The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 14, 1891, Image 1

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ttsmouth Daily
Finn YEAR.
li ))"
iL idJ
Baking Powder Tests
The United States Official
Investigation of Baking Powders, made, by authority of
Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing
ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa
tion as to which powder is the best The Official Report
Shows the ROYAL to be a
cream of tartar baking pow
der, superior to all others in
leavening power V&Xffit)-
i aV. Hifliiwi'rili!lc (rrthtt utiku (I
Iruclliir nt ti-rth.
Fine CoUl Work a Specialty.
' Bcxkwoud lllnck 1'IhIU'iiuuIIi, Neb.
Iqawpon a pearce
fir Full urn, latiry rililn . Vt n1 qullli
' un i M ! I f turlilim emir mI !
III lira ml ! I. I tlt y li lull
liur ui l'lv b"'l mill lit ur
lirrl irlctr i III Mink out hmrf)
lord iliclr mw n 1 1 r hnt Iii40aiid ts
7J c In iMIiinn-rt,
. a. nr '
ridge work nd Una Raid work
P. BTKIXAfS LOCAL M wi-11 M ntliM M
MtlietlciiKWf'l (or I he rnlmiUrtliHi o
a A. MAIISHALU KiugeraM '' '
A. N.
.mi van.
AttnrtiM t-Uw Will .fiml i'-t.lli
.1 ft ll.lhl- Hllrmlml n TllM'. mniTe II
Union bliH'k, ril rinlH,, .-i'u.
".' ' lrrriiiril-Aiicilv.rlli.lili'ni'-imlrf m
f li In iwi tin hit' y. lth llirn-M". I" infi nt
In B' !! wnli'P ft r. imntiln Nr I -li
linn-. l-Mi-ri-mn. MAM r. I'll nr.H, H rk
Dot tv. fr- Yufk.
TliiCri I of I emiiTBcr Know no
Bouillon mid CiAtr-eiidi to Ahn.
Iii attempting to refute Tin-: Her
ald's statement (lint L. C. EickhofT
in lite choice of a large nmjority of
the electors of the county,' the
i i . t .. i . i.
j jiiurinil oi yeili-ruiiy inpn 1111-
climax in its nlmurd iiihI wholly
j tmiiuthnri.i-rl nttni'k tijion the trciin
i urtT-fli'ft ami iniikrM ncHcrtionn ho
! fiir from tin1 u ntil iiml rtn to
kIiiikIit that it plao'H tin- piipi-r in
n:i iini'iiviaiMlilt any tin-
li-a.-t. Tin- nrtirli! in (pirction
lrhiiij.i H Mr. i;i(Mi.!f with ol(aiiv
' la Hit jit kiii null H,l k-
(iiii'iilly llii i li'Cl ion liy fnlFi- pre
j fiMiriimiH. 1'rtiin inii-rrprcKcnfation
he ilcK'i'iulx to iiIiiihi' and iihck tin1
woi(l"iiiKiioiaiil"lrcrly ami rharfH
him wi'.li iiiiMi.-in iipim tin1 pro
pit1. Tin1 wiioif art irlt trniiK with
abtiHi1 ovrry won! of which in iiIimo-
liitcly faint1 (ih ?lr. liiilvlioll will
(IcmoiiHtrati1 to tlu1 Hatixfaction of
liirt friend and the chagrin mid
inortilication of liin would lie de
fault r. The Jmirnal tlonbtlenH
waH led to charge the reptihlicim
trfiiHtircr-lect with nou-citi&fii-Hhip
lieoaiiHc it it u coninion char-
at'terirtic of democratic candidates
not do to make Hiich
charge nf;aiiint n mun whoHe inttx
Mn lllinum Opiiiion.
From a half-column article in the
Sterling Standard relating to the
recent flop of "Nebrnnka on
WheeU" made in that city we clip
the following:
"Thin train reached Sterling via
the C. A N. V., enroute home, hiHt
Friday mornii), arriving at U):'M)
a. in. and depnrtin); at p. in. A
l.tre crowd whh in waiting for the
train, lor the Standard had lipralded
iln coiniiir for three wvekn, and
during th throe hourw that the
train remained here a ureal throng
of people (rum hoth city and
c iiintry threaded their way through
t'.iirt yreat agricultural fhow on
"The exhibit connintn of a tlinplay,
by coimtieH, of the grains, finite,
vegetable, :ianuf ictured articleH,
iiliirii iiiioiirt of w aier power, educa
tional i-triirtiiren, and a "llioiiHand
and one" iiitereittin.r articleh from
thin ejreat commonwealth in the
new went. The irrowth in the popu-
xv mm
- - OIF" f- -
7 a IT err
C- i
- 1
lilt t (.(HlllS
We are hoxvin;; a liandcome line of
Mr. and Mrn. H.C.Ilaekney left hiHt
evening for Chicago on a plenmire
Maccie Oliver left for Council
Muff thin nn)rniiiff for a u"'' but it will
lion. J. W. Love ininiHter to San rity ahtl tteiiHC of honor in above
Manv old old ieri. who contracted
Chronic tlinrrlioea wniu; in in
acrviec. h'lve niiice been permiinent
lvCHrel of it I'V t ha i m be r la i u i
...i:.. el.,.!,.... ..... I .1 1 nil. t.ti lti'in
..IIHL. V I1UIII II flll. Vl.......-- - -
edy. For hale by I". (i. I'rit ke A Co.
No'lce to Ladle
I have on band n line lot of rib
bona and tip which I will fi ll at
the low t Hl pi io-H fn.'t in-h. 1 have
tny nondH iit J. I'inley Jtihiihotii hard
ware More hi re 1 may l.c found
-vi l v iluv fr4iin 1 (l f-;".' p. t:i.
Mkh. J. 1". Jill.t)N.
Salvador, in in the city, the pient of
C. K. Wencott.
II. D. Kohinfton and family, of
Chicago, are vifitinjf with the
family of C. K. Wencott.
Mm. J. D. Simpnon, who ban been
nitiiitf in Nehrattka City a few-
luyu, returned lant evening.
Georgia Oliver wan a paMenger
on ao. a tun morning lor leutrai
Citv for n brief viitit to friendn.
The Mifnea Nettie Ilallanee and
Liule Miller left this morning for
Council Ftlufffi on a vi.-it to friendH.
Mr. and Mrn. Al Dorrington left
thin morning for Omaha for n tdiort
may. From there they will leave
for their home at Cliadrou,
Engineer Graham returned from
NebriiHkn City yenterday, where lie
moved one year ugo. lie will hence
forth make h'" '
T. A. Riifriill, of Lincoln, -haa ns-
limed the ponition of clerk nkthe
Riley. Mr. R. haa been a hotel nn-
Dintant from It bell boy lip and bin
iieceHioii to the hotel force in
doubtlcfa a valuable actpiinitioii for
thin popular hotel
The Platti'Mouth IIr.ALni jm-t
now occupieil in knocking the wind
out of the Journal in the KiekholT
naturalization cane. Sherman ban
lota of wind, but that in all hia arti
clen amount to. He cannot mib-
nliintiulf halt what he print, and if
he was to till the truth no one
would believe li in. Louisville
Firnt M. K. church. South Sixth
a'.reet. between Main and Pearl
u I.. ,.t. I li.'i. - t-l - t...,-ll
..........J nillH'll ...... M
nig. 11 a. m. nnl i.. o p. m. oy me
iantor,K'ev. Dr. L F. Iiritt. Subject
for the morning, "Chiinliann Com
pared to Jewels." In the evening,
"Now, iintl Then." Young people a
meeling lit 0:tMl p. in. In the giill'Ty
of the church. All are cordially in
vitctl to llierte ericca.
rpicMtiou and a man whom the peo
ple have called aa their nervaut
even after he had unnoted them
that he declined to nerve. In view
of the fact that Mr. KickliofT did not
aeek the nomieatioii. The Journal
cnuuot but fee the blunder it makes
in milking thenc changes.
Tub IIi:wali taken the liberty to
advlne the defeated democracy to
remain filent henceforth concern
ing the matter of Mr. KickliofT eligi
blity ao that after he nhall have
been properly installed in the of
fice, the drop which the opposition
will experience will be the lens
I.a-d to bear.
lation of the ftate of S."i(),(XX) in ten I A full line of colorings and blacks.
) ears in understood and appreci
Stock complete and prices lower
than ever.
A good Ladies Jerpy vent nt 2'ic.
I.mlieM line Jerwey vet ntul jmiita la .
white or natural grays at 50c euck ;
LadicH nntural Cray Wool Vcpteand :
Pants at 50c. Regular 75c undo
Full lines of Ladies Fine wool
ribbed under wear In white, cardi
; nal and black.
Complete lines of Child's under
wear in natural, scarlet and whllr -
at prices nB lour as the lowest
'llAVE never tJiown bo lurge aline in this dcparlmeut.
We cull f jiecial attention to our Urge isortment of Reefer
f hiloh's catarrh ii tiu 'y-a posi
Itive cure Catanh. Diphlliei in and
Cinki r month, l or u!o by F. ti.
Frit ke c C o.
. . MlllllIU l.oimi"'
The U. &. M. will fell round trip
ticket to alt those winhiug to at
tend the mining; congreKS to sc
held -nt Denrcr Col., Nov. ' 18
and 10. Tickets sold nt one
fare and one-third, continuous
pnHKiijje in each' direction. Final
limit, Pec. 0. J.Fkancih,
J"2 Latham, C.en. Pass. Agt.
'.. Agent
An lioneni iwede tills his story
In plain but uiimiMnkahle Ian
guuge for the hetu-lil f the public
One of my children took a severe
coltl or.d got the croup. I gave her
a tcaMiooiiful of Chamberlain
Cougli Remedy, and in live minutes J gava her one more, liy this
inie , me nan t nmii u im.
'T ;i'.A riiig in the throat. Then fhe
J went to'l-leep and flept good for
fillei il uiiiiuteH. Then flit1 got HI)
, nd viuiiili tl; tin n hUv went back
to t it! and elc I god lor the ie
maiiiiier of the niglit. Mie got the
crouji the ftfcond niubt and 1 gnc
her tl'.e ai:ie. remedy w itli the mine
food n-Milin. 1 write this bttutiM1
tboiight Iber might ! non e one
s !i? lh; nam -in i d ami fill ti e
ti tle, i.'orll c f tl'.in wondi rlul medi
' . rin.s f:iiAM.i:;i A. '1 ii mi'i.i:
'I . . ll -v!...... I ...... rn ,.,.,,1 l,lll,.
V " A Co.
Wonderful EuO'ess.
Two years nro the Mailer Prop
Co 'ordered their bullies by the bok
imw L-7 Ly ine cnrloau.
Among the populursild succcnrful
reineilii-s they prepare is HjIUt'i
Sarniiiarillit fc lliirdoeh which ia
the moHt v.., i In! tilood punlier
known. No druggist luitaU:s to
recommend this remetly.
For sulo by druggist.
1 1 Il'MliCf,
y n-nile l.y I-
I ivt-rt.
I". Fei
Pure bici.w!i'
II -iHi i's mill.
Hour for sale nt
Has Just opened up a full lice
of ladies, Gents and Chlldrens
all vrool underwear r.nJ te
lore you buy your Fall or
Winter j oods. Don't fall to
call and cte our crices. Wt
beat 'em all.
llavoycuecnthoso nob
by Misses Caps, all pretty
shides, 55, 65 and 75 cents
gUM Bt liiswa
Two inches oi snow fell at Colum
bus last evening.
Pie eating contests arc the latest
sources 4i amusem?1' - "
A first claas plow factory
be a oaviuir industry In
The press dispatches report Mi
lards and heavy suow throughout
North aud South Dakota.
LngiueNo. 275, makes a might
and day run to Tacibc Juucliou
reguluily now, there having bceu
put on u day and night crew.
Mr. Jaa Moore, uccoinpanied by
his sinter, Irene Moore, of Penn
sylvania, is visiting at Uic houie
ofiheir relatives. R. li. Wiudl.aia
aud J. M. Patterson.
Syracuse citUius ore working u
fly htilo game to have the Otoe
county seal removed from Nebraska
City to Syracuse. There may be
lively times yet e"rc the matier is
1). A. Dickron, of Cedar K'api
says that his sugar heels yielding
him about lutei n tons to the acre
Alter shipping Uit:iu to Grimi
Inland, paj i.i;r toe heigh etc' Uic)
uct him u sum uHli per acre
The joting people, society oi the church hcltl ail
io able uutl proliluble social in th
. uuMfiueiit of t.i1. c;liiirc5; lat
ing. An iiilcrcHtiiig prograui was
n ndiied. iiitcreiJitifU with music
Liolll VocmI mid illbli'UUlCilUl .
The oal meal mill at Ueatiice was
destroyed by fire yesterday. .1 he
loss is estimated at t-UOUO; iusur
uuce, WkM. DoubtlertS with the ac
customed pluck of her cfluens
Liculrice will sec that the null is
refitted aud work resumed.
The baggage and scenery, with
property man, for the Kate Cbntou
Co m lived fiom St. Joe this morn
ing, but the company will not arrive
until 5.05 tuia evtuiug-, and will
give a fine production of the "Two
OrDhaus" to-nii:ht. No one should
fail to ace it
, An Bclip of ths Moon.
If the sky is cloutlless ;to-morrow
evening, those who tlesire will have
an opportunity of witnesniiig an in-
terentiug celestial exhibition. The
moon will (inns through tie rnrth's
shadow and be totally eclipsed.
Astronomers say that over the wct-t-ern
proiiou of ihc I'uited Stale the
eclipse will begin In the itfiernooti
be tore the moon appears above the
Hie horUoir As the noon rises it
will gradually, appear to be covered
with u dark vail until finally, about
tlurk, it will be lost to view entire
ly. This will be uu interesting
spectacle aud wcrthy observation.
ated in the light of this exposition
"The state of Nebraska made a
great hit in sending out this train,
and the cost is but 'bread cast up
on the waters.' The productions of
the state have been thoroughly ad
vertised, and many of the people of
six states now have optical proof
of the fact that Nebraska can and
does raise as good fruit as any state
in the Union. Corn that even Illi
nois cannot excel; wheat and rye
that neither the Kevstone nor
Buckeye states can equal, nnd Military Hilt Jlip Cout glmpes trimmed with Mink, Sea!, Astrnck
'murphies' that would inakv a Aew
Yorker green with envy. In short,
the exhibition, taken in its entirety,
probably could not be excelled, and
in many points could not be equaled
by any of the states through
which the train passed."
Dornvktio Iroul.le.
A few weeks ago Dave Woodartl
left the bed and board of his wif.i
and home, a nd has since been
boarding. A few days late, we nre
told, he sent mi uttorney to consult
Muffiiloon mid Conej fura.
Our lino of Plush Sacones aro cheaper tlian eer before.
lines of CliildretiB nnd Misses Cloaks nnd Jackets.
!!l. f.. W I....1 .,
'''.rj'.v iCsiVieiice proper
ty to her provided she would give
li i in a divorce. Mrs. Wocuaru
cjaimed the property was hers, and
she positively refused all over
tures toward giving her husband
Whiled Mrs. Woodard was visit
ing in the country, Constable i'ic
Nurlin calldd at the house to
replevin u part of the iiousenom
furniture, lie made Ins business
known to Mrs. Wootlard's daughter
by a former husband, Miss Carrie
Dunn, Carrie went for her iiioint r
in the afternoon, and while she whs
aw.ivnii oll cer removed the fur-
E3a L.m
Ileudqunrtes for Everything in the line of
uiture and carpets from the parlor K jjyQ gXOCK OF HOLIDAY GOOD 3
and a bed roo.n. I
ri... un t Umi-i fur Saturday. II, D.
Travis is attorney for Woodartl nnd
, tl
J. II. ll.ildeiiian lor the l.ui) .-- ui
ing Water Keptiblican.
ir.Kii-r-l H '"
For th national. nlliiMiccconven.
tion at In liaiiapolis. Ind., tlie t'lis
nourl Pacific will make a rate of
:,.!!) for tha round trip. Tickets
Mild Nov. Maud 17, g od to return
until Nov. 21. Call ut depot for par
ticulars. .
THfc DlStltil I LUNION.
A call ban hem issued by C. J.
Fisher, chairinaii til tl e uistrici re
union committee, G. A. it for u met t held at
Auburn, January 5. for the purpose
of deciding where the reunion will
beheld. If PhitUmoutli felt dis-
Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty
and nil Work Warranted.
41 Q Main Streot, .
I '" .o : '' ' ' Sam
Plattsmouth, Nob.
S .y L. Hoyeo
It is not often that we have nn op
portunity of hearing unny of the
nielropolitnii . attractions. Fortu
iiatcly it:r us.Ve huve comlnnf next
Thursday the grt atest known come-
d an, Ray I- Royce. Mr. Roycc Is
one of tho few cultured gentlemen
wfio has gah.ed the top of the pro-fes-ioniil
ladtler by clean, houest,
refined nnd artistic work, together
with untiring energy and a careful
i i i .... . .v me nuuiio b
posed to entertain ihe r d poldtors eiljoyuble pcrfon,lullCe.
it would be tl.eln.eans of a tracting f , which Mr. Royce has
a large crowd and material beneCts . '
w .u.dhe derived i v.nou. waa. Vacation," which i. a. its
Tnere can be no question that :j h
co;,ld en.ertam the visitor, with
eredil to ourselves and satisfaction ' . , . . . . .
to alt concerned. TnB LIekaLi)
fuggit" Ihnt that our O. A. R. nun
consider the matter and if they
deem it advisable to con
test for the honor a
committee should he appointed to
take charge of the matter.
' The counties of Cass, Otoe, Jolin-
noii. Nemaha, Richardson, Pawnee i
nntl Saunders ure included in the
In other words, it is a vehicle for
the display of Mr. Royce'a wonder
ful versatility nnd that of hia
charming company,
Dgr of Honor.
Called meeting nt the home of
Frank P.oyd, l'il Granite street,
Saturday evening, Nov. 14, to prac
tice singing of odcs. liy order of
W. S. II.
Pr.t.LU Vkrmii.yea, Sec'y.
Rev. A. Galloway, of lllair, the re
cently appointed minister of the
Christian church at ibis place, has
announced that on account of sick
lies he will he unable to occ ipv
the nulpit to-morrow as he had In-
tended. He wiU preach one week
from to-morrow, .inlcss announce
nieutu to be contrary are made.
A base hurnur with oven for sale
cheap, tf Wiuk x Kcot.
The Rev. Geo. 1J. Thayer, of Dour
bon, Intl., says: '-Both myself wile
owe our lives to J hiloh's consump
tion cure." For'sale by F. G. Frlcke
k Co.
Clnunuu Labial' Quar vliu,
Under the tm nngcieul of tt
Rcdpat.'i L'vemn Dure n. t''M bus
successfully managed the followi'
lecturers, reading and ",u;,".v
i - r ttT '
entertainments: non. . j. q
llrccliei-ridge, Robert J. riirdette, ,
Hon. DanT Dougherty, Kte Firld, .
M . 1 rank iA'Hlie, Kcr.. T. Dc Witt ,,
Talmage, Hon. A. VC, Tourgee, Hon, ,
J. J. Ingallii, CiH Nye, Hurbanka',
Coiiibinatimi, ' Aiiollo Ouartette.
Doston l'hilharmonie Club, Men...
delssohn Quintette Club, New York.,,
Philharmoiiic Clttl Ladies' Sthw ,
bert ua.letie, siitl hundreds ;of,.
o.her entertainincuts. Tt'Unl'
is a euflicient guarantee Oi ,t'v
merits of the organization, and as a"
laJy quaitettc they stand pre emi
n'.utly above all others.
Cuarantesd Cure,
Wt authorite our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Coughs
nnd Coltls, upon this conditio.
If you are nflicted with a cough.
Cold or any Lung, Throat, or Cheat
trouble, and will use this remedy as
dirccied, giving it a fair trial, and
experience benefit, you may retura
the bottle nntl have your money
refunded. We could not make thia
olter did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottles free at F. G. Fricke Ac Co
Drug Store. Large nine !Wc, and
WantedA trusty woman or girl
to take care of children and di
second work. Mrs. R. IJ. Windham,
717 Walnut street. St
1 v '.
k. .