice.
Chicago ludicutor.
- - OP1 - -
laadics Furnishings
Is Ucxt1 Ooxnplcts ia all Dopartnaont3,
di:is coons
We are showingn hanilsomc line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Stock complete and prices lower
than ever.
HAVE never hown so
We call special attention to
Military und Hip Coat shapes trimmed with Mink, Seal, Astrackaa,
Mtifi'aloon and Coney furs.'
Our line of Plush Sacrpies arc cheaper than tres before. Fill
ines of Childrens and Misses Cloaks and Jackets.
fib Xi vv&,A
Repairing of FIXE WATCHES a
and all Work Warranted.
415 Main Streot,
I Moore is in Omaha to-day.
J. M. Muir is in the metropolis
Philip Ktaua left for Omaha this
It. A. Gibson of Lincoln is in the
city to-day.
Ilyron Clark and l'at M'Callan
went to Omaha this morning.
II. C. M'Macken went to Lincoln
this morning on a business trip.
M 1). folk has become a hot-house
plant and is now raising greens.
?ir. nnd Mrs. is. ft. xxvcriu came
from Pacific Junction this morn
Cashier Wolcott of Weeping
Water came in on the Schuyler this
R. W. Hyers left on No. 5 for Oma
ha where he will resume his duties
us petit jurymnn.
Ed I'arrott leaves to-day via M. P,
forl'er.t. He will soon return and
remove his family there.
Mr. and Mm. II. C. Hackney re
turned on the flyer from Chicago.
The report, snow ut Chicago.
W. J. White sold farty wagon
loads of coul last Saturday. Evi-
detstly someone is anticipating cold
Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Ackcrinan re-
turned this morning from Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa, where thev have
been on u wedding trip. Thev will
ot once commence hoimckcepiuj;.
A good Ladies Jeruy vest at 2"c.
Ladies line Jersey vest and panta ia
v.hile or natural grays est iasC cciC ar
Ladies natural Gray Wool Veslsand
Pants at 50c. Regular 75c undea-
Full 'lines of Ladies Fine wool
ribbed underwear in white, cardi- .
tin! and black.
Complete lines of Child's under
wear in natural, scarlet and white
at prices at, low as the lowest.
largo aline in tills department.
our hrga assortment of Uoefort
Headquarter for Everything in the line oJ
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Hum Vanillic iinil ii nn i n
In ulii III il mill II Kit I a
H irnel'i Mk t. Iifl vet IIHA1.U
II rii-l'n r Hull IlKx l.n
llHIl- r'' V CfklV Kiel HKIIAI.ll
limuMatB Ki'Kllrnilil UhKU.n
.ft 83
. -i ti
.. 4 i.a
.. 4 81
' i 80
Spoclmnn Caes.
S. H. Clitford, New Casl' -..
was troubled with neiin . .' ?"?
rheumatism, his stomach V' Bna'
ordered, his liver was n'"," ,
and strength. "bot Ue'of
hlectric Hitters r,mvl him
n?VWi ""rr'rd, llMniMbtirci
in., line, a running sore on his Wr
of eiht yours' stnndintr. U8e3 .
luroe bottles of Electric Hitters and
even bottles Hucklen's Arnica .
Salve, and his leg is sound and well.
John Speoker, Catawba, )., had fiv
large fever sores on his leg, doctor
said lie whs incurable.. One bottle'
Electric Hitters and on- box Hucfcv
len's Arnica Salve cured him entire
ly. Sold by K. G, Fricke & Co.
As Thanksgiving day draws near
it might be well for aIlfh Ana A
ghiuce nround and iiar,.r.!-
"oai mcy miouid be thankful. We
tliink nil Nebraskans will agrea
that we should be thankful for out
Jlung at leoFt-nau.cly, that there
ia no lctfmlnlure lu ees.sion thin
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. erger, accom
panied by their daugVor, came in
from Louisville this morfcinc.
"i i.iriner, iiarrel . w mV ,.n.
u . r . .
HI, wlio-eci
"truck u book agent on the hid ia
Lincoln, resulting In the deni..t
the Utter, should be dealt with
the full extent of the luw.