v mouth erald FIFTH YEAR. PL TTS MOUTH, imRASKA. TUESDAY NOVMBSR 10 189! KUMFER iO 1 .Daily E. 0 Counuil Proodlnq. The foiiru'M r-.et in regular scs sion nt police court room. City clerk being absent, V. L. Hrownc wiiH appointed to nerve in hi stead. All members responded to roll C.ill exeept V. 1). Jones hii1 M. H. Murphy. A petition was presented by twenty-five taxpayers praying Unit a sidewalk be cnto-tt urtcd on I'ifteenlh Htreet from Main to Oak. petitioners ttatd that when "! " i 1 K' ronus were in a mutiny cotitn- igrcsr,, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing- : t i 1 1 thorn going to the i i rr 1 1 school IV C . fnrn shes the Ino-hcst Authoritative mforma- buii.imvr ami tiie latimiic cimrcii 1 ' ....if, ...... i .,..,... ;.,,.,,,...,.,,;..,. null ion of Jonen of tiie Second ward the matter was referred to the com mittee on streets, alleya and bridges, with power to net. Tim report of the city marshal showed Jhat nine arrests had been made; fix of thepartie had been committed to jail in default of pay ment of lines and three h.id been released from custody upon the I payment of fines. , I The report of the police judge showed that fllJX) had been col- i lected by fines. ild, DECISIVE Jaking Powder Tests ? 1 1 -.1 The United States Official Tl litigation of Baking Powders, made, by authority of ' I u r i. r a Tir-i K' r -a as to which powder is the Lest The Official Report Shows.the ROYAL to be a xcream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in leavening power su?ti). was gu;u anteed to he paid from the general fund. "', On motion of Gutsche the council udjourned. A. SALSBUBY t . DENTIST : j SOLD AND IT.KCELAIM CROWNS. .Biliia)ri.a-illirlli ft-r tiie ilulrti ! j imniii' ! in in. V Fine Gold Work a Specialty . iMtwo.m Hltk rUltmnoutli.Krb iTTORNIV 1 L. N. SULLIVAN. lUrmrj I-Ijiw. Will in.m.t Hntl..l til MilnM itnit1 to him. Offlr In . Iiko block, rwt hlilx, Platwmmith, Nnb. D AWSON 4 PEAPCE fCat Claxton. ' It is a pleasure to be able to com mend a tilav to the oublic with the I.-..., l.i ..II wlm it n. r. " formed will be delighted. Such aj A. H. lo.iu, on uciiaii o me play oh the "Two Orphans" and , county commissioners, staled thut such a performance an that Rivt-a ! tln-re were from one to two liun by the distinguished Kale Claxton, 'red yards of dirt that the commix- Constitutes one of those treat sioncrs were uesirous oi removing which are well worthy of patn n- from nrounil tiie court house, lie j iisnru jiui iiurnitjii ivj itinu.c mvi The "Two Orphan," li one of )e:oTt,o ne u..ey ,nrouKnu.C .cr. ... . ' , . .-'iiian block, oh it wa very low ami nouiCHi and Hironehi oi uramanc , , . . . , . i .. . . ... . would be materially benehtted by workH, and cuutaiuitiir Home aceut-a , , ... , ' li ft., .twiilim nt SiiliMlmrv the which for pyncliolonic power are i . ' ,, , . V 'i i . . i ... dirt was ordered removed as per not excelled in any play. 1 he play i ... . . .. . . .. ri'iiiifHi. to ue uoue uuuer ine nu- 1 1 d j. 1 1 l.'ia lii.i. 1..u.rilitfl ami (llM. i Couut House Clock. The iirtiim of the city council in approprSntiiiK$iri() toward the pur chased if a town clock for the court hoiiHc i commendable and worthy the auction of every enterrriHini; public spirited citien. The eMab lihhmeitlM of a Htrikiii chek will confer almost incalculatable bene lit upon t.ic citi.eiirt of city ami caiiimt but create an impfct-'Kioii, anions' viniloiH, tliat I'lntlMiioiilli and Ca.-ci county ine.ii.H to Keep abrea: t )f the l.mcH. 'J hat the city kI.oiiIiI aHfift in paying for tiie clock there ehould be no (UeHtion, nndJbejl in little doubt that there will be u nerioim object iiom any one. The tax paj i-rn recidin out Hide of the corporate limitHol 1'lattH- inoutli will receive practically no beneht from it, while a day will not paHH, in which the citizen of thin nlace will not be benefited. The amount appropriated itt not mi Hi cietitly large, to be burdetiHome and in fact will hardly be noticed by the heavient tax payer. I'KKSONAL -FRED HERRM A HAVE KIa LIVr.U , . . ,. . . ... n..r.tMril.b.i...ti(-nl,..IU. cueaed at full length aeverul lime, - ni ir iHi.ii mitr "HHP nmm . 4. i.i,it f. i 'l lift h a full " f ni y h'd Hiirl In or ,ii irw ;ill r tinu to 40 mid ( . . i IS cr u ifhnmf1. K.iiSCUUYI.KK, TKIMM K R. i TUCKER SISTERS. IAVE JUST klXlVi:i A FULL LINE OK m t AS l 1UU UUaM TBIUMIS03. to be done under the hu perviHion of the etreet commit aiouer. On motion of JoneH of the Second ward the report of the finance com mittee iih follows was adopted and orders be ordered drawn on treas- and the greater part of the public ill fairly familiar with the plot It treats a genuine problem, and one which not uiifieiueiiily preti ..,,.. I 'mi. If iii i;f In tin- nobleHt and 1 moHt dignified, audlct uu udd- rer lor mime; il. A:i.1M o.itw.f mwl mi a ' M A ri'ltft 11 iirnl lr fPH . I ... V I., t ...rlr Ml to 11 irl.t the uhuuI Uuixotic con. J"" t,,'1'n' 4 " tZ vcntionalitiea of the attige and ofM . s ' ., M ;j untie level" of society, in favor of (j, (;rtl.,,, ..l...i. ...1 ; ni. M...iuf. ..I iiiMtin tit tin. (..n. I'fllHilll. l- i - v ., ' .. ... ,. hililv of heart, and loftinena of oimiu, airert n... ' A K nl.MllM. lUllltl UllLU 1 t S4 25 it) 1HJ M mi :t:i u 1 to ijo h dra nitkli i (trnutnicur. "at Hiieilon iiiurDln-(l. laEUWOOUSTOKK. I'LATTSMOUTH DEHSTTISTIRY 7 J()I.I AU POKCKLA1N CIUH Bri le work and ftof ruM work a SPECIALTY. nUTHHi'i loci, xt'r atbtlcill''a lurtti pliileMiirrtiiHi o Irrtu. a A. MAUSIIA.I.U Fitf.rM W ni'-il-A'i Hriti". rt-lliiM ni -nUr uullm.lilli V fkllk lltrM.M ... Il'f.. i' twL fc-.' f.mti rlliili m r-t M Nrw t f I (iniiM.. I.l-irm. UA kl r l 1 1 l M. I ' )4il l Nf ''. Slrrnnen" niirbt made ininerable by th it terrilile ratigh Shilohn reui .lv In ilie cure for von. by Ci v,:.:,.j()iiu,n.ici. 2 NoUca to Ladle liinVft.rt blind M fine lot of rib ImiiH i.i. d til)" which I il ell nl i,- I,,. :. , -t i.rirpH (o.- nihil. I Ii ii vt oiv i ; at I. l-'inb-y ihnnom hard ui' t . re where 1 may be found v (rum I (Kl to MX) !. III. ' MKa. j.F. JOIINtKiN oa auffrr nil 1 ) t t CflltlTlluillt Sll alUcr guaranteed to cure you. with Py"pepaia i loli a V it- einoiion. It ilevatea tritlii and con- feaxion. and cloriucs the kindlineHa that acourgcH nelf to help others. The "lory la prvaeuted with con tiummate k ill, and ia linpreaaive mid touching from first to hint. Miaa Claxton wilh a Htrong Blip- porting company will appear at the Waterman next Saturday night, Nov. 14. Thia attraction him been Hecurcd for the opera Iiouhb patroua without any advance in price a. Se cure your neat now at J. 1. Young'a. I, Uoedcker, of riattc.i.outh, la the proud owner of probably the bet colt of its ge in Caa county. It was hired by the famoua trotting Utnllion George K., Ao. and, of Suritiifield. It U but two month" old and he Iuih the'reftiHiil of f'JS5 for It.-Louisville Courier-Journal. ndud Rii on tha M P. Ticket at one Lire for the round trin will be Hold to all who dehire to attend the Archbishop' Golden Jubilee nt St. Louis. Inkei on Fale Xov.'.'S and 2, limited to return to nnd ineludin Pec. 'I. Any wish- iug to visit St. IOtii ahouhl take udvnntngc of thi low rate. Those wishing job work done Hhould remember thatTllK IlKKAM) lofl'ire 1 fully fijuipped and will tlo work that will compare favoraly with any office In the country. Charge always reasonable. J. Monroe, K. -;! i JoHf ph Getii of South llend 1 in the city to-day. T. T.Young came in from South Lieiid this morning. I. N. Carter, of Weeping Water, i atteudi.ig court to-day. 11. A. GibHon, of Lincoln, ia at tending court to-day. Lawyer Polk of Greenwood came in on the Schuyler this morning I. W. llerce of the South llend New lira wa a pleasant caller at TUB IliiKALU nauctuui to-day. Ii. V. Carter, conductor on the main line, was called home thia moruiiig owing to the illness of his wile. . Frank Jackson, whom many will remember us a former resident oi this place, ha been visiting here a il.iva unit returned home at . I Denver tin morning. UK FALL AM) UINTi:il STOCK - - OF - - . DRY - GOODS - AND a SBJ w DI1KSS boons We are hhowinga handsome line of CAM LI -S HAIR I'LAIDS, UROAD-CLOTII, FLANXKLS, SLRGLS, IIENRIKTTAS. A full line of coloring and blacks. IILANKETH AM) COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. l'M)i:uvi:aii A good Ladies Jcrcy vest at 23c. Ladies line Jersey vest nirl pants Is white or natural grays at 50c cadi Ladies natural Gray Wool Veide uv4 l'antsatSOc. Regular 75c under wear. Full ' lines of Ladies Fine wxl ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's undes wear in natural, scarlet and white at prices a low a the lowest Vr k HAVE never hhown bo large aline in this department. xv 11 !..! - t i i .. t..r.. lie ciiii rjHxi.u luieuwoii 10 our iriu aisorniiriii, ui ivaeiurs Military und Hip Coat fcliapua trimmed with Mink, Sua', Autracha. Mtiffaloon mid Coiiej fura; Our line of Tlubli Sacqties aro clinper than erer before. Fnl lincB of Cliildrena and Misses Clonks and Juckets. ESI lolinson, " " 1IJ5U Win. Cole. " " 15 W Jos. Swobody," " 7 5t) 5. a. Archer, sal lor yic w w a uu 45 (JO 45 OJ 'I IX) 27 (Kl 1) 7n 2 Kl 2 HU 321 .rK) IXI 5 25 r kian's Arnica Bslvs Tni. ' t Hai.tb lo ths world for Cut Hrui. f " L'li tm, Hlt Itln uin. Ftvrt Horns'Klt' r. Cl'l's d Manila, CliilbUint, (VDi, ami all rain Brtipllona, ami i--t run Pili . or BO l at iwitilred v,.rl to ,lvs Mixtion , i . t ,d fuM I,,.. w loniien. I lire rruia mw owa i j -r i M. X. Griitilh. deputy clerk.. Jno. hii.pniricK, sai . K. Deiisou, sal i-rank U .Neili. hpec i ponce. . Kd Kate, team work Frank Morgan, sal.incid tl.. W. F. Cole, special police Albert Goll, " " I'latts GaaCo, gns and I'gt... F. O'.N'eill.cord sawed wood.. 1:i,ii.m C.li- hand work I I-'rv. 14 ni'''! hlieci tolice. 2 W) U'lili'llolnu s. notice 1st w'd. 3 (XI 1). M. Jones, " 2d - . J IXJ 1'. 1'. Gas, " 3d " . 3 IX) I Hi, 4lh " . 3 O) 11. C. McMaken.regis'r'Sd'y. 15 (j I C. .Stiles. " " Is'" O. T. Thomas, " M . 1) 0U I I. Miner. " M . 15 IX) Dan iliurmcl, " " . i. on Henry Die, - " . i w A. J. Graves, " " . 15 0 O. A. Sireight, " " . ! ' W. II. M i. in, " " l"'' C.S. Twih. H 15 IX) C.A.Miller, " " . 15 (M J. W. Ilraiiturr, " " . 15 (X) Louis Do.ie, " 3 d'ys. 0 00 Con Conner, M 2 d'y. 0 IX) I. II. Dunn, rent regrouy. i' fiirneis. " " " . ll M iriv'oiirke " " " . 25 DO ( l ii.ii nf (.10. Dovev vs. Cit v l I'lallsmou 111 - The finance committee recom mended that the bill of Gid Archer for hauling olf deud horse be re ferred to the claim committee. The committee recommended that the claim of Daniel Colley of tlSlMS referred to the claim com mitten with a view of collecting a fine of 5 and cuhls asaessed some time since. On motion of Gutsche the claims were referred as recommended. V-i P. 0. Frirkr 4 t o, $ .. r i: i Two energetic ladies 1 rTiii.lnvment. siilarv 52.50 Call at once at Mr, blile i house. L V. Gmm::n. Mlntnu Con(ira, rH. . M. will sell round trip to nil those wishing b ut- e ni'iiing aonrei'S to be Jl Ilenver Col., Nov. H TiikiN sold lit one it u ' t one thinl, coiitiuuous j-assaj.''' in eiuh direction. Final limit. Dee. C. J. TKAN-CI:, J 1- I,iTHAM, Gen. ross. Agt. of ladies, Gents and Childiens all wcol underwear ami be lore you buy ycur Fall or Winter ocds. Don't fall to call nnd fee our price?. We beat Via all. f.ire A. M.Todd, representing the conn tv coinmisHloners stated that nego tiation were pending between the commissioners and the Howard Clock comonny looking to the es tablishingof a clock In the cupolo of the court house. The coinmis imicr thought, that since t'.ic citi of l'lattsmoiith would receive practically nil the benefit of such clock, it would be only iut thnt they in: iut the tax payers of the county in paying for the same. He thought that nil HcM day striking clock could bo purchased for S'-'iO. The cot .iniishioiiers bad couclu led .v. -.. Mlial If t ho citv council would uaveyou;seenoBe noo-;r,(Ml;:t.T,:j(Mtl, 1(,h..ico woi.i be Tfirea o'l rrnl tw tal.eii from the regular county np The state conveulion of the Y. P. S. C. Ii. comences to-day at Kearney, and will be in scbbiou Weuueaduy cloaiug Thursday. The W. C. T. U. hold the regular meeting to morrow at 3 p. in. at the iM. k. church. A uood attendance is desired, liy order of PrcsideuL The Ii. dc M. olliclal have let the contract to extend the line sixteen miles northwest of Ueadwood, the town ot tmeurtiaii. Work will coul nicnce ou the extension at once. The new court house is rapidly ...iirimr collltllellOII. Ulld wllCU - ' r a linislu-d it will couipure favorably, in point of architecture ana work miio-lim. with any county court house in the stale. Tlu-re will be a meeting of the l r. anil Hlewurd of the First .M. Ii. church nt the close oi the prayer meeting Wednesday uight Important that all shouiu ue pre cut. i L. F. liKlTT, pasior, A little three yeur old child of Mr. lenscn. of Ncbriihki Lily, awullowed a luio doe of couscn- trated lye last evening which will prove fatal, 'lhelychad been lell :arlessly upon the Hour where mv little one could easily reach it. The Australia ballot system is the origin of a great many humor ous remark. The latest is from on Irishman in the little town of Springfield. When asked how lie voted, he remarked: "lo tc sure now. Oi irave it to the black reptib licaus In folne shape, Indade Oi did. Oi checked moy ticket every tiluce that It said republican and voted the rist of 'er straight, blat their souls." ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. Does Yotu Lile Qiil. Need a cloak this winter? If she doss you will make a great mistakail ...... .1.. ..... ....It .....I tUn .l.;i.1u..u pl.inLu 4li JWK U KJ IIU, Villi .111. AIIIIIIIIV; llli Villi. Ill 1 1 r l.U.g ..IH. we arcollering before buying. Wo havojust received from largo Cloak Manufacture nis tuii iineoT Childrens tample Cloaks. For cli'Idrcn G, 8; 10 and 12 years old, cons'utin of tJ3 garments in all. NO TWO ALIKti, on which w were given a disccuxt from regular wholesale priot r-o that f,c were able to sell them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. rTT IN and let us prove the truth of the above statement, mat show you at the same time our FINK LINE of Ladies ondMisses Kceica &acnies auu jacKeis. SocUl t South f'ark. The ladies of South Turk tabcr nncle will cive n pie social this evening. All are cordially invited to come and help the ladies out In iheir c-ciod work. Fifteen cents will buy oil the pie you can cat. Secretary 6lnde8, 55, C5 and 75 cen3 nronriiititm fund The matter was discussed, enrh member favoring the move. On motion of Larson the sum of LV) SECOND SALE 0E SAMPLE SHOES. Another opportunity to buy shoes at FACTORY PBICBS. ... . . i.. in ilioi-ifnnlp nf rintt.umouth aa4 ' wetase rneusinc m hiiiiuuvih w ...v , -1 - t i.... .....i In .rnft ncr another line of BurrouiK'lllir lowna iimi i;ii' mnn.. - p,------r -. - . . Minnie shoes. Our success with the last line was phenommal and hum. ureils were a.aappo.nieo. oeeause o- v .... (. barirains tnnt we ourreu. 1 ins mic 10 i.i-n.-. -- ' KS II. Tommy & Co.,of llostoti, Mass., full ine consisting of Lm d t-s, Misses, Childrens, Mens and Hoys shoes of all kinds and of all At scri ptio.s. Among them is 3UU pair of boys and Mens boo , ? wh.ok . we can give the best value for your money that you ever "laid eyes on, l on't think that because we don't ask high prices for shoes hat Or shoes are not of any high quality. We have among these as tine as any shown in the city, everything extrinsic ia J'Fpcd and the shoes that you buy of us stands on its intrinsic worth. We dig m, ths rot of values and give jom the worth of your mousy. M m SI Gifii M Bsrpiis ii Mmw. HERE'S A FET OF TIIEM: Dlniriot Court. The forenoon wan consumed pun inelin j n lurv. The case of r.ib-on v. Carter n suit on n prom irnry note forf W Is pen.limjeswi i;o to pti'MV. i lie di leuilaiit al leges that the note was fraudulently trnttHfered from the bank at Weep Ing Wiiter to the plaintiff. The enso will hardly c ' t,ic j"ry before 4 p. ni. 25c Chlldroin; Knt lira I U ooi Col or MilrU and Durwerj All H-.c. 25c Childrens nil Wool Shirts A lirawcM AH Sizes. 39c Ladles Fine Mr-t in o Silk Ti'i'iimcd sliit t and Drawers. 39c Mens Extra Heavy Ribbed S h I r t s s n 4 drawers. WM, HEROLD & SON, 507 Slaiu f tre ' laittsaouth, Xc uvf .;:,.v