1 M leraia u :sivi-iwirmniniMitnw.uwiHfwnn l-IFTil Y PL 'lTSM0Ur;;. NEBRASKA. MONDAY ilOi 9 1 8 J I NUMBER 49 TT ; DECISIVE' Baidng Powder Tests I l The United States Official ? nvr;tioration of Bakinfr Powders, made, bv authoritv of - . j O -4 j (-Congress, in the Department of Agriculture, Washing tton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best The Official Report iK Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow- der, superior to all others in 1 leavening power (utf?r). A. SALSBURY : DENTIST : OLD ANI I'UKCELAIN CMOWNA. 9r. Hrlua)s Him-ol lirtln irrtlm pilnlm tx frudlm uf U-rth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Jwkwuod Itl.fk I'latirnoutli.Jifb. jttornrv A. N. BULLIVAN. tortify t.,w Will rlr prompt sttMiilnti V ll iiiin,- rnlrii'O' t l III"' omen Hi luloo block. I'm! siilr. I'laitrmoulh, Nh. jQAWSON A PKAPCE HAVE K'KCTIVI.I . TTiflrFn'l !r, fHimnlilt' i . rti-ml quill" . n i lot it ll lnl I"' roll!" tl lt li.a Hiioirnw hmI f-. liny h van lull Imr ill lul h' oil mhI In or Virlir il l nimk mil li v IK , lli li "if w nll- I hit. In 4u iitl It . ri- l rlmni-il. ' ' .'.S SCIll'YLLK, TKIMNF.U. Ttia M.nTlwl Did It. The F.lmwood Echo call n halt on the cliiim made by Uncle Jesse Harper that he wai the inuti thul nuiiiimiti'il Abraham Lincoln for the presidency. In regard to the matter the Echo given the following extract from a personal letter written by J. G. Nicholy, Lincoln's privute secretary: "Norman B. Judd, of Illinois, made the iiominntinii a IdIIowh: 'j desire on behalf of the delegation from Illinois to put in nomination as a candidate for president of the United State, Abraham Lincoln, of Illinoirt.' "C. B. Smith of Indiana, Coliim- bui4 Delano of Ohio, und Win. Stone oi I'jwa, seconded the iioninnlion. This is taken from official records." Lii'il. A'"!!" Sh. io.iii l! i i r v,; .. , c I ill C !' .1 ti'.i.t '':i.-,i i.-. ill.1 ;,r . ; p o'-hse- ing county in ; In';:: but yet the majority of our peo le li.ive but n t.iiut iiii ii of the cnit'mily of thin production. We have obtained a htati nient from oi.r local ii))U' dealers, which shows to what ex tent other portion of the state have been supplied from our surplus product, ilius reiulerng the reader able to tell approximately an to the productiveness of our noil along that line. Mr. Ed Somers ban shipped from Hub place since Sept. 1, twenty-five cuth, each containing 100 barrels, malting in all 4,(XX) barrels. He yet ban in bin storehouse ready for the market WjO barrels, which will be disposed of soon. He ban shipped "i()0 from Nihawka und 1X0 barrel from Union. He has paid in caHh to the fanners of Cuss county over Wiley Black ban (shipped about 3,(XX) barrel, und after he has dis poKed of the umouut yet on hand, together with whut he has con tracted yet to le delivered, he think he will have handled WA) barrel It will be perfectly Bate to eti mate that the apple induMry hud brought $1.',0UU into the pocket ol CattH county fanner thi year. f :;'.'. T . r 1 ? . 1 1 i x .- nil Oiinh.'l v'- Itor to il;l . M. I). Polls i:( in Omaha today on '.;iil biii-ini'vH. ,, M("-."ih. Trib-cli r.nd Loder came in thi morniiiL''. ' Hert Sage of Alliance was in th,c city yenterdiiy. Mr. and Mve. If. J. S!re!;.;!it Sun- dayed in South licitdf IJyron Clark U in Lincoln to-day on legal btiHiiicf. itt TUCKER SISTERS AVEJl'rtT ki;tl l.l)A IX' LL I.I.Mi OF AND 'D WI'.Tm HAT1 TBIMM1KG3. ,Jfho lriNi inxli. driutitmenl. Kt- IHIiiciluii uiir;iairrci . IlIEKWOOII STOkK. I'LATTHMOL'TH A SOCIAL EVENT. P .-ON A I, i r n r n e iTrTn nn.i m m J ritnnwift H- . -r sui itVil FALL AM) UINTMt ST()(K - - 0."P - -. DRY - GOODS - AND v-9B mm -a mrxMmt u-siif r: i" v! r Ool.D Ann roRCKUl CRON Bridge work nd bat Rold work SPECIALTY, DR.TKtAr!l Lni'Al.Mi-ll M oliMir'aii. lbellralr pnlnlfitrOiio ul a A. MAItSIIALU FiUrl Mis Newcomer, Ktate or.nn.e for the C. W. 11. M., will bold a meeting at th Chrinliau church Monday evening, Nov.U. It i prevailing opinion that prairie chicken are more plentiful thi year than for teveral yearn. The biiHiuc man that (drives ha: il'-!t tobil 1 1 i-p bi town i en titled to the mot of the people's patronage. The state lndiltrlal nchool linn Mhinrii'd twentv-three carload of onar beets to Graiid Inland thin fall. J. N. Wise, after remaining at home a few week, r.'turueJ to Omaha thi morning. Mer. Clayton Barber, Frank Irih, Hal JohuHon and Dnve Hawkuworth Sundayed In I'lntls. mouth and returned t Lim:olu lnt evening, Tlo! wUhlAg ioi) work done Hhould remember thalTliE IlF.KALD ofllce In fully equipped and will do work that will compare favoraly with any ofnee in the country. Charge always reasonable. TVTEAT MARKET V II KI i-KXHAIIM. Pro. The best of freeh meat always found iu thin 'market Aleo fresh ' lili "" Butter. Wild game of alt kinds kept in their tieason. A PIsMkunl lima Wb Hnd Smur Jay Evening The remembrance of a social event given at the residence of Mr. and Mr. M. H. Murphy last Salur day evening, in commemmoration of the twenty-first anniversary of Cha. Murphy, will be chcrirdicd by all tireent a one of the most enjoyable social event of the sea sou. The hour, from 0 to 11, were whiled UAay playing high live. Alter a summing up and s com parison of note it wa ascertained that Will Stadebuaii was entitled to the king prir.e and Edith White very reluctantly received the booby prue. The party then repaired to the dining room, where a sump tuou and delicious repast, pre ttied bv Mr. M. 11. and Mrs. 1-red Murphy, a'sited by Mra. Chas. Ends, was partaken of. It was the unanimous opinion that the genial ity and hospitality exhibited by the host upon this occasion could rare ly be excelled. Charles wan pre sented with a handsome diamond and pearl scarf pin as a manifesta tion of the high regard in which he Is held by his friends. The following were present: Horn Fricke, Edith White, Janet Living ston, Nannie Moore, Menola Eikon- bary, Vcrna Leonard, Birdie Irish, Maggie Vallery, Maggie Olivet, Mrs. Fred Murphy, of Cedar Creek; Harry Phelps and Geo. Palmer, of Omaha; Will Stadelman, Chns. Sherman, Frank Irish, Chas. Vul lery. Fred Murphy, Will Clement and Arch Coleman. Meat eixTii BTtfEKT m MARKET HleeiuirsR nlcht mnde miserable hv that terrible caiiirh Miilohs rem fly is the cure for yon, by F. G Frick. and O II Snyder. 2 Go to Brown & Barrett's and get a window gins and stop up tbat hole In your house. tf Notic to Ldio I have on hand a fine lot of rib- - ti and tips whlcb I will sell at lowest pries fo,- cnMi. I have .' , 'ools oi"J.l'inley Johnsons hard store where 1 may be fouud dav lrr.ui l:((lt. n m) p. m r r, n V. ? 3 3 ? 5 2 3 z i 3. J j sg. -g 5' - 55 3 " n - n ? ? !, N & A r wst P : m Si T fl mm SIIL MKS. J.F. JOHNWI.V. .THil mwmri yiiiii 'J l" l'"'" ipr Cfimpluintr Muloli s VH c,uri(ntrru lo cure yu. t "The Two Orphans" is the only play Kate Claxtou has been playing this seusnn, but she has a new play, he World AK3ia.it Her," in pre- purutioa. to be produced for the first tiun in Omaha next week. J. P. Young bus telegraphed her manager to try and have thorn put on the new play here next Saturday, in place of "1 he Two Orphans," but does not expect to succeed, ns the scenery und costumes for the play may not arrive in Omaha In time. Nevertheless, "The Two Orphuus' will be fur uheud of any production of that play ever seen here, with special scenery and costumes. Mies Lottie Cooper, of Lincoln, vimling friends in the city. Dave Campbell, of Lincoln, clerk of supreme court, is in the city. Mrs. W. D. Jones went to Ashland this morning to remain a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Pick Kivett of Lin coln nre guests of Baxter Smith and family. Mrs. Batclielor, who haa been visiting friends, returned to Lt Platte last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Patterson re- turned from South Bend this morn- ing, where they spent Sunday. ' Mr. mid Mrs. A. W. Cox, of Hast- ings. were the guests of Rev. L- F. Brilt nnd family over Sunday. Mrs. John Faught, whohun been visiting friend here n few days, re turned to Philip this morning. Judge Sullivan has charge of n case iu Sarpy county to-day. K. L. Howe left Sunday morning for Beadwood where be will join a surveying party, working iu the interests of the B. A M. District court is not in session to-day, owing to the fact that law yer were not prepared with the canes on the docket. The fouiitv commissioners are In session to-day. They will bold pes. sion each day during the remainder of the week. The many friendH of Jnrob Heinrich will be plca-ed to learn tint he is considerably improved in health He In been ron fined to hisroom for over four weeks, with an nltaek of mal-irl.il fever, but be will doubtless be around again in a few t'nys. Rev. and Mrs. Britt left for a b'ief visit to friends at Lincoln and York They will remain in Lincoln to night nnd proceed to York to-morrow where they will attend the thirtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Barnie, whom many will remember as formerresi dentil of this city. Mr. II. J. Streight is receiving a isitfrontA. G. Nichols and wife, of Hope Valley, Rhode Island. Mr. Nichols is president of the New York safety power company, the largest printing: press and station eryjengine manufacutry in the east. They have been on an extended trip to point in the west and are now returning home. WANTt:r Two energetic Indies wishing employment, salary J'iM per day. Cull at once at Mrs. Stiles boarding Iioubc ' K, W, Cmhhf.v. Xa TTovt Orra.pl' to inc.ll Djpartaasnta, dkk.ss ;oois We are showingn handsome line of CAMELS HA Hi PLAIDS, BROAD-CLOTH, FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. BLANKETS AM) COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. UNDERWEAR A good Ladies Jersy vest at 23c. Ladies fine Jersey vent and pants ta -I white or naturul grays at 50c eac Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests an Pants at 50c. Regular 75c und wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wast ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete : lines of Child's undes wear in natural, scarlet and wnifcr at prices ub low as the lowest HAVE never thowu bo large aline in this departmeut. We call special attention to our l ir") assortment of Roefen Military mikI ili Coat shape trimmed with Mink, Sea!, A6tracha.. Mnll'doou and Coney furs. Our line of Pliii-h Sacojics are cheaper than ecr before. Full lines of ChiMrcns and Mioses C'IohVh and Jackets. mm 11 X II 11 Bl II IV) LJ U LiU Liu tilii L iu HNK DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. pckUn's Arnica 8aIv. Lt r'Ai.vs In Hie world fur Outi .hi k, l li i n, Hult Kin tun. Ftvfcf A lti f. CIik' (I IUnilx,Clillnlnii I I I ' I . 1 . .. .1 ..... I m'I till . Ill .rilllilllli', Bll'l nr 1- . . . .,t..d .... r..,i it' r.,.1 1JM I ii-. 'i v ". 3 .- . .. Vntiti-1-d o i;ivo (I'ltii-.selli'ii, ! I ii ;? Piicc 5-1 ei-iit per lsl. ,r,!i- In Y. fl. Frl.-ks JiCn. Tf M fl -A" iir-lo. rr'lnlilr si l n n I llii I tl mlth it-i-r-. I' ir.-r -i ni ili Mn'llilll k f,.,ill.m ' Has Just opened up a full Hoe of ladies, Gents and ChlMrens all wool underwear and te lore you buy your Fall or Winter poods. Don't fall to call end F-eo our prices. We beat 'em all. Ilavo you'.Eceu tiicse nob by Missis C?.ps, all pretty ulud, 55. C5 and 73 cents Mining Congrtti. The B. A M. will sell round trip tickets to all those wishing to at tend the mining congress to be held at Denver Col., Nov. 18 and la Tickets sold at one (ire and one-third, continuous puiaire lit eaclt direction. Final limit, Dec. 0. J. FKANCIS, F. Latham, Gen. Pass. Agt. Agent. Tom nnd Sam Patterson didtlie m selves proud lust Sunday und they can count on the good will and besl wihlies of the Omaha boys every time. A bicycle tournament next seaon at Phittsiiiouth would draw the boys out in large luiinlicis Sunday Bee. 1 1 r,u 1 .11 l-i. Now Vnr Dave S.ntiptioii, who has been em ployed us a nicdHcugcr boy at the B. AM. for Homo lime, bus wisely concluded to attend school tho re inuinderof the year. Officiul count on third page. Does Yoqi Lijtle QiiL Need a cloak this winter? If she doss you will make a great mistaks U you do not call and examine the children cloaks that we are offering before buying. Wo havo Just received from a largo Cloak Manufactures his full lino of Childrcrts sample Cloaks. For children C, 8; 10 nnd 12 years old, conHistin? of US- garments in all. NO TWO ALIKi;:, on which were given a discount from regular wholesale pris no that ?. were able to aell them at actually Manufacturer's Prices. CALL IN and let us prove the truth of the above stntement, show you at the same time our IN b lati oi ijiuies isunimira Sncques und Jackets. SECOND SAliK OF SAMPLE SHOES Another opportunity to buy shoes st FACTORY PBIOBS : tr AHHAiirmrrln the TfOT)le of PluU8rttOU".m dai surroutu'ing towns tbat we have succeeded in getting anothe4.nne . Hum Pie shoes. Our success with the last line was phenommnl mdhus dreds were disappointed because they came too lute to secure o,eof tk bargains that we offered. This line is better if nything tlio the initi w SCHOOL NOTIiS. I1V I'ATlfIC 1.1VB AWAY. There were several visitors at central building lust week. These visits are appreciated by both student and teacher. inif raliind that another of that class of students who nre UK- willing to recognize a manager nnd governor of the schools und who seem to have no higher purpose in iiii.'u.line- Hchool than to have a good time, vindicute their import-1 nvBlter H. Tommy ACo.,of Boston, Mass., full line coruting of JL nce('r) and display their lack of dies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and Boys shoes ! all kiBd4R d of oil d m-.uiin.iHii wim severelr reorimand- script ons. Among tnem is aw pair ui uuj.. -a vvum, in numi in aulintss, was s en ly rcpn nana senj u k m , ed one day last week. Unless j5",ft t,,ink that because we don't ask high prir.e, for shoes that tW student is willing to conform to the ,),,., are not of any high quality. We have among these shoes that n rales of an institution, he bud best as fine as any shown iu the city, everything extrinsic is stripped wvf not enter' aud tke shoes that you buy of us stands on its Intrinsic worth. W dl t , tbt root f values aud give yo me wortnoi your monty. 1 lie enure iiK' ociuxn unu iu remain the full time (until 4 o'clock). Friday j. in. because no division could boast of a perfect record. The room is divided into four division. The management may if it sees fit iliu.isn the division nn hour earlier on Friday on con ditiiui ol a perfect record. Attend ance by every one iu the division, unless ubi'ent on account of sick iicfs coiislitutcM n perfect record. This privilege stimulates the students to regular attendance. Sonic interesting programs were rendered by a couple of the Liter- ceK't; WM. HEROLD & SON. ii( H'Ui'ti i inr ijik'1 i niHii urriiHo iirniiitriiiL' td i'ivt enti'i tiiiuiiicntM In the near future. 3U7 lilt B FtrOOl riAtUiaOtttli, We ara Still Giii Great Baips ii Mmm. IIEKL'S A FLIT OF TIIKM: OK Chlldrens Not mat Wool Col or Shirts and Darwers All S iyt s. Chlldrens all V. ool Shirts Ac Drawers All Si.es. 39c Lfid lea Fine Merln o S i I k Trimmed shirt and Drawers. 39c Mens K x t r s Heavy Ribbed . Shirtsand. diswers. -. ,.