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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1891)
V if ti n J I j'H atisu FIFTH YEAR. PLVTTSMOUr!, N-nUSKA. WrDNEWAY NOVEMBER 11 1891 NUMBER 51 loiitn Daily V r 1 s r DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests The United States Official Investigation of Baking Powders, made, by authority of Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best The Official Report QutTTUf POVAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in leavening power ("fiffitftSft. A, SALSBURY DKN-T-I-S-T OOLD A.NI POKCELAIN CROWNS. r. Bit-lowly mrithnle tirths palnlrt ft- Imrlln' Ifl-ltl. Fine Cold Work a Specialty. Eiy k wood III I'lsttimoutli, Krb. TTORNtV k. N. 8CLLIVAN. Attorn? t-U. Will girt prompt a'fntlot to all MialnrM rnlnitpd Ui hlxi. iffllr In Union block. r.t Sld. f'lali'inmilh, Nrb. PEARCE HAVE KECEIVED 'J roil irno". imirt f rlhbi l.tIM Bit qullli Inn nnr nlmp hnl , a lui nf lit- f rf i. hii niir In ilrnw m il lc t. 1 hi-y h lull hu "I hah b"il mill In r ' ri.irlimi tlrt tiwk mil hl - (d llirli irr ll r hl to 44 od t 71k c l irlniiiinl. 'MISS SCHUYLKK, TKIMMKR. TUCKER SISTERS. HAVE JUST KF.CI Vtll A FILL LINK OF AKD WI'-TEB HAT3 ASD J TBIMMIK03. I tJto birr di nntkli.f drprtmett. Rat- MhciIiiii gurnld. BHEHWOODSTOKK. PLATT8MOUTII SOLD AND POKC8I.A1.H CKOWNS - Britlx turk nt Una Rulil work SPECIALTY. na ririNii:H AI. wrll m oilier hi tallllrKlTRa lorllir mliilrf ltnu-ilon o' Irelli. a A. MAHSIIAM FitK.rh! TTTlll-d- -An rilK. rrlh-l.lf m -nlry T II to ninMli . IB k' noli xrlli'U i to nioMli . xilli iii-r-. i irenwihi tlllllM'. I flf ! Bl. miiiMimiK, lICk SuA L'hC, ) Vuiii. Notice to Ladle I have nn hand a fine lot of rih lionn and tip" wliii h I will eell nt the lowed price fo rio-h. I have Diy koo!" ut J.l'inley JohDHOiif hard ware . tore here I may lie found every tiny frum I. -do lo r;tf) p. in. Mks. J. F. JO!!)N. f hiloli'n catarrh remedy n pocl itive cure ( atari h, Diphtherin mid Canker mouth. For ule by F. U. FrickeA Co. BuckUn' Arnica Salv. Tub Hkkt Hai.vb io the world forCuu Broihi, h.ri t, Ulriri, Halt I'.bnini, Ft-Tii &re,Ti-iti r, Cliix (I IttndK, CliilliUint, Cerm, anil all t-kin Sruptionr, and pnki-tl-lj cunt Pile, or bo pay required. It la KiMMnU-trd to k'iva mtinfiu unn, ot Bioney r-funilril. Prire 2."ifMiU ptfbux. For tl lij F. O. Frirkr 4 Co. WANTED Two fnrrgetic ladira winhin;; employment, salary fl,) per fliiy. Call clay or eveninif ot Mrtj.Milcd hoarding hoime. f II. W. UtmoE.i. Why will you oue.h when Slit loh'a cure will give immediate re. lief. Price HI rn., .rnl cts. nnd $1. For tale by F. G. Fricke Ac Co. M inln j Ctinar. The II. iV. M. will sell round trip tickcl to nil thore wiK.iin,( to nt eti'ljythe mi.tiiig congress hi be lield "t IVnver Col., Nov. l'i I 1A Ticlu'ts nold at one fare and one-third, continuous passage In each direction. Final limit, Pec. a J. 1'KAM H, V. Latham, Gen. A,gt. Agcut The Opening oflha Fair. Tin1 Cntholie fair opened last eve. ninj: iitKockwood hall under very atiHpiciotihcirciimHtancei'. The nt-Hn(J t-ndance waa lare tind j"dfinK ; from the mirth ami row! will that a -emcd to prevail theevenlti(r wna dotibtlena upent very ei.joyahly by alt. The principal attraction of the evening wim the nwnnlinp; of n pme to the beat ne'iHeman and lady waltzer. Several couplea con- Bted for the dihtinction. Henry TnrtHih wnathe micceHHful genth; man and Nettie Italhince the uc cennful lady conteatant. The for. mer waa awarded an leKant pair of Kenta' alippera; the latter, a toilet cuae. CoiiHiderable interect 1 aim rivalry wan maniieaieo in tne i balloting for the iiiohI popular younjrlady. The contestant were Georgia Oliver, Katie McCarthy (t.t.(1 pa(4Hl.( ri!litu-ru it i.ecert and Mary TiKhe. The bfillotini? l -nry fr COutHy onic-trrti tt be citi-clom-d with Kutie McCarthy in the .,..,. .i,,.,.. ., im.h(t f leiral lead. It will be renamed and net tled this evening. The fair will clone to-morrow evening. Many old eoldiera, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, hive fince been (u ruiaiient ly cured of it' by I'haiiiibcrlaiu's Colic, Cholerii and diarrhoeu K'eiu edy. For sale by F. G. Fricku & Co. rtorluoa'J Raica on tha M P. Ticketa atone fare for the round trip will be Hold to ull v.'ho desire lo attend the Archbislurpa' Golden Jubilee at St. Louis. Ticketa on sale Nov.2S mid '.II, limited to return to und including Dec. 2. Any winh iug to visit St. Iiui should take advantage of this low rate. The Rev. Geo. If. Thayer, of Hour bou, I ml., says: ''Itolh myself wife ovv our lives to Shiloh's rrmsiimp. tion cure." For sale by F. G. Fricke St Co. A Frx.ial. The Lndiea' Aid society of the Christian church will irive a social at the residence of J. I). Tint to morrow evening. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. Arc you made miserable by Indi gestion, constipation, diviness, loss of appetite, yellow t-kin'f Mii toll's Viiaher is a iiositivc cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke A Co. Those wishing job work done ahould remember that Tin: Ili:KALt) oflice U fully equipped and will do work that will compare favoraly with any oflice in the country. Charge always reasonable. Pure buckwheat flour for aale at Heisel a mill. tl Has Jtutcpened upr. full line of lnd'cs, Gents and Chlldiens all wool underwear and bo Icro ycu buy your Fall or Winter coeds. Don't fail tO call and ceo our prices. V7e ! beat 'cm all. Have you een Ihcso nob by Mioses Copa, all pretty eludes, 55, 05 and 75 ct'nl3 oichi i ll MlRa EICKHOFF is ELIGIBLE. The Quebtion Raided as to his Citizenship Avails Nothing. Tha Will of ih F.ieeiora an Kvnlni eel by Ihs Hnauli at lit Poll Shill Prevail There appear to he n question in Hie mind of home as to Hie eligi liilily of I,. ('. Kickliolf, treasurer eleet of ( ;:: count , to occupy tin oll'Ce 1i vh ii ll he Irie been eiioyen, The purlieu that lire pri'ssiii;.' the lliallcl' base llii il'i ii l Ilie pre- sumption that he i not n ritu'i'7. The inniii in mir ij-im i uiiirl evidently fails t reveal that liatiira-! li.iiliuii papers have err lieeu ' taken out in Car minify, either hy , L.C. F.ickholf or ,m father, hut it U j highly probable that F. ederick Liekholf. father of L.C, Lii Mimf, properly attended to the matter in WiHCoiiHiu, where lie renidi-d for neverul j earH prior to liin removal to Nehrackit. We do not Mieak authoritatively im to thin, however, llH , xUv fut (H j Cilht. ,i1L. ri.C()ni win -tlle all douhtH. KnnlliR that Mr. Kickhoff in " t r t.v,.n t.e..lor, ,n.rf, H llo j.,w oiltior conMitu. ,(,,, tor mntmory, by which ,,c )1Iiiy ljc (ji,,,! di.iijualilkd. The Hlltc coi.titi.tion make mieci. u, .,.f,.rcnce lo tu. mitiircment for eliuil.ilitv to the oflice of cov-, lieutenant-uoveiuor or :,ui,a. of ,)mlle court but here ll4 llo llMi0 w,at- ,.vt.r (o COHIlty 0mciala. We have collmlltt.,i m.vl.r of the lea)inK BMorn,.VH f,f , . ri(y ,! lt. i. or)jllioll j llla, irM,Htnm- a a Lt.. COIIHli(11,ioi, u Mil,.,,, the lllnt.,.r ..,,;,...,. m,.,.,,, i..w reiiHoiiin- that can declare Mr. Eickhoff ineligible. The opiiiioua of the iittornej s recently given by leading attorneys of Omaha touch ing the question rii'pcd ns to the citueuship of sliei ill elect Iienuett, of Doiiglas county, is essentially the same as those given by our nt torneya upon the matter in ques tion. While there may be a few who would delight to see Mr KickholT declared unable to qualify, tliu.-i thwarting the will of a large major ity of the voters of the county, there are by far n greater number that will rejoice to know that he is eligible and that the will of Un people shall prevail. Petirnaka'a Winip Torn rxhihll The Nebraska State board of Agri culture will hold its annual winter corn exhibit in Grunt Memorial hall, Lincoln commencing on (he third Tuesday in' January, lStrj. It i the aim of the board to make IhU the grandest corn exhibit ever h-ld In the I'niteil States, or anywhere else, for that matter. The year 1VJ1 has Leon nn exceptionally favored com Mciison. For this, if for no other'reason, the best specimens known f night and can be presented; but for n greater reason the board desires this exhibit to be collected anil retained Intact for the World's (' tiiinliiau fair nt Chicago. This nnnotiiKH'nient (mined early that ample time be given for careful (fnd thorough nelcctioiiH of the very best. Hick'a predictions for November: From 1st to 15th fust storm period. Northwesterly gales apprehended. Perishable product should be guarded agaiust early freezing. Crisp, bright daya will follow, nn til cloudinea and rains, with galea ami anow to the north, appear about the Oth and 10th, About the l.'ilh, loth and 17lh expect some hard autumnal atorma and changes. The period runs front 14th to 17th, central on the 1.1th. Watch it. Cold following, will moderate for lighter disturb, once on anil nenr the 21st, lifter which there will be a prompt mid sham return to Col I. Storms fcin IZ'tli to 27lh will brinr n MlilT hhisl l whiter and send the d iyn und nights freezing Into iVccmUr. Marriatl. Mr. W.l'.lai'i F. Acl.eriran was married to riina AiU 'ine Sf( inker at 2 p. in. to-day nt tfi" residence of tile bride'", in the presence of a large number of friend and rclalivCH. Henry Kauhle, who a Jew tlnya nine.' fell from a porrh niid broke hi arm, is rapidly improving. PF.KSONAL M"s. A. Ilade:i came in thin morn iii); from Omaha fur u short visit. . Mr. Wendall, who has been vis iting in ('liicii;ri fir tea weeks, re turned liimie hint evening. John Ouick itnd fiimily departed on No. 5 for Allinnce, wliere they will in;ile their future liouie. J. C. J.-tcqiiette depnrled this iiini liiiii Itir Omaha. c will leave j there this evening for a brief trip III llill'.r- in Iowa. I Mrs. Sum 1 leiidiich mid family, I who have ! een i.-il intr nt Percy. ' ville, la., for home time, returned , l.l: I cvciiiag. I-. M. Knuld" has changed his .1 !:!'.' ot f.kwlifu-i Oi 4ht orlh Sixth Mieel. I'atie wit-hinj; hay; irajje traMHfened to the station will ,.,1Ve orders at hi.- home. w r iWill,, editor of the v,(.r Sun, w,i v Veh d supcrm- i,.,,,!,",,) ,,f hcIiooIh in Colfax county, ,,,., K. t.,,itr wi fl tllc position with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituency. 1 ha M. P will Build a Bridge. Messrs Clark and Holdrege repre senting respectively the M. P. and the H. A M. roads, held a consulta tion in Omaha Monday, relative to tight of the M. P. to cross the H. & M. bridge over the Platte rive at this place. The matter waa laid over for a week, hence no definite conclusion wns reached but Mr. Chirk states that in his opinion the M. P. will build a bridge of its own. He also stated that if such a decis ion waa reached work would be commenced at oncd and It would be rapidly pushed tocompleiion. The M. A M.mauaginent takes the stand that the' use of their brnlire was guaranteed only upon the condition that the Union Pacific management would irrimt them the use of their road from Gilmore to South Omaha. TheU. P. is not willing to concede this and in the event that tin; M. P. road cannot arrange lor it a new bridge will probHblybc built. Too Much Liquor. Lost evening nbouf ! p. in. quite n crowd was attracted near the cor ner of Main mid Seventh streets, by the cries of a woman. Upon orriv iug at the scene it wna ascertained that Mrs. Luce had imbibed too freely of liquor and instead of ap pealing for deliverance from danger, as her cries would seem to in licate, she wai giving vent, ii very unmistakable man ier, to the legitimite consequences of over In dulgence in the vile drink. To say the least it is a very unfortunate nf fair and cannot but serve to again furnish evidence as to the legitimite remit of indulgence in strong drink. We are informed that when not under the influence of liquor, Mrs. Luce make a very lady like appearance and give fplendid satisfaction aH an employee an a domestic, "She was fined $10.00 nnd coM this afternoon and in default of which else was sent to jttil. Di-arlcl Court. Ill thecase Gibson vs. Cnrter, suit on'proiniHory not the jury render a verdict in favor of plainlill' for the full amount of the note f IddO. In the rae Samson vs. Slaughter, suit for ?l L'CkI 81 on promissory note judgement was rendered in fuvor of plaintiff for ?T.7.1.". In the matter of McCord Itrady A Co., of Ojiiaha, vs. Philip Krausc, case of attchment, the atlchment was dissolved and the case dis missed. Lint of Laitara Remaining unclaimed In the postofllce at Plattemouth, Nov. 11, for the week ending Nov. 4, 1801: Rnrkrnrl!i,'. Philip Hati'k, jtmia Bu li-r. Au.i I'lnUleoxin. A 4 0 r. lnu. Allirrt U -I'liuit, Mr K Hi.ftiii'i,.Vii M l.fwla, Anna!) t'ualwy. HM-4 Vlllrr, leu FrntPii,H H Hmltli, W H Tajlor. Wm W Vnli Kl v hit. Juhn tl'mt, liajf HUM), JilllD. Persons calling for the above will pk'aie Bay "advertised," II. J. Si ki-tiitir, P, M. Me. C. II. Jones, o( Spring Pill Io'.mi, snyr: "I hae used Chamber, Iain's Pain Palm for pevere nnd pniiihil liiirns with better effect than an) t'linrr I h ive ever tried. It re lit veil ll e pain instantly mvl cures without leaving it senr." l'ain Halm i-t oneof the inoKt Diedic'ia.-s that in. y families ciiii be provided .i;!i, fi-'-p eiaiy for vlu t:nii!li.i;i, lame t.:i lc, spiainH, bruires, tooth nelie.eiir ach and like nihix ills. Une application will relieve the pain and a fair trial insure a cure. 51) cent bottles for sale by F. fj. Frickj AC o. Druggists. -FRED HE OUK FALL AxND WlNTLlt SIOCK - - OP1 - - DRY - GOODS - AND DKK.SS ;)OI)S We are Fhowin;; ii liandsime line of CAMKLS JIA1K PLAI1W, UKOAD-CLOTII, FI.ANNKI.S, SEROUS, I IKNRr ETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. BLANKETS AM) COMFORTS Stock complete and pricea lower than ever. GLORIAS -HJSmSliftWLS. . HAVE never i-liown bo ITT ii :..t .... ire can Biicciiu Huciiuuii io uili ruyj uinoi tinea i. ui ibuuiera Military und Jlip Coat filupea trimmed with Mink, !Seal, Astracba. Muflaloon Mid Conc furs. Our line of Plush Sacqties aro cheaper than ter belore. Full lines of Childrens and Misses Cloaks and Jackets. ONE DOOR EAST Dogs Yo Ettle Qii'l. Need a cloak this winter? If she dosa you will make a great mistake 11 you do not call and examine the childrens cloaks that we are otlering before buying. We havo Just received from his full Childrens sample Cloaks. For children 0, 8, 10 and 12 years old, consisting of U9 garments in all. NO TWO ALIKr;, on which w wOi'O giVCii ii DiSCCUXT fo that sc were nble to sell them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. CAI L IN and let us prove the truth of the above statement, and show you at the same time our UNIi LINlv of Ladies undMissea Kcefew Sacqtu-a und Jackets. SECOND SALE OF SAMPLE SU0E& Another opportunity to buy ehoea at , FACTORY PRICES We take pleasure in annoucing to the people of Plnttsmouth and i surrounding towns that we have succeeded in getting another line !. sample shoes. Our success with the last line was phenoininal nnd hun dreds were disappointed because they came too late to secure some of tht bargains that we offered. This line is better if anything than the lust, b inir Walter II. Temmy A Co.,ot Hoston, Mass., full line consisting of Ija dies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and Hoys shoes of ail kinds and of all da scriptions. Among them is 300 pair of boys and Mens boots, iu whicb . we can give the best value for your money that you ever "laid eyes on," Don't think that because we don't ask high prices for shoea that tlar ahoea arc not of any high quality. We have among these ehoesthat ataj .... i;. ...... u, iv el, own in the. ritY. evcrvthinir extrinsic is stripped iwia. and the ahoes that you buy of us stands on its intrinsic worth. We dig j the root of raluea and give you the wortU of your niooay. Wm Still Giviag Groat B2rpBS.i1 Mwm, IIERFS A 25c 25c Ciilldr.'iis ?C-tt 11t .1l Wci.l Col or Shirt und Darwers All Sies. Childrens nil Wool Shirts A Drawers All Sizes. WM. HEROLD '& SON. 507 Main Ftrcet riattsmouth, Kob. MANS I'M) Ell WEAK A gool Ladies Jersy vest at 2.1c. Ladies fine Jersey vest nnd pnnta la while or natural grays at 50c each Lndien natural Gray Wool Vet-ts and Pants at 50c. Regular 75c unde- weur. Full ' lines of Ladies Fine wooT ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's undea wenr in natural, scarlet and white at prices aa low as the lowest large aline in this department. i i t ..r i... h nn p? Ill t FIRST NATIONAL, a largo line of Cloak Manufacture wlolc!l!fi FEW OF THEM: 39c Lad I e s Fine Merin o S ' I k Trimmed shirt and Drawers. c j9c Mens Extra Heavy Ribbed S h i r I n u n 4 drawers. JBBBi